tv News RT December 1, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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[000:00:00;00] ah, the you are just members to consider mandatory vaccinations as the new cobit strain appears to have been on the continent much earlier than thought of a religious from the russian developer of the sputnik the jap tells. i'll tell you what we might expect from the new variance. in the cases we're seeing now. everyone has a mild formed. on the other hand, there's no doubt on how it can effect elderly people. want to wait another month or so to be sure. is another. dia, gas canister, they are somewhat either effective. yes, they, they do irritate the eyes of the threat with only a little bit. we report from the scene of protest since to down and where tens of thousands of marched against military rule following last month's coat and cnn.
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suspends top anchor chris co op. he to broaden the sex harrison scandal involving his brother, a former new york governor. it has to criticism to the network for also turning a blind eye to andrew cuomo and allegedly hiding the truth. told of care home covert deaths and mistake ah well wednesday evening at eights here in moscow with wednesday, the 1st of december han calling bray with the world news from arte international 1st that new cobit strain on the chrome which continues to raise concerns around the world now e, you chief us live on. the lions says that the block should consider mandatory vaccinations as european nations have discovered that the new strain was present at least 10 days before it was initially reported in south africa reporting next from berlin. his peter oliver lots going on all across europe when it comes to the
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omicron variant on dealing with this latest wave of cove at 19, which really has the continent in its great time in sweden right now. where from wednesday we seen vaccine passes having to be shown if you go to any public gathering now, there are some issues with that because not everybody in sweden is able to get not required vaccine pass even if they have job. now if your residency is being processed or if you got your jobs outside of sweden, you're going to face problems there. and you're not going to be able to show that all important piece of paper, all q all codes elsewhere in portugal. what we're seeing is the government that a see what's called a state of calamity. it's the 2nd highest state of alertness in the country, and what it means is that they're going to be bringing in new measures again, going to be bringing back in measures. i beg your pardon, things like mass squaring in public. you're also going to need to be able to show either a negative test or a vaccine certificates if he has to go into bars, jims,
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restaurants, hotels, or cinemas. now all of these measures are being brought in as european chiefs are having serious discussions about a mandatory vaccinations being rolled out across the u. s. lafond line has been talking about just that it is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now and how we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination and within the european union. this needs discussion. wiley, a, you commission president there is talking about mandatory vaccination in the a you won't country that is already said it will be implementing mandatory jobs is austria that set to come in in february. the country is currently in a, a full national lockdown. it's supposed to be in not least until the end of this week can be extended through until the 13th december. however, that moves to implement. mandatory vaccination has not gone down well with some
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people in cities of girths and lens. we've seen demonstrators out on wednesday, shutting down public transport where they can also demonstrate is on the streets of vienna as well. however, officials in austria say they didn't want to have to bring in mandatory vaccination, but their hand is being forced in this issue. we haven't once dismissed, we didn't want to vaccine mandate. let me make that explicit sex. got that 20 months on for missed out of the pandemic. we are in a situation that is dramatic. if you look at intensive care unit said hospitals. oh, finish off in germany, where the country recorded the highest coven death rate. since february of this year, 446 people in the last 24 hours dying with covered 19 in germany, we are going to be looking ahead to angular merkel. and the german government meeting with state leaders in that country on thursday, we're expecting to hear of more developments,
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perhaps more restrictions put in place in germany as well. or so far here in russia, there are no reports of alma crohn infections, but the developers of the countries of sputnik v jab are confident that it will provide sufficient protection against the new strain. and in the unlikely case that it doesn't, a modified version of the vaccine could go into production in just 45 days. the chief for ologist of moscow's gum lay of research center, which developed the sputnik feature, told r t that the new covert strain actually appears to have been weakened by its mutations stood then you will courtesy of what the army crown variant has $32.00 mutations and spike protein, including mutations that already existed, as well as new mutations. and this origin isn't clear, but 32 mutations is too many. while some people are terrified, i find that aspect rather favorable effort mutated 32 times. that means it has an unstable genome. i suspected system controlling the accuracy of its genome has become damaged. if so it will be weak. it can spread well because of natural
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selection. but as pathogenesis might have been greatly reduced. in the cases we're seeing now, every one has a mild form. no one has died so far. on the other hand, there's no doubt on how it can effect elderly people. will have to wait another month or so to be sure. was it, show how did it emerge? love, you will see viruses don't ask any one for permission. they live, they mutate. a natural selection works in favor of what can reproduce well, but the degree of pathogenic city isn't guided by natural selection, as it's not very important. and this variant has undergone so many mutations, a virus doesn't need so many mutations to reproduce is a sign of genetic instability. yes. tens of thousands have marched in the sudanese capital cartoon to after the military government against the military government off the last month. co security forces tried to break up the crowds with tear gas. now from one of the protest more i'd guessed they have our senior correspondence sent this report. as tennis is being fired by us, should a niece police to disperse these protests? 30,
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a few 100 people hear these tear gas canisters that the out date that so there are beyond due date. so the effect that they have isn't quite as powerful as if they had been pressure to people can comfortably pick them up, throw them away and play this game with police officers and police. i evidently weren't having any of that. and these are, it is getting a bit uncomfortable here. eyes are beginning to sting as well as people's throats. but police are again forcing people back, asking them to disperse people here, nevertheless. aw, are still angry. i still angry. they still believe the revolution has been stolen from them. when i heard is another tear gas canisters,
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they're being fired by police to this bus that this bus protest this year. dana today was supposed to be a $1000000.00 man, much a protest against the military takeover, as they say, wrote as this year of the government, this all young voices. but this again is, is government. they want us even young government want to see it of up and kill people. the people in, in the agreement piece is justice. many people here feel betrayed by the actions of the prime minister, the civilian government, who agreed to the military demands the militaries, demands that they hand over a part of their power to the military. we are out against hum duke and bro hon. their political agreements and this governments. huh. we are not pleased with this work and the political games we are industries because no one rules us and no one
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can ruin. we rule ourselves. we have to go. it's a, it's getting that it's becoming unbearable. or if also spoken to the deputy chairman of the sudanese transitional council, he says the countries and the grip of a crisis and a further escalation could impact not only near by african states, but also europe alone, working for their own p sedan is now in a real crisis, there is real starvation. there are some people now who might have only one meal a day and may be some who don't even have one meal. everything is expensive and we kept on warning, but unfortunately no one listened. we did everything we could, we agreed an economic commission at the time that the country was at the peak of distress. but unfortunately, the council didn't want us to work together, so we left it. there was also security problem, no laws were implemented. so problems were numerous, but hopefully with hard work we can overcome all these things. sedan is in dire straits, in the south of the country, which has its own trouble. there at least 2000000 refugees. we have open borders
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with chad, which is a little more stable, but experience is conflicts here and there. sedan has a strategic location to the world and especially to africa and cartoon. now there are, i still members, there are many terrors, sleeper cells in sudanese cities. the welch of regards to them with grave importance. if an escalation happens incident, it will affect not only africa, but the entire world. because sedan is a corridor for illegal immigration and trans national crime. cnn has suspended its leading anchor chris cuomo over his roland advising his brother, the former new york governor during sexual harassment scandal. andrew cuomo had also been previously accused of hiding the true numbers of care, home covert deaths in the state. his art contributor lauren chen, most of us are probably aware of by now. chris cuomo is the brother of former governor of new york. andrew cuomo who had to resign in august following a slew of sexual misconduct allegation. and even though there's nothing inherently wrong with that sibling connection with one brother being in media and the other
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brother being in politics when it comes to the coma brothers, specifically, chris cuomo is yet again, being accused of using his position at cnn as a prime time news anchor to help the political career of his brother and these questions of impropriety on behalf of chris cuomo, as part, are not new. they 1st started early last year when at the height of coven hysteria, chris cuomo chose to interview his brother, who was at the time governor of new york on his show. so that in scale, this was the actual swab that was being used to fit up the double barrel shotgun that you have mounted on the front of your pretty face. and so when that interview came out, a lot of people i think, were correctly wondering why chris cuomo was joking around with his brother, governor, about giant cute. it's when. at the same time, his brother was being accused of housing, crone of iris patients with nursing home patients in the same facilities. but
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despite cnn's attempts to reinforce at least some standards of journalistic integrity, this would not be the last time that chris cuomo would be accused of using his position to help his brother. specifically earlier this year. andrew home was name was in headlines repeatedly because several women who had previously worked with the governor were now accusing him of sexual harassment. it didn't take too long before report started servicing that chris cuomo. the younger cuomo was actively advising his brother and how to handle all of these sexual harassment allegations. when my brother situation became turbulent, being looked into calls with other friends of his advisors that did include some of his staff. i understand why that was a problem for sienna, and for a while it did seem like that would be the end of all of these different candles at least as far as chris cuomo was concerned in till. that is, this week the new york attorney general's office released a series of documents showing that chris cuomo, involvement with his brothers office, was
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a little bit more in depth than he had led people to believe. a series of text messages exchange between chris cuomo and one of governor andrew almost top aides. melissa to rosa shows that chris cuomo actually helped draft statements for his brother in one text message. chris cuomo also texted melissa derosa that he quote, had a lead on the wedding girl, presumably referring to one of governor cuomo, accusers, and in one especially concerning exchange derosa texted chris cuomo, quote, rumor going around from politico one to 2 more people coming out tomorrow. can you check your sources to which chris cuomo responded on it followed by no one has heard that yet falling the release of those text messages from derosa and cuomo, a slew of different left leaning media outlets have been calling for quote resignation. if this story is accurate, it describes a series of shocking ethical breaches, farmable offences of any of a news outlet. not surprised and the least embarrassing to any honorable journalist
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. it's hard to imagine any news executive keeping chris cuomo on stuff after today's revelations. then again, as seen and likes to say this is cnn amazing that chris cuomo still has a cushy job at cnn after flagrantly violating journalistic ethics. so to be clear here we have chris cuomo using his knowledge as a media professional to help draft statements for his brother andrew cuomo when he was facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment. and not only that, but it also seems like chris cuomo was using his connections within the media industry to gather information on andrew calls accusers. so the question now is, what is next for chris cuomo? previously, it seems that seeing and has been satisfied with chris merely going on his prime time t v show to make apologies, but i'm unsure whether that's going to be enough this time. and if chris cuomo is ultimately fired, it will just solidify a principle that we saw in action when his brother, andrew cuomo, resigned from his position as governor, which is that in 2021,
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you can apparently kill all of the nursing home residents. you want as long as you don't get me tude online messenger service, whatsapp, or is it in hot water? after a document revealed how easily the f b, i can access, uses data. each messages source and destination can be sent to investigators in almost real time uncovered f. b, i document date back to january, but it's only recently come to light. it also lists 9 major communication services, including apples i message and telegram. the ability of the russell sort is to obtain data from them. and we've got a response from what sam's parent company matter. formally facebook confirming that they provide some day to the f b i, if there's a valid warrant, but matter insists that what's up does not disclose the actual content of the messages. just the associated technical data or internet nar, expo cohen says message up uses should no longer expect total privacy user trust is only been broken if the user has got
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a real expectation or to privacy in or the piece to be the case is that uses despite of our promises by, ah, but by, by our pole and by, by other social media companies. and they do provide the information to law enforcement. and they said that, so i don't think there is a real expectation by users did their data will completely remain private and only exist at all. they don't provide information date are within the, the conversation so, so they will not provide you with, with the actual conversation or the actual messages. but only when information around that we have to believe them. we don't have any other choice in a think. one point is the fact that there is a constant, our power struggle between government agency and the social media companies
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without say on the way escalating tensions as ukraine pushes. but nato support and moscow tests a new hypersonic missile that a warning against the west strengthening military presence near its borders. it's our next story we'll get on to it when we come back. ah, ah, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed? what will make you feel safe? isolation, whole community? are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend
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a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. join me every thursday on the alex simon. sure. but i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics, sport, business, i'm show business. i'll see you then. ah ah, welcome back. ukraine is urging nato to boost military cooperation and prepare sanctions against moscow in order to protect the country against purported russian aggression. as the western alliances, summers in latvia enters its 2nd day and flying the flag for britain. foreign
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secretary lives trust was riding high abode of military tank, and thereby estonia, just miles from the russian border. something of a declaration the britain is leading the way against what she called russia's malign activity. it hasn't got amiss that the p. r stuff was similar to margaret thatcher tank riding in years. gone by back the end of the nato training camp in germany in the eighty's on tuesday, president polluted, announced that russia had tested a new powerful hypersonic missile and said that its development was in response to nato's expansion of weapon systems close to russia's borders. moscow claims that nato's escalation of tensions is unfounded and has threatened serious consequences if provoked. well, now the u. s. secretary of state is say, that nato expelled up is to come to what it sees as russian aggression against ukraine. were deeply concerned by evidence that brushes made plans for significant aggressive moves against ukraine. the plans include efforts to destabilize ukraine from within, as well as large scale military operations. there were just in
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a dialogue with the united states and its allies. we will insist on the development of specific agreements excluding any further, ne, 2 advancements to the east and the deployments of weapon systems that threaten us in the immediate vicinity of the russian federation. i live to form a panic in scarcity analyst michael maloof. i welcome to the program again. so secretary of state lincoln says that rushes planning aggressive moves against ukraine. i once he got to back that up. do you think? well i, i think i'm really concerned about the hypocrisy that we're seeing in blankets. comments are when you look at the time table in which a russian military concentrations occurred within the russian federation. it came after the navy, nato, and u. s. military exercises began in a very robust fashion. naturally, there's going to be at an end and with ukraine, which is
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a non nato member. and now this is contrary absolutely. contrary to the assurance that then president clinton gave to president putin, that there would no not be any kind of movement toward, ah, bringing in countries such as ukraine or ga, into, into nato, even though i guess ukraine and ga, have a inherent right as independent countries to want to join, but politically, it would be contrary to that understanding that had occurred. now as a consequence, i think what blake, i would argue that blinking ipso facto has established the red line of concern for president bruton and basically a blank and said that nato had no aggressive intentions toward moscow when it comes to the advancement of nato's infrastructure. the facility of rushes border and it, but it's designed to protect its members of nato. now,
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yet that is exactly what it's doing. and ukraine is not a member of nato. so that, that is the paradox of what, what is, what is the west is, is doing with ukraine. and, and i'm really concerned that we have created, perhaps an overreaction as a result of our abysmal extraction from afghanistan to reassert us leadership at a time when it, it, it's, it's leading to red lines and enter the potential for a, a kinetic response. so i, i think that 11 approach might be to form a buffer zone if you will, perhaps a country separated where there will be no flight of strategic bombers or given assistance to non military, non non nato members that we're seeing right now because it's only going to escalate thing and as you pointed out, mister putin has talked about bring, advancing,
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now hyper sonics in into this equation. and this is nothing but an escalation. and once you start that, i don't know where you stop. president, putin said russia definitely doesn't want an escalation. would you say there a civil a noise is from nato, if not overtly than at least back state. oh yeah it's, it's occurring but, but by the mere fact that when you look at the black sea and the literal countries are in the black sea, only, georgia and, and ukraine are and, or non nato members. you've got turkey, you've got romanian, and colon, all those countries that are, are in that, in that black sea region. and, and as a consequence, they are, they're pushing, trying to push along with the neoconservatives in the, by the administration to push that, that the nato alliance up to the federation in an effort to contain russia as a whole,
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us maintain that it's waldron pursued. so it's not necessarily democracy all the time that it's to do with global security. how does that stand in 2021, especially off the as you mentioned, the debacle enough canister this summer. well, in the united states, just there isn't a war that the united states doesn't like, it seems all of a sudden we're trying to pivot out of the middle east and, and i get away even from my dealing with the ukraine initiative, going into the end of pacific, and we're putting in military forces over there. so and, and in addition to building up military forces in the black sea. so the question is, what is the motive behind such assertiveness by the united states militarily throughout the world. okay. some folks would argue, well, they, they're doing it because they can. and the us, the united states is the sole superpower for now. and, and has that a projection capability around the world. but we need to be looking all at a more constructive alternative, a ways of dealing and working with the,
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with partners such as russia and china, and saw with some mutual problems. and that's just not happening. so between night 2 and russia, that have been trading blame for the deterioration and dialogue between each other for years. now, just briefly then, what's the way out? who's got to turn the corner? well, i think the united states and russia need to come together. biden needs to stop listening to his neoconservatives, such as victoria newland, when continent, but in bite and get together, they're very amiable. they seem to have understandings. i think they need to dialogue on this, at that level and come to a mutual understanding of setting up basic spheres of influence and respect for jurisdictions and, and create these free, free zones of, of, of knots flying, strategic farmers are, are pretty missiles into areas where you only have 5 minutes notice. i mean it's getting the very, very bad. i thought that would be one long may take michael. really good to talk to you. got it,
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sir diana's. luckily thanks for joining us on. i'll take it. thank you. next, the european central bank on the fire after inflation hit its highest in the euro currencies 20 year history. economists to blaming the inflation re cert on an unprecedented growth in energy prices, notably oil and gas, as well as the increased cost of goods and services. all round, a tough and slow recovery from the corona virus pandemic has also had a major impact. what's more credit rating agencies are now saying that the army chrome strain could also hamper any economic improvement by bringing uncertainty though to the global market. the european central bank though, thinks the situation is fine. most forecasts actually assume inflation will fall below 2 percent. so there really are no signs of price raises, getting out of control. if without inflation would permanently sell above 2 percent, we would definitely react. however, at the moment we see no indication of this, what was why those words inflation across the block continues to gain momentum,
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reaching 6 to 8 percent or german economist. we spoke to things that said to continue for years to come. as i got swishing our coat, inflation creates social injustice, flats, the winners, a few. the losers are the general population in the purchasing power of money decreases, rents become more expensive, holidays become more expensive, et cetera, but inflation must be tackled at its roots. there should be no 0 interest rate policy and no further expansion of money supply rise and inflation is also a problem for industry. companies have to buy raw materials themselves on international markets, have to pay workers and so on. so in an inflation cycle, these goods become more expensive and the companies have higher production costs. these higher costs have to be passed on to the sales costs and companies that cannot do this, have less profit and can go bankrupt. it. technically, you can put a can, we can to the problem to do so. the central bank must race interest rates and curve the growth of the money supply unity. however,
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this is difficult because many see inflation policy as the policy of the lesser evil. since the european central bank is sticking to its low interest rate policy and therefore one has to fear that inflation will continue to rise in the coming years in india. i the days news agenda dissected next with scotty. now here's an guests in washington from the team here in moscow though, thanks for choosing arte will have your next update in just over half an hour. so you then mm . she ah, there is no chemical of evolution. everything's flat. a bacterium is the product to
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4000000000 years of evolution in a specific environment. so are we so in that sense where we are still a few survivors within to vote along a long process you so as in to the springs yellowstone, we will not do very well. and we'll do much better since the obama reunion in the western continues. as president biden, a point, a former i'll follow official to be the top arms buyer for the pentagon. we will discuss if a bill the plant should be viewed as experienced or just another military contractor crony. this while the pentagon is ordering and new inquiry into an air strike, which killed dozens in syria, is this a target investigation into an event from 2019. while the pentagon dismisses the latest one just for a few months ago and i can't stand. and do you remember when a major hollywood actors that he was attacked by trump supporters, which
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a later was disclosed he staged at the entire event or quarters. now in session on this hate hoax and our 360 panel. well, the skies in strides in a i continue to be made this time living robots being able to reproduce. we will tell you about this breakthrough science and why some believe this could lead to cure for cancer. i'm sky now hughes and this story more on today's news views right here on our team. erica, ah, thanks for joining it. it's been almost a one year and the job and president biden is still making appointment. however, why is it taking so long as many of those who are serving in the current administration are from the past one joe biden served as vice president. now this slide, this is bill of plat as the next under secretary of acquisition and sustainment at
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