tv Documentary RT December 4, 2021 4:30am-5:01am EST
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a tease a new parish as a merge, we don't have a terribly, we don't to look back. see the whole world leads to take action and to be ready. people are judgment, common crisis with we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way, but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great. the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together with ah,
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my name is jason. wherever you are, you did you remember me? right? mm. he'd been searching the river. it was pretty obvious. he had muddy boots on. he was arrogant. he was sitting there like this with his muddy blue and you know, flicking mud all over the floor. and he just like he was king of the world in your thought. he was aggressive, even at that time as far as as a how he we handled himself kind of, he got that feeling that he was searching for a criminal and that's when he told me that my son was a drug dealer. you are, you're here for next semester. she can,
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has told us that he wasn't just using marijuana that he was actually selling it on campus. and he is had a felony against him. and they hadn't charged him with it yet. but he was pending to the only sol deliveries sauce as they took place on campus, both own their house sold her coffee and own. and then he told us that sir andrew was a confidential informant. i asked for you to do is use buyers for me that were you that were wire, you have to go buy marijuana. i didn't even know what that was and had no idea what he was even talking more time. what, what he that meant each individual we do, we have do 2 deals on. okay, so you have to to neil, i've heard of it as thinking, well this is susan andrew. i mean, how can he, how can miss hockey,
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talking about the same guy? i mean, just, ah, agent webber told us that they believe, or he believed that he, andrew was on the run because he had to make these buys by may 1st. and he had only done half of them. you don't jerk 11 me a rose carter with you from scratch to let you know our work anymore. and that was for your roster. i was just blown away. i mean here my son is missing and, and now they tell me he's a drug dealer or i maybe got all of them didn't make sense to me. but none of that made sense. nothing made. sounds mean pamius didn't know what to do. i mean, as far as our what even to believe really though and where to turn in then sergeant helgren's son
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wanted us to do a press conference. we love you and we want you, we need you to come home. everything will be okay. way pleaded for andrew on that news conference to to come in like they wanted us to have him turn himself him. we love you. and we once you home with us, everything will be okay we, i frankly not recall the ride ha or anything. cuz yeah, we up and left, i was kind of in free fall, it just seemed like it was snowballing, rapidly, everything seemed to be fine. i mean, there were no red flags, no, nothing. that's what's making this so difficult for us as law enforcement,
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it's i mean, ah, with the school they had a vigil to other students put together. and they asked mander to talk. eric and i said some words from a little speech. she noticed peg and farm to come home if you are in trouble or just come home, want to help her, your friends. ah, most of the electrical program missouri as far as the faculty and the students. you know, people are pretty generous and, and they're going to give of their time and they're gonna, they're gonna form these search parties and they're going to go all scour off or
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wherever law enforcement has identified us as potential places to walk. ah, the campus police should obviously everyone go back to class. that basically turn to say where you don't want any more students going missing. i was like, what makes no sense? is there a black hole, pine tree somewhere they didn't tell anybody about and people are falling into it? ah, we went just to places that we had gone or if, when we gotta go cruising or something or smoke and we like drive down all the roads. we go and put all our heads together and tried her hardest to find something, give some sort of clues as to what happened or where he was or, and what was going on. but it didn't come up with and it started to seem like there was something else going on. and we learned that the college police department was
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the ones investigating this situation. campus police are supposed to make sure that you behave, make sure you're following the rules of the campus. she snuck baron to your room, look out for the campus place. that's their job. and the campus police should have turned the situation over to another agency. immediately. they just don't have the experience and training necessary to deal with this situation. andrew sat at the end, the f. c. s student and disappeared on may 1st last seen leaving is dharm at the campus of the north dakota state college of sciences. parents are john and tammy tammy. good to have you. i news in this morning give me an evaluation of where this search for andrew is at basically don cole with as far as the campus police are concerned. and we're, we're,
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we're not gonna stop looking for it a living hell, you know, that's the living how it's july 8th on the funds that are other than that. so. so it's, it's fairly, a bad time a year now he's got to how do you feel that the state college of science has been in dealing with this situation? it seems like they're not doing anything. andrews case just made me feel frustrated. but once you start hearing that other stations are having just as much difficulty getting basic answers, you realize there's something more going on. people were just trying to come up with theories and i think that's natural when you don't have a lot of answers, you want to find something
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i would say probably after the 2nd week started having some notes about how tall it is, an old b in take care of their investigative skills were pretty limited as that's when i could see and all we thought that they were probably doing his best. they could, i don't know. i guess they didn't seem to frantic about trying to find them, i guess, but i asked him if they had checked out any of the other vit surveillance stuff in town. in all as far as seni in andrew or seen a movement at his car moved. you know though, i said well did you check with the train and the and the tax season? any that stuff if, if handers gotten any about and checked in fargo, if any, anybody seen him there or anything like that? oh no, that's good idea. i think it was just i don't know what they were doing. i mean the
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other than waiting for a phone call, i guess i don't understand how to ruin this went on for i say weeks and nothing. ah, fresh news to day folks in the andrew sat a case the young man we've all been searching for since he went missing on may 1st and now warrant has been issued for andrew's arrest. static is wanted on drug charges. details of these charges are still emerging, but andrew was allegedly caught selling marijuana on 2 occasions on april, 4th, and april night, 2013. 1 sale was for 20 bucks. the other was for $60.00. mm . was like, are you kidding me? all of this for $80.00 worth of pot. my son is missing for $80.00 worth of pot. i was wild wild show
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me a campus where you cannot find $80.00 worth of pi. mm. i remember waking up the news that he had been charged and also what is it? i was this even a thing they can do this is completely or try your friend home. and now you're gonna throw some kind of bogus charge. yeah. like i had not put it together at all. how does warren just happened now that he's gone missing? what crime did he commit? where did they see him were like wow to why is that happening now? i knew it was. everything was as a confusing little mess for a while there, like that whole month was just the most confusing thing. it's ever happened. they ended up filing the warrants. i think i'm monday and they thought the other police have to get involved for, you know,
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just kinda everybody's looking for him that i think that was the reasoning for filing the charges. so that kind of shut down the publics who willingness to help. nobody wants to look for a drug dealer in my own mother to this day believes that andrew was a drug dealer. anybody that knew him knew there was more to the story. i assume that, you know, he just took off and this is just more and he could handle, but at the same time i, i had this idea that yeah, but where's the, where's it going, where do you, where's he gonna go in? check gonna be every so often that we see that if you don't check when will be your primary contact with you. i'm just gonna assume that you don't are work anymore on
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that. i'm just, i got the wars with i was having a panic here. sitting in the pedicure chair with my feet in the water and sergeant harrison called he said, what are you doing? and i said, i'm having a paddock hearing is, are you alone? and i'm like, no, the girls here. you know what he goes? where's john and i said, he's on a fishing trip. get him home. ah, i was actually up fishing with my buddies, just calling it a weekend away. ah. tammy had called me that they had found a body in the river. that robin i knew it
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you know, but it's all different. so when you finally, when they finally found the body and then you knew that he was dead enough, i murmured, just like i couldn't keep my eyes dry because this is just like the reality. now, you know, is tough to i mean deep down, you kind of knew it because has been a long time. you just didn't wanna accept it until it smacked in the face. ah.
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ah, sergeant hawkinson called us. i grad john. every time he spoke, he was something new in bazaar he said andrew was shot in the head and he had a backpack rocks tied to them. that's what he told us over the phone. he believed it was a suicide. he was just waiting on the coroner. and once he found the gun, he would be confirmed that it was a suicide. mm. mm . so the 1st day i'm at tammy, she decided, i wanna talk to the news. so i walked in, i didn't know what to expect. you know what i mean, we had heard about what was happening,
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but i didn't know i was just walking into this. and tammy said, my son was killed and i had a call my producers like, hey, this is actually your story today. i know you just wanted me to get a sound by here, but this is your story. she says her son was killed. mm. under statics, mom tammy sat. i spoke at a local radio station today saying she believed her son was murdered. we discovered that when andrew was found on june 27th, he wasn't wearing the same clothes he might missing and cameras. in his dorm caught this footage. he was last seen wearing this white shirt, but one his body was found. he was wearing a different jacket. ah, he was shot in the head, his backpack was weighted down and he was thrown in the river with the backpack or
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rocks, was kind of the kicker for me. and like if you're going kill yourself, he can do that anywhere. why would you need to make your body disappear? who and who was shot with a 22. andrew went in to the red river and he came up on the minnesota side of the red river. between him leaving that dorm and when he was shot, there was a change of also there were rocks in the backpack for me personally. andrew, his murder makes more sense of what the cops could come up was and all they could come up with is a suicide. like, well, i said guys are rocks in his backpack tied to his body. that doesn't sound like a suicide. that sounds like murder one on one in this developing story, tammy static as fighting back tears as she talks about not having answers in her
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son's death or just really hasn't been any effort to keep to him. we updated the static family, is bringing their own attorneys to the fight. and now they want the f b i to investigate. i think people knew it was a major story right away. when that happened, people knew something was going on. that just doesn't happen. a rural college student does interest get shot in the head and found in a river like that, something else had to be happening. they're not going to do their jobs to let the f b. i get involved, somebody that can look at this case fresh without this suicide in the back of their minds, you know, planted by the campus police and everything. i want them to look at like the whole case objectively. when i met tammy that day and had a personal conversation with tammy, i thought, okay, we have the power of journalism. we have the power of finding public records. we have the power of being able to hold those who are paid by tax dollars
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a countable. ah, we talked about a meeting that she just has a lot of questions and can't seem to figure out where to get the answers. do you know where she should be looking? no, i really don't know where, where she should be looking on on that a it. i think that a lot of people have a lot of questions to understand the invest it a process. you just really have to look at the timeline of events that took place when andrew was reported missing on i believe those may 2nd, the campus police at the dfcs were the lead investigators. by june, shortly before andrews body was found, there were, i would say, 3 or 4 different law enforcement agencies that were involved. but it was really still to this point, hard to tell who was actually in charge,
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who was actually doing anything the investigation was turned over to the b. c, a in minnesota. but n dfcs was originally investigating the north dakota agee's office and b, c, i. in their report said it was a minnesota b c, a case, the b c. i said, that's not true. they have nothing to do with it. as furious as angry at the way everything is being presented from start to finish. the way the police were handling it from pretty much day one and her sad death investigation is being handled by campus police. the minnesota police were not working with the campus. police cops aren't sharing information. i was absolutely out. yeah. was the light away, very layaway of foot in the f. b i's response was essentially that they weren't asked by local on foresman to be involved unless they were asked by law enforcement
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to get involved. there was no reason for them to get involved at that point. all due respect to the campus, police, you know, they've got a job to do and it is not investigating a potential murder. i remember asking at this school official, do you feel like you're in over your head? and i don't really remember his response at that time. i don't know if he had response or not, but that was one of the last times we ever got to talk to a school official about the case. no one wanted responsibility. and so if you don't want responsibility in the front end by doing anything on the back end, you were taking responsibility. and so they were, it was much easier to use the narrative of he took his own life because then he was responsible for
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the police came here. oh, i can't remember how long after his body was found. it was a while low and basically told us the progress or lack of progress that they were at what stage the investigation we didn't know all the particulars. i didn't tell us all the evidence of what was going on, but they weren't telling us everything. we were at that time just trying to find anything, any document or any video they had. tammy had told us that they had his cell phone . tammy had told us they had his laptop, things like that. so we were asking. okay, did you find information on his laptop? could we get a copy of that or do you have that video documentation of him being interviewed?
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i didn't know what i was expecting, but when i 1st pressed play almost felt wrong. watching m a. jason lambert. ah. yeah, it was just slight me could and knocked me over with a feather. joy relate with november 22nd. this 20th birthday. it starts off with some smart alec comment that you don't want to spend your birthday here. very well, you know, center say ok as a whole day, like i said, you're facing to bellies. of course miss manager. it's a 25 minute video. it took me probably a week to get through it 5 hour where you start off you're,
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you're on hold all players. and so the police came in and dish droid his life for won. this was a kid. so college cd. so i mean that got me and it inspired me to really look at the case, but look at the case, i'm not looking to hang with the police or any, but i'm looking at the fast the when i saw the facts, i was scandalized. i was like, i'd never seen anything as bad as you know, a good way is attacks me in the morning or the night before is the date we use on for tomorrow. while i'm off tomorrow and then you can find some of my analysis of it was really simple, line them up not find criminals, and get evidence line them up lanham of what,
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arrest and conversion to inform us. because we have 4 agents that i work with. we are, we, you know, you're not like we only see, we are working with other people when we are big area. when, who's there for one mission to get another informant and another arrest number. and he did it. good thing is he investigated a one let conduct. so justification. what did you, for instance, when you interrogated him, find out what his source, what could it be that you didn't do it? because if you question too much, you'd find out that it was one of your other informants who gave it to him. and if that's the case, you understand, you committed a felony yield a police officer. if that's the case, just like in your situation, you have no clue who probably around you all. your no clue with this app. you probably maybe trying to think of ideas and stuff,
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but i'm gonna tell you if you have in formal giving don't to subject subject gives just to inform it to where is the investigation. you the guy in charge of informers, you've created the crime and that's it. perfect france, all mm. ah you this, if you remember that we're in the middle of an opioid epic, a rift copyright epidemic. and the 1st thing i see is they haven't made one will be way to read that one on a thing. that's why just leave it. no wonder you didn't tell me. or tell anyone
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who are ah said they they have to say this then the criteria in germany for many years has been compatibility with public opinion. those politicians paused as competent. we act in line with what the people expect from them, but the public opinion is produced or shaped by mass media. those are shipped by journalists, most german journalists are sympathizers of the social democrats of the green. therefore, as long as it goes you renan, social democratic policy projects, you pass is a competent leader with
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ah, twitter faces of barrels your vancouver ations that it's doing the u. s. government's bidding of to the social media. john collaborated with a washington funded think tank is spending more than 3000 accounts from 6 countries for alleged state bank propaganda. and other news. the casual college of midwives apologizes for new inclusive guidelines describing mothers is post natal people from around in just nurse told is a vocal minority is hijacked the conversation. this is yet another example of stem role going in with diversity offices and telling people how to reset the thinking of bad members.
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