tv News RT December 4, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EST
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a headline, so naughty international twitter face is a biology of accusations that it's doing the u. s. government's bidding. it's off to the social media giant worked with a washington think tank can suspending bolton 3000 accounts from 6 countries for alleged state back to propaganda. the u. k. is royal college of midwives, apologizes for new inclusive guidelines describing mothers as quote host natal people a former and h s. nose tells us a vocal minority has hijacked the conversation isn't yet to know. for example of stem role going in with diversity offices and telling people how to reset the thinking that that members also in the program, a landmark ruling, a woman born with a spinal defect, wins her case against the doctor who 20 years ago failed to advise her mother,
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properly about having children. so our guests here on the program debate the issue because what i do now is now in 20 years time, you may judge my actions, the doctor has completely wrong. but there is something rather bizarre about somebody saying, i mean this is a sensitive like i wish you would never been with it is saturday afternoon here at moscow and a pleasure to have you with us about the program today. here on ot see international on rural research or concerns are being raised over social network, twitters possible ties to the u. s. government. that's after the tech jain suspended more than $3000.00 accounts from 6 countries, including china and russia. of her alleged state sponsored information operations. now twitter admits decisions on which accounts to suspend to were made with the
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guidance of the australian strategic policy institute. it's a think tank that sponsored by u. s. government agencies, including the department of defense ortiz, daniel hawkins, delves deeper into the institutes, activities. it's common knowledge that trusts in conventional media is falling. you know, when you ask someone where they get their news and they reply, i don't watch tv. i'll do my own research or get my news off social media. that's fair enough. that least with normal news, you tend to know who's sponsoring it, be it's a government or corporation. and you can make your own conclusions. but when you see who's behind an organization claiming to be independent and non partisan draft in to help provide independent analysis to stop social media manipulation, well, anyone would have a few questions. it's not like the australian strategic policy institute hide the fact they're sponsored by the u. s. government or some of the biggest names in the military. industrial complex. the long list is there for all to see is just when so
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much funding comes from the sources. one does wonder just how independent and balanced they can be. even former australian officials have concerns about the things acts output echoed by some current lawmakers. surely it's fair to subject aspect funding arrangements to scrutiny espy receives core funding a $4000000000.00 from the department of defense. again, the thing thank makes no secret of its anti china stance and the list of works on their website. in fact, china is a key target of the organizations works from human rights in shin gan to chinese tech systems influence projects or this information in social media. many funded by the u. s. department of state and defense. their definition of independence may be malleable to say the least. an a s p, i are good at what they do, at least for their defense, industry, sponsors. the numbers say it all since the think tank was founded 20 years ago.
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weapons manufacturers have collected tens of billions of dollars in government contracts. prior to the coven pandemic, the organization hosted dozens of events, some bringing it together. key players in defense and politics. providing the opportunity for closed door discussions with government departments and agencies. the s p i is so heavily involved with foreign governments and political organizations. it's even registered with the australian governments. forward inputs transparency register. many were so pleased with the think tanks work. their funding to the organization has grown significantly year on year as have their funds from sponsorship and commercial revenue under the direction of executive director peter jennings. who is himself clear where the blame for increasing tensions lies. most rising south shawnasee, posing china's authoritarian control in hong kong, threatening taiwan and japan on
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a daily basis. china is the strategic problem in the region and back to the point. the thing thank is now partnered with the social media joint, helping to decide and coordinate what information users have access to and what is sensitive so much for an opponent, analysis and serving the public conversation is little wonder that some question whose interests does this really serve well, or twitter stresses that his goal is to ensure the integrity of public conversation . alessandra bruno and independent political analysts says there's more to it than that. there is a climate of tension geopolitical tension already surrounding this. so it's not surprising that twitter is very happy to comply to the you the, let's put at the u. s. mainstream or the deep state view. i'm not surprised at all that they cooperating with an institute such as the australian,
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and that's not the only one there. cooperating with the, perhaps they chose those too early to appear independent, but they don't expect independent advice. they're looking for the kind of view that reflects ultimately the american view. how different is the australian view from the american right now, considering that they have just joined our course, that institute is much more closely aligned to langley in virginia, where i'm located than it is to twitter users wanting independent information in the u. k. or the royal college of midwives has said, sorry for the latest supposedly inclusive guidelines which make no reference to women or mothers, but only to post natal people responding to complaints the college called it an oversight and one former and a trash. no. as we spoke to so it's just not the unions role to tell midwives what to think is profit guilty is why they apologize because of the instantaneous
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backlash. health services set up to be a safe environment for this normal process is natural process to happen. it is not the moral college of midwives role to tell that midwives how to think. and i'm afraid that this is yet another example of stonewall going in with diversity offices and telling people how to reset the thinking of that members. i said there the midwives union with drew the gender neutral guideline, so after that of a big online backlash in the instructions for an h, i saw on how to put new boys to bed safely. they did not mention women at all referring rather to parents and cares. and the guidance was supposed to be a l g b, t inclusive. but it did not go down well with everybody. how can you possibly rise about pregnancy and birth without mentioning women? that's deliberate, not an oversight. apparently the royal college, a midwife says midwives need to call mothers postnatal people,
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not mothers or women. so to all you ladies out there, you are a postnatal person, not a mother. i. right. how did the royal colleges meet wives? forget about when they had to sell reason. you even exist, le former and it's just nurse a. rebecca butler says that neither the general public nor transgender people support this idea. he pulled don't want to replace the word series, a very, very vocal minority and a very effective act. this group in stone. whoa. who want to rewrite the rules by which we live? i don't know who they think they're appealing to because the person in front of the midwife is a biological woman. why the world college of midwives has chosen to adopt policies, advocated by stonewall, is a matter for them to answer. but my point here is that the general public does not
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support base midwives do not support tate and i actually neither does the transgender community. it is one organization that is pushing it to jan, does so hard and he's getting it very, very badly. a mother is a mother and the role of the midwife is to ensure the mother's safety and the baby safety, and that is the end of that role. they should not be involving themselves in this. so to ridiculous political posturing. a young woman with a spinal defect has successfully sued her mother's doctor for giving her bad advice 20 years ago before her pregnancy. in a landmark ruling other you case. high court agreed that his failure to tell her to take supplements amounted to negligence. evie tombs overcame her condition to become a para showed jumping star, though she has to spend days at a time connected to tubes. the judge said that this
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a could have been avoided if her mother had been told to take folic acid, both before and during our pregnancy. in accordance with official guidelines. provided with the correct recommended advice she would have delayed attempts to conceive in the circumstances there would have been a later conception which would have resulted in a normal healthy child. while the eye doctor in question denies the allegation, saying he provided all the necessary instructions 20 years ago. and we discussed our what precedent the ruling sets with our guests. now john, gone to radio host and colonists, and dr. dean egypt. a g p. this taste we're talking about was 20 years ago. 2001. i think it was around that time. we were probably the giving advice of well if your diet is rich and thought, kathy keep, keep getting it doesn't necessarily mean to supplement. so again, it's really hard to judge what happened back in 2001 understanding we have today. can you really bring what you can? what can you bring the case?
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22 years after so many quarter forward. i mean, this isn't the little mind where somebody was given, you know, a tablet, these are, it isn't that kind of situation. this scenario showing it's actually going to take a long time in the future to very clearly document you can give. and more importantly, actually the advice that we don't get. so it's kind of a significant part time one of the challenges that often documentation. it's about how you're judged because of course, what i do now with medicine. now in 20 years time, we may, george my actions and the doctor was completely wrong because as time progresses and we learn more, our practice progress, one of my worries would be for doctors that they would do on the side of caution now and boxed are recommending for other birth difficulties may be abortion. i'm thinking particularly of down's syndrome babies when we do know that they these people can go on to lead very successful lives as well. so have to be
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aligned the way because of course we recognize that patients there are no details of medicine. that's our job to teach them. busy to bring them on that journey to get them both, we can make decisions to get that to treat the problem or the 1st thing and all that common sense stuff to fall into the lap of the doctor to have to deal with and say, well kamani who's doctors responsibility to tell you how to live your life, what to do. not only they're responsible for prescribing, but that also responsible for telling you how to live healthily and if you don't with healthy dr. salt. and that's an impossible situation for doctors to work it. we do need perhaps now in the lights of this, we need to put some safety guidelines in there goes to the patient and from the doctor. i mean, i do find it incredible that 20 years after this, the doctor is in this position with his whole life ruined. and i still of immense sympathy, obviously, for a lady involved as well. you know what, we're already in that position of jeopardy because that's exactly the situation we,
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dr. david moment. for example, if i was to give patients and advice today and the patient doesn't necessarily follow that advice, doesn't necessarily come back to see me again, like i asked him to do. and then sadly they developed a severe illness and they come back and see me and say, well, the doctor found it. my argument back would be, well, you didn't come back to me like ask you to or you didn't do the things that i asked you to. nonetheless, i will have to go through the process of call. i just think this is a really tragic case. and i wish you had never come to court. i wish the evie had got the help and the assistance she needs. but there is something rather bizarre about somebody saying, and i mean this in the sensitive way. i wish i had never been born. i was good every with us today for the stuff that i program just now reaching the half way point of this program with many more stories still to come. we're back in just a moment o kaiser's
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financial survival guide. liquid assets are those that you can convert into cash quite easily. but keep in mind, no as the demand to inflation datawatch guys report ah, i'm said, then i have to say this, then the criteria are in germany for many years. has been compatibility with public opinion. those politicians pass has come to 10th. we act in line with what people expect from them, but public opinion is produced or shaped by mass media. those are shaped by journalists. most german journalists are sympathizes of the social democrats of the green. therefore, as long as it, cuz you written on social democratic policy projects, you parents is a competent leader
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with ah, quarter, past the out here in the russian capital. the white house is claiming a surge in lawlessness in america. on the pandemic press secretary, john saki, when questioned about a recent mass looting named cove. it as the key factor when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go lu, pay store a cbs to nordstrom, a home depot until the shelves are clean. you think that because of the pan down? i think a root cause in a lot of communities is the pandemic. yes, gen jackie's remarks. comma, mit a spike, and looting in a number of states over just the last month. something that summer blaming on the
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rise of the defend the police movement. here's a quick look back at some of that recent looting with retired i police officer dominant is oh explained to us what he thinks the crime search has nothing to do with cove it claiming also that defend the police is just an emotional response. just embarrassing that they're not admitting what it is. it has nothing to do a cold, but it has everything to do with bell reform. and then releasing criminals right back on the street, not prosecuting properly has nothing to do. a coven defined the police movement is an emotional response for any time that the public doesn't understand when use of forces need, right? you have unarmed either black americans or whatever the case is shot by police in
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before an investigation is done. the civil rights activists come in and claim police misconduct. so we already have a situation where emotions are high. the voter thinks the emotional voter thinks is that who this is d funding, the police, which means we're going to get rid of the cops on our streets. and then let's replace them with a social workers or other people who are better trained and equipped to deal with emotional issues on the street. when you start to have that mindset, well then you're, you're looking at police negative. so already be immoral. the criminal who are out there, feel that they've got the backing of the public. well, i don't have to obey the law. i can break the law because there's already this massive movement to define the police, which means they're going to side with me. it's a mindset of it's okay for us to do this and we're going to act like criminals because nothing's gonna happen to us as well as a facing a crime way for us is also a suffering from soaring inflation. i many americans of blaming the biden administration for that with 20 percent saying poor leadership is the country's top
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problem. the democrats are among them with some even quitting the pot. he others even switching sides. so breaking it all down for us right now very quickly in the program, a correspondent caleb mob. apparently it's not only working families throughout america who are disappointed by the biden administration's handling of several crises. it's also members of biden's own democratic party, some like the former spokesperson for the washington dc mayor have decided to switch over to the republicans in hispanic and also black eyes. i should be democrat by fault, but i'm going against their narrative. and i feel like right now, everything is crumbling for the democrats biden is completely destroying the economy right now and people can feel it. so that's what's happening in washington dc. now washington, d. c, is a city that is pretty solidly in the democratic camp. democrats sometimes even get 90 percent of the vote in elections. no wonder democrats as far away as texas are
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switching sides friends, something it's happening in south texas, and many of us are waking up to the fact that the values of those in washington dc, on not our values. not the valise of most texans, the ideology of to funding the police of destroying oil and gas industry and the chaos our board is disastrous for those of us who live here in south texas. in addition to the recent shifts, 19 democrats are set to leave the house of representatives in 2022. that includes 3 committee chair. some are retiring or seeking another office. republicans only need to gain 5 more seeds in the upcoming mid term vote in order to re take control of the house of representatives. and many observers say their chances of doing so are pretty good. some are comparing it to the republican sweep 10 years ago. how's democrats have more retirements than they did in 2010 when the last 63 seats? it's not only the party that's losing people. kamala harris,
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the vice president of joe biden, is watching her team implode as well. her spokesperson and her communications director have both decided to quit with reports indicating that there are 2 more aids who have one foot out. the door reports are leaking out about strife between her office and the biden team, and the backdrop to all of this is that jo biden's approval ratings keep going down . the mid terms are less than a year away and the democratic party seems to be crashing and burning. it appears that some in light of the circumstances have decided to jump out of a sinking ship, which might be causing the democrats even more trouble. the democrats are not delivery of plain and simple, and they're specifically not delivering to the people who are responsible for putting them in power, namely indigenous black, brown, asian, and poor white people. they had given his president and his congress a chance to govern, and the results so far have just not been adequate enough. we have not seen a protection of voting rights. we have not seen police reform. we have not seen
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action on climate change. i think that people are rightfully letting this administration know based on the approval ratings that are more needs to be done and very, very quickly. or there will be electoral consequences. things don't turn around and i didn't very, very quickly where people can start to see the trajectory of it going upwards in their favor. they're going to respond with their boats, and the democrats could be wiped out. hold on a 700000 potential cancer cases have been missed in england due to the whole pandemic. that's according to a government watchdog report. leading sojourn says the finding reflects the country's biggest epa cancer catastrophe. now there are portals i found that one in full cancer patients have been on waiting lists for months and up to 60000 missed their 1st treatment due to look down on the whole issue of cove. it or the report recognizes that the government's releasing extra funds to fight the problem,
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but medics warn, it's nowhere near enough. the national all it all says report shows were in the middle of the biggest cancer catastrophe ever. to hid the n. a chess. there is a deadly cocktail of delays across the board, a regional lottery of cancer inequality and to cro in cancer backlog. and it feels like the government and in a chest leaders have their heads in the sand. we've contacted a n h s. england for comment. the spokesperson released a statement earlier admitting that the extra demands of treating karone of ours victims have affected their ability to provide quote, routine on non urgent care. a simon clock microbiologist says it all point to some difficult months ahead for hospitals. i yeah, the, the number is far too high. it is surprising, but it's not surprising. we, we should have a box backlog mold throughout the cave. it saga, which is lasted well for, for, well, every year. and i was unable to deal with his normal case loads and arguably could
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have been even worse without a lot downs. so those cases are just going to mount top it's, it's still going to be a critical issue. the winter is always python sitting. and i can see us having, if not disastrous time, this week, probably won't be exhausted, will be tied because he's news and we've got these cast, this kind of the backlog. some cancer centers did manage, it was difficult. it was not easy. and of course, there are questions about infrastructure. so regional kansas and for example, may have better infrastructure and better ability to type a more local center. so it's not always straightforward, but it can be done. new on the kron strain of cove. it is now being picked up in $38.00 countries that's according to the world health organization. note that have been reported due to this particular mutation though the scientist is saying it
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does seem to spread twice as fast as its predecessor delta. meanwhile, south africa, which was among the 1st to report the new strain, a sing, wrinkled daily cove infections, or the low vaccination rate in the country who started picking up in recent days, jobs are apparently widely available, but less than half of the entire population has been innoculated, a corresponding policy. i went to speak to vaccine experts in the south. african catholic. people don't know what this micron is, especially because sciences haven't confirmed conclusively what the side effects are. so we are getting a lot of people coming through out of fear, especially in our older population. you know, people who this is an ac is received in quite anxious to get the booster. and so the is, i would say traffic due to fear of the unknown. the is a concern that the vaccines onto working, but i always say to them, remember, last year, how many patients we had in hospital in i seized hospitals, almost sets of converts every ward. and so many i see you in food in the
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e r's compared to now people are still getting contracted with covered but it's manageable. so we are seeing numbers going up. but in terms of how severe the reaction is to the virus it's unlocked, listened event is a private explanation fantasy, which means it is well we thought and full of information, a far cry from many of the vaccination centers in the poorer locations here in south africa. where there's a lack of resources and people don't have the kind of information that they have here, hadn't been here 6 months ago. it would have been a very different story. but in the last 6 months, you've had in july and race across the country. and in november, you had municipal elections. following those 2 massive in you now have a situation in south africa where almost everybody knows somebody who has contracted cove. it. we need to realize that everything that we do will be a precautionary measure, so that we can control and help save a good,
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a good number of the majority. i've certainly needs also taken actual plots and that we won't find chewing solutions immediately. i just kind of when you hear it go on in the world, you realize that if you don't put on the effort, someone else might have to die for you. so i just decided i'm going to protect people and come and get my vaccination. then we need to get that immunity going and, and, yeah, the boosters and the vaccines worth of science as shown less with in south africa. specifically, we've known that vaccinated people are not in hospitals, on ventilators is mostly and vaccinated. of do you feel that they'll be more videos? you're still gonna, i'm still going to be the last one, so, so east, unvaccinated. i'm also, you know, positive preaching physically i'm jimmy doodle. so all of you know, you know, thronging my body. this is help africa 2nd christmas and a locked down. december is also the main holiday season, which is why many here are concerned that with the ongoing international travel
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band, just what the impact on the economy will be. and whether or not they'll ever get to spend a christmas with a loved ones. policy, a r t, johannesburg, south africa. or let's to wrap up this. how is news cost here? one, i'll see with a bit of breaking news where you're coming in just right now. as we understand an attack by militants and west africa, molly has killed 31 people. many more are missing or injured, according to local authorities. as we understand, armed men apparently just opened fire on a bus that was taking people to the market. i would come to day after a you end up peacekeeping convoy was attacked, killing one civilian walker and wounding another where he will bring you more updates on this a fluid story right here. we're not international. the moment they become available to us was debbie ha, past 2 on saturday afternoon here at moscow. thanks for joining us so far. plenty more stories to come your way when we return at the top of the hour. mm hm.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon, sure. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world politics sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race, his on offense, very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk with
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them. action resent senior watching, going on the ground, amid global fears over a new cove at variance on the current coming up in the show and advisor to the 1st government that reported on according to the world health organization. and whether the next variant will not to be reported for fear of nato nation sanction. and or the end of day's coming. we investigated why today 35000 people on average will have converted to a form of christianity that has turned the globe into a spiritual battle field and empowered the rise of world leaders from trump to boston era. all of them were coming up and today's going underground as fast as the u. k. government introduces a fresh wave of covert measures just after christmas after a new varying to concern only chrome was detected in south africa. let's go straight to jana's, work to speak to professor berry shoe b, chair of south africa's ministerial advisory committee, on covey. 19 vaccines. thank you so much. a professorship for coming on. we're
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hearing here of scottish cases that preceded the announcement from south africa. let alone cases without any known travel in london. we don't want to be speculating on where the cobra is going to follow the usual virus path of a more transmission the less illness. but what is the situation there? is that basically it high transmission? less level mild disease? yeah, i think i have to appreciate everything you're going to say is that, is there any days? you know, you're busy studying this. first of all, this is a brand new bars. and i said, brand new, it's unrelated to any of the previous experiences, a completely different evolutionary tree. it's not a, an offshoot to one of the previous periods. that's one thing. the other thing is got a large number of mutants reasons that we've and something that we've never seen before . so even in the critical spike protein, that's a protein that the virus needs to establish and fiction.
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