tv News RT December 4, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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[000:00:00;00] a twitter of faces, a barrage of accusations that it's doing the u. s. government bidding, it's after the social media giant worked with a washington think tank in suspending. more than 3000 accounts from 6 countries for alleged states back to propaganda. the u. k. is world college of midwives apologizes for new supposedly inclusive guidelines describing mothers as post natal people, a former and a chest nurse believes an influential lobby group is steering the conversation is easy yet can now the example of stem role going in with diversity offices and telling people how to reset it,
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thinking of that name based and in a landmark ruling, a woman born with a spinal defect, wins her case against the doctor who 20 years ago is said to have failed to advise her mother properly about having children, our guests debate, the verdict because what i do now is medicine now in 20 years time, you may judge my actions to the doctor is completely wrong. but there is something rather bizarre about somebody saying, i mean this is a sensitive why. i wish you would never been born. ah, a broadcasting you live to read from our studios and monica, this is art international. i'm shannon thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. are now concerns are being raised over twitters, possible ties to the u. s. government. it's after the social media behemoth
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suspended more than 3000 accounts from 6 countries, including china and russia, over alleged state sponsored information operations. twitter admits decisions on which accounts to suspend were made with the guidance of the australian strategic policy institute. a think tank sponsored by u. s. government agencies, including the department of defense, which is daniel hawkins, has been delving deeper into the institutes, activities. it's common knowledge that trusts in conventional media is falling. you know, when you ask someone where they get their news on their reply, i don't watch tv or do my own research or get money's off social media. that's fair enough. at least with normal news, you tend to know who's sponsoring it, be it's a government or corporation. and you can make your own conclusions. but when you see who's behind an organization claiming to be independent and non partisan draft in to help provide independent analysis to stop social media manipulation, world, anyone would have a few questions. it's not like the australian strategic policy institute hide the fact there,
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sponsored by the u. s. government or some of the biggest names in the military. industrial complex. the long list is there for all to see is just when so much funding comes from the sources. one does wonder just how independent and balanced they can be. even former australian officials have concerns about the thing. thanks output echoed by some current lawmakers. surely it's fair to subject aspect funding arrangements to scrutiny. se receives core funding a $4000000000.00 from the department of defense. again, the thing thank makes no secret of its anti china stance and the list of works on their website. in fact, china is a key target of the organizations works from human rights in shin gan to chinese tech systems influence projects or this information in social media. many funded by the u. s. department of state and defense. their definition of independence may be
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malleable to say the least. an a s p, i are good at what they do, at least for their defense, industry, sponsors. the numbers say it all since the think tank was founded 20 years ago. weapons manufacturers have collected tens of billions of dollars in government contracts prior to the cobit pandemic. the organization hosted dozens of events from bringing it together. key players in defense and politics. providing the opportunity for closed door discussions with government departments and agencies. the s p i is so heavily involved with foreign governments and political organizations. it's even registered with the australian governments. forward inputs transparency register. many were so pleased with the think tanks work. their funding to the organization has grown significantly year on year, as have their funds from sponsorship and commercial revenue under the direction of executive director, peter jennings, who is himself clear where the blame for increasing tensions lies militarized
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themselves pharmacy. posing china's authoritarian control in hong kong, threatening taiwan and japan on a daily basis. china is the strategic problem in the region and back to the point. the thing thank is now partnered with the social media joint, helping to decide and coordinate what information users have access to on what be sentences. so much for independent analysis and serving the public conversation is little wonder that some question whose interests does this really serve? britton's royal college of midwives, it has said, sorry for it's the latest supposedly inclusive guidelines which make no reference to women or mothers, but only to post natal people responding to complaints the college called it in oversight. the organization had taken advice from the controversial pro diversity group, stonewall if former and h s. nurse we spoke to says the lobby group or the r c. m itself has no right to
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tell midwives what to think will is passing healthiest, why they apologized because of the instantaneous backlash. health services sat her to be a safe environment for this normal process is natural process to happen. it is not the her college of midwives role to tell them, make wives how to think. and i'm afraid that this is yet another example of stonewall going in with diversity offices and telling people how to reset the thinking of that members. the royal college midwives withdrew the gender neutral guidance after an online backlash. in the instructions for n h a staff on how to put newborns to bed safely, women weren't mentioned at all. referring to parents or carers. the guidance was supposed to be l g b, t inclusive, but the response was overwhelmingly negative. how can you possibly rise about pregnancy and bus without mentioning women?
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that's deliberate, not an oversight. apparently the royal college, a midwife sized midwives need to call mothers postnatal people, not mothers, all women. so to all you ladies out there, you are a postnatal person, not a mother. i. right. how did the royal college of midwives forget about women? they had the sole reason you even exist. i, nurse, rebecca butler again says that neither the general public or transgender people support the idea. people don't want to replace the word very, very, very vocal minority. and a very effective act to this group in stonewall who want to rewrite the rules by which we live. i don't know who they think they're appealing to, because the person in front of the midwife is a biological woman. why the world college is midwife has chosen to
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adult policies advocate. the bi stonewall is american to them too. but my point is that the general public does not midwives do not take. actually, neither does the transgender community. it is one organization that is pushing it to gender so hard. i'm is getting it very, very badly. a mother is a mother and the role of the midwife is to ensure the mothers safety and the baby safety. and that is the end of their role. they should not be involving themselves in this sort of ridiculous political posturing. the white house is blaming a surgeon lawlessness in the u. s. on the pandemic press secretary gen saki, when questioned about recent math looting said cove. it was a key factor when a huge group of criminals organized themselves and they want to go loop a store and tv to nordstrom,
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a home depot until the shelves are clean. you think that because i think a root cause in a lot of communities is depend amick. yes. well jen, talk his remarks come amid a spike and looting in a number of states over the past month. something that others are blaming on the rise of the de funds. the police movement ah retired police officer, dominic is o told us that he thinks the crime serge and the pendant demick aren't linked. and here's why. just embarrassing that they're not admitting what it is. it has nothing to do a co, but it has everything to do with bell reform, and then releasing criminals right back on the street, not prosecuting properly has nothing to do. a coven defined the police movement is
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an emotional response for any time that the public doesn't understand when use of force is needed, right? you have unarmed either black americans or whatever the case is shot by police in and before an investigation is done. the civil rights activists come in and claim police misconduct. so we already have a situation where emotions are high to the voter, thinks the emotional voter thinks, is that who this is d funding, the police, which means we're going to get rid of the cops on our streets and then let's replace them with the social workers or other people who are better trained and equipped to deal with emotional issues on the street. when you start to have that mindset, well then you're, you're looking at police negatively. so already the immoral, the criminal who are out there, feel that they've got the backing of the public. well, i don't have to obey the law. i can break the law because there's already this massive movement to define the police, which means they're going to side with me. it's a mindset of it's okay for us to do this. and we're going to act like criminals because nothing's gonna happen to us as well. as facing a crime wave,
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the u. s. is also suffering from soaring inflation. many americans are blaming the bind administration for that with a 5th of respondents in a recent nationwide poll saying poor leadership is the country's top problem. that includes democrats with some quitting the party and even switching sides, breaking it down for us with commentary as archie is kellum up. apparently, it's not only working families throughout america who are disappointed by the biden administration's handling of several crises. it's also members of biden's own democratic party, some like the former spokesperson for the washington d. c. mayor. have decided to switch over to the republicans hispanic and also black eyes. i should be democrat by default, but i'm going against their narrative and i feel like right now, everything is crumbling for the democrats biden is completely destroying the economy right now and people can feel it. so that's what's happening in washington dc. now washington, d. c is
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a city that is pretty solidly in the democratic camp. democrats sometimes even get 90 percent of the vote in elections. no wonder democrats as far away as texas are switching sides. friends, something is happening in south texas, and many of us are waking up to the fact that the values of those in washington d. c. on not our values, not the values of most texans, the ideology of to funding the police of destroying oil and gas industry. and the chaos our buddha is disastrous for those of us who live here in south texas. in addition to the recent shifts, 19 democrats are set to leave the house of representatives in 2022. that includes 3 committee chair. some are retiring or seeking another office. republicans only need to gain 5 more seeds in the upcoming mid term vote in order to re take control of the house of representatives. and many observers say their chances of doing so are pretty good. some are comparing it to the republican sweep. 10 years ago. housed
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immigrants have more retirements than they did in 2010 when the last 63 seats. it's not only the party that's losing people. kamala harris, the vice president of joe biden, is watching her team implode as well. 2 her spokesperson and her communications director have both decided to quit with reports indicating that there are 2 more aids lab. one foot out the door, reports are leaking out about strife between her office and the biden team, and the backdrop to all of this. as the jo biden's approval ratings keep going down, the mid terms are less than a year away and the democratic party seems to be crashing and burning. it appears that some in light of the circumstances have decided to jump out of a sinking ship, which might be causing the democrats even more trouble. the democrats are not delivery of plain and simple, and they're specifically not delivering to the people who are responsible for putting them in power, namely indigenous black, brown, asian, and poor white people. they have given this president and his congress a chance to govern,
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and the results so far have just not been adequate enough. we have not seen a protection of voting rights. we have not seen police reform. we have not seen action on climate change. i think that people are rightfully letting this administration know based on the approval ratings that are more needs to be done and very, very quickly. or there will be electoral consequences if things don't turn around. and i do very, very quickly where people can start to see the trajectory of it going upwards in their favor. they're going to respond with their boats, and the democrats could be wiped out. still the come on argy international in britain. a woman with a spinal condition wins a court case against the doctor for giving her mother poor pre pregnancy advice. 20 years ago our guests debate the ruling and its ramifications. blue
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ah is driven by drink shaped bank thinkers and those with ah, who dares thinks we dare to ask for what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very political time. time to sit down and talk with you. ah, we'll go back. this is our international now and investigation has been launched by us central command into a recent drone strike in syria, which may have resulted in civilian casualties. the strike was said to have been targeting of senior al qaeda leader and planner. we uphold the loss of innocent life and take all possible measures to prevent them. the possibility of a civilian casualty was immediately self reported to us central command. we are initiating a full investigation of the allegations and will release the results when appropriate . the separate development, the u. s. defense secretary also launched a new probe into an air strike and syria,
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back in 2019 which killed dozens of women and children. meanwhile, 21 humanitarian organizations have published an open letter. calling for an urgent rethink of pentagon policy, we add you to robustly a can for and reckon with the civilian hum of the last 20 years and commit to finally implementing structural changes to prioritize civil and protection and accountability for civilian hum. in september, a decade, long costs of war project by brown university released his findings with part of the study focusing on the death toll in serious since 2014. it claims the u. s. military was responsible for more than $95000.00 civilian does. with $75.00 journalists, and more than $200.00 humanitarian workers, also killed. peace activist, kennestone believes the actual number of civilian lives lost is even higher. the us does not care about civilian deaths. they are merely collateral damage in its
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foreign policy. aims to achieve hedge mony in the middle east, and in fact, the entire world death toll so far has been not 95000 but closer 260-0000. basically us drone strikes and foreign countries are flagrantly illegal. they. they are ex extra legal assassinations that take place in countries where the government does not approve of the u. s. operating their u. s. president's loud your own strikes. it makes them appear in the words of the u . s. media as quote presidential. so in other words, when u. s. presidents are acting in a heavy handed manner against p, mainly people of color in foreign countries, they look good in the media. us attacks, countries that can't fight back small in the countries taking a swing around the globe. now to look at some other stories around the world, at least one person has been killed and dozens injured after mountain said, marrow volcano,
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on the indonesian island of java erupted on saturday. media reports say villages in the vicinity of the blast became covered in debris. and thick smoke obscured the sun, leaving them in darkness. several 100 people have reportedly been moved to shelters . thousands of protesters in paris demonstrated against covered restrictions on saturday. ride gear clad police tailed the march and math with anti government sentiment rising amid the introduction of health passes and mandatory masks and all indoor settings going south as you can go. and at this time of the year in antarctica, it's usually light around the clock. but the only total solar eclipse of 2021 turn to day. and tonight for 2 minutes there on saturday. the remote stretch of antarctica, where it was seen was exclusively treated with other parts of the world. seeing only a partial eclipse. a young woman with
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a spinal defect has successfully sued her mother's doctor for giving the parent bad advice. 20 years ago before her pregnancy even started in a landmark of ruling, the u. k. high court agreed that the medics failure to tell her to take supplements amounted to negligence. that evie toombs overcame her condition to become a para show jumping star. though she has to spend days at a time connected to tubes, the judge said that could have been avoided if her mother had been recommended to take folic acid both before and during her pregnancy. in accordance with official guidance provided with the correct recommended advice, she would have delayed attempts to conceive in the circumstances there would have been a later conception which would have resulted in a normal healthy child. the doctor in question denies the allegations saying he provided all necessary instructions. we discussed what precedent the ruling sets with our guests, john gaunt, the radio host and calmness and dr. dean exit a g p. this changes we're talking about was 20 years ago in year 2001 i think it
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was. and around that sort of time we too would probably have been giving advice off . well, if your diet is rich and go to cast it, keep that up, keep doing it. you don't necessarily need to supplement. so again, it's really hard to judge what happened back in 2001, based on the standard that we have today. can you really bring what you can, because it's what can you bring the case? 20 years after so many poor to afford? i mean, this isn't for linda mind where somebody was given, you know, a tablet. it isn't that kind of situation. this scenario shows that you're going to take a much longer time in the future to very clearly document the advice we give. and more importantly, actually the advice that we don't gave. so it's kind of a significant plan to put our time one of the, the big challenges that often documentation. it's about how you're judged because of course, what i do now is medicine. now in 20 years time, we made george my actions as the doctor has completely wrong because as time progresses and we learn more, our practice is progress. one of my worries would be for doctors that they would on
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the side of caution now and perhaps start recommending for other both difficulties . maybe abortion i'm thinking particularly of down's syndrome babies when we do know that they, these people can go on to lead. very successful lives as well, so have to be aligned somewhere, doesn't matter because of course we recognize that and patients name certain details of medicine. it's our job to teach them. busy to bring them on that journey to get them on boats and we can make decisions to get that to treat the problem. but if we're saying and all that common sense stuff to falls into the lap of the doctor, to have to deal with and say, well, come on, the doctor's responsibility to tell you how to live your life or what to do. not only they're responsible for prescribing, but also responsible for telling you how to live healthily and if you don't have healthy doctors all. and that's an impossible situation to doctors to work it. we do need perhaps now in the light of this we need to put some safety guidelines in
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that goes to the patient and for the doctor, i mean, i do find it incredible that 20 years after this, the doctor is in this position with his whole life ruined, and i still of immense sympathy, obviously for a lady involved as well. you know what, we're already in that position of jeopardy because that's exactly the situation we doctors have been at the moment. for example, if i was to give patients and advice today and the patient doesn't necessarily follow that advice, doesn't necessarily come back to see me again, like i asked him to do. and then sadly they developed a severe illness and they come back and see me and say, well, the doctor never found it. my argument back would be, well, you didn't come back to me like asked you to or you didn't do the things that i asked you to. nonetheless, i will have to go through the process of call. i just think this is a really tragic case. and i wish i had never come to court. i wish the evie had got the help and the assistance she needs. but there is something rather bizarre about somebody saying, i mean this in
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a sensitive way. i wish i had never been born the festive season. i haven't gotten off to the greatest of starts in the british capital. that's because it's showcase christmas tree in trafalgar square. isn't quite up to its usual standard. every year. it is gifted to the city by norway, leaving some to ponder whether london's done something to upset the nordic nation. ah. the trafalgar square, christmas tree got a trim from boris johnson's baba. are we at all with? no, we know. the trafalgar square,
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christmas tree has arrived with the following media includes potentially sensitive content. sometimes i wonder if no way is trolling us a bit when they choose which tree to give us full trafalgar square. i would like everyone to know that half of my branches are not missing their social distancing. remember to stay safe this christmas and where a face covering on public transport and while inside shops to share trafalgar square, christmas tree. that's the news for this hour. i'll be back in 34 and a half minutes with another full fresh look generously with it. ah,
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with it, i have to say that the stand, the criteria are in germany for many years has mean compatibility with public opinion. those politicians pause as competent. we act in line with what people expect from them, but public opinion is produced or shaped by messed media. those are shaped by journalists. most german journalists are sympathizers of the social democratic and most the green z a for as an august because you read on social democratic policy projects. you parents as a competent leader the postal service delivers a $155000000.00 pieces of mail every year. approximately 40 percent of the world's
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mail right now the us postal service is in a fight of its life to survey that is really bad financial shape. now facing default, the postal service is a cash cow, and there was a way to pull money out of the postal service to put into a federal budget. there was a mandate that you're bringing a $100000.00, new revenue every month. the nature of privatization in the us postal service is very much hidden from public view. it's privatization from the inside out that a big business in money is not about the public and given them a service that they deserve. it's not about this is about with a,
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a confidential for anything and really try to pick apart everything that he did for the a year. and he just like hide who, i don't know, it's tough on the text message and all of his friends smoked. we also even through all of this, so he could have like, he wants to read and, and, but he didn't understand that you have a over here in weber's behavior from the video is very concerning. but before i talk about that, go back the day before. mm. where
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officer webber went to, andrew sat, ex dorm room, and that was the 1st threat that was made to andrew, the threatening you're in trouble. you're going to be charged with felonies. we have you on video and audio recordings selling marijuana to 2 different confidential informants. if you don't work with me, you're going to prison for 40 years. whoever said you can come to the law enforcement center and meet with me tomorrow. and you can work with me and all, help make some of this go away and make the punishment a lot less. but you can't tell anybody. you can't tell your parents. you can't tell your roommate. you can't tell your friends. you can't talk to an attorney. you just need to come and talk to me and for this to work nobody can know about this.
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