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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2021 5:00am-5:31am EST

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ah ah, if it is up or if a nightmare scenario, military confrontation has returned to you room. that was a star warning from russia's top diplomat of a meeting with his u. s. counterpart. adding that moscow would not tolerate the beefing up of nato's presence in neighboring states. so i'm sick is may i have to wait months at the e u. belarus border to get processed. if a new plan from brussels gets to go ahead, writes crew box fam, told us the move, throws away the rulebook. we could have managed this easily, but apparently the commission is not very interested in doing that. in the news, the cia is embroiled and a child sex abuse scandal that involves children as young as 2 years old with all but one alleged defender going unpunished. according to declassified documents and
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as the only chrome variant groups, 38 different countries of the world health organization tells us more time is needed to understand the true nature of the threat the virus poses. we do not have report merman that is causing more severe disease for that it is morally felt. this is not something that we should speculate are. we really need a bit more time ah, by that welcome to sunday brunch of a different kind. you're watching the weekly hear announcing. now lack of diplomacy is what russia's foreign ministers, the keys nato of the also exchange tough words with his u. s. counterpart to the meeting of the organization, the security and cooperation in europe. and he gave this stark warning ahead of the meeting because gifted is up, was a nightmare scenario of military confrontation has returned to europe. moscow
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categorically will not accept the transformation of the countries neighboring russia into a military foothold. i suppose you can't get to grips with bridging wat, divide to you unless you get all of those problems out on the table. it certainly seems to be the way diplomacy is being carried out here in stockholm it on the sidelines of this o se ministerial conference, as the foreign minister of russia said galen, for all held a meeting with the secretary of state of the united states. anthony, blinking what we heard from said gala rolf was a list of issues he has and what russia has with the way that russia has being dictated to by nato, by the united states. and by the west. talking about treaties though, said gala, for all pointed out that there is a real lack of agreement in concrete written down when it comes to russia and the west. but those are the 2 continues to escalate the situation directly on our borders. and as for military security in the euro, atlantic region,
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it continues to deteriorate. there's only one treaty left between russia and the united states. the strategic arms reduction treaty, the treaty on short and medium range missiles and the open skies treaty were essentially torn apart by our american colleagues. so gay lover of also said that in the very near future, moscow would put forward a new security strategy. and you security packed that it wants to see, have some certain things written down in black and white as far as the relationship between nato and russia goes now antony, blinking the u. s. secretary of state. also, i had given a press conference following that meeting. he said that as far as he was concerned, and as far as the united states was concerned, russia posed a significant risk to the security of ukraine. there would be serious consequences for russian aggression toward ukraine as well. was some of the efforts that we see russia taking to try to destabilize ukraine from within?
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well, the problem with sanctions, of course, is as they always result in counter sanctions and fight said gay law for all of did say that there had been essentially a failure of diplomacy from his western partners and said that if serious sanctions were imposed on russia that there would be consequences going back the all the way . usually posterior group know if you as the say, how is sanctions follow of course or will react? we cannot not react. what will be our response? it will be seat. i don't want to guess what the west will decide to do threatening some financial sanctions, new sectoral sanctions. this is a debt and road and indiana it will backfire. and the initiators of this illegitimate unilateral measures what we may potentially take away from this is something that antony blinking said after his and his meeting with galen for avi said that had been a frank and full discussion and honest and sober debates. and that both have
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foreign ministers, both senior diplomats would take that away to their respective presidents. and we may well see some more discussion it that much higher level in the very near future . the video cool between joe biden of let him of putin is scheduled on tuesday we, melinda, the incident came just a day after the meeting of the ministers with a nato spy plane forcing to passenger flights to change course, just to avoid a collision of the black sate according to russian aviation authorities. the incident occurred on friday. russia says the alliance is increased recognizance flight activity. is posing a danger to civil aviation, which becca, from the end to war answer coalition says it's not russia on the march, but rather the u. k. america in the rest of nato presentation on what's going on from the us side from secretary state, blinking sites is so lacking in credibility and so full of threat since 999 just 22 years. the number of countries in nato has almost double
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and it's from fire from the north atlantic, which is what it was called. you know, what? it's so it's called the north atlantic treaty organization. but it's clearly the strategy became to surround russia. presentation is false on the part of lincoln. it's not russia that's marching westward. and i, you know, every year surrounding the united states a little bit more or germany or france or britain or any of the nato countries. but that is what is happening in regard to nato and his relationship to russia. violating his solemn writes, thus, the verdict of campaign is angry at an e u solution for asylum seekers attempting to get into europe for the bell or some border. there are still thousands of them there stranded in belarus, a temporary shelter set by authorities. now brussels wants to extend the asylum
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processing time, months and keep the markets in special camps while it happens. rise groups worn plans that say dangerous precedent. if the you can allow a minority of member states to throw out the rule book due to the presence of a few 1000 people at its border, it throws out any authority it has on human rights in the rule of law, stopping detaining, and criminalize and people trying to find safety in europe, brakes international and european asylum law supporting the detention of migrants at e. u. borders puts politics over people's lives. b, e. u is trying to get tough on migration, particularly on its east in bo, does. now in a bid to tackle the issue that it's gone to 3 countries, controversial emergency asylum measures that will give poland lithuania and latvia. the power to hold people in special asylum processing centers, up to 16 weeks. that is a massive increase on the current timeframe that they can do that full weeks. the
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moves have shocked your human rights organizations. they've accused that you are playing politics with people's lives and bowing to pressure from eastern european member states. and that said that this is fueling an empty migration agenda. these new rules will also extend the time that these countries have the even officially register asylum applications that could now increased up to 4 weeks up from a maximum of 10 days. at the moment. now tensions only eastern borders of the e you have been high for many months. the you is accused by the roots of frying migrants to minsk and dumping them with the buddha. the e. u says minsky is attempting to destabilize the union by flooding it with migrants in reaction to sanctions. it's placed on bell roost. minsk though, rejects these allegations. there are currently thought to be around $8000.00
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migrants being held in centers in eastern europe in countries after they crossed over the border from belarus around $7000.00 more. a said to remain in belarus itself and what the commission describes the situation as improving. it still defends the idea behind these new measures to protect our borders and to protect people. we are giving flexibility and support to member states to manage this emergency situation without compromising on human rights. this should allow the member states in question to fully uphold the right to asylum and align legislation with you. a quiz. quit even you diplomats and law makers of finding this pretty hard to swallow. they describe the move as lowering you standards and even violating you law, leaving many to question how the you can hold itself up as
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a protector on human rights on the one hand and implement these measures on the other. charlotte, even ski r t. paris will the proposal suggest migrants, weight in special, closed comes on a utopia tree while their applications are processed. however, that evokes from the u offices, the conditions in those kinds of sentences would undermine basic laws. they're saying in substandard conditions, there's no legal aid for them. and no health services, so they won't have a fair and your main asylum process. so that's the 1st concern. and then the 2nd concern is that because of these florida sign and procedures are in, in these border border detention center, it will also make it much easier to send people back and to harm, which is a clear violation of international refugee law. so those are the 2 main concerns for us. the commissioner also has said that these are not the highest number of migrants, right? it's a few 1000 and the you should be able to manage that in
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a fair and humane way. unfortunately, we've seen that every time when a situation at the border rises, whether that's now in, in poland, and about to stage, or whether it's on the southern border with greece to lee, or, or spain, harrison hispanic, to reaction. and instead of managing it and working as e u, member states together to share the responsibility for hosting asylum seekers and for sharing responsibility for the for them aside and process. we see that is every time this is, instead of political crisis, a dozen cia employees have been involved in the lead sex crimes against children as young as 2 years old. only one of them's been charged as the dumbing revelation after a trove of documents was d. classified exist on of ripples more than 3600 pages of deeply disturbing material. 75 of them ever more. so the parts of the trove logging sex crimes
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against children committed by at least 10 cia employees. and contractors, in the worst of cases against very young children, had inappropriate sexual activity with an unidentified 2 year old girl. admitted to have an inappropriate sexual contact. the then 6 year old on 2 separate occasions, the personnel a valuation board a voted unanimously to recommend termination and re vocation of his clearances. the eastern district of virginia us attorney's office declined prosecution of based on taint issues from the information and the lack of previously identify a child, pornography victims. in his videos, this individual whose identity was clothed by a code name along with everybody else was fired. but never charged according to the papers. another cia employee was caught with thousands of inappropriate images of children on his work, laptop. the agency employee, his youth,
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his united states government, laptop computer to view approximately 14000 images of pornography, of which a 1400 were of underage individuals. the united states attorney's office declined prosecution of in favor of administrative action by the agency. in view of the personnel evaluation board recommendations, it is recommended that this case be closed with no further action was any legal action taken against them. while the answer to that question remains a mystery. none of the $75.00 pages mention anything of the sort. they do mention a c, i a contractor, them who cooled into the darkest corner of the internet and thought he was seducing a child. the child, luckily, turned out to be an undercover of b. i agent allegedly solicited and under cover special agent from the f. b, i in an online chat room in an attempt to travel in to state for the purposes of having sex with what he believes to be. and under his child,
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the case is been closed. the agency terminated the contract with the individual. and again, apparently no further action was taken, yet they say they take such crimes very seriously. while we cannot comment on the reasons why specific cases were declined, we do take very seriously any allegation there are. prosecutors declined a potential case based on an improper assessment of the relevant factors except according to unconfirmed reports. the cia was actively unenthusiastic about the idea of legal action against its employees and contractors. concerned more with the risks of classified information being compromised in the court. crossfire and it took years for these papers to even become public and reveal that apparently the c i a badge is a real life equivalent of a get out of jail free card, even for the worst of crimes with us, the cia and the us attorney's office. in virginia to comment new mile pharmacy i.
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whistleblower john korea. you told us that the agency need serious changes when it comes to transparency c, i a officers and contractors can commit the most heinous crimes crimes against children and not be prosecuted. they're very good at covering up crimes. all they have to do is say sources and methods. all they have to do is say that they want to protect classified information. there should have been whistleblowers at every step of the way. and the reason why it took so long for this news to finally see the light of day is because the cia fought it in court. what the cia always fears is that someone will get up on the stand in court to testify in his own behalf. and reveal classified information and especially will reveal sources and methods, perhaps the names of sources or information about ongoing operations. and so in exchange for not revealing that information, there's usually
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a plea deal or as you saw in this situation, no court case at all. this is what the polygraph is for. it's supposed to weed out perverts, and criminals, and crazy people, unless there is serious change inside the cia and certainly more transparency. i don't see this changing at all. still come from president brands. his british can default a clown as the 2 tried accusations over the death of 27 people who attempted to cross the english channel. ah hello, driven by tremendous shapes bank, concur, sent those with
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theirs. sinks. we dare to ask for what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally and going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with
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you very until cove it is causing. consider this been rapidly spreading around the world over the week. the so called all the constraints now been detected in dozens of country state new very 1st to most import swan, or that was just over a week ago than that much publicized, it appeared in neighboring south africa. i'm a con, there's now also been registered in india, the united states and australia, the scientist suggesting it is spreading twice as fast as the delta vend. now italy, researchers of actually published the 1st images of the new strain on the right, we can say on the chrome on the left the delta variant, the significant a different series, this red area here. you can see that that's the, the number of mutations this time around it, which means that virus this time, has further adapted. but it's not yet clear. that means is going to be more dangerous. as of yet no deaths have been reported from this new mutation. the world health organization is warning that it is simply too early to relax. we should a need and other wake up court. we should all be wide awake to the threat of this
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virus. but ami chrome is very emergencies. another reminder that all so many of us might think we're done with corbett 19. it's not done with us. response to the new cove. it's strange, numerous nations of restricted travel from south africa, quite a reaction in israel in japan. they've gone so far as to completely banned all incoming travelers. as a result, many people have found themselves stranded in south africa with these travel bands being imposed flights, even being cancelled after people registered for the flight parties. pull a slip, caught it with the drama a johannesburg, sampled desolation, desperation, frustration, and anger. these are just some of the emotions that people here in south africa are experiencing. i'm hearing under the tambo important one, is that this is the main international airport in south africa. and as you can see,
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the airport is practically deserted. a far cry from the scenes we saw just a short time ago when thousands of people were arriving here desperate to get on any available flight. often announcement was made that most international travel in and out of african states was being implemented. the situation such is that you now have tens of thousands of people who are stranded here in south africa. people who need to get back to jobs and families. and at the same time you have so many people have brought many of them south africans disparate to get into the country. many of them have not been able to visit for at least 2 years, i think to them, okay, i'm coming to check in will i be able to get home? i'm only going for team days. my mother and she started computer interested. all the flat for the same that had been cancelled. so if you go, you can get back within 3 days. i mean, it's all just completely changed and there's no way that i can go,
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i've been vaccinated 3 times. so i am as vaccinate as to be i wouldn't make any difference. i do congratulate the leaders for taking such quick action. but i do think that they really need to form before making decisions that really affect the lives of so many people. the prices for the few remaining flights out of here have skyrocketed as has the cost of the testing. international community is very cognizant of the fact that as many as 7 out of 10 south africans have not been vaccinated. now, south african scientists have been very vocal in saying that they were the 1st to come forward and be transparent about this new variant that has been found. and it's not a south african variant. and that it is elsewhere in the global community that instead of being upholders, south africa has now been push on the blacklist policy r r t to hannah's book, south africa would run us on to saw rushing to adapt the existing vaccines that hooked up. we used to find the new strain early. we spoke with melita, rena, v h,
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a representative of the will. tofal organization here in russia. when a mutation shows a number of her, i would say changes a number of mutations that we can relate to something either to previous knowledge or for example, be so by this variant has invitations. many more mutations on the side for our take, it is actually nice to need all that the virus is using to getting to the salad, make us infected, to actually cause infection to spread further. and this is why because it has many more and other viruses and the variance, it has the media to come into concert. so i think has acknowledged but we don't have a logical noise. it's telling us at the moment that this is a more deadly virus. what do we know from south africa? you said maybe young people and this is where the cluster was detected. and we do
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know that callie's been young. people is lighter. we do not have reports and he's merman that he is causing more severe disease or that it is more lethal. this is not something that we should speculate off. we really need a bit more time. and this is why we have said that there is no place for, but there is a place for preparedness to portion an action button is led by a clown as to what the french president has bounded boris johnson. as frances former u. k. envoy warns relations between the nations of hit, the lowest in more than 200 years mattress, allegedly made the remarks in a private conversation following a number of public rouse. bobo talks to me for speed, everything is going well. we have grown up conversations, but he strikes me before and after, as having an inelegant way about him. it's always the same circus. it's sad to see such a great country with which we could do so much led by
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a clown. in the latest spat, micron took offense at a letter johnson a tweeted that appeared to blame france for the record flow of asylum seekers. paris promptly scrapped its invitation to the u. k. to a european meeting on migration. last week, 27 migrants died, attempting to cross the channel. when the inflatable boat capsized was one of the deadliest incident since the migrant crisis began. france, a new cave also been at loggerheads in a post briggs dispute over fishing lights, some of course, johnson's hello party appeased though, have rallied to his defense they were in to pantomime season. not we. and as the french election coming, as i'm pretty on out for word was the prime ministers in the town. he's the elected prime minister of this country with a very big mandate leading this country through the pandemic. i'm surprised to hear that and, and disappointed and openly, i'm sure that we can continue to try and work together to tackle this unconscious that we will. i will hope that we will get a formal response back the host and full man p george callaway says as
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a distance in mood, in european politics on the old fashion. but i don't think the heads of state and heads of government should be publicly talking to each other and about each other in this way. it is indeed a toxic on tong corby all that we have now. but if, but as johnson is the circus clown, i'm afraid the manual micron is the circus dwarf and the british and the french deserve better than the leaders that they have. but they're the only leaders that we've got and they have to get on with resolving war arm. i think post partum politics. this is a anti nato, a post natal depression on the part of the french and the e. u. in general, we have left up, they find it impossible to bear. they want us to fail. they want us even to
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suffer, and they are ready, as is abundantly clear every day to permit the floor of thousands of people every week trance has the opportunity to elect a new president. soon i hope they take the opportunity to make a change. just as i wish that the british people could make a change, i'm satisfies with neither of these 2 leaders. but as long as they are the leaders, then they have to obey diplomatic norms. the world news pandemic related frustration boiled over in several european cities at the weekends in slovenia is capital people mos, to push their opposition to new restrictions. several demonstrations were detect similar scenes in the australia capital, although on a larger scale, more than 40000 people march through via never against plans to make vaccination.
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compulsory that wasn't a 1000 police officers was sent in to maintain order. rob police rule 17 post in paris with yellow fest have been back in action. they've been calling for the president microns resignation and an end to his pandemic policies. ah, the rep, so for now, thanks so much for your company this morning. it does get check out most stories on our website at the anti dot com. mm. the postal service delivers a $155000000000.00 pieces of mail every year. approximately 40 percent of the world's mail right now the us postal service is in the fight of its life history. that is really bad financial shape. now facing default, the postal service is a cash cow and there was a way to pull money out of the postal service to put into a federal budget. there was a mandate that you bring a $100000.00,
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new revenue every month. the nature of privatization in the us postal service is very much hidden from public view. it's privatization from the inside out. i that i . 7 about big business in money. it's not about the public given them the service that they deserve. it's not about quality train workers. it's about the mine. ah, a the ah
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ah, you were told it was bad for your eyes and your post. yeah. that it would stop you from having real friends and finding a girlfriend. but what they fail to mention is that you can make thousands of dollars every weekend by simply playing video games with stacy been a couple of them because i always wanted a solution to buy food. it's with georgia resume with my produce up is no sooner course to make video games a high paying job. you have to be gifted and quick with it. hang on to a spike, chicken underneath nicholas to live near bottom, and miss thompson with party miss davis. yeah, gala boy,
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when you mouse storm you my video it out or you me. i was at kneels few guy of the owner, but that vehicle was deducted these it's odd to do. i also use my name is jason with me. he'd been searching the river. it was pretty obvious, he had muddy boots on. he was arrogant. he was sitting there like this with his muddy boots and you know, flick and mud all over the floor. and he just like he was king of the world when you thought he was aggressive even at that time as far as as a how he.


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