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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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you pace is a competent leader. ah, a nightmare scenario of military confrontation has returned to you room. the stark warning from russia's top diploma, the head of a meeting with his u. s. counterpart this week. so again, love raw father. the moscow would not tolerate that beefing up of nato's presence. the neighboring states also had on the program this our asylum seekers may have to wait months of the e belarus border to get processed. if a new plum from brussels gets that go ahead, humanitarian organization, oxfam told us the move, throws away the rule book. we could have managed this easily, but apparently the commission is not very interested in doing that. and does the
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all. busy me chrome cove, it very and grips 38 countries. the world health organization tells our tea more time is needed to understand how potent it may be. we do not have my board at this moment that is causing more severe disease or that it is more he felt this is not something that he should speculate off. we really need a bit more time. ah, oh, bringing you the top stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment developments as well. this is the weekly on rti hello and welcome a lack of diplomacy that's willing to russia's foreign minister accused nato of on thursday. sir, gallup ralph also exchanged tough words with his u. s. counterpart during the meeting of the organization for security and
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cooperation in europe. and gave this stark warning ahead of the summit. give us, give this up as a nightmare scenario of military confrontation has returned to you. rip moscow categorically will not accept the transformation of the countries neighboring russia into a military foothold. i suppose you can't get to grips with bridging wat, divide to you, unless you get all of those problems out on the table. it certainly seems to be the weight. diplomacy has been carried out here in stockholm it on the side lines of this, o se ministerial conference, as the foreign minister of russia said, gail awful held a meeting with the secretary of state of the united states. anthony blinking. what we heard from said gala, for all, was a list of issues he has. and what russia has with the way that russia has being dictated to by nato, by the united states. and by the west. talking about treaties though, said gala, for all pointed out that there is a real lack of agreement to concrete, written down when it comes to russia and the west for those are,
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the 2 continues to escalate the situation directly on our borders. and as for military security in the euro, atlantic region, it continues to deteriorate. there's only one treaty left between russia and the united states. the strategic arms reduction treaty, the treaty on short and medium range missiles and the open skies treaty were essentially torn apart by our american colleagues. so glover of also said that in the very near future, moscow would put forward a new security strategy and new security packed that it wants to see, have some certain things written down in black and white as far as the relationship between nato and russia goes now antony blinking, the u. s. secretary of state also, i had given a press conference following that meeting. he said that as far as he was concerned, and as far as the united states was concerned, russia posed a significant risk to the security of ukraine. there would be serious
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consequences for brushing aggression towards ukraine as well. was some of the efforts that we see russia taking to try to destabilize ukraine from within? well, the problem with sanctions, of course, is, is they always results in count to sanctions and fight said gay law for all did say that there had been essentially a failure of diplomacy from his western partners and said that if serious sanctions were imposed on russia that there would be consequences going back, feel the way that usually possibly a group know if, if you as the say hellish sanctions follow of course or will react, we cannot not react. what will be our response? it will be seat. i don't want to guess what the west will decide to do threatening some financial sanctions, new sectoral sanctions. this is a debt and road and indiana will backfire. and the initiators of this illegitimate unilateral measures what we may potentially take away from this is something that anthony blinking said after his and his meeting with said galen,
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for all he said that had been a frank and full discussion and honest and sober, had to base and that both of foreign ministers, both seen him diplomats would take that away to their respective presidents. and we may well see some more discussion it that much higher level in the very near future . peter oliver taken us through that not among reaction we got to those developments was from richard becker. he's from the anti, we're answer coalition. he says, it's not russia that's on the march presentation or what's going on. and from the us side, from the secretary said lincoln is so lacking in credibility and so full of threat since $999.00 just 22 years. the number of countries in nato has almost doubled and its try and fire from the north atlantic, which is what it was. you know, what it's, so it's called the north atlantic treaty organization. but it's clearly the
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strategy became to surround russia. presentation is false on the part of, of lincoln. it's not russia that's marching westward and, you know, every year surrounding the united states a little bit more or germany or france or britain, or any of the nato countries. but that is what is happening in regard to nato and its relationship to russia. russia has accused us of risking the lives of civilian airline passengers. falling an incident in the black sea region on friday, rush, nor traffic control say they were forced to divert the course of 2 or liners to prevent them colliding within nato spy plane r. t. southgate taylor has the story. it's no secret that the black sea region has become something of a halt, spot in relations between the us and russia. the presence of american warships,
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as well as those of its nato allies, have in the policy been a cause of serious concern from moscow, which considers the area to be it's fair influence. but it seems to have crossed over from a concern and political games into very real physical danger. a nice thought is, according to the russian foreign ministry. on sunday, it released a statement warning that washington, a nato cannot put people's lives at risk without expecting some kind of consequence . so what triggered these was one on friday news came in that russian, that traffic control had been forced to change the course of 2 planes which were flying over the black sea. no one was making its way from tennessee to moscow. the other from the result, city of thought, she to move to macedonia for why that decision was taken when a power in the nato recognizance pain was flying dangerously close to those 2 aircraft. in fact, the crew of one claim that they could see the native bombard you with up very own eyes. we have of course, requested a comment from nato and i'll yet to hear back. but from the russian perspective was
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a little more troubling. is that the native plain allegedly ignored numerous attempts by ground crew to make contact, which meant that for that. and that was where you only one way out of a potentially very tragic accident. and i was of course, to die bought those 2 passenger jets. we all talking about a total of $300.00 people on board. so in light of this, you can probably now appreciate that strong reaction from the foreign ministry. according to them, you've got an unregistered foreign plane which has refusing to make any contact with local authorities. what's more, it is a very close to hundreds of civilians, so it is in the eyes really paying politics with with innocent knives. now this latest incident follows a period of tensions that was often on approved, nato drills took place and the waters on top of that. a couple of days ago we had that to russian fight to jets, had been scrambled to escort at spy pains away from its borders. and at the same
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time, in recent days, we've really been hearing pretty hostile rhetoric from both american and nato officials, which are absolutely convinced that russia is planning some kind of invasion of ukraine as soon as the new year. partly, but whilst aggressive rhetoric is part and parcel of molten diplomacy, i think we can all agree that creating potentially a very volatile situation, which put civilians in harm's way is neither fat nor clean play. violating asylum writes boats the verdict of campaigners angry as an use solution for migrants attempting to get into europe. fi the bell russian border. there are still roughly 2000 of them. stranded in bella russo temporary shelters. now brussels wants to extend the asylum processing time by months on keep the migrants in special camps while it happens. right? group sub warned, but the plan sets a dangerous precedent. if the you can allow a minority of member states to throw out the rule book due to the presence of
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a few 1000 people at its border, it throws out any authority as on human rights in the rule of law, stopping detaining and criminalize in people trying to find safety in europe breaks, international and european asylum law, supporting the detention of migrants at e, you borders puts politics over people's lives. the e. u is trying to get tough on migration, particularly on its east, and buddha is now in a bid to tackle the issue that it's granted 3 countries. controversial emergency asylum measures that will give poland lithuania and lot via the power to hold people in special asylum processing centers up to 16 weeks. that is a massive increase on the current timeframe that they can do that all weeks. the moves have shocked your human rights organizations. they've accused that you are playing politics with people's lives and bowing to pressure from eastern european
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member states. and that said that this is fueling an empty migration agenda. these new rules will also extend the time that these countries have the even officially register asylum applications that could now increased up to 4 weeks up from a maximum of 10 days. at the moment, no tensions on the eastern borders of the e. u have been high for many months. the all you is accused bella russo frying my grants to minsk and dumping them with the buddha. the e. u says minsky is attempting to destabilize the union by flooding it with migrants in reaction to sanctions. it's placed on beller roost. minsk though, rejects these allegations. there are currently thought to be around $8000.00 migrants being held in centers in eastern european countries after they crossed over the border from belarus around $7000.00 more said to remain in belarus itself
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and what the commission describes the situation as improving. it still defends the idea behind these new measures to protect our borders and to protect people. we are giving flexibility and support to member states to manage this emergency situation without compromising on human rights. this should allow the member states in question to fully uphold the right to asylum and align legislation with the you, a quays. but even you diplomats and nor makers of finding this pretty hard to swallow. they describe the move as lowering you standards and even violating you law, leaving many to question how the you can hold itself up as a protector on human rights. on the one hand, an employ these measures on the other solid even sky r t, paris. the proposal suggests that migrants weight in special closed camps on
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e u territory while their applications are processed. however, the head of ox from you office told our teeth, the conditions there undermined basic rules. they're saying in substandard conditions. there's no legal aid for them and no health services, so they won't have a fair and your main asylum process. so that's the 1st concern. and then the 2nd concern is but because of the flawed asylum procedures in, in these border border detention center, it will also make it much easier to send people back to, to harm, which is a clear violation of international refugee long. so those are the 2 main concerns for us. the commissioner also has said that these are not the highest number of migrants, right? it's a few 1000 and the you should be able to manage that in a fair and humane way. unfortunately, we've seen that every time when a situation at the border rises, whether that's now in,
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in poland and the baltic states, or whether it's on the southern border with greece to leeward or spain. there's hispanic, to reaction. and instead of managing it and working as e u. member states together to share the responsibility for hosting asylum seekers and for sharing responsibility for the for them aside and process. we see that is every time this is instead of political crisis, just approaching a quarter of an hour into the program. still ahead in the weekly recap, we visit the child care clinic in moscow. we're little patients are in need of treatment and mid the pandemic about on plenty more. besides, after the break with
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy. even foundation, let it be an arms race is on offense, bearing dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time. time to sit down and talk to welders driven by dream shaped banks. concur some of those with there's sinks, we dare to ask a
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ah, this week, a new variant of cobit calls concern and has been rapidly spreading around the world. the all micron string has not been detected in dozens of countries. the new varian 1st emerged in botswana late last month, and then a neighboring south africa. all mcclellan has not been detected in almost 40 countries with the united states, australia, among the latest signed to say it appears to spread twice as fast as the delta variant. let's get into that. indeed, italian researchers have published the 1st images of the new strain. on the left. here is the delta variant, the right i'll make kron, which is the red area show, has many more mutations. and just to show at present,
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it doesn't appear. we need to say any more dangerous with no debts in the world being reported from the strain. despite that, the world health organization is raising the alarm. we shouldn't need another wake up call. we should all be wide awake to the threat of this virus. but i'll meet her on this very emergencies. another reminder that all so many of us might think we're done with corporate 9 to it's not done with us on response to the new cobit strain. numerous nations have restricted travel from south africa with israel, japan going so far as the band all incoming travelers. i'm indeed many people have found themselves stranded in south africa as trouble buns are imposed. ortiz, paula sla, reports from the countries busiest airport, desolation, desperation, frustration, and anger. these are just some of the emotions that people here in south africa are
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experiencing. i'm hearing under the tambo important one, is that this is the main international airport in south africa. and as you can see, the airport is practically deserted. a far cry from the scene we saw just a short time ago when thousands of people were arriving here. but to get on any available flight, often announcement was made that most international travel in and out of african states was being implemented. the situation such is that you now have tens of thousands of people who are stranded here in south africa. people who need to get back to jobs and families, and at the same time you had so many people abroad, many of them, south africans desperate to get into the country. many of them have not been able to visit for at least 2 years. i think to them, okay, i'm coming to check in will i be able to get home? i'm only going 15 days to my mother and she's got a computer interested. all the flat for december had been cancelled. so if you go,
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you can get back within 3 days. i mean, it's all just completely changed and there's no way that i can go, i've been vaccinated 3 times. so i am as vaccinate as to be i wouldn't have made any difference. i do congratulate the leaders for taking such quick action, but i do think that they really need to form before making decisions that really affect the lives of so many people. the prices for the few remaining flights out of here have skyrocketed as has the cost of mandatory cova testing. international community is a cognizant of the fact that as many as 7 out of 10 south africans have not been vaccinated. now, south african scientists have been very vocal in saying that they were the 1st to come forward and be transparent about this new variant that has been found in system. it's not a south african variant, and that it is elsewhere in the global community that instead of being upholders, south africa has now been push on the blackest policy r t to hannah's book,
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south africa. and right now, scientists are rushing to adopt existing vaccines to fight the new stream of the big challenge. alma aspect, a representative of the w h o and russia told us for a mutation shows a number of i would say change is a number of mutations that we can relate to something either to previous knowledge or for example, the buyer at the very end has mutations, many more mutations on the spike protein. it is actually these the needle that the virus is using to getting to the salad to make that seem fat stage to actually cause infection to spread further. and this is why, because it has many more and other of i versus other variance each has immediately come into concert. so i think has scientific knowledge, but we don't have a logical knowledge. you telling us at the moment that this is a more deadly virus?
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what we know from south africa is that mainly young people and this is where the cluster was detected. and we do know that callie's been young. people is lighter. we do not have reports at the moment that is causing more severe disease or death is more lethal. this is not something that we should speculate off. we really need a bit more time. and this is why we have said that there is no place for panic. but there is place for preparedness, proportion, and action protests against they type day of cobit measures in the belgian capital, have descended into chaotic scenes. ah ah!
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fireworks, albin, exploding in the streets. why a police use tear gas and water cannon against those protesting and estimated a 1000 people march through brussels on sunday chanting freedom. demonstrators are angered by new anti virus measures like mandatory masks for children over the age of 6. on the talk of potential compulsory vaccination in the new year a while co, it mainly poses a threat to elderly and vulnerable people. children aren't entirely immune. we've visited a child health clinic here in moscow to find out more about the ah what age are the children here and what condition are they into one of our children
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age from one month to 17 years, the conditions varied severity for children here is severely l and in the intensive care unit, but unlike adults, co related pneumonia is less common among children, but it still happens. listen, showing 3 to full and c t severity is full. so this means complete lung damage, almost 100 percent or store or what is especially alarming is that very importantly, just like an adult, there's a tendency for the disease to rapidly develop. meaning that at some point, you know, 10 percent of the lungs are affected. and then suddenly it's up to almost 100 percent. yes, that's exactly what we've been seeing. especially when parents wait too long to call a doctor. how old are you? 10 years out there. exactly. how do you feel? no, sometimes i have a headache, but i'm okay. that's not a my point. how long have you been ill? 10 days already. oh yes, i'm in my 2nd week, which are age puts are at risk,
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which is we've actually seen the highest incidence right among teenagers, 2 thirds of the children, a school age kids between 7 and 17 years old. why is because they are hanging out together and contact and each other all the time, right. among other things, yes, you now to them, it's mostly tang that become and thanked it because they always hanging out together here also because statistically they demonstrate a more severe course of illness than individuals of other ages. don't get rid of them because their bodies are growing so fast and because of their hormonal processes, more yes, that mono bye grounds. and the physical transformation can influence the illnesses more that the lessons are affected by more risk factors related to the course of the disease. or to chew the neighbors and in their money, it is not a harmless disease. it's not sorry that we sound alarm, and there is a disease for which there is no medicine. we have to day the course of the disease is unpredictable. we don't know why someone has it hard and someone else has the
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easy human. we, as we know there are risk groups, but for some unknown reason with a severe case of the disease and i can be observed among healthy children. ah, here's a child and eventually wearing an oxygen mask. well yes, the child is really missing his mother, which is logical. that's why we always talk to him. the doctors are always with him . otherwise, he can tear off the mask that children are getting much sicker than in the 1st way . and worse than the 2nd. and 3rd or yes, worse than waves $2.00 and $3.00, which in joker is yours or for your full complications. develop very often as the covered. yeah, i do not depend on the severity of the disease of this even children who have shown no symptoms face complications. what do you think about vaccinated adults? i think it's a very good idea. you 3 me hasn't died. there is no time to wait for children, also a source of infection, which if children are not vaccinated,
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we will not be able to grade the nurses recollect of immunity, which will have all been talking about her so love yet that works in that are both with the vaccine works. so what should the concerns be here? the theoretically, we understand that this vaccine cannot be more dangerous than ada. no virus infections. some of the vaccine is infectious for cell, but not for the body in pennsylvania at the level of the organism. the virus does not reproduce the earth, was any real sinew, priesthood, ah, britain is led by a club. that's how the french president reportedly brundage boris johnson this weekend. frances form a u. k. envoy warrant relations. i've hit their lowest point in more than 200 years . emanuel micron allegedly made the remarks in a private conversation after a number of public rows. bobo talks to me, full speed,
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everything's going well. we have grown up conversations, but he strikes me before and after. as having an inelegant way about him, it's always the same circus. it sought to see such a great country with which we could do so much led by a clown. in the latest spot, micron took offense to a letter. johnson tweeted that appeared to blame france for the record flow of asylum seekers. paris promptly scrapped its invitation to the u. k. to a european meeting on migration. larkey host on former m p. george galloway, sales people on both sides of the channel are being left and badly by their leaders . only old fashioned, but i don't think the heads of state and heads of government should be publicly talking to each other and about each other in this way. it is indeed a toxic on tong corby all that we have now. but if but as johnson is the circus
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clown, i'm afraid the manual micron is the circus dwarf and the british and the french deserve better than the leaders that they have. but they're the only leaders that we've got and they have to get on with resolving war on i think post partum politics. this is a anti nato, a post natal depression, on the part of the french and b, e u. in general. we have left them, they find it impossible to bear. they want us to fail. they want us even to suffer, and they are ready, as is abundantly clear every day to permit the flow of thousands of people every week trance has the opportunity to elect a new president. soon i hope they take the opportunity to make a change. just as i wish that the british people could make a change. i'm satisfied with neither of these 2 leaders,
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but as long as they are the leaders, then they have to obey diplomatic norms. well, van days are recap of the week. that was but don't go too far as more great programs get there. start in moments right off to look at what else is coming up for you and r t over the next 7 days. with
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association with me only as a confidential informant that any university try to pick apart everything that he did for the a year. and you just like hide who, i don't know, it's tough on the text message with all his friends smoked. we also even through all of this that she could of and like he wants to read and, and but he didn't understand that you have me please a
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over here in.


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