tv News RT December 6, 2021 4:00am-4:30am EST
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ah, ah, life except anybody's red lines is the message from joe biden. the head of talks with his rushing count upon western media, going into overdrive with allegations of an imminent invasion of you. crime. oscar though says it's native that is causing friction in europe's in the grip of a winter of discontent. over soaring energy prices. group monitoring fuel poverty walls, household heating bills in the u. k. it's soon double canadians stranded in south africa, said they feel abandoned by the government have to or to snoop the post on the chrome restrictions upon returning a branded over complicated and confusing. it really struck me that it is citizen. this we're trying to help citizens. it's not the government trying to help citizens,
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and i think it really needs to be the other way around. and the vaccination cooperation is the only way to beat the pandemic. that's the warning. president of the international federation of the red cross. the spoke exclusively to optic, and ah, by that mid day here in moscow, great have you with us. this is auntie international. moscow house you rebuffed claims that it is poised to invade ukraine. it says they've been no relation to reality. adding it is the americans. i say you are acting belligerently in the region. this is western media. politicians of rach did up speculation about a possible war with the u. s. on russian presidents, poised to speak by phone on tuesday. joe biden is looking in no made for negotiation. oh,
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of course the diplomacy is out and red lines are there to be crossed when the big bad wolf is planning a land grab ring a bell. a similar warning came in the spring when russian troops gathered for snap training exercises. and again, when military drills were conducted in crimea, and only recently moscow was supposedly the mastermind of a qu, in key of remember the currency of no mean either because it didn't happen. in fact, none of the predictions came true, but this time apparently it's different. this time, it's the real deal, and to feed the fair, even drawing up the kremlin battle plans the new year offensive. and for the umpteenth time this year, russia is forced to defend the presence of its own troops on its own land. russia is not a threat to any country. the deployment of russian troops on the national territory
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is our sovereign roy and no one's business. it is nato on its members states a recklessly moving their military forces and infrastructure to the russian borders . so what is washes red line, us spy pained jetting towards russia's borders. passenger jets with hundreds of civilians on board, diverted because the nato re complain was to close and wouldn't respond to ground control. the actions by the u. s. air force created a threat to civilization and the fact that the catastrophe was averted over the backseat doesn't mean that the u. s. and nato can go on the risk in people's lives with impunity. the latest american war ship sailing into waters bordering russia. what issues was nature? you know, a u. s. warship has now entered the block. see, we can see it through binoculars or the crosshairs of a defense system system. a better one or multiple missile systems just across the face. it was a bit more to look at where nato's military infrastructure is located,
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just a short distance from our borders in romania, poland, and to miss our defense systems have already been deployed. and they can easily be converted into offensive missile systems that targets us. it only takes a matter of minutes to change the software. now, instinct tells me that upper russian destroy was spotted steaming into new york harbor. it would be a flaming red line for washington. but believe it or not for us all, this is a pink line at best. the real issue is nato, or rather, nato's expansion and expanded it has from this humble state in 1990 to this empire in 2020. now, back in the day, russia was promised, nato would grow, not one inch eastward of berlin. wel, that's berlin. so no, it's not an inch. it's over a 1000 kilometers. and now it's knocking at rushes door. ukraine joining
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nato and we've been talking about it for a long time is a red line for us. the continual drawing of keys into the military or bit of the alliance, the de facto start of natives, assimilation of the military infrastructure of this country. and the desire to turn it into a foothold for confrontation with russia could all cause severe negative consequences and destabilize the military and political situation in europe. but lucky for nato, it's got a gas out of jail free card because in politics, well promises are made to be broken. where is that? where is that written down? where is that from? was written down and under the religious friends among only the rich girls that you didn't call which car when asked mcmurry to go in. in the meantime, the u. s. unfazed by it's terrible track record of predicting russian behavior is covering its bases and drawing up some economic sanctions. you know, just in case, after all, nothing screams diplomacy more than getting your threats in a row before high stakes meeting. but talk of invasion is got you wondering what is
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going on? why not check out the views of scott ritter on a website. the u. s. x intel officer is not buying any of it? can you can read his thoughts and auntie don't comp now we've discussed the latest diplomatic spot with michael maloof. he's a former senior security policy analyst in the office of the u. s. secretary of defense. he says, this is a case of double standards. i think that out by this constant harassment in the black sea, in an area half way remove from from the united states and going right up against the borders of the russian federation. i think it really isn't aggressive move. the exercise in the black sea area was in response to the failures and the expulsion of the united states from afghanistan. so the united states has to show re assertiveness that it's still a leader in the so called free world. it lacks any recognition really, spheres of influence,
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just like if the russians were to come in to the area of gulf of mexico tomorrow, you could believe that there would be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth in washington. the united states feels that it can do it to others, but it cannot be done to itself. it's part of that exceptionalism concept that the united states sliced to tout around the world, in a sort of a bravado way. and it's getting tiring. brits could soon be having to pay double just to heat their households. that's according to you. k fuel poverty monitor, which is something a plant increase to the energy price cap coming next. april. the cost of living in the u. k. is at its highest level in a decade with household energy bills, the biggest driver, when the costs of essential services go up. those on lower thing comes get hit. hardest estimate is some, 4000000 british households are currently behind on their energy bills issue into 10000 deaths nationally caused by cold homes. the latest polling suggests that half
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of the country is more worried even about the cost of heating than it is about cov james anderson, founder of a company that provides emergency heating to the elderly, says the u. k. government isn't doing enough to help those in fuel poverty. the fuel cliff should the united kingdom is very severe because the usage is very high on the cost is very high with button usage. people that have to pick between he think of the whole or put a food on the table, in my opinion, my honest opinion, the call them a gun, not taking any steps at all to reduce who you or who pompey within the united kingdom in the correct manner the mile over in europe, fairs are fil poverty. there are also growing with energy prices high and winter reducing the scope of green energy governments dishing out aids to help poor homes as well as businesses. he shall ado because he takes
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a closer look. as the bitter cold hits europe, everyone is doing their best to stay warm, but his natural gas prices are 5 times higher than they were a year ago. there is a real concern that states across the block, good face shortages or even potential blackouts. many including luca here in paris, face a winter full of difficult decisions. says corner dish. oh no. we have already received a reminder for the charges for heating once that's increased, while at the same time we have less heating. so myself and several tenants are really worried about the choices we will have to make. people are already having difficulty, so it's not easy. we feel a little neglected. living hand to mouth is worrying a, becoming more normal in some of you rips richest nations at the facility. literally feel safe. we'll have to make choices. we will have to buy cheaper foods that are
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lesson traditional math problems like that. people will lose their health. tens of millions of people in europe are already living in energy poverty. and there are fears that this figure is about to see a steep rise. you rips energy crisis has been building for months now. governments across the block of try to put in place measures in an attempt to alleviate the strain on households. for example, here in france, the poorest households are to receive a one off payment of a $100.00 euros to help them shield from those price rises. italy is put in place a 3000000000 euro aid package, while the spanish government has passed emergency measures that redirects billions of euro's from the profit of energy companies to consumers in a bid to lower their bills. yet, despite such measures,
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many fear they simply will not be enough. what is this structural problem in anna? she policy shaping and policy making in many countries is who is really in charge? we have an interaction, offer various authorities, bodies, and on the other hand, we have seen various galler man said being very much occupied with themselves. so there is an energy in my eyes. it's still not yet having to priority it should house throughout the e. u. member states are facing the same issue over various sources of energy, including natural gas. why? well, although the pandemic saw large scale industry and even work place is pretty much closing down when the locked downs were lifted, the demand short straight back up. and the companies just haven't been able to keep pace to add to that, but e. u is also trying to move towards renewable energy,
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such as wind power, yet low winds. in 2021 have meant that there's been less renewable energy being produced. these have always deemed the days bits and of generation where experts have been warning against a possibility or even broke ability offer a of a stance still in the world of renewables. photovoltaic and went fox. the one that is now in the thought of come back is nuclear. at that i always say within to european union, not only that we don't dispose of a common energy policy. we don't even dispose of something like a common energy mentality as may say. because that is a completely different attitudes to for instance, nuclear energy, l, east and west of the rhine, some e u countries, i'm the u. s. still opposing rushes completed nord stream to pipeline saying it
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would make you far too reliant on russian gas. others that you say the link is vital so that people can heat the homes at reasonable prices. such political games could end up pushing more people into fuel poverty this winter, and even cost them that lives. charlotte, even ski r t. paris canadians stranded in south africa, struggling to make sense of the government's rules for returning home post on the chromebook. if from some of them after the show, lou ah, join me every thursday on the alex simon, she'll. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics, sport, business,
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i'm show business. i'll see you then. oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed? what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows.
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oh, okay, this round of music briefly now, starting with france when next year's election is all ready creating tension. ah, this is the scenes that the 1st rally of the right winged presidential hopeful, eric the more he's known, present integration views, and racism activists. when is to infiltrate as events, the moon's making his way to the stage when a man charge dance him and briefly put him in a headlock. thousands of demonstrators march through the belgian capital to protest against anti coated restrictions rightly sees water can disperse, protest to some of whom through flares. in return over the weekend, there were similar rallies across europe, including in austria, france, and slipping. local. if you open community gather to protest in the lebanese capital of bay rich, they are against us interference in ethiopia,
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which have been gripped by conflicts main rebel group. i think the government is the tick gray people's liberation front country under sanctioned by the u. s. a. slammed washington fractions. it says legitimize the separatist group the canadian governments being accused of leaving gets citizens in south africa or in the lurch without a clear way of returning back home. confusing girls have been imposed by all to her in the wake of the new omicron variant, allowing flight suddenly through one particular airport in frankfort. our correspondence is south africa pool. a slip explains. dozens of canadians off stranded in south africa after the canadian government announced it would not accept the results of covert test done in this country. the uproar led to a last minute change. now if you book a flight to frankfurt and only frank for no other german city and you arrive in canada within 48 hours of leaving south africa, you'll be left in confusing and stressful to say the least. we know you've now
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heard the bad news, but you're not going to be able to board the flight night. a group of travelers with kicked off a flight at the last minute off to their wives at the airport and we're waiting to board a plane out of the country. first came the announcement that canadian citizens were only a now to fly back to canada via ethiopia. where they would have to get out of the a port go to a hotel, do a covert taste and wait for the results. but get the e, c o p, it is on kennedy's no fine list because of the civil war they. so ottaway is potentially prepaid to home, its own citizens safety rather than having to co, the taste in the country. canadians are stranded in south africa. they're definitely trying to get assistance from this government. they're having to jump through hoops just to find in affordable pcr tests. or a safe flight back home. it really struck me that it is citizens, really trying to help citizens, citizens of south africa, marquez,
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citizens of canada. it's not the government trying to help citizen. and i think it really needs to be the other way around the canada saying we trust the south african scientists enough to block our own citizens from getting home and put so many different obstacles in place for them to get home. but at the same time, we don't have enough to take them so you can't be tested in south africa. and that makes so deeply know, seems to me when i goldman was in south africa with her husband, where she celebrated her father. when he was 90th birthday, she was one of the lucky few to get to frankfort some way she spoke with us while in transit. basically, you need to have it to africa. you just get on the flight to germany, then you need to, you know, in transit. they will be robbing toronto. we have a case, we then have to current teen and hotel. and so we get back negative. if it's negative, we allowed to go home that have to current team for the full team days as well as
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get a taste on day. and even if it's negative, we still have to quarantine for 14 days. i just don't understand why they want to fix that problem me, but then in place to maintain that it's actually causing chaos. in south africa, i've had a group of what we've been over like a few weeks now to 100 people. and it was in a panic for those canadians currently here they have a massive scramble to swap tickets by new ones and get co. the test results. no mean feat when south africa's covert figures are wising and the pasting seemed to cannot promise they'll get results out quickly. options are running out for those canadians stuck in the country as they try to navigate confusing travel rules. simply to get back home. pointlessly our teeth, johannesburg, south africa. ryan knows the ceo of south africa. the largest private health insurer says that down over testing in this country, all groundless. our genetic screening of samples in south africa is outstanding,
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the best in the world. and hence lead to this early detection of on the wrong. so, you know, failure to accept covered testing from south africa is confusing. it's a great sadness when politics interferes in science. and it is a very distressing situation. for many people who are seeking to travel at this time of year punishing south africa this way by limiting travel and effectively imposing a lock down from external countries. really dis, incentivize those kind of behavior from around the world. so it really is difficult to understand. failure to provide equal worldwide access to vaccines could result in new coverage strains emerging. the warning coming from the president of the international federation of the red cross, he gave an exclusive interview to r t, where he discussed not only the war on covet, but also the poland bella roost migrant crisis. he was speaking with my colleague
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will reception and there were some county 9 european union, for example, we administer that there dosa. while in africa we sta, louisa raised that tisa temper, sandy boonies, engrossed with 0 percent. so something that says, morgana said that what we're ready to go so far, we are ready to scale up our activities in africa. but daddy shoes about validated the, the vaccines to have access to the vaccines. we have to put pressure on the pharmaceutical companies. there you will be an union, the united states, u. k. we invested the b unsolved dollars sa, ends, researcher due to the dual to make this vaccine accessible. so why the boy discount ended up being county is that, that does not derive that to have access. so i think these, it should be a common gold, not something that said belong to the, to the, from a central young company is the beginning. there. believe me, i did it on them. it has been politicized to look at they, they did,
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they did the level of the fake news or their day even political lisa had to spread . busy around award. so this is something that unfortunate has been 40. this iser bukasa you test to do with the fear of the people. it's up to the political leader to follow they, they advise is coming from they sankey, community to least and not to them, to walk with them to avoid the total, to vote at the, on the same level and diesel to the media is an important responsibility. yes, and tv community and people the media and the governments are continuing to ring the alarm bells over this very end. but we're having the w h o. the chief australian medical officer and the south african medical association saying don't panic. what do you say we should follow the. the advisors coming from the debris had shaw in this and given community saw, dwarfed, and a political lead us and the government's out substituting a there this and given community in dealing with a call in 19 and,
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and it is day to deal to may davie and sat in terms of our over, ah, did, did, did the reason why we have these new very answer. so we have cold. it will you may davy. the incident that without, i brought my vaccination without giving access to any human beings up to the vaccines. the risk of new volumes, sir hays age of very high aga, and we can not blame also, these is another aspect of it, for as is, it is of concern. we cannot, we cannot blame the south africa scientists, a tool to hook for heavy anger. i opened a door to the scientific community about these new discovery galaxy, i think was i was it with a dea, unfortunately is not working as expected. so the number of distribution, all of the vaccines for i'll go on. my callback sir, is i ism, is not so high aga and i, we, we expected much more ride them. so general, she from the international community and there, and they had the idea that was
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a good idea. he was due to give the priority and then of distribution by callback. so today medical doctors to the nazis that are working on the front line. and unfortunately this is working or less. this is keep a sense or fire. so then i'm, they said very, very, very law and that is issa eyes and i did aspect of the international committee should take as easily in consideration. so we have to do more intensive distribution and giving access the better will split cross with this part of the international federation. i see that the moment is dead winger i good job. of course this is now not a mid term, a long term solution that area hosted in a shelf dera, but so far they are in a warmer environment. and then we are engaging in the attic discussion we de mer, man, the government of mendoza, door to find either solution now for them and put on the unfortunately we don't have access said to the board to unfortunately i'm not even nineties. i. so he's on a full consent for myself that i'm not surprised about,
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or the european union now. and there were just county ira reacting in dealing with the human beings. this is, and i'm wondering if we are losing global humanity because it's not about every county has the right to set up policies for migrations. we are not questioning. if some out i added the humanity or which we have to, to treat every human beings. this is the only point that we are raising to day let, impotent, we'll be making his 2nd trip abroad since the sauntered the pandemic. he's heading off to india, a country long regarded by rusher as a privileged strategic partner that he countries foreign ministers. they've already met their sokulaf. proffer is set to give a briefing, surely to the media wants that stops, will go live to it to now that we're going to wrap things up for this broadcast i, as i said, i'll be going straight to that press conference set as it gets underway and if it isn't the next 30 minutes, i'll be back with the headline,
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oh is your media a reflection of reality? ah, in a world transformed what will make you feel safer? hi, solution for community. are you going the right way or are you being led to somewhere? which direction? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah, it's lucky i'm being a no, no,
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no, no, but i just a middle now i own my head up my lap and i had a knuckle. but my love bob again thought no alarming up at a bit a well, i mean a happy boy. lation spoke with sonya. not in a ah, on own island in the philippines. boom, top pinot and barren gay. the philippines underwater klondike were divers here. find gold beneath the waves just off the coast.
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ah, 3, this is civil in. just like all the others. he came to pendleton to make his fortune with the band while he's doing so. civil rena tells us how things work around here. ah, ah, nice shape, uncle. i no longer winkle mattress and a boy. i don't know uncle mom. she said i did not know what alarm number he said.
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