tv News RT December 9, 2021 5:00am-5:31am EST
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that the world you live in abolish slavery long ago. ah ah no longer a beacon of democracy and perhaps never was a major international poll. revealed startling thoughts on america's image abroad, especially as most countries surveyed are bound to take part in a democracy summit hosted by the u. s. u s. treasury threatens american journalists with hefty fines. if they work for certain publications. one author daniela's has his story with us. us treasury power is enormous and that of an individual freelance journalist who's and i was microscopic but some of them are so frightened they are unwilling even to give interviews like this one. and the number of countries registering the new omicron strain of cobit more than doubles to 57 since last week. the w h o talks to, i'll tell you about the threats it poses. i'm really hopeful that 1st of all,
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the act vaccines will work reasonably well. and secondly, that this doesn't prove to be a much nasty virus than the earliest strength ah, are good to have you with this lie promoteco. this is our t international. i'm calling brain with the world news. there's our 1st over a 100 nations will take part in a democracy summit over the next 2 days, hosted by us president joe biden. and america is setting the bomb, dividing the world into who it thinks the good and the bad, something that china says it's got no moral right to do. may if you're watching the food. oh good. yeah. the u. s. claims to be a champion of democracy in human rights, but has hidden it's past and hypocrisy to day. the u. s. has no moral authority to judge whether the rest of the world is democratic or not. no matter how the u. s.
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glosses over itself, it's true, face of seeking, had gemini, under the guise democracy, has long been exposed to the world, the so called summit for democracy. well, let me go down in history as a manipulator and saboteur of democracy with what i had of the gathering of a 16000 people from around 16 advanced economies. took part in major research, shown america's image abroad, and the results to make good reading for washington. more than half of respondents don't think the united states is a good example to follow with almost a quarter saying it never has been for more about what else is apparently incompatible with democratic values. his artes kind of open. the u. s. government sponsored summit for democracy has already begun. joe biden is presenting it as his glorious call to spread freedom and human rights around the world. in the lead up to it, a national anti corruption program was announced. our real estate markets are at risk of becoming a safe haven for criminals collette to crafts and others, seeking to pock corrupt profits by the planners say that money laundering via the
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sale of paintings is very hard to regulate. this is something the white house may be very familiar with. joe biden's, son hunter biden has just discovered some artistic talent. his paintings have sold for half a $1000000.00, not bad for someone who just started painting. although not everyone is impressed. the 3rd painting you may recognize this name is a 100 biden. now you may think that such an exclusive ok that, that 100 biden is in such exclusive company that he would have a background, you know, artistic training for example. but you would be wrong if you thought that. and you might think that he had some sort of apprenticeship with a world renowned artist, but you would be wrong again if you thought that, or perhaps that he has been selling his works for years. and again, unfortunately you would be wrong, this is not just a 100 bind story, it is a bite and family story and it's corrupt. and they're basically thumbing their noses at at,
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at everybody because nobody seems to want to hold them into account. hunter biden is a jack of all trades. it would seem. he got paid $50000.00 a month by bruce ma holdings, a company in ukraine, even though he had never worked before in the gas and oil sector. and some people looked into this and thought maybe his father got him the gang, and that does not exactly wreak of squeaky clean politics. however, papa biden has always denied any foul play. we have great confidence in our son. i'm not concerned about any accusations been made against him. it's used to get to me under biden, also on 10 percent of the chinese investment company known as the h r. though he now announces he intends to sell his stake. when asked to clarify the relationship gen saki, the white house spokesperson didn't have much to say. the president, son is not an employee at the federal government. so i had pointed to his representatives. joe biden just recently gave quite a bit of good publicity to broader electric bus company. now it just so happens
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that jennifer granholm, who he appointed as secretary of energy, is a major shareholder. given that status the up to $5000000.00 in value of investment, the secretary run home continues to hold and prosper. ink is position to increase in lights for personal on substantial involvement in an aggressive, wide ranging on tireless public relations campaign. to promote electric vehicles, batteries on charging infrastructure with jo biden's, democracy extravaganza kicking off. it's worth noting that recent polling data shows very few. thank you. as democracy sets a good example, we decided to ask americans how they view their national leaders. do you think the american political lead is corrupt? sometimes not always. it depends on who the candidate is in which party you support . yeah. well, they're all serving their own self interest. and then on the american interest, american people's interests at heart. do you believe the corruption allegations
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against hunter biden? yes. if you read the news and you listened to see in an you'll see how biden just did everything to cover up for a son. if they were more open about it and actually investigating it and found that there was nothing, then i'd okay, i'd be fine with that. but the fact that they're hiding everything makes me more suspicious. lots of big talk from the biden administration about fighting corruption around the world. but perhaps they should take a look a little closer to home caleb bobbin r t new york. george semi valley from a london based thing tank on international affairs says the sudden buzz around corruption is just another tool to control other countries. the southern preoccupation with corruption is a way for. busy the united states to control other countries in particular control . busy that financial transactions, and this is the piece with this democracy summit, the united states. a government is now under the control,
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joseph biden. and he's the department of justice. is treasury department all take the the from the president and investigate from the by many will the lead investigator to buy all of this time he's financial transaction and his son, extreme success as an office. i remember buying the announced what was the sometime in the fall of. busy 2020, i think that, well, he's been told that he's under investigation by the federal government. well, time is the last and this investigation is obviously going nowhere. american journalists to being threatened with massive fines if they were for to perceive this the wrong publications to contribute to a cycle. the strategic culture foundation for steve stern warnings from the us treasury. this last it was sent to daniela's, advent of michael of echo,
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who are both new york based journalist. it says the s c f is on the list of band organizations accused of election meddling, and the u. s. citizens who engage in transactions with the foundation liable to find to at least $300000.00. daniela's ash and his personal experience with it was a warning regarding future articles. so essentially, if i write for sci fi and gauge and any kind of transaction, which i assume means any, an exchange of money, i could be hit with massive fines that were completely destroy my finances. so i was taken aback. i was, you know, concerned certainly, but actually had stopped writing for se yes. since the previous, you know, of 4 or 5 months earlier. so i didn't feel personally threatened. but others who, who want to continue writing for the f works dreamily frightened fair. they have all stopped writing from the site because really there's just, it's, you know, it's impossible to, to battle the us treasury in this kind of case. the u. s. treasury's power is,
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is enormous. and that of a, of an individual freelance journalist is microscopic. but some of them are so frightened, they're unwilling even to give interviews like this one. so you know, so this is what it's showing effect means they're, they're unwilling to write and they're unwilling even to talk about why they, why they're too afraid to write a threat to make up part of a targeted sanctions campaign announced by the treasury secretary in april treasury will target russian leaders, officials intelligence services and their proxies that attempt to interfere in the us electro process or of bertie as democracy. this is the start of a new us campaign against russian line behavior. the us government claims the strategic culture foundation is controlled by russia's foreign intelligence agency, the s b r. and that is also linked to the russian foreign ministry of the foundation denies this and called itself a research platform on duration global affairs. we've contacted the see to get
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a further response to the claims and we're waiting to hear back from the us treasury to we'll let you know if we get an answer. meantime, daniela's as says a dangerous precedent has already been said. i think that the that the at the s c f, the foundation hosts honest journalism. even though i don't, i don't, don't agree with much of it. this is, this is serious work by serious journalists. and that is a supporter of a free speech and a free press. i believe that readers should have access to this. ready kind of stuff and, and yet if the u. s. government is trying to close it down and therefore trying to stop information, which is usually at variance with official u. s. policy from reaching from reaching audiences, including audiences in the us, to stop journalists from writing for these kinds of websites as a new step. and i think that, and i was surprised because because the united states, in fact has
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a very good track record on when it comes to a free press. i mean, in america we can say anything we want, you know, i can write the most outrageous things about george w bush or joe biden and not have to worry for a moment about a, the search secret police crashing through my door. but now. 2 things may be changing slightly and it doesn't the order. well. the number of countries, whether do cove at variance omicron is registered has more than doubled in just over a week. the world health organization has the strain has now been found in 57 countries . so far a new policy is a big introduced. ever fears that the rate of hospitalizations could now rise. and we also the w. h. o special envoy on cobra from his perspective on the very end people do not understand enough about this paris. nobody knows for sure how nasty ami chrome is that there's information coming through that it's,
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it's not too awful. ready and this is good, but it takes time to sort these things out and we're in a kind of odds on stage at the moment where we're breaking for the results of the research. what i want to say is everybody keep doing the stuff that you know what to do, even if you're bored a bit. and sooner or later we'll find out how bad only cronies. some companies saying their back scenes will work other saying they can a need a booster for them to be effective. all this will come clear, it usually takes about 4 weeks and i anticipate that will happen, but privately inside my. so just because you asked me, i'm really hopeful that 1st of all, the acts vaccines will work reasonably well. and secondly, that this doesn't prove to be a much nasty virus than the earliest trains. i've been involved in controlling disease outbreaks and pandemic since 2005. that's quite a few years. the one thing i've learned try never to force people to do
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things through various incentives like fines or even nasty things. mandates are a last resort and the use of vaccines in children is because that is thought that vaccination will help to reduce circulation of the barrison children. but right now, the world health organization sticks with its recommendation that vaccines should be used for people who are at risk of severe illness and death. there are still an awful lot of susceptible people around even when you've got 70 percent vaccination coverage. and this high right of, of cases, you're being driven by the set to bose. secondly, there does seem to be a capacity for the borrower to re impact people,
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especially if it is some months since they either had their previous infection or had their immunization, the protection doesn't last for life, it wears off. so that's, i think, the reason why we're doing the spikes, even dagwoods high vaccination here without a from moscow still ahead for you this, our president biden's migration policies are in the spotlight after a slumping deportations. and the reintroduction of a trump era policy led to a surge of the border in arizona. it's our next story when we come back. ah. the dynamism of the ecosystem of planet earth predictably is dying because there's too much pollution, whether it's landfill pollution collision or the rivers pollution in the oceans. pollution in the air, chemical pollution, permanent chemical, pollution, all the bio systems are dying. so humans effectively estimating mass suicide,
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hello again, the governor of the us state of arizona is calling out the biden administration over it's migration policies. he said, border patrols are overwhelmed and national guards have been called up because of what he called biden's piecemeal policies. the biden administration's miss direction is encouraging migrant families to take a long and dangerous journey as thousands arrive at the border. local law enforcement is overwhelmed with processing. this search creates a safety and humanitarian crisis for both arizonans and migrants. deportations of drop by route, 80 percent during the biden presidency, according to a migration control thing tank. the center for immigration studies, analyze data from the federal agency that handles the legal entry known as ice. a. notice that the deportation of criminals also fell, or the director policy studies of the group behind the report explain to us what's happening with us migration were at a time of historically high, illegal immigration, and historically low enforcement when ice agents are not allowed to
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make arrests, as they were in the past, under the new policies, that means that the serious criminals that are typically the priority for enforcement are allowed to stay in american communities instead of being sent back to their homes. and when criminals are allowed to stay here, typically they re offend and create new victims and continue to cause problems in this country. so this is an unnecessary public safety risk and ease. i'm damaging communities that have to absorb criminals who otherwise would be sent home. the biden administration, though, has been under pressure and reinstated a trump here, a program where migrants returned to mexico to await their recital decisions. the announcement of the relaunch sent masses of desperate people to the us border to try and get in before it started working again. and the scramble we heard about in
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arizona, jessica bowen says more should be done to prevent legal crossings. this is a matter of policy. it's not a matter of resources or immigration system is badly in need of reform. we need to have measures in place that result in more enforcement, more tools for immigration enforcement more a programs that allow state and local law enforcement agencies to help ice do its job. and i think we need more money for enforcement directly at the border as well . more barriers to prevent people to keep a, to cross illegally a desperate attempt to save itself from a payout is after over flailing economic policies. the biden administration has reportedly tried to reshape its media coverage. a senior cnn correspondent dropped a bombshell report claiming that senior white house officials have been briefing, major american newsrooms on how they should cover the economy. the white house,
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not happy with the news media coverage of the supply chain and economy has been working behind the scenes trying to reshape coverage and its favor. senior white house and admin officials have been briefing major newsrooms over the past week as ballooning prices and supply chain problems at american consumers. the biden team's been getting a rough ride from the public over it's economic policies of fan and itself rolled out a few optimistic headlines, some going, as far as stating that inflation can actually be good for every day americans. although many of finding that optimism a little suspicious, this sounds a lot like the start of a state propaganda roll out and the media is just proud lead meeting. they are part of it. cnn is actually bragging about this, which means c, n, n, n y c m s, and b, c, y po, we're all in attendance, ready to take orders. all american journalist and commentator chadwick more claims that say, and i just pretend to give vitamin a tough time, what does make it strain?
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does that proudly reporting on this kind of ring then trying to reaffirm their commitment to neutrality and to pretend like they've been giving divided this ration the time when it's nothing compared to what they do in the last president period, we're going to be very powerful. forces out of many that worked tirelessly to get this president elected and to trash and slander the former president into oblivion or so they taught me. don't forget. during the 2016 election, we had all those email leaks that showed that that clipping campaign was colluding with reporters and presenters on cnn about what questions to ask during debate and how to frame certain things. and that could be what we're steering here with abided ministration. they show up to see it as obviously, and they explain, you know, they're unhappy with the bad reporting. the for boarding from seattle that i think the real situation is probably much worse. the real, like
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a nomic situation in this country than even seeing that is reporting you should invest more money in its military development to avoid the risk of lagging behind other major powers. that's the warning from the blocks foreign policy chief who says a significant gap already exists. we did have been union and a member to stage. we need to do much more together. and we need to to do much more together. right now. we cannot wait because they charged for as a symbol either we invest a lot on defense innovation or we will become defense irrelevant. according to the european defense agency, the body that's responsible for military cooperation and development within the block. the you spent a record 198000000000 euros on defense last year. even despite pandemic, hardship. however, only one percent of that was allocated to the research and development of new
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technologies. when the goal was to spend double about a man. what's more that 7 times less than what america spent among other proposals to strengthen the humidity tree. that is also a document known as a strategic compass which revives the idea of the creation of an independent european army that could be rapidly deployed to tackle any crisis on that paper also underlines the necessity of a common approach to military issues and increase spending on it now gemini and pay that we spoke to says the suppose military threat is far from being the use main challenge right now. from the beginning of the developing of the europe, sweetie. there was always included the idea to have her own strong military arm that say are most of the european union. now the military thinking a very much developing in the european union now they're pushing for have, having higher spend it sure on, on, on military issues. and to have more,
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whoever included, to recap us, it use both as well for a policy. the question is protected against whom i have all think that the european union is so at the moment under um, um, current stretch from, from milton military terms are from anybody we. ready have problems with coverage, and i don't see that anybody is now trying to attack military the european union. everything from workplace robots to spy gadgets, all developed by young science enthusiasts here in russia the world and the autism costano have been getting a glimpse of the future. so we are at a young scientists congress, which is essentially a very upscale version of a science fan. we all know and well, some of us love. and so we've come here to see would some of the young visionaries have brought to this show and tell, ah,
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okay, so this start hair shows off all sorts of, exoskeletons, from full on terminate to like, suits, well, for the lack of a better analogy to some of the move, well rug sac looking types there intended to be utilized in such fields as construction agriculture, basically with any type of a hard manual labor. and well, i'm about to try one of these on. ah. okay, so i'm, i guess some might be looking like a full but this is very tight. like you can feel that it is very good form. you know, if you need anything to keep your back straight, if you need, if you have any sort of back problems, this is already a solution. and well, let's see if firm, if it's going to be good enough for me. if, if i, if i find it easier, lifting any sorts of weight. so these are about 5 kilos. and again,
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i've been told that it doesn't make, it doesn't make stuff lighter for you, but rather it redistributes the weight that you're holding. so certain contraptions here they are, well, i'd say borderline spyware. this here is a fake base station. so what it does, it's scans the area for the existing cellular towers, and then it imitates one of them, pretends to be one of them. so when say your mobile device connects to it, it thinks it is connecting to a legitimate nothing out of the ordinary world base station, but instead and connects to this one. and apparently you can do and manipulate a lot of things using this ice. ah. busy
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so this device here has been designed forbes scientist, essentially whenever they inject a lab animal with anything with sarah, they're studying, it helps them show and helps them see where the substance that they're studying. the substance that they're injected. a mouse, in this case where it travels, if it accumulates in the right spot, like here. and if it accumulates in the right amount, the developers, he, i telling you that it has great potential for medicine. while this conference that wraps up the official year of science here in russia, but the organizers say that, well, yes, they come and go, but their developments, they are here to stay makers dawn of reporting from. so t r t c. and that's it for me calling bray. thanks for choosing. i'll try to update you this thursday. andrew farm was going to be here with your next global news from moscow. after old you kaiser report?
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ah, i am match taiser. this is the kaiser report. i've just heard of new phrase, global stilling. what is that? i don't know. let's ask this will max, remember we just retired. the word transitory. according to jerome, how the chairman of the federal reserve bank, he said we need to retire that word. well, global stilling is kind of a retirement of the climate cycles. so i've just heard of this word for the 1st time. as you mentioned, i did google and i do see a lot of references going back over the past few years. so it's not something
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actually new is something new in the headlines. and that is the global stilling is essentially that though in the past few decades, there have been 15 percent less wins, power and energy in the wind. right. that is partly due to, as we keep on saying right, the arctic area gets, is getting warmer and warmer. so there's less of a, of a discrepancy between the, the arctic temperatures and the equator, like it's not driving as much wind as it used to. we saw this, this is why, normally has the money printing caused the price of natural gas and oil to rise. but we also saw over the past year, what has happened is that the wind energy was reduced throughout europe. and therefore, they have huge systems in the nor see across europe to provide wind energy. however,
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the wind energy did not arrive this past year, and that is called global stilling the headline on this reeds. where has the wind gone? global stilling is blamed as wind speeds drop across europe, cutting green energy production, threatening to drive up energy prices even further. from me, this is a great metaphor for essentially the financial system. we always talk about this fractional nature of our culture society, the economy, nature, everything around us as a fractal of each other. and we have a kind of global stilling and the money supply, this new velocity of money. they could print all they want, but there's no movement. there's no energy behind the economy. and thus the, the, the money to sit there like this doesn't move the same thing with a wind energy. it's not there.
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