tv Keiser Report RT December 9, 2021 5:30am-6:00am EST
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this past year, and that is called global stilling the headline on this reeds. where has the wind gone? global stilling is blamed as wind speeds drop across europe, cutting green energy production threatening to drive up energy prices even further . for me, this is a great metaphor for essentially the financial system. we always talk about this fractional nature of our culture society, the economy, nature, everything around us as a fractal of each other. and we have a kind of global stilling in the money supply. this new velocity of money, they can print all they want, but there's no movement. there's no energy behind the economy. and thus the, the, the money to sit there like this doesn't move the same thing with a wind energy. it's not there. and we've set up these elaborate systems to capture the wind energy, and it's almost like a quantum sort of nature of it that it,
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it sees us building the systems and decides what we're not gonna blow right. the money velocity we know is turning toward 0. you know, we've been reporting that for years, no matter how much money they print, stopping alone doubt it's not causing velocity or wind in the economy. and that's why the economy is stagnating and people are saying, hey, reading into stagnation by luck. the dynamism of the ecosystem of planet earth predictably is dying because there's too much pollution, whether it's landfill pollution collision or the rivers pollution in the oceans. pollution in the air, chemical pollution, permanent chemical, pollution, all the bio systems are dying. so humans effectively are committing mass, suicide, or species is becoming extinct. the good news is that big coin brings back the dynamism. that's why we should applaud the volatility and big coin when it's all trading wildly between, you know, 200023260230000. that's life. that's the way that's what we need to breathe.
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the wind of dynamism, back into the human experience on planet earth. that's what it's telling us. that's the hope. if we don't adopt a global bitcoin standard and we keep the standard that we are virtual and we are guaranteed to euthanize our species on this planet, nobody else. and the men averse would care at this that we have overstayed our welcome with all of our garbage and obesity. so won't be a big loss, but that's what, that's the trend. so again, back to the story of the global filling and comparing it to the global economy is that we have a situation where if you imagine a sail boat in the middle of the ocean trying to get from one point to the other. if there is no wind in their sales, they just sit there unless they want to get out and start rowing, right? so we're at that point in our economy that we have to either start rowing and that is perhaps moving to a plan b. moving to bit point, moving to an alternative system because at the moment the architects of the current
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system are stuck on stupid. they're stuck there and they don't wanna figure a way out of this. there's no wind in the sales there. the velocity of money on the pile of money is huge. we have massive m one m to any. so anyway, you count and they keep on trying to change it. but nevertheless, every single way you possibly count the money supply. there's an enormous pile of it. it's sitting with 2 or 3 or 4 guys, or 4 banks and a few, you know oligarchs, it's sitting there, it's not moving. there's no energy into the system. it's not circulating in the system. the money is supposed to be the lubricant for the energy. the dynamism of the system they've decided to just give up there, reminds me of during the black plague, years in europe. you remember this? well, i was reading about this and the churches would simply throw the corpses into the basement of the church. and they were pile up 1015 corpses high. and the parishioners upstairs would really complain about the smell. and they're wondering, you know, and we're getting sick from all the smell. why is that?
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you know, they don't understand that having rotting corpses in the basement, hundreds of them will make you ill. so the central bankers don't understand that by printing rotted, pos, infested theat money. black plague enabled garbage and, and injecting it into the ecosystem in the hundreds of trillions of dollars would be like injecting cyanide into somebody at the hospital. it's not going to be a good outcome. they don't get it. they are. oh, you know, kind of like the, their serial killers. well, whatever you want to call them, you can call and serial killer psychopath. sociopath murderers leads kings, monarchs, oligarchs, whatever you want to call them, they have no wind in their sales. and you the passengers, the bottom 99.9 percent deplorable passengers. you could either sit on there and wait for your elite and oligarchs to figure out what to do, or you can get off. you can find a different way around this because, i mean,
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you know, they obviously haven't invested in the system. they just keep doubling down on this system that fails. even the u. s. banking system still runs on cobol, which hasn't, it's a 60 year old software program, right? but with this energy grid. and it's interesting because the energy underlies everything, as you mentioned, the economy can't move forward without energy, without the oil production, without energy production, we can't have anything, right? so they're trying to reduce the energy, perhaps, maybe to make their economy look better. but they're, they've built the systems, these renewable energy grid. they've invested a lot. and now all the things they thought were, what it was can be like, the past doesn't necessarily equal what the future returns will be i, the winds are not there. so just look at some of the data. what happened in the united kingdom, especially this past summer?
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britain, the wind powered output as a total percentage of installed capacity, hit just 11 percent between february and march of 2021. that amounted to the countries longest spell of low wind and over a decade reports the f t. and as recently as september, 6, wind power provided less than 3 percent of the case total extra city generation compared with annual averages of 18 percent. so there's a huge collapse in it at the same time. you know, just as we mentioned on the previous episode, they have to blame somebody else. so they use it as an excuse, the hype of the war and tensions with russia and other oil producers saying it's their fault. not that we invested all this money into this wind power, and the wind power has failed. it's like you could see it in the actual data because of the electricity price situation in the united kingdom at the moment. all right, and as the joke about the kid, he kills his parents. he goes to the front of the judge and the judge says,
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how do you play it? he says, innocent, please be lenient with me because i am now an orphan. right? so there is great britain, they killed the economy, they killed their when generation capacity. they are stupid, and they want to the world to bail them out again. you know, we already bell them out like 3 or 4 times in the last 20 years. i'm not bailing out great britain again. well, you know, that is just the situation we reported out. we're looking at it now. i'm sorry, it's the daily mail. people compete, you know, complain about that, but the daily mail is the only one not behind a paywall. we can go to reuters, you can go to financial times, but they're all behind pay walk. so we're covering it using that out. that's the case. the main is usually quantifiable. they, they, they did something stupid. but what, when was the last time they did something smart? exactly, but there is an entropy of rotten decay as we've covered over the last year, especially in the institutions in the elite, in the thinking class,
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the people who are supposed to have the answers and i'm saying there is no more wind in their sale. not only economically and financially, but culturally and societal wise. so either step off and that's what i'm gonna leading up to tell you that this episode is our last episode right here. this year and 2021 in north carolina. we're going to head south because that energy crisis of these leaders in the sale boat with no wind and they're stuck out there. so either we stay here and we freeze over christmas, or we had south to florida to mexico and then to l. salvatore. we're going to chase, you know, that's putting wind in our sales are going to be like we're getting out of here. we're not going to sit in the bottom of this freezing boat, you know, waiting for some answer. we are answering the clarion call of security. we go worse a tow, she calls us, you know, he's calling us to el salvador to continue the work. he called us in 2011. when bitcoin was a dollar and said, we want you max a,
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stacy to spread the gospel of big coin to the world, we did that. we created millions of big coin millionaires. and now we're on a new mission from soto. she taking a south to the equator and i only do what's the tow. she tells me to do. well, we're heading south, we're actually going to make a special program. we'll be making special programs for our c in espanol we're gonna be trying to learn spanish while taking the 6 part series that we're going to do in mexico, in el salvador, we're going to be, you know, showing chronicling our adventures of natalie escaping the energy crisis. but also putting though, as i keep on saying the wind in our sales, because we don't want the global stilling this show does not stay, still we keep moving forward. we progress. and if we have to sacrifice in our book, the problem is when you tell people in britain that there's a global still problem, they think that you're referring to the whiskey still referring to alcohol and you
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know, and if it was a problem, britain you were cutting off the alcohol supply, they would do something, but it's not that so they won't do anything but max reads, where has the wind gone? wow, yeah, i hear you. that's like gone with the wind us or they could be referring to the fact that joe biden has left the country. he was there recently, blowing wind, letting rip wind. you know, it, me, i mean, i, you, at the beginning that this was going to head toward a flatulence joke. i knew that the 2nd you read the headline 56 minutes ago. this was all one big build up to joe biden, flatulence joke. so i didn't want to get in the way of that joke, so i thought, you know what, i'll just let this joke develop. it's going to take a long, long time, and the payoff won't be all that funny. however, let's go with it. well, i think we've had a bit of global stilling in this episode. so we're going to turn to the 2nd half,
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whereby we will be joined by michael hudson. there's no hot air there. no, he's pure signal. i'm excited. don't go away much more coming your way ah, with so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic, development only personally and getting to resist idolatry. how that strategy will be successfully, very difficult time to sit down and talk with
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oh is your media reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? tice relation, whole community. are you going the right way? where are you being led somewhere? i right. what is true, was his way in the world corrupted. you need to descend. ah, so join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah ah
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ah, welcome back to the kaiser report, i max kaiser time now to return to our conversation with dr. michael hudson, he's out with his 3rd edition of super imperialism. it's a book that is a classic. it's being re read again as we see. kind of the american us dollar gemini, empire di i mean what you predicted what happened, dr. michael hudson. i believe the book came out in 19 seventies and you know what you said was in place and laying out the road map to imperial decline in the u. s. dollar. hegemony is val. it seemingly playing out and be, are 20212022. and in the next year or so, is that, is that the case? yes or no. other countries are understood how the dollar standard works. they don't want to be a part of my book, super very listen to. so less than china. i think the 1st edition was 60000 copies
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right away and some book stores single bookstores and sold a 1000 times. so this became a guide to china. i was invited over to meet with numerous party officials there and they decided, well, j if americans print ours and by a fire industry and buyer exports for creating them electronically. we don't want to be a part of that system and our spending is once surrounding us with monetary base was the last thing we want is to recycle our savings and our foreign exchange reserves in the us hours. that goes, battle simply strengthen america is a new cold war. so the, the decision is they wanted the dollar arise and by the dollar rising, this was the source of america's free ride. really, since 1971, 971. right? so the shock troops that work on behalf of the us dollar buyer work at the m f and
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the world bank seemingly. and they're the point people that go out there. you know, john perkins wrote a great book called confessions of and economic hit man talking about how the u. s . in depth corp countries, particularly in central america in ways that are impossible to pay back. and so when they don't pay back, they ask for assets and other things in return, effectively, that's the empire. they said, empire a debt and they threatened violence. the cia is also an instrument of monetary extremism or monetary violence. i would say the primary purpose of the c i would be to enforce the dollar, which as part fragment of the new york times points out is backed by men with on this end quote. is that true? it is true because if the t 2 american control over the rest of the world is financial, is establishing a banking and financial system control,
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then anything that threatens this is going to in america's ability to control other countries. so yes, the ca job is to promote what is america means financial leverage and the thing now over argentina, which is now running into trouble weekend and the pro us argentine and government looked like it was going to lose the election that i m. s. land and the normal amount of no money to our data. so the, all the wealthy urgent tenants and the american companies there could move their money out of argentine, currency into the dollar. and then after the wesley took over the i m. s. r, as in tina drops and the foreign speculators moved against argent, tina. and so the united states can say, you know, whether your country has an oligarchy or democracy. if you have a democracy,
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we're going to crush you. we support oligarchy. we are and that was actually, i think it's vitamins and having the summer between next week between democracy and authoritarian american banking autocracy were the soccer states. our enemy are in the granite countries that actually follow voters to like syria and china, russia. so you're having the whole fight against democracy being coordinated monetarily by the federal reserve and the treasury and militarily, by the c a and the defense department. it seems like this fight against democracy as you describe of it using us dollar as a weapon. as we run out of countries to exploit, these policymakers are looking inward. and so america is now being eaten out from within that
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a fair characteristic. exactly what is happening. this is what happened in rome when you can't exploit other countries any more, your turn with in the class for his banking business there. and you're having a very rapid polarization of the economy and american politics. all right. now, when he wrote super imperialism back in the 7 days, and it's got a 3rd edition coming out and everyone's embracing it, looking at it again because it's such a brilliant but you are at the time kind of transitioning out of your role as a credit analyst at chase bank, you know how you kind of made your bones initially as an analyst. i gotta ask you to put your credit analysts hat on for a 2nd. what's going on in turkey. they currencies in free fall, aragon is lowering interest rates. is that what you would recommend him to do? what, what is basically committed financial suicide in turkey, turkish banks, who for the last 2 years,
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let customers choose whether they want to keep their deposits in lira or us dollars. and so more and more citizens, many friends of mine, and we want to hold their money and us dollars. so there's been a huge flight out of h. if you're going to lower interest rates to try to spur capital investments, you have to have capital controls. and instead of having capital controls or aragon has said, anybody who wants to make a killing, who wants to make a free ride, all they have to do is go to their local bank and say, can you please turn my lira and the dollars? so this throws yet more lira on the foreign exchange market and it's in free fall and it's going down and down and down. and somehow the air to gun believes that this is going to make a more competitive. and what it does is the lira goes down, you're in a weimar,
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hyperinflation. situation where the lower the currency goes. the higher the price in the works is turkey has to import its oil, its fuel, minerals as irons, as products. and all of a sudden, all of the debts, the turkeys you run up in dollars has to be paid with more and more domestic lira. and where is he going to get? it doesn't exist. so the turkey step basically cannot be paid and but as long as air to gun, what's the backs convert domestic lira into into dollars or other foreign currency. the market is going to plunge and plunging lunch. he doesn't have any idea about how banks work, which is why he's fired the last 3 central bank managers. right? but yes, you describe it that sets up. here's the man for dollars and america to keep its
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own bank solvent. can't let those dollars go into default, and that drives the huge money printing by the fed. and that now is turning into inflation in the united states. right? well, i'm not going to suffer from turkey problem. the american banks and the banks so contain the turkish bank. so the foreign kurdish banks, or the us and european had offices, may go under, but it's not going to threaten the united states at all. turkey doesn't really matter what those matter to the united states and turkey of being lost to nato altogether. and turkey was becoming politically unpredictable. country that made move much closer to russia or china if they choose to help with that. but doesn't that fall under the category of the quote, tristan dilemma? explain how that is. i don't, i just described it, you know, where the global reserve currency. we've got to print dollars to keep the empire
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going. and when these things start to fall apart, we end up having to finance the entire globe, which has a blow back, essentially to buy, undermine air on economy. it seems like it's got the whole term driven. the women, i think is a misnomer. the dilemma was the us running a deficit by having the dollar, the world currency and having other countries hold up their treasury. i use, well, the real though is going lemme, the real is for you and foreign countries holding the us guarantee real dilemma because, you know, cut off america's ability to get a free lunch and buy a foreign industry or nothing and bank bankrupt. other countries need dollars in order to pay their foreign or by american grain or whatever. all right, fair enough, i stand corrected. let's talk about super imperialism. you know,
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where can people get a copy of it? now it's in this 3rd edition is coming out of super popular, even in the big going community. why should people be reading this now? well, because toward the end, i give a, the last few chapters around dollarization. and the question is, what are the countries going to do if they don't hold hours, are they going to all the gold? are they? some countries are holding, but going, as we've discussed before. so if you're trying to figure out this massive central bank savings, what is it going to be invested in? well, anyone a buy is probably going to think of other alternatives to the dollar to. so this explains how the world foreign exchange market works. and essentially how you can understand what's happening and if you want make money. all right, so continuing on with this dollar or the printing of dollars, we've got a massive money pump going on us dollars
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a being pump liberally into the economies as you've just described. it and us consumers to some extent are benefiting because they're out there spending on a lot of stuff. but it seems like precursor toward something on the other end of this. what's very unpleasant. can you walk us through that? what is the amount of debt that is going up? people are spending money on the housing which is gone up by about 20 percent last year. it's spending money on mortgages. they're spending money on that they bought . and a lot of these debts, especially in new york state, where i live, who you own a mortgage, or you haven't been able to pay rent because you've been. there's been a more dorian on that service and we're closures that expires in february. and everybody is there in february, they're going to be tens of thousands of new yorkers evicted out on the street.
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losing their homes, crime rates are going to go up. so that, that is, that the people are expecting to explode domestically just it exploded and you know, and other better countries. all right, so we have about 20 seconds left, debt bomb sounds, very poetic. i suppose. what's the timing on this? it looks like it's happening. i got a feeling of it and we're talking the next 12 months. oh, february is when it's scheduled for maria. want to monitor him. expire. so fair enough, february that bomb. thank you dr. michael hudson. the book is super imperialism now . a 3rd edition. pick it up, it's a classic. thank you. well, thanks for having me on that. all righty and that's going to do it for this additional kaiser report with may max kaiser and stacy are but want to thank i guess dr. michael hudson. the book is super imperialism until next time by a
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well, the vendor makes no sense, no borders line to tease a merge. we don't have a charity. we don't have a back see, a whole world needs to take action and be ready. people are judgment, common crisis with we can do better, we should be better. every one is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great. the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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i have often said transparency for the powerful privacy for the bow, less bitter case about privacy. what people care about is power petunia. hassan just become a symbol of the battle. the privacy information is power. that's what's going on in the world issue. struggle with the governments and corporations want to keep information secret and others who the democratic rights should be pushed forward. and people have a right to know when you are doing. watch how assange helped shift the conversation around transparency. come see what that battle has done to him. i feel like julie's life might be coming to an end. we are in a conflict situation with the largest, most powerful employee in such a situation. it's remarkable. he's alive.
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the longer of that kind of democracy and perhaps never was a major international poll revealed starting from america's image abroad, especially at most countries. questions are back to take part in the democracy summit hosted by the united states of the us treasury threatens american journey to test and find that they work for certain publications. one author was shared story us treasures power as a normal database of an individual freelance journalist, microscopic and some of them are self, right. they're unwilling even to give interviews like this one. and the number of countries registering the new on the chrome strain of.
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