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tv   Documentary  RT  December 9, 2021 6:30am-7:01am EST

6:30 am
ah, to join us in the depths ah, or remain in the shallows. ah. gave yost of a joke, but she is not out of battery video. monsieur. closer. pretty much be with can sure to coordinate. a record of lawyer ski boom. yeah. birth, fidelis, mullen. the go pick one of the coin very little less than and then you should it was any other should just stick both with an election. arthur said like a boy video like you to form the actual damage vane v. a. going away from the left or more than as we said, that the chemist out boy was like what you want to talk to. my media studios mentioned you to waste figured out those pretty much last spanish video with the launch pack them
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with. oh oh, rich judge has blocked the extradition of wiki leaks, founder julian assigned to the united states congress with the full, a judge, ruled against extradition because january, 4th, 2021. the latest chapters being written in london, in a case that has made headlines time and again for 10 years. for the us, prosecutors the hackers on trial, a public enemy and cyber terrorist carruthers, a pioneer of investigative journalism, on whose fate press freedom in the west could depend on the assumed case.
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a war with all they do not have the right to go into the mission. busy and if there's, if the so you can you give guys 10. okay. i don't guess. don't mean a for it and we should response interest with i thought it was a bunch in stone with someone outside. oh yes. monitoring, by the way, to people beside happened with
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me on it. it's a legit next time off with anyone's coming in and what do i do? it is broken. ah. in august 2012, the british authorities threatened to storm the ecuadorian embassy in london with his home. they want to arrest julian sons, which would provoke a diplomatic class. why is it so important to see him at any cost? so i moved, i move along, i mean, my move along in
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to understand this. let's go back to 2 more years in 2010. julianna's hunch is at the height of his frame, wikileaks has published thousands of secret u. s. military documents on the walls in afghanistan and iraq. there might be a couple of views of wiki league for, of julia who's, who's got the hero view. who's got the dangerous trouble. make of you all come on. the news caused an uproar on the internet. where is the truth and all of this in this official document, both parties stayed the facts before the british supreme court during a visit to sweden, assange her sexual intercourse with 2 women, the women talk to each other and go to the police. they want to sons trying to go a medical exam to rule out sexually transmitted diseases. a preliminary investigation is opened,
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both women are questioned. the chief prosecutor and stockholm concludes that there are no signs of rape case. ready closed a possible the man of molestation is yet to be clarified. assange voluntarily stays in sweden announces every question during a police interrogation. ready but a high, a prosecutor, marianna ne, decides to reopen the preliminary investigation of a leech grape assange office to be questioned by mariani. ready but the prosecutor's ill, in the end, she grounds her songs commission to lee sweden. he has a lot to do. julian assange can claim his greatest, who yet a quarter of a 1000000 confidential cables sent by us diplomats have been released to 5 newspapers. they contain many explosive claims that would never intended to be made
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public. a few days before the league, sweden issues a european arrest warrant for his sons, an interpol issues, a ret. notice. a man who hasn't been charged is on the list of the most wanted criminals. in london, julianna's sons goes to the police again. this time he's arrested. he's kept in prison for 9 days, and so the tree then he's released on bail more than 280000 euros, raised by his supporters. right. well fresh. oh, love it again, maureen fisher . i'm getting fat. she was
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a why didn't know watch full to reject those shave. so his name pantries foam in addition to wearing an electronic tracker asunder must report to the police station every day. with when expedition seems to be unavoidable. asunder makes an unexpected move. june 19th, 2012 life within 30 square meters begins. ah,
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there's a distance in baja skeleton and the lack of a separate j. juliet his 3rd through the end of the near own acilo t o in nadia is. that is the prism industry one to know. yeah. no, yeah. was he there? can you pull it out of britannica. stop at elisa yet. there are a cell pull yet. are gonna that kind of diplomatic. was it with the in the spring did is the political men to put if i see most political e m p. m a school in epic nearly sorry kim for that he has said, lepper. so not to connect that dick on it. there are some anita when julian called me and said that he was going to ask officer carson, we thought that was the best idea you could ever hear. because it's international stature, would allow him to deal with governments all over the world as well as he was a great lawyer. amazing prosecutor, when the senior, las angela be looking for either the duct or the leather. this will, if it's
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a hoodie or does have to put you through a see your empty yes hip day when a war no a c poor kid. can he okay, i somebody leon gamble deal and especially she was p authorial in a moment. does that mean i will put a piece here. can i have your ah vis valera look at his place so he's still good. i will not practica. and mucho sh i'm with dish. the league 0 leafy thought a moreover, lemme urea. the uniform other sort of bully, the guard kinda mccloskies enough with my to saga fun already knew wikileaks. through the platform he had learned his name appeared in u. s. secret documents with his work in the national high court did not go unnoticed. outside of spain,
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and during his 30 year career gotham investigated drug trafficking networks, all types of organized crime, terrorism against the state, but also the states dirty war on terrorism. and he was the only judge to prosecute osama bin laden, but he also investigated systematic torture at guantanamo. according to this confidential report from the u. s. embassy in madrid, he investigated everything. all this gave him a reputation as ambitious, wanting to be in the spotlight. i know the truth is that gotham soon understood that in a globalized world, justice cannot be limited by national borders from madrid. he prosecuted the leaders of the dictatorships in argentina and she left her
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he couldn't do the same at whom his attempts to investigate crimes committed on the franco were blocked by the spanish judiciary. his unorthodox interpretation of the law and him many enemies in 2012, while julianna's son's room ins under house arrest, judge buster side got on sits in the dock before the spanish supreme court deal with gun was investigating the country's largest political corruption network at the time which also involved the ruling spanish conservative party, he's accused of misconduct and the supreme court delivers it's verdict. in an unanimous ruling he's been bought from practicing for 11 years. the court said he could not appeal against the decision.
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hopefully after gotham opens a law firm and the judge becomes a lawyer and the lawyer takes on a son just case is are gonna let loose you quote with the american union into our ability level you think well and my high level. yeah. you got my, the, you know, a gama, it, they advise you must have my little life alone. this being locked up is not yet the main problem. a thumbs has to defend himself from many levels. cyber attacks against wiki leaks website and it service attempts to cut off their financial flows. he needs an army of lawyers. were sort of built up
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instructional terms, the legal team. we have baltazar and michael rattler and doris pierce here in the u . k. operating at the top, so we have a big legal team and why balthazar is responsible for overall strategy, especially where we intersect the spanish speaking world. here gotham has good context in ecuador, just at the time he's advising the ecuadorian government. on the judiciary reform process launched by president korea ah,
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his 1st step as a son just lawyer, is to travel to ecuador, to convince the authorities to grant his client political asylum, not to flee swedish justice, but to protect him from the united states, where the continued leaks had generated end way reactions within the government and the conservative media. oh, when i was showing ra one 03. just don't hold any world yet to shape out. disdain becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. awe
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back breaking, toil, forced labor stress. mm. industrial injury. corporal punishment. mm. oh no words with which we're all familiar with. are you certain that the world you live in abolish slavery long ago?
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along with other members of the administration that condemn the actions that wiki weeks has taken? it puts at risk, our national security. we have an active, ongoing criminal investigation with regard to this matter. so let's be clear, this disclosure is not just an attack on america's foreign policy interests. it is an attack on the international community where to deal with this is pretty simple. at this guy's a traitor, a treason. and, and he has broken every law the united states, the guy ought to be. i'm not for the death penalty. so if i'm not for the definitely wanna do it illegally, shoot the son of this guy. he's got to go and no one should hold this country. we do agree with each other, bob, a new and i
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i think they're trying to make sure if you don't have a good number to call someone to make sure you can tell them that was way here that i monitoring for a a
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with with a storm with doing it before teacher maximum amount of touch, what need to focus on is if it's something that happens, it's very frightening. okay. and you need to think about how they respond to that violence. is that more? yeah. okay guys, and it's worst case scenario. someone comes into this window, right? yes. so obviously, it would take you round that toilet. so when you're away, unless unless something so i will answer the additional system.
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a good. that's when i started this, you want to say, if you have a fair trial might have a status on this, it is a wonderful day and i was giving you a call back because i don't see them. i have a i am here today because i cannot be reviewed today on wednesday or
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a threat to this embassy. descended on building you came up with not throw away the other conventions the other night. because the world with what's in the wall was watching all of you watching a lot with disappointed by the statement by eccles foreign minister today that ecuador has offered political asylum to juliana. we will not allow with yes, absolutely understand that this is not about mr. sanders activities, when you lease all the attitude of united states of america, is wanted sweden,
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allegations of serious sexual offend. hm. you can get it done. yeah. to me i get in there. and then just a little bit of ammunition as he does, he'll go for kicking others. he's always entering. i see a brim disease in the seat. we ask you to laugh mistesia there, but i don't in that it manually. less he was to eat this, like with eunice peer lang. what i give that really unless you just hear me out, i'm very chill. mental sheila political nurse calls and he'll kill ship with the school for in the last call. our i see on a go been a feel for the cl, nicole show in the new location, perfect timing taken,
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but he was to book on for either a cielo and whether good, assuming he julian or something. i don't think i kind of different them with teaching shrink up in our largest dealer group, the hillary political 30, the sheila willing to go into this implemented formula winnable another julianna's will you know? silly weather. excuse me, lucy, if you want to speak to me, that's what they said they wanted to do. then you don't make an extradition request . you pick up the telephone. like in any other case, you have a situation where i haven't even been charged where they're acting a very abnormal matter and they can come to if they like, they started, they got a feel. ah, welcome, sooner audio visiting mcculla. the longest mission of should be the same. is there
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a love he's home sick? actually on his call yesterday, sending of law in one go back to going to the are you, this is a loaner mother and like more, better feel for the feel in the spaces. but official documents research by journalists to fan jamari t show that britons and sweets are cooperating, and that nothing is norma in this case, in an email to their swedish colleagues. the british prosecutor's office recommends that a son should not be questioned in london because his case, we're just not be treated like any other. mm. that just under vague and affairs here to see how, how not just on order for some of us have so on the other hand, laugh over there on the had a voice. and this sounds from me for what to do home with lives over there for
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a hearing. your feel not for the next 2 years. the front will not move, although the case is at an impulse, a son has not just sitting back from his confinement. he continues to send his messages out into the world and the world. all part of the world comes to him. in the world, you're propaganda may in 2013 a son beats the u. s. secret services, once again with help from sarah harrison had of research, had wikileaks, he organizes edward snowden se escape from hong kong. in a moment, the buses know that the sierra less but the diploma because sir is away concerned of what passed and, and brain on you. eso said earlier, a miss young, this a play in best a does know them
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a union with well or they by law n, k, i c as in connecticut will be on site, feel free. i will not be sure they're not ready separately because they me that i didn't do my phone in it although i will have my cell. i'll get one of the not a big deal as a lia shrink, but i really cadillac or been actually killing? well, are all for the seal, they comments, does i know that you know, those that have been very significant miss reporting on this case and finally said of total quality because it is so complex
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with fulton falsity report that women in sweden have accused me all with serious crime of right that is fault. i have not been challenged with them or is waiting at any time. like you can even imagine being detained in various ways in this company without jobs before you and ages. embassy, the 2 years really has no outside area. no sun, life is environment, the rich, any healthy person will find so soon off with the united nation medium is one hour day
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on outside exercise with he just said that it's an untenable situation under the solution to be found that he could at least leave the embassy on our, the time, like he was actually allowed to do what he was, the ones with can perform the surgery, showed to dish and told him the stay must, they're considered out of the was sealed and you have less. he just seo team po k, a julian j m a c panel a year can or september wash law showing kosh e k is known this diet gisela was steal. che you see steed image,
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she's tv kid, it is so much and appreciate if you will end, they will not please young mendera singing one of those that i just pick on. put it down, i presume paranoia. he put it on the radio control on the city. if he's yes yes either leave me. does hamish take care of it and then get out of him and then let probe. yeah. i lose lepper based of yes. this down, but yeah, for some reason i decide we advise you the lot with a narrow spectrum you the b stimulates the production oh vitamin d b over that was working was on my right and doing some work for about hour. and then i saw that the can go with it off it to
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fix it. and just now we noticed about 2 hours later so much doing on the, on the left side, right side, it'll say to people who will be arriving in the 9 and as the ecosystem of planet earth predictably is dying because there's too much pollution, whether it's landfill pollution collision or the rivers motion and the oceans pollution in the air. chemical pollution, permanent gama compilation. all the bio systems are dying. humans effectively estimating mass, suicide, or species is becoming extinct. ah
7:00 am
no longer of the kind of democracy and perhaps never was a major international poll, revealed staffing thoughts on america's image abroad. and especially as most countries questioned are about to take part in it. democracy summit hosted by the united states. also this as the us treasury threatens american journalist, hefty fines if they work for certain publications. one author annual is our shares . historic us treasury powers is enormous. that of an individual freelance journalist is always microscopic. are some of them are self, right. they are unwilling even to give interviews like this one. and the number of countries registering the new on the chrome strain of cove it more than doubles to 57 since last week. the w h o talks to our see about the threat it poses.


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