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tv   Documentary  RT  December 9, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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there are still an awful lot of susceptible people around even when you've got 70 percent vaccination coverage. and this high right of, of cases is being driven by the susceptible. secondly, there does seem to be a capacity for the virus to re infect people, especially if it is some months since they either had their previous infection or had their immunization, the protection doesn't last for life, it wears off. so that's, i think, the reason why we're doing the spikes, even though it's high vaccination, everything for ro, balter spy gadgets, all developed by young scientists here in russia. the, well that out is he goes out of his camera crew once i get a glimpse of the future them. so we are at a young scientists congress which is essentially a very upscale version of a science fan. we all know and well,
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some of us love. and so we've come here to see would some of the young visionaries have brought to this show and tell, ah, okay, so this start hair shows off all sorts of, exoskeletons from fallen, terminate to like, suits, well, for the lack of a better analogy to some of the move, well rug sac looking types there intended to be utilized in such fields as construction agriculture, basically with any type of a hard manual labor. and well, i'm about to try one of these on. ah, okay, so i'm just, i guess some might be looking like a full but this is very tight tag. you can feel that it is very good form. you know, if you need anything to keep your back straight, if you need, if you have any sort of back problems, this is already a solution. and well,
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let's see if firm, if it's going to be good enough for me. if i, if i find it easier, lifting any sorts of weight. so these are about 5 kilos. and again, i've been told that it doesn't make it doesn't make stuff lighter for you, but rather it redistributes the weight that you're holding. so certain contraptions here they are, well, i'd say borderline spyware. this here is a fake base station. so what does it scans the area for the existing cellular towers? and then it imitates one of them, pretends to be one of them. so when say your mobile device connects to it, it thinks it is connecting to a legitimate, nothing out of the ordinary world base station, but instead and connects to this one. and apparently you can do and manipulate a lot of things using this ice. ah,
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i check out this dude here because this, this is one creepy android. so this device here has been designed forbes scientist, essentially whenever they inject a lab animal with anything with sarah, they're studying, it helps them show and helps them see where the substance that they're studying. the substance that they're injected. a mouse, in this case where it travels, if it accumulates in the right spot, like here. and if it accumulates in the right amount, the developers, he, i telling you that it has great potential for medicine. while this conference that wraps up the official year of science here in russia, but the organizers say that, well, yes, they come and go, but there are developments they are here to stay makers done of reporting from. so t r t if it's just joining us, she can see that sir, but
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a read breaking on your screens there. we don't know the severity the situation tonight, but the news is a ukrainian navy ship is apparently reported to be moving towards the russian border of crime is curt, straight, controversial area. the former soviet repair vessel is ignoring demands said to change course on the russian border service is the latest we know. moscow says the ship poses a threat to navigational safety. that's a busy part of the world and is no less than 2 dozen nautical miles from russia's border. there are no other details of the show yet to all know the details if maybe that ship will change course, but it brings bells of may be what happened back in 2018 when 3 ukrainian navy ships were taken into russian custody. russia, of course, is in control of that area since the reunification of, of the crimea there. and the 3 ships were taken into custody back in 2018. and the same russia saw that then as a provocation. and is seeing the same thing tonight as a provocation. if indeed,
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that is what it is, maybe the people who score last we don't know, but as soon as we get more we will let you know on it. more than a 100 nations are taking part in a democracy summit over the next 2 days, hosted by the us president joe biden. but ahead of the gathering thousands of respondents from us allied nations said they think america is no longer a good example of democracy. well than 16000 people from 16 advanced economies took part in the large scale research about america's image abroad seems more than half of respondents thought. the us is last states credibility as a leading democracy further, almost a quarter say it's never been one. and even more not according to china, america is actually lowering the bar these days by dividing the world into who it thinks the good on the bad guys may finally all the food put yeah, the u. s. claims to be a champion of democracy and human rights, but has hit him,
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it's past and hypocrisy to day. the u. s. has no moral authority to judge whether the rest of the world is democratic or not. no matter how the u. s. glosses over itself, it's true face of seeking again many under the guise democracy has long been exposed to the world. the so called summit for democracy will only go down in history as a manipulator and sabotage of democracy. rising corruption levels in the us have also been on people's minds recently to president buttons on southern course has been mighty scandal over that kind of thing for more about what else is apparently incompatible with democratic values is out. he's kind of open in new york city. the u. s. government sponsored summit for democracy has already begun. joe biden is presenting it as his glorious call to spread freedom and human rights around the world. in the lead up to it, a national anti corruption program was announced. our real estate markets are at risk of becoming a safe haven for criminals collette to crafts and others,
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seeking to pock corrupt profits by the planners say that money laundering via the sale of paintings is very hard to regulate. this is something the white house may be very familiar with. joe biden's, son hunter biden has just discovered some artistic talent. his paintings have sold for half a $1000000.00, not bad for someone who just started painting. although not everyone is impressed. the 3rd painting you may recognize this name is a 100 biden. now you may think that such an exclusive of that, that 100 biden is in such exclusive company that he would have a background, you know, artistic training for example. but you would be wrong if you thought that or perhaps that he has been selling his works for years. and again, unfortunately, you would be wrong. this is not just a hunter bind story, it is a bite and family story and it's corrupt. and they're basically thumbing their noses at, at, at everybody because nobody seems to want to hold him into account. hunter biden is
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a jack of all trades. it would seem, he got paid $50000.00 a month by bruce ma holdings, a company in ukraine. even though he had never worked before in the gas and oil sector, and some people looked into this and thought maybe his father got him the gig and that does not exactly re give squeaky clean politics. however, papa biden has always denied any foul play. we have great confidence in our son. i am not concerned about any accusations been made against him. it's used to get to me. under biden, also owns 10 percent of the chinese investment company, known as b h. r. though he now announces he intends to sell is steak. when asked to clarify the relationship gen saki, the white house spokesperson didn't have much to say. the president, son is not an employee at the federal government. so at pointing to his representatives, joe biden just recently gave quite a bit of good publicity to protera electric bust company. now it just so happens that jennifer granholm, who he appointed as secretary of energy, is
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a major shareholder. given that status the up to $5000000.00 in value of investment, the secretary granholm continues to hold him prosser ink, his position to increase in lights for personal, unsubstantial involvement in an aggressive, wide ranging on tireless public relations campaign. to promote electric vehicles, batteries on charging infrastructure with jo biden's, democracy extravaganza kicking off. it's worth noting that recent polling data shows very few. thank you. as democracy sets a good example, we decided to ask americans how they view their national leaders. do you think the american political lead is corrupt? sometimes not always. it depends on who the candidate is in which party you support . yeah. well, they're all serving their own self interest. and then on the american interest, american people's interests at heart. do you believe the corruption allegations against hunter biden? yes. if you read the news and you listened to see in an you'll see how biden just
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did everything to cover up for a son. if they were more open about it and actually investigating it and found that there was nothing that i'd okay, i'd be fine with that. but the fact that they're hiding everything makes me more suspicious. lots of big talk from the biden administration about fighting corruption around the world. but perhaps they should take a look a little closer to home caleb bobbin r t new york. george, somebody from a london base thing tangled international affairs, said the sudden buzzer and corruptions just now the tool to control other countries . the southern re occupation with corruption is the way for. busy the united states to control other countries and particular control. busy their financial transactions, and this is the piece with the democracy summit, the united states government is now under the control,
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joseph biden. and his department of justice is treasury department all take the the from the president. and then i'm going to investigate from the, by many more than maybe investigator from the bison, all of this time, by national transaction, southern extremes, success as an office. i remember the biden announced what was that sometime in the fall. busy of 2020 i think that well, he's been told that he's under investigation by the federal government. well, time is the last and this investigation is obviously going nowhere. breaking news. i will try and get bit more in news in the last half hour or so. a ukrainian navy ship is moving towards the russian border of crime. is kurt straight the controversial area? the former soviet repair vessel apparently did not send out a request to enter russia waters. maybe it's got a broken radio, maybe not, we still don't know tonight and apparently is still ignoring demands by the russian
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border. so mr. change course. moscow says the ship poses a threat to navigational safety. there's no less than 2 dozen nautical miles from russia's border unclosing. let's get more on this from russia. watcher, russia analyst and author ma mccauley as quickly come on the line to night from shropshire. hello sir, thanks for being on with us. first off, it brings to mind for many people, what could the same kind of thing that happened was 2018 where then it was 3 ukrainian naval ships headed towards that area. busy and the russia took them into cut the time. she said that was a provocation. no indication that this is the same thing tonight. maybe it's lost as a said, maybe it's radio is broken. so we don't really know how far in this is, but less than 20 nautical miles from such controversial border is a bit of a headache, isn't it? which thinks actually happening tonight? 2 versions here. one is that this vehicle is doing it deliberately. good control
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and they know where they're going and so on. the radio is working, so i'm not listening to any russian border control. the other version is that they have lost the navigation and direction that they are not sure where they are. the radio production is working and they are in fact, proceeding towards a digit area 2020 nautical miles. that's about 23 miles from the russian border front. yeah. so you have these 2 versions, which one do you take? the feeling that i thought what you're talking about was the math, what she got fitting, but what's going on here given all the rest of attention to the high at the moment? well, from the creative point of view is the absolute disaster, because they don't want to increase tension in so much talk about rushing new troops on the border of ukraine. ukraine saying that the russians we invaded song.
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and this is the type of thing that ukraine doesn't really want. so that is the question what, what does this ship doing? now? just to clarify for view is watching it tonight, think it was fuss about that area is closed off for was until october for russian military exercises that were taking place. so all of the military ships either were not allowed to go there, but just paint the picture of why this coach straight is important and where it is for us to get into that adds the logistic of the job or feel that job a part of the crimea, it leads into the, into the career problems and you have to see it as well. and the cast rate is very important. it is a leak towards the crimea, and therefore, any ship going there is, in fact come from premier rope from the black sea into into crimea.
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and therefore, from the russian and ukrainian points of view, the russians maintain. this is russian to be just right to be straight to any ukranian registered boat space, very much and be the military. have any right to be going through under that bridge? the marks the coach straight or not tonight? should they be there? they shouldn't really be that because there's no agreement with russia that they should be allowed to go underneath that bridge that bridge build. i get 2 or 3 years ago to link russia proper to crimea. and it's strange that a ukrainian naval vessel when it's like the ceiling that direction. but remember, it's still 20 nautical miles away. so there's plenty of time note for it to change cos. yeah. or on the, on the history here before that area, reunified with russia used to be kind of joint writes into that important shipping late into the sea of us, of didn't it. but i changed our 3 and if occasion,
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so again, that's when the rules of the game changed. it's changed out of nose classified as russian territory, the russian claimant, history. and previously, remember that russia also has a very strong naval base in civil stobel in mia, and therefore they are in a very pop position. now the americans have been in the black sea. they had, they said they were right to sail in national waters in the black sea, russia sneezes provocation. and from his tension them with the americans do deliberately, to send it through their ships into the black said because then they get permission . you have to get permission to turkey to do that, and they have collision, and therefore it's ingress and egress from the restaurant from the blacksmith for the american now, but this is a new cranium vessel. well, there's a talks between here and, and washington and the americans say,
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what is what is going on? why is it booked? well, yeah. and you know, there's no thought that there's anything out of hand here tonight, but bear in mind as well that there were talks earlier on between ukraine's president and joe biden. just a few hours ago. was that something to do with the outcome of the talks? not but again, we just speculate things we don't know there's anything actually missing the shipment. just got lost tonight. yes. if i lost it bearings, navigational bearing and be in waters which is not quite sure where it is and because it's not, it's night is dark. and you can't really see very much. so therefore, you need navigational guidance, but it should be, some should be possible for the navy to, especially if it's a military vessels solve it. missile vessel that's not made its way over to the ukranian navy. closely within 2019 was made for remember that the ukraine military chief declared that ukraine would never attempt ever again to cross the russian border with military ships as he did in 2018 to let foster those 3 ships that did
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that were taken into custody by russia again, if this was a navy ship tonight, a bonus mit navy ship, surely there'll be some strong woods said or things changed? yes. if in fact is doing as deliberately that will be very strong words and be very strong word between the cable washington and also between washington, moscow because nobody wants this type of tension, this situation to arrive at this moment because there's always tension about, well that's the thing the elephant in the room is all this tension at the moment, isn't it? and everything that's been going on of late. what should moscow be doing tonight? i mean, obviously, i suppose we don't know, but there are communications going on behind the scenes on a, on a hardware level, if you will live, be boats from the russians going out to try and apprehend this navy vessel what's likely to be happening. i think that it was 20 nautical miles. we still have some
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distance. the russians will have the ability now because the boats can come. many boats, russian boots, russia ships in the, in the lexi. and they can move towards in the what the russians regard as a boundary has as frontier. and therefore, if one proxy shows and then once a grain visceral mer to proceed not to cross, not to go past it, or it go sideways to block it. and so on that that could in fact hopefully reduce attention, but they have to make sure that your grading vessel does not penetrate into question tennyson. ok, this is all if i'm but, but if moscow does tried to stop the ship breaking the law on entering russian waters, how would that be perceived by the west? i presume, as of a mistake by the ukrainians. they shouldn't be engaging in this double frequency of
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provoking the russians and say, right, we can do this. let's see, the russians will of the russian good react where strong as they are when one knows that the russian navy is much stronger than the ukrainian navy. and russian armies much stronger than you could. the green army, to the 1st day david and goliath is to cause an unequal contest. so therefore, it's up to ukraine not to revoke russia, not to produce a situation where the russians might use force. all right, thank you very much, mark. think about you later, to get a bit more when you get to your head on is what is if you can get more details from when you look at the ramifications of martha mccauley, ortho. russia, unless often i guess in the program. thanks. come on a short notice tonight. if you're just showing this a recap of breaking news, ukrainian navy ship tonight is moving towards the russian border of crimea could straight. we gather it's a former soviet repair vessel pretty more about that in a 2nd party, didn't send a request to, into russia waters,
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the parties still ignoring the bonds, but the russian board is service to change. course, moscow says that she poses a threat to navigational safety. it's no less than 2 dozen nautical miles, and closing is the latest we know from russia's border a bit about that ship. we've got some more on it. no, the don't bus. it's cool that ironically is a command ship from the ukranian naval forces. it's a former soviet repair ship and is known in russian as a floating workshop. it was built in 1969 was getting on a bit of polish ship yard. and after the break of the soviet union, it became part of ukrainian military fleet, as we discussed just now with martin. and its name was changed to crescent dawn then in 2001 it was renamed don bus as part of the ukrainian navy. the vessel is repeatedly taken part in international military exercises as a bit more of a background, they will keep an eye on it. and will keep you posted, that's what we've got a full hour now to bring him all and we'll continue to, let's look at some other news tonight. american journalists are being threatened
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with massive find to say, work for what's perceived to be the wrong publications, to contributors to a side called a strategic culture. foundation of receive stern warnings from the us treasury over it. this letter, it is from them to daniela's and michael virchow, that both journalist for new york though the both independent new york base journal . but this particular occasion was spotted off, is that it says the s c f is on a list of bond organizations. and that worked for that in the past. and they've been accused of election meddling that organization, the us citizens who engage in transactions as well, with a foundation, a liable to fines. and this is the clincher of at least $300000.00 done and shared his own experience of getting this letter and what went through his head. it was a warning i regarding future articles. so essentially go, if i write for sci fi and gauge and any kind of transaction, which i assume means
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a, an exchange of money i could be had with massive fines that were completely destroy my finances. i was taken aback. i was, you know, concerned certainly, but actually i stopped writing for s c f since the previous, you know, 4 or 5 months earlier. so i didn't feel personally threatened. but others who, who want to continue writing for the f works dreamily frightened fair. they have all stopped writing for the site because really there's just, it's, you know, it's impossible to, to battle the us treasury in this kind of case. the us treasury is power is, is, is enormous. and that of a, of an individual freelance journalist is microscopic. but some of them are so frightened, they're unwilling even to give interviews like this one. so you know, so this is what it's showing effect means they're, they're unwilling to write and they're unwilling even to talk about why they, why they're too afraid to write such, make part of
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a targeted sanctions campaign announced by the treasury secretary back in april, treasury will target russian leaders, officials intelligence services and their proxies that attempt to interfere in the us electro process or so bertie has democracy. this is the start of a new u. s. campaign against russian line behavior. the u. s. government claims the strategic culture foundation for the more is in fact, controlled by russia's foreign intelligence agency, this via and that is also linked to the russian foreign ministry. the foundation denies it and calls itself a research platform about your asian global affairs solely. we contacted the see to get a further response to the claims and we're waiting to hear about from the us treasury to is through the course of the coming as we get something back from them. we'll let you know. but tony lazar again, telling us in his view here, a dangerous precedent has been set. i think that the, that the at the s c f, the foundation hosts honest journalism. even though out i don't, i don't agree with much of it. this is, this is serious work by serious journalists and that as a supporter of
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a free speech in a free press, i believe that readers should have access to this. ready kind of stuff and, and yet the, the u. s. government is trying to close down. and therefore trying to stop information, which is usually at variance with official us policy. from reaching from reaching audiences, including audiences in the us, to stop journalists from writing for these kinds of websites as a new step. and i think that and i was surprised because because the united states, in fact has a very good track record on when it comes to a free press. i mean, in america, we can say anything we want. yeah, i can write that with the most outrageous things about george w bush or joe biden and not have to worry for a moment about the 6 secret police crashing through my door. but now. 2 things may be changing slightly and it doesn't or go well. joining
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us hello, who's our internationalist formulas. the top of the are we going to fall out because of some breaking news weather go another full hour or 2 as we get more in on the news tonight. the ukrainian navy ship is apparently moving towards the russian border of crimea. as kurt straight it's sensitive area, the former soviet repair vessel has been described, hasn't sent a request to enter russian waters. caveat bay, we don't know. it's going to, it's just heading that way at the moment. maybe it's radius broken again, caviar, we don't know. it's still apparently ignoring demands by the russian border service to change. course. moscow says the ship poses a threat to navigational safety, and as no less than 2 dozen nautical miles from russia's ford, it brings back memories of those 3 navy ships that went in the very same direction back in 2018 russia back then saw it as a provocation, we're not saying this is, it might just be a mistake, but the ships would take the cost, the back in 2018. that was quite a big row over that may be,
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this is nothing like that tonight, but they are heading that way and we're going to keep across this potentially big but a breaking news tonight or not in the national so i'm not late to them, but next senior members of britain's ruling party has reportedly admitted hosting a westman to get together last year during the strict national locked revelations, piling pressure bars. johnson come up to christmas as he denies it. separate similar event at dunning street with staff also apparently disregarded anti cobit measures. in total, 3 locked parties will be looked into for breaking code rules, as shouted rous dusty reports. well, things have unfold as much like as much as the nation would have really expect it to be honest, more and more revelations and allegations of gatherings and christmas parties. now the conservative party has reportedly admitted at least one party took place last december, 1 december. the 14th, when the prime minister was hang the rest of the country to think very carefully
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about what you do and how you can protect others. obviously though, the big wanting question is the party, the allegedly took place on december the 18th, even though the restrictions at the time were no end or mixing with any of our households. now, boys johnson is accused of lying and trying to cover a top. but the leader of the opposition says the prime minister and his party have been caught right hand it. they knew there was a party. they knew it was against the rules. they knew they couldn't admit it. and they thought it was funny. prime minister has been called right time to why definitely envy investigation right now. but just admitting it, i been repeatedly assured, i probably think big news of the guy who's there is a risk to do a great, a grave injustice to people who frankly, obeying the rules with the speaker, the prime minister. the government spent the week telling the british public,
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there was no policy. all guidance was followed completely. millions of people now think the prime minister was taking them for fools. well, as the prime minister, taking the public for fools because the reality of it really is the very fact that the next day a christmas was cancelled. that was the announcement from the government, meaning that people couldn't even go and visit people. they love in the hospitals was worse though, for the public with all of this is not just the fact that the government may not been following their own rules, which is bad enough. but the very fact that people in government with law thing and mocking about this situation as a leaked video, showed a former press secretary to the prime minister law thing. when being asked about this so called downing street party. and she recognizes, i'm at home as fictional policy was a business meeting. i mean it was not so she says, well,
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she has become the 1st casualty of this soccer. but we can easily expect more, especially as the police are now weighing in and potentially will be launching an official investigation into this match up. so this isn't the last we hear of it by any stretch of the imagination. but as the saga was all unfolding, just yesterday, in the midst of it, the government decided to announce the restrictions, the new restrictions plan. b, meaning mosques are backer, back as being mandatory and public spaces working from home is now at lies on car cove at passports, i will be enforced in large scale events, but the timing of this announcement seemed far to all the us as a distraction. but boris johnson insist it wasn't one people say that um we're sort of making this announcement to, to coincide with events in, in politics. well actually i imagine if. 2 this step were to have been delayed because of.


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