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tv   News  RT  December 9, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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sonya, it's not in the no, no, i think katie, a navy ship approaches, rushing waters and climbing curts straight without authorization, but eventually changes, of course, after moscow warned it poses a threat to navigational safety no longer a beacon of democracy and perhaps never was a major international poll reveals a startling thoughts about america's image abroad, especially as most countries questions are taking part in a democracy summit posted by the united states. and in the u. k. reports the claim, members of the ruling conservatives have admitted to hosting one of the parties in their westminster headquarters during lockdown last year. as a raft of similar downing street to get together are said to be investigated for breaching covered rules.
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ah, well guessing my direct from studios and moscow, this is art international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. now russia says that a ukrainian navy ship was approaching its waters without authorization and posted a threat to navigational safety of other vessels in the area. finally, the ship, which was named the dumbass, changed its course and failed away from crimea as carried straight. but i got to talk to my colleague kevin about the latest developments. well, as everyone was expecting the was the last we had seen were, were reports that this command ship of the ukrainian military was approaching the strait of coach a very well guarded, very sensitive area. where. busy there's a bridge linking russia and crimea, and a very narrow passage with a lot of ships,
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80 odd ships when the incident took place, waiting in line, waiting for that turn to pass through through the straight. and you had this ukrainian vessel or a big ship by any measure, making its way towards the, towards the straight towards the transit area without refusing all hail. so ignoring all hales, they had been contacted by the f as b rushes federal security service. asking them if they planned that transit to the straight, they said they said no, but again, just before midnight, the ship changed cause and row was on its way back to its permanent base. we've also heard from the russian f as b, which cooled what the ukrainian shifted, how to provocative the comanche dumbass has reversed course away from the curt straight. it is not responding to enquiries, they actually cronyn ship's crew are regarded as provocative and endangering
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navigational safety, endangering because there are so many vessels civilian marine vessels lined up, waiting again for their todd quite close together for their turn to pass through. and you had the cranium chip barging down the straight while almost the straight, just 1990 miles, a nautical miles to go. and as you sang earlier, that border is marked by a railway bridge. brand new, pretty much brand new company is old and a, a motor bridge and a railway bridge. they're secure places. the worry is that you know what, what, what, what could be going on there? well, this, this, this incident has happened before. ukraine has come out and said that, you know, we're all fine. i'll cool fine. they didn't, didn't any sensitive areas, although they had, you know, look, look at the news they had were raised hell just by approaching so close. so again, a very sensitive area because it's strategically important millions of cars, well all manner of trains, cargo,
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passenger passing to and fro across the street and begin only a very narrow crossing through it. but beneath these are these to these bridges, there is also much to be said about the timing of the door because it happened as president salads came, president biden, beholding a phone call, apparently, according to zealand, skip biden told him what he talked to putin about the united states also saying that they will provide ukraine with will, the weapons they need to fight back a if what comes to was was comes to work, whatever, whatever that means. but there was also a un general assembly session in which they cooled on russia. the un general assembly to guarantee the same passage of all vessels from the black sea to the sea of as up and vice versa. so there's certainly a lot to be said about timing. we thought would be the case. there's crushed and
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sent for 2 before because the similar thing on a slightly bigger scale up back in 2018, didn't it? didn't we were there the next day? i and our film qu, filming those ukranian vessels, which had tried to run through the, through the straight. and we found them and pounded. so there was 2 gun boats and a tug boat. they had again approached the coach straight from the black sea from the direction of the black sea. so the other direction they had refused as well. oh hales. they are only inform the f as b. those guarding the to the straight that they were passing through. and that these were their territorial waters, referencing, of course, the fact that ukraine claims crimea is its own as its own territory. and it came out there was an escalation, there was a shoot out. fortunately, no one died, but the gradient sailors aboard those vessels were arrested the vessels impounded.
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both the crew and the vessels were later handed over to ukraine. but that was an international incident and ever since then. and also before that ukraine has abided by the rules of transit to the trade of coach. they have always filed a notification with russian authorities and for their intent to pass through the street. so any attempt that ukraine makes to pass through the trade without finding a notification, according to russia currently be viewed as a publication. the conflict and eastern ukraine broke out in 2014 and has been a source of tension between kevin moscow ever since these recently escalated dramatically. amid nato drills in the black seam and rapid media speculation about a possible russian invasion earlier volume and put in warns the current situation in ukraine's east resembles genocide. so i should say that russo phobias the 1st step towards genocide. so we're going on and gone back now very much with samples
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genocide. we see it from on this. we can cross live to earl rasmussen, executive vice president of the regional center. thanks for being with us here on our international as always. so in your opinion, does this look like a potential provocation by ukraine? i mean, why do you believe this incident occurred in the 1st place? i think if we look at the timing was mentioned earlier and you know, i think was once a dental command ship, we haven't really had any of that for several years now. in fact, i think a senior person from the ukranian navy, back into the after the 3 ships, then they would abide by the rules and a passage in the future. so i think, i think what we have here is we've got a what the u. s. calls when they go through the china itself trying to see if freedom of passage type situation. so basically the propagation,
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i think we just have the meeting with the president vitamin for the we've got a meeting going on at the same time between the, let's be in, in biden, this, this is backwards and i think was purely there to test the water. the, the push looks the edges of the really now you just touched on something very important there. ukraine's president was conducting talks with joe biden, as this was playing out. might the ukrainian navy have somehow felt emboldened by this conversation taking place? yes, it could have been and but i would be surprised. i really be surprised that you at the defense department or the department did not know about it. i really don't see ukraine taking the initiative on this by themselves or a complete silence. maybe. maybe they mentioned they're going to do it,
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we didn't like but, but i, i really, i know that this, this start, it could eat, lived on the wrong direction. let's say they continued on rather than turning around what would happen, what would they fired on any, what any fire jobs could have started being else? these are very, very serious. and just do the relationship right now. any type of action. this included easily in the wrong direct during this conversation with ukraine's president biden said that he was concerned by quote, aggressive actions by russia. why isn't the u. s. or any other western power calling on ukraine to refrain from conducting aggressive actions? if you look at this incident, it wasn't russia was being aggressive at all. button is also said that the u. s. is ready to help you crane quote, push back any time. what do you think of that considering this recent incident?
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no, it's not surprising where, where the russian troops like 20300 kilometers away. i mean, i guess you can say that's kind of on the border or any kind of like, you know, troops in new york threatening washington d. c. i mean, you know, so, so this fits into the, it's in the narrative. look, ukraine is, has not executed anything with them. and yet we give live service, all of them a little. but really we put very little pressure as far as i know on your brain to abide by the minutes that they signed up to. they agreed. so i, i just yeah, it's a dangerous situation. right. and i think, i think we're next direction. and let's think whereas the aggression, the aggressions, coming from my understanding that got all along the eastern
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border there. so there's no aggressive action on the russian side for my, my d, all defense fostering the aggression in the brain inside that's, that's what it looks like. from my perspective and what i'm lucky to now, the narrative in the, in the mid, most me saying every or but most if you take a look at the bigger picture in terms of the international community, the un recently adopted a resolution during the general assembly calling on russia to provide freedom of navigation in the black sea and the sea of as of which freedom of navigation in international waters is universal. li agreed upon. could this incident have been linked to that declaration by the un? it easily could have been late to it. but let's, you know, let's look at it from a different situation. purely, even if you didn't have a weight on the situation that this hurts straight, it's very narrow,
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relatively b as off the berry, shallow. it's a major trade route. there needs to be control of traffic going through russia, perhaps the best country to, to monitor basically to manage maneuvering on the ship of the traffic going on. and so there's no, there's nothing stopping them through the commercial traffic and going in and out. the military traffic is one of the give the correct request is allowed to go in and out. so the freedom of traffic is really there. does it need to be control from a safety perspective? absolutely need. got an earl rasmussen, executive vice president of the race center. always interesting here. thoughts. thanks for being with us here in art international. thank you. let's take
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a look at some other stories. now this, our more than 100 nations are taking part in a democracy summit over the next 2 days, hosted by the us presidential button. but ahead of the gathering thousands of respondents from u. s. allied nations said they think america is no longer a good example. more than 16000 people from 16 advanced economies took part in the large scale research about america's image abroad seems more than half of respondents think. the u. s. has lost its credibility as a leading democracy, almost a quarter say it has never has been one. and according to china, america is actually lowering the bar by dividing the world into who it thinks are good and the bad may finally, oh the, you know what? yeah, the u. s. claims to be a champion of democracy and human writers, but has hidden it, paul and hypocrisy. today, the u. s. has no moral sovereignty to judge whether the rest of the world is democratic or no matter how the u. s. lawsuit over itself. of seeking like any of
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the democracy has long been exposed to the world, the so called summit for democracy. let me go down in history as a manipulator and saboteur. alright, re rising corruption levels in the u. s. have also been on people's minds recently and president biden's own son has been mired and scandals for more about what else is apparently incompatible with democratic values. here is our team kill him up and with commentary. the u. s. government sponsored summit for democracy has already begun. joe biden is presenting it as his glorious call to spread freedom and human rights around the world. in the lead up to it, a national anti corruption program was announced. our real estate markets are at risk of becoming a safe haven for criminals, clipped to crafts and others, seeking to pock corrupt profits by the planners say that money laundering the the sale of paintings is very hard to regulate. this is something the white house may be very familiar with. joe biden, son, hunter biden,
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has just discovered some artistic talent. his paintings have sold for half a $1000000.00, not bad for someone who just started painting, although not everyone is impressed. the 3rd painting you may recognize this name is a 100 biden. now you may think that such an exclusive um that, that 100 binders and such exclusive company that he would have a background, you know, artistic training for example. but you would be wrong if you thought that or perhaps that he has been selling is works for years. and again, unfortunately, you would be wrong. this is not just a 100 bind story, it is a bite and family story and it's corrupt. and they're basically thumbing their noses at at everybody because nobody seems to want to hold them into account. hunter biden is a jack of all trades. it would seem, he got paid $50000.00 a month by bruce ma holdings, a company in ukraine, even though he had never worked before in the gas and oil sector. and some people
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looked into this and thought maybe his father got him the gig. and that does not exactly re give squeaky clean politics. however, papa biden has always denied any foul play. we have great confidence in our son. i am not concerned about any accusations been made against him. it's used to get to me under biden, also owns 10 percent of the chinese investment company, known as b h r. though he now announces he intends to say his stake when asked to clarify the relationship, jen, saki, the white house spokesperson didn't have much to say. the president, son is not an employee at the federal government. so i had pointed to his representatives, joe biden just recently gave quite a bit of good publicity to prouder electric bus company. now it just so happens that jennifer granholm, who he appointed as secretary of energy, is a major shareholder. given that status the up to $5000000.00 in value of investment, the secretary run home continues to hold him prosser inc. his position to increase
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in lights for personal, unsubstantial involvement in an aggressive, wide ranging untie this public relation campaign to promote electric vehicles. batteries on charging infrastructure with jo biden's, democracy extravaganza kicking off. it's worth noting that recent polling data shows very few things. us democracy sets a good example. we decided to ask americans how they view their national leaders. do you think the american political lead is corrupt? sometimes not always, it depends on who the candidate is in which party you support. yeah, well, they're all serving their own self interest. and then on the american interest, american people's interests at heart. do you believe the corruption allegations against hunter biden? yes. if you read the news and you listened to see in an, you'll see how biden just did everything to cover up for a son. if there are more open about it and actually investigating it and found that
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there was nothing, then i'd okay. i'd be fine with that, but the fact that they're hiding everything makes me more suspicious. lots of big talk from the biden administration about fighting corruption around the world. but perhaps they should take a look a little closer to home caleb bobbin r t new york. george samuel lee from a london based think tank on international fair says the sudden buzz around corruption is just another tool to control other countries. the southern re occupation with corruption is the way for. busy the united states to control other countries in particular control. busy their financial transactions, and this is the piece with the democracy summit, the united states government is now under the control, joseph biden. and the department of justice is treasury department all take the lead from the president and then are going to investigate from the by many
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more than maybe investigated by all of this time by national transaction, southern extremes, success as an office. and remember on the biden announced what was the sometime in the fall of. busy 2020 i think that well, he's been told that he's under investigation by the federal government. well, time is the last and this investigation is obviously going. nowhere was our international still ahead in the program in the u. k. report claim, members of the ruling conservative have admitted to hosting a party in the westminster headquarters during lockdown last year, as a rack of similar downing street get togethers are said to be investigated for allegedly preaching covert rules. this is our international ah, b 9 and as the ecosystem of planet earth predictably is dying because there's so
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much pollution, whether it's landfill pollution, pollution or the river's pollution in the oceans. pollution in the air, chemical pollution, permanent chemical, pollution, all the by all systems are dying. so humans effectively are committing mass, suicide, or species has become watching television. you forget about the coffee, the cousins aside from the living room and you plug your experience into the tv. something romantic happens to romantic feelings to be scary happens. you don't get to spend belief in reality. and you literally follow the story if you like this on the television, and in a sense, it knows this is similar, o. u. s. president joe biden is hosting a virtual global summit on democracy. apparently, washington intends a nuclear said to save the world for democracy, at least as the foreign policy blob understands this political term. critics of
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this doug claim, it's all about strategic polarization and an attempt at values based diplomacy. ah mac, this is our t international. now senior members of britain's ruling party have reportedly admitted to hosting a westminster get together last year. during the strict national lockdown. the revelation is piling pressure on board johnson, as he denies a separate similar event at downing street where staff also apparently disregarded anti covet measures. in total, 3 lockdown parties will be looked into for breaking coven rules are shot. it was a dusty report. well, things have unfold as much like as much of the nation would have really expect it to be honest, more and more revelations and allegations of gatherings and christmas parties. now the conservative party has reportedly admitted at least one party took place last
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december, 1 december. the 14th, when the prime minister was hang the rest of the country to think very carefully about what you do and how you can protect others. obviously though, the big one in question is the party the allegedly took place on december the 18th . even though the restrictions at the time were no endo mixing with any other households. now boys johnson is accused of lying and trying to cover a top. but the leader of the opposition says the prime minister and his party have been caught red handed. they knew there was a party, they knew it was against the rules. they knew they couldn't admit it. and they thought it was funny. prime minister has been called right honda. why does me envy investigation right now but just admitting it, i've been repeatedly assured, oh i understand. i probably can big news the news, but there is a risk of doing a great a grave injustice to people. i want to, frankly,
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obeying the rules with the prime minister, the government spent the week telling the british public, there was no policy. all guidance was followed completely. millions of people now think the prime minister was taking them for fools. well, as the prime minister, taking the public for full because the reality of it really is the very fact that the next day a christmas was cancelled. that was the announcement from the government, meaning that people couldn't even go and visit people. they love in the hospitals was worse though, for the public with all of this is not just the fact that the government may not been following their own rules, which is bad enough. but the very fact that people in government with law thing and mocking about this situation as a leak video, showed a former press secretary to the prime minister law thing. when being asked about this so called downing street party and she recognizes, i went home is fictional policy was a business means i mean,
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it was not associated well, she has become the 1st casualty of this soccer, but we can easily expect more, especially as the police are now weighing in and potentially will be launching an official investigation into this matter. so this isn't the last we hear of it by any stretch of the imagination. but as the saga was all unfolding just the essay in the midst of it, the government decided to announce the restrictions, the new restrictions planned. b, meaning mosques are backer, back as being mandatory and public spaces working from home is now advised hancock cove at passports. i will be enforced in large scale events, but the timing of this announcement seemed far to all the us as a distraction. but maurice johnson insist it wasn't one. people say that we're sort of making this announcement to, to coincide with events in, in politics. well actually imagine if this. 2 step were to have been
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delayed because of a political, a events of one kind or another. what would people say? then you got to act to protect public health. we spoke to former london mayor ken livingstone, he says that by announcing fresh pandemic restrictions, the prime minister is simply trying to deflect attention from his downing street party scandals his long fist without a proper planning or pretty consulting as many of the scientists children. and it's just to distract attention from all the news coverage about the parties going on in downing street. there will be a lot of people who do do that. they'll have their own private little parties in song because they think it's a prime minister can do this. why can't wait? but i think the vast majority of people in britain are aware of just how dangerous they viruses and they don't want to put their lives at risk or the lives of their partners or their parents all over my country. here people are home on
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a day or isolated and then they see this prime minister organizing all these ridiculous changes. parties i've been told they mustn't do. and of course that's making a lot of anger. so i do think that there's a real prospect he might be pushed out of office by his own. and finally, with christmas coming up everything from robots to spy gadgets, and all developed by young scientists here in russian. the world and ortiz donald, have been getting a glimpse of the future. so we are at a young scientists congress, which is essentially a very upscale version of a science fan. we all know and well, some of us love. and so we've come here to see what some of the young visionaries have brought to this show and tell. ooh,
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okay, so this stat hair shows off all sorts of, exoskeletons, from full on terminate to like, suits well, for the lack of a better analogy to some of the move. well, rog, sac looking types there intended to be utilized in such fields as construction agriculture. basically with any type of a hard manual labor and well, i'm about to try one of these on ah, okay, so i'm just, i guess some might be looking like a full but this is very tight. like you can feel that is very good form. you know, if you need anything to keep your back straight if you need, if you have any sort of back problems, this is already a solution. and well, let's see if, if it's going to be good enough for me. if i, if i find it easier, lifting any sorts of weight. so these are about 5 kilos. and again, i've been told that it doesn't make it doesn't make stuff lighter for you,
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but rather it redistributes the weight that you're holding. so certain contraptions here they are, well, i'd say borderline spyware. this here is a fake base station. so what does it scans the area for the existing cellular towers? and then it imitates one of them, pretends to be one of them. so when say your mobile device connects to it, it thinks it is connecting to a legitimate, nothing out of the ordinary world base station, but instead and connects to this one. and apparently you can do and manipulate a lot of things using this vice ah youth . check out this dude here because this, this is one creepy android. so this device here has been designed forbes
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scientist, essentially whenever they inject a lab animal with anything with sarah, they're studying, it helps them show and helps them see where the substance that they're studying. the substance that they're injected. a mouse, in this case where it travels, if it accumulates in the right spot, like here. and if it accumulates in the right amount, the developers, he are telling you that it has great potential for medicine. while this conference, it wraps up the official year of science here in russia, but the organizers say that, well, yes, they come and go, but there are developments they are here to stay hamburgers done of reporting from . so t r t, that is for me, i will be back in, let's say 30 minutes with another full infrastructure newsday with us. this is our to international. ah
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ah, ah. that breaking toil forced labor stress. mm. industrial injury corporal punishment ah no words with which we are all familiar. ah, are you certain that the world you live in.


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