tv News RT December 11, 2021 8:00am-8:31am EST
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it's remarkable. how long can this go on to day? is international human rights day? what a shame, how cynical is being called a dog day. the journalism, due to the sound support is lasha at the london high course, really to allow his possible expedition to the united states. yet another hearing is now needed to decide his fate. we call all russia to return to diplomacy. onto the escalators. the west urge is russia to take the he tied to the training crisis while sending $60000000.00 worth admitted, free 18, kia and are reportedly considering more and in american billionaire is forced to return 17000000 dollars worth of stolen antiquities had been forwarding for decades but there is anger after it's revealed. he won't face criminal charges.
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ah, hello there, just gone for pm here in moscow. you watch naughty international. we'll start with the news too, that scores of people are fade dead off to kentucky's worst of the tornadoes. the state of emergency has now been declared in the region. we're nearing the end of the most severe tornado of van and kentucky's history. a roof collapse at a candle factory has resulted in mass casualties. as a 4 45 am 56854 kentuckians are without power. the primary tornado was on the ground continuously for over 200 miles in our state . something we have never seen before,
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or some dramatic pictures have emerged then from the city may field in kentucky. they are thought to show that destroyed candle faxing did. he mentioned its roof earlier collapsed after the tornado struck. meanwhile, in the state of illinois, workers have been trapped inside in amazon warehouse south rich roof collapse when it was hit by a tornado local media. and i reported that some employees have been rescued from the facility up to a 100 people were inside the building at the time, according to authorities, although there are no report so far of any fatalities. and then the neighboring arkansas, one person is thought have been killed in 5 seriously injured after the same storm damage to nursing home. there many others were trapped inside that building. the severe weather has also claimed 3 lives in tennessee. of course we'll be keeping an eye in all developments will bring you the information as we get it now, dark day for journalism, that's how supporters of june, the sarge have reacted to. the british high court ruling that the wiki leaks
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founder can be expedited to the u. s. washington when it's appeal against her previous decision blocking his son from being sent to america to face trial. campaigners slammed the latest ruling though, which was handed down on the you ends, human rights day. we condemned today's u. k. high court decision to allow the expedition of julius on to the us, which will prove historic for all the wrong reasons. we fully believe that julian assigned has been targeted for his contributions to journalism. i now the now will people got it in front of the co condemning the decision previously, a lower court block this on just explanation, concerns about his mental health, but the food yesterday that was no longer concern after the u. s. gave a sure he would not serve any sentence in a maximum security prison or solitary confinement on his lawyers described. those pledges, though it's vague and unreliable. the fiance of the wiki leaks found the night in
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the motional statement following, unites for how long can this go on? today is international human rights day? what a shame, how cynical, how this decision on this day to have one of the foremost the foremost publisher journalists of the past, 50 years in the u. k. prison. accuse of publishing the truth about or crimes about c. i killed him with his how we got to this point in 2019, during the songs was forcefully removed by british police from ecuador embassy in london. after the country terminated his 7 year silence. hansel refuge following sexual assault allegations in sweden, which were later dropped british sources, arrested him on a separate charge of jumping bale. what america wants to we can expand expedited on
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claims of conspiring to hack government computers and publishing classified material. we spoke with the us national security agency was bla, william benny, about the case, and also with rafael korea. the former president of ecuador, whose administration gave his sons political asylum. and i got a, what a gift to london court gave to the united states on the human rights day. that's grim irony on human rights statement. the rights of the journalist are blatantly violated and his sin was telling the truth. if a sancha revealed the secrets of china, russia, or left wing latin american governments such as mine, he would be applauded by the mainstream media 100 in the united states congress and the cape parliament. but as he went against the had you money of the united states, you was called a criminal. the press is quite looks the other way or even supports described down on their colleagues. it's completely incomprehensible. it could be understood if it was secret information about the location of troops or intelligence facilities,
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but we're talking about war crimes. this cannot be a state secret. the world has to know about them. there must be transparency. that's what assange date is. that's why he's being punished of the world has really turned upside down. and what we see now is blade and hypocrisy. it really both bad for freedom and democracy around the world. publishing date, a violation of the espionage that without that the united states law is not a world wide law, is not a law in other countries. so there's a real problem with this to, to bring in court ruling on that issue of the, of the espionage x is spending 1st amendment rights. they said it was justified in time of war. thought, well, i would point out, we're not in a war now, congress is not declared war. we had no declared war. why are they indicting the a senior editors at least of the, of a guardian in new york times the washington post. all them who have also published
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this kind of material? why aren't they doing that? that's a violation of our laws. they're not equally applying. the law, when was the last time you had a verifiable truth from the united states government that they put out to the public? when, when can you justify from through other sources and means and method? the validity of what they've been telling you can't, they've lied, they lie to congress directly. they get caught in lying and they just ignore it. nobody does anything. i mean, they're exempt from the own laws that they pass. that, that's why we have here in the united states, 2 sets of laws, one for those of the people and the rest. and those in power have a different set of laws. well, it's not gone, has gone unnoticed at the extradition ruling against shooting. assange came not only on the human rights stay, but also on the same day. the u. s. wrapped up a multi national summit for democracy at which president biden did push for people to be able to breathe freely. while after saying that he was seen criticized for not applying the same principles to shooting as such. and as we close out the 1st
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gathering, let's let us together reaffirm our determination. if the future will belong to those who embrace human dignity, not those who tramp. one wish to potential other people aren't those who stifle and who give their people the ability to breathe free, not those who seek the suffocate their people with an iron hand. this shameful verdict, in a political case against a journalistic and public figure is another manifestation of the cannibalistic world view of the anglo saxon tandem. the west marks international human rights day and the end of the summit for democracy with dignity. this news is devastating. the persecution of julian sanchez, the disgrace, meanwhile, biden is holding his cynical democracy summit and the hypocrisy and the cruelty. now, while the u. s. is busy promoting democracy in other countries is only to seem to be at risk because there a stock home base think tanks, annual review of democracies around the world has for the very 1st time put the u.
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s. in the back. sliding category assange freedom campaign, or john re says that support and democracy in other countries doesn't mean that the u. s. is doing the same at home. i think with it's remarkable doctor, especially on human rights day that the judges in this case should have found that it would be safe to extradite june assigned to the country where it security service lead cia has previously been threatening to kidnap all kill him. the problem with the many modern states, they're all for our democracy and freedom of speech and a free press in other people's countries, but not necessarily in their own. and until we get past that hypocrisy and understand, but freedom of the price is a universal human right? because it's part of freedom of speech. well, we won't be making very much progress on other news. tensions over ukraine are
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running high with russia, slamming the wet for hearing, the escalation and voicing concerns that natives actions in the region. moscow warns that they could potentially lead to a large scale conflict. a course has been set to draw ukraine into nato. such irresponsible behavior is an unacceptable threat to our security provoking serious risks for all parties involved up to a large scale conflict in europe. while the u. s. did reveal on thursday that 30 javelin anti tank miss our systems were delivered to ukraine in october as part of a $60000000.00 military aid package. and a further $200000000.00 could be donated to. at the same time, russia is being urged to respect borders by both nato and the new year. miller build up in and around ukraine, this racist tensions and undermines security in europe. we call on russia to return to diplomacy and to the escalate the about. and we expect russia did the
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escalade and refrain from any aggression towards his neighbors and respect the rights of sovereign states. when this all comes after ukrainian navy ship named on bass approached russia without sir authorization on thursday, a move that russia regarded as a threat to the navigational safety of other vessels in the area. ukraine denied they all allegations and insisted that the ship was an unarmed search and rescue vessel that never entered restricted wat is or posed any threat. the vessel did eventually change course. want to give you more perspective then add eastern ukraine region of don bass has been making the headline since 2014. when war broke out, the unrest has become a cedar discord day between kiev and moscow. and i discussed the situation more broadly with our senior correspondent merit gaster a, some background to all of this. i mean, its latest incident does come against the backdrop of a rapid escalation. hasn't it intentions?
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in recent weeks between ukraine on russia? well, an escalation booth, rhetorically. we would, we have seen that hysteria reach fever, pitch about the situation over ukraine, about potential plans to invaders, some country se, but the situation on the ground in ukraine is perhaps worse to war because that is where people are dying. people are dying, people are suffering. people are going through hell and have been going through hell for many years now. we have, we have seen the united states pacifically, pumping weapons into you credit for the ukrainian military. and these are weapons b, b, b, they a javelin miss are supplied by the united states or by dr. drones supplied by turkey. these are web is that are flowing into ukraine and immediately going to the conflicts of where the civil war is being fought in the east of ukraine. there are more than 2000000 civilians are trapped in the conflict soon in east than ukraine.
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and they're just having to break it out, people going to sending their kids to school. they will have to worry about a tang cello, a mortar round landing there on the grounds of the school. vladimir putin is like and what is happening to a walker versus she, i should say the rooster phobias, the 1st step towards genocide. what's going on and on bass now very much resembles genocide. we see it and we know about it. the western narrative on this is potential rush in aggression, amassing its troops within its own borders on the edge with, with the crane. but very little said about ukraine's actions in recent weeks. or we hear about is these potential plans emanating from the she, i of the white house, the british government. these plans that no one previously knew about that russia was planning to invade. a huge area of ukraine was unclear how they would be able to achieve this with, with, even if we believe the see i and others with,
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with such a small force. but let's look at what is happening again on the ground. you have the o. s. c, that reporting on c's for violation. so their work is constant and round the clock . ukrainian, artillery and forces destroyed or damaged 5 times more civilian infrastructure at schools at workplaces, people's homes, 5 times more infrastructure was destroyed and damaged by ukrainian forces. the vice versa, you also have the situation in which ukraine still still 6 years on, refuses to negotiate with the breakaway republics. aside from that, there are also all manner of promises and assurances that ukraine keeps on hearing from, from britain, from the united states that they've got their back, that thou help them, that they'll keep the russians away. and what i, what that does is it emboldens you credit. and unfortunately, the situation is such that aside from very one sided coverage, you have a situation in which piece simply isn't desirable. turns north at thomas fast.
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bender also told us there is a real risk in his opinion of a full scale european war. there is something that has not been here for decades. that is the perspective, the re perspective of a major european war. so he and now the key for a potential war in europe lives now 100 percent with the, the key of government if key, if decides to provoke russian invasion. and there will be a russian invasion as soon as g of starts a major offensive against the break of a republics. in that case, automatically. busy the blank check will be full of western support for the ukrainian side. so the wisdom narrative says that whatever crimea, whatever the key if does to reclaim or even re conquer the break away republics,
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or even crimea, would be executing this sovereign rights on this sovereign territory. we should hope that, that both washington and moscow and of course, also paris and burden understand that there is a real risk of a european war here. this, our bad news for american shelf is at the moment, is price is 32 in there, 40 year high will talk more about the spiraling inflation just off the brightening oh i i join me every thursday on the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me.
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oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed? what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way? where are you being led? somewhere? direct. what is true was is great. in the world corrupted, you need to descend, ah, for join us and the girls all remain in the shallows. ah, ah, hello again. now an american billionaire has been forced to surrender stolen
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antiquities that he had hoarded for decades, or the case of hedge fund pioneer michael steinhardt is shocked. archeologist and historians around the world and his collection of plunder, dart is estimated to be worth something like $70000000.00. well, let's have a look at some of those items then many of which were stolen and smuggled of one is this. the stags head rights in a does date back to the 5th century b. c. and there is were some, like 3 and a half $1000000.00. another rare masterpiece was the law knack, sir, a small chest. the human remains with an impressive price tag of $1000000.00 and finally also among them a set of death mass, dating back to $7000.00 b. c. net. steinhart gave up the treasures as part of a deal, which means that he will not face criminal charges. the origins of the looted antiquities to stretch across 11 countries among the mislead greece and israel hair, all robbed of their cultural heritage. experts say that the damage inflicted is
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immeasurable. kim's dumps has been done to the countries of origin, sociological sites. the main damage is cultural in the sense that we are losing the history of his objects. our common sort of past, and this is the, the biggest crime that it is being performed by looting on the global level, the loss of history, the loss of information. are there any hardship for micro steinhart as a lifetime ban on acquiring any other relics in the future on this public outrage? what specific as a remarkably lenient sentence? it most respondents to a poll insisting he's got a way to likely the justice system in the u. s was constructed primarily for 2 reasons, punish the poor, protect the wealthy, know jail for the rich and powerful. this country has been sold to the highest
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bidders, our country's legal system as a joke, stolen 70000000 in art, and no jail time. i remember a guy in louisiana getting 40 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread because he was starving. there is no justice if you're rich, i'm sure that all will be unsafe to pick up the case again, my preference would have been to be pressed saturdays and having possibly a conviction as well. i'm not very happy about the final result. it has demonstrated very clearly that michael stein knew that there were serious problems with the provenance, the collective history that these of the objects she was acquiring, or at least should come, had very, very strong indications about the possibility of being looted these objects. now america was in the grip of surging inflation at the moment,
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not seen since the 1980s with prices rising across many sectors for 6 months in a row. in november, the prices for us consumers jump nearly 7 percent compared with little more than one percent year ago. triggered by the corrosion of ours pandemic inflation has hit everything from food and energy to highest rentals and also cars. but the u. s. federal reserve is still hesitant to take serious action to curve the spike, such as raising interest rates. economists peter own, told us that higher inflation drives people to take on debt. there's a view that low level inflation is, is good for the economy. i'm not sure. i subscribe to that, but certainly the kind of inflation we're seeing now is a very pernicious that makes life down. as many aspects of the economy may wage the pandemic, or rather, the central bank in response to the pandemic is the main factor. that's great in the place right now. last year, the federal reserve increased the years, wanted to supply by between 30 and 40 percent,
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and the root cause inflation has lots of money chasing the same are fewer goods and services. so that's the main one that is going to try to lift interest rates to, to tamp down of this question. but they can't do they stop to open market bond purchase, as they've said, they won't stop that until april or may of next year. so it's gonna be a while this employees may get a bit higher before they're able to do that. they don't even really benefit from high inflation, systematically r r r r creditors because you take debt and inflation rises, you wind up paying off that debt in cheaper, which is a mess, less valuable currency, whether it's dollars or pounds or whatever. so in a sense, we should hires a inflation rather promotes a higher levels of debt, which is also a bad thing. well, anger, i will present biden's handling of the economy isn't bad. knees for everybody because of putting entrepreneur in the state of massachusetts, is turning the dislike into dollars and has opened a shop selling some unique answer by next and dice and says his customers d, feel deeply unhappy with what's happening in that country. mm. mm.
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oh oh. oh no. i think it's fantastic. i'm from out of town and i absolutely great, absolutely job. i'm glad that people are and defend their right. people might surprise you the story. i know that people have always had different views, but this is not about the division. this is about unhappiness with our president in what's going on in our country. there are some liberals that are definitely on board, unhappiness that they have with our leader right now. our president is not doing
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what he said he was going to do and what the people want. and there's a lot of different major topics that are issues with our president people which he had to get in the, in the stand and, you know, colleges. busy high school seems to be, it seemed to be catching on really well in our customers because we had some new england trump stores our customers are asking for it. so we started carrying it and it went. busy over it was taking up 80 percent of our sales. so i said, let's just do a theme store, just let's go brandon. and that's how we started. well, despite his view there that it's all about having different opinions, polls do tell a different story at the moment because it does tonight that for some in the us, your voting choice may be, may actually be a good reason not to day you or even talk to you as a contributor, lauren chen reveals now who sewing a division. today the progressive left and really democrats in general,
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loved to think of themselves as the party of tolerance, openness, acceptance, and just in general, good things, sunshine and rainbows. and so predictably, when it comes to discussing polarization in america, or who exactly is responsible for increasing harsh political sentiments, it's very easy for people on the left to point the finger at their conservative counterparts. i mean, clearly the political environment is getting more and more hostile and if the left stands for all of these positive. 7 things then it must stand to reason that the right is behind all of the bad things. but now one poll which asked respondents whether they would be willing to engage in different types of relationships, both personal and professional, with people who voted for a different presidential candidate than they did. 31 percent of republican said no compared to a whopping 71 percent of democrats, who said that they would not go out on a date with someone who had voted for the opposing party. even when we look at less personal relationships. the divide between who democrats and republicans are or are
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not willing to engage with remains pretty stark. when asked whether they would shop at or support a business of someone who voted for the opposing presidential candidate. only 7 percent of republicans said no compared to 41 percent of democrats. so essentially, democrats may very well believe that they aren't the ones driving division. they are simply standing up to the unacceptable behavior and views that are displayed amongst republicans. well, that is an interesting theory, but to that i have another survey that once more leads democrats holding the short end of the stick in his book, the righteous mind, social psychologist jonathan. hi, did some very illuminating research into how different people perceive opposing political parties. the results were clear and consistent moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as very liberal. and i continued to note that the biggest errors in the whole study came one liberals answered the care and fairness nations while pretending to be conservative. so ultimately, yes,
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political division in america is very real and much of it is being driven by democrats and people on the left. and what is so frustrating about all of this? no one should be forced to associate with someone that they really don't want to. but if you are choosing to cut ties with someone over political differences, in my opinion, the least you could do is make certain that those political differences are in fact real party contributor lauren chin. they're just coming up to hoff hospital in the afternoon. this saturday here, moscow. good to have you company. we're back again at the top of the ah, ah right now there are 2000000000 people who are overweight or obese. it's profitable to sell food that he's fatty and sugary and salty and addicted. it's not at the individual level, it's not individual willpower. and if we go on believing that will never change
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this obesity epidemic, that industry has been influencing very deeply. the medical and scientific establishment with what's driving the obesity epidemic, it's corporate in scientific knowledge has never been so readily available to everyone across the globe, but overwhelmed by information. can we distinguish the real signs from the one being imposed upon us? we're living in a world where there are many people who have a vested interest in finding information, finding scientific evidence, and discrediting even the notion that science could provide the truth about the natural world in the pursuit of business goals. launch corporations, a challenge strongly by scientific evidence if you're emotionally invested and free markets, then climate change is a serious emotional threat. because dealing with that means we have to change our
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approach to business industries or on the war bond attempting to debunk legitimate science by producing new evidence. it's science, lighting, science. that's how it even says manufactured their attention only seeking to the rail science rolling using science against itself. i know with either the i don't to my idea what that with, with a.
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