tv Redacted Tonight RT December 11, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm EST
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or a can migrants reported to be marching to mexico city. what a long trek that is from where they hope to eventually travel further north and get into the us. each year, thousands of people fling poverty and violence. cross mexico southern border from guatemala. many marching and large numbers to try and make some safety around them . what's of alice? president has blamed joe biden for the caravan. think they're encouraged by the democrats loop war rhetoric on illegal immigration. and that's our tease world news at midnight with me. kevin, thanks for watching this weekend and this news addition stand by for various programs from us in your part of the world after the break. ah, no look forward to talking to you. oh, that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law show your identification.
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we should be very careful about personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to place trust, rather than fear. i would like to take on various jobs with artificial intelligence, real, someone in the demon a robot must protect its own existence with welcome to redact its name. i know there's not much good news these days for left us so little that it's hard to read the news at all. especially when we're burning those newspapers in a trash can for warmth. want victories can left us glowed about bernie sanders made a headline in the nation. been in jerry's sharply rebuked israel by releasing the palestine prey. lean flavor, no thirds better. nance?
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there's a gas station sail on american spirits, but even better news, it looks like honduras undid a military coup in their latest presidential election. hundreds voted the left back into power. jermarta, castro, a democratic socialist, who promised to tax the wealthy, expand welfare and, and the countries failed. neal liberal model, according to her one by a landslide. did you hear that? it's the sound of a 1000 screens being punched at the cia. it's standard procedure. castro is the wife of men, wells alaiya, the former hunter and president who was ousted in the miller, who, when 2009, leading to 12 years of the u. s. trained us backed military norco, gang dictator, ship the hyphen show, how unpopular it was. i didn't know it, but you can just control, we a coo and all those hyphens. it's possible back to the eve of the qu, in 2009 men,
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wells alliance morals. husband was no. fidel castro. he was a centrist, who cooperated with the american military and then shifted slightly to the left over his term like a millimeter with policies like free education and a 60 percent minimum wage increase to what was still poverty levels. clearly he was an anarchist by american standards. 6 months after a liar cut a deal to get cheap oil from venezuela with go chavez sworn enemy of the u. s. he was a sported out of the palace by gun point. it all began at dawn on sunday when some 200 soldiers surrounded the president's private home. they took him at gunpoint and flew him out of the country to neighbor in costa rica. why does it always have to be a gunpoint? why can't they do like a little hansel and gretel type qu, where they took him by leaving a trail of breadcrumbs outside of the palace and up to the airplane. when are we
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going to see some which backed kuth? though officially, we said we did like how they did it. the state department under hillary clinton worked overtime to legitimize these right wing goals and honduras and with washington help. the qu makers rule the same way. they came to power at gunpoint. so germano cast, you're really should think hillary for making her the 1st female president of honduras, hillary probably intentionally got rid of castro's husband, so tomorrow could come to power a decade later. hillary obviously tried to do the same thing in the u. s, but she wasn't successful. yes, i'm suggesting monica lewinsky was an inside job. it definitely was a kind of job that hillary outsourced. monica clinton wrote in her book, hard choices that she strategized behind the scenes to make the lives returned to the country. and democracy irrelevant, couldn't claim that calling the military cou, a military coup would have increased the suffering of ordinary hunter. and as it
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would have triggered the suspension of usaid and she had to support this regime, c, it was an, a coo, it was pre qu, which doesn't necessarily lead to the tater ship nor to pregnancy. the mainstream media followed the official line that the national party or the coup party was improving the country. how the most dangerous place on earth got safe for the new york times ro. they told the security of a regime that over saw the highest murder rate in the world. i guess these were safe murderers, and they had final answers. these were the kind of murderers you can raise your kids near to miss seriously, the hunters cru saga disappears from a paperback edition of clinton's hard choices. apparently, those pages were scored out of the book at gunpoint. it looks like less of a hard choice and more like a bad choice when hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing despite millions of
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dollars of us aid. and that's not a migrant caravan. it's people fleeing a us train us back military grub, norco gang dictatorship. caravan the country had become so violent and the local elections were so rig that hundreds decided to vote with their feet and do the reasonable thing. get the got of their roughly 3 percent of the population of hundreds tried to enter the u. s. this press here, which would be like if everyone in new jersey pack their bags and went to canada, it's not difficult to understand why everyone was fleeing. the 2 presidents that came out came to power after the why of president lobo and the subsequent president, one orlando, hernandez ushered in neo liberal policies. that private privatized nearly everything education, health, water, and those who protested face severe consequences in this country, which according to the new york times, was now so safe. 8 journalists were killed in the new governments 1st 6 months
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alone, along with 10 opposition activists. on the bright side, we forged military partnership for some of the best or criminals in the global south. and some of them were taught by the us military at the school of the americas at fort benning in georgia. it's now known as the western hemisphere institute for security cooperation, or when they had changed their name a few times. see kidnapping and torture. well, we're all part of the curriculum for simon students tend to dragon corpses into the classroom, and less they were unprepared. the vultures a my homework. again, the military became just as feared as gangs in hundreds, which was pretty fair given that the government had functionally become again one orlando hernandez is known as the norco president, and it turned out it's a family business. the outgoing president's brother in law is now serving a life sentence for trafficking enough cocaine to give every american 5 bumps. i
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got to say it's a bad year for brothers in politics. as for president, one, orlando hernandez, the outgoing president, he needed to show his unconditional love by participating in a state sponsored cocaine trafficking ring in one of the largest drug conspiracy cases ever prosecuted in the u. s. federal courts. of course, a 100 president, one, orlando hernandez has been accused of accepting millions of dollars in bribes from drug cartels to provide safe transit of co came through the region. our guy was trafficking cocaine. that's a big surprise. honduras is also strategically important to the u. s. and host washington's most important military unit for fighting latin american drug networks . so it's pretty clear. we're there to fight the drug war. on the side of the drugs, we're drug. finally, a war i can get behind. i believe that we're going to liberate cocaine and make sure cocaine can travel safely across borders and have free and fair elections.
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your motor, castro, just by her triumphant return faces an uphill battle at home. many members of the national party who ousted her husband, make up the ranks of the government, the military and the media. you can see how they might not accept the results of the elections. as you can see here in their world, 33 percent is more than 53 percent. i mean maybe they didn't want tito to feel bad their candidate. you just look so optimistic with this from something that we didn't want to heard of feeling. the new president doesn't need, nor does it do the 100 people need another obstacle to making their lives better. it's a low bar that maybe we can imagine a future where the u. s. doesn't make like worse for some of the poorest countries in the world. that would be tough for america. new years resolution i meant maybe we can stick to something easier, like losing weight, maybe signing up for
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a gym will do. coming to you from washington dc. this is where the actor tonight, ah ah, well, i'm named carol bonnie lee camps on vacation. now let's break the news. all eyes are on the supreme court right now, america's royal family. but unlike the british one, no one ever leads. and the tabloids are especially boring, the abortion debate is likely to no longer be a debate and will look more like an abortion ban in many red states as the supreme court decides what to do about mississippi's restrictive abortion law. while democrats sat on their hands for decades and fail to pass a federal law and training abortion rights,
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republican conservatives have been racking up judicial wins and crafting more sophisticated legal arguments. and they have a secret weapon, mississippi attorney general, southern girl boss and lady who broke the bathroom towel dispenser because it didn't recognize her hands as human. lynn fitch, she says she wants to empower women. as things are changed, the rows of men and women have been altered. the workplace has changed. oh, for the positive it's been much easier for women to balance their professional life and their success ad ho, thank you for working with your elected leaders, your elected legislators and governors, to make sure that laws are past that both empower women and promote lie sorry, that's just my reaction when anyone says they want to empower women,
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we're going to break the glass ceiling by breaking in the amniotic fluid back. i mean, nothing makes sense anymore. i'm sorry i in times like these, i need to consult our b g. have we girl boss to close to the sun and is it time for a girl rest? also, what is it like and girl boss, haven't. are you friends with nancy reagan? oh, wow. i didn't even know there was a girl boss health. growing up lynn fitch center weekends on the galena plantation. bitch farms, as it's now called, was a favorite quail hunting destination for the late supreme court justice antonin scalia. now i don't want to speak ill, but because i'm afraid of ghosts. but i'm having a very clear vision of school. you eating quail like potato chip at fish farms. yes
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. may retire for the evening in one of the 6 recently restored civil war era cabins, one of which was once home to the confederate general nathan bedford forest. the founder of the k k. k. i guess it's a place for history, lovers. honeymooners usually get the grand wizard week. the democrats, the democratic parties answer to the rebel takeover of the supreme court is like more democrats to save abortion rights. add, you guys has any other ideas. this is regressive. southern gargoyle is going to tell hundreds of poor women, hundreds of thousands of poor women, how to live their lives at a luncheon with justice barret, who's probably really only in it for the quail. i think we have to do something about this supremely on democratic institution of the supreme court. it's so on democratic, i'm pretty sure the us military is already considered invading it. mixed up.
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studies have shown that people get depressed from social media. i learned that from an instagram post, the consumer financial protection bureau just sanctioned new rules, debt collectors can now text email and d m u on social media. though it's getting worse, but it is good news. if you thought social media was a health of toxic positivity, people bragging about their new baby's tropical vacation, their beef, car portfolio and engagements having a crippling phone. addiction is bad enough. i don't need it reminding me that my cousin makes more money than me. but now every time someone posts a picture of themselves drawing off their fancy lifestyle, they'll leave a message reminding them what they owe. freddie mac will reach out to them and say, super cool luxury vacation a combo. but i noticed that yours still behind on your mortgage payments,
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it's kind of weird. before you know, people will start using the poor filter on instagram and with a click of a button, you can now have ripped clothes, bad teeth, and missing hubcaps. next step, the consumer financial protection bureau will allow student loan providers to cat fish unsuspecting, singletons, looking for love, watch out for sallie mae on hinge saying, i'm looking for a guy who will pay my bills and his bills. that's not a sugar baby. that's a sugar goon sent out by a lender to collect. next up climate change is causing a famously monogamous bird species to break up. climate change is causing the black browed albatross. the bird known for its life long partnerships to divorce at a higher rate. i guess that's one way to break up with your partner baby. it's knowing you. it's that we have maybe 2 or 3 months left to live. considering the
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degradation of our environment, the thinning of the atmosphere and the ever dwindling number of crill to eat. if you thought the guy at work expounding the virtues of polyamory wasn't going, consider the squawking of an ethically non monogamous albatross. they sound lonely though, but they're still pretty confident about their lifestyle choices. and that's why earth is getting a black box to record events that lead to the downfall of civilization. i guess we've gone from let's figure out how to save ourselves transitioning green energy to let's just imagine the rest of her time on the planet as if we're going down on a boeing $747.00. let's just call our loved ones. all 3 of our wives, the parakeet, we've been dating for a little while and we'll let them know that we love them. and finally, it looks like bite in biden is not just a lot like trump. it looks like he's out trumping trump. biden is approving more
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oil and gas drilling permits on public lands. ben trump, while he's also expanding the remain in mexico policy. ha, i feel like maybe trump did when the 2020 election. i wouldn't be surprised if next month biden delivers. is state of the union address on how rosie o'donnell didn't deserve her primetime and me. we have to go to a quick break, but stay right there and we'll be back with more show. ah ah, ah ah ah, ah,
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with so i welcome back. as we enter the holiday season, the increased demand on an already troubled supply chain system, spelt serious trouble for the economy. so far, government agencies like the department of transportation, having used their full authority to step in and remedy the situation for more on this, were joined by our point a to be correspondent anders lee. hey anders anders lead here to their from the department of transportation. you know, i have to tell you, they owe me covering this department has been a true delight. we just got back from a junket in manassas, or secretary booted judge broke ground on a new trolley car museum. i mean,
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do you think of anything more exciting than a new trolley car museum? he pretended he was a conductor. he says, all aboard. hilarious. what a day. oh yeah, that's right. the head of the department of transportation is may or the that secretary may or do you know, ok, excuse me, secretary may or pete by being judge whatever his name is. what's he doing about the supply train crisis. well, i don't know if you know this about pete, but he speaks norwegian. why does that have to do with anything anders? well, if a ship gets stuck there, he can communicate with the local anders who were facing a major supply chain. crisis in the united states right now, babies are not getting their formula. medical supplies are not reaching those who need it. and naughty kids can get their whole christmas is basically canceled. how
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can we deal that? well, as you may know, the shipping industry has increased its profits by 2200 percent over the past year . and a lot of that has come from price gouging, which is basically why they're letting goods get stuck in the porch. so far, the only thing that's really gotten the industry's attention has been the port starting to find them for not moving quickly enough. oh great. so as secretary of transportation, pete can work with the federal government to find these companies even more and clear out the log jam. is he doing that? well, you see the secretary has been phenomenally busy as of late touring the country to let communities know what investments are coming their way from the infrastructure bill. we're talking about roads, bridges, and pretty much just roads and bridges, but i like roads and bridges. i go, but the whole supply chain is supposed to be under his watch, the transportation department overseas trucking, right? yes,
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shorter truckers is really exacerbated the problem as well. if he ask drivers themselves, they'll check the issue is working conditions, show poor and pay rates. so low that they amount to do indentured servitude. as a result, companies that trained and recruited new drivers often had turnover rates as high as 100 percent. right. so what, what is pete doing about that? he's increasing the number of commercial trucking licenses where you just said that it's a labor problem. how is giving out more trucking licenses? going to help more licenses means more truckers willing to work for less money. buddha judge is investing in a new fleet of truck brewster sheets that will help a new generation of drivers start transforming the industry. that does sound durable. but why not doing something about the lousy pay and conditions so that more a don't want to become truckers in the 1st place to actually do that would mean reclassifying drivers from independent contractors to employees so they can get paid an hourly
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wage, but it just doesn't have the authority to do that, but he could instruct the transportation department to sanction firms engage in illegal practices, investigate predatory vehicle loans or prioritize federal trucking contractors who operate under collective bargaining agreements. but that's not what america is all about. a federal federal secretaries job isn't to play favorites with the market. it's to do photo ops in front of the bus stop before the privatized in turn, in a parking lot, white. so how does he expect to fix this? clearly you need to improve truck driver wages and conditions, which is exactly why secretary may repeat is asking these companies so nicely to pay truckers more but let's not get carried away with the reclassification thing. ok, buddha judge has a really great relationship with goober executives. right. now that we don't need this growing up, good to see that he and the media covering him have all the right priorities. anders li, everybody. thank you. up next,
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a bizarre overlap in the roles of church and state is uncovered in utah. as many residents feel the need to convert to mormonism in order to receive state welfare. for more we turn to jennifer con, ah, today we're talking about utah. the state we're playing the game twister is considered an act of sodomy. utah, unsurprisingly, has one of the least generous welfare systems in the country, but in a very strange blurring of lines, between church and state. utah seems to be depending on the mormon church to do its job, providing welfare. according to a new story by pro public, a utah safety net for the poor is so intertwined with the l. d. 's church that individual bishops often decide who receives assistance. so poor people in utah are
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effectively being forced to convert to mormonism. just to get basic necessities. you'll what the hell mormons, this is how you're getting people to join your faith. well, you never heard of a crusade. just do a crusade. it because this is weird. the article includes the story of one woman, daniel bellamy, who is sick in need of assistance and was rejected from the states draconian welfare system. she describes church members entering her home to have her read out loud from the book of mormon watch l. d. s. videos and set a date to get baptized, all of which she says the church was requiring her to do in exchange for giving her food. dude, seriously, just to have me with this beer, i would prefer a crusade. this is cruel. can you imagine to torture on bikes in your
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home dangling basic life? necessities in front of you? well, we got some food and diapers right here, ma'am. don't you worry? just answer these questions please. how many children do you have? okay. what is your income? all right, what town in new york to god the father and jesus christ appeared a joseph smith in 18? 20 no, not albany. palmyra. unfortunately we will have to take this bread and these diapers. and these bananas are oh, these are your bananas. we're going to go ahead and take your bananas, have a good day, and god bless. there is a term in the church called bishop rude. let's referring to the deferring choices about welfare. they get made by each bishop and congregations across the state. bishop were led strikes at the heart of the problem here. the state is not allowed to discriminate, but a private church is they can discriminate against religious background or sexual
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identity, mormon church, one woman who applied for welfare was told she wouldn't be in her situation if she hadn't had sex out of wedlock. hey, i didn't come to this church to be judged. i came to this church for government assistance because this goofy asked state run by mormon republicans refuses to do its job. you know, joseph smith once instructed his membership to close the naked and feed the hungry . whether they are in this church or in any other or in no church at all, that's your own guy. i listen to hammer, but hey, i get it. following every aspect of your religion can be hard. some days you don't even drink one sip of caffeinated coffee. other days you throw out a gay homeless teenager out in the streets to starve. you'll win some you lose some . but going back to that state assembly,
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utah has been counting millions in church welfare work every year as part of the state's own welfare budget. over the past decade, the utah state legislature has been able to get out of spending at least $75000000.00 on fighting poverty that it otherwise would have had to under federal law. the state uses the church to meet its minimum federal requirement of welfare spending in order to get funding. and then it uses that funding on weird, goofy utah programs like teen spheres of influence. which state budget documents say makes teens 3.4 times more likely to delays sex. well, intercourse through high school, as well as a relationship program called how to avoid falling for a jerk or jerk ets, again, stabbed me in the fucking stomach. i was through a blood just reading that please mormons, consider a crusade. it will be more humane then jerk or jerk at please utah
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state assembly. do your jobs. the 1st amendment. it's a great amendment. number one, some would say, let's follow it from salt lake city. this is jennifer con, with redacted tonight. ah, here are your headlines from the future in a few months. you'll read confused, bite, and tells kamala harris to remain in mexico. and next year you'll read cia agent burst into tears after therapist asks how about a qu of your self esteem. and in a few decades, you'll read aliens fine black box to waste land, formerly known as earth. and it contains nothing but dunkin' donuts promotion deals
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. that's our show until next time. good night and keep fighting. ah ah, many of us hold the delta would be the sort of peak idea. well, you're not going to get a car. sure. any more transmissible than delta and not what's happened. you got something which has popped up with more than 30 changes in that spike protein that we're all interested in. it's accumulated, all the mutations we've seen in different varies all in one virus. and that raises some very interesting issues about now, where did it come from in the 1st place? is it possible to get even more mute and what's gonna happen in terms of disease severity and maxine protection? so in any suggesting the know the virus has still got some way to go through the more surprises
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a world has really turned upside down and what we see now was blade and whatnot. but when was the last time you were a verifiable truth from the united states government as they put out to the public? it's been called a dark day for journalism, killing assange support is lashing out to the london hi coach really to allow as possible expedition to the united states. yet another hearing those now needed to decide is we call on russia to return to diplomacy and to the escalate. the western russia to take the heat out of the crane crisis while sending $60000000.00 worth of military aid to give at the same time and reportedly considering more plus the curious tale of the.
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