tv News RT December 17, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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and if you have morals or ethics you're penalized. if you're not out there still stealing alluding, then you're going to be almost. and that's american today. and it's just that a this ours headline stories on our tea. russia publishes a list of proposals to nate. so for maintaining security with the countries deputy foreign minister is saying the ball is not firmly in the alliance is court when it comes to d escalation. also coming up on the program today, we dig into disturbing revelations now that manchester are rena suicide bomber who
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killed 22 people. in 27, deans at tech had links to a former nato soldier. turn terrorist and draw. it's on famine, plunge afghanistan into a humanitarian disaster with the united nation, saying the winter freeze is making matters so much worse. the situation on the ground in afghanistan continues to be difficult. people are definitely not having enough food, enough or warm enough of supplies. ah, from moscow to the world, this is our t international. great to have your company this our, my name's union o'neill. okay, i want to 1st bring you a story before we get to a headline story said is breaking on the cello, our new sister channel
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r t. d has only been broadcasting for 2 days. you may have seen that the last number of days we've been covering its launch, but its future has been thrown into dive by the national broadcast regulator in the country. and official has just been quoted in the german media questioning the validity of our broadcast license, saying the issue, quote, will be taken care of. as you might imagine, our tease management has responded saying the license was obtained in accordance with all applicable european laws and regulations under the european convention on trans frontier television. so that issue is very obviously picking up a lot of pace. we will bring you any and all updates on our new channel r t d, the german channel. it's only been a live essentially a number of days that went on our life yesterday. there was
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a huge issue with the channel as well. now it's been taken off her in germany, so any and all significant details, and i imagine will be if you will bring it to russia, has published a list of proposals for a de escalating tensions with nate. so now, mid fears of a conflict in ukraine among the demands are a small scale back of military activity near russia's borders. the western, the finance alliance has already responded, saying it will consider the document, but any outcome will require in part from you crane. just going through more thought morocco the senior correspond. let's have a listen. for years now. we've heard the same thing. oh, things have gone too far. a, we don't want war. we want to be friends for both nato and russia. but things keep getting worse, escalating the russia has taken its step publishing proposals for the us and nato,
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its wishlist for return to normality, something to start talking about. and it begins with a call to de escalate, to end the constant threats and true build ups which only lead to more of the same . the parties shall not use the territories of other states with a view to preparing or carrying out an armed attack against the other party judge for yourself. where in previous years they threatened each other with, with sanctions or legal action. now, openly booth russia, nato, a talking in fearful tones about war and of the cuban missile crisis. i'd like to believe that this is rock bottom, but there's no guarantees and guarantees are what russia wants. guarantees, for example, that us missiles aren't stationed within a few minutes flight time. to moscow. the parties shall not deploy land based,
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intermediate, and short range missiles in areas allowing them to reach the territory of the other parties. moscow sees nato slow and unexplainable encroachment towards russia's borders. as an existential threat, nato argues that it's peaceful but right then the u. s. military doctorate. russia is referred to as an adversary. the closer that nato and u. s. troops and tags and missiles move to russia, the more unpredictable the game gets, which is why putin has set his red line. nato states committed themselves to refrain from any further enlargement of nato, including the accession of ukraine, as well as other states. not that nato thinks much of russia's concerns. not long ago, secretary general stalking berg announced that roger has no vito, no sane nato operations and no right to any sort of security. buffalo sphere of
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influence, which sets us back all the way to square one. at the nebulous motor, this is not an attempt to revise the post cold war order. it's a response to western expansion which has been conducted in a hostile manner. the gist of that proposal that, that the u. s. nato and russia have a requirement for security as essential as food, or would that, that they must all, equally respect. nato has received the proposals and says that a little disgust them amongst themselves and with input from ukraine. but there isn't much cause for optimism. russ's requests of largely been rejected, summoned in private, summoned public, consult mockingly for the cameras. but perhaps this time sense will prevail on july the to welcome live on to the program on elizabeth new tay journalist, and political commentator for her thoughts. hello to you. at russia,
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once negotiations with nato, it said i'd, it's terms including whole thing, the alliance as expansion and limiting military drills in a designated buffer zone. as our correspondent was going through. how confident would you be of nato agreeing to, or at least significantly considering those things? i think you need to consider, though things more easily if it didn't feel that ukraine is being threatened by over, a 100000 troops must, at, is full as eastern border and especially considering the track record. russia, not as if this came out of out of the blue, fast there was the annexation of crimea, which is in international law, ukrainian, a part of ukraine. and 2nd, that was the war in the dumbass, which started in 2014 has a cool something like 15000 death on the ukraine side, possibly more since i last looked. and i felt as a feeling that this facility, and there's also a distinct feeling that if russia russia is now putting itself with the terms on
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the equipment in, in a position to invade your grade. and this is not exactly the time in which nature was to make concessions. yeah, of course, must must be denies that they are planning in any way to invade ukraine. but of course i get your point from what nature was thinking. they keep expressing support for ukraine, sending weapons military advisors there as well. at nato is supposed to be about collective defense. are those actions defensive to you or offensive? it depends what you see. that, as i've said, you had an actual war being waged against ukraine and what is an ukranian province, the don bass on that for the past? it's 7 years already. so it's not as if the idea war in that area was coming completely out of the group is a great deal of equipment on the other side. and i suspect that nature, which quite frankly, do not give signals that they themselves want to attack anyone. they still believe
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that in a game of chicken, both sides have got to be able to hold their positions. i would do, i would sort of say that holding one's position is essentially defensive. what, what i can see that russia is saying is that a crate is not a member of nato, and nato has nothing to do in ukraine. but this is something in an area which has seen so much war in some much movement of the boulder itself. in the past century, it's perfect cannibal understandable that everybody is a bit jumpy about it at the i that's nate. so what about on elizabeth european nations themselves? how much agreement do you sense there is on the issue of ukraine to do? you powers have any desire to get sucked in a potential conflict. it depends, quite honestly, on which he you how we're talking about a little bit of the might be surprises like it's easier for me to take the french point of view because that's what i hear. those are great offensive that's being
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offensive. diplomatic offensive, not military offensive. that's been muted by the french government, which is going to hit the ground running on the 1st of january, 2022 as false. takes up the rotating presidency of the european council. and the thing that emanuel michael president macro once absolutely to push is the notion of a common european defense policy, in which case and the idea that all of europe have got to sort of have a consensus over want of being more independent, especially with the disappearance of the united states as a sort of a significant power in europe as opposed to asia and other places. means that the 1st a sort of decision that europe has to take cannot be of some capitulation or just indifference. because that would justify the idea that europe and not have its own independent defense. so i would say that now is absolutely the wrong time to be messing troops on the other side. ok,
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we see how we will transpire that issue on elizabeth lucere journalist political comment her live in ortiz, thanks. the manchester arena. bomber may have been radicalized by a former nato soldier, turned terrorist that was revealed during an inquiry into the atrocity. on thursday . senior figures from the you case, counter terrorism, police and home office game. they're closing submissions. just a reminder of watson full of dreadful day in 2070 summon. r. beatty detonated explosives in a stadium, hosting and own arianna graham day concert. know 22 people were killed. the youngest, an 8 year old girl, and hundreds more were injured. version done of can gives a sense to have those in latest fax, which have come to like he murdered $22.00 people in one suicide blast. now a public inquiry is trying to establish what turned
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a hard core party go up into a suicide bomber, and how it could have been prevented. the probe was yet to deliver concrete answers, but over the past couple of years it has yielded plenty of disturbing revelations. these pictures, unnerved by the inquiry leave, little to the imagination the bomb. his whole family himself included, have been gun toting maniacs, thoroughly radicalized according to the findings. this is his father and the m. i. 5, they admitted they knew about the trigger. happy father who apparently was turning his sons into extremists and my 5 also knew about the bombers contacts with not one or 2, but 6 people who were just short of being placed on the terror watch list. and my 5 were also reportedly warned by the f b i that cell mana betty was planning an attack in the u. k. which in fact he was
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none of that was apparently good enough to ban him from entry in 2015 and my 5 received information that summoner bady was in contact with the subjects of interest. so i see. and so i see was a long standing a so i, because of his previous affiliation with an extremist group in libya, from mid 2015 onwards. am i 5 received information or some, an a baby on several occasions which included conflicting information about his a spousal of pro eisley views. ah, this is abdullah rove abdullah a convicted terrorist, suspected of radical ising the manchester terrorist. he was friends with the bomber with a bomb his father, more than that, they were brothers in arms within one of libby as largest militant groups. the february 17th march, his brigade. that's where they learned how to shoot, kill and bomb. not without the help of natal instructors, it was a group that had taken up arms to fight against gadhafi. this indeed,
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we had 2 or forced us, as we were backed up by the whole world and we were fighting. and nature was frightened, actually with us, long sighted us as the british government also actually i was chained by and actually in nature as well. it was just normal, basic training in weapons. basic training yet out to ain't you and reload militant groups that later birth terrorists have been ones favored by western officials. the inquiry has shown, when a delores commander was done with fighting in libya, he formed an anti government militia in syria on irish government money. and did he subsequently a lead a group from libya to serious it? yes, i saw mano he did, and here before that he was an island,
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is it live it? he was a live is a live in irish island, and he was aided by the irish government with money. and i believe the british government also knew of others well to go and help syrians, if against that, the fight against asset during the libyan conflict in 2011, the british government was in communication with a wide range of libyans involved in the conflicts against the cathy regime forces it is likely that this included former members of the libyan islamic fighting group and the 17th of february, march this brigade as part of our broad engagement. during this time, the you case help to rebel groups of various degrees of extremism did not. and there britton's elite troops were caught on camera in libya, despite official assurances at the time that there were no boots on the ground them . there was no other choice but to admit their reality. if the malicious and or era bellows had not been there playing a key role,
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i am not so certain that eric bala would have resulted in godaddy's downfall in the way that we had a few people embedded with them. not up front, so to speak, but beckoned carriers. rebel groups firepower grew. nato was dropping bombs by the 1000 and qaddafi while eventually fell. and with him went down libya's security and rule of law. as all this myriad of militias turned against each other vying for power, the country turned into a free for all. so the u. k. began to evacuate its citizens, including militants. well guess who boarded the royal navies h. m. s. enterprise. back in 20. 14 in tripoli. none other than the future. manchester, boehmer, solomon abedi, lar, t, has asked nato and u. k. officials to comment on the admissions. we let you know what responses given or from were on the inquiry head to our website,
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which also has plenty of stories. we just couldn't fit into our bulletin, including how the u. s. and ukraine voted against the un resolution condemning naziism about just a click away at art c dot com 3 months after the taliban took over afghanistan, humanitarian groups are continuing to sun. the alarm, the banking system has collapsed on the countries on the brink of mass starvation situation that is expected to intensify during winter. i winter means even with like spending the whole day in line to get some bread up. 3 loaves of bread help esvito children wears a stand and truly the baker says here from morning to evening, 3 logs is brad. the price of bread has skyrocketed with hundreds of people, including women, children, and the elderly, come to the bakery every day and make for bread. people live in poverty price. a
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loaf of bread used to cost $10.00 f connie's. but now it is 20. 23000000 people face. acute food shows, juice this winter. that's more than half the country's population. out the taliban take over. foreign donors, cutoff financial aid. humanitarian aid is still getting it. but there is no telling if it will pass the 1st way to test the taliban government has now urging the u. s . to release $10000000000.00 in afghanistan, which, where frozen after the islamist group sees power in august, the taliban foreign minister has asked the world to show quote, mercy and compassion. we discussed the crisis with the un secretary general's deputy representative for afghanistan. situation on the ground in afghanistan continues to be difficult and complex. our winter has come. we have
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temperatures dropping below 0 and people are definitely not having enough food. enough warmth, i enough of supplies. so it's a difficult situation. ah, our teams are reaching out to over 8000000 people now providing them with essential food items. and also delivering hundreds of thousands of kids which contain into zation items and which keep people warm at went overall package of age to of contest on was estimated at $8000000.00 annually. and through the next year, we will be seeking a $4400000.00 towards the humidity in appeal, an additional $3.00 to was basic human needs. the aid is coming and it's producing an impact. there may move to make a difference for the people on the grounds. however, i've got
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join me every thursday on the alex salmon? sure. i'll be speaking to guess when the world of politics spoke. business, i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm. ah. ah, it, we're back with a story that's familiar to a lot of people from europe's record. electricity prices have risen further after the biggest power provider in france,
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shut down for of its nuclear reactors. this week, e d. f said that it was done to technical faults, my colleagues, rory, sushi and saskia tiller talk through the latest earlier. so it's like it's going to be a belief, mid winter for europe at this point a while europe's energy crisis might be a hot topic, but sauce me, it does look like it's going to be a cold winter on the continent. because while gas prices have spike, the gas itself is running low and i'm talking dangerously record lows. in fact, your pink gas store supplies haven't been this spot in a decade, on average, across the block. 3074 percent full. that's down to 94 percent last year, and germany in particular is on edge. since the coldest pulse of winter is still ahead, the relatively low gas reserves should be used carefully. if we keep withdrawing gas at the current rate, the level will be very low by february. so no buffer, no real resolved, that anyone can sort of depend to and he's really tight times. and things do seem
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to be going from bad to was because state owned an extra step to france or e t f. now that it will be shutting down to bits nucular reactive because of safety reasons. some pipes that are part and you need repairing on top of that and not the to have pools to walk pending inspections. this is bad news, of course not just the fronts he's electricity is most kate and you can generate to this, not just bad news for the nation that it exports to, for example, the u. k. but it's also very nerve wracking for the mall kits which have already been on a total roller coaster ride over the last couple of months. but of course, who has taken the biggest hit full people. i mean, i was absolutely shocked to read that europeans were pay 900 percent more for natural gas in january 2022 than they did in january 2021. so i really think looking at this picture now, it's not an exaggeration to say, it's a pretty di situation. a lot of this russian gas that goes into europe. it hasn't, they didn't fill up their coffers during last summer. so they were, as you were saying that the gas levels were low, prices have gone up, but rusher is the one who's apparently taken the blame and,
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and certainly the u. k. media and the tabloids in the european media. they've been having russia for these high prizes. it is a big supplier of gus to europe. and how was moscow reacting to all of this? what you all right around 30 percent of europe's natural gas that comes from russia . so you'd think that given how desperate the situation is that brussels would know what site it's bread is buttered on. but what does the you do? having failed to come to an agreement on how to handle and move forward in this ongoing crisis. an hour long summit, it basically turns round and accuses moscow or using gas as a political weapon. so of course we know it's always good to have someone else to blame. the thing is, is russia is po filling it's contracts. and the problem is, is it is unwilling to turn the taps on to overflow most. he says, look, we've got our own low shortages on top of that domestic demand at the moment is incredibly high because you and i very well know the went to here is very cold. we
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really just can't give you any more. so most was looking at how the situation is unfolding is also thinking generally about how frosty brussels has been to russia in recent times. and is think, you know what, it wouldn't be a bad time to diversify our market and to look to cooperate with perhaps more friendly nations. so to that end, a new pipeline is actually on the calls you, but i'm at the, in practical terms. it's a project for gas pipeline, from russia to china via mongolia. the work is progressing successfully. it could become a continuation of the russian power of siberia to pipeline michigan. the optimal route and length of already been determines the feasibility studies being prepared . and i think you will be ready in the coming weeks. so construction that could start as early as 2024. in the meantime, what's happening? europe's crisis wasn't in the global markets embracing itself. meanwhile, not trained to pipeline which is ready to go. and could significantly, of course, alleviate the use energy crisis is lying idle myers in political games. and of course, who's paying the highest price quite literally, in this case,
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european assistance. of course, economist peter earl also gave us his views on why russia is starting to prioritize its eastern customers on the energy market. i think at this point i've given that it's a mid december or week before christmas, these issues i've already been pushed off to spring or summer of 20. 22 could certainly be viewed as reckless. but the political nations, these political leaders of these nations definitely think there are strategic issues that are more important and energy access right now. and eventually those political leaders will have to answer its voters for the decisions they're making. now, i'm sure the russian decision to engage mongolia and china beyond that rests on a number of political and economic calculations. but in light of the growing tension between the u. s. and rush over and ukraine. yeah, probably means russia right now is more inclined to look east at present. the primary meaning of that of that deal is that mongolian,
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russia are building relationships which once established may take priority over former relationships. other russia had, with europe. russia basically demonstrating that there are other markets into which they can so natural gas and other energy products. not another story to bring you there has been a surprising twist in the migrant. stunned off on the bellow roost poland border. a polish border soldier has not affected to belarus on request and political asylum ortiz ilia. katrinka can tell us more. so when the de facto was talking to the bell, russian media, he said that he was 100 percent. sure, that war saw is now going to try and portray him as a traitor and also a very bad man. and when he was asked the question, by doing so, do the polish officials want to draw attention away from the crisis on the ballroom? poland border?
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his answer was obvious. the yes, the former soldier also said that he pretty much couldn't stand what was happening at the border where for months now, plenty of microns and refugees have been trying to cross into the e u. the most serious accusation that we heard from the defector was that he saw 2 cases when the polish military shot and killed volunteers who were trying to help the migraines. the soldier also describe how his fellow service men behaved and he called. busy that a pure display of domination, people among the most senior ranks of the polish military, have admitted that one of their soldiers has defected and they are absolutely furious. the man's commanders have already been fired. the defense minister says that he was an offender and that he wasn't even simple to serve at the border. the minister once punishment for those who sent him there. a soldier who went missing
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yesterday had serious problems of the law and resigned from the army. he should never have been assigned to the border surface. i've asked for an explanation as to who was responsible for this. i can remind you that the european union officials have been blaming the crisis on alexander lucas shank. oh and is the government. they are saying that mister lucas ankle is waging a hybrid war against the however, men's has denied purposefully sending the migrant to the border. now this latest situation, when that soldier could become a new twist and this conflict, so let's wait for more reaction. okay, on a busy news day, let's say give you a recap of our breaking news story. our new sister channel r t d has only been broadcasting for what less than 48 hours thursday morning, local time. moscow. but it's future has been thrown into dot by the national broadcast regulator in germany. unofficial has just been quoted in the media.
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they're questioning the validity of the broadcast licensing quote. the issue will be taken care of our team management. as you might imagine, responded thing, a license was obtained in accordance with all applicable european laws and regulations under the european convention on trans frontier at television. so a significant updates today we will bring you all and any significant developments to storing the coming hours. i expect a few or i to a friday visit to the business you do next for a wrap up of the week's big stories, catch the bus crew in moments stickler ah ah.
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