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tv   News  RT  December 18, 2021 3:00am-3:31am EST

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it's roy using sy against itself. join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess with the world of politics. sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. ah, on you german language channel r t d's emboldened legal dispute that europe's media regulated questions. it's broadcast license, satony's management stress though the license was obtained in full compliance with european law arizona. law enforcement struggles to deal with hundreds of migrants arriving every day. a state of emergency has been imposed with sheriff's describing the situation as chaotic. so we end up with the decimal desert robberies that are happening along the border. the pursuits then lay ancillary
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criminal activity, like too large amounts of drugs that are being smuggled all over the country. with high profile officials of raising the alarm about a 5th wave of the pandemic, engulfing europe for continents. still, rails from the impact of the previous search and infections and sex education without any reference to sex. the wealth government is accused of indoctrinating children with woke gender politics by purging parts of the school curriculum of words such as man, woman, boy and girl. ah, i the very good morning. thanks for joining me here on auntie. our brand new german sister channel county, da's been accused of not having the necessary documentation to broadcast in germany
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. auntie management has responded saying that his license was quote, obtained in accordance with all the applicable european laws and regulations. are some context for you. the new channel was taken off youtube. the very same day launched on thursday. technically no connection between that incident and the german t v dispute. but as you can see, it's been a rocky stock filled the channel official. so the european media watchdog had so ominous words as well for the new channel on the license must be issued in germany, and the application must also be filed her. first of all, this is a real irritant, and we will take care of it. he called the r t d essentially a peskin and little nuisance that is going to be taken care of. so that is some interesting language there right off the bat. but the, the crux of the issue is that in his view, we are have no business broadcasting in germany. he,
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he screaming ah, incorrectly, that the news channel is actually based in berlin, when in fact, it is based in moscow, quite literally down the hall from, from the studio. and the news programs are coming out here being filmed here, edited put on the air. and so forth. and they are doing that via license for through another country to serbia for another european license and are in full right to broadcast across all of europe, including in germany. our license was obtained under what is known as the european convention on trans frontier tra, trans frontier television, which i, under that convention gives us the right to broadcast to 33 countries across europe as long ago broadcast from moscow. and those countries include germany, but they also include other countries with majority of significant german language
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populations, such as austria, switzerland, luxembourg, and so forth. this is where the separation is really important. the legal action is being launched against our tv production, which makes some makes some of the shows our tv productions does not need a license, because our tv production is not a can it channel is our tv that is coming out of here. and thus moscow, our headquarters, our parent company applied for applied for license in serbia, the amount of pressure that our new german channels has faced even before it went on the air. difficulties with banks, difficulties, not just with licensing, but you know, the pressure on, you know, on our guests and so forth. has been really unprecedented pressure again, as you've mentioned that beginning on our digital platforms, we are ready to keep, to keep fighting. well,
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we have reached out to one of the main european authorities that deals with press freedom to get his position on the r t d dispute. the o. s. c representative on freedom of the media told us our request would be considered as soon as possible. i resumed law enforcement sir, say they are overwhelmed with hundreds of illegal migrants crossing the border wall in human each day the county met earlier imposed the state of emergency to secure additional resources for dealing with the inflow of people. local sheriff's describe the situation is chaos. kellum openings plates, arizona, mexico border is buzzing with activity. 3000 migrants crossed just this weekend and the local sheriff says they are in a hurry. there were a lot of people who were planning to come here. but because of the new law, they decided to come as soon as possible. now the widening administration recently reinstated the trump administration's policy of having asylum seekers remain in
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mexico waiting in mexico while their claims are considered. now the sheriff thinks that the administration's actions are fueling the crisis. we told us administration, if they decided to in phoebe, it was going to cause these problems. and obviously the ancillary impacts in the upper in our backyard. so we end up with the desk in the desert of the robberies that are happening along the border. the pursuit. then lea ancillary criminal activity like large amounts of drugs that are being smuggled into our country. from mexico all are occurring in every order county along the southwestern board. now the local mayor has declared a state of emergency. he's calling on federal officials for help. a 110 agents from the department of homeland security have already been re committed. however, local officials are slamming biden for not doing enough. yuma is facing an escalating humanitarian and bode a crisis. and it's
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a direct result of the biden administration's poor communication, lack of organization and complete disregard for border protection. but arizona is not alone. florida is also dealing with the migration wave. so the border is obviously a disaster. well, actually the by the administration puts people on planes and flies them in the florida in the wee hours of the morning. so they've done over 70 flights. in the last 6 months out. com, a harris who is vice president and just recently named border czar by joe biden, doesn't seem to really be on the case. the guar alan had of state says he hasn't heard from her since june despite whitehouse reassurances. why is it that she has not spoken to the president of guatemala since you 6 months? i knew that i could see this kind of strange report from the president of guatemala, saying that he has had no contact with the white house, which is inaccurate. other than you're meeting with harris in june, this is the only one. this is the only communication you've had with the biden
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administration concerning a legal immigration. yet pamela harris is currently touting her program with private companies to bring foreign investment to central america and stop the migrant flow. but how much a trickle of funds from pepsi, cargill and mastercard will actually do, remains unclear. meanwhile, 50000 juveniles seeking asylum have disappeared. according to the country's top migration tracker, when compared case by case record by reco with the previous month day to dump truck received, we find that requisite disappear without explanation truck is repeatedly reached out to the agency executive office of immigration review. the d o j agency, the overseas us immigration cases, but has not received any satisfactory explanation. a number of these asylum cases continued to disappear each month. researchers say the u. s. department of justice is making it more difficult to track a juvenile migrant cases. providing information that is not useful or precise, but one sheriff will not keep silent. they've already got what over $147000.00
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juveniles their own a company own. they, they need to change their messaging. obviously, when you sit there and say that you're going to do individuals money because they were separated at the boulder, less just to draw for the cartels and further from a wilma to exploit. so now that's why we see a member juveniles come across 1st. and then the parents come late, which as they know their bill, it will be reunited. and so it's all play on the rules of this administration was put in place. the migrant crisis has hung over the biden administration from the beginning. many wonder if there are any real solutions in the works, not just reassuring words. caleb martin r t new york with europe is still reeling from the 4th wave of the pandemic. high profile officials,
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a warning it fixed these boys to break the german health minister says it's time to brace for new difficulties as countries across the continent reimpose some tough restrictions. the to oliver has details for the 4th wave of cove at 19 certainly isn't over. and while we're still dealing with that, the new german health minister car allowed to buy has been or painting a pretty bleak picture about the immediate future. and he was looking at the number of infections of the o micron variant in the united kingdom and saying that there is potentially a massive 5th wave of the virus on its way brushed. thus i'm assuming there will be a massive 5th wave. i mean, close concert with my colleagues from the u. k. both politically and scientifically . we were still coordinating just yesterday, my colleagues say that what has been observed on the ground exceeds anything that has been observed in the entire pandemic. we have to prepare ourselves for a challenge that we have not faced yet in this form. while infection numbers have been dropping gradually in recent days and weeks here in germany,
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it isn't happening fast enough. according to the country, public health authority, the robert cock institute, in order to release the burden from intensive care beds and the availability of those intensive care beds. not just in germany, where there are problems on the horizons. a new action being taken in switzerland. they've brought in new measures which are designed in order to well get more people to get vaccinated. basically, if you haven't been vaccinated or can't prove that, you have recovered from covered it. within the last 6 months, you're going to be pretty much barred from, from everywhere in switzerland, from here on out what we're seeing as you going to need to provide the proof of one of those 2 things to get into sports stadiums. cultural events and leisure facilities, also restaurants as well. it comes after the intensive care unit bed space in the capacity for that bed space in switzerland, past 82 percent this week. so the country deciding to take emergency measures
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they're in denmark, they've also implemented new measures. they are going to be closing theaters and cinemas because of a rise of covert cases there in france. they've done is they've basically cut off all non essential trouble between france and the united kingdom because of the, the sheer number of cases, tens and tens of thousands. huge amounts of covert cases being recorded in the united kingdom funds deciding they want a few people as possible traveling between the 2 countries. it's also prompted action, an e u level member states and their leaders saying that they wanted to see more vaccines that are specifically tailored to taco, the oma kron variance of cove. at 19. in fact, the orders are all ready to go in for a 180000000 doses of coven vaccines that would target, specifically the, the oem, across very intuitive world, the subject of vaccines. there's been a massive push here in germany to get people to come forward. for booster jobs,
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in fact, 1500000 people were vaccinated here in germany on wednesday alone, 1300000 of those were booster vaccines. but the problem is, there's not enough vaccines here in germany right now in order to keep up that type of pace and it's not type of pace that the, the new health minister wants to see happening. so what germany is looking to do is to buy vaccines that are being used in countries like poland, bulgaria, and romania vaccines that may well see this, that used by dates expire in the near future, germany say, and they'll take them off their hands in order to try and get enough jobs in the facilities and all that to put them into people's homes. well, as he spoke to w h o representative margaret harris, who says that only chrome poses a threats even to the vaccinated. the inoculation programs are still on the bus defense. the really big difference between alma klein and the other variance is it
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made of spread. we are very concerned that there will be a lot of people who become severely ill and end up in hospital people who had previously been infected with all the forms of the, of the saws, covey to virus, were re infected with army front. so we can see that i'm kron can infect people, whether or not they have had a previous infection, and it can infect people who have been vaccinated. but the critical thing is, we are also saying that people who've been vaccinated ah, being protected from having this, and via phone, from dying ending as pandemic, is in all our hands at every level of society, every country, if we all do all the things we need to do, we can in this pandemic. so what am i talking about? we only to get vaccinated, we own a to help people around the world get vaccinated. we all need to take seriously the
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measures to prevent the violins from spreading proposed in person until we vaccinate promptly around the world. we are making it possible for new versions to new variance to arise. coming up electricity costs saw in europe. the front shuts down for nuclear reactors. more russia looks case after being snubbed by the e. u. of energy. a story on the way. ah ah, ah ah.
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ah bax kaiser's financial saliva. no, they say made it to realize that it is a central flag support diagram. mm. call them right now. they stop the madness. ah ah,
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europe's record electricity prices have risen further after the biggest power provider in france, shut down for of its nuclear to this week. media says it's down to technical false . my colleagues who are c shakes, husky, taylor, talk through the development. while europe's energy crisis might be a hot topic, but sauce me, it does look like it's going to be a cold winter on the continent. because while gas prices have spike, the gas itself is running low and i'm talking dangerous kate record lows. in fact, your pink gas stores supplies haven't been this spot in a decade, on average across the blog, or any 74 percent full. that's down from 94 percent last year. and germany in particular is on edge. since the coldest pulse of winter is still ahead, the relatively low gas reserves should be used carefully. if we keep withdrawing gas at the current rate, the level will be very low by february. so no buffer, no real resolved, that anyone can sort of depend too. and these really tight times and things do seem
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to be going from bad to worse, because state owned an extra step to france or e t f announce that it will be shutting down to of its nucular reactive because of safety reasons. some pipes that are part you need repairing on top of that and not the to have pools, walk pending inspections. this is bad news, of course not just the fronts he's electricity is most kate, and you can generate to that, not just bad news for the nation that it exports to, for example, the u. k. but it's also very nerve wracking for the mall kits, which i've already been on a total roller coaster ride over the last couple of months. but of course, who has taken the biggest hit full people. i mean, i was absolutely shocked to read that europeans were pay 900 percent more for natural gas in january 2022 than they did in january 2021. so i really think looking at this picture now, it's not an exaggeration say, it's a pretty di situation. a lot of this russian gas that goes into europe. it hasn't, they didn't fill up their coffers during last summer. so they were, as you were saying that the gas levels were low, prices have gone up,
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but russia is the one who's apparently taken the blame and, and certainly the u. k. media and the tabloids and the european media. they've been having russia for these high prizes. it is a big supplier of gus to europe. and how is moscow reacting to all of this? what you are right around 30 percent of europe, natural gas that comes from russia. so you'd think then, given how desperate the situation is that brussels would know what side it's bread is buttered on. but what does the you do? having failed to come to an agreement on how to handle and move forward in this ongoing crisis. an hour long summit, it basically turns round and accuses moscow of using gases, a political weapon. so of course, we know it's always good to have someone else to blame. the thing is, is russia is fulfilling, it's contracts. and the problem is, is it is unwilling to turn the taps on to overflow. mosca says, look, we've got our own low shortages on top of that domestic demand at the moment is incredibly high because you and i very well know the went to here is very cold. we
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really do con, give you any more. so what we're looking at how the situation is unfolding, it'll say, thinking generally about how frosty brussels has been to russia and we some times think you know what, it wouldn't be a bad time to diversify our market and to look to cooperate with perhaps more friendly nations, so to that end, a new pipeline is actually on the cards he gave, but i missed it in practical times. it's a project for gas pipeline, from russia to china and fi, a mongolia to work is progressing successfully. it could become a continuation of the russian power of siberia to pipeline, unless you come the optimal route and length of already been determined, the feasibility studies being prepared. and i think it will be ready in the coming weeks. so construction that could start as early as 2024. in the meantime, what's happening, europe's crisis was named the global markets embracing itself. meanwhile, nordstrom to pipeline, which is ready to go and could significant equals alleviate the use energy crisis, is lying idle, mired in political games. and of course,
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who's paying the highest price quite literally, in this case, european systems. unless done, economist falco helmeyer says russia shift to the ace makes sense. this energy priced crisis may prevail longer if we can make geo politics and issue of these energy themes. we are living in europe together with russia, and i think it is high time to return to serious diplomatic approaches rather than have a mega phone diplomacy, which rather feeds escalation. i think there has been a shift of interest, given the fact that the euro agee an area is growing fast. and about the interest over there in net gas and fossil fuels from russia has increased. and thus, if europe doesn't play a long, and i think,
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i think the likelihood of russia turning more and more towards the east is extremely high. and it would put a risk on energy safety and, and the route european union. booking fort across the atlantic in new york, politicians are ramping up electricity usage by bidding foul to gas. the city council voted to eradicate the use of natural gas in new buildings to combat climate change. the registration still needs to be signed by their bill de blasio but 2nd well with his green new deal plan that everyone in new york though is set on the idea. if the largest city in america can take this critical step to ban gas use, any city can do the same. this is how to fight back against climate change on the local level and guarantee a green city for generations to come. as long as they can find something more sustainable. sure. but if they're not able to find something and it's that the cost
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having and people who need he then i definitely don't agree with that. i think it's important to think about long term costs and to have options available to city. all you need is one blackout and you know, everything goes caput we're, i've never heard of all the guess. no, it can happen, but it has in and under the draft law. new buildings under 7 floors in height will be banned from using gas as an energy source for things such as stoves and boilers . the rules will be enforced by the end of 2023 and 4 years later, for new buildings, research is suggest the magic could cut carbon emissions by 2100000 tons within 2 decades, which in turn can help save on gas connections. however, the cost of living that is likely to go up for residence of the new buildings in the northeast, the country consumers are expected to pay $1500.00 for electric hating this winter . that's according to the u. s. energy agency, almost 2 times higher than paying for gas, the executive director of
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a conservative nonprofit on hyphenated america, says the decision will affect more than just heating bills, more proven oil reserves to date, we have more proven natural gas reserves. today we are more proven whole today than we had 20 years ago. little let alone a 100 years ago. so what source are they planning on using to provide electricity for these buildings? are they planning on using solar power? it's not what it just affect your energy costs for you to heat your home during the winter time. it's going to affect everything across the boards for stores and charge more because their electricity bill is going to go. what left is like to attribute that idea as an economic theory to capitalism. really, the, the downstream effect trickle down if you will, of left us policy always is that the consumer ends up paying children in wales will be taught about sex without use of gender specific terms,
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such as boy and girl. new pos, curriculum has been condemned by women's groups. i'm parents who say it down place, sexual harassment, sexism, and homophobia. stop the world. i want to get self. i am sick of having my gender raised by the work brigade, the welsh governments, new sex education curriculum is not fit for purpose. children do not need a curriculum steeped him, but larry an ideology or anti science. this is an biological fact based education. it's indoctrination of children. we live in a sinister wild think it's an example of government being captured by gender identity, ideology, j. b welsh government draft and those those rage like a stumble manifesto. so they have been advised by stonewall. you preach an ideology that most people don't believe n and
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n s against biological facts. and is, isn't my day a belief that some people hold that it's being taught to children as factual truth . it's not just going to confuse children. it's, it's, it's a huge safeguarding issue because it means that you cannot distinguish between female and if children fail, they aren't allowed to do that. then it robs them all boundaries and between the sexes which entitle to state that boundaries with the opposite sex while making no reference to sex. the new curriculum does mention sexuality. the words man and woman are largely out though women are mentioned when talking about domestic abuse towards parliament debated the changes to the curriculum for just 30 minutes. legislative say that it will foster feelings of equality and inclusive to
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give children a better understanding. they say of positive and safe relationships campaign of stephanie davis are, i says, more cares needed though, when deciding sex ed curriculums, it's being rushed through. and it's the relationships and sex education is so important. so important that we get it right. and this is an appropriate and it's factual based on biology and it's age appropriate. there are so many things to consider and designing a sex education curriculum and say 30 minutes to, to rush through. sounds like they are not confident of hearing any opposition to that is a trend it's, it's been happening greg gradually, over the last decade, but in the last 5 years it's really accelerated that everything that children are
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going online and the glamorization medical transition back your go over a boy, depending on your internal meetings and not no biological sex, that message is given to children. i'm just now being taught children in school and that's been increasing the past 5 years. i'm sort of the south. i see company more here 90 in half an hour with
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the saudi max kaiser. this is the kaiser report. we are in mexico city, heading south to el salvador. the savior are adopting big point standard. probably mexico will do the same thing a couple years. but let's check in with stacy, stacy, macs. the last episode we talked about the inflation and inflation propaganda. inflation has stolen the news. i think this is going to be the big 2022, thim as our guest, john will be set at the end of the last episode and you continue on the beam and the 2nd half of this episode. but i also want to say that the population of america
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agrees with maxim, stacy, they also believe, in fact, 2 thirds of americans polled disapprove of how biden has handled inflation. that makes sense because he's throwing gasoline onto the fly. fire of inflation and people don't like that because they're already getting burned by inflation. why are you doing that, jo? jose and an arsonist is like, oh, there is an inflation burning down the economy. let me throw gasoline on to it. or is it actually, you know, drop but sauce? i don't know. i'm joe biden. i'm crazy. well, are you saying that he's like putting on the fire fest of 2022? remember that ramshackle fire festival that happened a few years ago before the pandemic long before the pandemic? so you know, your vague memories might come popping up about it.


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