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tv   News  RT  December 18, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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and smiling science of that's how need nuances manufactured their attention. only seeking tv rail science rolling using sy against the shell a o. thousands rally in central london against a raft of new anti cove measures as daily infections in the u. k. reportedly reach an all time high the british supreme court rules it was unlawful to drop an inquiry into the alleged torture of 14 suspected irie members by british soldiers. one of them told us what he had to endure. though at this concert, wait, lloyd, that commandment took over your brain. we were denied. silly,
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we'll show were denied you should toilet that was constant for the 7 days or so to law enforcement struggles to deal with hundreds of migrants arriving every day. officials are rounding on the bible ministration with sheriffs describing the situation as chaos. so we end up with decimal, desert robberies that are happening along the border of the pursuits. then the ancillary criminal activity, like the large amounts of drugs that have been smuggled in our country, ah, broadcasting director of studios in moscow. this is our international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. you know, the, you, k has recorded a record covered surge with more than 93000 cases registered in the past 24 hours.
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and the mayor of london has declared a major incident with hospitals running out of capacity. meanwhile, the government, ramping up its restrictions, sparking a furious response on the streets of the capital. the thousands of people marched in the capitol throughout the afternoon. amid a heavy police presence, they voiced outrage over reported plans for mandatory vaccines as well as the new coven past system. under the rules, adults in england have to show in immunity, pass to enter nightclubs, sports news, and other large events. and similar picture is playing out across europe, as well as the spread of the micron variant accelerates with the netherlands becoming the 1st country to set a strict lockdown over christmas. the measures active as of sunday limit households to 2 visitors for over the holidays and all but non essential businesses will be close ah.
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elsewhere, austria has lifted its blanket long down with the vaccinated, enjoying greater freedoms, but the un jammed remain subject to lock down loyalty, but are allowed to attend gatherings of up to 10 of the festive season. a change has done little to subdue, protest. thousands furiously marched through vienna's riot police laden streets on saturday. meanwhile, amid surgeon coven numbers in britain, germany mandates. quarantine on you. k arrivals from monday heater oliver in berlin has more on germany's covered situation. of the 4th wave old cove at 19 certainly isn't over. and while we're still dealing with that, the new german health minister car allowed to buy has been, will painting a pretty bleak picture about the immediate future. and he was looking at the number of infections of the ohm icon variant in the united kingdom and saying that there is potentially
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a massive 5th wave of the virus on its way brushed us. i'm assuming there will be a massive fis waive, i mean, close concert with my colleagues from the u. k. both politically and scientifically . we were still coordinating just yesterday, my colleagues say that what has been observed on the ground exceeds anything that has been observed in the entire pandemic. we have to prepare ourselves for a challenge that we have not faced yet in this form. while infection numbers have been dropping gradually in recent days and weeks here in germany, it isn't happening fast enough. according to the country, public health authority, the robert cock institute, in order to release the burden from intensive care beds and the availability of those intensive care beds. not just in germany, where there are problems on the horizons. a new action being taken in switzerland. they've brought in new measures which are designed in order to well get more people to get vaccinated basically if you haven't been vaccinated or can't prove that, you have recover from covered it. within the last 6 months,
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you're going to be pretty much bod, from, from everywhere. in switzerland, from here on out, what we're seeing is you're going to need to provide the proof of one of those 2 things to get into sports stadiums. cultural events, and leisure facilities, also restaurants as well. it comes after the intensive care unit bed space, l. the capacity for that bed space in switzerland past 82 percent this week. so the country deciding to take a merge and see measures they're in denmark. they've also implemented new measures . they are going to be closing theaters and cinema is because of her eyes of covert cases. they're in france. what they've done is they've basically cut off all non essential trouble between france and the united kingdom because of the, the she had number of cases tens and tens of thousands, huge amounts of covert cases being recorded in the united kingdom, france deciding they want a few people as possible traveling between their 2 countries. it's also prompted action, an
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e u level member states and their leaders saying that they wanted to see more vaccines that are specifically tailored to taco, the oma cron variance of cove at 19. in fact, the orders are all ready to go in for 180000000 doses of coven vaccines that were target, specifically the, the oem, across very intuitive world, the subject of vaccines. there's been a massive push here in germany to get people to come forward for booster jobs. in fact, 1500000 people were vaccinated here in germany on wednesday alone, 1300000 of those were booster vaccines. but the problem is says, not enough vaccines here in germany right now in order to keep up that type of pace . and it's not the type of pace that the, the new health minister wants to see happening. so what germany is looking to do is to buy vaccines that are being used in countries like poland, bulgaria, and remaining vaccines that may well see this,
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they use by dates expire in the near future, germany say, and they'll take them off their hands in order to try and get enough jobs in the facilities in order to put them into people's homes. we spoke with the w. h o representative margaret harris. she thinks the constrain makes vaccinations more important than ever. the really big difference between um a client and the other variance is it's made of spread. we are very concerned that there will be a lot of people who become severely ill and end up in hospital people who had previously been infected with other forms of the, of the size. going to be too virus. we're re infected with army front. so we can see that i'm run can infect people, whether or not they have had a previous infection and it can infect people who have been vaccinated. but the critical thing is, we are also saying that people who've been vaccinated ah,
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being protected from having this via phone, from di, ending as pandemic, is in all our hands at every level of society, every country, if we all do all the things we need to do we can in this pandemic? so what am i talking about? we only to get vaccinated, we only to help people around the world get vaccinated. we all need to take seriously the measures to prevent the violins from spreading a person to person until we vaccinate promptly around the world. we are making it most of all for new versions to new variance to arise. buquet supreme court has ruled that it was illegal for police to drop a probe into alleged torture committed by british soldiers in northern ireland in 1971. the case relates to the troubles when a hundreds of suspected irony members were detained, often without charge. 14 of those arrested were subjected to brutal interrogation
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techniques. these were later recognized as a legal francis mcgowan, one of the 14 told us what happened to him. i was booted. forced to stand against a wall finger tips and tip trolls. small move back, push them to my body, was actually bold with this constant weight noise. that commandment took over your brain. we were denied chile. we all show were denied you should toilet. they trick remove my own closure bookman of boiler should not boiler suit was may day, close my nice clothes and my toilet for 7 days. and i just went on it and we are forced to stand against this wall with your finger tips and that in a stress position the body. it only stands too much and you would collapse. don't
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westgate you're just beaten? taken back up up against the wall. and that that was constant for the shopping days . i finished up with the broken ribs. i still have nightmares. i don't owe him money. difference to kind of this i've spoken to on the majority him tell me i've been so for a not long that they don't say a liberal go away earlier the u. k announced plans to introduce limitations that would block prosecutions into alleged crimes related to northern ireland. that there are many members of the om services who continue to face with their own that say she was a prosecutions. i went in to the seventy's and eighty's and later and we are finally misty. could bring food a solution to this problem, to enable the problem to lot of, to draw a line under the problem to maybe the people of northern, to move with or at the council of europe. that commissioner for human rights wrote
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a letter saying that okay, was denying justice. however, the european court for human rights ruled back in 1978. that the 14 men's case did not amount to torture. that decision was later used by the bush administration to justify enhanced interrogation techniques use at bagram and guantanamo the e. c. h. art rejected a 2018 bid to overturn its ruling. frances mcguigan again says that he and others won't stop fighting. to get justice. an apology from the british government means nothing to me. i think the word and it's more than i acknowledge the fact that what huffman deals the same as what happens in guantanamo black states, there's no investigation to know whether it was ever brought the he or bar last night on his way of football. done the legacy, his clothes are all done on this thing. the bike protect and soldiers and nests, perse avenue year old soldiers being dragged through the course. i personally don't
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believe, but it's anything whatsoever to do with soldiers. we want every kiss in court. we've never lost a chest in court on where no farther forward today than we are british policy. just stall it, delay it, stole it, delay it, stole it, delay and push it back. push it back, push it back. maybe the long forget about it. let me go away, we ain't going away. so we're not stop and we're never gonna stop on. as i say, our children on her grandchildren will affect us. so there is on a law enforcement says that they are overwhelmed as hundreds of illegal migrants are crossing the border wall in yuma. each day. earlier, the country mayor imposed a state of emergency to secure additional resources for dealing with the inflow of people or his kill them up and explains how the situation has gotten to the point where it is being described as chaos. arizona mexico border is buzzing with activity 3000 migrant crossed just this weekend and the local sheriff says they are
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in a hurry. there were a lot of people who were planning to come here. but because of the new law they decided to call me as soon as possible. now, the biden administration recently reinstated the prompt administration policy of having asylum seekers remain in mexico waiting in mexico while their claims are considered. now the sheriff thinks that the administration's actions are fueling, the crisis, told this administration, if they decided to, in mtv, it was going to cause these problems. and obviously the ancillary impacts in up in our back yard. so we end up with the desk in the desert, the robberies are happening along the border of the pursuit. then the ancillary criminal activity, like the large amounts of drugs that are being smuggled into our country, from mexico, all are occurring in every order county along the southwest border. now the local mayor has declared
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a state of emergency. he's calling on federal officials for help. 110 agents from the department of homeland security of already been re committed. however, local officials are slamming biden for not doing enough human is facing an escalating humanitarian and border crisis. and it's a direct result of the biden administration's poor communication, lack of organization and complete disregard for border protection. but arizona is not alone. florida is also dealing with a migration wave. so the border is obviously a disaster, and we'll actually divide administration puts people on planes and flies them into florida in the wee hours of the morning. so they've done over 70 flights in the last 6 months now, comma la harris, who is the vice president and the recently named borders czar by joe biden. doesn't seem to really be on the case. the water and head of state says he hasn't heard from her since june, despite whitehouse reassurances. why is it that she has not spoken to the president
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of guatemala since you 6 months? i knew that i could see this kind of strange report from the president of guatemala, saying that he has had no contact with the white house, which is inaccurate. other than you're meeting with harris in june, this is the only one. this is the only communication you've had with the biden administration concerning a legal immigration. yet pamela harris is currently counting her program with private companies to bring foreign investment to central america and stop the migrant flow. but how much a trickle of funds from pepsi, cargill and mastercard will actually do, remains unclear. meanwhile, 50000 juveniles seeking asylum had disappeared. according to the country's top migration tracker, when compared case by case record by reco with the previous months data dump truck received, we find that records just disappear without explanation truck has repeatedly reached out to the agency executive office of immigration review. the d o j agency, the overseas us immigration cases,
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but has not received any satisfactory explanation. a number of these asylum cases continued to disappear each month. researchers say the u. s. department of justice is making it more difficult to track a juvenile migrant cases. providing information that is not useful or precise, but one sheriff will not keep silent. they've already got what over 147000 juveniles, their own a company on the, they need to change their messaging. obviously, when you sit there and say that you're going to do individuals money because they were separated at the boulder, that's just a draw for the cartels and for the criminal wilma to exploit. so now as why we see a member juveniles come across 1st and then the parents come late, which as they know the bill, it will be reunited. so it's all play on the rules of this administration was put into place. the migrant crisis has hung over the biden
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administration from the beginning. many wonder if there are any real solutions in the works. not just reassuring words kayla bobbin r t new york. still the come in the program, warnings of higher energy bills for new yorkers as the city is set to band natural gas in new buildings and increase reliance on price. your electricity. this story, after a short break, you are watching our international stay with ah ah
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ah, failure to allow bond markets to reflect to market forces has resulted in a bifurcation in the economy where the most corrupt are rewarded for committing crimes. j. p. morgan being a prime example, and if you have morals or ethics, you're penalized. if you're not out there still stealing alluding, then you're going to be homeless. and that's america today, is that ah, welcome back. this is our t international across the atlantic in new york to politicians are ramping up electricity usage by bidding farewell to gas. the city council voted to eradicate
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the use of natural gas in new buildings to combat climate change. the legislation still needs to be signed by mayor bill de blasio but cords well with his green new deal plant. not everyone in new york is set on the idea. if the largest city in america can take this critical stat to been gaseous, any city can do the same. this is how to fight back against climate change on the local level and guarantee a green city for generations to come. as long as they can find something more sustainable. sure. but if they're not able to find something and it's at the cost of it and people who need he then i definitely don't agree with that. i think it's important to think about the long term costs and to have options available. oh, to city all you need is one blackout. and you know, everything goes caput. we're a, i've never heard of all the guess. no, it can happen, but it has been under the draft long new buildings under 7 floors will be banned
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from using gas as an energy source for things such as stoves and boilers. the rules will be enforced by the end of 2023 and 4 years. later, for all new buildings, researchers suggest the measure could cut carbon emissions by 2100000 tons within 2 decades, which in turn can help save on gas connections. however, the cost of living is likely to go up for residents of new buildings. now, in the north east of the country, consumers are expected to pay $1500.00 for electric heating this winter. according to the u. s. energy agency that's almost 2 times higher than paying for gas. the executive director of a conservative non profit on hyphenated america, says the decision will affect more than just heating bills. you have more proven oil reserves to date. we have more proven natural gas reserves. today we are more proven whole to day than we had 20 years ago. little let alone
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a 100 years ago. so what source are they planning on using to provide electricity for these buildings? are they planning on using solar power? it's not what it just affect your energy cost for you to heat your home during the winter time. it's going to affect everything across the board for stores. it's charge more because their electricity bill is going to go. what left is like to attribute that idea as an economic theory to capitalism. but really the, the downstream effect trickle down if you will of left us policy always is that the consumer ends up paying a prominent pro israeli. bonnie, in the us is looking to bolster its influence on american politics by channeling campaign funds to both republicans and democrats, who push it's agenda. we are launching to buy parties and political action committees, a federal political action committee, and a super political action committee. to make us more effective in fulfilling our
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mission in the current political environment. are now the american israeli public affairs committee, or a pac lobbies for television interests such as recognition of illegal settlements in palestine and countering iran. it's the new political funding drive that hopes to have an impact on the 2022 mid terms. max abrams professor of political science at northeastern university in boston, says a pac doesn't much care who it funds so long as it gets them influence. it was to make it seem, it's a national group. it wants as many members as possible as much money as possible. and so that means being taken seriously, not just on the right, but also on the left. and i think that with these new packs, it will allow a pass to selectively found and back democratic candidate who
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are pro is real in that way. it might help to change the perception which is formed over the past few years. that value is essentially republican. but not the democratic ideal actually has a much broader effect and sense of us, medium piracy. for example. a pop will take a position on syria and would surely encourage the united states to support is really incursion against, you know, iranian military asset in theory is we are obviously views the wrong as the for most threat to it. and so they talk very often is supporting hard 9 against the wrong on all of these issues. a pack is influential within washington d. c. russia has officially left the open skies at treaty and agreement that
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allows states to conduct unarmed surveillance flights in each other's aerospace, the decision to withdraw came after the u. s. pulled out last year. here's our 2 years done. off with commentary miss ruled by russia rather than being a beginning of something big. it is a logical and now in hindsight, a an inevitable conclusion to a process started by washington. when last year it accused moscow of violating the basic principles of this open skies agreement. and decided to unilaterally leave the deal this treaty, which was signed all the way back. in 1992, it served as a very important confidence builder. basically, it allowed russia the u. s. and some, many nato member states to conduct unarmed surveillance flights over each other's military infrastructure. as long as there was a 72 hours heads up when washington decided to withdraw, russia found itself at a disadvantage. basically, neither russia nor washington could conduct such flights any more,
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but the european nato members that were still part of this multi lateral motor bilateral deal. they could still conduct flights over russia's military objects. and at most school, we try to get guarantees from its european partners from its partners who are also members of the nato blocker. it try to get guarantees that they will not pass on any information, whatever information they can gathered during such flights to their natural ally, washington. they failed to provide such a such assurance as such guarantees. so russia said that it had no other choice but to withdraw itself. so this summer, vladimir putin, the president, signed a law are saying that, well, russia will be leaving the deal. and today is officially the day that this deal is obsolete. doctor's in russia have been hailed for performing pioneering surgery on a toddler whose face was covered by a huge birthmark. the young girl from florida underwent several operations and had
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to overcome several obstacles over the last few years, including the pandemic. oh, i now she realizes that her face is the friend and always she started asking me so she looked at them. your wow dr. pump took the black often, isn't that? so now she feels the difference. you know, now she was like, wow, it's why now i more like appliances. ah ah,
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you can go to the doctor. i'm very pleased with the results of the work done. there'll be no large scale operations, only some aesthetic procedures to improve the appearance every day where we see the messages about like people that want to come to rational. and they want to know what kind of procedure doctor does this procedure that we don't have in america. or in brazil, that does it for me. i'll be back in just under 32 and
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a half minutes. this is arch international. glad to have lifts. ah ah ah, my view more broadly is that genocide has taken place. far more than anyone acknowledges. right. it takes place frequently. it is taking place and virtually every country in the world. so why does it come to be called them others political will political mobilization if you remember, wanda, nobody initially wanted to am or may knew it just i was saying why nobody wanted to call it that. eventually that label came to take place, but not at the time when events weren't full name about political is asian is if you say it's genocide, is suggest that you need to do something with
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oil and gas, manufacturing, electricity, telecom dice locations. all of them now have i a t type of infrastructure connected to the internet. so clearly realizing that it's disruptive potential so that those countries can't ignore it because it threatens national security issue. but if we take the nato e u countries, virtually all of them subscribed to certain doctrines and maintains selling but tell us closes, they are a cyber army on behalf of a country that's their job. with as low dose. this feel a doesn't act like
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a typical poison. it acts as an end to chron disruptor. meaning that disturbs our hormones. the molecules that regulate, among other things, are reproductive system. with the tiniest observable doses, it can have devastating effects. in other words, between the dos and the effect of a product, research is starting to find some very unexpected relationships. and this is shaking up the world of toxicologists. 8 we were rejecting their dog law, the toxicology community has not accepted it. they said we reject this. the resistance of the toxicologist was well intentioned. it was also providential for the manufacturers of plastics. it's not always that people intentionally want to derail science, some people unwittingly, through no fault of their own.


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