tv Going Underground RT December 20, 2021 5:30am-6:01am EST
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time action returns here we're going underground. 20 years to the day, the un authorize the international security assistance force in afghanistan to prevent a supposed safe haven for terrorism. less than a month later, the u. s. u k were rendering, suspected terrorists, c, u. s. prison camp guantanamo after this month's decision by british courts to exonerate the us justice system when it comes to wiki leaks is julian assange. this program investigates the alleged torture of months. we're a di fee by the usa, the author of don't forget us here. lost and found a guantanamo was swept up by us linked warlords in the cia in afghanistan. 18 year old missouri became detainee for $41.00 and was held at guantanamo for 14 years without charge view. a discretions advised to some may be disturbed by us treatment of prisoners discussed in this interview. ventura duffy joins me now from belgrade in sylvia. men, so welcome to going under ground. i suppose we better stop given the, i know from my lawyers that people watch this show in guantanamo bay,
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torture camp prison, whatever. it's called a 1st a message i suppose from you to the people still in there. yeah. first of all, thank you for how are you today? and this is the 2nd time actually actually are to you one of their favorites. you're not going to know because it says the other side of the wall. and before i start, i would like to send them a message to my brother at guantanamo de la bradshaw to his son, to hide it, to where i had every one. i shall assume you will. you will leave and we haven't forgotten about you unless i hadn't what kind of bless you. oh. and i any of those people, they're all welcome on the show to hopefully they get out of that hell hole soon. half your life destroyed. how did you even write such a book? so he, on the process of writing that book started at going to 2010 until 2013. but both, i like to address a documentarian book in this book. then it was confiscated inter company and share
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their team by coming station with the army took over, they let down us in their confinement and confiscated all our belongings. so and they took, they took it in the book. it was like, i was really had a screaming like bring my child back because they have worked so hard. a story is and i went to try it from different perspective and different angle on a different way. i went to write as a reader, as writer, i wrote about the, the brothers, the garden that comes to the animal is the one as well. you know, i bought like a survival. oh, you know, and i'm, so i tried to, you know, like i said, if i can manage to capture those moments of beauty and hub and bring it to light. well, i tell you, i was one of the great prism, memoirs, regardless of the politics, arguably, i mean, just just a recap. and i know you've talked about this elsewhere. basically,
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us public money was given to the cia used to buy you from afghan warlords of kidnapped to you. they, i was told you to say you were al qaeda. how many were killed? do you know how many were killed by the cia before the transportation to guantanamo in the 1st place before they narratives, gods in the book even you know, just wanted to show you this week. nobody knows how many of you will actually present like this. yeah. or died under the torture because this should have been as you know, what they call dishes actually could not in the in they have they have many gales like scans contacts, dan jordan and, and elsewhere. i mean, when i went all the way, but we don't know all the names of the countries. so i wasn't sure when i was writing a story about the book and then also my brothers. they interrogates until shirt gable every way in space on the atlas. and the aircraft carriers on the ocean,
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the only way as i like only the space they have some people to shut the door, shut them in to get them believe that's it. because everywhere, everywhere in the book, details continuous to watch, a fake execution. the youngest detainee was 3 months old, the oldest 105 years old of you. i think what shocked people and it shocked us. i suppose is are the red cross comes you say you say that you wrote to the, the road to have the international committee for the red cross to be removed from guantanamo claiming that the red cross is only purpose was to give the jetta messy to what the americans would doing out they, they say they helped you, they, but do they know of your hunger strikes? you're feeding jazz, your weapon, eyes ation of islam against you. the stars of david shaved into your head. i mean, did the red cross no help? you know, there is cross basically when you come,
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when we are going to know that it's cross was, was there actually when we are right, the 1st woman, but they wouldn't do it and i was talking to them. what was going on here the week? i don't, i think we can, we need a parcel right that. so after that, like most of them, we were talking to them said guys, look what happened last year. they said, we have agreement with dana state. we and that allowed to talking to the media to anyone else. anything has to go to the media has to go 1st to the intech on. i have to give us a position to look at a medium went like the thought was happening, the hunger strike the mr. evan was having the i c, r c y there. but, and, and we know most of the things that we are, i'd like a letter to the i see, i see signed by around like 400 detainees. ask them to leave more than one official letter from a sick west. because when they, when doing their, it just give liquidity. i remember one day i wasn't the 1st feeding. and then 5 as a blood, one of the i c r c a. what might sid any guy?
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when yesterday i call it when he saw me, like cover his eyes. what's wrong with it? he said, we are not allowed to see you guys because, you know, basically when we are psychotic under stretching, used to move us to under the account that the i, c, r, c. o, mit, mit us or stopped us. even even the in belgrade or in other places where the c, i used to hire a business, they would take him to other places during the i see i see visit i he has, he knows about it. but as long as they go see it like they cannot coordinate. well the, i see, i see say that the role of it is an independent non judgemental humanitarian organization to regularly assess facilities speak within tony's maintain ongoing dialogue with us authorities in order to offer observations and make recommendations where appropriate. while the i see, i see monitors the conditions of internment. guantanamo the responsibility of an ensuring the bus was held there, and he treated you. may me lies with the u. s. authorities. i mean,
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if you go to back to the report, talk about the thrush. i was going to have it everywhere and i see i think what they're watching, everything they know that have been there since years and years like on the i c r c because there was no any kind of rule for because during, even like when you know, middle of the way, whatever the one second house with m i c r c was there, understand time they used, they were like, the people are business. we're writing from different parts of the world. and i see you see them, we were hunger strike. there's a lot of case in the comes or is that 1st grade in shouting, yelling, i see, i see about it. but as i told you, they cannot speak. oh, who can tell when they have moved here by the us government and you say the letters were used against prisoners who wrote to family members. the red cross has messages contain only family news in a check by the us authorities to ensure this is the case that corresponds to
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standard worldwide practice. you mentioned jeffrey miller, the general, who won a distinguished service medal of to his activities in guantanamo if him actually a walk in the one who has, you know, what, when he went to what he did, he's the one who started a level but even at a place it there. so actually he started the enhanced interrogation technique or the ad wanted and then after that he went to sensitive by our process to to get with it. you mentioned your friend was there and your asking the red cross about his death. as you know, i mean tell me, tell me about your friend. and obviously they said it was suicide. and yet i understand what that it, that they broke his back while he was being forced. you know, one of the interesting is leader who actually started a 9 different that started,
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you know. ready gathering people and a hunger strike or a dozen people to can 5 to come sick. and he was also left by a suspect from the guards and everyone. so at that time they didn't want to it kind of like a protest. her 2nd thought was going on because it was in a 9, we will move to such a confinement in 5 am sick. so am i start running the people try to, again to room like to read us our situation as well. he was moved to the when they call it be it's you behavioral health unit or the 2nd unit, what they, psychologists actually are function. we heard the news that he's on hunger strike and he was cheated. i want the letter to the general at that time for like 4 pages, ask him to bring what black back and we we will take care of him. but he was sick and so on. after that, i was in like the 1st feeling and we get the news that buy back was broken by
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a see. and he's trying to to, to walk a chair on it. yes, he was calling his me 2 weeks later, we heard the news that he died. so i took the brother who was with him in the same place. i said to some possible, la quinta, kind himself because he was what they call under direct watch. was like 24 hours, the guys watch him and like 2 cameras in the cell. so when i talk to the i, c r c as in, like some possible because they have, they have to investigate the brothers. i have got to work there. i have actually the medical to stop and one of the brother he said, you said like no like they took 45 minutes till the medic arrived to actually to, to respond to it, to the coal and he was left there. so basically it's, it's still, it's a mystery, is that what they call them?
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like, oh god, this has gotten i called a mistake. that yeah, well, you name names in, in here, and obviously there are lots of deaths. many people did die. do you think michael bum gonna killed the 3 day tany, or was it a cover up a scott horton, a journalist for you? thank. in the book alleges that of course, general michael bomb gonna says it was a blatant misrepresentation. you know that colonel, he is the 1st one who v a brake, our hunger 2nd, 2005. after he bought the hunger strike, he was talking about there is like i said, i am one of the brothers. he said, we have heard that you have some like dishes or dreams that you, whenever you want to 10 of your favorite any like here, like what would it be an answer to that after a few weeks where likely of the brothers died the same way. hen got their hand tied behind him at the same time, it's impossible to coordinate such as this gentleman in the same manner. i was in
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the sand like when they thought, when i didn't me like 12 o'clock. and then night, like like like any other day. but what i notice when i wake up is like different guy then the same guy like different guards that the oh, you know that much, it was a little there anymore. that admitted him. and i heard the one is pre, when i hear what they were screen like was going on there and like they said yes, night like nightmare. no, we don't have it because then when i wasn't when they took yes it from your so some possible because the man is i be had his back. both his leg was tight and it is like they took a washcloth from his mouth. so basically, this the, what they used to interrogate mckinney mentor and they failed, stop you that more from former guantanamo detainees for, for one after this break to
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offensive, very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult, time. time to sit down and talk with welcome back. i'm still here in missouri, a fee author of don't forget us here. lost and found to guantanamo, tell me about when he were interrogated. i mean, so many times so many hunger strike. so many meetings in this book. what of what you thought when you saw israeli badges on the interrogators?
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what were the israeli interrogators doing? where they israelis and then to get to sometime they came like wearing gun mcgee and for what is the patch there on the uniform. and those instigators, they are big and english. so i'm not just that like, i'm like when we're in the 1st meeting i was talking to the one of the nurses and she told me i told her i don't want that nurse to me for screaming. she's it, what do you mean as like a discussion but they didn't where they haven't been it. so those are you one? i said what this is a facility for for any garcia, gator saunders, psychologist, everyone. and i guess that there was like a satanic room like dark room and they're like a lot of stars in science in them. they is like a sneak. it sometimes they cover us when you like, when we break, they would cover us with the american flag was right. it's kind of like commission
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and try to put what you would try to pressure to that to that it. it wasn't, it wasn't about information, wasn't about american america was more steady, you know, a place where there's no accountability and a place outside the law. so they have found a place where they kind of them and think, developed their techniques. and that's it. yeah. they were drugging your food. you mentioned the behavioral health unit. what about the sexual abuse? we've heard a lot now in the supreme court. i think there are different cases talking about it . use of female torture is. i'm buttoning their blouses and then cooling you. i'll kind of, they don't look at your breast, continued for enforce nakedness. what was the role of female torture? is it going to kind of payment it was use again, it's attorneys because as you know, what was the case, we came from a background that like our fi, our you know,
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and i think would bother you in think we're here to you and think well well bother you and they will do, you know, you know, giving us like it isn't that one of the things like, yes, anybody that guard even kind of a psychologist that once they get famous investigators, you know, they, they, they also said naked, they used to show their press, you know, one of them, one of the, to get the, she was the, some of her pre, the blood, a detainee face. a, they have a sex in the, in the room. some time that was to vacate and open the links on the chain like would you like to have in many, many stories and like, you know, some of the problem they don't want to come out and they could still like to legal issues, but it had been their sexual her, us, it had been a while,
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they suddenly weaponized to slum, throwing the koran around, and destroying them, and so on. i mean, what is it your understanding they were brainwashed or the u. s. education system is, is useless. i mean, it comes out they, they know nothing about the rest of the world, the less than you came from yemen to study information technology, wanting a career in them, in information technology that you are a they were able to joke with. one of the interrogators and by the latin and sorcery just because it was thundering outside the weather. you know those guards. what if and before we get to come to want to go on and, and when they have no idea, you may have new files for those information, for 5 guards. also at the same time, like new york city and the army guards, they came from, you know, people who have it good education or they have no idea about this now or are up. so also the way you know and ministry. they also engineered the mindset that the
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guards on the so just to be loyal to the cause of the system or whatever. so before they sent them to blanket, they would take them to the ground, 0 new york, and they would tell them the one who did this at once. a bell garcia. those got to the right hand one time, full pay and grades and thinking they are, you know, their name. so it's a tell them, this is the front line you're in, this is a war zone here. and imagine that the docs towards it is on here. and any action my cheney, what they can be as like an actual tourism, or like these to put on a cell in guantanamo. and if we're going to hinder cycle, what does it like you're announcing you had again to sustain a state you're trying to bring a country down, like even those inter gators on kind of most undock him because he like they have
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the same merican. some of the guards when they live with us, like for humans observing das watching us. they have a change, you know, they sound like they were contradicted about what's going on there. because anyway, you wouldn't know i person, is he a killer or a bad person? but we live with that person for a few months, watching them eating, eating, praying, crime, torturing. i guess they are human after all over the world. so you have your own degree. so some of the got some funding with us, some of the like actually starting to follow the rules. but the system is set up at one time, or even the guards were victims of the system at one time because not just the keys or brought us was it going to work on them, but also some of the guards from them to get some stuff off of it because they were forced to do something that, against their hicks and morals, or a big personals. and some of those guys were forced to for share any. so when we would have you already,
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they had the d s. d from toys in was the u. s has been defeated in iraq and afghanistan because you see them revolves around you were there so long, you know, one of the sentiment at one time i was some of the guards that was oregon and we call them so when they went to tor sorta so when they came back, when they came back, they're going to send person again. you will see a broken so that the broken 1st person. and this with like with some book and he so something that happened to them. so we're, we were talking about, we were talking about those doris. what happened to them? because we remember the worst, the good guys, some of them get killed. some of them come into side something become homeless, some of them, you know, listening limbs. so actually, you know, those dark, where are those soldiers weren't train you to fight, but they were never structed or give any advice how to do with their money. so
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basically they were using and their id. they also have implant assistance. well, the upper classes in that class system arguably, obviously deny them. they are the names in the book general michael dunn levy of mcqueen that the navy says an interrogation. this is an erie times news article in 2011. he says interrogations were consistent with the geneva convention. he won the distinguished service medal as well. just as an adult mcqueen. in general, the navy became a judge in pennsylvania. what, what do you say to the fact that these people are always saying that the geneva convent, i presume you mean the geneva conventions because there's no one where abided by. you know, i think it's american version, you can fix it. they had their own version because what you like about the ones that i wanted shouldn't exist in the 1st place to place out of sight of the instead of call them. if you know, you should call them prisoner world. and then actually,
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but they call them the chinese to they didn't have to write, you know, at one time we would have seen on that, not that much of problems with them if you commission and song, because there is no law apply at one time. and rick, a local, be a loan of get a confession and condition of lo, basically, when they say that, i mean, you have to confess, i didn't think you have to convince you, allow to a prisoner, a mentor to the history for 20 years and different. interesting without you, right, or trial or fish, that was kind of what i'm going to now is a simple for sure who just this lawlessness of power in the detention. you know what, i don't know, like it's different kind of legitimacy too many places around the world. well, the black sites may be open. we don't, we don't know, and you say biden is not shut it down a blank side of local, but i would like to ask if you ask those euros, don't, did he also we have like a confession, the black sight, even if you die,
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you die in the way unit conversion the same time. so erotically, that's what it, how was it an education for you? i know one time you tell a cell neighbor as a carrier that they can tell you anything. there's a 105 year old is a salary lens driver, cook professor, very big a journalist from l g here, i presume. so may judge. i was in education for you. is that why you're going to become one of the great writers of this century? who knows? you know, the question is to every human being, that's what left the person as a person like it is because you know, the worst thing to proceed with right now. for worse and starvation concern because it is the dark side that he might be there like based on ignorance. so it was like, since i was a kid a one time when i found myself in 2010, you know, is i know, 8 years behind the instructor confinement i tell myself,
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i do want to be the same person for, for the rest of my life, so we started with shifting would become them stations for education, for english class is to get to pluses are plus as less skills. and so and also obama send a delegation to $110.00. i'm to make it look good. good. because i think he knew it is that he wouldn't be able to close it. maybe someone can dancler commendation around like 40 pages to attend to like one of them that got him station. they didn't want to have like some of the, or most of the thinking recommendation. again, we actually weren't like a hunger strike then that many people only brought us join us was talking shit with the conversation. i feel like we got at least what we need. we wanted and we knew it were like going up what i wasn't going to close. so at least we can have, you know, the some piece of that place. so we have a,
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we have some of your work. i think. yeah, yeah. so some of the artwork. so what when you started talking to that, i'm kind of all about the class. you said you guys are a tourist, you know, to 10. you know, it's ok i'm, we have some of the others to print something. can we show them like that? oh yes. then we started like after class, it was a lot of you know, demanding and asking and typing it. i think i'm easy honestly, and this was the one that would want to know. this is kind of like rules, rules changed every, almost every 2 weeks. it was a 16 day. so what they call standardization, rubber, seizure, gender on $84.00 times like average was if it to we. so when you kind of, when the new administration arrive at once, and i'm this year when biting when that lecture, it's one of the war simons,
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one time new condo right. and they have their own a mission and vision. how it's one of the rules. and it is how do the brother of 20 years after 1000 years to come to change the rules and make new and still these annuals and instruments. and if not, well, let us know of information as you get it from. as you say, going down one to the bike ministration, i know you're wearing the guantanamo orange color there in belgrade, you know, under the castro government they said, go down always occupied cuba. tell me, i suppose finally about how cuban iguanas save it. you talk about it, like i think at least hear them in different sort of in about the human rights in cuban the same time. they committed one of the major a violation in the, in the, in the tv in 70 went on our end. so,
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you know and want to know when you, when you look inside the confinement, i mean, as i told you, everything that designed there to bring to your mind of your body. i think like i bought control, which i guess what you control control everything, the air, the water thought the like the time everything. so we aren't allowed to thought they were really loud and big fan vacuums, internet earth, everything a can find a doctor, one of the brothers. so i feel i'm a social person. i like to talk like a social people. when it gets out to the reg. everything was close green, i still need those, the glass. what can looking for for food. so yes, i start talking to them and i just a normal conversation that good listen. so actually say listen. so in that i was like, he was like, i have a mental,
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a problem. i'm thinking of that they got that unit and i asked if they need to get that they have to talk to my investigator and i think thank you. thank you so much for having me today, and i really appreciate your guys that's for the show will be back a wednesday for a season finale when we speak to the legendary pink floyd front by roger waters about the year of nato nation and justice. including the torture incarceration of wiki leaks found a julian assange after reports of his stroke in london. prison. until then, keep in touch my social media. let us know whether you think guantanamo bay will ever close. i mean, you must. it is so delicate and as you want to talk to, we stand together. we'll continue to stand together against russia. 80 in germany.
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repeat some of the errors that we doubtless made, say no to civilians as chunky daughter about their village influence other nations, france b, u. k and even latin america and other countries in ginger, there may be nowhere to hi, ron cycle alone with members of your household. so please, please, please, please. we are to continue to fight with you just need to to do. russia must not be allowed in germany. i don't want y'all to common leave. it's so short. so d in al t d enough ation the father the yes actually indian 80 the enough mrs. gun simple son's oil and gas manufacturing electricity, telecom dies for taishan. all of them now have io t type of infrastructure connected to the internet. so clearly realizing there's
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disruptive potentials that those countries can't ignore it because it threatens national security issue. but if we take the nato and e u countries, virtually all of them subscribe to certain doctrines and maintains cyber task forces. they are a cyber army on behalf of a country that's their job. ah, the plan she is embodied in europe is governments toughened restrictions to combat the ram into omicron coded strain but puts people's christmas plans at risk for a 2nd year for so desire. france is on the warpath with amazon over the ferns chink, booked in the breeze. that under cut local stores like the government, even adopting a new law to force the company to.
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