tv News RT December 20, 2021 8:00am-8:30am EST
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i take it off. okay. i think the people need to take responsibility in their own engine. be prepared. if those kind of weapons were less available, we wouldn't have a lot of shootings. we certainly wouldn't have the number of years. ah ah, can she's invited in europe, it's going to toughen restrictions to combat the new ramp and cove it variant omicron also this are france on the ballpark of amazon. i with the firms cheap book deliveries for the undercut local stores, with the government even adopting a new bill to force the company to charge its customers more. and despite the last
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give any police investigation, top american act to chris north 19000000 to 6. and the cities missed the big gets dropped by his agent and lose his lucrative tale. was that after sex assault allocations emerge? ah, hello there, good afternoon. it is gone, 4 o'clock here in moscow, you're watching artie international. now europe is enduring a new way, van t locked down on rest, is government's move to tighten restrictions in a race to beat the fast spreading. you cope with varied, omicron tensions, a particularly high in belgium at the moment where clashes erupt, it had a huge rally on sunday. ah,
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on sunday, thousands of people came out to protest against belgium government cove at measures in brussels at their particularly unhappy with the push that's being put forward by the belgian government to encourage people to come forward for vaccinations. what they've said is that as a, a 3 month window for health care work is to get jobs between january and march of next year. otherwise they faced losing their jobs. people at the protest in belgium said they're really not happy with some of these measures that have been put in place. you'd have new ones received, but we were checked the society in which we live today. the one we're offered. it's not necessarily a question of vaccination or not the polarized debates. our goal is to say, we don't want to society. look, the dodgers who go, cuz we're here because our freedom is under threat and we want to restore it after
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it has been lost for 2 years. the police was i can't go up a whole and i fight for the freedom of the future generation. i'm ready to take to the street and lose everything to let them have their freedom, which is a fundamental right, wasn't, or this is fall from an issue just in belgium, all across europe. over the weekend just gone. we sold protests in austria. they turned particularly violent cautious between police and demonstrate as in austria, austria. of course, one of the 1st countries to insist that there would be mandatory vaccination from 2020 to those who don't get a vaccine from february next year. well, they face fines and potentially some jail time if they don't come through with that . we also see new measures put in place in the netherlands and didn't you locked down in place in the netherlands that came into force from sunday? well that means is all balls and cafes will be closed. schools and colleges also, although most of those are already short for christmas,
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holidays restaurants are going to be limited towards providing take our meals. it caused a lot of phone rest in a number of cities, including the hague, where we saw thousands of people out on the streets. thousands of people also demonstrating in germany as well in the cities of humber, dusseldorf, berlin, over cities as well. people coming out to say that they are unhappy not only with the measures that are in place, but with what they expect to come into force in the near future. on sunday, we heard the german health minister call lots of us saying that he wants to see mandatory vaccination in place in germany sooner rather than later. over the weekend, germany also joined france in finding old tourists travel from the united kingdom into the country. while over the channel into the u. k. swell, there was the omicron variance of colbert 19 is pretty much out of control there. we saw the mayor of london city con, declare
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a major incident in the british capital. we also saw a large demonstration on saturday in which people were incredibly unhappy with what has gone on in terms of the actions from the british government. things turning quite nasty, there at tons. the the thing is, the oma chrome cases are increasing exponentially. the world health organization is warning that every 3 days we could see the number of oma chrome very and cases doubling. what we are seeing though is between the virus itself and the measures that countries that having to take to try and stop the spread of the virus. it's going to mean it's not a very merry christmas for many people across europe. now if you are vaccinated to recovered or test negative, the caveat your perhaps want a digital pass that allows you to get out and they're bad for christmas. however
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soon you may not need to show a q r code on your phone. as a swedish company has invented a covey pass, which is implanted under the skin in the form of a tiny micro chip. we talked to the people behind it and saw a very versatile technology that can be used for many different things. and right now it's very convenient to have her covered passport, always accessible on her implant. so in tissue or from wrong thought about 3, it's always accessible to the implant her is readable by and the smartphone. that house and up see function. so i can go to restaurants or a movie theater. i just show them my arm and swipe me with the smartphone and them that pops up the corporate passport that i have on my chip. so you don't leave
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a special up for this kind of similar to a q r code. just up, of course i don't want the cure code on my skim. right? internet joined amazon, is it look ahead with france at the moment. i with the company's cheap book deliveries are independent. bookstores, am publishes, di, say they are being under cart and could go out of business. and according to french politicians, the solution is to make amazon charge their customers more. charlotte uminski has the details. hours, all watch out. france is coming off to you. well, at least after your cheap delivery costs for books in a fresh swipe, but the internet giant, french lawmakers, the amazon must charge more for book deliveries. one operator is currently offering
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almost free delivery of books regardless of the quantity and the amount of the purchase. while no other player is able to provide such bargain to readers, it isn't therefore clear that these commercial practices a new form of price competition, which no longer allows the law, the single price of books to produce its full effect. until now, amazon has been charging the legal minimum for delivery of books of a single sentence that has left many french publishers and stores like this simply unable to compete. and that is problematic for a country where independent bookshops are big business. there are more than 3300 stores here, significantly more than in many other countries in the european union. this new law is being welcomed by booksellers who say it will help protect publishers. to independent bookstores don't sell the same things as other sales points. they have more 1st time novelists, more challenging publications that as a lot hundreds of publishers and writers to exist. amazon had robbie,
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it's hard against the law and says it's free deliveries were boone to those who live in rural communities. today, 90 percent of french municipalities did not have a bookstore on their territory. and more than 40 percent of amazon's book shipments are destined for postal codes without a bookstore. the cost of such a measure and the purchasing power would amount to more than $250000000.00 euros per year. the reality is that this will see many people who not only use amazon, but other online retailers to pay out more. so are people ready to dig deeper into their pockets to support these independent stores? or should i be, i am ready to pay me or because i prefer to go to a bookstore to see several books and make a choice. i find it better. i prefer to go and bind the bookstores directly. so here i think it's reassuring for the book industry outside of amazon, amazon, amazon shouldn't have a monopoly on international sales because we can feel it locally in france. so if
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we can remedy this unfair competition so much the better business, because i think it's important in society to help local businesses and especially booksellers buy books directly from the bookseller rather than amazon. but of course, it's also important to keep an eye on good value for money. i am ready to pay more . our booksellers offer us a service that is not bad, and advised that amazon kenneth, necessarily give us. i think it's a good idea to help them. well, if i find that a sales platform cannot replace booksellers with their advice, but we must admit that it's extremely practical either when we're far from the points of sale or when i'm looking for a very specific product. and i know that on this platform, i will find it. nevertheless, we must maintain a balance of all sales channels and indeed, one must not be able to kill the other. and especially booksellers, this is not the 1st time that france has had amazon in the firing line. the country has been gunning for the online giant is pay a minimum global digital tax. while european union regulators have also accused the
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site of using data from independent merchants to unfairly compete against them with its own products. amazon has also seen itself face spines for abusing dominant market positions in italy. recently to all of this is making europe a much more hostile environment for the company. and it seems that this is only the beginning. charlotte, even ski r t, paris the american actor chris north is finding his career is being killed off as swiftly as the populace sitcom character he betrayed after sexual assault. the actor has now been dropped by his agent, while fellow axes are distancing themselves, and thus, despite his strong denials and sofa, the absence of any police investigation. well, north is also lost a $12000000.00 deal to sell his to caleb brand in the wake of the allegations, size equipment company pallets, and also dropped it spiral advert featuring the act well shortly after the sex in
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the city re boot premie ed to women anonymously accused north of sexual assault in 242015. then a 3rd woman came forward with a similar claim. kristen also admits meeting the women, but insist that no line was ever crossed. journalist and commentator, judge whitmore talked to us about how easy it seems to be these days to ruin someone's life before there's been any g process. a crime doesn't have to be committed in order for you to have your reputation road and hollywood. now with this actor, we don't know, there hasn't been me, criminal investigation yet hasn't been the trial. obviously, we're not the evidences, but that also kind of falls in line with a lot of what we're seeing with this sort of lead me to movement where you have basically allegations that come after powerful men decades later, years and years later. you know, that's never a good thing, especially when you're looking for evidence that can make someone, especially if chris not had actually sexually assaulted someone. there been plenty
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of times in which it's been proven that a woman all the excuse demand for vindictive reasons. it really discredits and does a grave injustice people who are actually victims of sexual assaults. we need to realize that there are actual sexual criminals out there and violent sexual vendors . you should be arrested. and the more that you sort of muddy the system, the worse it is for everyone and more of the people that get away with it. health for over 14 years for that charge and americans. guantanamo bay prisons, man saw a de fee says he was subjected to torture, and sexual abuse and features in the latest episode of art is going underground. when he does say he worked as a goat herder, unsecure. he guardian yemen and went to afghanistan as a teenager, there he says he was kidnapped by afghan. more loads and handed over to the c. i for a sizable cache bang to he was then held in guantanamo suspected, of being a recruit for al qaeda,
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which he has long denied. he tells us more in today's going on the ground, which you can also watch at any time at r c dot com a like, or, you know, and i think will bother you. i think we're here to and think will will bother you and they will do, you know, you know, giving us like it isn't that one of that he's getting like, yes, anybody got even kind of getting 40 with one of the to get to she was some of her pre the blood and with the face, and they thought the 2nd the detainees land, some of the get our smith. i'm came in with them. they have sex in the, in the room some time that was to make it open to live. understand like, would you like to have in many, many stories and like, you know, some of the problem they don't want to come out if they could still get to legal issues like having their sexual her. i have been kind of low guards and those gone
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to the right and one time full pay and grades and thinking that they are, you know, that would, they would also tell them this is the frontline you are in a war zone here. and that he, that the guards towards it is on here. and any ashton, my cheney, what they can be as like an actual tourism a. and if we're going to her cycle protests they did like you are a know if you had a state you're trying to bring out to our country down like even those instigators and got him because he likely have the same. they're going to know is a simple for sure who just this lawlessness of your power in a detention, you know what, they don't know. like it's different kind of get you to many places for around the world to let you know the 100,
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the scientists including nobel prize when is calling us think change its nuclear weapons strategy and dropped the 3rd strike option here. both of them say concerned just off to the breath. ah ah, ah, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation, whole community? are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great?
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in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. welcome to match hazard financial survival guide. looking forward to your best go. yeah, this is what happens dimensions in brittany del, at this after you watch kaiser report. oh, well come back here with our team. now the court hearings on the mh 17 plane crash have resumed in the hague. the malaysia airlines flight was on route from amsterdam to kuala lumper when it was shot down over separatist controlled east in ukraine.
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in july of 2014 or 298 people on board were killed. but again, steve looks next. the exclusions and the allegations in the years since it has been one of the most politicized and scandalous trials in modern history, there was no other way could have turned out. almost 300 innocent lives were lost in the horrendous tragedy that shook the world. ah, and that 7 years since there has been no closure,
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every one knew it would be ugly from the get go full of politics and venom when malaysia, which own the plane. and last dozens, and dozens of citizens on that flight was excluded from the entire investigation. if you can call it that, only the very beginning, we see too much politics in the idea was run to find out how this happened when all that but, and the seem to be concentrated on claim to pin it on russia already there have well decided that he must be russia, we cannot accept that kind of far attitude. the netherlands form the joint investigative team to investigate what happened, nominally, that excluded russia. the anti government forces in east ukraine, malaysia, of course, but it included ukraine, which itself was a suspect. then rank the 9 most corrupt country in the world by ernst and young.
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why is that relevant? well, guess who provided most of the evidence to the prosecution, ukraine, successor to the k g, me, the security service of ukraine. my question is, what is the source of the tap to reports? does shine of all doctors are these are mainly tapped conversations from the ukrainian service ensure for non mainly are there any other sources? nice issue. no. they're tapped conversations from ukraine to put it simply to part of what ukrainian intelligence agencies provided were alleged telephone recordings of rebel fighters where they apparently talked about downing the jet from the get go. the recordings were suspected of being manipulated and raped out of context. and edited an opinion that was supported by many forensic experts. the some of them i found a total of 9 manipulations. there was a lot of editing here. this is national reichen and then just to click and
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different i can see there is a difference of the noise. and i also can see they are basically some kind of merging of an audio. this is entity. yes is. and is that lear? yes. the netherlands forensic institute itself reportedly refused to attribute the audio recordings to one of the defendants and the m. 8. 17 trial. citing a lack of data to the prosecution eventually contracted an obscure lab and lithuania to verify the recordings which they of course did. together with a bat, 8 anonymous witnesses and a slew of and verifiable. pictures from social media. the prosecution declared case closed from alicia faded assay. we have established that the russian federation was complicit in the downing of m h 17 because they made available the weapon that was used to shoot down the plane. we have all the material to substantiate that material, that the defense as is full of holes. even dutch and peas were left flabbergasted
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when they read a report that ukraine wasn't at fault for allowing civilian jets to fly over an area that was a literal aircraft graveyard. lifted intrusiveness, i find its results disappointing. what is particularly disappointing, that there was no proper investigation of the evidence which clearly indicated that some ukrainian authorities has processed the information and realised that there was a threat of the play crash. they very clearly knew that there was a threat. you don't need to be a forensic scientist to know that 3 days before the downing of them age 17, a ukrainian military plane was shot down in the same area. at was reportedly the 12th ukrainian military aircraft. last there in 3 months, and it was shot down at 6200 meters, well out of man pad defense system range and close at the airline
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a territory. dina come flying in to media campaign, his truck in an unprecedented scale put chain russian citizens as president guilty . this is completely unacceptable. it was launched to compensate for lack of evidence in russia, provided a slew of evidence and findings to the joint investigative team information about the mitchell and how it couldn't have been the book miss. all variant in service with russia and formation about the launch site and how it is unlikely that the miss hall was fired from where the joint investigative team says it was almost everything was dismissed while the prosecution wanted was a critical piece of evidence. satellite shots of the area believed to be in possession of the united states than which the u. s. still refuses to show to anyone. and already tactful of the investigative judge made
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a legal assistance request to the us with respect satellite images, which are allegedly available and depict the launch of a book missile. the american authorities replied refusing to share any material. the investigative judge filed a 2nd request, stressing the importance of the requested data. the american authorities again refused to show the data. it is difficult to imagine that the us, especially in these times of enmity, but concealed damage in evidence that would implicate russia. it is, if we speculate easy to imagine that the u. s. would conceal damning evidence that would exonerate russia and implicate ukraine, which washington gives billions and guns and they do. but that is what the age 17 trial has been so far. a case built in speculation, anonymous witnesses, ukrainian intelligence agency testimony,
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and of course proof from lithuanian forensic labs. around 700 scientists, including 21 noble prize laureates have signed an open letter to president biden, calling for changes to u. s. military strategy. they believe that washington should declare that it would never use its nuclear weapons. first. we urge you to declare that the united states will not use nuclear weapons 1st, under any circumstances, by making clear that the united states will never start a nuclear war. it reduces the likelihood that a conflict or crisis will escalate to nuclear war. while under the current strategy, the u. s. pledge is not to use atomic weapons against non nuclear states, but it gives washington the right of 1st strike against nuclear states in extreme circumstances. and these include after non nuclear attacks on either america or its allies, including their infrastructure. i was relations between major nuclear power remain
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tense. security concerns have grown since the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty fell apart. that was one of the key packs between the us and russia. and it banned the possession and production of short and intermediate range trees and ballistic missiles, but in 2019 the u. s. withdrew from that treaty, we spoke to one of the scientists appealing to president biden about their concerns . i hope the spirit of what we wrote is understood and that is what we need as world hours to have an awareness of the danger of nuclear weapons. you know, it's approaching century since we have russia and i think memories, the press, most people who make policy at present time, very little memory of what that was. our ability to make something much,
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much worse than her ocean. it's a parent and i think the fear of that is it's great. it should wash ninety's national. that brings you up today for nisa. so far today was good to have the company. i forget they've got a website for the stories too. and you can find that at asi, don't come ah, what kinda make no sense. you know, borders. i'm just like to tease a whole world needs to be ready. people come in, we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing to their own way,
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but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great, the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together in join me every thursday on the alex sarlin. sure. i'll be speaking to guess all the world politics sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. oh when i want something wrong, when i just don't know, i mean you just to shave out disdain because of the after kid and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds of
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horn, we choose to look for common ground. ah, i ah, i mentioned retents here we're going underground. 20 years to the day, the un authorized the international security assistance force in afghanistan to prevent a supposed safe haven for terrorism. less than a month later, the u. s. u k were rendering suspected terrorists, u. s. prison camp guantanamo after this month's decision by british courts to exonerate the u. s. justice system. when it comes to wiki likes,
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his julian son. this program investigates the alleged torture of months were a dorothy by the usa, the author of don't forget us here. lost and found at guantanamo was swept up by us linked warlords, and the cia in afghanistan, 18 year old man, swore became detainee 441, and was held at guantanamo for 14 years without charge you a discretions advised to, so may be disturbed by us treatment of prisoners discussed in this interview ventura. daffy joins me now from belgrade in serbia, missouri. welcome to going under ground ice was we better start given the, i know from my lawyers that people watch this show in guantanamo bay, torture camp, prison, whatever. it's called. i 1st a message i suppose from you to the people still in there.
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