tv News RT December 22, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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was completely wiped out from a ransomware attack. if you were coming in to a clinic, because you had a test or you had an operation, they can't find your records. they had to go back to pen and paper. i mean tonight that exclusive interview with our tea, rushes for a minister says moscow will react to a flagrant attempt by berlin to block our teeth. new german language channels of to europe's leading satellite provider, removes it to the request of the country's media regulator. people use, we cannot tolerate it any longer and we believe is, is unacceptable. situation will go on. we will have to respond to it. so he lever, i've also questioned the impartiality of the ongoing trial into the downing of flight and made 17 and eastern ukraine. in 2014,
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prosecutors are demanding life sentences for the suspects, including 3 russian nationals. and the dispute rage is within the u. s. democratic party, after one of its own senators effectively torpedoes, jo biden's lavish infrastructure bill and the senate will look at why it's feeling a crisis of confidence among democrats. ah, hello, there live for much international. welcome to what will news when i am with me? kevin owen? first, the silly thursday morning, the russian foreign minister said, love robes given out to you an exclusive interview, in which he touched upon a range of key world issues. ah, one of the main points mr. leverett discussed was the remove of our german language channel, our t d. e from europe's main satellite network provider. it happened just moments
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before the interview. the move came the request of germany's media regulator. mr. lever off slammed the action against the channel, which tony began broadcasting last week, and warned that it was unacceptable behavior on the part of berlin, and that there would be consequences will not conditional just the was nika, we have been tempted to respond similarly. but until recent times, we were convinced that we do not want to follow the same path and tried to put pressure on media to follow suit with our western partners. but you know the same thing with russian security. we cannot tolerate it any longer. and we believe it is unacceptable. situation will go on. we'll have to respond to it. it's much room for the mob suit in an interview with rushes and t. v. network criminals, spokes person to be, to per scoff, said berlin's behavior was part of a disturbing pattern. bocurel of conservatives to muslim for a massive vive, wrote the blocking of the whole network in europe contradicts european spirit and all norms and principles of the organization for security and cooperation in europe
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. but unfortunately, neither europe nor the u. s. cares about such things the day, and they do what they want. we have a cowboy reality now. and in such circumstances, russia should act confidently, neatly and persistently, not to shoot ourselves in the leg so to say, but to let our opponents know that we totally disagree with such actions and will not leave them without consequences. some context r t d 's, phase 2 barrels of resistance and allegations since it launched last thursday, it's accuse of not having the necessary documentation to broadcast in germany, but management says it's license was obtained in accordance with all the repeat laws and regulations. further, the channels also been taken off, you choose the very day it was launched. technically the snow connection between that and the german t v broadcast dispute. even during the launch, an official for a german media watchdog suggested they would take action against the channel. this is our statement tonight in response to the latest news over today,
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the german regulator force european satellite service util sat 9 to remove the broadcast of our new moscow based german language channel r t d e from its platform. it is inappropriate for the german regulator, m a b b to overreach, and ignore the european convention on trans frontier television under which of the subject, thereby forcing util, sat to remove r t d from the carrier solely due to the unsubstantiated and factually flawed claims of the german regulator, we believe this amount to illegal pressure and our confident this actual be redressed by the courts. we will be seeking all possible remedies against the german regulator and our audience can continue to access our content across multiple platforms and online. but the reason it's happening is because nobody wants competition, and we obviously are getting more and more popular. and the online service that we had in germany was phenomenal, a successful i should say. and naturally, no one likes competition. and that's fair. i mean, we all want to compete, well,
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trying to compete, trying to win our orders. the problem is that we want to do it perfectly legally. and we are absolutely sure. and we consulted with our international lawyers that everything we have don was exactly according to the existing laws and regulations. each new channel is getting more and more resistance, which almost like getting a metal, because that means we are getting more and more successful. they see, see us as more and more of a competition. but of course they claim something which is totally ridiculous that this is not being produced here in moscow. but you know, that's been user room is right across across the corridor. you know, the newsroom is here in the studios here and broadcasting facilities care and german regulator is trying to persuade us this is all fictitious. we are available to him. many other options. i don't want to name them all, but there are,
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there was a number of options for people who want to know the alternative news. and sometimes what we believe is a more accurate version of many events and then what they get from the german mainstream media. we will fight legally and i'm quite sure that we will get the possibility to bring our version of events, which is 2 legitimate way to which we are totally entitled to our viewers in germany, as well as in all other countries as well as trotting the plan that we've used was not a plan a unfortunately, we are not able to use the plan a that we use the plan be that we didn't to work to. and we are going to dispute that in a court of law with another country. so now we're going to plan d and plan e. we have many of them, but one thing is certain people who want to know the different side and, and want to know the events of the truth that is not being brought by some
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mainstream. german media have the possibility to do that, to do that, and we'll try to help them as much as we can. i like nicholas ortiz, chief executive apartments. his german channel been cut off from the european satellite network. much attention was also devoted to the escalating tensions between russia and nato. missile of rob says moscow's lost its trust in the west. thus the rebellion among the lily they've lied to us on a regular basis from oral pledges to even political obligations enshrined in the russia, nato political act. so this time, as president putin said, we want to have legally binding guarantees. at the same time, we understand that the west can violate such guarantees as well. if it wants to shoot guns, it was a very in depth interview. i'm here in the very studio where a to play, so beats and a slot reduce format, mr. lover of cover a real her spectrum of salient international topics of the day from the presence of foreign troops. u. s. troops in syria to the ongoing nuclear negotiations in iran
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are the main focal point. now, as we said, was that escalation, the ongoing crisis on russia, ukraine border, and that's been very much a focal point of much west to media. those allegations of thousands of russian troops massing on the ukraine border allegations level that moscow, that this is in preparation for some sort of intervention or conflict. miss lover was very clear to say that this is not something that moscow that seeks or wants so that russia moscow wants these issues to be resolved through daughter, run through the strengthening or wedns national institutions, such as the un, another organizations. and he really warned against the danger, although return or ra, returning towards a might, is right. balance of power in the world are insisting that dialogue is key and not just darla, but also putting any sort of agreements, any sort of dialogues in writing, in some sort of legal framework. and that was certainly missed the level of focus
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on very much. and when we touched upon the expansion of nato eastwood's nest, another offer mentioned that to russia. moscow does see the presence of nato military data military. the expansion went to eastwards as a threat to its security. and the west has to understand that that is the topic of concern for russia and a compromise has to be reached if dear relation that is to happen. but yamazik, priscilla globes loves to prove the heads of states. and governments have clearly states that no participants of the o s. c, e should insure the security by damaging security of others. so when stalsen berg made this high brow and arrogant statement that no one can reach the principal, the washington treaty in accordance with which doors are open for any candidate wishing to accede to nato, we can say that we are not party to this organization. we have not signed this treaty, but we have signed a broader pan regional euro atlantic documents that includes the principle of indivisible security. and if you installed some burg, believe the native members can ignore this principle that is enshrined in their
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documents that are the highest level than perhaps it is indeed time for him to get a different job. because he does not perform his functions very well. and he called for the formalization within the legal framework to prevent mat expanse in eastwards, and that a recent discussions had been actually quite positive that washington had listened to moscow's concerns. and at least a dialogue was happening. so at least that something positive to take away from these tensions which have been rising over the last few weeks. prosecutors in the netherlands have ended their arguments in the case of malaysian airlines flight m, age 17, down over east and ukraine in 2014 killing all 200. $98.00 aboard their demanding life sentences for the, for suspects, including 3 russia nationals, rushes for a ministers once again. voice moscow's concerns about bias in the investigation. just moved. numerous listed dooms of blossom. we're closely following the case because it's about russian citizens who the defendants at this stage of the trial
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were surely conceive you attempt to create an impression that it is a problem of the state rather than the criminal case. that is completely unacceptable. it should be considered a criminal process, was 7 and a half years on after a trial that has seeped with politics for its duration, or prosecutors have arrived at their version of events. they have now put forward charges against the full suspects that they believe are responsible. 3 of them, russian citizens, one of them are ukranian citizen. only one of them was represented in court by the way, by my lawyers. but this is, this is a trial that had an agenda from the onset, and this is something that multiple states have said including malaysia, which had for years has said that, that they were excluded from the trial because they weren't on board with the agenda. they said that early on that there was a very, very clear, very clear angle to the investigation to the trial. and that was to, to blame,
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rush to shove all responsibility on russia. and now they were arrived at the conclusion that these 4 suspects were responsible for, shooting down and made 17, with a book, a missile that was supplied from abroad. they for it, we demanded the suspects are convicted each individual, even a joint shooting down of an aircraft which caused the death and murder of o $298.00 people on board to life in prison. even if the suspects did not intend the consequences of their actions, those consequences still count for their sent in thank how they arrived at this conclusion is a story ended of itself. because there has been a lot of outrage about some of the evidence that they have taken taken on board. look, they've, they included from the onset ukraine, was included in the, in investigation invited all to the joint investigative team despite the fact that ukraine itself was at, at the time a suspect. and
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a large part of the case is built on testimony from ukraine, which includes audio recordings provided by ukraine, secret services, audio recordings of the alleged suspects. apparently talking about the jet again from the odds that they was suspected of being manipulated. the recordings, multiple forensic experts came out to say the same thing that they were doctor, they were edited and their woods were put in place and moved, moved around. but again, ukraine's evidence was taken on board while a slew of evidence for provided from her from other sources wasn't. again, the case was built much and her testimony from social media post. the witnesses were but kept secret, their identities anonymous. there was also the fact that for years now, the quote that j i t joint investigative team have vos, the united states to provide an absolutely crucial piece of evidence. and that is
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satellite footage for, from the area from the day. the incident took place to make sure that there was that there was this book miss alt launcher on site. the united states for years now has refused multiple times to provide those satellite shots are full for the investigation. it was also an incident in which dutch m. p. 's themselves will f, flabbergasted. after reading the report that says ukraine couldn't have known, there was a threat to civilian aircraft in the area, despite the fact that just days earlier, a ukrainian military play was shot down. the last of about a dozen in the area i at hides that were that were dangerous for civilian aircraft. so passenger jet. and these, combined with all the evidence that was rejected by the, by the prosecutors, has led many to believe that indeed there was bias. a groom legally sh through.
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there are large number of discrepancies, impartial, judicial process, rule violations, examination of witness breaches. witnesses classified including the one who could bring facts, ignored by the investigation to light. the fact that the defense attorneys request has been rejected without any explanation says a lot. they also ignore the amazon takes parents which prove that investigation statement on the mistletoe abused is unfounded. the russian ministry of defense provided the documents confirming that the missile was produced in 1986 given to one of the ukrainian military units and stayed there until it was used. all this information was ignored. and again, despite all the controversy all over the missing details about the, the me sal itself, where the launcher was, who can control the launcher at the time whether it was on the ukrainian side, on the, on the rebels side. all of those questions remain well classified. the answer to
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those questions remained remain classified for now. we don't know a lot about the decision making process in the prosecution. nevertheless, the defense is due to speak in march and we are waiting for for a verdict towards the end of next year. a cynic correspond a broadcast their 3rd still the come tonight, not is we'll news it when i am fall out within the u. s. democratic party, after one of his own senators. so peter, joe biden, massive infrastructure bill is kevin over here with he'll tell you about that story more after the break. ah, ah, ah ah
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broken out within the us democratic party after one of his own sentences. tip the balance in the senate by refusing to vote in favor of jo biden's near to trillion dollar bill back. better bill joe mansion that immediately drew fury from the white house. his move is seen as a fatal blow to the president's flagship plan. although apparently not by biting himself, do you believe other magic words you hadn't tried your advanced legislation? not for some people said maybe i'm not iron speech, hold a grudge for i want to get things done. i still think there's a possibility. can you feel back better? john weatherbug seemed unfazed. it did pay the way for a further rift in american politics with a democratic party. now, facing a crisis of confidence, assess, get taylor reports by didn't promise to build back better than long time friend, joe munch and went to the fox news and blew up the president's campaign promises. and i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't,
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i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. you're done. this is, this is a no. this is a no. and with it it seems his whole party. we all knew that send or mention couldn't be trusted. and you know, the, the excuses that he just made, i think, are completed and let miss lemaire to explain to the people of west virginia why he doesn't have the guts to say about the powerful special ed. what senator mentioned did yesterday represents such an increased breach of the trust in the president. and it's also, you know, this is exactly why it's an outcome that we had warned about. we have been saying this for weeks that this would happen and we took the hit, our leadership needs to step up. now politics and finger pointing, go hand in hand, nothing new, right? well, not quite because one, it's tradition for the reds and blues to spit to each other across the aisle. here
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. if the democrats spitting, i didn't, chapa, i didn't even take that much, just one man, one veto. and it all came down. what made mansions, treachery, aldermore, unforgivable, was that he was biden's body. a friendly face will say that from the president's viewpoint, and i saw him this morning. he's worked with senator mansion over the course of decades. they share continental values, their longtime friends, that has not changed. that's how anything biden's policies are apparently become long time friends, decades of shad find use. and mansion still broke rank even though p. the loyalist, even though billed back, battle was biden's baby. and even though he knows that without the bill, the mid times, maybe a blood off, if we could get the build back better plan past, democrats will have a strong possibility of at least keeping the senate. it's tough, it's a tough reality. in today's america, where it's party above all mansions,
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vito spells trouble for bite and i really couldn't have come out. it was time yes. chemist on withdrawal on the con, tearing through the us. hi, petra price says a supply chain still in crisis record inflation on a historically low popularity rating of just 41 percent at a time, right this you need your people move and that's why you need a rallying cry. what does biden have a party and boiled in fighting has signature legislation and the dot, and now defecting democrats with rumors that is just the tip of the iceberg member, we had an individual reregister from democrat republican, and i think there are a few other democrats out there that are thinking about it, why not because they've changed, but the party has changed with what appears to be a crisis of confidence in this changed party. the last thing that democrats can afford is a crisis of confidence in the president himself, but looks like that's exactly what they've got. so the real president,
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it is country joe mentioned that joe biden, man wife for the con charlemagne. i really job. i can't, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's joe biden, which quite frankly, probably came as news to bide and himself. how can the side of course, president harris is a proud howard. ok, but kidding aside, the democrats got handed the keys to success. they took over from the countries moved divisive president, they took control of the house and the senate, and yet here, just 11 months on their in disarray with the president probably looking on and thinking that maybe instead of building back better, it might be what building back a party that seems to have lost its way. as you know, obviously, or is split. anna is growing, spring like dale is growing, almost both part is here in america is the breakup within the dome crap pod and ian be. our leadership law president by the house hasn't made it in
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a battle. they are running a freight. they're not elections coming up to mit turning 2022 and our forwarded me lose that and is one way thing. it shows a lot of hypocrites within the democratic party. i think the dom crash. no, they are in for fight a flight of their lives. they have all been so ralph crab, it came from radical debt to how move far away from the main stream of america, what american people want, and i didn't know it's going to be a fight for their life. they only all white house and they own the congress and defend it, and they have been unable to get to be back better ah, program to govern and get it class because who actually bankruptcy for america does what? it stands for. well, token of america, the replaceable nation of the world stage. that's how washington's top diplomat is characterized. the usa dealing somewhat of a blow than to those he'd hoped the bud administration would take about co operative global approach. secretary of state unseen,
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playing can added that chaos would ensue if the whites had stopped 20 cold leading the world. american engagement. american leadership matters. the world doesn't organize itself. when we're not engaged, when we don't lead, then one or 2 things happens. either some other country tries to take our place, but probably not in a way that advances our interests and values or no one does. and then you get chaos . but i press already being res of those comments coming in the wake of america's disastrous invasion then and pull out from afghanistan, could ex know the u. s. o. rules had a less than proud record of leading, including failure in iraq, liver, and syria, 2 millions in those countries have been killed, displaced as a result of those u. s. military interventions. earlier i spoke to former marine intelligence officer, scott richard, who thinks american leadership policies lack morality. tony blanket has
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a very difficult job and that is to try and put a good trace on a, on bad policy on, on an administration that you know promised the moon of can even launch. we haven't had a foreign policy success in decades or invasion of iraq in 2003, of course, predicated on over a decade. oh, you know, sanctions based containment of saddam hussein that changed the entire middle east, which in turn gains the entire world. not for the better either. so you know, the ide states as a, has a problem. we are in a position where we have the, the power, the, the accumulation of power to, to make this stand and continue to make the stand. and right now, there's not too many nations that can stand up and prevent us from doing it. it doesn't make it right. we've seen the consequences of this. but for the moment,
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the united states, you know, is a, is a superpower. the lack of moral compass. and not se, well, these are one i am life from moscow, from kevin. oh, in thank you for watching. and a very good morning. ah ah. well, i mean, you must. so did that in as shown until we stand together will continue to stand together against russia. 80 in germany. repeat some of the arrows that we doubtless made. se notice if he needs
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a shockey daughter, so bothered millard influence other nations, france b, u. k. and even latin america and other countries in june just then maybe knew where to high from cycle pollute with members of your household. so please, please, please, please reenter, continue to fight with just need to to do the russian must not be allowed in germany. i want to call and leave it to show out. so being out in the innovation, the 5 and the yes actually indian 80 the innovation mrs. guns until son's technology is a very big industrial and there's lot of opportunities for hackers, new villains, not him. but he didn't bring the law in the country you're dealing with why rest him there? the major cybersecurity challenge is the sovereignty of laws that cyberspace is no
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borders. new sovereignty, we ended up with, for example, the national health service in the u. k. the n, a chess was completely wiped out from a ransomware attack. if you were coming in to a clinic because you had a test or you had an operation, they can't find your records. they had to go back to pen and paper. oh, is your media ref? section of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safe, isolation, whole community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to descend
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ah ah. hello and welcome to cross doctor. all things are considered. i'm funeral labelle. how should we describe our times? what is the zeitgeist as they say? do we have a sense of direction and purpose? we also hear a lot about the desire to return to normal. what does that mean? now? are we actually living in the new normal? ah, to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal in media analyst. and in paris we cross a john laughlin. he is a university lecture in history and political philosophy. right gentlemen. crosstalk rules and effect.
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