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tv   Going Underground  RT  December 22, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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touch court. i wasn't them myself, but i'm told by people who were there a particular elizabeth, who was the prosecuting counsel in that case that they appeared to be deeply embarrassed when they threw the case out of the court, claiming sovereign immunity for been against an the pilot of the a 15 or a 35 or whatever plane it american plane it was that dropped the enormous bomb on the apartment building where i ismael. c. r does mother and father and brother and nephews and nieces and were murdered by benny cancer in the pilot. so it's interesting that i'm happy that at least the appeal charges appeared embarrassed. so you know, will it go any further? i've no idea, i'm sure they will come to make you said i spoke out for them. well of course i do
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speak. i speak out for a any human being who has rights that are ignored. you've talked about, you've talked to his well, the other himself, the policy, the man i should just say these really government says israel completely rejects the claims that it is carrying out war crimes, men against the defense minister says i believe the truth will come to light it's not just a matter the court's technical, legal, lack of jurisdiction, but a matter of justice and morality. i'm sure many countries will understand that there is no room for such an investigation that could harm many other consent badger against the defense minister o y, a well done on you mad at the guys family. i mean, you know, hey, this comes down to a fundamental kind of beef of mine. as you know, as a shame because we've spoken many, many times. and my platform is the same, this christmas as it was last christmas. and it is the very small platform of paris,
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1948 the universal declaration of human rights. do we believe that individual human beings? i must have peons members of our one race have ineligible human rights or not. if we do then those rights or their right to those basic rights to shelter food, barbara, freedom of life, liberty, and all of the rest of it should be protected by international law. unfortunately, we don't have international law because i'm a number of countries are not, are not signatures to the treat you for so. so there is actually no such thing as an international legal system with any teeth. otherwise the been, it gets is of this, well, the war criminals would we, the peoples of the united nations would be able to bring any,
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gets in the pilot for the war crime, heinous, unbelievable. crime, killing is may of 0. does hope family. we would be able to bring them to court and we would be able to find a measure of justice. so that platform stance this christmas and i will probably be there next christmas in the christmas up. and certainly every christmas till i'm no longer on this planet. but it's something we have to keep working it don't wait. do do human rights matter or not? you cannot cherry pick them. you can't say i been a gats have human rights. i have the right to mock be attraction to be and to life and liberty in my family have the right to. but they don't because they live in garza, in a refugee camp and their arab sunday, the enemy. so they do not have the right to life, and i decide that we're talking about the holy land, as i say, guns denies any accusations,
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or allegations of war crimes. how successful our it's been called it the, the lobby. although israel rejects that phrase, is anti semitic as accessible given even the siege of bethlehem in 20 o 2. i remember bethlehem apparently quite important for the christmas narrative. even that wasn't covered, that much let alone this case. i think it will be the 1st time in intellectual television. it's being covered as we discuss how successful does israel p r machine continue to be this christmas less than it was last, chris my from happy to say and it will be less successful again. next christmas because it is becoming more and more apparent to global civil society that the emperor has no clothes. and this is a terror rest apart sate racist colonialist, set my wrists regime the zionist experiment, and that it has no place on
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a globe where we proport to support the idea that individual human beings have rights irrespective of their great color, blah, blah, nationality and all the rest of it that would mean that arabs have as many human right. palestinians should have as many human rights as israeli jews. and they don't. and we know that. and that does nothing that television can do to convince us the ordinary people for wealth and global civil society, that they do have equal rights until they do when are interested in your propaganda or in your as you know, and you're explaining to us the israel is a democracy, we all know that both there's nothing democratic about israel, louisa, israel's ambassador, the new new ambassador on what you said there. you wouldn't be able to be
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a member of the british labor, but he's a care storm and known for being boss of the crown prosecution service that persecuted arguably, we can exec julian san jose outlaws words like that said by labor party members. and i know i know that i've shed and, and it's, it's not making me smile because it's funny is making me smile because it's that it was the labor party come to, i mean almost, i mean, i mean quite close contact with my friend, for instance. now me when bona gracie, who is one of the labor party members, wonderful woman of great woman, great member of the labor party who's been thrown out of the labor party. they've accused of being an angie's m. i. all right, this is jewish voice for labor. this is julia sally injurious. i know you, you are the sorry, the jewish people under the care. so i'm
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a leadership. i'm being persecuted by cool. now. yeah, of course their kiss dom or is he's a sort of blair clone. he's the, i'll do anything to maintain a position of political power in this country. and also he is one of the couple of people trying to drag the labor party so far to the right of what it was set out for which was to represent the working people of great britain by and which it did a did to some large extent even even with the clement atlee government of the 2nd world war which was slightly right wing. but with the 2 traditions of a anthony which would ban and michael foot and proper people who represented the interests of the working class back as well. the labor party was full and that is where jeremy kobus was trying to steer back to when he was rail,
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rotate by the israeli lobby and removed from the political same much much i have to say to the relief of the right wing of everything that represents the right wing in the u. k. from nitro forearms, true to resume and to orest johnson and care stammer because he is part of that group. if you drew a line down the middle of politics in the u. k. and their progressive to care about redressing the imbalance between the rich and the poor know lows things the the i care about. and now i am a when born address he cares about. and patty french cares about. and jeremy colbin kaz about i. e, they care about human rights, they would be to the left of that land, kiss dom or is so far to the right to pat line is shouldn't he should be allowed in the labor party? is it effing joke, frank? well, it's against our says he's,
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he's for the working class and he has appointed actually some blair, right known blair. right. i think they were admitted to being there. right? people into his sir shadow cabinet. and the actually arguably saw seem to be a little critical of jo biden's decision to withdraw troops ref canister, articles of the labor government here that supported the wars. and i've got a son and iraq. what did you make of this? this is a you know, sort of saigon moment. it's been called some people gold cartoon moment at the saigon moment of joe biden. finally ending america's longest war. you know, i, i never watched tv and in i said, i don't follow the news. i don't much. i don't see fox news or m s n b c or anything in between. oh, must not interested a tool in job like is it is like a passing nothing that's in front of you because he's the he's,
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he never says anything for stop. i mean, they said, well, you would, he does if you watch the nearest you'd see does, but i know the, i would say answer from major if he was actually saying. but he biden is really no different from the rest of the ruling class in the united states of america, they represent corporate power and they represent the near liberal capitalist view . that that is a great economic model which we know is and it causes only misery and paying for the 99.9 percent of the population who to benefit from it. there is no such thing as trickle down. we all know that what, what it was just going to do with joe biden. well, i'm, i'm, do you know, joe biden on afghanistan? i'm sorry, i didn't take much notice of, i should we leave afghanistan alone removing troops when afghan is stand? is that good idea is absolutely a 1000 percent. we were, it was a, it was the brit we went in that you know,
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in the early 19th century and tried to take it over and still everything and destroyed. and western pass have been trying to ins appear in that mountainous and unconquerable country ever since. and the sooner we stopped the better, and i include the russians, even though they were trying to score a democratically elected government. when they, when they went into the country to try and in a fight against al kato, whoever it was that the cia had put in to try and destroy. there was a progressive left when government giving rights to women, encouraging education of girls and all of that stuff. let us not forget that, roger, i'll stop you there more from the legendary pink floyd frontline after this break. ah
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ah hm. i was diagnosed with cancer in 2000. so when the doctors told me the cancer was incurable, i knew i had to make a change. so i decided to travel to one of the most toxic places in america. florida. one of florida is biggest industries and best kept secrets, is fostering in the biggest player in $85000000000.00 industry is mosaic, and i, there are reports of millions of gallons of contaminated water now flowing into the florida aqua for a chronic. oh well,
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you don't want to hear that word polish name, but that's what it is. in 2013 my alcohol, our family dog, my brother, who was 21 years old, myself in my father and were all guy rob did. they brought a kid a whole lot and they could play i yeah, yeah. maybe they'll actually learn that more help is more important than should we describe hard time? what is the zeitgeist, as they say, do we have a sense of direction and purpose? we also hear a lot about the desire to return to normal. what does that mean? now? are we actually living in the new normal ah, ah, working room, or should she popped in?
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she said, well, i'm getting ready to go shopping for christmas, and i wish there was a good bye to another shooting another safe part of american life shattered by violence. the gunman was armed with an a ar 15, semi automatic rifle. when the issue comes home, it's time to act. when we're stylish on this issue, the other side wins. by default, the lady that lived over there. i was walking one of the jobs, which is why do you where again, where are you still with nothing. i take it off of me, i think the people need to take responsibility in their own and be prepared if those kind of weapons were less available, we wouldn't have a lot of shootings. we certainly wouldn't have the number of deaths. welcome back. up still with pink floyd fund man. roger waters. you did mention
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a culprit power. i'm of course we got the chicago school after i and his death in santiago, you are friends. i think you guys of a friend of steve danziger. just tell us about corporate power and what happened to him this year. maybe some people will know his name. stephen danziger as a human rights activist, but also a lawyer, an attorney. and he represented some 30000 indigenous people in from the north and right forests of ecuador, and a law suit against sham from corporation who had bought the debt owed by texaco, who drill for oil from 1961 until 1991 or 92. when the co k started in ecuador and state, and don suca and others, won a case in ecuador against chevron and were awarded non point $5000000000.00 in damages which chevron then refused to pay. and they,
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then i started to attack don suca, deciding that attacking don psycho was, was their best tactic to escape from the penalty of because the case in ecuador, by the way, was then it was then heard by a number of appellate courts. in ecuador, all of whom established that it was a fair trial. and that shame from should pay this money. chevron. i suggested that don suca was a gangster, and they, he had bribed to judge in ecuador. he had written the judgment in ecuador, barbara bar, barbara, and they bought this case to the southern district to buell came from cooper, a judge in new york, called louis a kaplan. and can i just stay with us? district judge, alert, oppressed was as country to mr. daunting as a social that his conviction was preordained,
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the court finds him guilty on each count for one reason. one reason only mister danziger did that, which with which he is charged with us. nonsense, of course, that that's absolute nonsense with it may well be that good to who was his, who was don. so good lawyer, when he went to the 2nd circuit of appeal in the united states may have made a tactical error in that he didn't. he didn't, and i'm not a lawyer with her, it's kinda clearly a complicated way of ground here. steven dunn's a guy is not a gangster. stephen says he's not. and they actually in the original trial the cap then trial was supposed to be a jury trial because chevron was showing him get this chevron tried to soon steven dunn's ago for $63000000000.00 of damages in
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a court in the southern sef k of knew $63000000000.00 because they was doubling the oil company drilling in ecuador in the rain forest. but on the day before his case, they dropped the money end at the same. which meant that danza good could no longer have a jury. and that could be tried by sticking abida lewis, a kaplan. so the whole case was tried by this one mad. i mean, why i wanted to talk anyway, they locked danziger up for contempt recently. and he has since been let out of danbury correctional institution in connecticut. danbury, connecticut, and none of us quite sure why. he was given a 6 months sentence for contempt of court, and he had so 45 days when suddenly shambler came to him at breakfast one morning and said, oh, we'll let you out tomorrow afternoon, or the self to know mr. dunn's really. yeah. and where, where did that come up?
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somewhere? high out, but we don't know any more than that maybe was and maybe it was a great environment. get us in the by an administration. i mean everyone, everyone admits certain. oh, wrong doing, in that case and i was more of focusing on it. i mean, let alone the injustice of the case. i don't think is supported as, as alleged. it occurs during a cop 26th year and many people watching will think. well, obviously we shouldn't be drilling for fossil fuels and, and hurting indigenous rights in communities where we can destroy the rain force. i mean, that, that seems to be a mainstream media narrative of after all. what do you think the circle, mainstream media hasn't been telling us about cop 26 and it's great achievements. do you think it was a corporate to green washing festival? i think it was. i think there was no temp to that of just being i was just talking to my friend brown a know and, and others on the, on us but a focus as well,
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on the not on another 2 or 3 final interestingly enough. right. and, and it was interesting what brian had to say, he said there were 40000 young people in glasgow witnessing this event and will interest me is what their responses to it. because clearly cop 26, he's not going to have any effect on our governments or on the corporations who are making their billions out of destroying the planet by bending, by continuing to bone fossil fuels. even though all the evidence is that before our eyes, that this is destroying the future for our children and our grandchildren and everybody else is children, grandchildren. but so, and one of the questions that came up in our previous conversation was, well, how are these 40000 young people going to have a going to and develop a unit by boys and make some sense politically because
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it were one of the things that came up, which is very interesting. how we progressives, who like to think about cells on the left, turn on one another and split our ranks over other issues if you see what i mean. so that, oh, and brian told a really good story said it's been like you're in a life boat. ok. and it's filling out with water and you're all about to drown. and somebody starts bailing out, right. which is a good thing because it might save you, but one of the other people in the by the way, you can't use that as plastic is a plastic cup. you can't buy out with a plastic cap. and it, you know it's, you're laughing because it's funny, but it's really, it's great the entire world by the end. i'm the lien. i might end you being, you being demonstrating outside the british consulate in, in new york,
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after we heard that he thinks, is julian assange at a stroke here in london, the, as he's been incarcerated after a british court judge, lord burnett, i understand who they overturned psychiatric reports the magistrate court saying that he will die in the united states if, if extradited, what is the left to say about the julius arch case? where might, or might say you, you and others are calling for direct action. now you don't believe that this judicial process is fair in any way on corrupt. well, hang on a minute. lord chief justice burnett sitting there and is bloody wake, you know, with his face falling off for i looks like over by my scotch whisky to me. but it might be something else. who knows? this is the blow could go snares dino, with his old university pal. what's his name duncan?
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on the form of foreign minister stood out pin polymer and cold julian assange. what did he call him? a little was a worm eaten currently he does say in a minute he was a foreign minister who he actually watched her assange being rendered out out of his political asylum in the ignoring embassy from a m on a monitor. and the senator, as a foreign minister. yeah, he said there was nothing that was required to be logged in. government records about the fact that he met the judge. nothing related in terms of the subjects they talked about to their rules as a minister or judge was sir, was discussed. am i hello? yes, the john chair. yes. well, you know, now i'm very good. yeah. this money a sanjay, right. we oh, you know we, we never spoke about it, right?
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yes. ha, that bang. are you kidding me? they didn't talk about as sonjee. they're on the same page step there. of course they spoke about it. that's why they denying it. i mean, yeah, i mean, obviously lots of journalists and lots of journalists in the media. here. they tell me, circle me through media, tell me they, i mean, we know about the attack jobs where the guardian newspaper would have been actually described by the un, which were up to or, and torture. neil's meltzer is a form of torture. and alan duncan has admitted he tried to keep the smirk of his face in his diaries as he has to day drinks a parliamentary office, drink sir team um for the team involved in the eviction. actually from from the embassy, he gave her linen marino, a beautiful porcelain plate from the bucker. buckingham palace gift? sure job done. he added this is from, from his diary. i mean, the option option just just, just for a minute for me. okay. yeah,
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we are. yeah. we will now about all of that, and it's disgusting and everything in 8 can measure. but imagine you can't see me because there's a big puff of smoke care smoke care. this is all smoke and mirrors to prevent us. we the public from, from looking squarely at what's going on and going on a minute. hang on, this is illegal, julian, a sanchez committed, no crime. this totalitarian government, which causes of a dame, deb parliamentary democratic government in the u. k. has locked up a completely innocent man, completely committed no crime. certainly under english law, none. they've locked him up for 2 and a half years in a very, very high security prison. the highness security prison that we have in the united
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kingdom with no recourse to the law. none except to appear before. oh yeah, we didn't speak about back little pre bazaars. did we know? ah, in front of him, this is there's nothing legal. this is not the law operating. this is something a piece of theater made up by this tyra ramco and regime headed by parish johnson. it's nothing to do with the law. that's what the smoke and mirrors is supposed to prevent us from going. you can't do this to this man. he is an innocent journal. i like, i want to just say we're going to the end of this christmas bedroom. what should a joe? i mean, you know, you're a musician, you, dora, brian, you know, and i great musician ali, if a journalist is given a usb stick with a collateral, the collateral murder video showing more journey this more civilians being killed.
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what would you tell that journalist to do, given that now we know that journalist, for publicizing the murder of a civilian, could face a 175 years in american jail, regardless of their nationality? what would i tell him to do? do the right thing, like my mother told me to do when i was 13 year old child sheep. my mother said to me one day and i told the story before i was like 13, struggling with some facia church. they are going to be lots of things in your life that are difficult and you may struggle with what to do. bob? do the research, find out everything that you can about the question that you're facing. when you've done that, you will have done all the heavy lifting. the hard work is over. the next. it is easy. do the right thing was orders merry christmas. thank you, merry christmas to you. that's it for this season finale and the final show 2021
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will be back on wednesday, january the 12th. but until then we'll be playing some of your favorite shows from the season. say, june. you can keep in touch viola, social media and subscribe to our youtube channel and follows on twitter, facebook, and instagram. see soon merry christmas. ah. and so it begins 2 weeks of our christmas and new as the specials, in which we looked back in the air that was, and parents in the future with some of our roster of amazing guests, all heterodox thinkers, that wouldn't be caught dead on breakdown finance, corporate media 1st up, james howard con. certain technology is a very big industry and there's lot of opportunities for the hackers. novilla, it's not him,
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but he didn't bring the law in that country you're dealing with why rest him that the major cybersecurity challenge is the sovereignty of laws that cyberspace has no borders. new sovereignty we ended up with, for example, the national health service in the u. k, the and a chest was completely wiped out from a ransomware attack. if you were coming in to a clinic because you had a test or you had an operation, they can't find your records. they had to go back to pen and paper. ah, with
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ah ah, an exclusive interview with our chief russia. the foreign minister says moscow will react to 8 flagrant attempts by berlin to block our keys. new german language channel, europe's leading satellite provider removes it at the request of the media regularly with
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