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tv   Documentary  RT  December 23, 2021 12:30am-1:01am EST

12:30 am
he feels things that we don't feel temperature variations and differences in textures. smells and it's awesome. i never ever, ever want him to be quote normal because kids with autism rock he shot be yankee shot 22. he shot you know 25 percent. oh that he talks about he wants an a key thing. i know it's been that much money, but yeah, he has, he has his own guns when he gets under, who gets healthy and where he ends end up for a long period of time and handle the recoil. negotiate and hulu. 1118,
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busy day to day. big a story in our city, for sure. someone, your remembrance of the clackamas town center shooting. cindy, you'll washed our life there. she was hospice care nurse. her daughter jenna is in the studio with us. how are you doing it yearly? i don't know. not great. honestly i angry, i would be so yeah, yeah. ringback ringback ringback someone asked me the other day if i will ever be able to forgive the best person who killed my mom. the answer is now. giles, everything gets better. thanks. i really do will be out there tonight by 30 candlelight, vigil, clackamas, down center. i hope you come down who at this time of the year, know that around the country are packed with hearing that children. many of them are going to see if the ins and for a lot of families were here at the black midtown center one year. and that's night, that magical moment ranking, who are
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you going to speak 1st? yeah. this day. my mom and steve are here. that's mom and i was absolutely right. she with i don't know how to frank thomas. we miss her every day. with
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this last october, my sister in law, jesse, she was brutally murdered. she was shot in the head by her husband who she was in the middle of a divorce with. she got a restraining order, not too long after he forced his way into her house and shot her in front of her 2 young daughters. i was asked afterward by several people. chris, doesn't that change how you see gun control? i always responded with, absolutely not. my wife is over there, selling shirts, to raise money for domestic violence awareness in her sister's name. can you go back to that day? well, they're getting ready to watch the football game and study
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hard out. very good to really watch the foot long in the ducks were playing and i was i got to call my mom and she said that there was a shooting over just his apartment. and we didn't know where jesse was. and 1st i was like, ok, so there was a shooting. didn't know it was jesse's. we didn't really know anything. and then i called her and of the hospitals and they told us where she was at and we found her. and i was the 1st one there to see that she was shot him if her address was conceal a little better and probably kind of at least floated down. but i think the biggest thing that would have helped is if she was armed the ridiculousness
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of the gun grabbers has gotten to epic proportions. people. how many of you guys have heard of the board game clue? you've got the pipe branch lead, pipe, the rope. guess what? the revolver piece that was less than a half inch big, offended a parent and they removed it. i think they have forgotten. we are the boss. they work for us. what we say go is not what they say the me all i
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i i shane owns you are looking for a tell you get every interest to you or you burning right and the flaming in the i i i
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why do you think there isn't much trouble trying to log on this, why has it become so polarized? and is there a middle, why is there a middle ground somewhere? you know, after new town, i thought there was a middle ground. i thought were going to ban these clips. these are multiple shot clips. that's going to happen and we're going to get background checks. but then both of those things were blocked. those things never happen. and i sort of lost hope. and i think a lot of people have lost hope. the really doesn't seem to be a middle ground. and one of the things that i tried to establish and in guns was that there should be a middle ground really
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distill thanks something simple bass like, maybe something like this. where's the simple outline of the state? and then just get rid of the background color. you just had right, and that was it right. the gun control movement needs to understand. it takes a long time. it takes persistence. it takes patience, but it takes constant advocacy. mothers against drunk driving was started in 1980. it was one small change after one small change and one small change might occur in one state. and then another state would adopt that tougher penalties for offenders. more prevention programs, lowering the illegal limit from drunk driving. i have seen a similarity between some of the tactics i think dnr is using compared to some of the tactics that the alcohol and hospitality industry used in our fight, particularly to lower the illegal drunk driving limits. the alcohol industry
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initially in illinois said absolutely not. they are going to take away your glass of wine at dinner. they are going to make a criminal out of somebody who has a cocktail. all these bars and restaurants are going to have to close. we were able to prove that those claims were number one, not true. and number 2, once we did past the law, the hospitality and alcohol industries joined with us to promote the law. so it will be great if at some point the n r a joins with the gun control advocates and says, let's do work together on this. and we can find common ground. why a
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if it seems there is a shooting in a school every week. now, a group that keeps count says there are nearly is about one a week since new towns. the latest happen just hours ago near portland, oregon, and it was deadly. they say the shooter that went into that high school this morning as dad along with one student. that shooting began just after 8 o'clock this morning. just as students were getting started with their day, a very active scene and a community in shock after a shooting in trout, dale at reynolds high school, again, my 1st reaction was not again. and then my 2nd reaction was to get really mad. somebody was raising a child in a house with a, a r 15 and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. what kind of message was that child being sent living in the house like that?
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yeah, they have a 2nd amendment right to do it. and we got to dead kids to show for it. and i just feel a sense of personal failure. what could i have done to make a difference? and that haunts me all the time. we have to work harder. ah ah
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technology is a very big industry and there's lot of opportunities for hackers movie that is not here. right. but he didn't break the law in that country. you're dealing with y rushed him that the major cybersecurity challenge is the sovereignty of laws that cyberspace has no borders, no cell grantee, we ended up with, for example, the national health service in the u. k. that a chest was completely wiped out for the ransomware attack. if you are coming in to a clinic, because you had a test or you had an operation, they can't find your records. they had to go back to pen and paper. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offensive, very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with
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san it. sit in then darshawn in some modern patches scan in here with me. friendly dome hand in hand. oh oh, so it go oh
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ah, your my friends? ah, great, a long del leon. not gone on. ah oh, 1st of the aftermath of gun violence. oh, but i truly believe it. we can have our guns. oh, we can do so responsible, shall get our heart in. so it goes, oh oh oh oh, so it go ah
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ah. here's how it shakes out. first, there's the shooting. second, the initial t v. news reports often accompanied by fourish is a music and dramatic breaking news logos. 3rd comes confirmation and it's not a false, a lot of ammunition. 4th, the 1st video, it's always from a cellphone. if the 1st on seen lose reports filed by those local reporters who must sub until the 18th arrives, one or more will use the phrase had as many as 4 put followed by a number. 6th,
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the correct equation, x dead y injured tanf. the shooter is identified correctly and we get to look at a yearbook photo in which the guy looks pretty much like anybody. 14th recaps of previous shootings begin 17th the n r a announces they will have no comment until the details become clear. 18th on politicians, decree a national dialogue about gun control. 21st. any bills to change existing gun laws quietly disappear into the legislative swamp? 22nd. it happens again, and the whole thing starts over. that's how it shakes out. i
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don't know if anybody will remember that essay it 50 years from now or anything else that i have written or might write in the future about guns. but if they do, the only thing i'd, i'd like is for somebody to say he was on the right side of the issue. and i hope i am, i believe that i am, but of course, believes as part of the problem here, isn't it? i mean, does strong belief on, on both sides. i in i me in,
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in the tonight every town is having their kick off event. i get to the point a lot or i'm like, nothing changing. you know, same old, same old. and then i'll do these little things and i'm like, oh yeah. okay, i can make a difference. so we're about to start the next session. we are really hoping to pass and goals. finally. i oh,
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i i ah, balance at center stage in salem, sudan, 941 passed by just a few for several hours of debate. ah, it's a state surveyor, it's a big deal. never gotten this far. i want to thank everybody for coming. we're going to work as hard as possible to make sure that everybody is
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able to get their voice her. despite the continuing incidents of gun violence in our own state, oregon, lawmakers have failed to fix problems and our gun laws. that is an embarrassment. and it's time for change. ah, we're about to reach the culmination of a 20 year close to a 20 year process. mm. good morning, colleagues. happy monday to everyone. the house will come to order. representative williams and muse adoption of the committee report on senate bill 941. it closes the loophole in oregon's 25 year background check law for selling and transferring
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firearms. i realize that things might actually change was when we were in a balcony and actually voting on it. clark will open the voting system. ah. in today's climate it is almost in freaking possible to pass any kind of gun safety you perform. but organ isn't bucking the national trend with to wait for steve to listen, needs to live for others, but it will have a positive impact and i will save lives down the road. there's no question about it . we have accomplish something in something that we did were cindy in our minds. she was
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a marginal warmer. she was a very strong advocate for justice and for things that are are right. mm. jamie really proud. she might be wearing a thing. how stuff like that. like i wouldn't be doing us if it weren't for her death but but yeah, now she'll be really proud. she made sure enough on totally ah, [000:00:00;00]
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a, there is a lot happening in our country. it's just not happening as fast as some people would like including me, but it's, it's happening in, i don't see myself backing away from this issue for quite a while. there's too much at stake. mm. it takes time to change things around. i've learned to accept that now but changed. those come as long as you're persist in learning more and more in jail. an issue for people, every one person that's kill effects, the whole community. ah,
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and i don't accept the idea. good match, shootings have to be a part of american life. with . oh, oh yes, i show in the evening when you say 0209 . yes. oh yes.
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a is
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a ah, [000:00:00;00] a theme becomes the advocate and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart,
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we choose to look for common ground and so it begins 2 weeks of our christmas and new year's, the specials, in which we look back in the year. that was and parents in the future with some of our roster of amazing guests, all heterodox thinkers, that would be caught dead on breakdown finance, corporate media, 1st up, james howard counselor, can look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people, a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously, is to great trust, rather than fear. a very job with artificial intelligence,
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real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with acknowledge is a very big industry and there's a lot of opportunities for hackers live in that it's not him, but he didn't bring the law in the country. you're dealing with why rushed him that the major cybersecurity challenge is the sovereignty of laws. but cyberspace has no borders. new sovereignty, we ended up with, for example,
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the national health service in the u. k. the and a chest was completely wiped out from a ransomware attack. if you were coming in to a clinic, because you had a test or you had an operation, they can't find your records. they had to go back to pen and paper. and i was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 when the doctors told me the cancer was incurable. i knew i had to make a change. so i decided to travel to one of the most toxic places in america. florida. one of florida is biggest industries and best kept secrets is fostering mine and the biggest player is $85000000000.00 industry. is mosaic, and i there are reports of millions of gallons of contaminated water now flowing into the florida aqua for a chronic. i don't want to hear that word towards me, but that's what it is. in 2013 my uncle, our family dog. my brother was 21 years old,
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myself and my father were all a problem with the whole and the good player. right? yeah, yeah, maybe they'll actually, we're, that far hill is more important than with ah, headlining this out of the u. s. says chaos awaits the world without its leadership, as by many countries still reaping the consequences of american involvement. we report from more toni t o p, where claims of fake news and unbalanced coverage western length free media is


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