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tv   News  RT  December 23, 2021 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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i think the people need to take responsibility in their own hands and be prepared if those kind of weapons were less available. we wouldn't have a lot of the shootings and we certainly wouldn't have the number of deaths with who doesn't. and then they must again, really it is in and you must do it immediately. precedent po, to lashes ada. nate has eastwood expansion. that the answers questions during his annual news break. here also responded to a question too about the energy crisis noting you are paying record price is now after teaching a for the old gas contract when you look when midway but, but not with the european commission, wasn't used monkey on the market will regulate. well,
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he is that is regulated by the $2000.00. 1000. believe me, you're welcome. mm hm. sure. also, i had the us says, chaos awaits the world without its leadership, despite many countries still accost, reaping the consequences of american involvement and the report from war, tony theo pir, we're claims of fake news and bias and western mainstream media is being blamed for, exacerbating the turmoil ah hello and welcome to out internationals world news at 10 pm from moscow with me, kevin, who 1st than the annual end of year media briefing by the russian president vladimir putin wrapped up earlier it last. if more the for hours, though ortiz, marin county of our senior correspondent brings us up to date on the key points that came out from it. this is an opportunity for,
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for journalists from all manner of outlets small, large, international, to, to gather together and to ask, puking, are the most pressing questions that they have. but that includes a journalist from small provincial outlets in russia. people forget have vos, russia is 11 time zones at spans, and there's a lot of questions the journalists want to ask. so we heard questions ranging from, from issues with mortgages and provincial towns to big hitting questions. lou did questions even from foreign journalists, asking vladimir putin if he can guarantee that russia won't attacker ukraine. so will you guarantee unconditionally that you will not invade ukraine or any other southern country? right now? sure destabilization erections will not depend on negotiations. they will depend on unconditional compliance with russia. security, in the sense we've made it clear that any further movement to the east is unacceptable. we're not threatening anyone. we didn't come to the u. s. a. u. s.
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borders. no, they came to ours. not an inch to the east, that was a nato guarantee in 1990. so what became of that? they fooled us. we've seen 5 waves of nato expansion and kate demanding some guarantees from us. you must give us the guarantees it is on you, and you must do it immediately. right now, instead of talking about here for decades, he also spoke about the other thing that russia has been charged with or suspected of manipulating. and that is the guy gas markets in, in europe. he says, well, what we're hearing from various outlets is baseless and senseless. germany for example, is buying gas at $57.00 times below market price. we're and then they're using that gas to perhaps celadon, to poland, which is paying an entirely different price because it insisted on trading with russia at market prices. now, the gases or the above $2000.00. well, it is ruinous,
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ruinous for both you citizens who have seen their household built for electricity go up for 500 percent ruinous also for businesses which year which is she and even large arise the road to remain with plato. mcmay are lying to us. they come with using every one gas promised shipping. the entire volume request is wise counter agents in accordance with the exist and contrast, they're even increasing the volume by around 20 percent. they're increasing shipments to europe in it. i believe the gas from is the only company that you have that the u. s. suppliers and not supplying the european market enough europeans in . i think they had premium market with that they were left behind when we're talking about lingering quite natural gas. the americans are transferring their shipments to the premium markets, a latin america, brazil, china, south korea, from japan, and the praises camper saying we must not miss roy long term contracts, but no, yahoo, that european commission, we must lose nadia. tom is not the market will regulated now. well hes how his regular sale is that $2000.10,
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that he been ideas of your wellness. and the other thing that popped up here was us you of recent scandals and russian involving jails. prisons and the torture of suspect said inmates by prison authorities at these were both, both incidents were shocking because that was graphic footage of it happening. there are more cases where we haven't seen footage. this is something that has been a sore point among russians for, for many years. and vladimir putin was asked what is being done about this. he said that the russian government is taking action. there are a number of criminal proceedings against her former prison institution. the staff members, as well as the fact that peter, this isn't a problem only in russia, this is a problem in even in developed countries, had it is very difficult to put an end to it. of them. solution in this case is necessary festival to rely on states for of the investigation. the 17 criminal
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cases have been initiated and are being under investigation that you have named only one or 2 people. but there are a 1000 or more than a 1000 dismissed, and their criminal cases opened against them. yes, there is a problem we need to work with. it's a malone, a conscientious, fully fledged investigation of those crimes. and these are clearly crimes that have been committed when we need to bring it to an end so that everyone understands that punishment for these offences is inevitable to play. i was lucky enough also to be able to ask vladimir putin question. my question was about cancelled culture them for no, no you as well as my walk, this is that heavy. so palladium in west, they were all of them sometimes in very extreme form one for example, with her for example, the incident with j. k. rowling. and how the axes that she made famous with her harry potter movies have turned against and asked vladimir putin, what he thinks about the social justice culture and whether it is coming to russia as so, bill is natural. chester, the peculiarity and strength of our millennial society lies in the fact that russia
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has evolved as a multinational and multi confessional state. and we've learned to respect each other. and this means to respect the basis of our traditional spiritual culture. mm hm. and all the peoples of the russian federation of a certain internal moral protection against such retrogression if they can well, this must be fortunate by direct instructions and shouts caught by the support of our traditional he is not, not the biggest crowd that attendance today because of her pandemic safety measures there's social distancing in effect here, this mass mandatory masters, of course, there was also humidifiers and all sorts of antiseptics, pres, inaction today, but there were much bigger crowds and previous years. nevertheless, this, the session lasted for fear for 4 hours, 3 hours, 56 minutes. i believe the people defer on how long. exactly. and this is this year's vladimir prudence press conference, immortality. reporting for us. they were president potent ounce of 55 questions and alter his annual press conference. one of them was on the recognition of,
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of ghana stands new authorities, alexander boy, co corresponding chemist. more details in the studio about it. it's a question now for the west, but for the united nations, because there are a couple of resolution dr. recognized taliban as, as a terrorist organization or as an organization involved in terrorist activities. and for that to be removed there, there has to be an international consensus and actually looks like this consensus and maybe within the range because for all the disagreements that sound the ukrainian issue, the russian authorities have been quite complimentary. the reason why the russians have sort of played along with this new situation is that they believed that they regional consensus will be much helpful in if not bringing peace to afghanistan down at least making sure that you know tar written thousands from beyond its waters. and bigger goal would be to how the eurasia sort of to do raise the center
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of eurasia are from the poles there you have a nice china and want to pull. you have rush on the other pull. you have to india there as well. so there's a whole that the, even the local players, regional players, kennedy, of not supporting the various quasi actors there. that perhaps a few times the limitations did come down and developed in, according to the local customs traditions and you know, social conditions rather than trying to build there something that could not be supported from, from the grassroots. he also talked to question about anti russian sentiment. let's just listen to what he said about that. go good. but i did go up. what's going on is the creation of and you rush your on the, on territory with home pinion of weapons and a brain washing of the population, united, russia to constantly live with this,
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with an eye on what new weapons with in your cover of weapon systems. and radical has been pushed to resolve the issue in don't matter. the, in the military, he clearly sees the conflict in the ukraine as a consequence. also, the sustained deck is long attempt to contain russia. as he put it, he strongly feels that there is a strong tendency in the west to try to mess up with russian development or china's development. and it was once again calling for putting it aside and allowing each country to develop in accordance with its own history. and culture, its own value system, its own goals and its own abilities. now we spoke to, to joe political, endless rain, a rough 1st, who told us the wes needs to take russia's offer of dialogue seriously. for russia, this is a really crucial issue and the west should understand that point president putin is making when it says that the further east, what expansion of nato is
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a red line for russia because he has of course, the 1st duty to protect the geopolitical interest of his country, which are also legitimate security interest. what we have seen in the last years was a very dangerous escalation of relationships. i mean, the war of faction between east and west have harmed a lot of the economy above all in parts of europe. and therefore, we should immediately return to dialogue and to find a reliable solution because the 5 past east, what expansion, what use of nato, of course, have undermined any trust that russia may have had into natal promises. this is an offer that the west takes urea. the u. s. a. you have made the 1st steps also in entering into dialogue and the european union would be well
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advised to get on board and solve this problem immediately. and in harmony with russia, the future of the world that american leadership might be grim and chaotic, says secretary of state antony, blinking. but it's out, he's nicky aaron's been finding out there are quite a few countries reeling in the aftermath of washington's previous help. have you ever wondered what the world might be like without the united states? i think k off. that's what it thinks when we're not engaged. when we don't lead, then one or 2 things happens. either some other country tries to take our place, but probably not in a way that advances our interests and values or no one does. and then you get chaos . yes, the us have use this magic cut to bring peace and harmony to many a state far and wide. one fine example operation enduring freedom, better known to you and i as the us invasion of afghanistan. following the
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september, the 11th attacks, the u. s. entered the country with a mission to hunt down the summer, been logged and unpunished. the taliban government to the law was most of the country since $996.00. the promise was one of retribution, the goodies defeating the bodies. we must rid the world of terrors, or children and grandchildren can grow up in freedom. we are not nation building again. we are killing terrorists me in the, in the i they call it collateral damage to you and i,
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that's innocent. people in the wrong place at the wrong time when 10 civilians including 7 children, were killed in an strike. the military initially defended it only a month later, did they acknowledge it was a tragic mistake, and yet none of the military personnel involved will face any kind of punishment. then consider the hundreds of other similar cases exposed by wikileaks. in reality, the kind of peace, the u. s. has brought to the country, has left its people so terrified they've run for their lives, and the 6000000 off guns have either been displaced internally or have fled the country altogether. fueling a refugee crisis that continues to reverberate across europe. by the time it withdrew, it had become america the longest war, and yet in its wake, it left an alarming new threats to wash money out of a way to this pack. and basically, you're getting back into the head of
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a trend that is the goal. my goal is to have in the end of active combat for its troops in iraq. though the picture won't change too much, some $2500.00 service members will remain on the ground even in the coming year. it was 2003 when the us approach the you went to make the k for invading iraq. so i think saddam hussein stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and we will remember how that ended and yet more than a 1000000 rockies on estimated to have lost their lives as a result, along with thousands of american troops on the outcome, widespread sectarian violence and the rise of islamic state. and then there's syria, after humming and hiring us, entered syria in 2014 shifting from working quietly behind the scenes to support rebels to overt displays of us force. i have resisted calls for military action
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because we cannot result someone else's civil war through force, particularly after a decade of war in iraq and afghanistan. the images from this massacre sickening, a crime against humanity and a violation of the laws of war. big promises were made like defeating ices. by like 2014, the $500000000.00 spent training, what were supposed to be $5000.00 on t ice if syrian rebels had managed to successfully train about 5. so once again, why there is goodwill on both sides and the really good chance for success. the u. s. has secured the oil among the many us military for raise the promise always the same one of stability, peace and freedom. but with the growing list of foreign interventions turn sour perhaps his time, the u. s. consider a career change from the global policeman. tony blinking has a very difficult job and that is to try and put a good face on a, on bad policy on, on an administration that you know,
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promised the moon but can't even launch. we haven't had a foreign policy success in decades. our invasion of iraq in 2003, of course, predicated on over a decade of, you know, sanctions based containment of saddam hussein. that changed the entire middle east, which in turn gains the entire world. not for the better either. so, you know, the state has a problem, we are in a position where we have the, the power, the, the accumulation of power to, to make this stand and continue to make the stand. and right now, there's not too many nations they can and up and prevent us from doing it. it doesn't make it right. we've seen the consequences of this. but for the moment, the united states no is a, is a superpower, lacks a moral compass. still to come see an en rails under sway of extremely serious
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allegations from fake war coverage to childhood sex claims against the top 4 producer will tell you more after the break. ah ah ah . so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even
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foundation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic and development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk with oh, the thirty's, ethiopia, demanding west of mainstream media. stop spreading fake news. they claimed as an unbalanced coverage of the civil war. all that are that is biased towards the rebels fighting the government. people have taken to the streets around the world to support the elected ethiopian government rallies have also been held near. cnn's los angeles bureau with people demanding the u. s. in its western l. i stop
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interfering with the war torn country auto policy reports now from leafy open capital to know the government and people of range over the wasted media coverage of what is happening in this country. the more any yeah, rebels belonging to the tiegram people innovation on either tpl 8 have been boiled in a bit health war trying to overthrow the democratically elected governments instead of remaining neutral mainstream wasting media has chosen to take sides majority. he opened any yoga as well as abroad, strongly feel that cnn has covered the conflict over the past year in a manner that is highly biased and detached from context. and you know, times in, sit on repeat, if he falsely claiming that it was the government of prime minister at be meant cnn has in fate a much better. 8 news anchor with the largest ethiopian television channel has monitored and reported on the false reports. the channel continues to spew out. for
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example, when t p a live march used to abby suburb, you know, they are at this 60 kilometer away from abby's, c, n. nana reported that i'd be saba is under siege by t p. a live this completely tech news and the used tech picture. another. the chip in i allies is transferring we pin to to gray region. but impractical be keeping i had lies is not doing that to use factually, but see an inch from this method in order to attack the cio pin economy. the of us have this to video clip on facebook with the heading thousands of to grands a wasted in ethiopia. it shows a video of vigilantes and states that they are looking for to grands. but what it doesn't mention is that these such an aunties were holding
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a quote from the government to go out and protect their own neighborhoods against to grands who were coming in, looting and killing people. on november 26th, the french state owned international media office, france 24 reported that some people might have had reached deborah sina some 50 kilometers from addis ababa. it was simply untrue. as picked up by fact finding organization in the capital city. yeah. wants to sailor falsity, but it's, it's, it's becoming that the really fucked how to becoming boarding experts agree the mainstream press is talking with one voice, suggesting a coordinated effort behind the scenes and not only the media. they enjoyed the rights groups like amnesty or who my rice, which they also collect these reports in the sample assembler report. and then
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today congress man data plan union and then they use it to impose sanctions. you can government if it's clear that when the media is wilfully and deliberately choosing to misinforming audiences, it's unfortunate because during war time, no, then it credible reporting is urgent. postalia, our team at is arbor view and high commissioner for human rights says both the government and the rebels of committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the crisis. sure to find out more home the mainstream media been totally fo pierrot who might be profiting from a check out all t dot com. got more on there on site. and that's just a one of the major scandals enveloping cnn to that we're talking about there. a long time producer for disgraced primetime host, chris cuomo, pleaded not guilty of child sex trafficking charges. court documents reported by fox news elected john griffin, to pay off witnesses and offered
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a woman $30000.00 in january. it's also claimed he also sent $4000.00 to a family member of a 9 year old. he's accused resulting griffin was indicted this month and allegations of attempting to lou mine is for sexual activities and co skills as young as 7 years old to his own. he faces a maximum life sentence in prison if convicted sentences. the charges against john griffin are deeply disturbing. this isn't the 1st sex convert cnn recently. this once the network slide, chris cuomo for allegedly for alleged misconduct. tufty helped his brother andrew, who was then new york governor to fight off a sexual harassment case. said don, lemme 2 was recently accused of sexually assaulting a bar tender and last year and legal on this, jeffrey toobin, mister phone was allegedly called performing a sex during a work related phone call. i think we have to learn chen suspects the scandals. will den cnn's ratings the charges that john griffin is facing. they are not
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capricious. they are not merely based on a. he said, she said, situation. there are evidence of payments at text messages that duly people to believe authority, specifically that he has been up paying underage girls of for sexual favors, as well as trying to involve their mothers to varying degrees. he is engaged in grooming, and some would argue as well sex trafficking, many mainstream media outlets not just seen on themselves. have, i think, been a little bit hesitant to talk about this issue. even though we can only imagine what the reaction would have been if this had been someone, for example, on the fox news team or the trump team that had been discovered doing the exact same things overall as cnn's credibility has been shipped away, specially over the trump administrations years, a lot of people just no longer believe that they are a fair and unbiased source of news. and it's just not a good look for a network that is already struggling to keep up a positive public appearance. and sadly, the only time cnn has been, i think, really disgust widely lately has not been for their amazing journalism or content.
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it has been because of these, these negative new stories involving their personnel. if the feds are alleging that not only did john griffin engage in these terrible behaviors, but he also then try to pay off a witness to remain silent. i don't think we have much reason to take john griffin at his word. and i think the fact that he has engaged in these things shows that as a person, there is not much he is not willing to do when it comes to preserving his own freedom. amazon book is of raleigh to new york of what they say. the company's reckless disregard for safety and union busting policies. this with a wave of criticism over treat stuff of to 6 died when a warehouse clubs during the tornado illinois early this month. caleb open reports so we're here in times square. and as you can see behind me, there's a large demonstration of amazon workers and their supporters. now, the main talking pointed, this demonstration is workers health and safety. here the new york vase,
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amazon workers, want adequate protections from coven 19 as they go to work every day. but the whole country is reacting to the incident where we saw a tornado that hit an amazon warehouse, killing 6 amazon employees that was earlier this month, december 10th. and the country is still reacting to that horrendous news. many questions are being raised about jeff days else. the billionaire ceo owns amazon and whether or not he's really concerned about the safety of his workers. this is what some of the protesters, amazon workers and their allies had to say to us when we spoke to them. earlier, those workers were not allowed to leave. they weren't allowed to have their phones . we saw the screenshots, amazon is letting us leave. the van driver said they were told that if they didn't come back with their vans empty, they would not have a job. the next day they were saying we need to go, there was a storm and the manager say no, you have to stay. you are not allowed to eat. that's like a 100 years ago with the triangle shirtwaist factory. workers work between 10 and
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12 hour shifts. totally isolated on the outside world and we are here. so there man amman, faint has have paid amazon has shown itself to be incapable of protected workers lives incapable of doing anything but putting prophets over people's lives, over safety. how many more people in our class after die? how many people have to die to be working this inhumane like this at the speed in these warehouses to get these packages out there? this is impossible. i absolutely was not able to go to the bathroom, not able to take a break, not able to, to have time off, no sick pay, no, nothing like of course people are going to dine now pro gesture of also been highlighting the fact that while the pay of amazon employees is considerably low. jeff bezos, the billionaire ceo, seems to have avoided the tax bill and is not really paying his fair share of taxes
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. he recently spent a lot, a lot of his own personal well on a trip to outer space. now the protesters here say that the conditions in amazon warehouses are unacceptable. worker's rights are not being protected. many people calling out this huge international corporation. caleb martin, r t new york, and that se, world news at 10 pm for moscow with me, kevin. oh, and thanks for watching a very good evening to ah ah ah ah
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ah, i this is what happens when you have a child with lots medical problems. i'm putting all these in one so you don't have to worry about it. he has school yes. and he just turned surgery in august. this one right here they did was that he has spun or thesis and he hasn't.


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