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tv   Keiser Report  RT  December 23, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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included a flip, and they will continue to question more. that's something about 8 hours time from now till they're not next program. then we're going to join our team in auto, america, and even they're capable hands to little starts. so for a very long time, i'm from this particular place. and this studio is kevin, now in saying thank you so much for watching best seasons. greetings from us all here. if you're celebrating and enjoy on you look very so you're now tz international, the global broadcast, live from russian. mm hm. technology is a very big industrial and there's a lot of opportunities for hackers moving that it's not him, but he didn't bring the law in the country you're dealing with why rest in the major cybersecurity challenge is the sovereignty of laws. but cyberspace is no borders. new sovereignty we ended up with, for example,
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the national health service in the u. k. that a chest was completely wiped out from a ransomware attack. if you were coming in to a clinic, because you had a test or you had an operation, they can't find your records. they had to go back to pen and paper. oh hi, welcome to the guys report, i'm mass taiser and so it begins 2 weeks of our christmas and new year's specials in which we look back in the year. that was a parent to the future with some of our roster of amazing guests, all heterodox thinkers. that would be caught dead on raphael finance, corporate media. first up, james howard consular stacy. right. james counsellor, welcome to the kaiser port. christmas special year. our 1st guest. how do you feel?
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i feel whoa, whoa, whoa, and it's a pleasure to be here with you. right? so you are the author of the geography of nowhere, a history of american suburbia and urban development. so let's start with the health scape that is california. build as a woke utopia. what we've seen on the ground is instead fecal rating sidewalks and mass looting events. what went wrong? gee, so where do you want me to start? well, among other things are simple unwillingness to actually confront truthfully the conditions on the ground that we see around us. and, and you know, homelessness is obviously a biggie out in california. and i think we confused the whole issue by calling them
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homeless because mainly their drug addicts and people with mental illness who are in an earlier age in america would be treated in public hospitals and taken care of. but around the $970.00 s, we decided that they were an oppressed political minority. and that we should just, you know, not put them in hospitals and not treat them. and that was supposedly more humane. and so you see the consequences of that. well, the connections between the choice we made to deploy all of our american life along the highway strip and many of the distresses of our day are actually pretty clear. and you know, they speak to this condition of kind of group or psychosis. that the psychologist matthias does met,
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has been talking about on the web. you know, it's called mass formation, psychosis. and it's kind of what we're seeing now in the coded hysteria. and really what, what happens is you have a society where people feel disconnected from other people. they're alienated, they don't belong to a community. that's the 1st condition. the 2nd condition is that they, they're filled with a sense of purposelessness in their life. you know, their vocation means nothing to them because they're working for some giant, faceless corporation, doing something stupid or you know, maybe not even doing that. and so they're purposeless. they're disconnected from community dis, produce a tremendous amount of anxiety and alienation. and in order to deal with that alienation, that has to be fixed on some object. so, you know, as this was to develop a, the 1st object that it really fixed on was donald trump. and you know, it,
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it did produce a kind of a strange, neurotic obsessive, come you know, psychosis about him. and once they shoved him off stage, of course, the next thing it fixed on was the coven 19 virus. and it's very hard to tell what's really going on with that behind the scenes. although it looks like it's a kind of assisted suicide of the us, conducted by dr. fetching and god knows what else and who else is behind it. but it seems to be a systematic attempt to just destroy the american economy and the many other, you know, parts of our culture is decided. so, but a lot of that you will, as i said, you know, goes back to, you know, having made this unfortunate choice atomize all american life along the highway strip in the suburban landscape. and it's really been, it's been a fiasco, but as i may have said to you before,
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my principal theory of history is that things happen because they seem like a good idea at the time. and that's that, that accounts for many of the choices that we made. and now it's not a good idea anymore. but we're stuck with all that infrastructure and that whole way of life. and, you know, it's sucking all of the welfare of our society just to run it. and it's driving us crazy in the, in the process. you know, when you talk about the homeless crisis and how these are mentally ill people and they should be in the hospital, it's not as if these people had a choice. doctors were paid by the pharmaceutical companies to create oxy continent x $100000.00 overdose as last year. so it's a genocide, that's not just a mentally ill person. i was an extent max. the 1st step was closing all the mental hospitals, all over the united states. and just like in california, they closed are they,
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they tore down all the rail systems and they have to introduce cars. right? the corporations don't care. it's, it's a, it's a split icon, b r times is essentially oxycontin and the goal is extermination. that's pretty clear. well, i'm not sure that i would go that far down the intentional path with that. but you know, there are many things that we do or don't do that are just simply foolish. you know, we, we, we very badly need to start thinking about reconstructing the railroad system in the u. s. and we refuse to do it, you know, and it's just a sheer stupidity and laziness. right. so let's return to the health scape that we see in california because california is always our future. we head west since the beginning of, you know, the colonization of the americas. and, well, it's also where we have our high tech industry and our propaganda, the hollywood industry and stuff like that. so there's
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a quote from frederick boss yet, whereby he suggests he warned a basically a 150 years ago that when plunder becomes the way of life for men in society, that they would create the legal and moral structure to justify it. so in california we seem to see that come true, we see the legal structure has been changed in order to justify the plunder. it's no longer you're not even not actually even allowed to call it looting. they said that that's harmful word to use again, seats, people. so what do you make on your national looters? feel bad. yeah. so where does that go like, how is this just the beginning of the, of the very end of empire, whereby it's just full on looting, loot whatever you can, like as every end of any nation state, the corruption and the regime falls apart. well, you know, it's one thing when the authorities can help it, when they simply don't have the means to enforce it. it's another thing when they
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refused to enforce it. and it's another thing when they, you know, make ridiculous policy changes like d criminalizing crime, which is exactly what happened and in california. so, you know, the west coast is just kind of gone insane. it may be arguably worse in washington state in oregon. you know, we're in oregon, the, the, you know, the governor there is completely insane. and so, you know, where does that go? well, my guess is that it will go into people have had enough of that and there will be any chance and severe overreaction to all that. or, you know, where we are now, is, you know, it seems kind of hopeless and, you know, unfixable, but you know, it can be fixed. yeah. so severe reaction to it. we've had 3 revolutions then the last 100 years or so, the russian, the french, the,
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the american in the united states. when you have looters are looting the looters. right? so this is become a socialist paradise, right? as a socialism, we know that every experimentation or socialism and, and societal collapse and some kind of massive change. so what will the american insurrection look like? will it be like the bolshevik revolution? will it be like a french revolution with a reign of terror, perhaps? or will it be more like a new american revolution or those rates? we're actually, we're, we're actually in the american jack. i've been phase of what the french revolution did. you know, the jack events were that faction of the extreme left that came along in 1793 and tried to turn french culture upside down. you know, they change the number of days in the week, the number of months in the year and all their, you know, all kinds of other modules of french culture that made people really nuts. and so
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after about 11 months of that they threw them out, got their heads up, and that was the end of it. so we're the jack, i'm in phase now where we're, you know, we're asked to believe ridiculous. things that aren't true, like, you know, there are 117 sexes and that looting is, is just fine. it's just another form of reparations for oppressed peoples. and you know, about 38 other things that are at odds with reality. so, you know, people can only take so much on reality. well, let's follow up on that because that while the term orwellian is over used in the u . s. k. so it seems to be the situation as george orwell described. what he saw in europe in the 1900 twenties and thirties and fourties. so that totalitarianism, whereby, i mean, such that we can't even say some of the words you've been saying. you can't say the
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c word. you can't talk about certain things on, on social media because you will be memory hold literally. so where does that go? because if you tune into the cable news, news, people are supposed to give some sort of description of what's happening in the economy and society and culture. but it's like a different reality. it's bunkers, land, and what do you see? what, where does this? i see what i see is that the regimes that are running the various parts of this racket are going to be, are going to be overthrown. you know you've got, you've got other things like that. the whole medical records hearing system, the university and higher ed racketeering. system, you know, the college loan system, the intellectual racketeering. that's going on on the campuses right now by just retailing ridiculous fields of study artic ideas that are, that are truly detrimental to society. and you know,
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you've got rackets everywhere. this is become kind of a racketeering country by which i mean, you know, making, making money by dishonest means any way possible. okay. yeah. jack, that uprising great in fast adding stuff. hey, let's take a break. and when we come back, go ahead to the 2nd half. ah, when you listen to a sequence of tone and you think x is going to happen. you know, why happen? distinctive bringing responses in gates that are relevant to you, how we experience, reward and pleasure, while listening to some people looking at this is a kind of a kind of choreographing of our expectation. mm. oil and gas, manufacturing, electricity, telecom, transportation,
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all of them now have your teeth type of infrastructure connected to the internet for clarity, realizing there's disruptive potential that those countries cons, ignore it because it threatens national security issue. but if we take the nato e u countries, virtually all of them subscribe to certain doctrines and maintains selling but tell us forces. they are a cyber army on behalf of a country. that's their job. a safe out disdain becomes the applicant and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground.
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for welcome back to the kaiser report. i'm asked as what say here, but this is our special holiday time where we talk to the great minus our guests from the years and pick their brains for more insight with a treasure trove of great stuff. anyway, james, our counselor is with us now. james, you know, we talk about the united states and we talk about it in aggregate for the most part . but of course the united states is 50 states and these states are autonomy to a large degree. and right now that we have refugees leaving california in new york and they're going to places like florida and texas. you know, americans had a history of civil war before. you know, we could have another civil war around some new issues. but i don't, the states have the ability to, you know,
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become more proactive and fighting. what would you classify at the federal government level as outright tyranny? i think that shows evidently what's being worked out right now. and it was one of the pillars of my books along emergency that as this process progressed, we would see the federal government becoming increasingly ineffectual and impotent and unable to discharge its obligations. and i think that's exactly what we're seeing now, although with a great deal of stern, drang noise and confusion and the states of necessity are having to pick up a policy decisions on their own to make some kind of coherent way of, of life in these places. right, well let's continue with that sort of thing because i like the whole positive
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outlook and the looking at some sort of optimistic horizon. because i think in the 1st half when we've covered the pessimistic side, that, that, that sort of totalitarianism and pessimism and the math looting and the fecal matter on the streets. i think that's kind of there's a positive thing in that and that, that system is ending, like it's a fine of that system has not much longer to survive. so in terms of like the, a positive future max, my, our big pointers and we live amongst bitcoin nurse and we have this notion of relentless optimism and building our own citadels and escaping from this sort of health scape that we've been discussing. so you do see these moves on the state levels. you do see states um, you know, providing some sort of safe haven from the woke madness on the federal level. but with those refugees fleeing the woke, refugees fleeing woke states like california i suppose there's a bit of
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a danger that they could bring that sort of the same things that destroyed their own home state to the neighboring states. but do think like it feels like it's the end of the nation stay era. it's only been around for like a 100 years or so 200 years. so it could, can we be moving to a post nation stay era? well, was the idea, my loaner emergency that we're actually going to see that in a re localisation. we're going to see power to evolve, to lower levels and maybe even below the state level. because it's not clear that these gigantic state governments can manage things either. but, you know, we're going to, we're going to see all kinds of movements and changes in swirling, you know, new, new dispositions of things. one of them is that you know where we're going to getting tremendous trouble with the cities. as i've mentioned before in the show, the cities have attained
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a scale that simply can't be managed going into the future. and i, a lot of people in the meantime have moved to the suburbs, and that's been enabled by the whole work from home movement. but where they're going to discover was that that's not really where the action is going to be. the action is going to be moving to the smaller towns, the places that have been the most dis invested in the last 50 years. and the places that have a some kind of a meaningful relationship with food production and with water transportation. because, you know, we're beginning to see the, the beginning of the end of the trucking industry, we're going to have to move more things on the american inland waterway system. so you know, all these places that have been devalued, like the central midwest, the great lake states, the places along the ohio river valley, the mississippi and missouri system. these places may end up becoming a much more valuable than we even imagine now. so those are the demographic
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movements. i disagree with you that you know, a whole lot of work people are going to be moving to on work fits. it seems to me that the woke are perfectly happy in their woke states and, and they'll, they'll stay there until they, until like there is no longer possible. but i know that it's a very the picture right now because as i said, people are moving to the suburbs, which is probably a mistake. that the places that are the most suburban in construction, you know, like the sunbelt cities, like houston and dallas. and, you know, orlando, you know, all of those states, atlanta, those are the, those are the places that are going to become the most disorderly i believe. and so, you know, people going to have to really, i think counter intuitively about where to go. hey,
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let's talk about some economics there. so joe biden and senior democrats claim that they're going to investigate everyone from corporations to oil producers to find out why prices are rising. do you have any tips or biden on where to find the source of inflation? james? yeah, i have a check for joe biden. i don't know even though that he's receiving tips. ok. so, you know, here to look into the, the, just the basic philosophy of government recently, which is a, you can print as much money as you feel like printing and just throw it out of helicopters to people in that that will just do fun. you know, there is a relationship between money and true wealth, which is the production of things, a value. and if you detach that from money, you're going to end up with money that is meaningless. and that's exactly what inflation is. a process of doing it. it is the rendering of money into
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meaninglessness. so, you know, we have a deranged grab, simply have a deranged government and to some extent or deranged society that the government is trying to run. so how do we get out of this derangement is perhaps a larger issue and it may require some kind of a social and political convey. i would just describe that as a period of serious disorder between where we're at now. and our destination, which will be a society run at a much lower level of technocracy and complexity. and most of, i think most of the bits right now are on higher complexity. and i think that that would be a wrong bet. that is really fascinating to bet on simplicity instead,
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and you know, aside from the geography of nowhere, you've also wrote the long emergency and extensively about the carbon oil, all that sort of stuff. you know, we saw joe biden in the same week bizarrely like, attending the cop 26 conference and grading all these like, you know, developing nations saying they can't develop their, their own economy through carbon used. and at the same time, he was yelling at saudi arabia and russia, opec plus, you know, to pump more oil. and then a week or 2 later, he then released more from the strategic petroleum reserves. so where does this whole, the petro dollar? it is a reality that they're not going to actually go through with any of the sort of high falutin ideas about cutting carbon emissions or they because then it cuts the dollar. now the whole climate change
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a carbon emission thing is just a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. the fact the matter is that advanced civilizations run on fossil fuels. and the other fact of the matter is it's getting harder and harder to find a affordable carbon fossil fuels. and that the whole infrastructure for getting it is becoming undermined by economics. including especially the shale oil system, which was built on 10 years of extraordinary debt. and now that they've demonstrated that they can't make any money for producing shell oil, they can't get any new loans or, you know, generate new debt. and that means that shell oil production is going to go down. and, you know, it will prove to have been a very brief blip in the history of, you know, advanced culture. and so what really dealing with is the reality of us
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having to move away from fossil fuels, whether we like it or not, or whether it's a good idea or not. it's just a fact of life really, that we're not going to have access to as much cheap and affordable energy as we did in the 20th century and a little bit beyond that's over. so what do we do now? well, it's a very good question. a lot of people would like to just, you know, create a whole new nuclear for fleet of reactors and power generation. but the big problem with that is that we're also entering a period of capital scarcity. you know, this, the capital is not going to be there to do that kind of project and it's not going to be there because so much of the capital that we now take for granted is actually a figment of the collective imagination. it's not really there. it represents
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things that are not real. it represents all kinds of collateralized nothingness and recall. and the hype really high propagated nothing. and you know, it's bad is going to go up in a vapor. and when it does, you know, i'm sort of mixed metaphor. but as warren buffett said, when the tod goes out, you know, we'll see who swimming naked. right. you know, looking at the economics or so the military in america takes $0.50 for every tax dollar collected. it's this enormous multi trillion dollar behemoth. and it runs on energy to run this, the biggest energy is, are in, in the united states. and one of the biggest energy uses in the world. but as you point out, the supply lines are breaking down and sourcing parts gets very difficult. so the inflation caused by all the money printing is breaking the supply line. so you may find that the empire and the military behind it. the thing that paul crogue says is that backing for the us dollar can collapse because they can find a chip. yeah,
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you know, what you're describing are systems of complex systems systems of systems that are breaking down here and there. and each breakdown is ram of flying and multiplying the breakdowns elsewhere. so, you know, there are kind of mutually cascading into general breakdown in a, you know, we, we can see that very clearly just in the last 6 months in the usa works. you know, we can't get it. we can't get, we can even get the tools to make the, the parts, to fix the things that we need to run our country. so this is happening very fast. and i mean, i see it every day around me with the you know that the car guy couldn't, couldn't get me a brake line for my pick up truck. you know, it's sitting down at the shop and i'm not the only guy who's going through that right. now, but, you know, imagine the professional truck drivers who, you know, who can't just make a living because they can't get their truck service. right. sounds like the long
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emergency is over and now we're just an emergency. but anyway, james, our counselor, we got to say good bye, fascinating. as always, thank you know, before matt, i. e, being glad, greenwald there was james howard counselor without him. there wouldn't be those other guys. thanks for being on the show. me, you're welcome. in had a lovely christmas already, and that's going to do it for the still the kaiser report with may max guys or his days to herbert. thank our guests. james, howard counsellor, offered the long emergency and the geography of nowhere, and many, many more intellects time by all. ah, technology is a very big industry and there's lot of opportunities for hackers live in that it's
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not him, but he didn't bring the law in that country you're dealing with. why rest him that the major cybersecurity challenge is the sovereignty of laws that cyberspace has no borders, no sovereignty. we ended up with, for example, the national health service in the u. k. the and a chest was completely wiped out for the ransomware attack. if you were coming into a clinic because you had a test or you had an operation, they can't find your records. they had to go back to pen and paper. well, the panoramic no, certainly no borders on the slide to nationalities. perish is emerge. we don't have a charity, we don't have a vaccine. the whole world needs to take action to be ready. people are judgment, common crisis with we can do better,
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we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great. the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together with ah, this is boom bus the one business, so you can't afford to mit ambridge board, and i major lemons in washington on this very special episode have been boss. we want to take a look at them in the biggest stories we have covered in 2021 on this very show
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that we bring in some of our favorite gas on the show and go.


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