tv News RT December 24, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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and in paper, ah, when you listen to us, he thinks of tone and you think x is going to happen. you know, why happen said distinctive breathing response in gauge that are relevant to how we experience reward and pleasure. well listening to some people looking at this is a kind of a kind of choreographing of our expectations. so ah, millions of people face christmas season travel chaos. coping outbreaks full sidelines to scrap that flight, leaving people sponsored out ap posts for a new future. after a decade of tom old dashed and nippy up by our elections in council of to warlords began parading round the capital tripling with on we speak with award winning copy
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and filmmaker medical storage. how about press freedom on germany's decision to block out the channel or tv you suffer because you don't polish reality dos one to shut you down. those will know that they've gone to her through to be available around the world with bring you the very latest every out the day. this is all international from everyone here in almost a studio very well. welcome. of course, merry christmas. but getting started, millions of people are facing trouble disruption this christmas eve, due to flight cancellations. more than 2000 planes have been grounded in just the past 24 hours alone for reasons including co, but outbreaks among cabin cruise. a new cross water safety checks auto policy reports from belinda on the chaos facing travelers. nice. no,
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and you can across the united states as flights are cancelled, and people always a day of celebration has become a day of frustration and chaos with thousands of would be travelers who instead of spending christmas with their friends and family of been refused to fly. what's more, passengers are complaining. they're only allowed to check in 2 hours before departure . the result, people missing slice and planes being delayed. it comes as of tons of cancels a dozen long distance flights and for spins popular connections. g to low demand and pilots, falling sick. some 33000 connections have been canceled. that if we 10th planned flight and b, lufthansa chief is angry at the european union. he says that the company would have to carry out a 2000 in t flights to follow
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e rules and not to move landing slots at various airports. while climate friendly exemptions were found in almost all other parts of the world during the time of the pandemic, the e u does not allow this in the same way that harms the climate is exactly the opposite of what the commission wants to achieve. meanwhile, these bodies team for those who are planning the holidays across the atlantic, the 2 biggest american airlines, delta and united, have cancelled around $200.00 flights according to the carriers. the reason is a spike in on the con cases. and to quote, an exhaustion of options and resources. this one is a call to the us authorities by the delta t o who off to cut quarantine for fully vaccinated people to 5 days from the current. tim, these developments come several months after the fi. oh, of another american eylandt, southwest ordered his employees to be fully vaccinated against by the same.
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and then all federal contractors have to have a mandate implant vaccine in place by december the 8th. so we're working through that. ah, ah, in the hopes of millions of libyans to choose a new direction for that country, have been shattered. alter elections on friday, will cooled off my position, came off the wall, started paraded around the capital of tripoli, raising fairs of another civil war. but not in the course of reports, delaying the vote could sub certain outside interest this year promised to bring a tonic change for libya, a chance to revitalize its political life and hold in election. the 1st one since the whole decade of lawlessness and in fighting. but local militia had their opinion on this whole democracy. not on our watch said a bunch of warlords,
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as the internationally recognized governments fled into hiding. the u. s. is predictably disappointed, almost as if this om takeover was and led by the personal mob of sala body. a militant one, celebrated armed and funded by the west. when both sides pursued a common goal, we will deny the regime arms cut off and supplies of cash, assist the opposition and work with other nations to hasten the day when gadhafi leaves power. the un greenlit nato's bombing campaign and bombs hail down on libya . as per the un resolution sorties were meant to protect civilians. as per you and statistics, some 60 people actually perished underneath who bombs and some activists actually believe real figures to be much higher. but they did the job,
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we can cadaver forces enough for local militants to finish him off on the ground without any trial. oh, when he came, we saw he died. but the triumph of democracy did not come. instead, libya a once prosperous and promising oil rich nation turned into a lucrative pi up for carving to be split amid goons and warlords. ah
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ah, ah, hillary clinton did not laugh any more as she was watching an american consulate being rushed by a murderous mob, killing the ambassador. i asked myself, how could this happen? how could this happen in a country we helped liberate in a city? we helped save from destruction. those libyans who had nowhere to flee, had to survive in this hot mess of the international community's creation for a whole decade. this election, was there a dim light of hope at normality? miss berlin asked for the elections. i think it's in the interest of the libyan people and libyans state to emerge out of this crisis after years of darkness and to avoid all problems and political disputes in the coming year. then of sarah,
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how shabby needlessly the libyan people were disappointed. there are $2800000.00 registered voters, then suddenly they manipulate their feelings and decide to cancel the elections. all libyan people reject this principle. they want these elections to start building a country. am that embraces everyone law. then the funny that him to her, i believe that postpone in the elections isn't in the interest of the libyan people . the commission has dashed to hopes of the lead. been people because the delay means more corruption. here. what does it n n? instead, they got yet another chance to confirm for themselves that right now, whoever has more guns in libya, rules and any sort of western backed leadership will be serving only for as long as the warlords allow it to. obviously the main culprit is nato, which destroyed a sovereign nation, the most prosperous nation in africa before the nato bombing. it converted
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libya into a failed state. the us doesn't care about democracy either at home here. i don't think they care about it in libby, i think what they care about is having a compliant country that will allow the us and other western countries to pillage its resources. i don't think they really care whether there are elections there or not in the i certainly don't think they want elections that would result in a leader being elected that would protect libya's national sovereignty and resources. ah, the world's 2nd riches man has taken his wife cnn in an interview. tesla basil mosque, the joke that he's not perverted enough to appear on the news network. what was it you said the, the requirement for being a cnn joe? cnn is, are you, are, you pervert voted or no not quit follows
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a series of control. the seas are cnn. will recall anchor chris quite most recently fired for lying about helping out his brother then governor of new york. both siblings have been accused of sexual misconduct and other c, and i'm presenting, don norman has being sued for sexually assaulting a man in a ball claim he denies. and most recently produced said john griffin was charged with sex crimes involving children. why want to bring in now legal on media? unless lionel, i mean little this is obviously could be a top did as a case of mosque being mosque. we know he's quite rope, he likes to throughout comments out there. what do you think? do you think that did? said joe, compile tasteful? has he tapped into something that is widespread view? no, it's not a joke and bad taste. it's the truth about a network in bad taste. and by the way, there was a, there was an, aside to the story, which i think is even more interesting if that's even possible. this was
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a interview, a dawn by a beside called the babylon b, which theoretically, is supposed to be a parody kind of a lampoon site. not real news, but what i found is it historically and consistently it has been more on point regarding the news as long as well as the onion and other ostensibly satirical of the site, then actual news. so one thing i wanna just explain, think of 2022 brings something to bear along with the death and the destruction and the, the, the internment of, of, of, or in terms of i should say of cnn is the fact that what is really news today is not what people think. sometimes a satirical is more, is more on point now as far as see and n. he's absolutely correct. now,
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interesting side note here, mr. sucker who ran see a new i emphasize a term ran because that will be ending. i predict bravery shown, but c n n is going to be soon a relic, an historical relic because it fell later on to the media to a to r, a t a t and in warner media. and then recently discovery who basically is going to own everything. and mr. z as lab who runs a discovery network has no tolerance for, has no time for this. and it was reported and theoretically, believe, as the evidence showed that zocker and others looked the other way when things like this happened. so prediction here to be to be waxing vatike in python and it's going to be over for that wretched news organization before you know it because
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everything that mister musk said is true. we'll talk you about what mister muskrat . i mean, what do you think is going on at c n n? i mean, is it normal to have so many pretty serious sexual allegations are one network and i have to say, maybe it's bad luck. maybe it's going on in other places. it just hasn't been uncovered yet, but it's coming in thick and fast from cnn. one of the, one of the most telling, believe it or not, i think instances was when jeffrey toobin who was just, i don't want to say just the just there are legal analyst who as you know the story, i don't want it repeated. but during a zoom call was was caught doing something he should have been now or should not have been that alone in any other rational corporate setting would have been his and his doom, his demise. but they look the other way. look,
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you can argue that chris cuomo is an anchor, or he is the host of the most popular show if you can believe that. so maybe they had a look. the other way may be done lemon is the host of a very, very popular show. maybe mr. mr. griffin is he is the producer of a very popular show, but jeffrey toobin, who was in, by the way it is taking everything in my power not to be punny regarding the story . but mister toobin is just, and it was a just but, but his isn't an analyst. and zunker just looks the other way. now, just to give you this much, we live in a world today where a char corporate responsibility, a person in any other corporate setting. if you did 110th the board, jeffrey toobin did, and others, you would be expert gated from the roles immediately just out of out of necessity
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out of just the way things are today to satisfy people who would take great numbers even that was overlooked. so it's almost 8, a systematic, almost an organic, an institutional sense of looking the other way. so it, but i'm telling you, remember that you're not going to have cnn to kick along a kick around much longer. well, generally the idea of major tv networks sort of being and to decline. you can see that already in their ratings, which have plummeted, but specifically raised at chris cuomo. i mean, we do know that he was fired for lying about helping his brother. rumors that he might even be returned to a screen soon. but speaking a why to face is what do you think quo most k says about the links between the liberal media and the establishment. because looking from my perspective, perhaps it looks like that just a little bit too cozy to cozy there one and the same.
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let's go back to what chris cuomo did. now. this is the brother of the now ex governor of new york. and at 1st he said, look, i'm just providing strategy to my brother. that's all i'm doing. don't begrudge a brother that help. okay. okay, fine. we'll look the other way. well, when they got into it, not only was he providing strategy to push brother, but he was working with his governor staff, one in particular. and he was talking about basically how they could sullying besmirch in impede the reputation of those women who might be making these allegations of the 1st place. so now this transcends strategy sessions from going and deliberately targeting and the conspiracy to impugn the integrity of women who dared complain about untoward behavior. this is not at all consistent and whatever happened to them me to generation the me to movement. when the hollywood and
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entertainment all was at once and for all after harvey weinstein realized that women must be protected all people. that, that the, that the news network format cannot be the, the, the, the, the playground of perversion. all, that's just forgotten altogether. let me also throw in his producer. these are, these are just some allegations we're talking about. if true and he is presumed innocent sex trafficking. and where is this man's money coming from? and do you mean to tell me that office rumors enough are usually pretty good? do you mean to tell me that this was going on for this long length of time and nobody knew this? and by the way, a new little fact which came out a at a record of factoid, but perhaps, but in one recent of datum that i saw recently a show that fox news wishes, i guess the,
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the enemy of these people get about 30 percent of all liberal audiences and even they surpass cnn and m as d n c. so this notion, by the way, that these who bastions of liberal in progressive in radical left ideology that this is where those folks went. even, that's not true. they can't even keep the audience. they are targeted with trying to maintain well on it's always good to have to you are on the program with your inside. i'm also going to dad to wish you a merry christmas because i can see a silver tensile tree over your right shoulder. so i hope i'm not offended here. there are merry christmas, merry christmas. you and it's there year round now. good. i agree. i proof of well for the bill to come this hour, russia, sounding a la mode, you cranes, military spending sludge on it's likely intentions. the midst of the country, the story. i'm more of just
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a join me every 1st on the alex simon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess of the world politics. small business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. mm. oh is your media a reflection of reality? ah, in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? high solution for community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct?
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what is true was is great. in the world corrupted, you need to descend. ah, so join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah, ah, well come back, no regulators in germany, our party ready to flout international treaties in that one our job insisted channel. that's our t v. the outlet got its broadcast license in serbia, which like germany, as part of the european convention, transform television, something berlin. it seems to have forgotten as nick. karen reminds us just the hours after the launch of artes, bronze, new german language channel, youtube blocked it, belly a week later. german regulators force european satellite operator, utah sat, who suspended despite all t holding a satellite transmission license in serbia,
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giving the right to broadcast in germany under a council of europe agreement. yet for germany forties, it's not enough. the unauthorized started broadcasting of the kremlin channel r t. d is an undisguised, a front to our current law and well established media policy. anyone who has a broadcasting license in serbia does not have one for the e. you. the program managers know that for sure. then most your take on this, this regional and local news platform and exclusive cnn affiliate. similar to r t d, this channel broadcasts in serbia on a license issued elsewhere in this case luxemburg. but unlike r t d, it doesn't have the thumbs up from the european convention on trans frontier television. what it does have is friends in high places, the european fund for reconstruction and development, the european commission on the top investment fund, the k. k are headed by disgrace for my c. i a chief david portray
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a little bit for it. the tragic irony of portray is the man who took part in the military destruction of serbia in the 90s. now setting up media that have not been lost on observers. more disturbing still, the mon now invested in bringing objective information to the people in 2010, recruited the 1st army of internet trolls. of course k, k o. ready controls a large number of internet companies. and there are other things worth a 2nd look like the alleged lack of transparency investigations into k k all have found a lot of goes to offshore companies mushrooming and tax havens and a bit to hide the original owners and find national networks for at least last 6 years minutes, if you have been exchanged for shares of affiliated companies, war than hundreds of millions of lawns, capital reductions and increases in the occasional incredible amounts and ultimately material payments of capital shares,
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which are extremely difficult to trace or verify. at the times, levine is tele mac, and serbia's broadband were taken over by u. s. investment firm key our which controls billions of dollars in assets worldwide. so here we have at 2 channels, the both sister channels of big news outlets, both with transmission license issued in foreign countries. only one with the knowledge from the european convention on trans frontier, television, the other the brain shout of some questionable stakeholders. one barely blasts a week, yet the other is celebrating 7 years on the air saying that sometimes it's not what do you know? but who you know? we spoke with stop in filmmaker mcallister at sac. he doubts the java regulator, acted alone and taking our t t e offer. this is a so that the, all of it what it means, because at the moment when the technology goes all the way around,
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you don't have the others, you know, any one of the stations that the love to see because of it's documentary programs because of and correctly reporting from different parts of the world that i'm going to treat germany cannot stand it. and i'm just afraid that this is not just the autonomous, a german decision. i think this is much higher scale of or that is just started 2 years ago for breast does not exist anymore. everything is transferred to ideology. you suffer because you don't polish reality. they want the george to be ally, ally to be a true. this is why semester and the problem for them is that you are opening the windows to which we can see what is the real life of the people. what is the real mission of the people against elite? it's a fight that they have to go forward. you have to find ways to, to,
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to go forward because as much as they press you, you will have a more and more audience. and finally, fatality russian foreign ministry has a key to create a preparing a crusade against its own a population. i talked to kid, announced to such a minute, spending my teeth, my can stand picks it up. well, this is the latest development in, in a sue of events that have read or lead russia to believe that ukraine is indeed planning a military solution. an invasion. the troublesome for them, eastern ukraine region, the conflict region, and they are planning with this latest boost, a military spending 20 percent of the time when you crane is experiencing difficulties keeping its population warm this winter. moreover, russia is especially concerned with thousands and thousands of foreign troops for
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private military contractors as well as instructors who are on a permanent basis now stationed in ukraine 10000 and all 4000 of them. american citizens, he dislike. i think that was all this took a foreign service man being there to participate in the quote measures to show a national security and defense. i and another qual to deter russian military aggression. i see is a lie. these instructors are simply engaged in direct incitement and directly controlling the events that unfolding before our eyes. ukrainian authorities have also made it easier for foreign nationals get ukrainian or citizenship which, which some believe is an effort to circumvent that to bypass the minsk agreements which are called on all sides evolved to the conflict in these 2 grade. to remove this, armen, remove foreign fighters from the conflict so that we're putting, also speaking earlier regarding the situation in ukraine, said that there is tremendous a tremendous roof, a concern,
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and that russia truly fears war breaking out in these the new credit to be and i'm good at right now in the now they're saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. our impression is that they could last hearing a 3rd military operation really should have warning us in advance. don't interfere, she don't protect those people and we'll do, than there will be such and such in your sanctions. maybe that's what they're planning. resident put, lend defense minutes to show who had both previous previously said that there are hundreds of thousands, millions of ethnic russians in ukraine in the conflict so that russia would have no choice but to protect if worst comes to worst. they hope, of course the bloodshed can be avoided, that all sides will return to the negotiation table and the means ke agreement will be implemented. but aside so far are worrying. we had just several days ago from the russian defense ministry that they have information about more than a 100 merican citizens who are in the front law on the front lines in the trenches
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in east you. craig, advising and directing ukrainian. forces there preparing perhaps even a provocation with the use of chemical weapons. even we have heard comments from the pentagon and the white house. again, categorically denying those claims. nevertheless, it does go to show how, how hot the situation is, how tense the situation is, how hot passions are, and how much mistrust. there is not how things are shape not thanks that she is not sad. of course, we do hope that we'll see how can i see long no one else should be wrong when i just don't want you to see out the see because the advocate an engagement
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equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. i was diagnosed with cancer in 2000 lives. when the doctors told me the cancer was incurable. i knew i had to make a change. so i decided to travel to one of the most toxic places in america, florida. one of florida is the biggest industries and best kept secrets is fostering mine and the biggest player is $85000000000.00 industry. is mosaic, and i there are reports of millions of gallons of contaminated water now flowing into the florida aqua for the main problem. there's a chronic or, you know, i don't love to hear that word poets name, but that's what it is in 2000.
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