tv News RT December 28, 2021 9:00pm-9:30pm EST
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ah, some parents and you k accuse hospitals of discriminating against children with down syndrome in a bid to free a bed. during the pandemic we hear from a mother who has asked to sign a do not hesitate order for thought. when she did, i, well, just in case that's my son's life that you're asking with each site or not. and you see us down in time, but that's got nothing to do with whatever shipping types are not related to polling shows that most democrats in america do not want joe biden to run into company for. we look back at his 1st year, no rush. i'll take your vacation industry to new heights with the launch of a brand new passenger jet. we take a look at what makes the plane so with
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our broadcasting lives direct from our studios in moscow. this is our international . i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you. with us, we're now in the u. k. daily covet infections or at around the $100000.00 mark with the country's health care system stretched their fears. corners are being cut, putting lives at danger. the parents and campaigners are raising the alarm. they worry vulnerable children are being discriminated against during covet to free up bed space. this comes a mid a spike in do not hesitate orders for children with down syndrome and autism. one mother who was asked to sign one for her son, shared her story. when she said it was well dock and she is because i and my son's life that you're asking with each site or now i i haven't been off that's my the 2 children. i mean, she has down syndrome, but that's got nothing to do when we're shipping the stuff tight. so not he was in
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the right. and she was asking him a lot of questions and he a con and he's kind of class days that he understands. and i think luckily for him and i asked me because he was, i'm 16 anyway. i'm well to say are the parents. i know that all 7 children say in one respects, i was glad he was on the 6th day because the others where i was 16 and where else themselves do not hesitate. orders are offered to people who are gravely ill. one sign to doctors will not perform c p r to help restart the patient's heart. in the u. k. d and ours are increasingly being offered to teenagers with autism, a condition that affects 700000 people in the country, as well as to teenagers with down syndrome. the national health service insists it's not discriminating. stressing that it regards blanket policies. busy as
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inappropriate, but karen willard again begs to differ we every child and every has called the right, especially to life. and i just don't understand why there's a difference in society for anyone. discrimination of even the question b, n. m y, are people with adults, children. i would say while we, why on i will try it differently with a lack of you must say, given the health care system i deserve on the social system. i did that, i get the and i just, it was been under strain. i'm cab again today with higher than the and i just isn't as the government needs to pull their finger out. and so yeah, just out and isn't it isn't our kids to say, oh, your children are not valuable with everyone else? the children. so they're not going to be put on that list list and i was ok,
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isn't it? will leave you out of the dumbest idea because it's not, i know we're not so fast and more was for you. k hospitals with admissions on the rise. again, a new study warns that next year medical staff absences due to burnout could triple . the findings suggest hospitals could experienced severe staff shortages with 17 percent of workers expected to call in sick just last week. and admissions rose absences followed suit reaching 12 percent. meanwhile, unions have called on the government to increase staff, pay, or face industrial action. now the, any just says the pandemic has created unprecedented pressure. and it's doing all that it can to support doctors and nurses. or he spoke to medical staff on the ground who say something has to get david is with us almost 2 years now. our doctor, the nurses, clinicians on the ground, absolutely exhausted. they're not just exhausted that scared that tired. you must
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remember the doctor, the nurses, the patients do so we are sick. we get physically think we get mentally think and quite frankly, we bad the moral burden of what's been happening over the past couple of years. so yeah. and at the moment it's exhausting and was worse still. of course, it's not over. in the short term, we somehow need to find some capacity outside of what we've already got. so rather than asking the same, the, to be mall, we need to somehow find capacity outside. and that might mean that asking people who aren't medically qualified to come in and step in and do sort of stuff in the longer term. because we really need to do is sold our recruitment issues. we do need more. no, we do need more doctors. we've vast amounts. in particular, the general practice, for example, just get a status quo. and there are some, a human made burden just in terms of general bureaucracy that can get some workforce who have retired or who have steps down that were to actually come back.
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now some of those barriers and insurmountable a quite quick and easy we did require government to make some decisions. well, it's really quite worry and i'm not sure how the nature is going to survive with these numbers. is really quite frightening stuff. and also patience because, you know, there's still no good, proper guidance come in from the talk really terrible environment and you know, trying to get through this and being taken for granted at the same time if needing to. but now many nurses are talking about go along, protest and strike caption on. some of the unions are really support of that, but it just see it's very difficult obviously because we need to think about patient safety, but soon we may not have any nurses in says less to care for these patients. joe biden has suffered another brutal blow in the pulse, more democrats now,
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i would rather see someone else running 2024 the not it chimes with the battering. his ratings have taken during his 1st year in office, and he's got him up and looks at why 2021 wasn't so great for button. was like a fairy tale joe biden was set to ride into the white house on a white horse to save the country from the nightmare. those lights that are shooting out from the lincoln memorial. i look, it's like almost extensions of jo biden's arms embracing america. president elect joe biden, and vice president harris told the grief and regret out of the privacy of our hearts if just for a moment so that we all could share it. but in just a year, the country seems to have shifted from tears of joy and sighs. of relief to, let's go brandon. mm. mm mm. mm. mm. mm.
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mm. mm. mm. mm. oh all, charlotte, 70 percent of americans doubt that biden is a leader. you can trust. only donald trump had a worse approval rating at this point in his presidency. and it's not just the american voters, the mainstream media that wants praised him, are now calling him worse than a lame duck and recommending he not run for reelection in 2024. quite a you churn. how could this have happened to a democratic president so loved by mainstream media and the party establishment? coven das at this point, and added up to about the population of st. louis and atlanta combined double what it was when trump left office. joe biden does not have much to say about this topic . this out for the buyers that you had with why i find
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it on the origin to visit with joe biden is urging americans to get vaccinated. one can't help but wonder if americans have hesitation about heating their commander in chief's words, wild assertions, the administration was making about how this was going to go away and jack bleach and all those kinds of things. it was diminishing confidence across the board. you know, you can't, but you can't say everyone. cass, this backslash requirements work only makes sense to require vaccine to stop the spread of covert 90 forcing people to get vaccinated with mandates is not exactly a big hit. either federal and private companies are fighting them in court. furthermore, you got the senate repudiating the vaccine mandates and judges ruling against them . inflation is that a 39 year high,
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half of the americans say that biden is making things worse. and 2 thirds of americans say that inflation is causing them financial hardships like ever since he became president. things have been slowly going downhill, especially in this city. thing is about 40 percent higher than or was a couple of years ago. so no, i would not say that there during, for a job to be honest is actually one more up lake. everything went on bad is really bad. the afghan pull out got pretty massy. 13 soldiers died. people were hanging from planes, and u. s. personnel was left behind on republicans wanted joe biden to be impeached. now that didn't exactly play out, but people aren't exactly ready to move on from this afghanistan disaster with it's not only the u. s. public. it's unhappy with the afghan. pull out with an army ranks. there's rising
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discontent, active duty marine corps. lieutenant colonel stuart sheller. a combat veteran with multiple deployments in iraq and afghanistan even went public. he demanded accountability from senior military and civilian leaders for their failures. people are upset because they're senior leaders, let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability are saying we mess this up. i'm not saying we've got to be in the in afghanistan forever, but i am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table to say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate bob graham airfield, the strategic air berries before we evacuate everyone. this got him charge in the military court, find and punished, but many consider him a hero. what about the commander in chief himself? now biden is telling people he opposed the war in afghanistan from the beginning. however, the record begs to differ. he was beating the drums of war for afghanistan and iraq, 20 years ago, back when it was popular. but i guess this is not the only thing he has forgotten.
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and i want to say that so down on thank you very much value. but i'll kinda side of course, present harris is a proud howard. oh, no wonder so many of his press conferences and grabs the white house, sometimes even cuts his life, the wholesale that americans are questioning his mental capacity. democrats is starting to get worried with mid term elections less than a year away, and biden unpopular even in states where he won the election by a large margin. there's so many reasons people should be disappointed and upset with biden. it's hard to settle on one. certainly, afghanistan was a huge blow to america's sense of itself in the outrage. in middle america is not to be underestimated even today. at the way joe biden got us out of afghanistan. joe biden, drug america down an ugly past. of course the economy is the unkept promises, his insistence that he would shut down the virus and not be economy. and since then,
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of course, he's had more debts on his watch than trump head on a longer time scale. i believe our allies no longer trust us. i believe our enemies are lining up to take advantage of us. you see how it all goes together and it all is generally against american interest. it's extremely unfortunate and he's not showing any sign of changing his weights. meanwhile, joe biden has also been criticized for failing to deliver on some of his promises to overhaul the justice system. during his presidential campaign, he pledged to reduce the prison population, but the staffs show otherwise, the number of federal prisoners has increased by 2 percent during biden's presidency. according to the sentencing project, the inmate population began to fall under brock obama and continued under donald trump. over 200000 people are currently incarcerated in the u. s. federal prison system. legal expert, evan w. turk told us that joe biden should be held to account for not making good on the
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promises he made. during his election campaign. many people are incarcerated because of drug related crimes, or as i mentioned non violent crimes. and they have one of the sentences that there are alternatives. and this is one of the things that biden was pushing for alternatives to incarceration if you're not a threat to society. but you've done something that was unlawful. there are better ways of fix in the system. rather than putting you in jail for a lengthy sentence, there is no action on the, by an administration whatsoever to fulfill its campaign promise, which was to help eradicate this problem. we are as a nation, the we have the heaviest, largest population behind bars out of any country. and that's not something we should be proud of. and it's just that this boy has become nothing but
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a promise to get a vote. and nobody israel a following up on why he hasn't failed that campaign problems. still the come in the program, joe biden signed the defense bill that he himself, criticized for not letting him close down guantanamo bay, that story much more for short break. this is our to international ah ah
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ah, oh, happy new year special kaiser? it board with the one and only gerald salenti, originator of the transport task, man, you know, stuff. ah ah, what maxim ortiz international now lighter and stronger. the next leap in russia's aviation industry is an entirely homegrown affair, is usually a shop of oliver gets up close and personal with the countries latest jet,
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which is also being seen as another example of how sanctions have actually helped certain sectors here. say with a long awaited event for russian civil aviation, the media range, m s t 121300 airplane made. it's made in flight with a wink sally made of russian composites the chance to come from the air field of the air coast a vacation plant, where the m. s. 21 series is produced. initially for the m. s 21 wing, it's manufacturer used materials from american and japanese companies. but in the fall of 2018, it came on the u. s. sanctions. and as a result, the company was unable to purchase imported raw materials for the wing nationally, sweden images through some of them on u. m. s. 21. medium ranger crofts has nothing to do with the defense complex. they just stopped supplying us with the composite materials for the wing. this is unfair competition. they knew we would create our own materials, but that would take time and eventually we would roll out this new plane much later . so the russians had to spend almost 60000000 years dollars on the development of
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an alternative to american composites. all the work was done in the shortest possible time. there was some corporation to cope with the development of domestic composite materials and is currently producing them. the m. s. 21300 is a new generation russian aircraft with capacity for 211 passengers. certification is now closed to completion, and deliver is a plan to begin in $20.00 to $22.00. it is powered by pratt and whitney at $1400.00 engines. and at the same time, the m. s. 21310, across with the new russian p. d. 14 engine isn't going fly test. so in the future, buyers will be able to choose between the 2 types of engine come through to someone . there are many innovations in the aircraft design. it has the widest hub in his class. the m. s. 21 is focused on the most massive segments of the passenger transportation market. it will be able to compete with the air bus $320.00 family and the boeing 737 family. the boots up it, according to the head of ross tag,
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they shall have composite seen the m. s. $21.00 structure is about 40 percent, which is a re quote for a medium whole aircraft. improved ira dynamics have made it possible to increase the width of the m. s 22 on fuselage, which brings new adventures in terms of passenger comfort. passengers have enough room to comfortably stretch their legs, plans the widest aisle, and his class will allow them to easily pause this said as charlie, so pretty soon regular passengers will be able to appreciate this new creation of russia's aviation industry. you lash above oliver. auntie joe biden has approved a colossal military budget for the coming year. despite objecting to a clause that essentially makes it impossible to shut down guantanamo bay prison. the $770000000000.00 u. s. defense bill includes a ban on funding or transferring detainees out of the facility, meaning that they will remain in legal limbo for the foresee future as part of our
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unheard voices project. we spoke to a man who spent 14 years inside gib, mo, may do old sla he his story inspired the award winning movie the more opinion with a star studded cast, including jodie foster as a defense lawyer and benedict cumber batch as a marine prosecutor. ah. and i did call 1st to crimes. i didn't because of torture. i was received by i was beaten till they broke my and i was not given food for a very long periods of time. i was sexually assaulted on multiple occasions, received a provision that for 70 days, no sleep. it's almost like a lie, but still with
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we have not concluded that it was the use of the i t's within that program that allowed us to obtain useful information from detainees. subjected to them, i know i didn't do anything and i said, i'm not there for that. i'm not going to high that because me a lot of pain and suffering me leaving this as soon as his own little country that the respectful of a lot. ah, i wrote a best selling book that was thrown into 27 languages. not saying this is me. i'm saying this is with the hands of a law with the help of my lawyers. my support is my family and i'm so happy and it
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was adopted into a movie outside my family, my brother and their lives, go on terry's life goes on. it was 9 t 192 on 2 different occasions for a brief period of time that i want to have kind of stem saudi arabia, gulf countries, global jeremy, where i live. we supported of a guy and we used to watch movies to watch a noise document that is about the amount of time. then i decided to join them, which i, i did not know what i'm tied up was. i had no clue. so i, when i get to, i've got the training camp world consoled. well, that's the 1st time i know about it. i was very young and i was ready misinform this was a very big propaganda machine led by the state of america and its western allies, allies saw they, they gave me a wrong picture. i thought it was
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a very good cause to free people and to establish it for the country. at least i didn't even know then what the free company meant to be honest. the people were fighting today. we were supporting in the fight against the soviets . i think it was february of 92 vagina in the so called was id, talk over to cowboy. and i found myself in the middle of a civil war that i did not want to be popped off. that's why i went back to my studies to my lot of of my guys with a much id, including in 98 in the 90s or early 99, i received a phone call from my cousin and he was living with sammy loudon and
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used the phone number and then i will stop. i will start the phone number was just a family called he needed help for his father. i. his father is like my father and i didn't necessarily to hunt his father because he was sick and he needs money. i understand america is a demarco's when it comes to muslims, people of color of the 911. they did not to the spindle. it acted like a fascist regime because they said, if you are american with you is a little more if you are not the american you deserve not i that is fascism.
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oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe for? hi selection, whole community? are you going the right way or are you being that some with direct? what is true? walk this way. in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. are special gas today?
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the old in the legendary mich fire sign, author of planet ponce mich. nice to say happy holidays was diagnosed with cancer in 2000 lives. when the doctors told me the cancer was incurable, i knew i had to make a change. so i decided to travel to one of the most toxic places in america, florida. one of florida is biggest industries and best kept secrets, is fostering and the biggest player in is $85000000000.00 industry. is mosaic, and i, there are reports of millions of gallons of contaminated water now flowing into the florida aquifer name from there's a chronic. oh, i don't want to hear that word poets name, but that's what it is. i'm in 2013 my, all our family dog. my brother was 21 years old,
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myself and my father were all a problem. give me a 100. wow. yeah. all right, and the good plan, right? yeah. maybe they'll actually learn more help is more important than ah, that's 2021 draws to a close. homicides are out of control in cities around the country with 16 locations, setting new records. and despite the horrific numbers, suspects are being arrested and released only to murder again. cancel your big new year's eve party, says doctor anthony, pout g. this is the president backed off of his campaign, promised to stop the coven virus. bad things are happening to some people who spend most of their time on social media. and we're talking suicide folks. and wait until
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you learn what your children are exposed to on platforms such as tick tock and youtube platform for kids. lionel and lyn shaw founder of lynn's warriors will fill us in a telescope that looks into the path. don't miss it or you'll need the telescope to see it. get it. 5 feed balls, bergen for scotty now use. and this is news views use right here on our t america. ah, i'll put in place to plan to deal with this pandemic response. we have already done it. i've said it before. i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country, but i'm going to shut down the buyer or i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the var that was president presidential candidate joe biden,
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in 2020 promising. he would shut down the cobra virus, but now he's singing a different tune and join me to talk about this and the latest from anthony valgy. andrew langer who is the president at the institute for liberty? good to see you, sir. all right, so let's talk about this a little bit. we just heard joe biden from 2020, over and over promising to shut down the virus, but listen to what he told the nation's governors on monday. make sure that we do not list federal solutions stand in a way or state solutions and look, there is no federal solution. give solve state level. now you have people from both sides of the political spread spectrum ripping biden for allegedly giving up. i mean look at the change, it's profound. well it's a change also and.
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