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tv   Documentary  RT  December 28, 2021 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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massive amount of destruction, it's just heart wrenching so much destruction and none of this can be fixed, none of this can be repaired, none of it is of any of any good or use to anybody besides radioactive, for thousands of years. is there anything up? get a water sample inside my mm yeah . carefully home. i had a from careful rain. no, there's no animals here. so ah,
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holding my breath. oh my god, like a one. okay. mm. mm. a cavity battle of sorts took center stage today into soto county at issue these 14000 acres of land mosaic wants to mind, phosphate here. commissioner, already shut that down. but as we to supported by hollandsworth explains now today they negotiate to mind or not to mine. a very simple we don't want any further south after already getting shot down by the federal commissioners last summer was inc, is once again talking with county leaders about rezoning property it owns within the county to my thought. faith neighbor's voice environmental concerns at
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a mediation today, they're digging up in destroying the watersheds, the plan, trees, and everything that protect on and fell to the water clark don't who live here. the peace river also worried a mining site will be creases, property value, do we want to buy a home? it can be the mediation, even drawing in neighbors from surrounding areas. many say it's a topic that's bigger than the photo county. unbeknownst to miss resident, the 3rd that accounting entity, counties in charlotte county, a portion of our drinking water on the surface water component is from the peace river in as a representative says, the company's environmentally conscious and hope the mediation will help them reach middle ground floor is very strict regulations and we're very proud of meeting those regulations and we can very good care of the water. we are not in our back once we home and we've been collecting so many samples though we didn't do all the
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field tests because takes a little bit of time and, and precision. and we were just jumping into places we necessarily were necessarily allowed to be moved. now that we had water from the mine itself, we were able to take a look at the different levels that it has. and what we wanted to do was test various bodies of water to see if they had matching levels, which would show that it was all treated water and came from the same spot. ah, so this is some of the test water fell on my arm when i was transferred over and he created guys, everything self has this much fussing. so there's a consistency. there's to be no fussing every single stuff, but we grabbing everything is pretty consistent. which is weird cuz has the same
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bodies, a water bottle sold assassin. now mine, i my point, every single test bases say that, no, i see you said there's no oxygen, water, and then of user bodies, the connect and they're coming out with the exact same result, angel. weird. he only thing in common. now i'll have my thank out ah, these tests prove to us that the high total phosphate and the low dissolved oxygen means it's almost impossible for fish to live in these waters. so we decide to send the samples into the lab for further testing. and what we found was astonishing. now the e p a has set the standard for $300.00 peak of curies per liter. and what we found was dumped in over 4000. ah, since the municipalities pull water from the peace river, we decided to test yellow menchie, school water fountain. and what we found is that it was above the acceptable,
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safe limit of $300.00 and with the proven link between radon in cancer, it became very obvious. the mosaics run off was affecting children's health all over the state and with so many cancer clusters, i couldn't figure out why the state would not even address a cancer cluster is a higher than expected number of the same type of cancer in a specific area over a set time period for a similar group of people. no, the physicians would be willing to speak on camera about the connection between environmental factors and cancers. matter fact, there was only one study done in 2010 and when it was given to the state it was shell. so i decided to catch up with stell bailey, and fight for 0 dot org, who has spent the last few years, tracking cancer clusters and bringing attention to them. succeeding where the state failed. in 2013 my uncle, our family dog, my brother who was 21 years old, myself and my father were all diagnosed with cancer. my brother and i bought the
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same exact cancer, which is hodgkin's lymphoma like cancer. our uncle and our dog passed away and my father is still fighting bone cancer. you know, of course everybody goes to the o it's genetic and you know, must run in your family. we have no family history. a cancer or our case was so unique. we were invited to get a genetic testing done, and the genetic testing showed that we had no mutating genes. so what that usually means is that it's environmentally cost course that that started me on my journey. so in 2014, i began this whole just crowdsourcing epr. and from that time frame and till about 2018, i just continue to research, collect information i collected anything. i could, everybody called me crazy and they said, our waters fine. you're just paranoid, just because your family got cancer, doesn't mean it was caused by something. you know,
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you always hear those typical things. we're finding that there's homer that have had this is an example. somebody had lymphoma, they moved so that home and the next room honors child had lymphoma. wow. and we're finding that not just with one home, we're finding that in several cases where people have moved from that exact home and it's a totally different family. and they're getting diagnosed with similar cancer's natalie. we decided was do water testing in those areas. let's do environmental testing in those areas. and that's when we found weak starting finding stuff in the water. so we can kind of connect, you know, as a environmental health. it's always about environmental health, and so i created the man because i wanted to give us that vision and to be able to look. and when i started getting up into the 400 mark and then the 800 diagnosed and one little zip code like one little area,
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i started to wonder what is this normal one i even called the department of health . and they tried to tell me, yeah, because i said, is it normal for a whole families and neighbors to be getting diagnosed around the same time with similar cancer isn't and they're like, yeah, that's normal people get cancer. i got cancer, you know, so it was just like a really odd response to a concern that we had in. we're crowdsourcing this data and we're seeing why isn't, isn't that the state seeing this information wired, you know, what are they doing with our data? because they're required, the doctors are required to change in all of our cancer diagnosis is to the state. so what exactly are they doing with that that i mean for me i think that's really important information to take into consideration for the health and safety of communities across the entire state of florida. i was really surprised when stell was talking about the department of health reaction. i mean
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they defined themselves as a department that is there to prevent disease of environmental origin. so i decided to take the water test we had done and go visit the department of health myself. i wanted to see what they thought about the water test results. talk about the geiger counter results. see what test protections are available for citizens and what the state is do with all these cancer diagnosis. and it turns out the department of health is on a park property where mosaic had paid for all the renovation. ah, and although phosphate is natural for bodies, too much of it, like the levels we found in the test that we ran, can cause kidney damage and osteoporosis. ah, and finding out more about the water service. do you guys have anything that tests for radiation? we haven't had that and i try to dance
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phosphate testing in here. thank you. appreciate you taking water samples. you found incredible one phosphate because a lot of people love students here concerned especially to so you know, with the possibility. ready of my screen and they won't, and maybe you can help me. and the reason that i'm curious, i'm working on the documentary about what's happening here in the mining 70 effective public health public relations. okay. okay. thank you. it's interesting that as soon as i mentioned mining i went to the pure person. oh yes. hi. yes, nice to meet you phoenix. thank you so much. now, our mission, just a quick question for you with me
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. because really obvious to the state and mosaic work together, there's a cancer in the body politic. and the watchdog for the industry has now become on their guard. doug, you developments in a breaking aid on your side investigation. a big apology from mosaic to its neighbors. the community and polk county for keeping a contaminated little secret. so why the big case a, we're sorry. well, for failing a timely notify people living nearest new wells plant mulberry of a sinkhole that sucked hundreds of millions of gallons of radioactive water into the aquifer. senior investigative reporter, steve andrews, broke the story last week. he's back tonight with an important update that includes that overdue a policy at this point today. hey, this whole is getting bigger, it's widening. it appears as though the walls are eroding cracking, separating it looks as though it's about to collapse
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a florida department of environmental protection claims. it's all over this, but the guardians of our environment. i've been dead silent about this. all of this from the get go. polk county officially became aware of this single september night . it failed to notify the public to did you do enough? as far as notifying our constituents the, the problem is, what do you tell them? you know, we had hospital danger coming your way. ah, join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. but i'll be speaking to guess of the world politics. spoke business, i'm show business. i'll see you then or
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special yes, today. the only in the legendary mid virus 9 author of the planet ponzi match. nice to say, happy holidays, a became a test bed for medical and then later recreational marijuana and it started with something so innocent. i was wanting to socialize. everybody does it? so i cannot and then it just keeps going and going and going. i'm just going to do it was yeah, and then it's, i'm just going to try this one and then never do it again because they want my phone was on and i you right on inside. ok. and you surround yourself with people who are encouraging you to do it and you not to stop. it felt like my life was over, jumped opposite of balcony and died. mm.
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he knew he just couldn't stop. commissioners, i've spoken with feel it was up to mosaic, to make news of the sink hole and aquifer contamination. public constituents don't let mosaic, they elect you folks to the county commissioners and county commissioners as far as i know of county government didn't like the public though. sure. responsibility, anna, are morally yes. tallahassee. today, d e p, the agency responsible for guarding our environment, couldn't risk deputy director gary clark away fast enough for mar, mike vassal, linda. we can set something up and we've tried to reach you for 3 or 4 days and you don't return our call. and you are avoiding this, again, i just don't understand why you don't want to say we made a mistake. i like to know that guys chuckling about 1st of all. mm.
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and aside from local politicians in mining areas, they spend a lot of lobbying over $480000.00 at ballard partners over $830000.00 on a lobbyist that has one person and they reach out and get people at the state level that can deregulate enriques, that's a great example. after removing $700000000.00 worth of protection money for florida's waterways, he then gutted the entire f t p replacing it with lobbyists and corporate insiders that normally worked on getting the permits for mosaic and other corporations. he shrank the permitting process from 44 days down to 2 days, got ordered, his new staff quote, where noncompliance occurs despite your best efforts and education and outreach. your 1st consideration should be whether you can bring about a return to compliance without enforce. this approach started the hands off of the f t p, and the creation of compliance assistance letters instead of finding the polluters,
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the d. b actually worked with them in order to ensure business continues is huge for the doors mixed up and was a revolving door between hopping green and sams, which is mosaics lawyers and the f t p. and i actually got to see the relationship between mosaic and the state firsthand norma kilburn. he called me and asked if she could use one of the water reports that we had got from the mine to give to john coats from the f, the p. because mosaic was trying to renew, apparently turns out john coach actually called the lab. when i heard this, i reached out to the lab myself. and they confirm that john coach had contacted them. and they had told john codes that they do not look at the source of the water sample. in order to get a true reading, junko then writes to norma that he has spoken with the program director, who indicated they did not know the sample was collected from surface water and their test is designed for reporting rate on exclusively from drinking water
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samples. he said this test is simply not applicable. so once john cuts was able to discredit the high rate on level of that report, he was then able to give a generic answer back to norma and approve the permit for mosaic after all. now a little bit of the food chain from john codes is adam blaylock. now adam blaylock used to be a mosaic lawyer. now he's the deputy secretary and he is in charge of all 5 state water management districts, water supply, planning, water use, permitting, any overseas ecosystem restoration, which in mining is called reclamation. what's reclamation ecology come on? i'll show you in this is a global leader in the science of reclamation policy. we're putting in the word right here at home, innovative environmental technology, natural habitat for native wildlife, and sometimes reviving streams that haven't existed for
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a century. the science of stewardship, the science of mosaic, when mosaics applying for permits in different counties, they have to submit what's called a reclamation plan. and this is the idea that when they're done mining, they're going to put the land back to use and turn it into nature. so in essence, in their philosophy, they're only borrowing the land to extract the minerals and then return it as was, and sometimes even better. the reality is far different than that. a lawsuit filed in federal court claims developers, and paul county failed to notify thousands of new homeowners that they are living on contaminated land. lawsuit claims no one including drummond, notified the plaintiff or class members of the significantly elevated cancer risks posed by the presence of rate on gas, gamma radiation or concerns raised by the federal e p. it goes on to say in 1975, the p administrator inform the governor of florida that the
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e p a and found elevated levels of radiation in buildings constructed on land reclaimed from phosphate mining areas and recommended that construction of new buildings on phosphate mining lands be discouraged, and in 2022 more communities soon after being built and reclaim land and a lot of the tenants getting cancer. we visited a community built on old mining lamps, 2 blocks away from the communities that are suing currently. and you would have no idea how radioactive it is on these lance. how many homes are very sold in the neighborhood? 1010. not only are family homes built on former mines, but so are public parks. this is one of the more popular ones, hardy lakes park. ah sagen foreigning community. they go timing. but any kind of community that ma is around. we've had 1st birthdays here in even made it more exciting to have 2nd and 3rd, and 4th and 5th birthdays here. they're really going to get opportunity for i can
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come there and get together and to share what reclamation kimmy lie and not many people know that it's friendly. not many people know that it's reclamation. i think this is really the problem. they take up all the fields, becomes radioactive, they placed dirt back on top of it and then turn them into public areas with no notification about the possible side effects of radiation. one of the interesting signs here is you can see that all the trees are at the exact same level. when they reclaim land, they plant the trees the same time. mm hm. now aside from just covering the land with some dirt and planting trees at the same time, they also bring in what's called reject rock from the mines. this is the rock that's left over when they pull the phosphate out of the ground and separated from the uranium. so once mosaic has this radioactive rock,
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they can't sell it. they give it to the counties who then use it, adding it to rows. and i've heard of a famous rock pile here in hardy lakes park that the kids like to plan. okay, little. oh my god. i did play it. oh gosh. okay. alright, up with a we were really surprised to see the white truck following us still. but we want to let him go by before we jumped out with the geiger counter with
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children saying on this, right? well, we had to know how radioactive it was. and $100.00 is the maximum recommended safe limit for exposure at this level of radiation. these kids have a very high probability of getting cancer, maybe not just from one visit, but from repeated exposure. ah, this is one of the highest level of c p. m. 's. we've seen since we've heard the geiger counter. ah, so this right behind me are all the rocks that they bring from the mind. we just ask them and they're reading over. busy for 50 and these children of implying here to high school, my blinking my hopes that we could get them to remove this. this is not natural here that they brought this here from the mine. it's rejected, rock that fell off the side while they were getting it loaded or whatever through the process they didn't was the they loaded here as
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a dumb side. this is not natural, this is not good road. it's on all these rows. all the cam flies in the boat ramp. it's at the playground. it's at the store at 4 corner. so if they get, they can remove this to lower the radiation level here than a dollar the. all right, but they're just ignoring that they're not doing anything. they came out here to the health department, some expert, i'm out here. they see that it's high levels of radiation, yet they don't. they just kind of like, you know, ignore it. mm. each comma check. it out is the geiger counter. these rocks come from the phosphate mining company and they dumped them here. then again, we can this, we're already up to 80. 100 is anything over 100 dangerous,
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prolonged exposure? how are you doing? that's great. we wanted to bring it down and test this area cuz everyone kept here . i mean, it wasn't like like long and it's almost a form under in. wow. yeah. and the whole wrong. yeah. and the kids play it. right. yeah. well, yeah, yeah. you know, we just went to the rock pilot measured over 450. he's always playing. yeah, i always he kids in it. mm. could not believe what i've seen every single place we went and put a geiger counter down or every place. so we took a water sample from had cancer causing levels of people in florida are actually fighting a few cancers. the 1st being the disease which still remains the number one cause of death in florida. and the 2nd is that mosaic moves like cancer. once it's used
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up to resource, it has to expand for its own survival. but the 3rd one may be the deadliest of all the cancer of the body politic. for people that were regulating our polluters have now joined them and every day they allow cancers that can be stopped to continue to happen. and as are only defense is eroded away, we pay the price with our health and with mosaic, and the state having such a cozy relationship, the only people that step in were the federal e p a. but when the e p a started to be run by a former coal lobbyist, they actually deregulated all water protections leaving the people in florida to fend for themselves. but this problem is bigger than florida. it's not only nationwide, it's worldwide 24 hours a day. factories are pumping cancer, causing chemicals into local waterways, all with the government's approval and over 1000000000 people a year pay the price by getting a chronic illness. and even though
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a lot of these polluters are multi nationals, the way they do business can be forced to change by the voice of the citizens and with childhood cancer rates up 30 percent since the 19 seventies and access to clean water disappearing day by day local communities have stood up to these giants taking their environment back. and joining this world wide movement is easy. it begins when you ask the simple question, what's in my water? mm mm. oh, oh. oh .
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oh ah, my math guys are more of my guide to financial survival. this is a hedge fund. it's a device used by professional scale. you eggs to earn money. that's right. these hedge funds are completely not accountable and we're just adding more and more to them. totally the stabilizing global economy. you need to protect yourself and get inform. watch guys with
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christmas, the traditional yuletide on a day this year, making this traditional with a special christmas guide. me christmas tolerance, diversity guide. we all know that christmas is a family holiday. so make sure all your parents are properly numbered. i follow the agenda that make us no woman instead of snowman, or even better at this new person designed for themselves. ah, no, yes, no, don't. or teddy bears prepare your children for the brave new world. to
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remember. diversity is not at all i oh, this is no longer an appropriate cost you. this is appropriation, zoological appropriation offensive to the dia, community. mm hm. and obviously santa, oh, has to be cancelled. i because he is a white gender male. 2 abuses. mrs. close discriminate against children based on behavior. whereas red, which is a communist color, makes children sit on his lap, makes people destroy trees and exploit sales to sorry, kid center is not coming to town anymore. i follow these instructions, stick to the spirit of christmas. you decide. oh,
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ah, parents in the u. k. accused hospitals of discriminating against children with down syndrome in the bid to free beds during the pandemic. the latest polling shows that most of us democrats don't want joe biden to run in 2024. and russia takes his aviation industry to new heights with the launch of a brand new passenger trip. does your headlines that does it for me? my colleague con bray will be here in about an hour's time with another full and fresh look june is here with us or today i.


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