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tv   News  RT  December 29, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EST

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politics, the current international situation, and whether we should trust legacy median. we'll do our best to answer as many questions as again ah, the stories were across is wednesday, and our t, america's big budget priorities. put the pentagon over the pandemic as president biden signs off an enormous $700000000000.00 defense plan. washington's global vaccination campaign team is running out of cat my ring leader slammed australia's policy of deporting convicted criminals to new zealand, saying it causing a search and gang related crimes. it is not good enough that new zealand is becoming a penal colony for australia and just supporting your problem. why does not solve the problem of gangs and both australia and new zealand and the proponent of critical race theory faces a barrage criticism for suggesting parents should not decide what their children are taught in schools. we discuss whether u. s. history is in need of
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a classroom overhauled. the claim could be the moral, ironic claims to be the beacon of truth, but all it's doing is dividing. people confuse the children and wanting, told you to turn against each other. this is a fear of the rain from hearing and having to embrace the truth with. no, that's good to have you with this is wednesday, the 29th of december. i'm calling bray with the world news from arte international 1st for you. then this our while the world rounds of another year struggling to come by the cobit pandemic. america has a different priority with joe biden signing a whopping $700000000000.00 military budget for the upcoming year in by america's own estimates. that's a 100 times more than the cost of vaccinating the entire planet. but i guess the f looks at how even an era defining health crisis can't be rail. washington's massive defense spending. it's bigger than it's bader than ever before. america's new
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military budget, $777700000000.00. so vast, it board doesn't monstrous. and it's still not enough. say the people who passed it are nations facing many threats right now. just read the paper every day. china, russia ran in yet that budget was actually provided by the white house. was a cut, pretty dramatic cut. if you look at it, as in john adjusted for inflation, it is remarkable. these lawmakers they'll, they'll sit there and argue for weeks, months about maternity leave. will building roads or bridges or, or walls, but the better part of a trillion dollars on a more machine back. 88 for 11 against past. and the next day that will come to work and to congress and. and they'll wonder where the heck all their money went. i also find it amusing that senator mansion indicates his worry about the deficit
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after voting justice week for a military budget of $778000000000.04 times greater than build back better over 10 years and $25000000000.00 more than the president requested $778000000000.00. i mean $700000000.00 is a decimal here. a decimal. where rounding up and down by, by hundreds of millions, 16 times greater than russia's military budget, greater than the next 11 highest military budgets put together. a sudden that the human mind can barely comprehend. somewhat of the extra billions going towards the secretary shall take appropriate action to increase the ease of low emission initial free and net 0 initial energy technologies in the operations programs project and activities of the department provided these is cost effective on the life cycle of the investment, there's also a new ranko position in the u. s. military, according to the n d,
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a draft bill. and that is gender advisor. so troops can get help if they feel like changing genders. we can only guess how many millions that's going to cost. and of course, none of this would be possible without china and russia because of whom the pentagon argued it needed more money. ginger sandy, we firmly opposed the u. s. slipping negative content concerning china or making an issue out of china for political manipulation is not implement negative content and articles in the act that target china and dummy's. chinese interests or hurts overall bilateral ties and cooperation and important areas. while the l g b t, q plus community may let out a sigh of relief, people that have been incarcerated. guantanamo bay innocence included without trial or justice for decades, will just have to wait a little longer. now one thing they didn't find any money for is, is a field doesn't plane tickets to send guantanamo inmate's home,
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or to court. unfortunately, he section 1032 of the act continues to bar the use of fonts to transfer a guantanamo bay. detainees to the custody or effect of control of certain foreign countries. and section 1033 of the act bars, the use of funds to transfer guantanamo bay detainees into the united states unless certain conditions are met. it would cost an estimated $7000000000.00 to vaccinate billions. those who still can't get the vaccine. one percent of america's military budget, just one percent, to potentially hold the development of new strains and variance of coven. but no gender advise us in the electric cars for the pentagon. that's the priority. the more the pentagon spends on insanity, the more military contractors make money, isn't we're not at war with anybody. and why we need a military budget. the,
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his bigger than the next over 10 nations combined. i mean that's, that's nonsense. now, if you just ended that military industrial compet use ended this massive military state and let people spend their own money as they see fit. you'd see people spending their money to help people far more effectively than you as a i d ever does. to provide health care for people overseas and not using that might hurt people the way the military does. and using and indigenous leader is accusing australia if using his country as a dumping ground for convicted criminals. national murray, authority, chem and matthew to khaki says the neighbors behavior dawkins, the spirit of friendship between the countries. it is not good enough. now that new zealand is becoming a penal colony for australia, and in just reporting your problem, why does not solve the problem of gangs in both australia and new zealand is not good enough just to say, well, going to stick a whole lot of people on applying on
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a government channel, applying and seem them back to new zealand. that is not the spirit of friendship that you would expect between 2 neighbors. well, even permanent residence you've lived in australia for more than 10 years can be deported under the migration acts. section 5 or one if they've been convicted of a drug offense or assault. uneasy and politicians say that instead of rehabilitation, australia simply dumps them elsewhere. and that's causing a search of gang related crime in oakland or a spokesperson for australia's immigration minister says the government routinely removes foreign nationals from a range of countries to, to serious offenses in an effort to promote safety in australia. but matthew target says the country needs to work with new zealand to find a better solution. now, i also did that australian citizens, you know, it's easy just to pull the problem away. and australians want exactly what we want . we want safe communities. we do not want to say drugs being sold to our children . we are sick and tired of saying gun violence on our streets. one possible
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solution is a joint task force to address a couple of different things. and even though our police forces like to share information, doctorate intelligence at the moment, it would be good to see if we could just increase and including in beastie and joint resources. that means also having a look at information and intelligence to find out where these drug supplies that works, establishing themselves across se, asia, even into the pacific being let's do that job together as australia and new sealants and that, and say explorer, oh exit. parents have more say them all. their children are taught in schools. well, according to nicole had a jones, they shouldn't. she's the founder of the controversial 1619 projects we changed to reframe us history into race and have use of proving polarizing. i don't really understand this idea that parents should decide what's being taught. i'm not a professional educator. i don't have
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a degree in social studies or science. we send our children to school because we want them to be taught by people who have an expertise in the subject area. and that is not my job. as a parents, i have every right to ensure my child isn't been taught lies despite what nicole hannah jones says, how can this be promoted? could share anyone else to say parents don't get the say in our children's education. her position is faulty and should be listened to on. must have a platform removed. sorry, but parents must be involved. c'mon, you pesky parents. just let her indoctrinate your kids in. peace. under jones launched the 6900 project with the new york times 2 years ago. it's goal is to highlight the legacy of slavery and also to highlight the contributions of black americans throughout u. s. history of content from the projects been included in school curriculum in at least 5 us states. and we discussed the issue with legal analyst, jennifer braden de master and political activist, anthony rogers, right? fortunately in america right now,
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the political faction is kind of taking over everything else including education. i think that's some of the concern here because really what you're trying to do is refrain retrain, children's mind. and that's, that could lead and, and, and we're seeing this now the rise and anxiety and political issues in children getting younger and younger every year. and i think parents have a right to be concerned about that. the major issue here is that a professor hannah jones is actually talking about the truth and, and that's what's lacking so much in this nation right now. and it's really, really sad that even the most far right wing people in germany can accept the fact that there were nazis that carried out atrocities the fact that this nation was forge and a cauldron of white supremacy. slavery indigenous genocide and lance matching is not alive at the end of the day. this is a fear of the right from hearing and having to embrace the truth. it's funny that the people on this side, the i are also talking about. also talking about not the germany because not the
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journey with a, with also the government and the, or the leadership there that it started to in court. this propaganda into that population to say if you agree or you don't that have got my colleague saying here, that's what some of these new educational politicians are trying to are trying to impose on children on young children. and all that's going to do with continue dividing the population because one thing has happened from this they, they claim to be the moral hybrid. it claims to be the beacon of truth, but all it's doing is dividing people confusing children and wanting children to turn against each other. i don't even know what just happened. that was a very interesting soliloquy. again, we're not trying to tear people apart from each other. a truth is truth. if truth is going to hurt people that's on, on the people. and what you just heard in this very myopic, and so, a soliloquy is that it's some sort of political motivation. truth just is, is, is truth. you cannot deny what has happened in this country. what is happening in
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this country. and you cannot deny that this country was founded in an image and the lens of benefiting white people at the expense of other people. and that's just a fact you can absolutely talk and teach about history and about what's happened in this country, the heretic, things of labouring without having to completely de do as completely unravel the fabric and the foundations of this country's history. but when it comes to truth, migrant, if we are so far from one that used to mean it's not a relative term. can you without see for moscow coming up consumer conscience and environmental concerns. we take a look at whether the eco friendly claims being made by some firms really stack up . just one of our stories ahead. when we come back and i use jain,
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me every thursday on the alex simon show, and i'll be speaking to guests in the world. the politics sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me. hello, driven by dream shapes bankers and those with dares sinks. we dare to ask oh, happy new year. special kaiser report with the one and only gerald salenti or it's data of the transport. jazz man, you know,
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stuff ah, hello again. b e, you says it's completely unacceptable for russia. i asked nato to stop expanding eastwards into former soviet republics. despite moscow seeing the encroachments as a national security threat near its borders, that earlier comment from the use foreign policy chief came in, the u. s. and russia prepared for security talks is coming january the 10th. his art is kind of open. nato expansion has long been a concern of russia as russian president vladimir putin recently expressed the deployment of weapons to ukraine and further expansion eastward. our red lines from moscow with nato russia talks planned for mid january. russia believes that its security proposals are constructive and in the interests of all, this is a serious proposal. 12 seizures guarantees from the united states, 1st and foremost from nato. so we really want something serious. so this time,
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it's not an ultimatum. ah, it was also on the line, so it'll times of my, my foreign minister and my president. it's a constructive proposal. what is the proposal that works for everybody? and that is in the interest of everybody. another hot topic alarmist claims that somehow russia is a threat to ukraine, was also discussed. the diplomat believes this is a passing phase. there has been no significant military activity despite all the allegations of this kind. so it's very easy to ask. those who are promoting this and use to calm down and then the pro, the problem will go away as it was created. now, the situation regarding russia's allied bella roofs and their upcoming position as a non permanent member of the un security council, was also raised. even though this is a matter of standard rotation, us a line slovenia has moved to block delarue. so here's what pull janski's said on
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the situation. this is of course a absolutely clear action and clear provocation. and i really hope that slovenia b to fail because these goes against any rules, any norm, so civilized, so behavior, this is clearly politically motivated. now the deputy un ambassador also reflected on the fall of the soviet union and its anniversary, as well as the recent return to cold war level, hostility from the united states and some nato countries. however, the overall town was optimistic, hoping that some mutual understanding could be reached, tail mauppin, r t new york. next tapping into fears of rising pollution and climate change. businesses are increasingly pumping up the eco friendly credentials. but how much of it is just marketing? i'll tease peter all of and actually looks at how some consumers in europe being duped by so called green washing. as we learn more about our impact upon the
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climate as increasing impetus on us all to keep that in mind when it comes to purchases. and that's also been seized upon by advertisers who are very keen to push their product as the best one for the environment. jim and consumer rights group food watch hondo to girly award. the golden cream puff, which shames those products that pitch themselves as green. but in reality, they're using climate concern to just shift more units. our diet has its share in the huge problems we face to day. the food industry now wants to cash in on consumers, need for more sustainability and his marketing their products as a way of saving the environment and the climate. these of the products on german shells that made up the top 3 this year when it comes to green washing or promoting yourself is good for the climate when really, you're not in the bronze medal position on these coffee capsules. from hamburg faced coffee roasted j. j, damp oven, and partnership with the swiss culprit giant morgan pick branded as composter,
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bowl and biodegradable. they are anything bought and waste companies will struggle to do anything with them other than incinerator them. second place goes to this bottle of volvic water, climate neutral, certified according to the packaging. it's a plastic bottle, so that's already not stacking up user usable. if you can, also, this water has to be transported all away from france when this perfectly good, much better for the environment. water coming out of tops and drinking fountains volvic on their parent company. dianon did have this to say in their defense. since august 2020, we have only used recycle pedi for our disposable bottles. for long transport routes. these bowels are the ecologically most sensible packaging. also, the company has launched a regional mineral water that is sold in class deposit bottles. this year's winner was the see from ok to river and there climate neutral chicken breasts. there's
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a lot of c o 2 produced getting a chicken from farm to supermarket river promise that is offset through a scheme that finances climate protection in the rain forests of peru. the problem is, according to the investigative work of food watch, that program doesn't seem to have had any of the desired effect. it can be demonstrated that the rate of deforestation in the critic terry actually more than doubled after the project started. here's what we ever had to say for themselves. the revenue group had already reacted and as climate partner as the project manager to submit an assessment based on the information available. unfortunately, this was previously not possible because the author of the study had not made direct contact with the rebate group climate partner or the local project developer boskus amazon. of course, this would have made the false allegations easy to refute. while the companies named in this particular awards ceremony are keen to stress that their climate action is legitimate. i guess the big takeaway is to make sure that when you buy
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something that advertises itself as good for the climate that they are going further than just a label on a bottle or a box. peter, all of her r. t. berlin, civilians killed homes, destroyed the people impacted by the us led war in afghanistan, a more than just statistics. now, throughout the year, artes online project unheard voices has been sharing some of their life changes. experiences on r t dot com on also on, on youtube channel. i'm gonna leave you this i with one of those stories, a man who spent 3 years in notorious american run prisons abroad. i had to stop telling myself that i am a father, that i am a son. i am a husband, that i'm a human being. i sorry to call myself i what i had been told that i was and that was my number 558. that was my number in guantanamo
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room in may. 2002. i was interrogated by the cia and the f. b, i and they threatened if i did not cooperate to send me either to egypt or to syria, to be further tortured. either you're with us or you are the enemy. there's no in between and that doctor is still stay us. i think it's quite clear to me at the united states response to the terrible decks of, of 911 was vengeance. the war on terror is not a police operation. it's a military operation. why they picked on me. it wasn't just me. they picked on everybody. you know, who knows if anybody's prepared to hand you over to a country to talk to you and you know, i live in pakistan is and to be override. and i'm my parents from pakistan. i'm
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a deal national. they handed me over to the americans without any legal proceed. ah, i was held there for a year in 2002 to 2003, and i saw 2 individuals beaten to death by american soldiers. these terrorist play by a whole set of different rules, kids kind of force us than your words, the get mean 30 a master in order to take them on will use all tools at our disposal to do so. the, the boys a few bad apples. isolated incidents, one by one, the terrorists are learning the meaning of american justice. to
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lead this place a pit demise what the united states was doing in afghanistan. they were bringing people to this torture sight afghans ordering africa and abusing them outside of the rule of law and then allowing some of them to go back home and they would go home and tell people what the americans did. by the time i got to guantanamo, i was begging to go to turn on because what i've seen and witnessed in belgrade was so destructive to this day. i haven't, i can't sleep. oh i . ringback several of us since one cannibal, including several taliban members who now heads of various departments in the act and government were tortured. we were stripped, we were beaten, was spat upon. we were humiliated photograph this was taken during this period of time. they had a sound, a woman in the next room that led me to believe was my wife being tortured. they
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waived the picture of my children in front of me and asked, where do you think they are now, what do you think happened in the night and took your way? and of course, what they wanted me to do was cosign a confession that i was a member of al qaeda, which i was not. and this was, i'd say, stand it, i got it. i think i got it better than a lot of the other prison. i ah, so this is the handmade calendar that i made when i was in guantanamo. i thought that perhaps if i counted the days that it would be easier. but when the days tended to weeks and months, and then 2 years, i realized that it was just futile. when i received such letters from my children
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who are very young at the time, it's actually made it worse to look at the calendar and start to count down the days my children growing up without me. and every day, without them, with a stab in the heart. and they would come sporadically, they had to be vetted and censored by the us. censorship. my daughter who was 6 at the time, wrote a poem, 12345. once i caught official life and they redacted that because they said that has numbers in a numbers could mean some sort of a code. so it was that kind of nonsensical reduction disconnecting from the idea of being a father. ironically and sadly, but also my own personal faith, my belief in god my reading, the koran. and again on expectedly, becoming friends with several of the american soldiers who would bring me little snippets of information. sometime next week in a chocolate. sometime next week and
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a dvd player and show me a film and lots of humanity that i have never forgotten to this day. and i think i left guantanamo not hating america because of those soldiers, me messages directly from some american soldiers who say that this has be a, a war that has destroyed us as individuals. soldiers, i've spoken to have told me that they cannot sleep at night. i'm in no doubt about the, the effects of this war, not just on the individuals, but on the nation as a whole of whom the soldiers representative me has gone to the shop and unity types were destroyed. the united states produced
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a senate report on torture, but not a single person was ever bought for charges for these kind. recently, i gave evidence the international criminal court for their investigations of abuses by americans enough. they will investigate to be like states, the national army and the taliban. the only ones who responded by threatening the international court was the united states of america. they said that we will sanction all members of the international court. we will arrest any members of the icpc who come to the usa or elsewhere the want to investigate us. i think the united states of america needs to step back. if it wants to help any of any assistance to the people who understand it's got in the position to negotiate those conditions, it has, it has been an aggressive taliban already made gestures towards russia towards china to it's the wrong to it's pakistan with indonesia would be like states and
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britain in particular, i think that feeling very upset because this is a defeat. it's a military defeat. however, you want to look at it and that imperial hubris, as it were, will not allow them to say that we need to move forward and continue within negotiations that we began in doha, that they cannot be any more saber rattling. it's no good for the people. it's no good. i've got in touch with the britain or america you've really got to find a way for ah ah ah ah
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ah, at the end of every year across stock answer some of your many questions. not surprisingly, many of your questions, concerns politics, the current international situation, and whether we should trust legacy median. we'll do our best to answer as many questions as we can. as 2021 draws to a close homicides are out of control in cities around the country with 16 locations, setting new records. and despite the horrific numbers suspects are being arrested and released only to murder again. cancel your big new year's eve party, says doctor anthony, pout g. this is the president backed off of his campaign,
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promised to stop the coven virus. bad things are happening to some people who spend most of their time on social media. and we're talking suicide folks. and wait until you learn what your children are exposed to on platforms such as tick tock and youtube platform for kids. lineup and lyn shaw, founder of linds warriors, will fill us in an a telescope that looks into the path. don't miss it. or you'll need the telescope to see it. get it 5 feet malls, bergen, for scotty now use. and this is news views use right here on our t america. ah! i'll put in place to plan to deal with this pandemic response. we have already done it. i've said it before, i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the.


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