tv Going Underground RT December 29, 2021 4:30am-5:01am EST
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of the problem of the year it climate crisis, i call it is under the market conditions market instrument. so that's why we decided to, you know, to propose another, a tentative mechanism instrument in order. you know, all the developing countries can face the product with judge, which are new markets instruments for those $100000000.00 and a $1000000000.00 that they provide. they compromise in, in parties agreement, but we haven't seen anything yet. yeah. they, they promised it. and so when you talked of your proposals, all we heard from rich countries, a good on the so called mainstream media nature media. they talked about carbon markets. the need to increase g d p and net 0. what's your reaction to these kinds of policies while but they are talking about cedar net in 2050?
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you know, and we are talking about the year that we have to reach the goal. why point 6, a grades, a center of the grades in 2030. so there's a lot of difference because if you written in 2050 i, it's, and reversible, the problem is not to reversible anymore for all over the where. i mean, that's why we have to go to have to meet our word. i said, and they say carbon markets and capitalist free markets. other solution to this? no. because the markets, the, you know, 1st of all, the market is not a transparent mechanism because it has a symmetries uncertainties. and the market never works. you know, there are many papers in the were to demonstrate that in the market. mechanisms are
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not always working as they used as, as the, as they are supposed to do it. so the best way to do it in a quickly manner in more effective way is in a, in a direct to transfer from the rich countries to our countries in technology, in, you know, if integration and so on, in order even there reforest on forrest and son in order to face the climate crisis that we're facing. yeah, they were celebrating forestry agreements. so when you talk about the markets, i mean, is it more mysterious than incur civilizations in bolivia? the way this market works, you mentioned just their technology transfer. you know, the big talk is it got 26. they love intellectual property rights. they're protected bill gates benefited greatly from the coven vaccine. and understand
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maybe some of the delicates from the global south were interested in intellectual property rights, especially given, were in the pandemic. one, you know, the market is in the vaccines are it's american days now and everything in the capitol, which is a merchandise. so what do we need to change this? change our mind. there are things that we have in the direct way, not in the medical condition, because in the market, you know, you don't play in the same, in the same condition. you and me, your for, i'm demanding, you know, you will not play in the same where you have more power than me. and you either the market. and of course, the market condition that the instrument of market condition doesn't work. because it has to be, you know, equal way to do it because we are trying it, we're supposed to do it is trying to solve the problem for all over to where. so in the market conditions,
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you don't have anything that guarantee that the market will function as many thinks in to where that, that in the market conditions the only way from our point of view. it can be effective quickly, you know, ace direct transfers for the developing countries in order to solve the problems that we're facing. you what makes it different when it comes from the president of bolivia as opposed to many other countries, is your lithium reserves and the transfer of energy resources from fossil fuels to electric. and so when you talk like that at gov, 26, presumably they listen to you more. the oligarchs that are there, the big multi nationals. what was their reaction when you to i like that i would say 2 things. bolivia is the leader or of the like minded developing countries. we have a group there and we, we work together. we have a unique position in the,
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in this meeting in the cop $26.00 position and everywhere we work together. that's why the developed countries are interested to talk to us because we are living in those countries. i'm talking about china, i'm talking about india, i'm talking about our countries and talking about many is south american countries . latin american countries that are following us. i mean, i say the leadership of, you know, all these countries, the list or the like minded developing countries. this is our group and they know with them they, they know us. it's the 1st one. and the 2nd one think that maybe they listen to us is that of course we are, the 1st is the service of lithium in to work. and we are trying to end of july. and of course, that was one of there is one of the could at that in 2019 and help anybody. yeah,
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i mean, the greatest story in of the americas edward gala said from diamond memorial, that natural resources have been a curse to countries in your region. tell me about the the coup d'etat, you know, that the bars johnson, the government, they did not condemn the massacres of your people when the crew happened. in fact, jeremy's call, been a british labor leader at that time, was criticized for attacking the coo. wow, you know, in bolivia we have 38 people. death in 2019. there are responsible for that. and there. yeah, you know, deep in bolivia we are following it trials against those people that were involved in the program and there are some are on jailing. you know, in a trial process, normal trial process and what the people in believe it,
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when i was in campaign, asked to me to do it is justice. justice doesn't mean a person, a persecution. it doesn't mean you know which hands whatever you want. no. a here the government of the could the car, the government is coming from the could it, they say and supreme decree where they establish and they asked the and they m compulsory a says to the are here, the army, to go to the streets and go against the people that was in claiming for election, chantelle and things like that. so i mean, something is that somebody is responsible for these and that's why they are trials
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in bolivia. so whatever they, they come to, you know, do europe or united states, whatever. trying to say anything different is not true. i mean, well, i mean all along to the media reporting go over in, in a 2nd, but you been, you criticize the organization of african of american states. you criticize with the european union to say, i just want to get on to britain though. what was the role of britain? because britain, we have reports, the british embassy and the buzz funded lithium consultation documents in 2019 the u. k. a. m. i 5 got our doctor, a cybersecurity firm linked to the ca 8 and before the crew was involved in different activities. reuters news agency, which historically has been associated with the intelligence agencies, worked with the u. k embassy in your country to train bolivian journalists just before the qu. what is britain's role in the coo?
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well, i mean, you know, many countries were involved in the credit of 2019. and now the research are showing that for example, democracy government in argentina, mr. lenny moreno in ecuador did participated, you know, sending some weapons and some bullets to libya. and that's completely true because in argentina we have a tried there. you know, and nothing happened in a quite often. but we received from those government, you know, at please given back all the weapons and, and that we gave it into in 2019. so that's why we, we, you know, we discover these kind of things. so every time, every, a moment that we receive a new report from research form universities from international institutions
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like, you know, human rights and so on. we are to see more information that we are processing. we are understanding what was going on. and of course, there's many strange things that happened at the time as you measure the participation of the british embassy. there is research and of all, if you also, you know, when the could the people who were in the beating trying to decide who is going to be the written expression. and in that meeting a, the ambassador of brazil in bolivia was there was, was a brazilian bustle doing in, we have be among the, the libyan politicians. you know, even worse, who were coming from because we don't have any, any proofs yet. but you know, you can use your imagination in order to understand what was going on, but slowly,
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slowly, but very clear as the light in the darkness, you know, know, everything will be a clarify in the next months. next. yes. well, lennon moreno, of course, allowed the british police to capture julian sons from the ecuadorian embassy. i know that he would say off the record, you know, we get pressure from the united states before you blame countries in, in the region. mister president, i'll stop you there. more from the president of bolivia after this short brenda with with
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at the end of every year across stock, answer some of your many questions. not surprisingly, many of your questions, concerns politics, the current international situation. and whether we should trust legacy median, we'll do our best to answer as many questions as we can. mm. welcome back. i'm still here with the president to bolivia, louis sasa. what did you make of her biden's? actually blink and saying, he's very concerned about demo democracy in your country at the moment. a why did ministration? well, you know which of democracy, i mean, the north american democracy is concerned about, about the politicization of your legal system. and you know, in washington talks about countries south of the rio grande. what happens? well, i don't think that many, many things can be saved by, by
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a united states. people are so about democracy. believe the justice in or what i can say is that we won the election to last year with 55 percent of the bolts. and in, in bolivia, if you go to a vote process, it's compulsory. it's not like in the states that you know, 10 percent 9 percent of people go through the elections or you win with 9 percent. but he's only 10 percent of population. in bolivia is a compulsory. everybody has to go to, to the boat to, to, to the elections, to vote. and i want with 555 percent of more than 55 percent off both. so, i mean, which is the more crazy we can show them that there we are more democratic country than ever. you know, because we have more than 50 percent over the population. i backing us,
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our government and thing about the justice just is we haven't changed any anybody there. so in our government, the same people that managing the justice when the credit that people were in the government, you know, is the same people that are managing the current justice. in bolivia, we didn't change in the judge. we didn't change anybody have the same though, that there were a processor me, i have more than 7. it tries against me when i was in campaign, you know, but no, the same people is managing the justice. that is managing the tribes against all the people that were in the so what does, what does blinking mean? of course, he was an architect of the war on libya, africa's richest per capita country by virtue of its oil. we know what happens tomorrow. the nicaraguan elections, obviously the united states trying to kill or take it obviously. and,
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and reports of attempts on the life of maduro in venezuela. just tell her audience what your interior minister has been saying in recent days. edward adel castillo, horrifying news, arguably, are the same mercenary group group that murdered the jo, vanelle more you say 80 attempt to kill. yeah. that's right. people who kill the person in haiti, they were in bolivia because it was traced to a miami group. the haiti assassination of the president. yes, they were in your case. what was it? how will trace we understand that, that they wanted us, you know, not to, to be the, the, to become the president. you know, they were doing everything at, even at the end of the last minute. they wanted to do something because they were
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not happy. what we have happen in october last year when we want to elections. so the, the, so to kill us. and then they, they hired some people to do that. but fortunately, they couldn't do anything after 2, you know, i was in the government. so we understand that they were trying to do something. i, fortunately, nothing, nothing happened. you know, i was taking care of myself and all the people around me was taking care of me and nothing happened. but what we have already known about dsl attention, you know, was that the high people to kill us and that's, that's what is going on on the media and do
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a website. so nothing to suggest that us intelligence was involved in any way though. well, all, all these things, you know, it's focusing on the former ministry of defense that mrs and you have. yeah, you mentioned brazil earlier. it will by president wilson, our hand over fernando lopez. i understand he's in brazil at the moment. if indeed, to, to answer the allegations that he tried to kill you. well, you know, he says he's not stuck in anything. there are many people of the government in brazil, you know, you know, so we will expect what happened in the trial because we understand that sooner or later, they had to come to olivia and see, you know, something in the, in the tribes. they are, they are facing so we will wait. g, aside from the lithium, the nato countries went from you. and there are obviously vested on the god
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interest in bolivia, domestic and it's an external will live on the internal one. i jeremy call been here and he came within a couple of 1000 votes of becoming prime minister here in britain amongst a virulent media media campaign. he says, you prove that deal liberalism can be turned around something that many people in global self countries. i mean that they probably discouraged that principle. what is your bonus against hunger initiative that you have instituted in your country in my country? are only 30 percent of people have a salary which is the 7th the rest of the people. if you know they have a they, they work by themselves. so the been them you can't came to alleviate in march
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last year. they only did quoting tina, you know, so everybody at home and many people that used to live in the working day basis. they couldn't earn anything, so there were no money for many families, 70 percent of them. so they were hungry. they started to, you know, they say they started to get some loans, you know, in order to leave and that's why we decided to go to the hungry bone, which is a you know, a condition that transfer for everybody who don't have their wages, a center, and that's the way we are trying to increase the internal demand. because the pandemic, what has happened has affected in the believe in economy is that you're going to
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have the month because nobody has money in. now we get somebody like wars. johnson government did here. oh, we had a fellow furlow system. no, not that radical. don't be. we'll wait. say, what is radical though? obviously have been your taking back into democratic control. key industries from milk to i don't know much of water and certainly for why was it important to hand back the us back crew leader. i suppose you'd call a janine and he has 300000000 dollar i m f loan. why was it important to have because the i'm, i wouldn't have allowed you to bring back on the democratic control these industries. no, no, you know, even if it currently we would have a agreement with, i mean, we can broken any time as we did in 2006 when i was there, a miniature of economy or my country. we didn't have when, when, during,
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during the eval marlisa presidents you, we never had any agreement with the i m f and we did better in economy. and also at this time, i mean the i m f, the only the only principle that i am ever has when you signed an agreement with them is the conditions of the credit. not only because $300000000.00, you know, i opened the international market for believe so i can go to the market each or for the me the $1000000.00 us dollars, but it easily. now. so $300000000.00. it's not a huge money. you know, for as the problem is right of a hotel room, you know, when you st. and agree with the i am if you have to follow all the requirements, all the conditions. and one of the condition, very important condition that west india agreement was, did believe it has to the evaluate the exchange rate. i mean,
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you have to move the exchange rate. and that was the problem for us. you know, not only you know, you have to sell to sol toll your public enterprises, which is, you know, coming back to the ninety's in my country, privatize privatizing, you know, but also the most important thing for us is that you know, the economy policy. again, we go to the i m of hands and we don't, we are not agree. we don't agree with that, but it's sister organization. the world bank came to always say, we've learned the m f. well, i have learned from the mistakes of impoverishing the global south in hundreds of millions of people over decade. i would say one thinks of what they say. another thing is what they do. oh, retail gastro famously said he should kick the m f out earlier. and, and i think you mentioned cuba in your un general assembly speech in recent days with regard to sanctions. you know, what happens to countries that oppose the,
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the great economists of the international monetary fund would, would bolivia be able to cope with sanctions or is just the lithium protect you from sanctions because the whole world once lithium, now i the fix, i mean for a the cuban problem they are sometimes we understand they are doing badly, not because of those so solution then, because of, you know, the, the problem they are facing that nobody can trade than work with them. the blockades, they're blocking. that's the problem. because that is the reason why they are not developing as fast as they need to do. i mean, as i said, you've talked about, i mean, the organization of american states, 60 percent of the money comes from the usa. they argued, we tried to invalidate your democratically elected leadership. what,
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what is the role of alber and can it we worked with in the shanghai cooperation organization to oppose these new liberal organizations. what. what about these trends that we have to enhance are in the scenes 2019. were we so for liquidity in bolivia, i think we were a little bit, you know, i'd have to explain what elbow is. obviously, britain is leaving a big trade group like with breaks it, but what you might have to tell us what alber is, why it's important. it's very important because we can do together. we can corporate each one each other. i mean, there are many advantages to be in algebra, not only for olivia, for been israel level q or whatever, but also for all the small islands that we have that belong to the algebra in the caribbean ocean. i mean, in the can see, sorry. so, you know,
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i think there are many things that we can work together. we can do together and receive results. dan, going along. i mean, that's the idea of what we need for them, where we can, you know, communicate and we can discuss some word problems that can affect through all our countries. and i suppose just finally, it's a terrible, terrible question in a way that maybe we ask it on going on to graham. when we ask questions of people who oppose new new liberalism. if something does happen to you will the movement of socialism body have other people to lead in bolivia? it is a serious question given we've seen assassinations just in the past few months. yeah. i mean, i, i have, we have some party the vice president who's doing well, but also we have young people like the president of the scene 8,
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like our just president of the deputy assembly as well. i mean, there are some many young people that are coming, you know, be higher. sure about them all. ref l korea was on our show recently. promoted marina. well, i, you know, i can't say anything about it. but in the case of the m. m. a sim believe yeah. i understand that we have people following, i mean there are people, i'm not only the only one that could recover the democracy in believe and recover all the government. i think we how people that we can trust, you know, in the same way, you know, with the same british opposed to submit. it ology and i mean, i don't see any problem. and i think they know because we're trying now to to
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prepare more young people and for the coming days we need more leaders. we need a tentative for the democratic or for the democracy under, for democratic a internal elections as well. residue resources. thank you. thank you. that's it for one of your favorite shows of the last season. we'll be back on wednesday, the 12th of january, but until then stay safe. and you can watch all our interviews by subscribing to our youtube channel and falling us on all our social media. with one of the worst ever mess. shootings in america was in las vegas in 2017. the tragedy exploded a little of the real las vegas where many se elected officials are controlled by casino knows the vegas shooting. revealed what the all vs p d really is. and now it's part of the stand machine. most of the american public
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with yeah, this is what happens. dimensions in brittany. does this half of you watch guys are report? oh, became kind of a test bed for medical and then later recreational marijuana and it started with something so innocent. i was wanting to socialize. everybody does it for why can't i and then it just keeps going and going and going. i'm just going to do it was yeah, and that it's, i'm just going to try this one. never do it again cuz they want my phone customers want to know right on inside. okay. and you surround yourself with people who are encouraging you to do it. not to stop or it's always my life is over. jump office adult balcony and died. mm. he knew the, just a
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stories were across and i'll tell you this, our america's big budget priorities. put the pentagon, the over the pandemic president biden signs off an enormous $700000000000.00 defense, washington global vaccination campaign. keep running out of cash with jim and politicians call to ban the popular messaging apps telegram over hosting hate speech and cope it denies moscow. those says that's double standards after the given media grounded on the russian for trying to do the same. only a few years ago. murray later slams australia's policy of deporting convicted criminals to new zealand saying, is causing a surgeon, gang related crimes. it is not good enough that you feel and is becoming a penal colony for australia and just deporting your problem. why does not.
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