tv News RT January 3, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EST
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the ah, the the police dogs on the back on the deployed against lockdown protests and amsterdam, the cities may, i gave the order to break up the 1000 strong, illegal rally. and with code cases on the rise, we examined how big pharma cached in big time old throughout 2021. also almost 800 people were slain in chicago last year, the highest number for a quarter century in the program. we look at this and other crucial issues that us has to cope with in the past year. the pm on monday, january the 3rd here at moscow. this is arty international,
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are very welcome to you. well, corporate cases apparently on the rise across part of europe with infections breaking old time records, a france last week reported more than 200000 new cases, 4 days in a row. meanwhile, governments are gotten imposing high restrictions, especially on those who are not vaccinated. that continues to spark an awful lot of anger and amsterdam. people went on the streets to protest against the lockdown and measures. they're their class with police responded with dogs and battle. ah ah ah
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thousands of people, as you saw their rallying in the dutch capital on sunday, defying a ban. amidst the corona virus lockdown measures that have been in place in the netherlands for the last few weeks. now the right places you saw there with their battens and their shields were trying to break up, the crowd had gathered in amps down to show their continued anger against the restrictions that are in place and also against vaccines, of a local government which had allured this particular gathering had also issued an emergency ordinance which gave the police the right to head into the central museum square. and to clear those protest is from that. but to despite that protest is turned out regardless. now the netherlands has been doing this extended lockdown hour since december 19th. and as a result of that, restaurants a shot, an all known of central shops are also shut. and that's going to take place and continue going on until at least the middle of the month of january,
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public gatherings. as part of these restrictions means that no more than 2 individuals could gather at the same time together. so this protest was clearly outside of the, the block. it's absolutely against those cart measures. but despite that, we saw this chaotic scenes in amsterdam as the police and those protest as were clashing something we have seen elsewhere to know across europe. there is, is concerned that guess we're heading into 2022. it's you. many people will me think this is time for fresh opportunities of fresh chance. but there are many people who really fear that the fresh restrictions that are coming in to force mean this will be essentially another ground, whole year as the authorities continue to try and grapple with the virus. just to give you an example here in france, there are new restrictions coming in to force. it includes a ban on eating and drinking on long distance trains and also
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a requirement now for children as young as 6 to where a mosque was just about per bar. it was very sad that we have to resort to such measures. to protect the population adults should be vaccinated or not children besides, this is a very good solution to this. this will protect both children and adults that at risk report, if this measure protects us, all, especially children. why not those who remain unvaccinated? there is some really bad news. the national assembly is going to continue debating this week a new law that would essentially at curb the liberties of those who remain unvaccinated further antigen or p c r. u will not be allowed into bars, restaurants, et cetera. and you can imagine that that is going to cause a lot of consternation here in france, where around 10 percent of the population remains unvaccinated. there is anger here to resort with the new year's eve where they should have been celebrations. they were ban on fireworks on the shoulder elisa and calls the muted festivities. but in,
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despite that they will crowd the fewest on to the shoals, elisa, causing problems for the police there. and across the country, we saw a much lamented new year's tradition making a big comeback. this is the burning and torching of cars. almost 900 vehicles were burned on new year's eve as part of bat. now there was also, i'm good that's been felt in germany. to with violent riots in some cities including i in one where they were clashes between the police and protest. is there something we seem to be seen quite a lot of in europe at the moment? the protest is setting up barricades, but then even set the light. now all of this comes a mixed. another milestone. the pandemic shows that there has been a 100000000 cases of covert a positive cases that have been quoted across the european region. however,
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did give you some light to this. this does come at a time when studies suggesting that only crohn is less likely to damage to lungs than previous variance. such is the delta baron to even the l for b to variance. and that it also provokes a less severe type disease. so good news, but at the same time with restrictions in place and the continued fee that we are seeing from authorities, many people will be questioning if this ongoing tightening of restrictions is in fact the right off to try to well in germany as well. people approach has to beg, governments come down by vandalizing offices of 2 m, p 's using fireworks. a one of them belong to the countries health minister and no one was hurt. and you can see there's a very small amount of damage there to the property, but the authorities are saying an investigation has been launched. meanwhile,
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across the atlantic, the number of covey cases has surged in america, the weekly average, surpassing 360000, a. throughout all of this to world health organization has stretched the only way forward is through mass vaccination. while americans are in suffering, one sector is in very rude health that have big pharma, is reportedly been raking in over $90000000.00 every single day. here's our t saskia. taylor 2021 beer. we discovered that ready no cure for greed. just off big pharma, pfizer is forecasting $15000000000.00 in revenue from its covert vaccine this year . it is our 1st profitable quarter, hitting that 1900000000 mark a majority of which is their cobra. 1900 vaccine of course, $1000.00 every 2nd, pfizer by on tech and modo now made $1000.00 every 2nd. but it turns out that drug companies like to pump 2 pills at once, money and power, and we're better to wield one's power than in washington. d. c. introducing
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congress says biggest lobbyist, big pharma, which last year dropped a cool $266000000.00 to sway american lawmakers, though, given how the holy trinity of fire, madonna biotech was averaging open 900000000 a day last yet. it's really just loose change less than 3 days walk. in fact, for the rest of us though, it's an awful lot. you know what? there's also an awful lot of in the u. s. capital big pharma lope. yes. in fact, so many, but they are number congressmen, 3 to one. so what does all that cash exposure get them? well, pretty much anything they want. this is a very powerful industry with significant lobbying cloud. it's very good at knowing exactly how many votes they need to kill pieces of legislation and figuring out a way to get those votes. it's funny though, because you'd think that with a democrat run, the house and senate pharmaceutical giants would have had
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a tough year of draw 3 years. the party's been promising to fight the greed. first, we'll take on the drug and insurance companies and hold them accountable for the prices they charge and harm they cause it's called valiant pharmaceuticals. i'm going after them. we are going to stop this. this is predatory pricing, and then we'll tell the pharmaceutical companies thanks, but no thanks for overpriced drugs pay the highest prescription drug prices of any developed nation in the world, but enough is enough. the greed of the pharmaceutical industry is killing americans and making many of them much sicker than they otherwise what have been it has got to stop. so we need congress to finish the job, to come together and make a difference in people's lives. turns out though, making money, it's so much more fun than making a difference in people's lives. in fact, 60 percent of big farmers. nope, money goes to democrats. so when in april a plan was proposed to knock down drug prices,
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surprise it got voted down. one of the people against fit, new jersey senator bob menendez. you know how much menendez is pocketed from the drug store? be this year? $80000.00. then along came the build back, better act, which among other things, wanted to make medication, actually affordable. a ridiculous idea. so what did big pharma do it splash some serious cash to block the bell? big farmer will spend, do and say whatever it takes to defeat any legislation that will curb its unilateral power to dictate prices of prescription drugs. apparently the big pharma rules that leave almost one in for americans unable to afford that regular medication is necessary. because while reef touch, we have an obligation to ensure that the sale of our medicines provide us with the resources necessary to invest in future research and development. and while the lobbies $1000000.00 ad failed bill, bach bachelors,
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bond rocks anyway. so fingers crossed. we know what came as a real shock, other than politicians, putting money for people and pharmaceutical joints. not caring about public health . the fact the big pharma plays dottie. first drug companies have raised prices with abandon, especially when they succeed in delaying a blocking competition. in some cases, tied to higher pay for executives. second, companies have manipulated the peyton system and marketing exclusive. it is to extend their monopolies. 3rd, all the companies, the committee investigated, have employed anti competitive strategies to suppress generic competition. really does no one i'd rather have in control of like saving medication. also, it wouldn't be matter. the pandemic cost is just a little while longer. they got on a pass it and they want to keep this path there. and these other therapeutics aren't really going to make them a lot of money. politicians that big pharma harder walk in d, c, saving lives,
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solving the people, and showing each and every day that there's no drop, more addictive than money, power and everything in between. so moscow has lashed out of the u. k. office leaked documents revealed at britain allegedly plans to spend millions of pounds to promote its agenda and influence society in russia. the papers reported from the british foreign office were published by the investigative group called under side via its website and of russia's foreign ministry spokesman broke down the trove of data that was exposed. the under side archives contain dozens of documents with project descriptions, lists of names, organizations, and all of the accounting fraud. the numbers boggled imagination. more than one point. 3000000000 roubles have been allocated for the period from 2020 to 2020 free to finance programs to influence public organizations, and for them, government agencies and transform the course of russia in the direction. great
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britain needs are bringing in. ne nicky, aaron, to give us details on this. it sounds a bit murky at the moment. what do you know? what can you tell us about when i try to leave documents, have been published by this investigative group under side, which appeared to reveal a vast network of n g o. is that have been receiving grant funding from the british authorities for a number of projects within russia and including most sensationally, is the funding for the creation of a group of elite, a $25.00 elite who would potentially go on to leadership roles within russia potentially be part of a biggest strategy of change within the country, according to the documents, the a would be to work with the growing tensions within the country. now if accurate, these are, of course, quite serious allegations. what we're talking about is the u. k. meddling within russian internal affairs, but they're doing it through the use of n g o z. as you say, anytime anyone mentors and n g o,
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a non government organization, my alarm bills go off. they're supposed to be nonprofit, charitable, non governmental, but they're always working for the governments and n g o a. how you essentially create regime and change around the world. the arab spring color revolutions my down 2014 started jump in, but n g o is in my experience used to foment unrest. absolutely. right, and it's quite interesting because these kind of accusations of meddling, i usually thrown at russia. it's usually other countries accusing russia meddling like for instance, the u. k. accusing russia of election meddling in 2019. now in light of these revelations, as we heard the foreign ministry spokeswoman maria, however, has accused london of trying to increase polarization within russia. let's take a listen. the british are directly spending money on the build up of the internal political situation in the country. how else to explain the existence of a grand plan that involves sponsoring involvement in demonstrations and political rallies, as well as mentioning the growth of social tension and the polarization of society . a beesley documents also reveal a particular focus on the promotion of l. g, b,
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t, q plus culture and communities within russia, pushing for except within the country. the document. so to describe russia as homophobic is particularly unfriendly to these community. you mentioned this, russia was described as homophobic and on friendly here. but you know, it was just a few days ago the bladder mae approved and was doing his big annual speech to, to the present, to the public and to open up a for hours this time and put and said quote, if some, if someone thinks that a woman and men of the same thing, then be my guest, but there is common sense. let me put in said, i stick to the traditional approach that a woman is a woman, a man is a man. a mom is a mom, and dad is a dad. i mean, some like cool that a traditional society, a traditional culture and society in russia. this article, however, describes russia as homophobic and unfriendly. absolutely. the, the aim of these projects of all these projects, it says right on them is that the is to deliver change within russia. also other
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things mentioned is russian, and jose would be encouraged to rehabilitate and support and migrant illegally answering russia also changes to the system of training lawyers. and this is a across russia as well. so, so far, let's talk about this, this group undecided which leads to the documents. first of all, little is known about this group. however, with such remarks from the foreign ministry, it's clear that these said this leak is being taking incredibly seriously not london is not comments on the issue. we've reached out via email. however, that inbox is full unfortunately, so we will keep you updated 1000. and when we do receive a response, in the meantime the, the foreign ministry spokeswoman maria's is urging the u. k to respond one way or the other. the british foreign office has only one way out to publicly declare that all this is fake misinformation. and of course highly likely, or to confirm that there are plans to interfere in the internal affairs of russia, repent changed tank to
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a yellow submarine and lay low in bruise. so according to this nikki, the british foreign office to schedule, to spend about 13000000 pounds in the next 2 years to attempt to influence public life in russia. you know, just for a 2nd going back to 1917. the start of the bolshevik revolution in russia, it deposed the ruling royal family lending and trotsky even more than a 100 years ago. they were still getting the financing from various us and british banks. more than a 100 years later. history repeats itself are now being late. thank you. thank you. well, it's not just cov, it this year that's been given the u. s. a headache, for example in 2021. i should say that migrant crisis along the southern border and reco homicide rates as well in major cities. for instance, 2021 was chicago's deadliest year and 25 years coming as it did amid the well the very well known to fund the police movements are taking a bit of a look back to 2021 from new york. caleb 2021 is going to be
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a hard year to forget. americans have been through a lot in the last 12 months. the year began with a tough challenge for green energy, low temperature is hit. the united states by surprise, texas was the worst head because 25 percent of its electricity comes from wind turbines. they stopped spinning and froze. the texas governor blamed joe biden and his new environmental regulations for the disaster that ensued. texas is going to protect the oil and gas industry from any type of hostile attack launched from washington d. c. president obama, post wind turbines, pretty hard. and despite last winter's disaster biden is still giving them a big role. a key plank of our build back better recovery plan is building a modern, resilient climate infrastructure and clean energy future that will create millions
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of good pain, union jobs. all that go friendly energy was not prepared for some cold weather. energy providers could not manage utility bills were through the roof. i'm pretty much paid $9.00, a kilowatt electricity, but i was very conservative with my electricity, so i have no idea exactly why this bill is so much but steadily going up. i absolutely cannot afford it. i'm not exactly sure you know who can get them to the point where some people have totally turned off their power because they can't afford methods enough they, they just can't afford it. it's a basic necessity for living. basic utilities should not cause 1000 and then there was cove it the total death toll in america rose to about $800000.00 . jo biden's, coven mandates, requiring people to get the job in order to keep their jobs resulted in employee shortages protests and even rioting. many different reasons were cited my people
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for reposing it no more. i important public services like firefighters, police and even airlines were a hard hit, despite government attempts to convince people that vaccination against cove it is vital, a lot of people fear. and i think rightly so that they could end up on the street with no paycheck in the united states. we're already under a very ste. i would call a severe shortage of qualified individuals to be mechanics, to be find a tennis to be pilots, specifically, half of the industry could potentially be gone. it's not just coven, it's killing people. st. crime is getting worse. many cities had the highest crime rates they've ever had since the ninety's
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with last year the rallying cry was defined the police, but many are starting to backtrack on that, saying they don't feel safe and they need protection on the police. just as a regular rule has been a colossal failure. and he, placing tried to implement de from the police crime, has gone up. what has been york chicago in the, in l. a. it's, it's been a colossal failure because what stops crime? what brings crime down, especially violent crime or more police on the street? you have to have police on the street in order for your street be safe. now things
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have also been heating up on the border. 2000000 migrant had been arrested illegally crossing the border. that's the highest rate in 20 years. now many thought that joe biden's election on promises softer immigration policies was a signal that opened up the floodgates. but in reality, vital did not end up changing many of trumps immigration policies. asylum seekers still have to wait in mexico and the detention facilities along the us. mexico border are still just as ugly. how many children have been in the biden cages and calendar year 20? $21.00. senator. i respectfully disagree with your use of the term cages. by the way, here's a photograph of the biden cages that the senator that is precisely why i articulated children on floors crashed in upon each other. when i took this photograph, the coven rate of cobra positivity was over 10 percent. all of this while prices
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are rising, inflation is the name of the game. the u. s. a is facing the highest rate of inflation in 40 years with more than half of americans saying that they think the biden administration is only making things worse. it's been a terrible year for inflation. it's up around 8 percent or higher. this is the levels that we haven't seen since back in the jimmy carter years in the seventy's when the government just prints money out of thin air and spends it on things and gives it to people. it causes the value of your money to go down. that's what's happening in america. the government is printing money, spending more than it brings in, and actually the proposals to deal with it mostly are going to make things worse. the u. s. a leaving afghanistan after 20 years of military presence forced washington to answer some questions about whether hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars were basically left to waste. not forgetting the countless lives lost on
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both the american and afghan side. ah the . the extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, gravely and selfless courage of united states, military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals. it was designed to save american lives. this left the majority of americans blaming joe biden, for the afghan. pull out with politicians from all across the political spectrum, joining the chorus,
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the most illegal migrant crossings in 20 years. the highest crime rates in 30 years and a 40 year high and inflation, as well as the end of a to decade, military operation. after a year of bad records. many americans are hoping that 2022 will bring respite kayla bobbin r jeep new york. ah thought to some of the headlines for you in brief here on the program, the american and israeli flags being burned in tehran on the 2nd anniversary of the assassination of general cassandra solomon was killed in iraq by a drones drive on the order of the us president donald trump, iranians regard a solid money as a hero who was baffling against tara. and monday, tara valve revenge rose assassination unless donald trump was put on trial and best flooding his force. thousands in indonesia, homes left at least one person bed, inundated streets, and businesses and the levels are set to keep on rising. last month,
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the country enjoyed a similar design of the course, massive destruction and land. meanwhile, drivers in an argentinian province of how to navigate through dense smoke and wildfires, as we understand no casualties have been reported, but emergency services are struggling. and the bias that now has been boning in the country for weeks or any stories you may have missed always catch up with them if you like. just a few clicks away at r t dot com. thank you for sharing your time with us here at moscow. of my colleague, unit o'neill here at the desk and half an hour's time taking you into the monday evening hours lived in the russian with with
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ah, did i mention or continue watching, going underground the team and i will be back for brand new season on wednesday, the 12th of january. but until then, we'll be showing you some of your favorite shows from the season than interview with the usa, former un ambassador president donald trump's national security advisor, john bolton. he joins me now from washington, dc. it his memoir about his time in the white us,
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the room where it happened is out. now, ambassador, thank so much for coming on her. if it carnage news coming from a condos in kandahar, you're actually the 2nd national security advisor of donald trump to be on going underground. you say in your book the room where it happened, the afghanistan deal that's trumps one time will prove who is right. and the full extent to the deal may not become apparent until after trump leaves office. what is your assessment as a former national security adviser of fee by the administration foreign policy, especially on afghanistan? well, i think this is one of those few instances where bind in trump agree on on policy both wanted to get out of afghanistan at both the ignored the consequences. i think many people thought were foreseeable at what biden did was take trumps deal out which was flawed in many, many respects, and essentially adopted it as his own policy disregarded the advice senior advisors
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and the pentagon state department, the white house, and i think the consequences have been plain to say that returned afghanistan to control by the taliban and everything that's flowing from that, including the likelihood of foreign terrorist returning and again using afghanistan is a base to plan terrorist operations around the world. so this is a retreat by the united states, from the international stage, something by and believe then since at least 2009 se, se, ironically, trump believe dana to, i think it's a mistake for the u. s. i think it's a mistake for well, we'll stability certainly it's a mistake for the people of afghanistan. well in fact, as trumps, feel the day to withdrawal was made the 1st you don't think that makes any difference. now look, i think all by and did was extended a couple months and it showed how, how little planning had been done either by the trump administration or by for the execution to withdraw.
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