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tv   Keiser Report  RT  January 4, 2022 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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it decision on the vast majority, people know that it was wrong, and it's not only that he took this decision. instead, he lied to the british people. he lied to parliament. he went behind the back even of the cabinet to make this agreement with george bush and so in that sense he corroded and corrupted the for the kind of british political process as well. there's another visit to the kaiser report studio was adding more men, see, watch, guard, max and stacy talking today for the shortest breaks with join me every 1st on the alex, simon and i'll be speaking together on the world politics sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then.
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ah ah patty, welcome to the kaiser report, i max taiser with stacy herbert and as we continue looking at the hearing review in the year ahead, bringing in the all star desks from all over the world. we've got a great one today, stacy, it's charles hugh smith of, of 2 minds dot com. of course, he's an audience favorite here, but you can also supported by the way, at his patron dot com for slash charles hugh smith. and by the end of this episode, you'll definitely want to sign up there because you get some really great advice on and tips and cooking recipes, all sorts of things on how to survive,
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what's coming. so chelsea smith, of course, welcome to 2022 and kaiser reports the entropy as escalating decay is all around us financially, economically and culturally. but as you charles are such a positive guy, we are going to focus on the positive here because for every end there's a new beginning. so what can we look for as, as old system, whenever you want to call it neoliberalism, cup talk or see neil feudalism, hack stock or say all that stuff that i just said over and over. so where do you think is ending and what could possibly begin if we choose to live that way? well, that's a great question and topic and here in 2022 i think there's a lot to look forward to. and i just want to start by saying that if things are different, people tend to respond to this. they are bad. now there were some things that we took for granted changed. oh, that's horrible. and so like, wait
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a minute. that's not really the case. if we all use, say, less energy, that's not bad, it just means we have to adjust. and we'll actually have a better life if we use less and, and get more out of what we do, both our labor and our resources and everything. so that's kind of my general view is where we're going to have a better life if we, if we adjust to what the planet can support. and if we take control of our political system again, which i think we are in the middle of a cultural revolution. and i don't think it's like the chinese cultural revolution that had a lot of destructive capabilities there. a lot of destructive forces were unleashed, i think what we're looking at is a re, a definition of wealth, which of course, you guys are a big part of re definition of wealth and a redefinition of the balance between capital and labor and political power,
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which i call agency, you know, i control of your life, and i say in public decisions, price control of labor is, is a great topic. and it seemed like cyclically speaking. historically speaking, we see periods where capital is in control. receive periods were labor's in control . and the 1970 labor had a big a say, and the economic decisions being made. the minimum wage was high. labor unions are a strong starting with ronald reagan started to unwind, remembering famously fire the air traffic controllers in the united states. so are you saying that we're entering into a cyclical period? that's more pro labor we're labor has leverage, certainly in the locked downs, charles, you know, labor's been able to exercise their collective bargaining a lot more effectively. and i think we have to look at a generational thing here. the boomers are retiring and for all the younger generations. that's good riddance,
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which i totally understand. so the millennials there's, there's some, several movements here that are, i think, manifestations of this cultural shift in what, what's acceptable, and what's no longer acceptable. and one of them is anti work. another one is flow, living. another one is this been around a while is fire, you know, financial independence retire early. all of those are manifestations of, of, of a desire for some kind of lifestyle that is not working 40 years to pay your student loan debt and make billionaires richer. and so i think those are all indications that the millennial generation, which is this largest boomer generation, is re re calculating. you know, he's very nice these, these major issues like what kind of life do i deserve? what kind of like, do i want? what kind of agency control over my life do i want? and what is, well, is it, is it having a for a when k that i,
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i laboriously saved up for, you know, 40 years and that evaporates under inflation know. and so i'm a big fan of social capital. you know, we all know about financial wealth and various forms of that. but i'm a big part of wealth is you know, who, you know, and, and the, the pleasure and value you take in your social network and sharing and building value within your group as opposed to staring at your 41 k in europe. gosh, almost 20 years ago now. we covered what was called the slow food movement in italy, and it was a pretty substantial group of people get together. and it was a response to fast food. b, all the fast food chains in america were expanding in europe. new starbucks made her into italy at some point, the home of the express espresso, and this was sacrilege at the time. but is that going to be the
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modus operandi? going forward where people are going to say, you know what, that fast food, instant gratification, culture that we were raised on. it has brought us to a place where we need to absolutely rejected number. that's my question. but 2nd of all, when you remove fast, fast living, commerce and instant gratification, you're going to remove and enormous part of the g d, p of many, many countries. charles, that's where we also come to energy where the whole idea of, of the status quo now is what we call waste his growth rate. like the more we waste, the greater the g d p. you know, we're all sitting in traffic jams burning millions of gallons of fuel. hey, we have to buy more. that's great. so waste is growth is out. and if that causes a quote of depression and decline in g d p, that's on a similar to a fever. in other words, that's the corrective phase of,
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of an unsustainable economy, resetting to something a level that is sustainable. and so i think we have to start measuring one of the positive things that people are starting to do is where is look at where other ways to measure the economy. like for instance, maybe well be instead of g d p. so i joseph stickler. this is a one economist who has been talking about this for years among many. so i think we can start looking at different metrics and that'll give us a different perspective and different kind of feedback about whether we're really improving life or if we're just, as stacy said to k, look at the metrics of overdose deaths for the last 12 months. it's 800000 overdose deaths and america. it's been jumping by 20 percent a year for the last 2 years. so certainly the economy is not working for a certain group of people. i think they're probably not for the most part called,
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nowadays deplorable white supremacists, sis, white males and, and middle america that used to have jobs at manufacturing plants and stuff like that. but you know, there is this partisan divide, developing as well within the and i safe. and it seems as mostly coming down between the coastal and the fly overstates an educated and not the educated, but those who don't go to university iraq up a lot of debt. so that's kind of a dividing line, this, this great pile of student debt, which is going to probably be wiped away for those who went to university who, who racked up those. that's and got to live in nice student housing and attend nice universities and have fun for 4 or 5 years. and then there will be the other group . so in this day and age of the great reset and the s calls for a great reset, like who gets the hit, the reset button, and who's on the other side, who's the winner at their after the reset?
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well, that's a great question and i'm going to refer to historian peter turchin, who i've often mentioned as a guy that talks about cycles that max referred to get these these long cycles. where in churches view people find reasons to cooperate, an integrative stage. and then they find reasons to not cooperate in a disintegrated stage. and clearly we're in that disintegrated stage. and so i think the process that we wanna encourage is to find reasons to cooperate despite our mini differences in politics and regional concerns. there's just, there's a huge number of fragment fragmentation of, you know, sources here and, but there are still reasons to cooperate as well. and so, so i think we're going to have to try to find that and that, that's going to require to me this cultural revolution and politics that i think
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what i'm looking for. and i think is starting to manifest as a dis may. and i discussed with the 2 established political parties and a desire to move on to find something that we can cooperate on. like perhaps a 3rd party that comes out of nowhere. or a group of politicians who are start taking in winning elections because they're independent and not a party member. so i think there is common ground, but it's, it's being washed and all the fragmentation. but if you take a local community that's, that's where things start happening. so i kind of look at, you know, where is this cultural revolution i'm talking about starting it tends to started the local lowest level of the economy, not the highest level with, you know, the lobbyist, you know, giving billions to all additions. no, that's not where the reforms going to come from. it comes from though the local communities, re electing or electing leaders who are not partisan who really want to find common
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ground. right? well, this is an argument against censorship, because when you have a lot of censorship, you end up developing a mano culture, which happened during the chinese cultural revolution. this is not what we're talking about. but during times of extremist, when you have, you can amik upheaval when cycles change. it's generally those who have been the most open minded, the most vocal, the dissidents, the freaks the mutants that come to the 4. because suddenly skills that we're seeing as unnecessary last month are completely essential and necessary this month . and that's the way natural selection works so near and when you have a lot of censorship, you're tampering tamping down on this down the potential for your species to survive. because when the conditions change, you have no agility whatsoever to change with it. and you just get lost, you know, gone with the wind. right. you're just lost. so censorship to me as an issue that needs to be vigorously for fought against because it's like blowing your own.
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you know, it's very dangerous. the charles, your thoughts. i'm glad you brought this up max, because your analogy of the mechanism here is, is, is perfect. you know, natural selection works by having variation, which in the, in the human world we called descent. right? and like you said to crazy ideas that start on the margin and then suddenly they, they move to the center and that's how we advance. and so yeah, if, if a censorship wipes out basically takes the human society and eliminates mutation. so you're left with this stagnant decaying rack that has no adaptability, it can't evolve. and so one of my key ideas is that politics and the society have to co false to use your analogy is that you've got to have political dissent and political opinions. but you also have social innovations and you know,
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we kind of forget that what was the counter culture in the, in the sixties and early seventies. and it was largely a way of seeking out new social ways of, of, of living and, and earning a living and, and, and being productive. right. and on, all that got snuffed because some, they discovered a lot of oil in the, nor see, and alaska. so we could just kind of inundate ourselves with the new flood of cheap oil. and so we could all drive s, u, v, 's and all that stuff. but i think now we're, we're in a change where people are seeking new ways to be productive, new ways of living. and i've been together and i think that those are the, if we can see more of that on why that's the remedy for platform of censorship. and official censorship. and it's interesting, it may be that social media, the social media giants and search giants have topped out and people are, are,
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are finally rebelling against that. that level of fall totalitarianism. right. ok. i'm going to take a break when we come back much more coming with charles you smith of of to mind stuck away. ah, ah, ah, when i would think wrong, went on just a to see how it to get an engagement with the trail. when so many find themselves will to part, we choose to look for common ground. ah,
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welcome back to the kaiser report, special year and extravaganza with the best of the best. today we're featuring charles here smith. this website is called up to mines. in that website you can find my recipe for macadamia nuts to fly. i'm trying to get it on that website and getting some push back, but nevertheless, charles, you smith. let's talk about inflation deflation. this is a topic we talked about for 10 years. we got a situation right here where we said inflation was going to come because of all that money printing. it came. they said it was transitory now. j pal is saying it's not transitory. it's more like a cyclical inflationary turn. now on the left, they're saying, well, actually this is good because money velocity goes up. and that means you're going to get more work. you're going to get more taxes, potentially right there. laughter making us a case along those lines,
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as i understand it were, are your thoughts on this? but it's a great topic. and i believe that as, as we were discussing in the 1st segment about cycles, and this is a classic cycle, right, that there's some low inflation for decades and then there's high inflation. and that is a problem because it impoverish is the bottom 90 percent. the bottom, you know, the top 10 percent at own capital and businesses, they can jack up their prices and, and, and keep well ahead of inflation. the bottom, 90 percent, who rely on their labor for their livelihood. ok, are impoverished by inflation because no matter how much your wage goes up, inflation is always is always higher, right? and so now there's a dynamic that they were able to camp down to the inflation in the seventy's by raising interest rates and basically creating a recession to suppress economic activity and get
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a handle on inflation. but now there's so much debt in the system that's not possible. so they're really trapped here. and so those of us, you know, without hundreds of millions laying around, what do we do? and obviously, i think that i'm just printing money. it's not going to solve anything, that's the m, m t, a modern monetary theory. and there's a lot of people that are, aren't believers or fat, but that doesn't hold up to common sense. you know, if you create a trillions more in money supply and the supply of goods and services is still stagnant. well then all those goods and services, you're simply adding a 0 to the price. so that's not a solution. and labor, as we discussed, is finally getting on is getting a political total hold here, where at least they can maybe keep on and if not, losing ground at
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a lesser rate. in other words, labor prices have to go up for people to survive. but that's really not a solution either. so what do we do? i think the solution is now you have to look at a different kind of lifestyle. it's not based on debt and look at a lifestyle that's less dependent on global supply chains and corporate supply chains. and in other words, reduce your exposure to the sources of inflation. well, let's look at these lifestyles because one thing i have noticed is that you know, max and i work in online media and content creation and stuff. so we've always had a different sort of lifestyle. but my gosh, like we go out anytime at 824 like most all day long. it's a rush hour. it's jam packed. people are out there. this is like the roaring twenties. people are out there spending laughing, enjoying themselves, spending so much money because everybody is being sent whole bunch of free money.
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they've got a huge pile of cash, stock markets or at all time highs. property markets, or at all time highs. it at the same time, like you do have these $100000.00 over doses. you have the spectacle gripping the world of california where you have these mass looting events. and i want to ask you about that, because on the one hand you have a class of concilium harris. as i described, everybody sitting around drinking coffee, wine, champagne, all day. and then you have the class that, that, that, that sort of plunder lifestyle as boss, the, i had warned, has created a legal and moral system which justifies it. and in california where i know you, in normal times outside of cove, you spend a lot of your year in the bay area. so i, it seems have been justified by the legal system there. that if, as long as it's under $1000.00, you're ok to steal whatever. and lo and behold,
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dozens and dozens, sometimes hundreds at a time, go rushing into a big department store and to steal whole bunch of stuff. ah, what do you think of this sort of phenomenon and is it a what boss get warned about? yeah, i think car absolutely that if you control the source of money and credit, then you all can plunder everyone on below you ah, without regard. and i think the key to dynamic cure it in my view is 12th and an income inequality, which as we know, has been soaring for years and is actually accelerated. you know, it's practically in a parabolic curve on. and there's been a lot of academic studies of other societies throughout history, and there's a definite link between wealth, any quality, social disorder and collapse. and so i think that's the danger here that we've reached extremes that lead to this kind of social disorder and personal dysfunction
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and on multiple levels that those who have been left out are of course, angry, resentful, and they don't really have a clear target, like where do you, how do you solve the problem if you're powerless? and i think that again, i go back to the idea that we need a cultural revolution. that what's acceptable, what's been acceptable for, for 75 years since the post war, boom, will know. we'll have to reach a point where it's no longer acceptable to the majority of people. and what i'm hoping for, and what i see some glimmers of is the idea that billionaires can buy political power, you know, with, with a few, with a thin slice of their wealth. that has to just become unacceptable. and i, and i kind of refer to the civil rights movement as how this kind of massive change occurs. something that was acceptable for decades to suddenly no longer acceptable . we're stuck on this point for the last 2 or 3 years because all the indicators
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point to what we have call the bank or the global insurrection against banker occupation. right? we've been saying that for almost 10 years, you've been talking about the cultural revolution, the need for talk, a whole societal shift of consciousness out. well, we know economically is that we went from as recently as a year ago, policy makers talking about deflation because they were hoarding all the money and buying assets and everyone else was living in austerity. then they started to break the walls down between being able to contain all of that money that they were printing for themselves and we got into transitory inflation. now we're into protracted inflation. now we're heading toward hyper inflation confidence in the us dollar the world reserve currency. the way i see it is on the brink of collapse. that means an incredible
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a period. there's not going to be any orchestrated cultural revolution. charles, we without a time of absolute chaos or, or what might what am i missing? yeah. well i think you're ok. i think you're, i don't know if i'm missing, but i think again we just, we, we only have human nature and human history to refer to. and so i think it hasn't been, it's been good for them that the middle class and the upper class here, as you say, the, the expansion of money supply as some of it is trickle down to the top 10 percent. and some of it is trickle down a little lower with all the free money giveaways but, but that was all counterfeit money. as we know, in other words, that money wasn't created by creating anything of value. it was simply created out of thin air. and so there's this some initial sugar high where you get to do that. once you just, you know, you create money out of thin air, it's counterfeit, you give it away, and people going spend it,
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but that's not solving scarcity issues which were in the age of scarcity now, and that's what most people are in denial about is there's not enough anymore, there isn't going to be enough oil. there's going to be enough. lithium, there isn't going to be enough of anything for 8000000000 humans, all of whom want a middle class lifestyle. and so how do we deal with that? and of course, if we just print money and think that's going to solve it, then you get hyperinflation as, as you point out. and that's the easiest path for politicians and central bankers, but it's not a solution. so we're talking about solutions. ok. so printing money isn't going to work as, as, as you know. and so the solution is to, is to reset the economy to what sustainable. and i think actually, i think that's going to probably require a complete re balancing of this wealth and income inequality. now, what everybody thinks, that's impossible, but these bubbles will pop all the, all the vocals off, you know, in and on stocks and bonds and,
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and in real estate. and when people realized that was all illusory, capital, ah, then no, don't be more open to these ideas. that we're talking about now. yeah. and i get it . but when i see images of looters, looting other looters upright, i'm not going to get in the middle of that. i'm not gonna be the hero and say, hey leader, stop eating up the looters. i step away and let the let it burn out. right? i am like the little piggy in the in the brick house. i did, i save my money. right, and i saw the saw coming in out now i'm no let all the people in the straw house in the sand house, they're going to blow themselves up. right. and by the way, chelsea smith, we have just one minute left. your patron is patron dot com, forward slash charles hue smith. you've written a book too. so in the last minute here, how can people help you know your, your book, your work? i could help them prepare for
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a 2020 to what the rest of it has in store. yeah, take a look at my book on my website for each hour. sample chapters are global crisis, national renewal, and opting out is the solution. opting out is the solution again, that's a good way. sounds like so with the larry tune and dropout turn on. are you the new timothy leary? charles, you're smart. the could be we got to say good bye. thanks to bring our cars report . all righty, that's gonna do it for this edition because report special edition year and additional charles to spread up to mines. i white when i drop in to the audience here. you're not hallucinating. it is 20. 22. it's not the year end of the year beginning. yeah. but check out my macadamia nuts if like press a p on charles is website. it's not there yet, but it will be so. it's all next on file. ah.
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a chill with a child beginning. one is with each one is a bad though, it was just my william like he's a curriculum. well that's the keenest eyeball with water with a couple of junior was, wasn't it that the appointment was for that if you can check issue machine that i did with? no, i need to put that amount with the me of our story with
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while our officers are facing an increasingly dangerous environment, we are seeing a growing debate about so called warrior cops. the term that i've heard in the militarization of believe this is an amber vehicle we acquired through the 1033 program, very free program and the government program that follows military property that is no longer use to local law enforcement. we're building an army over here and i can't believe that people aren't see 1st thing an agency elder, a terrorism here. because this again, a feeling that hey, you have to deal with your hard for us. who are you putting in uniform cover? beds is a powerful thing, is sometimes like money in play tricks and people mind they think they go bad. know is the walk is out the door very bad. johns are coming. good news. you have job security because the world desperately needs that you have a good ah,
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breaking news, an artsy on rest, sweep calvin don over soaring fuel prices with rioters trying to storm government buildings. doesn't something arrested? also coming up on the program, european creeds are to divide. it will bring you proposal to label nucular and gas as green forms of energy, but the new german government slamming the plan has green washing. snowstorms are grounding flights in america with shortages due to co, but also being claim for travel. cale on more than 600000 people in the u. k. signed a petition calling for a former prime minister, tony blair's knighthood to be withdrawn over his alleged war.


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