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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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ah ah, with a rapidly escalating situation in county on which shops heard in the biggest city a deadly on rest, sparked by a few old call, spike continues. ah, the country's biggest report is also overdone by rioters and made nationwide gales the presidents. the nice to have an act of terrorism declared an anti terrorism operation. and i'm not sure if these terrorist gans are essentially international. they've undergone serious training, improve their attack on catholics,
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on last week, viewed as an act of aggression because excel is now posed a nationwide state of emergency and the government has resigned. while in one time, there are protesters top police, statue of the former president, 8 police and military members have reportedly been killed nationwide for the rest of the day. also ahead on the program in the french president and manual micron resorts to some unsavory language to take us to wipe it on vaccinated citizens is remark, come amid a he did debate in the national assembly on whether to bring in vaccine passes with or on the clock across the world, this is r t from the t myself. you know neil hello and welcome to the program. we starts in can 6 down where on rest state is continuing. a video shared on social
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networks, which we cannot verify at this stage. shows multiple gunshot being fired in the country's biggest city. i'll not say it comes after rioters stormed gas extends busiest airport to mid deadly civil unrest over fuel prices. the video really does show in the intensity of the rest. really the people running and screaming and direction nationwide states of emergency has been imposed on the president is promising a major crisis and after several police officers who reportedly killed the i spoke with our to the are. and who can tell us more about today's development? well, well, started as protest, so the energy price hikes in the west of the country over the weekend has quickly spiraled into this. we have
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a nationwide state of emergency in conflicts on as all attempts to con the streets such as fallen flat to be protest abruptly over these energy price high. consider the price was lowered, that demonstrated, showed anger towards the former president nathan as a buyer tearing down his statue and anger. and so the current president, sockeye of heat, removed as a buyer from his position at the head as the head of the security council. even the government has resigned in the past few days, but none of these moves have quelled the protests and leading president archive to point the finger outside his accusing external forces. thing, these groups of terrorists behind these protests underwent training abroad and now he's calling on members of the c s t o framework that includes russia. kick is done and project is done to intervene and bring back order the fish theresa, the season buildings and infrastructure, including sites housing, firearms. they've also captured the airports and 5 planes, including foreign ones,
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ebelin forces, and are fighting them outside l. my t, these terrorists gangs are essentially international. they've undergoing serious training abroad. their attack on catholics, on must be viewed as an active aggression. therefore, on the basis of the collective curious tracy, i have today appealed to the heads of the c s. t o states to assist catholic stone and overcoming this terrorist threat. in fact, this is no longer a threat. it is undermining the integrity of the states. is an attack on off citizens who asked me is the head of state to urgently help them. i considered the appeal to the c s 2 states to be absolutely appropriate and timely things are just becoming more and more intense by the hour. the situation on the ground is one of us may have government buildings have been seized and torched. the airport in our mouth, as you mentioned, has been seized, the leading to the constellation of all the flights in and out of the largest city and cossacks down even 5 jack. some of them foreign owns have been seized and it's
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think of so extreme that even the bike and i'll close my joy, him in catholics done a lot, not locking down, but it's increasing security in case it's a talk to even t v stations have been tied to this afternoon, a group of identified people attacked mir tv and radio studios and l multi. judging by the cameras, there were about 500 people. the attackers destroyed the tv production complex and workplaces of journalists. there was a rumor on social media. those people were demanding access to the live broadcast, but this is not true. all our colleagues were evacuated from the office. none of the journalists are hurt, and we are still broadcasting and catholic star. given the scenes that we're seeing coming out of context and right now it's hard to believe it is 4 or 5 days ago catholics time was a picture of normal life. and now we have a country quickly spiraling out of control. we have a corresponding ecos on us, on the ground with more to have been problems here with pretty much everything when it comes to the connection. in fact,
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it has been reduced to text messaging and for me personally only incoming calls. so there's no 3 g, no l t, there's no internet basically even cable connections. they don't work here in the capital nozzle town and according to repose that we're seeing elsewhere in the country as well. it is a country wide effort by the government to completely well silence all air waves and reduce them to the most basic communication. again, i can't call people, i can only receive incoming calls here. also, you might have noticed that behind me it's, well, it's bright, it's, it's the light of day. well it is, it is a fake bag ground. and unfortunately we have to use this studio which only has one bag ground, which is a day one. and we can't go outside because simply again, there's no connection there. and so we have to use this one because it's, there's only a handful over there's only a handful of options. how to go live and talk to you and to report from the ground
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. again, live, and we are using one of these, one of these very few options all across kazakhstan and pretty much every major city here in the country has faced will. absolute may ham and chaos lately. basically in the former capital of catholics done in the city of al matter, almighty situation got completely out of control. basically their protest is managed to completely drive out any sort of law enforcement from the city, from the premise, from the premises. so there's no national guard, there's no police, no, any thing there. also we've seen reports that they may have disarmed some of the soldiers, some of the police officers as well as so the may have access to actual guns with live ammunition, which is a very scary development. given that it's a city of millions, with absolutely lawlessness, with an absolute state of lawlessness and not
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a single policeman on the ground. according to the latest reports that we have received here, they have already been mean marauders. they have begun looting and ransacking 80 m's. they have captured at the airport in that, in the city. and so basically we were supposed to get there, but our flight has been well formally delayed, but in all fairness, all flights to that town, they have been cancelled in cities. they have been shutting down one by one due to all the may. hm. and chaos because al mart is far from the only city that has faced such brutality on the side of well, i guess both sides are other towns as well. and in some other smaller cities, there are the police, they actually switched sides and joined the protesters again, going back to the former capital there as well. for example, protest as they are stormed to the a local mayor's office, and they set ablaze every single floor of it. and they also stormed the former,
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the former presidential residence, and they reset the place as well in the capital. it's a state of emergency as well. i mean, are there is a curfew basically, or you can't show your face outside the building, past 11 p. m. and until 7, a. m. here in the capital, things have been rather quiet, i should say. even though dozens of people still showed up and they will rounded up by the police, but it looks all this feels like in like a lull before a big storm because one thing to understand about the city here, it's a white color and blue color haven. basically all governmental workers, most of them, they live and work here. also it's very, very cold. so right now we've talked to, i've talked to a bunch of locals, and they have told me that, well, they are waiting for the weekend because that's when it will get warmer and they will have more, more free time on their hands. so we'll have to wait and see how things develop.
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but so far, very troubling, very troubling developments here as of cities have been falling one by one into lawlessness to protest as anti government as well. all efforts have turned out to be futile so far. so it's unclear if even the here in the capitol, the authorities and the law enforcement will be able to stop this pendulum of chaos from swinging completely out of control. eager aisha down off and in one ton demons shooters pull donna's statue of the former president, nurse salton nazzo bye have who's still a powerful force and cassock politics? anger has been building since the government lifted a fuel priced cap at new year, sending prices soaring. the cabinet has since resigned on the president has reinstated the price limit, but that has not stopped the chaos. take a look at this as well. a group of men also reportedly breached cause exxon's national security committee building. i should stress these are on verified image
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as post than social media. they purport to show though intruders getting into the armory and carrying out a stash of weapons, including a grenade launcher along with ammunition. that was on march 17th, the focal point of the unrest. so far has been has expands biggest city. in this video you can see a crowd as running a police officer there and seizing his firearm. the reports also that crowds are trying to capture the local interior ministry building. earlier protesters managed to storm the city administration building ah ha.
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also clashes in smaller cities and bloss says you could hear and flirting in october a hear it. this is the west of context. on the on verified video appears to show on social networks a crowd attempting to break into a government building. again, something that's been occurring nationwide, seemingly no let up to the unrest despite the government tendering its resignation on the president, reinstating them, it's on fuel costs. now we spoke with local journalists who worked near the administration building in al massey. they describe the chaos that's been unfolding for the past few days. oh, gotcha, we're the, we're clashes between protesters and police in al mattie at night. our working day began very early in the morning. it's about 5 am. we filmed the aftermath of the protests. the city's central square was the epi center of the unrest. we saw many
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police officers at 1st, the protesters were quiet, but then flashed grenades went off. we saw a fire start on the side of the administration building, which was then seized by protesters. people then began approaching our neighbouring tv station. we were evacuated from there. half of the traffic lights do not work, and al martino and internet blackouts have begun. the protests are clearly organized, they began in several cities at once, which has never happened in cassock stand before. leaflets are handed out to the protesters. there are demands for social and political change about 10 demands. it's difficult to say who is behind them, but the organization of the protests is very clear. you got other than that, which the journalists are avoiding the square with the crashes are taking place because there's apparently shooting with life fire. one army was destroyed, weapons were taken, some people behaving aggressively using sticks and battens. they took helmets and
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bullet proof vests from the military. that's just a few troublemakers, but the main crowd of protest as is condemning their actions and trying to prevent violence. they even snatch sticks and battens from the guys near by said that they do not attack anyone. there is a heavy security presence in the city, police, and military. they're trying to move the crowd away from the square, but it's not working. the crowd retreats than advances. police shooting rubber, bullets stung grenades, sometimes his hand to hand crashes with protesters. we tried a couple of hours ago to get to the mayor's office, which was seized to day. we were told there is shooting going on the military, his already we taken the residence and they are trying to push back the protesters . this mood has been building out for a long time. the gas price was just to trigger all the problems. social, economic, political. it's accumulated, in my opinion. first, they started to make demands about gas,
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and then they realize they could demand other things. that independent journalist martin summers was one of the people i spoke to. they getting his reaction on the events he thinks the views of the rioters may not be shared by most of the cassock, population has been very stable for very long time. but then of course, because of the stability and the, the, the, of the regime over many decades now, accumulated social problems can take a spoke in the way that we see. but obviously it's a very fust developing situation. and it's very hard to know what the real, you know, feelings of ordinary people are in the demonstrate, is obviously very far up. but a lot of what they're doing is probably quite alarming. html, law abiding citizens, if some people off, determined to regime change, than, than, that's going to be a bit difficult. so to mediate, isn't it? i'm ultimately, things should be decided by elections, but it doesn't necessarily,
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you know, the rogers do not necessarily represent everybody's views. um on, i really don't know which way you could jump is obviously, you know, in any society this, the authorities are not going to allow people to burn down public property, et cetera. just another line on events, rushes, foreign ministry has responded to the unrest in kazakhstan, expressing support for president to kind of it also called for dialogue and an end to st. on rest and stress, the importance of kazakhstan as a strategic partner. ah, okay, we'll continue to keep a close eye on development in cause example. let's move to other world news though, the french president has said he wants to irritate the unvaccinated, actually resorting to these approved language as well to mc. at that point, his remark came as the national assembly heatedly debates bombing vaccine hesitant
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people from bars. kathy's and cinema's opponents have rounded on monday will macross for his choice of words. a president shouldn't say that manual mccracken is unworthy of his office. it's an unworthy and irresponsible remark by the president. you shouldn't insult people when you're trying to get them to agree with you. 7000000 french people have to fall from medical care and access to vaccines. and then to an astonishing confession from across, it is clear, the vaccine pass is a collective punishment against individual freedom. what an extraordinary couple of days here in france, this is a bill that was supposed to glide through the parliament without a hiccup. but 1st on monday night, the debate was suspended and that was simply because the majority party, this is president mack, one's own party, simply couldn't get enough bodies in the chamber for a show of hands to support a motion for the debate to continue into the wee hours of the morning,
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the debates resumed on tuesday, but following that extraordinary intervention by president mack on, people were gaston shocked. as you saw there at his words so much. so they demanded that the french prime minister get straight to the chamber to explain what the president had said. there was a fiery opposition already to this new measure here in france. covert measures of already seen massive divisions within society. and since 2020 windows restrictions 1st started, there have been mass protests in the country. ah. so what is this vaccine pass? warden?
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why is it perhaps so different to the health passport that is currently in place in france and is already controversial? well, just give you an idea if you're on vaccinated in france right now, you can pay to go and have a test if it's negative will be valid for 24 hours, meaning you can go to cafes or restaurants. this vaccine, passport will change all of that substantially. it will mean if it's passed that those who are in vaccine heated will no longer have the right to access any of these venues. it will even deny them access to long distance strains. the majority people have vaccinated in france, but they remain around 5000000 people, age 12 and over, who are on vaccinated. and as you can imagine, this is very divisive on the streets of paris. there was mixed reaction. i'm against the vaccine pass because it will not prevent the virus from spreading. freedom is restricted and it's affecting everyone. i don't trust the government
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very much. i think it's enough. if people take care and behave responsibly to care, i'm against it. i don't find it all right, that they take us from a health path to vaccination pass. each individual should have a right to do with their body. what they think is right for them in natural immunity works. yes, i am for it. it's of my opinion that i am protected and i can go where i want and do what i want to so long as i present the pass. so also new elizabeth, i don't think vaccine passports are a good idea because it infringes on our freedom. and i think that there is insufficient information to make an informed decision. as a young person, i'm left wondering what to do. i did get vaccinated because the alternative would mean i'd have certain freedoms taken away. now from the government's point to view, it says this vaccine passport is needed to stop the rapid increase in covey cases. that country is experiencing at the moment, mainly due to the new on the corner variant. however, given that intervention from macro on, there is
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a sense that those who may have been persuaded to vote for this bill in the past might be looking to change their mind. and it's not clear now whether this will pass at all. president mack on is a man who has been described as an arrogant president by many people over the last few years. something he himself addressed really in an, in to be where he tried to humble himself in front of the french saying that he had learned the lessons at his mistakes. the way he had spoken to french people and to the french citizens in the past. but it does seem from this latest outburst that that is a lesson he truly has not yet learned live from moscow. this is archie bill i had on the program in relations of a 10 year, a high and the u. k. leading some families to predict a cost of living catastrophe. their words were much more
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join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. well i'll be speaking to guess on the world. politics sport. business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. mm. ah ah ah ah. ah ah ah ah
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ah ah 23 minutes into the program. you're very welcome back. bad news for earners in the u. k. as a majority of economists think people's wages will be i paced by inflation. that is, according to our financial time study. inflations already r t a 10 year high in the u. k. combined with new toxics, it's all heading. britain's heart with experts running of a coming cost of living catastrophe. ortiz be looking at the impact rapidly. rising prices are already having it's not so happy new year haven britain s the eat or heat di lemme means households could find themselves. $1200.00 pounds
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a year was off in 2022. according to a leading think tank. sterling wages plus soaring energy bills and taxes will cause a cost of living catastrophe. 2022 said to the year of the squeeze was real. wages said to be no higher next christmas than to day. and families face a typical income head of around $1200.00 pounds a year from april. as a result of tax rises, answering energy bills come april, the new energy price cap will be set, meaning bills will jump by $600.00 pounds and the same amount will have to be coughed up due to tax changes all the while. real wages will only grow by 0 point one percent. the result, particularly for low income families who already struggle to make ends meet, will be devastating or not. people are now turning up the food banks in general. and just see can help who ordinarily would not have even considered a possibility by me 6 months ago a year ago. but most people are not showing up for banks and asking for no passes.
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which means that they literally make the decision between heating, anything you know, that miss you haven't decided between getting food and having the main is 2 percent . she needs it. so that obviously gave me the impression that things were a lot more dire than most people. first, well, the cost of living is continuing to rise. it the government don't call a capital cost, then it's going to cause a loss of die, a hardship, 100000 death. that within the next 12 months, the hard the show should be but will be the elderly, the vulnerable disabled with a loss of low income, single parent families, feeling the strain and the squeeze. where, in my opinion, he called forth a lot of people into criminal justice. survive as if all that isn't bad
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enough. inflation is through the roof, leaping to a 10 year high of 5 point one percent. the bank of england is predicting that it will reach around 6 percent by spring. 2 so british rages are falling in real times, at least, but this current on income in the words of boris johnson is a change in direction lower if you towards a high wage, high scale economy. there is no tentative. the u. k. has got to. we can do much, much better by becoming a higher wage, high productivity economy. so technically, we were warned but not everyone is buying it, including politicians on both sides of the spectrum. heating bills are going through the roof. punishing tax rises on the way. wages are stagnating, universal credit cuts have hit struggling families hard. all world prices in the shops are rising and inflation risks, eroding the value of savings and pensions. rising wages are great unless prices
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rise faster. inflation matters is about what we can afford and how families make ends meet in a tough month. and it's not just those in the house of commons that are calling for a policy change. the trade party entity u. k has demanded reducing the a t to cut the cost of bills instead, while the others say the government should fit the bill. so large this overnight cost of living catastrophe. that is hard to see how the government avoids stepping in top of the government's new year resolutions should be addressing a pulls energy bills hike, particularly for the poorest households who will be hardest hit by rising gas and electricity bills. if there isn't to you turn soon, 2022 will be a tough year for many whose bouts of already been squeezed by the pandemic, empty, and people's pockets. so it's struggling families are likely to bear the brunt the not looking at the reality. the reality is that they can be energy places. they through comb with the warm home. but they've got to look at the individual people,
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me, individual families. they've got to look up the cost of living. the cost of living is way above the cost of income. now that's coming in, the price rises in the way derived, not coming through quickly to perform. if you put wages, you're going to rise rate inflation. but going to raise interest rate. you've got to look up the only option to reduce the price of living costa food costs of the, the cost of the cost. hope few needs to be use to come back in balance with the people in the this country is going to go back with very quickly. okay, before we go to break, i want to bring you a recap on the situation. our top story that of context on a video shared on social media, which we cannot yet verify, shows gunshots being fired on people fleeing on rest. in the central asian country
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spirals cause expands, busiest her about l must see international report also now reportedly at taken back by security forces after it was overrun. earlier in the day, the because our president describe the report intruders as terrorists saying they had seized 5 planes. coulson, jewel mark the guy of also claims the attackers were trained abroad. he has the current state of emergency and has promised a major cracked on while also asking for support from the russia lead c s t o military alliance or earlier in the day a mob storm the city administration building in the largest city ah, ahead of the scenes the compound in l must say hud being torched gun fire could be heard on security forces seen retreating from a nearby square. all this flared up at new year when the cassock government lifted
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a count on the price of liquefied petroleum gas. healthy g is widely used in cars and cows, it's down and had been heavily subsidized. so if the price left, which authority said was due to rising production costs, the entire economy felt the impact, the situation spiraling out of control. the government has reportedly shut down the internet nationwide. ah, the demonstration self spread to smaller, it is, act tons and cities. this on verified video appeared on social networks. it purports to show a fraud of protesters at trying to break into the government building in october. that's in the west of the country. police can be seen using a water cannon starting from.


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