tv News RT January 5, 2022 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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ah, a rapidly escalating situation cause i stung with gunshots, heard in the biggest city as the deadly unrest bought by your costs by continues huge crowds of passengers, the left stranded in the city of alma, the after the city is made, airport is shut down for in destructive riot. we speak with the russian who is yeah, port when protest, a storm the building we were in the apple building and realized that there was no security code in the room. the airport, although it had been there before, the military and employees left the airport in a hurry, not really trying to evacuate care. we were just trying to stick together and run out of the airport and a military alliance of soviet states. pledges to send peacekeeping troops that
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cause like storm dr. the nations president denounced the mass unrest as an active aggression, organized by quote, terrorist gangs, and called the support. not sure if these terrorist gangs are essentially international, they've undergone serious training, approved their attack and catholics done must be viewed as an act of aggression. ah, it's just gone for yeah, i'm here in the russian capital. you're watching off the international. my name is peter scott. thank you for joining us. now we start this hour in kazakhstan, where deadly unrest over fuel prices shows no sign of letting up. among the latest developments, 8 police and military personnel have reportedly been killed and hundreds injured. on verified 14 on social media shows multiple gunshot been fired in the country's biggest city. the
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really, really, really, really, really, the video. well, as you can clearly see, really shows the intensity of the situation on the ground with people running and screaming amid the chaos. since then, cause like all sorts, it's a rum soap effort to impose the curse you with demands now broadcast on loudspeakers as they try to clear the i'm not joined live in the studio, but r t correspondent, dunny armstrong, who's been keeping abreast of the situation in kazakhstan, danny, thanks for joining me. was the latest. well, as you can see, i mean the situation in catholic that has certainly worth and they all started when those new year when the prize cap on fuel was done away with the government back chaps a little bit and promised to re impose some of those the price cap, of course. now that didn't do anything to quality on rest. and as we see there are
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people in the streets. we have seen videos of people rubbing security personnel soldiers, police of their arms is seen people robbing banks. some people handing out 10 gay, the cars that currency to protest and st. save it for a rainy day. those rainy days seem to be up and running already in march. you. that being protested, they're taken over the main airport in the city. i've been speaking to some catholic emigres who said they want to get over they into extend to kind of aides, the effort to quell these protest is to make sure nobody gets hurt and they can't really find a way back into the city. they say they can't get involved, didn't touch rather with relatives because the internet has been disconnected is a major cities, of course are marty is one of them, some major messenger applications have been shut down in the if you know, president kind of has cold, international terrorist gangs that have orchestrated this unrest in the city. he
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has ordered a anti terrorist operation to try and deal with the unrest. and by virtue of that, he has called upon something called the collective secure to treat, the organization is made up of 6 former soviet phase of them. russia and can extend to send in peacekeepers to try and bring about order in our marty. we can hear what he's had to say right now. the fish carries the season, buildings and infrastructure including sites has in firearms. they've also captured the airports and 5 planes, including foreign ones. evelyn forces and are fighting them outside almighty these terrorists gangs are essentially international. they've undergone serious training abroad. their attack on catholics, on must be viewed as an active aggression. therefore on the basis of the collective security. tracy i have today appealed to the heads of the c s. t o states to assist catholic stone and overcoming this terrorist threat. in fact, this is no longer a threat. it is undermining the integrity of the states. is an attack on off
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citizens who asked me is the head of state urgently help them. i consider the appeal to the c s to states to be absolutely appropriate and timely. so you see president, the kind of remaining defiant despite this great pressure from the protest that they've called for him to resign. the cabinet has, of course, already resigned. he has accepted that, but he said that he is going to be harsher on the protest is those who are causing the unrest in our marty just a little bit on what this collective security treat your organization actually is made up of russia, a catholic armenia fellow ruth could get on his 6 former soviet, staves around 3 and a half 1000 troops making up their forces. moscow has said that they want a peaceful solution to these protests and they are going to try and make sure that is of reality by sending peacekeepers over to al marty and to kind of extend to try
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and bring about order. that's great, donnie. thank you for joining me. so early in the morning here mosque, i'm sure be discussing the situation the getting cuz i'm not too distant future. thank you, cuz there's tons busiest air whole bombers since nozzle airport has now also reportedly been taken back by security forces us after it was over on earlier in the day over. it's been significantly damaged and flights of not resume so far, meaning scores of people trying to leave the country a stronger at the airport or t spoke exclusively to one of the russian citizens took in all marty over them. right now, we are in a safe place and this is the most important right now. but before the situation was quite dangerous, we were in the airport building and realized that there was no security cordon around the airport. although it had been there before, the military and employees left the airport in a hurry, not really trying to evacuate us one air put work, a told us to urgently leave the terminal. we had protested, had broken inside,
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and we have left through the gate with access to the runway. there was so many people running across the field and some about work as directed us. some people stayed waiting on the plane. we were running through the field and ended up on the road where someone drove us to a hospital. here it's carmen quiet. we're waiting for the russian foreign ministry to tell us what to do. as i understand it, some airport workers are still trapped in the airport and the situation there is currently very difficult. you just have to protect your life and not panic when people are running around screaming, it scares we were just trying to stick together and run out of the airport. the internet outage makes it worse because we haven't been able to get information on what's happening. we have only been able to phone relatives earlier, we spoke with our correspondent egos, donovan. he had this to say in his report from kazakhstan, but almost every major city here in kazakhstan has become a scene to absolute, may ham and chaos to day. basically,
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tens of thousands of people took to the streets and an action against the government, against the authorities and one of the cities that so most action where things get completely out of control is that the former capitol, the city of alma tave, basically there, the protest as they apparently managed to completely drive out all law enforcement, be the police or national guard. it's a state of lawlessness. there they attacks and dissolved the police while they were still present in the city. so now they have access to guns with live ammunition. that's also, as some of them stormed and ransacked and completely looted a local, a weapons shop. that's as they also, they completely burned to the ground. at least they attempted to burn to the ground, the local mayor's office. and as, as they also stormed and also set ablaze, the former residents are of the president. now we are right now in the capitol in the city of north hilton and the current residents for the president is right
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behind me. things here have been are quite quiet, i should say r g throughout the day, but it does feel like a low before the storm. for instance, we weren't allowed to get any closure to this residence because it has been completely cordoned off because, well, our, the law enforcement seeing was been going all elsewhere around the country. well, they are preparing for some action here as well. and scenes of chaos. they also, they plague the streets of other smaller towns as well as protests is also clashed with police and demanded for the government to step down for the president, i should say to step down because the president had disbanded the government the night before. in some cities, for example, the police even joined the protesters and took that side. now as for the demands, they're all very blunt, basically, and, and to corruption, an anti oligarchy, and a change of power. basically, a complete change in over hulu, of leadership and how the country operates. and so far,
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the government and the law enforcement, they have made attempts to quell to quench that this protest but well are wherever they made these attempts, thee utterly failed. and so right now, given that the government's response has in the past few hours, been very timid. i mean, one of the largest cities in the countries right now, apparently, completely without any it has, it has fallen to the protest as the government does not hold any control over the city. apparently, it's unclear if for the local authorities, if the authorities of the country will be able to contain and stop this pendulum of protest from swinging even further and swinging out of control in one town, demonstrate his hor, down a statue of the former president nor sultan as it by of you still a powerful force and cause like politics and has been fielding since the government lifted a fuel price cap at new year, which sent prices soaring. the cabinets has since resigned and the presidents has
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reinstated the price limits. but that did little to calm the situation. in this video, you can see a crowd surrounding a police officer in al marty and seizing his firearm. there are also reports that crowds are trying to capture the local interior ministry building earlier processed as managed to storm the city administration. we spoke with local journalists who work near the administration building in our marty, which was attacked by the protesters. they described the chaos this been unfolding of the past few days. oh, gotcha. gotcha. were there were clashes between protestors and police in al mattie at nights are working day began very early in the morning. it's about 5 a. m. we filled the aftermath of the protests. the cities at central square was the abbey center of the unrest. we saw many police officers at 1st. the protesters were quiet, but then flashed grenades went off. we saw a fire start on the side of the administration building,
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which was then seized by protesters. people then began approaching our neighbouring tv station. we were evacuated from there. half of the traffic lights do not work in al martino and internet blackouts have begun. the protests are clearly organized, they began in several cities at once, which has never happened in cassock stand before. leaflets are handed out to the protesters. there are demands for social and political change, about 10 demands. it's difficult to say who is behind them, but the organisation of the protests is very clear. you got other than that, which the journalists are avoiding the square with the crashes are taking place because there's apparently shooting with life fire. one army was destroyed, weapons were taken, some people behaving aggressively using sticks and battens. they took helmets and bullet proof vests from the military. that's just a few troublemakers, but the main crowd of protests is, is condemning their actions and trying to prevent violence. they even snatch sticks
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and battens from the guys near by said that they do not attack anyone. there is a heavy security presence in the city, police, and military. they're trying to move the crowd away from the square, but it's not working. the crowd retreats than advances. police shooting rubber, bullets stung grenades, sometimes his hand to hand crashes with protesters. we tried a couple of hours ago to get to the mayor's office, which was seized to day. we were told there is shooting going on. the military has already, we taken the residence and they are trying to push back the protesters. this mood has been building out for a long time. the gas price was just a trigger. all the problems, social, economic, political, it's accumulated, in my opinion. first, they started to make demands about gas, and then they realize they could demand other things. well, independent journalist martin summers thinks the views of the rights is, may not necessarily be shared by most of the cars, like population has been very stable for very long time. but then of course,
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because of the stability in the moon, the, the, of the regime over many decades now accumulated social problems that can take a spoke in the way that we see. but obviously it's a very fust developing situation. and it's very hard to know what the real, you know, feelings, ordinary people arming the demonstrate zones in very far it up. but a lot of what they're doing is probably quite alarming. html, law abiding citizens, if some people off determined to regime change than the nuts going to be a bit difficult to, to mediate, isn't it? um, ultimately, things should be decided by elections, but it doesn't necessarily, you know, the writers do not necessarily represent everybody's views. um, what i really don't know which way could jump is obviously, you know, in any society the, this,
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the authorities are not going to allow people to burn down public property, et cetera. i also had her naughty international inflations at the senior high in the u. k. leading some analysts to protect a cost of living catastrophe. more not coming up shortly. oh, driven by tremendous shaped bass concur, sent those with theirs sinks. we dare to ask
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic development only personally and going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk with ah, welcome back to the program. the french president says that he wants to irritate the unvaccinated result into the use of some quite crude language to make his point is remark came as the national assembly heatedly debates bunning vaccine. hesitant
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people from bars, cafes and cinemas. opponents have rounded on manuel micron free choice of words. a president shouldn't say that manual micron is unworthy of his office. is unworthy and irresponsible, remarked by the president. you shouldn't insult people when you're trying to get them to agree with you. 7000000 french people have to far from medical care and access to vaccines from them to an astonishing confession from across. it is clear, the vaccine pass is a collective punishment against individual freedom. what an extraordinary couple of days here in france, this is a bill that was supposed to glide through the parliament without a hiccup. but 1st on monday night, the debate was suspended. and that was simply because the majority party, this is president mack, one's own party. simply couldn't get enough bodies in the chamber for
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a show of hands to support a motion for the debate to continue into the wee hours of the morning, the debates resumed on tuesday, but following that extraordinary intervention by president mack on, people were gaston shocked. as you saw them at his words so much so they demanded that the french prime minister get straight to the chamber to explain what the president had said. there was a fiery opposition already to this new measure here in france. covert measures of already seen massive divisions within society. and since 2020, when those restrictions 1st started, there have been mass protests in the country. ah.
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so what is this vaccine pass warden? why is it perhaps so different to the health passport that is currently in place in france and is already controversial? well, just give you an idea. if you're on vaccinated parts right now, you can pay to go and have a test if it's negative will be valid for 24 hours, meaning you can go to cafes or restaurants. this vaccine passport will change all of that substantially. it will mean if it's passed that those who are in vaccine it will no longer have the right to access any of these venues. it will even deny them access to long distance trains. the majority people have vaccinated in france, but they remain around 5000000 people, age 12 and over, who are on vaccinate. and as you can imagine, this is very divisive on the streets of paris. there was mixed reaction. i'm against the vaccine pass because it will not prevent the virus from spreading
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freedom is restricted and it's affecting everyone. i don't trust the government very much. i think it's enough. if people take care and behave responsibly to check the so i'm against it. i don't find it all right, that they take us from a health path to vaccination pass. each individual should have a right to do with their body. what they think is right for them in natural immunity works. i am for it. it's of my opinion that i am protected and i can go where i want and do what i want to do so long as i present the past to also new. i don't think vaccine passports are a good idea because it infringes on our freedom. and i think that there is in sufficient information to make an informed decision as a young person, i'm left wondering what to do. i did get vaccinated because the alternative would mean i'd have certain freedoms taken away. now from the government's point of view, it says this vaccine passport is needed to stop the rapid increase in covert cases . that country is experiencing at the moment, mainly due to the new only con variant. however,
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given that intervention from macro, and there is a sense that those who may have been persuaded to vote for this bill in the past might be looking to change that mind. and it's not clear now whether this will pass at all precedent. mack, on his man who's been squire, is an arrogant president by many people over the last few years. something he himself addressed really in an interview where he tried to humble himself in front of the french saying that he learned the lessons. his mistakes, the way he had spoken to french people and to the french citizens in the past, but it does seem from this latest outburst that is a lesson he truly has not yet learned. ah, now across the channel, it's bad news earners in the u. k. that's after a majority of economists think that people's wages will be outpaced by inflation. that's according to financial time study. inflation is already up to 10 year high in the u. k. on combined with new tax hikes,
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it's all hitting britton's hard with experts warning of a coming cost of living catastrophe. well, i'll see has been looking at the impact rapidly rising prices are already having. it's not so happy new year haven, brittany, eat or heat die? lemme means households could find themselves 1200 pounds a year was off in 2022 according to a leading think tank. sterling wages plus soaring energy bills and taxes will cause a cost of living catastrophe. 2022 said to the year of the squeeze was real wage is said to be no higher next christmas than to day. and families face a typical income head of around $1200.00 pounds a year from april. as a result of tax rises and soaring energy bills come april, the new energy price cap will be sec. meaning bills will jump by $600.00 pounds and the same amount will have to be coughed up due to tax changes all the while real wages will only grow by 0 point one percent. the result,
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particularly for low income families who already struggle to make ends meet, will be devastating. and not people are now turning up the food banks in general. and just see can also help who ordinarily would not have even considered a possibility by me 6 months ago a year ago. but most people are trying to food banks and asking for no cook houses, which means that they literally make the decision between heating anything you know, that if you haven't decided between getting food and having the means to potentially lease it. so obviously gave me the impression that things were a lot more dire. then maybe people 1st well, the cost of living is continuing to rise. and the government don't or capital costs, then it's going to cause a loss of die, a hardship, $1000.00 job, even death. that within the next 12 months, the hard, the shows you,
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but will be the elderly, the vulnerable disabled with a loss of low income, single parent families, feeling the strain and the squeeze. where, in my opinion, he called forth a lot of people into criminal justice. survive as if all that isn't bad enough. inflation is through the roof, leaping to a 10 year high of 5 point one percent. the bank of england is predicting that it will reach around 6 percent by spring. so the british rate is falling in real times, at least. but this current on income in the words of boris johnson is a change in direction lower that you towards a high wage high scale economy. there is no tentative. the u. k has got to. we can do much, much better by becoming a higher wage, high productivity economy. so technically, we were warned but not everyone is buying it,
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including politicians on both sides of the spectrum. heating bills are going through the roof. punishing tax rises on the way wages stagnating, universal credit cuts have hit, struggling families hard. all world prices in the shops are rising and inflation risks, eroding the value of savings and pensions. rising. wages are great unless prices rise faster. inflation matters is about what we can afford and how families make ends meet in a tough month. and a thought just those in the house of commons that are calling for a policy change. the trade party entity u. k has demanded reducing the a t to cut the cost of bills instead, while others say the government should fit the bill. so large this overnight cost of living catastrophe. that is hard to see how the government avoids stepping in top of the government's new year resolutions should be addressing a pulls energy bills hike, particularly for the poorest households who will be hardest hit by rising gas and
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electricity bills. if there isn't a u turn soon, 2022 will be a tough year for many whose bouts of already been squeezed by the pandemic, empty, and people's pockets. so it's struggling families are likely to bear the brunt. they're not looking at the reality. the reality is that they can use energy places they comb with the warm home discharge. well they've got to look at the individual people and the individual families. they've got to look up the cost of living. the cost of living is way above the cost. now that the price rises in the way derive is not coming through quick fall. if you put way job, we call the rise rate inflation. but stronger raise interest rate. you've got to look up the only option to reduce the price of living cost food because of the, the cost of the cost of fuel that needs to be use to come back in balance with the
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machine that it with no, i mean a female power on you with with any york, despite running on a platform of law and order the newly formed in mayor eric adam, endorsement, the attorney general only prosecuting violent crimes, has some concern. the crime spree in new york city will continue. we would have gotten that a shocking report about the largest county in texas, but it's been more than a $150.00 citizens killed last year. by suspects you were out on bond. we will
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discuss the a gallery of this decision. and if it's in the best interest of the law abiding citizen, then they show down and it's been as chuck schumer vow, he will change the rules on the senate. but indeed, doing so just so he can also change voting laws more to his party favor. we're going to give you the 3 you and something you actually don't want to. 360 view of is congresswoman alexandria acacia, cortez boyfriends feet, and yet she purposely shared an up close picture as a response to what she feels is heat from sexually frustrated republicans who want to date her. we're going to bring you this very bizarre story and why it actually is revealing about how both parties and criticism guy now use this and many more topics we have to cover today's news views. so let's get started.
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