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tv   Sophie Co. Visionaries  RT  January 6, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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ah, with violent rocks that cause i city of all mouth overnight on thursday, with going to fire reportedly heard amid a state crack done on antique government, protested the situation is said to stabilize as we end to friday morning. officials say over 2000 arrest have been made a team members of law enforcement have been killed in our marty and government buildings stormed and taught. a local journalist described going to find the police h q in the country's largest 30 minutes. you can, you're shooting your, the police department. there's automatic fire and pistol shots. i think it seems like they are trying to storm the police department and peacekeeping troops from
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a russian lead security alliance arriving catholics done to help restore order the head of the alliance. that's the record, straight on their mission. city wants to know all of these insinuations about our troops, like we're going to break up demonstrations are not true. that's what the cars like lease is for. they will do their job and our job is slightly different. sofia headlines this all. i'm peter scott and i'll be back with another lot in just done during our time. association right now, same says because legendary as well in the previous program, we have a unique, athletic, extraordinary endurance to cold. but about his nickname, the iceman will continue talking to extreme athletic when half
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the school is the biggest organ of ours. and we just always dressed, coming up no simulation. logically, it is directly connected to the vascular system, which is a 100000. you notice in every body of us and it contains millions of little muscles . if you exposed to the coat, then the little muscles, millions, they are going to work. what happens hot rate is going to go down because the blood flow is being helped. and then when the blood flow goes better through the system, it reaches this cells much better, which fish me, you much more energy. i assume that like all extreme conditions, cold sort of forces your brain to model eyes and activates the survival mode. do you know how these things work on a new or biological level? we have reached the desk of the brain now, willfully,
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which is dealing with the stress of the i see water and off no breathing in bree specific breathing exercises. that is the survival mechanism. let's talk about your breathing math at once again. is there a danger of asphyxiation during this intense breathing sessions? no, that is not. if you go and controlled, you follow the app. then you are very able to maintain control. no, that is breathing exercise has shown itself in the university to bring down inflammation, which is disease inflammatory marcus, which causes inflammation, which is disease. it brings it down into. it makes the immune system work
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better. it brings the information down and it's a nice x t b, the specific immune system. that means any juror will be dealt directly at the beginning. instead of that it goes into the system. and immune system is yet not really awake than suddenly a fever, headaches. this and that it doesn't need to happen. we are able with these breathing techniques. if you do control, you will have the greatest offer at activity these breathing techniques are out for . so in any case where powerful things are, you have to learn to deal with what they are. oh great, great benefit. can you show me the simplest breathing exercise when we check and start? yes. go ahead. if you do 10 breaths like this. oh
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ok. 03, a mass, a 10 breast like that and be a good it knows to, to my doesn't matter. but in letting go you will be a just tried to do it with me and we will stay for 40 seconds without air in the locks. let's do that. and then a whole set of things happen. i will explain later. we do it. 10 brass bullying. ah let it go earlier. letting go.
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oh no. oh. let it go. oh, letting go. cuomo? i let it go. oh, i go to mo, earlier letting go, louis and then go here comes the alarm. good. letting go and stop after the actual asian stop. go your mouth.
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no need for breathing now. you're perfectly ok. what we did is blowing up the carbon dioxide. that's what makes the body acidic, we made it very alkaline. now, that's why you are able to stay without breathing. and what happens is that in the primitive part of our brain to brainstorm, you're not breathing. so it says she's not breathing. oh, good. but there is no danger, but now the adrenal axis. ok, good. and oh, sweet a little bit to your head. i do wanna let it go. well that you did about 50 seconds. oh many things going on with me right now. first of all like,
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my area is literally burning. yeah. and i see like i've never taken l s. d, but this is probably like i or your own crazy. how many times a day should i do that? if you do this for rounds in the morning, you're really fully out alive. for the rest of the day. your blood is cleansed. i'm going to do this. yes, i'm going to do is good for anybody. anybody can do this and when you feel anxiety or fear or the breast you do this, it's going to go away. oh, my god, that was crazy. and it, i have to say like, a lot of people who try your reading method report mary psychedelic effects in i can, i can see why now that i've done this word you,
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this come from scientifically speaking it comes from the d m t to day doing this breathing technique and then take a full inhale. oh and then squeeze a little bit. this cerebral spinal fluid goes very alkaline to did brain stair. and in the brain stammer, there is the dream stage, the dream state, which is this dime a tail trip to mar dionte. it's like in a dream, you see vision to see things. green dementia, you feel completely different. it's what happens. this is very good to deal with trauma, all trauma for military people with p s. d, for housewives, with anxiety for people with psychic problems who have a fear, arms psychosis or anything. you need
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d m t and this is the way to get it without alice the. i cool to do it by yourself. ok. so you climbed kilimanjaro, half naked, and forget about the cold. tell me how did you manage to do these breathing exercise which aims to reach her about it with oxygen in place or people need to breathe from air tanks because you're not an oxygen. exactly. the last thing you now did this breathing technique was taken it in. that's exactly what i did and what i brought to squeezing to my hat. i brought the cerebral spinal fluid to get a b, alkaline into my hat. what happens when you go into the mountains too fast? there is less concentration of oxygen and that makes our lot
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makes it acidic. and that creates a app that creates an x, that grades acute mountain sickness. and now we are able just by doing this 10 times, and while you go and client, you get a high dick. you are able to change the biochemistry in the brain, caused by the lack of oxygen outside. now you're able to bring back cerebral spinal fluid to fully alkali and dad. dad is gone to acute mountain sickness is gone. and a and to greg you are able to go on when we're going to take a short break right now and where we're back, we'll continue talking to when half extreme athlete, one half of the ice will stay with us.
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ah, 100 mic. no, certainly no borders under the keys and you as a merge, we don't have a terribly, we don't to look back seen the whole world needs to take action and be ready. people are judgment. 2 common crisis with we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great to, to response has been met. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together
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with oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way? or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows.
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and you know, we recorded this episode in the past and this was our future. when are we recorded in an hour ago to predict what's gonna happen in 20? 22. so it's a real time warp with a child beginning one is it with which one is a small william like he's a genius. that with a couple of junior was, wasn't deal at the department with issue machine
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that i did with no, i need to put that a model a new with and will back with one half ac of the i smell extreme athlete. talking about what cold does to your buddy, so brain whim for an experiment you once inject a yourself with e cali talks and that usually makes people really sick. and yeah, terry, i had no effect on you whatsoever. which obviously proves the effectiveness of your asset on the immune system. yes. now you're saying it can also be effective against
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call it. have you thought about injecting yourself with the current a virus deliberately to see if you're tech? i think when i told you st are you know, no i i but last not this february before the last year, february, i really wanna go which i know now because i had this but one day it was car. i just begin to do the breathing. now what, what, what is responsible for the damage factor off? cool, which is in toner, p which is planner tory marker. now intel ok, number one, number 6, number 8, and number 17, that is responsible for covert damaging factor. and we showed in 2014, to bring dose into teams. dow,
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within 15 minutes to do really this is all in a university study. and it's been published in the past papers of the world. so this solution has always been there. now what happens with cobra is if you wait too long, it's like when did a fire start, you're able to distinguish it. but if it goes on, if the house is gonna be here via what you were saying, which dennis too late. but then they also did study in new york with people who were terminally sick all over it going to die. they expose them controlled into hypothermia, just a couple of degrees and they recovered theoretically
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speaking, do you think there's a threshold in temperatures which a trained human like yourself can not go below? i don't her. yes, may be yes ma'am. i will lose consciousness that there are certain movements boss. it's much further than normal people. i got my limits, like anybody else. i don't know because if i stay for 2 hours and i see water and i'm still ok. the limits of far away, far away. this, why do we have a possible control over our mood and information, which is my message to the world which can be trained by going into the cold and into the breathing, which is able to tackle all these problems we now face in our modern society.
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so that should be investigated, and i think the power, which with, which we can accumulate is far more than we now are able to understand within our bodies. and my message is to, to people. and it's of love. it's like hell, happiness and strength is for everybody. now a choice, i showed it in science, and now i just simply bring it to the people. it is simple guys. all of you. you don't need to be depressed. you don't need to have diseases. we can tackle it, mother nature gave it all to us. and where are the limits away? when you said that they called on your way of dealing with it, how to cope with the loss of your life. how is building up cold resistance?
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beneficial to one's mental state? emotionally, i was a rash. emotionally. i was in the deepest darkness possible. i lost my wife. we jumped from 8 stories down. the whole psychiatry said they injected her, gave up a dis, it only went dead, no control. they had no control and the terror acts was just much. just before jumping down, she give the kiss. if children kiss and then she decided because this was like a disease in the brain. and so there i was. and it's like you lose their love of your life, the mother of your children. and you have little money like i at very little money and float young. so the only way i could stop the emotional agony which
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goes on all day long is inside and the world doesn't give you just have to go on. they will, doesn't know. so you got to deal with that, that was by go into i see cold water because then you just survive, survive. and that gave me just that opening to not be in that emotional entity. and that may be able to learn to control my emotions. and that i'd be able to get a hold of myself, which was very needed to bring up the tap a little deeper into the subject. is it really the actual cold exercise that help you grief or just having something to do, having a victory to change that obstacle telecom and they can take your mind off the tragedy? you know what i mean? yes, of course. and it does. that is also part of it because you are the one who's going
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to do it. so you got an oval car or whatever state you are in. and you gotta go in to, to water and be please add in the moment. make yourself strong. instead of being a motional, rac yes, i did that, and anything that is able to do that is ok. because your mental attitude changes, you become stronger. instead of being tied to the emotions, you go for something else, your mind is going not investing into the emotional pain, which is big, big guy gets on going. no, you stop it. the moment you go for something else and a cold water. i have to say it to me, proved to be the best your math that actually may
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offer a very good contribution, tell it to longevity, but if we talk about cheating, death completely. have you ever heard about chronics? i mean, the value of that person is preserved in liquid nitrogen until the technology is in place. sometime in a future, distant future to bring this person back to life. since freezing temperatures is not something you would be afraid of, would you go for something like that? oh no. i don't need to. you know what i want? i want to, i want to live each on it. i want to so i want to know why i'm here. bring love to the world. really happiness to the world. bring happiness to my kids. change the world, you know, you know what, so fee, which is by the way, law for knowing. so yeah. it's a lot for knowledge. it's good. yeah, it is wisdom. exactly why,
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why what i want to bring it into the wilderness this so and i reach more than a 100000000 people. but i 2 years now and i'm a very targeted man. i will reach a 1000000000 so people and in that way i bring people back to their, i mean within themselves to become happy and strong and healthy. and then that way, i will change the world. not be as ego, but as we go get back to do my major the power of love, which is having to strengthen out if we can guarantee those things to our children and ourselves. we are no longer the slaves being out there. it's all in it, that is my message, and we are going to succeed, especially with the help of people like yourself their way. and i just want to say
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that i wish you all the best in that endeavor because i'm 101000000 person that is in your team from now on a lot for this thing. great. thank you. ok. thank you. i was waiting for me right now, but i ah ah ah, ah ah
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ah, ah, a ah with join me every thursday on the alex simon, sure i'll be speaking to get us on the world politics, sport, business, i'm sure business. i'll see you then. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on offense, bearing dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how
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that strategy will be successfully, very critical time time to sit down and talk oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation or community? ah, you going the right way? where are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true was is great. in the world corrupted, you need to descend, ah, so join us in the depths will remain in the shallows.
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ah, and it states, it has to be rich to be able to afford enzyme. and find the luxury good for sure. despite having the most expensive health care system in the world, we have poor life expectancy. we have higher infant mortality. we have more deaths from treatable causes. so americans are suffering every day from it. it's as if these people don't count i saw how they can choose your customers and dump the sick so also they can satisfy their wall street investors. i know parents should have to see what i saw. so if you're denying payment for someone's care, your make life and death decision and determine to get to with and who dies to me,
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that's best getting away with murder july, an annual festival in st. petersburg, dedicated to dostoevsky. ah, the great writer, thinker and psychologist, people often turn to his work to understand russia and russians, perhaps even themselves. they put they sing on, what are you to see? what they think about the writing vehicle and why the phoenix changing a rita transforming them as they read that? does the isc is unique ability to stay. ascii wants to tell us you can better yourself. he makes you face your true self soup with beyond conventions, rules of schemes, beyond boundaries and time. dostoevsky is a global brand whose classics, everyone knows. i'm never out of style. i
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can. hey folks, next up on that as well. plus one, adam rodriguez, i guess the 1st time i see him a zion in a nice 10 year run on c. s i miami with caruso and then he goes on to criminal minds for 4 years. it's got a new project on h. b o right now it's an augmented reality series called finding magic mike. he was in those films and that well, he'll explain it to us on that is really plus one thing . a folks welcome to dennis miller plus one. happy to welcome actor adam rodriguez to the show. adam of course, best known for his role as eric delco and c. s i. miami, got to pick his brain about caruso to see what that was. but.


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