tv Dennis Miller One RT January 6, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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ah, hey folks, next up on that as well, plus one. adam rodriguez, i guess the 1st time i see him is i the in a nice 10 year run on c s. i. miami was caruso than he does on to criminal minds for 4 years. it's got a new project on h b o, right now it's an augmented reality series called finding magic mike. he was in those films and that well, he'll explain it to us on dennisville or plus one. a folks welcome to dennis miller plus one. happy to welcome actor adam rodriguez to the show. adam of course, best known for his role as eric delco and c. s i. miami. got to pick his brain about caruso to see what that was, but also start in criminal minds and $2.00, oh $16.00 til 2, o 2, o those procedurals are money in the bag for actors. man. what
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a good gig that is. he also start and very popular magic mike films alongside chatting tatum and how funny was because i had the 1st one got shorter and he is currently hosting the augmented reality series. finding magic mike, inspired by the films currently streaming on h. b o max. i saw a picture of he and his bride there, about the handsomest couple on the planet. adam rodriguez was shaken. brother, your world, man. i'm just done it for a little while. listen, brother, we'll, let's talk about the show right off the bat. yeah. because this is going to be a huge hit, i can imagine, i think that it's, it's funny you can come to this in various ways. you can come to it from a kitchen perspective. but i always think these cats, this is a way station for them. these young dances, they must kind of know that it's a leaping off point. it's kind of an interesting dynamic. it can be
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a shallow as you want or it can be is, let's find the back story and you want, i think you know, that then it's, i mean that's exactly what it is. i mean, the kid should be that the sexy if you, well, is the draw that's the bait to get people in. but the show, i mean yes, it ends up being a jumping off point for all of these guys that come participate and the show itself is so much more than it appears from the outside. i think that was the draw with the movies as well. i think people, you know, you expect that show up and you see these cookie characters doing of all things, you know, male stripping, which from the outside kind of hard to, to understand or respect that as a profession. and then like everything else that that's good are, and i think you just realize there are people like everybody else and there's, there's something about them you can relate to. and they might even have a message. and i think we did that with the reality show as well. feel great about the way it turned out. so here magic mike and you probably showed up here to see make it and you're not going to be disappoint. they just might not all be the naked
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menu. imagine they would be research the country to find guys would feel like they lost their magic. we want to help them find it. i don't feel like the main character, my life anymore. i'm kind of here to rediscover my own masculinity with now that i'm out of my marriage, i start finding who i truly am. so part of that my client is being comfortable being less wanting a lot less. be honest, they go to 1st one because a soda berg and i'm say, i know what it's about. i'm not doing that. i'm from another planet. i walk and i have, i thought, so i got to see his take a and then some that you said you're going to waste this time on something. it's got to be, it's gotta be something there. and it was very cold chatting was so earnest, any of the blue color i thought was which i think libya mom was, and i remember her being good, you know, kind of, hey, just drop the how there is a beautiful performance and it was beautiful performance and it was,
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it kicked off an interesting time of his career because matthew had taken some time off to, to lay low. and he sort of reemerged with that character and then followed with a bunch of movies afterwards. like ballad buyers club. i mean, just obviously went to another, another dimension i was in the room, brother was everybody supportive. what did you guys have fun? did you live here? i'm trying to think how the vibe is when you get all these alphas together. was it cool? it's a great question. it couldn't have been cooler. i mean, you know, looked at the different types of outputs. you get in the room with guys and they're the ones that, that pretend to be out. and they've got to dominate a space in a way that makes everybody feel uncomfortable, even even themselves, even though they're hiding it. and then you get the hours that are comfortable enough with themselves to be in any room and not feel like it's about competition. but about owning their own space, and fortunately that, that was the kind of room we had. and that's why we did a sequel, i mean, and we all look forward to doing
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a c will for that reason because we enjoy hanging out together. and i think that comes across on screen. i knew there was great commerce to be had in the 2nd. well, i like that it's coming to, well, yeah, yeah, i mean there's a reason why you do a 2nd one as well, but well listen, let's show business. so business folks as a sort of in the 3rd one, right. as matthew, coming back, i don't know, i don't think matthews coming back as far as i know, none of the original cast is going to come back except for chan. there's going to be a new crop of guys, a brand new story, and they're going to go to places that we haven't gone before. you know, now tell me about these cats are coming in. they have to be rip, been on the h. b, o shows what i'm saying or i'm trying to figure out how you play this. you were just joking to an alpha male that they're all different sizes, but people don't go to see the shows to watch dawn, not come out. so you got a sport the other. well, no, all of the guys are not in incredible shape. i mean,
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they, all, they all showed up as they were and so with no more miles to go than others. but, you know, with the show really wasn't about finding the next magic mike, it was really about using the, you know, the, the, most of the brand, if you will, and, and helping to transform some lives through that. and we have some guys that come in and are there and they're in great shape. they look like what you would expect to see. and then we've got some guys that are completely on the other end of the spectrum. you know, the don not by the, you know, the heavier type, all the personality that i think is going to be easy for people to become engaged with it, to be routing for. and you see that the hard work that these guys put into this was, i'd say the show, you know, in terms of them getting ready was more like a prep for the movies that we went through. which was choreographed, dance rehearsals, and getting,
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getting your body in shape and getting your mind in shape in a way to. ready to give a performance, and that's really what we were we were doing with these guys. and along the way their lives changed. they learned things about themselves that they, that they had never known before. and some of them were able to revisit a place that they felt they might have once existed in where they were. they had some magic and you know, a lot of that had to do with the nurturing environment we created for them. i, i was a mentor on the show, and that was, that was really the title that i wanted to put around that because it wasn't about necessarily hosting. it was really about being a guide and using the things i learned in my experience doing the 2 movies to. ready shed some light on what there was to be gained from this process for the guys are good synopsis. i'm sure people were watching that would make me want to watch because i was wondering what approach are they going to take to? this isn't just gymnastics, but it sounds like there's a back story to we're talking about the new finding magic mike,
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inspired by the films, it's on h b max, listen one thing, i would say this, the main swing thought as a saying go off of this gig is you better step up there and have confidence in it? and i really make confidence in any sort of measurable. i'm talking about stepping up and look like i know what i'm doing. i'm going to have fun with a come along for the ride because if you go up there haltingly, nobody wants to be in the crowd. you on what? why did you get up if you're not going to steer into the skin, brother, what are you doing? 100 percent and just to step up there and have any level of competence you got it got to be some serious preparation. i, you know, before you throw caution to the wind. well, you got to feel like you, at least, you know, had some level of preparation. and we had an incredible choreography team. the same choreography team that actually did both of the movies or a choreographer. and you know, they're just, they, they really helped get these guys in the kind of shape that they needed to be in to get up there and do what they did with any level of competence. it's amazing man,
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and really the show is, is so much more uplifting and heartwarming than people imagine. and that's the part i love most about it is that people are going to show up because they have 11 thing in their mind about what magic mike is and the show just gets them with, with so much more, i love seeing people's reaction to grad you're proud of it, brother, i'm sure it's going to get a big tune in, and then you've got to deliver the goods and it sounds like you've, you find the code on it. the people need to see, they don't, they're not going to tune in for 6 weeks just to watch guys auto for late themselves. and just not going to happen at some point when they bender had through their legs and come up looking, they've got to have some inner wisdom, they speak or nobody's really. yes. yes, something really good. yeah. you know, a great body and you know, is only going to hold the tension, but for so long. now, listen, brother, you are a puerto rican hopes what i was a kid. he's about my age,
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but she li, out of my cat was the man. there was a cat. you probably don't know because he's older than you, but there was a cat play for mark cat point guard puerto rican butch lee. he had a beautiful handled brother. i remember he was lighted up for al mcguire. were you who for one year yeah, no, i mean i did i quit hoops like everybody else, but baseball was my good. yeah. it was baseball. i was hoping that was going to be my ticket and had a few injuries back to back, broke a bone in my back end and then tore my rotator cuff. you know, to see what one steve, one season after the other had those things happen. and i had to re evaluate and figure out what the next step for me was going to because i never really considered much. allison acting out presented itself in a funny way, and it just struck a chord with me. and i realized that that was what i wanted to go after a brutal deal though, when the dream gets turned on, you know, how badly that baseball player out of puerto rico thing plays. and i have
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a friend who plays for the giant. she played center field for a while name, steven dugger. he comes up, kids got a can and he runs like a gazelle. he's pretty good here and he's got an eye stick power wise, but he jumped say, i'm thinking after all he went through to get to the show. he dives back in the 2nd and he missed judges. it tweaks his shoulder blows that and then he's out for 5 months. a kid comes in your strength, he's grandson or whatever plays well and he's got the position now it is a long trip. and when they 1st tell you it might not be happening. brother, it's, it's heartbreaking right. it is a heartbreaker. and you know, the only thing you can do is go inside of your cell and do some digging. and you've got to re evaluate it and find, find something new to put that time and attention and love into and it is listed. it's like anything else if you've ever been in a relationship and it crashes and burns there's, there's that period that you've got to go through. there's no avoiding it where you
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got a heel and you've got to come out the other side better for now. you know, this is, this is what life's about. and usually you do that work. you find something that's every bit as meaningful, if not more, you know, and it's just her, oh, got to let it go, sometimes go. i understand. it's a learned from it. and i think you said something very wise there folks, they always tell you, enjoy the journey. yeah. but keep this in mind. the journey is switch back trails you are going to have to, you're gonna have to be nimble because one day you think it's all happened. and then the next day, when you get hit with the stick, and that's where you chevy in your own cause. how do you deal with that? stick across the sky at room. i mean only you can do it. nobody can do it for nobody's going to do it for you. adam rodriguez with us. when we come back, we'll talk more. i got the augmented reality series finding magic mike, inspired by the films currently streaming on hbo, macs will talk about him starting out. i 1st clocked on i think i went everything
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worked with dawn here. nothing. not don henley, but who's the other cracked from the eagles who acted on there for a while on? oh, that was my am if i sorry, i've lost my mind your herrick delco and she has time. i am going to pick his brain about korea, glen drive in miami, good price. yeah, he was a good. thank you for salvage. it may be wrong with good team work. adam rodriguez right after this on dennis miller plus one ah, a wrong one. i just don't know. i mean you world yes to safe out disdain becomes the african and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds
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apart, we choose to look for common ground. you know, we recorded this episode in the past and this was our future. when are we recorded in an hour ago to predict what's gonna happen in 2022. so it's a real time war with this whole list the children did wanna deal with each one is a better way to assess my william a can i see what was left the keenest eyeball? a
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with a couple of them in junior was, wasn't it that the appointment was for union, that if you can squeeze you machine that i did with no, i need to go put that amount with the female power which one you with while our officers are facing an increasingly dangerous environment. we are seeing a growing debate about so called warrior cops. the term that i've heard in the militarization of believe this is an amber vehicle we acquired through the 1033 program, very free program. and the government program that close military property that is no longer use to local law enforcement. we're building an army over here and i can't believe the people. i see. first thing is dealing with terrorism here
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because it again a feeling that ahead. you have to deal with our practice who you putting in uniform cover beds is a powerful. sometimes it's like money, it played tricks and people mind they think they done, the bad news. the wolf is out the door very bad. johns are coming. good news. you have job security is world desperately needs what you have to do with a folks. welcome back to dennis miller plus one, enjoying our time with adam rodriguez, i known from c. s i. miami criminal minds from 16 to 20, and it was in the magic mike films currently coast,
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hosting and mentoring. as he added the augmented reality series. finding magic mike, it's streaming on h b o max. look for what's ok. so the baseball dream kind of goes away. and what, what's the 1st step, brother? what do you do? who do you see acting or what do you see that you jump in commercials. what is it you know i was going community college, i was working job. i was a bellman at a hotel and doing demolition work on construction sites. and john figured out, you know, 1819 years old and i took, i, i was taking was going to community college or when, when i showed up and i was only taking courses and things that i thought were interesting. so i acting a theater class was one of them. and i always love story as a kid, love movies, love tv, spent really an inordinate amount of time watching tv and movies are coming up. and so i'd love it. i love story,
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but i never considered doing it for living and just there weren't a whole lot of guys that looked like me that ever made it on my brain. that is could be something to do. it just wasn't practical and so on. in the middle of this class, one day doing the scene and i just, i just got that feeling that i used to get when i did play baseball and would make a play that would move the crowd in some way. and that chord was struck and i realized like, wait a minute, this is another way into that feeling, you know, and i realize that that feeling was what felt so good about doing this thing. it's, you know, the thing is really a widget at the end of the day i want, i want this feeling i got and, and acting, felt like it. and i, and i realize like this is, this is what i want to do. and so it was a little bit of a roundabout way to get to it from there. i became a stock broker trainee. i had my head that you know, i didn't want to be a starving artist. so let me, let me go work and do something. i know i can do for
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a couple years, go the next day and then and then go after it. so and 1900, i started working at this brokerage firm. i got hired and few months into it. i realized quickly that it would be real easy to get stuck there for 20 years. and i had a revelation 111 day and i just realized that you know what, it'll be ok to start if i'm on the right path. and so i checked out and just, you know, dedicated everything i had to act, you know, there is the, we're talking about the pivot, right? you know, the moment mad that guy with the voice, you know, when to phone i worked at a grocery store was the cat said you've been here a year tomorrow. 2 you vest in the dental package. i went home, i got, i got to get out my next thing. i know i'm trade in my gut smith for the next 20 years of slice and lunch. really not that busy in order to do that. traumatize, anybody but i didn't want to slice lunch me and i thought you except that dental
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thing, brother, you're screwed. i hope you got a nice cleaning and maybe a roadrunner. awesome. take care of you. do you got to know you got to know when to lead and that was, that was the thing that i had so much respect to the guys that came on the show and finding magic my show and they all willing to take a lead. you know, they were going to put themselves out there in a big way, right? national television and, you know, reveal things about their personal lives, about their hopes and dreams and their fears and, you know, literally fall on their face while being completely exposed again, literally and figuratively. and, you know, put that out there takes courage, you know, and i think like leaving the grocery store job or, you know, leaving the stockbroker shop at some point in time. you're going to have to make those choices that, that aren't easy to make, you know, and a lot of times easier to make when you're younger than older. i get brother, i dug,
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i remember doing it better than mine or apprehension. and then thinking, brother, you're on the planet, you're the pebble for 80 years. what are you going to do play? it's got a john pair, man, thank you. when you want to be looking back, said, i can't believe i saved better than what i was 20. why, why talk about missing a you got it, you got to take that lead. when you feel it, you got to say and look, you know, most especially when you have the vision to see ahead. you know, when you've got that or site that not everybody has, you know, and you can see down the road a little bit. it's really hard to stay stuck at that point. so you know, it's why you're sitting here and i imagine why we're both sitting here right now. ok to get out of the boiler room and what's the 1st thing is, is it a c s i, miami? now i got a boiler thing was i got my sag card doing extra work on it will so call new york
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under cover and then a way of bit of a long story behind it. but my dad was in service with a man named bill clark, and they, they were good friends bills and n y p, the detective who helped create a blue shirt with david milch. and they were creating a new show called brooklyn, south. and bill. i've been active for a few years in new york and my father. we got back in touch after a lot of years and we got to talking and bill said, yeah, give him a chance to edition and i was my break met. bill clark gave me a chance to audition for david milch. and steven bochco and i ended up getting that series called brooklyn south. and that was my 1st big break rent. well, the milch and watch about people always forget that you can go back one click beyond deadwood and all that. but hill street blues is the 1st time you're watching tv and gone. wow, this is so different than anything i have ever seen. absolutely. that was cable
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television before it existed. you're right, that was. yeah, exactly. i am me. they took it to new heights and i said it was a 1st to be sure to get a tv. i'm a rating. yeah. but we only lasted a season, and then it was again, one of those pivot moments. i didn't work for almost 2 years after that. wow. you know, had to learn the ropes. and then a couple of shows came along through some, called roswell, for a year. and then the big break was the us on miami miami came along and that, that really launched my career. so splits and said why p d blue? because he wants to go big green. i remember he's in a film with nic cage or nick cage is bench press or the chicken a fight or something. and caruso comes in and i'm thinking this is not play on that big screen. he's a guy, i like his acting but i'm just thinking menu, you got a and have it that screen and it looks a little more stuff. he comes back to see us miami think and thank god i'm back in again 375 k. and episode, and they tell him at the end of every beginning,
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you've got to take a lot easier on i'm all for it. he did it, man, i got to tell you david, you know, for all of his works, he gave it everything he had. i mean, i think i really, 1st of all, he was very grateful for the opportunity to come back to me. and he really put a lot in, to making that care what it was which look for as much as we can see here. you know, make the do the imitation. it was a good huck. no, it was a caricature. like it was a caricature, but he went for it, you know, and i think, i think he understood something about the genre that he was like, look, i'm going to do this that make it pop. and he, and he did, i mean people, people gravitated to it and for the 10 years we did that show that he always gave it his best not. and it's best wasn't always easy on everybody else. but he gave it his best. and i, you know, i, i respect a why out there?
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listen, david, a, listen, i dug exact thing. i give a wide berth to catch up to show up in front a week like show, because that is a better word. and who knows if you, you come in on a day and catch it at the wrong time, but you're right. the answer the call and he made that thing it got it got fat and have a off of it. he had to work with. he pays a local kid to take the shades off for a group. tell me about criminal minds you had over there and get a nice around right. that was great and you know, i had bounced around, i did a few other series in between c, s i miami criminal minds, but criminal minds came back. i came to me and they had a cast member leaving. they wanted to fill that slot, basically show shot no way. and i was moving into becoming
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a family man. i wanted to stay close to him and, and it was perfect. i stepped in there. we have an incredible show runner over there. and it's really the best cast and the best cast these people would just love people to go to work with every day. and we enjoyed each other's company. we made a good show the years, and i don't know, there's rumors we might come back. there's rumors we will, we will be coming back on paramount. plus at some point here. no official announcement yet. been, they are forge and for product out there, brother. you got so many platforms now. yeah. they're going back around. did out i dream of jeannie coming next, know down you name it, ready for me make of any anything we're sure. all right, well the show we're talking about here streaming over on h b o max. it's adam rodriguez acting as a, a host and one of the mentors on the augmented reality series. finding magic mike and obviously inspired by the, by the films a good cat. it's nice to meet your brother. nice to me. that is all right,
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adam rodriguez is dennis miller plus one. ah ah. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race group is on offense, bearing dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical of time, time to sit down and talk oh, is your media a reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safer?
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isolation or community? are you going the right way, or are you being led to somewhere? direct? what is true? was his faith in the world corrupted. you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. often it oh, even susie children have been cared for at the finance house only. yeah. i give them a voucher or chick mom much mom with when i should is good. i should many goals. michelle, in the middle. the issue. oh,
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oh, the situation because i've done stabilized this after dozens of people have reportedly been killed amid nationwide unrest that went on into the night on thursday. officials say 3000 arrests. i've been made with 18 members of law enforcement have been killed in albuquerque and government filled in stormed, and torched, a local journalist described couldn't find it. police h q in the country's largest city. a. there's automatic fire and pistol shots. i think it seems like they are trying to storm the police department and peacekeeping troops from a russian lead security alliance arrive in kazakhstan to help the government. we stole law and order the head of the alliance that the record straight on that mission.
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