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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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ah ah, i have given the order to open fire and kill terrorists without warning, because president claims 20000 extremists attack the country's biggest city and deadly anti government unrest. we also thank the allies, including russia for sending in peacekeepers with questions about the nature of this request and whether it has it was a legitimate invitation or not. or we don't know at this point, washington questions whether it has extend, have a right to invite its own allies despite the country being hard to all the usual assistance packed under the c s t o alliance hole to coming up on the program. the price of bitcoin plummets 10 percent after an internet. i change in cows expound, tech saw it's a huge share of the world's crypto life with
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for a moscow to the world. this is the news our on our t. i'm, you know, we'll, let's get to our top story today. because act president, i was given a shoot to kill order against rioters branding them, terrorists, after days of anti government on rest. dozens of protesters on at least 18 police officers are dead since the chaos are ruptured after a new year, a fuel price hike, president a guy of claims $20000.00 extremists habitat cars like stones largest city, l multi, momentary as little because the staff will complete it anti terrorist operation will destroy those who do not surrender. i have given the order to open fire and kill terrorists without warning. hundreds of civilians and military personnel have been injured and killed anonymity due to the actions of terrorists. these were well
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coordinated actions. the terrorists exhibited combat readiness and best tale cruelty. it looks like they were trained, all the demands of the people expressed in a peaceful matter were heard to produce any democracy of the president is now waging a nation wide anti terror campaign against the rioters balise in the largest city, i'll not say have been rounding up suspect strike the day, at least 2000 has been arrested nationwide since the unrest began. and this was the scene in almighty on friday afternoon. thick smoke hanging over the city after official buildings including the mirrors office, where a torch charge vehicles can be seen on the streets. and sporadic gunfire was reported. security forces however, say they're now in control of the city of to restore law and order. kazakstan house requested help from its allies under the collective security treaty organization. it's a military block of 6 former soviet states. russia was the 1st to respondents and
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contingents from bella, roosts, armenia, tajikistan on kirk, it's done or novel. so there, there's more than $3000.00 troops in total, securing vital infrastructure, including the airports. washington though, as gas diets on their right to be in can 6 them were closely monitoring our ports that the collective security treaty organization had. dispatched its collective peacekeeping forces to cause extent. we have questions about the nature of this request and whether it has it was a legitimate imitation or not. or we don't know at this point while the russian foreign ministry has already reacted spokeswoman murray has a heart of a has said that failing to understand something is often presented by washington as an official position and his or what the united states can't understand. according to the russian foreign ministry that the collective security treaty organization is a military alliance, akin to nato, the comparison is of course, a bit of a stretch. but there are some parallels because both are military blocks and the collective security treaty organization. it unites under its umbrella of 6 nations,
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possibly states including russia, bowers and some other countries. and they have an obligation to come to each other's aid. if an act of aggression is committed against one of the member states, again, much like nato, they would have to come for help. they would have to send a to be a troops weapons in your world, some other ammunition or equipment. this is literally written down in the mission statement of this military alliance. that's why the president of catholics done reached out to his allies when he said that right now, international terrorist groups are operating within his country, sort of the wrong. some foreign powers are urging us negotiate a peaceful solution. this is nonsense. what kind of negotiations can there be with criminals with murderers? we are dealing with armed, trained, bandits, local and foreign. and it seems that some western media outlets seem to miss the point as well. many singled out russia completely emitting the fact that it not
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only moscow, but all literally, all of the member states of this military block are sending peacekeepers as well. that's another thing. these are peacekeeping forces that are sending their officially not just troops. and in fact, at the head, over this military block, he had of the collective security t. the organization has clarified, time and time again, that these troops said that these peacekeepers are not there to fight, but rather to defend, to protect some key infrastructure objects, city exhausted, and all of these insinuations about our troops, like we're going to break up demonstrations are not true, that's what the cars like leases for. they will do their job and our job is slightly different. in some rumors about an intervention occupation and other things started to spread. it's just stupid. i once again state. this is the c s t o countries move to support kazakhstan and such a difficult period. this is the main reason for decision. there's no other reason for it. as soon as the situation stabilizes, the operation will be suspended on the troops will be pulled out. so it's
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unpleasant 1st to hear that we allegedly seize an opportunity, it's fake c s t o countries show willingness, anson sorority in helping kazakhstan, get through such a trouble period. and this morning, marks of the 1st night that the peacekeeping forces have spent inside of kazakhstan and this night, well, there was a bit of a lull in the fighting. it wasn't as intensified as if the past 48 hours. but according to the reports that we're hearing from the ground and sions are flaring up again. encouraged enough, or we discussed the presence of peacekeepers on washington's views on them with independent journalists, nicholas j, as david the united states may home with this sort of t r approach to the world that in spite of the united states having dropped more than 300000 bond with other countries in the last 20 years. and then the united states being the one that has to change in systematically in faded and fond of the
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country during that time. the u. s. prioritizes the information war m, which it always cost. so the force of the reason, the democracy before since the jesse my c by contrast, likes to frame its enemy as somehow illegitimate long checkpoint, something set up to enforce the curfew in the country's capital nor so there are 6 of them on archery, leading out of the city, the situation of being relatively calm in the capital over its being added to a red zone, juice the coven situation there. which authority said was exacerbated by the riots . the protests and cows extend 1st broke out and sunday after a spike in the price of liquified gas used as petroleum and vehicles that happened
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. dr. a price camp on that was lifted, which has since been re imposed by the president. his government also earlier resigned over the crisis. here's a quick recap of 5 things have been folded. ah, ah, out a booth
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with a group of unidentified people attack the mere tv and radio studios in el monte. the attackers destroy the tv production complex and workplaces of journals. ah, well, just to offer some context context on is the biggest of the central asian republics, ensures borders with russia and china as the world's 9th biggest country. kazakstan has vast natural resources. it ranks among the top 15 global oil producers and russia's bike and or consummate room is incomes external security. there has been
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tightened with a high terror alert. what catholics down is the world's leading uranium exporter as well. they security collapse has pushed out the price of the radioactive heavy metal, which is used in the production of nuclear fuel by 8 percent conflicts and also plays a prominent role in the crypto world. it is the 2nd largest bitcoin mining nation and a national internet outage. has caused the global price to slump by 10 percent in the last few days. to discuss all those many developments, we can welcome onto the program done. delighted to say to me 3 babich political analyst up the in a me internet, media project pack none, one senior lecturer and politics at the university of boston. the u. k. and david low senior research fellow at leads back at university law school and a former police officer. you're both at 3 of you all very welcome to the program. dmitri, can we start with you? what do you think are the root causes of the crisis in counts extend?
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it was triggered by a fuel prices, but clearly i would suggest this is about much more than the cost of l. p g. you are absolutely right. the reasons for these kinds of riots. well, there's kind of destruction, could not be purely economic. and also let me tell you that because i start is a relatively reach nation. it's certainly lives better than, for example, ukraine or some other form of southern objects such as the neighborhood was biggest . let me just give you these official statistics, because i found has a population which is 2 times smaller than the population levels biggest. but it hasn't been calling me, which is 3 times bigger. well, mostly thanks to the natural resources and thanks to that industrial base that had been created before like in 1991 under the soviet union. but still a car stand was viewed as and the economic success universally,
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it was acknowledged that it was a success. so the reasons i think were political because certain class, southern forces inside the country felt themselves under represented. and obviously very quickly, the protests which were peaceful in the beginning, but hijacked by the forces which wanted political power in the country. yeah, very recommendation. thanks for about to me to pack none. the kids, uk president, is blaming this an external forces without specifying exactly what those are, what you're viewed. i think we should not ru, oh, the existence and the assist and thanks and the forces at this stage. i believe if we look at the situation there in the report suggesting that there are only for ation, all social media using twitter, facebook,
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and war 7. although even the chinese, which had a channel to spread people messages and to embrace different types of products, actions and as a metal fence from your political point of view. if we look at the location of cost on, is actually particularly for a sensitive us, it will be present a similar case as what will happen in your claim. hong kong in 2019, when the similar kind of protests were suddenly broke out in the loss of scale and become of royalty fuckers ballad. and this is, this is something what i believe the chinese forties also moscow and the other allies across the watching about david president to kind of has taken a hard line approach, ruling its peaceful negotiations, branding. they protest her terrorist and giving a shoot to kill order is not going to succeed. you think to beverage aconia,
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measure to take it, use a word tell us not due to an area of work and research terrorists, you know, would apply. have all these city citizens who were looking for a change, but they said it certainly would deter many of those, you know, as committed to the cause, if you like, of, of what the project is about would deter them to the extent. but i think, i think the language can be a bit inflammatory from present to give, and i think they have to be careful and how to be response from the people themselves. okay, dmitri to maybe expand on your 1st answer context on has been relatively stable off to now, but i suppose that's true for the region as a whole. kurdistan as a to revolutions in the past 20 years. is it almost the the,
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the s in stud context on it was going to happen there at some stage? well, just a few days ago, 99 percent of the commentators would not agree with you. because gustavo, yes indeed, had to revolution since 2005, 2010. the 2nd one very violent and the ethnically good style is very close to cost on. these are for formally known maybe societies which were traditional societies before the russian empire took the mean of style in the 18th century. and later the south and part of the end of the 19th century, it gets done about the same time before they had been nomadic society with a strong traditional what that would go on not keep democracy and protests in these countries stake a very interesting form. these are not peaceful demonstrations or, you know,
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trying to apply electro pressure on the government. brought us up very quickly, becoming violent. that was the experience in curious and unfortunately, i did not avoid this neither. and we see all important it is to have an ally like russia and we have an organization like collective security figure. when i was asian c s t o to help us down in this very difficult time. now when they do is saying that all she asked you is, you know, punching beyond its weight or they have no right to and that kind of stuff. we want information about it. well, she still has been suggesting corporation to nato since they can, they can do seen c still was found it and they don't just didn't recognize. still, the western edition said that they don't see this as a duty meant organization. they didn't want to talk to c s u,
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so the west or the class itself to blame for not having the information or the information was available. and these are available. i'll pick your brain a little bit more in the cfo, dmitri, if, if, if i will just in a couple of minutes. but pack none. context on sure, is an 1800 kilometer border with china. is beijing worried about any potential spillover, especially in mission. jung province. oh yes, definitely. i think when the bride broke, our president, teaching thing has already make a very exploit explicit and strong statement affirming what the total you have. ministration has done to calm down the volume processors. yeah. and a metal that's a pop from oil which china imported a lot of oil focused on from, took on. and also in recent years, china, a lot of cold from custody. i think in terms of energy security cost on the sector,
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extremely important to china, let alone we talk about the one bed, one new initiative which is accurate. cost on is a dissenter of the whole thing. yeah. so, so this is in terms of, in the future politics and, you know, my couple fun extremely important to china and i don't think waiting would just let us start one on this home. and we'll keep a break, cross i onto it. and especially nowadays when the west and china has been struggling on the problem of seem jones, a cost on and others, social, asian country has cars in terms of culture and religion. we've seen john coffin, especially among the muslims and china, will definitely work closely with russia and also the see a seal ice to try to stop and prevent potential spill over into china. incredible amount revocation, arthur, david, the protest do look coordinated,
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you know, when you go after a tv station, you go after a new report that's out of the playbook, isn't it? of the revolution, but there is no obvious leader, can an uprising achieve anything without a clear sense of direction? no, it couldn't. you do need to lead. i think it's quite interesting covers just about it. as you said, you know, from protests against the fuel cap in book, i think once, even, even though even i was looking the fact that, you know, they, they talk to the state television station, the airport visa moves that we do see, as you said, possibly revolution so this is an issue that catholic style has got to deal with. it's interesting when we're talking about the c t s. so coming at having the wes concerned vacuuming the concern from russia on the trade and both of the marketing and pushing to say that could be one of the reasons why the west is showing consent, maybe of ukraine. it happened that wouldn't have been as concern with what's going
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on now. well, let's put that point to dmitri washington. seems very unhappy about the rule of the cfo peacekeepers in catholics found, suggesting it's illegitimate. why would it be a concern for the americans? well, it's amazing and you know, when people die in, in goes us, you know, might be where the government buildings are gone down. and the airport was taken by the surgeons, united states appealed for com and to dialogue and didn't to be, to be conserved when the situation stabilized somewhat. and the, and the frenzy true started took on an invitation from that because our government know that the state is suddenly concerned. it shows a completely flawed sense of priorities in washington. and the priority is in working on a very simple, anything that russia is doing is bad. any increase in the,
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or in russian influence catastrophic. we need to roll back russia to moscow. and this is a very primitive award. you're going to very dangerous because we'll already see how you green, formerly air flourish and stable so that keep public became basically a battleground. it was not russia that made it compared to the ground. it was washington of the you which all believe supported the violent cool, which continued for 5 months on the my, those square which led to the hosting or the legitimately elected president. so washington is, is a place for doing suicidal strategy over the last. i would say 15 years on the mr. obama probably with, with extended back to the invasion of yugoslavia, 999. washington is not allowing other states states to defend themselves to protect them. so this is
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a really good strategy pack known to pick up and appoint you earlier made kalsich sounds, a key part of china's belton road initiative. if we do see a period of instability, what would that mean for china's infrastructure plans in central asia? from the james point of view, what happened in class a son is actually a limit test to on investment and also initiative along deeper and will initiate if yeah, and that means i think the current situation and pass on to what extent all or how you will be successful, comes down, you keep doing a lot of information and reflections about how to work, who are the parent who initiate 2 countries and to deal with similar situation because actually the time of socio economic problems on the corporation. problem of governance because of son is not unique,
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is actually also found in other countries in the parent who initiated. and i think the super leave are important because the chinese for 40 will look with very closely if you will extend these the see so so it will be used to engineer the check of a problem. so in other words, i think the chinese government very closely you look into these and trying to prevent a parent role initiative, become a shout about david, a tough question. we could perhaps to the beta loan, but we'll ask it to you anyway. these protests have been anything but peaceful buildings towards to 18 police officers killed many more injured. talk of a beheading. really gruesome stuff at verified, in comparison to bella ruth protest last summer. we're calm in comparison. why do you think that it could be a number of factors speculating because we don't know for but i think as he said,
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we know we, we mentioned that the taking of the television station, the airport bearing down certainly government buildings. and certainly, as he said, the degree of violence, which is more than just a simple protest against a government or against a regime or against policy. this is looking far more serious than that. i think we have to, to, to look, to help towards the traffic stop. i think, you know, and the numbers states can look to, to, to try and support them. because we need stability in the area. it's actually part of, you know, you only have to look at tech as it stands. so the neighbors, you know, the likes of the back is down there. so the neighbors, afghanistan, not so stable regime. we need stability in that region for the greater good. not just because external and if we put politics aside of western states like the
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us from the u. k. m, rusty relations. unfortunately, when we start working for the go to the people in the area, then that's going to be a benefit. and we have to, to focus on that. we don't want in stability power, but he's got an issue that could spread. and that if you're talking about international, you've got learning stake, cause i'm province, for example, that it's absolutely right for the institute. something's responsibility of not just the fact that the c t s o nations i think, is responsibility globally to help cover extending the situation. dmitri, can we touch upon some accusations about, have been made over the last few days that the former long term president knows or by he was involved, or people close to him for the protest. some seeing that he provoked with some actions or organized or helped organize some of what we're seeing themselves. why
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would that, why would that accusation be be, be made on? do you think there is any basis to it? well, if indeed it had been so then i would think less of neither bias because until now he has shown himself to be a very sensible man. he was removed from the head of a security position. wasn't a just the day after the riots. well yeah about the main problem is that he did not appear since this talk of that brian didn't. you didn't deal with television, we didn't get anything. we didn't see any statements which probably indicates that he's been removed from the extra political role. but i still think he will retain his place in history because the lad, through very difficult 30 years, the 1st 30 years of the countries independence. and he peacefully transferred the formal presidential policy to cassim to my car was the president now. but if indeed
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he'll or t square and i mean other buyers plan. if they did to organize this, then the results are the opposite or what they wanted to achieve. because neither buyer has nowhere to be seen. the government, which can assisted all the people, coasted on her buyer as resigned, basically to effect by president the guy of guy of looks like a said the president until now. now is 100 percent full fledged president. so in general, at table room, a showcase agent around people close to another buyer. for example, the former had off because our stance security could be g, which is basically gather gage u b r. mr. moore seem of who had been that issue hare, same as usual,
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harold, another buyer for 10 or 15 years. he was removed from his position. he is no longer had all the country secured. so if we can make any conclusions about the political outcome of all this 900 bias, one is region politics. so i just don't think that the former president of our buyer and he is relatives, but are so stupid as to engineer their own demise. they are, by far too professional politicians. well, thank you very much all for a very thorough explanation, analysis of what is a fast, rapidly escalating situation there in catholics done. dmitri barber's political analyst, the ines, me, internet media project, pocket number one, senior lecture in politics at the university of boston. you can give a low senior research fellow leads back at university law school. thank you very
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much. thank you. now, if the following documentary doesn't produce a tour or 2, you may want to check what would get the tissue. sandy are big. russian family begins in moments. check it out with a . this isn't an orphanage or even so, since you children have been cared for at the fountains house, it's become a sanctuary for anyone who needs help a lot on them if by chance with
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