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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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the ah, i have given the order to open fire and kill terrorists without warning because our president claims 20000 extremists have attacked the country's biggest city amid the deadly anti government. unrest also sang to allies including russia for sending in peace. kiefer, russia, lambs, harsh rhetoric by the us and secretary of state is hypocritical. that's after entity blinking says it could be hard to make russia leave conflicts done when addressing the presence of russian peacekeepers in the region under the cfo alive. also, the price of recording plummets 10 percent after an internet outage and conflicts. don takes out a huge share of the world's crypto mining operation. use
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broadcasting live direct from us studios and moscow. this is our international, sean thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. right now, the contact president has given a shoot to kill order against riders spreading them terrorists after days of anti government unrest. dozens of protesters and at least 18 police officers are dead since the chaos erupt. after a new year, fuel price hike, president took high of claims. $20000.00 extremists have attacked, contacts, tons, largest city on monte no more as a stand will completed anti terrorist operation will destroy those who do not surrender. i have given the order to open fire and kill terrorists without warning . hundreds of civilians and military personnel have been injured and killed anonymity due to the actions of terrorists. these were well coordinated actions. the terrorists exhibited combat readiness and best cruelty. it looks like they were
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trained all the demands of the people expressed in a peaceful manner were heard to produce any democratic. the president is now waging an anti terror campaign against the writers. police in the country's biggest city have been rounding up suspects throughout the day. at least 2000 have been arrested nationwide since the unrest began. and this was the scene in amadi on friday afternoon. fix smoke hanging over the city after official buildings, including the mayor's workplace, were torturing chart vehicle can be seen on the streets and spread. gunfire was reported as well. the security forces, however, say that they are now in control of the city. conflicts donna has requested help from its allies to restore law and order more than 3000 peacekeepers from the c. s t o alliance have arrived from russia. bell. ruth armenia subject has done and cared is done. they're working to secure the vital infrastructure. our
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correspondent, what i got was granted exclusive access to the peacekeeping mission. he flew into almighty with the russian contingent on a defense ministry plain. ah, we have now arrived. how much the city at the very south of got started, where much of the violence of some of the worst of the unrest took place. the city was largely abide by law enforcement left for marauders and luther to free tire shopping centers, as well as alluded many shop broke it a d. m
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ah activity here at the air field is our my b b absolutely print it all day at some point. so the only minutes past, but we did other played lag or, or taking off for my daughter, the breakneck this frenzy the devotee. but we're seeing is happening here in alma double just what airfield, but also all across gather, started major cities, major airports as well as the lag crossings, where troops, rober allied nations, continue the poor red.
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ah here's another batch of troops that were mobilized too quickly for the corporation to, to get from from our media from belarus, from russia as well as the start. and did you start making their way because i thought the on the pool that help, which was catholic stud triggering the collective security organization agreement that it as it is a member of because gather stop, believe that it is under a ford outside attack. it is looked at the project, for example, the, the highly organized nature of the right. the fact that right is targeted military,
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our civil law enforcement buildings. the fact that the marauders and looters, i've also been organized, as well as the fact that many of the activities so cool activists who are branding, these protest i do ensure from abroad, which is ground trigger the collective security agree. but there's now being triggered in the there's allowed all these through the make their way in picked out of stock. meanwhile, checkpoints have been set up to enforce the curfew in the country's capital, nor so tongue. there are 6 of them. arteries leading out of the city, the situation has been relatively calm in the capital. however, it has been added to a red zone due to the call, the situation there, which authority say, was exacerbated by the riots. the protesting conflicts on 1st broke out on sunday after a spike in the price of liquified gas used as petroleum and vehicles. this happened
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after a price cap was lifted, which has since been re imposed by the president. his government also earlier resigned over the crisis. here's a quick recap of how things unfold it. ah, ah. a. a tooth
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. with a group of unidentified people attack the mere tv and radio studios and l monte. the attackers destroy the tv production complex and workplaces of journalists. ah, to give some context, cause exxon is the biggest of the central asian republics, and shares of borders with russia and china as the world's at night. the biggest country kazakhstan has vast natural resources. it ranks among the top 15 global oil
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producers, also rushes by canoe or cosmo. jerome is in kazakhstan, security. there has been tightened with a high terror alert set cause exxon is the world's leading uranium export. the security collapse has pushed up the price of that radioactive heavy metal, which is used in the production of nuclear fuel by about 8 percent. the country also plays a prominent role in the crypto world. it is the 2nd largest bitcoin mining nation, and a national internet outage has seemingly caused the global price to swamp 10 percent in the last couple of days, putting bitcoin at its lowest price in 3 months, just above $40000.00. economist, peter earl, thinks instability such as what we are seeing in kazakhstan, could become a long term crypto problem. i mean, bitcoin mining moved across the border from trying to get extend may of last year when chinese grad down catholics. it's a great place for money because it has an abundance of cheap energy. but the thing
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is that again, we're finding out now that there's no real great or there's no perfect place. i mean, i suppose we could see mining move west, georgia or as or by john. but there's a certain level of implicit either either political risk or instability. that's never going to be agile. there's never, never going to leave. it's always going to be there because it's then, of course, has relationships with both russia and china. and yeah, if the miners were to move further west, we're still talking about the sphere influence of russia and asian european countries. and if they move into western europe, then you're talking about the u. s. u b and that regulatory factor. so it will take a very independent states when that's freedom, which is and has a lot of economic autonomy, they'll have to welcome bitcoin mining. otherwise, of course, here's an influence will continue to factor into where it's shaped and not safe to
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mind. or russia has slammed remarks by us secretary state anthony blinking as hypocritical after used harsh rhetoric on friday to address the presence of russian peacekeepers and catholics done. in a speech prior to a nato meeting involving washington and moscow, he chose to focus on questioning the nature for help rather than on the actual riots in the region themselves or geez, kill him up and as more we have antony blank in the u. s. secretary of state, he was speaking to reporters about the top news events of the new year. now he touched on the situation and kaz at stan. one might expect that he would offer his condolences to those in the country were in danger. but instead of doing that, he decided to talk about another country. this is what was said by antony blanca. there are very particular drivers of what's happening cause it's done right now as a said that go to you cannot megan and political matters. one lesson recent history is that a, once a russians are in your house,
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sometimes very difficult to get them to leave. it's important to note that he's speaking as the secretary of state of the country with a long pattern of remaining in countries that never invited them. syria never invited the united states in neither did afghanistan. neither did iraq. neither did a number of countries where the usa continues to maintain a military presence, but the situation with casks, dan, is quite different. it's the authorities of cows extend that are asking for support . and the block i has offered its support to cause its dan after the countries president reached out amid a security crisis, but apparently antony blank and thinks he knows better. this is what he said. it would seem to me that the cause, like authorities and government certainly have the capacity to deal appropriately with her with protests. so to do so in a way that respects the rights of protestors while maintaining long order. so it's
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not clear why they feel the need for any outside assistance. so we're trying to learn more about it now. the president of cars at stan himself reached out for support amid the security crisis, arguing that they needed support in light of what's happening on the grounds. anthony blank and says this support is not necessary and seemed to know better than the forces that are actually in the country dealing with the crisis. meanwhile, we have gen saki, the white house spokesperson, along with blanket, questioning the legality of the emission being sent to cause extent. well, it is legal because 6 countries signed the treaty comprising this block and saying that if such an emergency situation did arise, that they would intervene in each other's countries for security reasons. and then this is peacekeeping forces. these are peacekeeping forces being sent in. now, antony blanket and his remarks also touched on ukraine and the situation ukraine. and he said that the meeting that's coming up is aimed at at lowering the temperature between the united states and russia. but he then accused russia of,
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quote, gas lighting and pushing false narratives when it comes to the fact that russia has raised its concerns about nato expansion eastward. he said, the say never has promised that nato wouldn't expand even though russia has provided many documented instances of united states making such a promise that has been broken. now we have a situation further, where at this point, at this point, ukrainian authorities and others are raising allegations about the fact that rushes troops are in russia. russia, moving its own troops around within its borders, is not a threat to ukraine, but the states continues to play up. this idea that somehow russia is a threat to ukraine. and of course, we have this allegation that somehow the united states never promised not to move nato eastward. there was no promise that nato wouldn't expand. nato never promised not to admit new members. it could not and would not. the open door policy was
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a corporate vision of the 949 north atlantic treaty that founded nato. russia has provided many examples of nato, promising not to expand the james baker. u. s. secretary of state said nato would not move an inch east. we also had statements from german foreign ministers and german officials. these statements were made. russia has documented this time and time again, us officials to present tenure to or 10 these things that russia has provided as evidence. they simply don't exist. they just pretend that they didn't happen. but regardless, the upcoming meeting is expected to cool temperature. that is the aim of the hope is that us russia relations will improve. that is the aim of the meeting next week between the leader of russia and the leader of the united states. but this, these words from blink and just a few days beforehand or certainly not, not cooling tensions. we spoke to scott ritter, former us marine corps intelligence officer, who gave his perspective on why the u. s. is not teen on the c s t o peacekeepers
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in catholic stuff. it's pure hypocrisy, but it's par for the course when it comes to not just the biden administration, but frankly, speaking, any american administration in the post cold war era, the united states continues to be bitter. that somebody like glad amir putin took over from a person like boris yeltsin. i mean, the 1900 ninety's, where the ideal for the united states a compliant russia was replaced by know, a stronger leader who sought to assert, you know, russian sovereignty either can be no doubt to what russia is doing. because extend today is lawful. it's part of a treaty relationship. they were requested to intervene and they are doing so effectively. ah, the british prime minister is once again having to fill off corruption allegations after it merged, he withheld revealing text messages from a watchdog probing sleaze in them. boris johnson asked
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a party donor for more money for luxury refurbishments to his flat, and seems to suggest that he will do political favors and return. his rivals say that this smacks of cronyism. it's pretend believable that bars johnson didn't know who was paying for his lecture, flatter innovations. if so, that is corruption, plain and simple. by attempting to hide the truth, boris john santa minds, his own office, it stinks of the was kind of conservative cronyism with berries. johnson, simon, they're happy to scratch his donna's back to get his flat to his stop in return. while that is indeed the case of cause new year new me hasn't exactly defined bar as johnson's 10 year this year, whatsoever. in fact, is embroiled in fresh accusations of tories sleeves and corruption even fools in the prime minister to give a quote, sincere and humble apology for crucial messages relating to the downing street flat
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refurbishment. of course, you remember last year orest johnson was a bird to seek the cash to pay for this rebound. of course, prime ministers are allowed up to $30000.00 pounds every single year. if a force johnson spent well over a 100000 pounds, now it seems like the very man that coughed up the halls of this cash with a tory donor who at the very same time, was seeking to see a great exhibition, which is essentially a showcase of british innovation and the great empire, now these text messages dated back to november of 2020 where bar johnson was trying to get the approval of a top interior designer to transform this flag which was being described at the time as a bit of a tip. now, despite apologizing, barnes johnson says he doesn't recall off to you for this cash, and that he didn't disclose any of this evidence to the electoral commission that's investigating the refund. because the tax, let's just don't exist on his phone anymore. well,
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obviously the opposition is crying foul, but this story really seems to change, minute by minute force. johnson initially said that he actually paid for this revamp, then some time later you said any loans that were related to the downing street was published meant would of course, be declared in due course. but then at the end of last year, or the johnson insisted that the u. k is not corrupt by genuinely believe that the u. k. is not remotely a corrupt country that i, nor do i believe that our institution, these are corrupt and, and i think it's very, very important to say that well, this of course isn't the 1st tory party schedule. of course, last year we saw a november investigation found that tory don't as have been offered seats in the house of lords. then there was, sees allocations that many 3 m, p 's were having 2nd jobs not to mention of course, december was daft and these downing street christmas party allegations, but in relation to this particular mass for,
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as johnson has indeed been cleared of breaching any ministerial codes, downing street, so that's normal practice for the prime minister to receive project proposals. but many people really question how normal is it to receive conversations about project proposals. while at the very same time, the prime minister is seeking a huge sum of money. we spoke with norman baker, former minister of state, at the u. k. home office, and he didn't hold back his view. the prime minister is the most corrupt leader in modern british history. he's very clearly been trading all the favor. is it on your own purposes that his corruption? i very much the independent bodies which will not will not feel any consequence from coming up with the feel favor and see what the find is perfectly fine. is breaking the law, breaking the rules and needs to be removed. as you know, some of the scandals which are being be taking place have been for the general
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public, rather arcade and distant. but i think public understand very well, it was less than one, which is the idea that he will have christmas boxes for his friends. while telling everybody else they are home and not through the rotors of a every in the country even buying guilty by public opinion on that matter. norris don't 1st by mr. i think, behaving the way it is the spectacle. and i'm watching aside the standards unsafe dancer. i've been so much part of our democracy. i'm very angry about this. are trying to get in the world and he's crushing it on germany. covered regulations are about to get even tougher under new rules coming in, being fully vaccinated won't be enough to enter bars and restaurants. customers will have to show a negative test or proof of a booster shot. this comes after spike in the infection rate or to policy here is in berlin with the latest pert from the german chancellor. all of sholtes who
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agreed with the leaders of the 16 states of germany to impose stricter rules and regulations in an attempt to try and counter the spread of cove at 19, at a press conference that was held on friday here in the capital city of berlin. a new regulation has been put in place, particularly for restaurants and bars. now here, as you mentioned, access would only be given to people who have not only had to vaccinations, but in addition, have also had either a booster or a negative taste. so it's no longer enough just to have had to vaccinations. if a person has had that booster, they will then not need to corrine teen if they come into contact with a person who does taste positive for covert amongst the other things there is to be a shortening of the quarantine of the self isolation period. and until now has seen a maximum length of 14 days,
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it will particularly be shorten for so called critical workers. so this includes your police, your emergency angel, medical staff, the current regulation, in terms of they being a maximum of 10 people. when you have a public gathering for people who have been either vaccinated or recovered, will continue. now the chancellor could justify these rules and say that it was necessary if indeed the country was to have better control of stopping the spread of the infection in future. it comes at the same time that the german health minister has admitted that the biggest problem, problematic area here, is restaurant's way. he says people sit for hours and without any kind of math and not always with social distance thing. meanwhile, early this week, there are more than 20 boys and girls who receive the wrong vaccination. they received a highly concentrated vaccination that was made to be for adults,
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not for children between ages of $5.00 to $11.00. that happened at a vaccination center at the do. now we have heard from doctors who said that they are in constant contact with the parents of the children, and they all know dire consequences. while at the same time moving forward, the decision has been made to now have different vaccination centers for children and parents to try and prevent that happening. all of this coming on the back of the ongoing protests here across germany, by people who are against the vaccination or who are against any kind of restrictions when it comes to dealing with cove at 19 on thursday night embedded we saw nearly 200 people take to the streets. also the same night we saw hundreds of people take to the street in ober house and take a look isn't not left, we're not right. we just one freedom piece and not someone telling us whether we have to get vaccinated or not. everyone should have freedom of choice. i feel the
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measures a disproportionate and i find this division in society. questionable. i want the parties to listen to each other so that we are not constantly divided by this. it's no longer a matter of being vaccinated or not vaccinated. everyone should slowly wake up and ask themselves whether all the measures we have been subjected to here for almost 2 years, a justified. now, a monday evening alone, more than a 100000 people rallied in demonstrations across germany. the government has previously bad rallies before we see happening now is a lot of an authorized so called walks, where by and large people are protesting peacefully. but sometimes there is an event of violence on a 2nd to tennis star has been borrowed from the australian open for not taking a coven that seen men's number one. novak jovan which is stuck in an immigration
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hotel and he is now joined, thereby check doubles specialist renata chava. we can confirm that the check tennis player renata for a java is in the same detention as jock of which together with several other tennis players in melbourne. our consulate general and sydney is now dealing with the situation and is in touch with the tennis player. we're not over till the flew into melbourne. it with the same vaccine exemption granted to jacoby, which it showed that she had recently recovered from covered 19. both players have had their v says cancelled. and to cove it, she has launched an appeal the australian prime minister has defended the harsh line on athletes saying that there should be no exceptions to vaccine rules. rules are rules. it's what i said yesterday. that's the policy of the government and has been our governments strong border protection policies, and particularly in relation to the pandemic. that is ensure the destroyer has one of the lowest death rights from covered anywhere in the world. we one of the 1st
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countries to move on shutting ab was we were criticized at the time, but it was the right decision, and we have maintained those important border controls. the entire period of the pandemic. sports columnist, alan more explains the problems therapeutic exemption. now faces stressing that the situation could get worse in the future or not already say, let's say you're excited. who are the players? who are there a ga player? where do we sort who socialize then suddenly she guess you're taking like your day and say, ok, you're, you're moving out of this down. you're going to have a few suggestions because what they've been told is, was terry players were checked. so she has, had coven, novick has had a slightly different, where he says that he can take it because of his heart issues. so it's kind of like
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now it's all kind of words. i think it's going to get worse. or that doesn't for me this hour, i will be back in about 32 minutes with the look at your headlines. this is our to international. we don't have a choice, so we're glad you choose us. ah ah.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics, spoke business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. ah, this isn't an orphanage or even so, since you children have been cared for at the funding house, it's become a sanctuary for anyone who needs help. a lot on there, it's like yes with
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sonya was abandoned by her mother. it was crucial to find her new family before child protection services took her with la. you were to book with a boy a boy who had come on, but i pulled up much that was still pulling up anything with .


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