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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2022 6:00am-6:31am EST

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ah ah in a review with thousands of suspected terrorists have been detained in catholic staff to protest. so the fuel prices descended into deadly violence with gun fire in the streets. authority say many foreigners are among the is arrested apart. the 100 for peacekeepers are right. big to get that stock every single day, while thousands of things keep it from russia and other allied nations arriving catholics, dan after presidential appealed to help to restore order. if we arrived in the republic of kansas time deployed to the science area received in order to protect and defend the vital state facilities that we had ordered to
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protect the almighty. airport awards is being conducted 24 hours a day and also to come up in europe, a new code restrictions, the unrest in germany and austria with protest in paris facing bathroom and tear gas and division in europe. i. e plan to label gas, nuclear as green energy. ne gym and government planning. it is green washing with hello, they're welcome. the latest developments look back at what's been happening over the last 7 days to you, watching weekly, here on our, to international dozens of people have been killed during a week of riots in kaz. extend the authority, say they branded up about $6000.00 pain on terrorism charges and claim there are many foreigners among the higher the country started 2022
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the the what a suite, the anti terrorism operation is still on the way in the largest city l massey it's been the hardest in recent days. the prizes looting stows and testing 5 government buildings with many of them carrying firearms. yes, to make damages more than $200000000.00. dozens of people including 3 children and at least 16 police officers have been killed. it's claimed, some of the police were even beheaded. president chi uh, responded with an order to shoot suspected terrorists on site. they were important there says groups arises, were highly organized and used 2 way radio being the countries worse the rest in
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a generation. his higher hit unfolded. ah, ah ah, with improve upon identified people attack the mere tv and radio studios and l much. the attackers destroy the tv production complex and workplaces of journals.
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ah, with the protestors ransacked banks and charles, now everything is broken. the money was taken the window smash, military helmets are lying on the ground. there's lots of rubbish. ah ah, more catholics dan will complete it. anti terrorist operation will destroy those who do not surrender. i have given the order to open fire and kill terrorists without warning or catholics. danny central age is biggest republic and shares borders with russia and also china. the protests have been driven by a long simmering resentment over a perceived disparity wealth with the most finding class she's erupting in the
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commercial capital on massey, kate it in the sy feast. well, here's the aftermath of the writer's attack on this building, which has is several television studios. though it is still cameras and damaged other expensive equipment before setting the premises on fire. a reporter whose office was attacked, described to us the chaos and the face of the people living in the city. i'm not sure or question company. the office of our tv company is located in the very epicenter of the rights. right in front of the office entrance, we found a dead body, a murdered young man, who looked 20 to 25 years old. for them, we started filming, and at a distance of $50.00 to $70.00 me to 3 service men, came up to us and started shouting, stop, hands on what they had weapons which they pointed to tongue. actually i raised my hands, showed my press id when it started shouting that we would press so that they would not shoot. they lowered their weapons only when they came very close to us and saw that we would journalists, we can say that we got off lightly because
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a few days ago, a car with journalists was shot at here. the driver was killed and the cameraman was seriously injured. the situation is still extremely tense. the entire city center is paralyzed and destroyed. all administrative buildings and offices of tv companies with torched, not a single shopping center remains intact. they were all looted and burned. a lot of small businesses were affected shops and banks. there is traffic in the city, but no public transport doing people are already running out to food. it's a problem to buy any flash points of on confrontation, still flare up periodically and burned. abandoned, wrecked cars are scattered throughout the city. there are places where human bodies have not yet been removed. the peaceful protests over social issues was simply hijacked into the 1st wave of protests was absolutely peaceful. they was simply trying to convey the demands to the authorities. then a 2nd wave began with extremist who began to smash, burn, and attack representatives of power structures grabbing. this is colossal material
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damage to the city in its infrastructure. how long will it take to recover? how much money will be required? well, the money come from, how will people live through this time? these are very urgent questions now, as well as the trouble got worse cars extend requested help from neighboring allies to restore law and order more than 3000 piece cape is from the multinational. yes, yeah. military alliance arrived from russia. feller, race, armenia, tajikistan, and also kirk is stan stated, mission is to secure vital infrastructure while the local law enforcement deals with the rioters. if we arrived in the republic of kazakhstan, deployed to be signed area received in order to protect and defend vital state facilities on your quality of other cio, we had orders to protect the almighty airport on what we successfully accomplish. that early set about posts and patrols it was a watch is being conducted 24 hours a day. every day here is markedly busier than the last hundreds upon
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hundreds. more peacekeepers are arriving to tell us that stock every single day arriving our troops. peacekeepers have taken over security at by the strategic infrastructure side such as the power stations, such as government offices, military base is the and the likes which freeze up jazz. it started the troops troops of the catholic star military to go above restoring order areas where there were riots where there was looting, where the marauders with mm hm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm.
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mm. mm. and it isn't just russian peacekeepers. all members of the shift you onset hasn't started school for health sellers, patricky start, he'll get start and armenia. these are newly arrived, armenian troop. peacekeepers who have also comes a chasm. a detachment about a 100 people have been sent as part of the request. by the case study, government full members of the collective security for your organization. their job will be the same as that of other people, mostly guarding various sites. get free up as a study through the go about law enforcement, which is desperately needed. ryan, arson, theft and mugging. have ground the city of alma, the tour. holt. civilians are urged to stay in doors away from windows is cather,
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4th of restore order and contain bandits and terrorists, as they call a bluetooth. even the airport isn't entirely safe to that. then there are endless drills exercises for every situation with a security situation. in our much near the airports, still precarious troops arriving by the dead, they're being drilled, exercising regularly, to prevent infiltration of, or whatever they're guarding, but by om gangs, or, or mobs, who have seized weapons from various military arsenals. they're also practicing finding any potential infiltrate infiltrators and containing them. the presence of c. s. 2 forces in kazakhstan is temporary, some j a month, some say to,
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but talk of pulling out now is spread mature as so much could be done. like other piece, cuba isn't easy, especially the 1st few days can be can be rough. the endless patrols are not enough supplies in a crazy amount of work to be done a position to be made secure. but as things stand, order is slowly returning to on monday, and there is confidence that the unrest that has gripped the cadre can be bought behind very soon was, art is more against the will. the peacekeepers have evacuated 25 russians from el massey. they had been visiting for new year holidays, but were left stranded when commercial flights were canceled because of the riots. russia has received several 100 requests from it. citizens to be flown, active cause extend. some of those returning home shared their emotions.
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we came here to ski during the new years, holidays and then this terrible incident happened. now we're being evacuated by the military because apparently there isn't another way i'm really thankful for the well coordinated work of our military. the guys who rescued us for taking us out of this terrible situation. thank you very much. god willing will get home fast because this has been a rather scary and difficult ordeal. i know we are flying home. god willing, we will get home. we love you all. well, it is a crisis that is ongoing and unused cruise on the grounding cars extend will keep you updated here on our international and also on our social media pages. the my face protests are up to the major cities across france this weekend and saw clashes with police over mandatory vaccine passports, and other covey restrictions that were an estimated
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a 105000 demonstrators nationwide with riot police, resorting to batten's anti gas to restore order the the the protestors took to the streets of phones on saturday in the cities of paris, nice and non, to protest against the covert pass. the scenes turn violent with police using tear gas and battens against many of the protesters a similar throw back to the scenes we saw in late december. now this is despite the fact that on monday you had as many as 400000 people tasting positive for covert in france. it comes as the french president emmanuel mc crohn used vulgar language
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against people who've chosen to be unvaccinated. his comments were quite across the fringe public and across the political spectrum, and he made them as the national assembly debated the law that would see unvaccinated people being banned for much of public life. it is expected that there will be introduced in the coming days. this comes as massive protests against covert continue across europe in vienna. they were fumes and a lot of noise as protest has demonstrated against the vaccination and against covered restrictions. here in germany, in the city of magda burg, thousands of people took to the street. the driver, the vine,
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and with the police using tear gas and battens to try and disperse the crawl. there were scenes of protests in many other cities across the country, including the capital berlin. at the same time, the german hotel and restaurant association has issued a statement saying that these latest restrictions are a disaster for businesses and have a negative impact, particularly on restaurants, who rely heavily on wilkins. and they have urged the government to provide urgent assistance. the deed is being guided by the latest message from the world health organization stating that although the latest variant, omi called is less severe than the previous variant of delta, particularly amongst those people who have been vaccinated in no way. can it be classified as mild? just like previous variance, omicron is hospitalized people and it is killing people. in fact, the soon army of cases is so huge and quick that it is overwhelming health systems
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around the world. it is expected that there will be more protests in the coming days, as governments across europe continue to tighten restrictions and introduce mandatory vaccines to try and stop the spread of covered lay reporting nice still to come. few on the weekly russia says it went back to american pressure ahead of crunch tools with nato a mid tensions ukraine will have more than that. most of the stories to just ah know. when i would show the wrong. why don't just don't the yes to see out the same because the after an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves well the part we choose to look for common ground in
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oh, driven by dreamer shapes bankers and those with dares sinks. we dare to ask a welcome back. now ahead of wednesday's crunch talks between russia and nato. moscow
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says it won't back to pressure from washington. it follows reports. the biden administration is working on tough sanctions against russia. if it invades he cry, russia will not bow to you as pressure and will not accept any concessions. the unilateral approach proposed by the u. s. a. nato can't be used as the basis for discussing security guarantees. these high level talks to avoid further escalations over ukraine are set to take place between the united states and russia on monday. but before anyone has even sat down at the negotiating table, the u. s. is already threatening big economic sanctions. binds administration says that russia is planning to invade ukraine, even though moscow has time and time again. it is said, it is not planning to do so. so it sure seems interesting that the white house would say it's going into these negotiations without optimism. while it seems like it's ready to torpedo the negotiations before they even began, we're going into these meetings with a sense of realism, not a sense of optimism. we are willing to see whether or not russia comes to these
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talks with a spirit of seriousness, willing to discuss these issues in a concrete results oriented way. what he wants to do will lead them. she has themselves up somehow. you know, all these talks are set to be held on the backdrop of heightening tensions with ukraine. they're also set to take place alongside a proposed treaty by russia for security guarantees between itself and nato. moscow's proposal primarily seeks to stop the for the further eastward expansion of nato into the former soviet sphere. this is something that russia said it was guaranteed many years ago. back when the former soviet president mikhail gorbachev was in power. however, the us state department has called moscow's proposal a list of non starters and nato officials have also echoed that sentiment saying they will not outright reject any countries that are looking to join the military alliance. so with nato officials in washington, seemingly unwilling to consider russia's terms,
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it remains to be seen how effective these talks are going to be done. quarter then, when you think green energy, you may think of solar panels or wind turbines. however, he wants to include natural gas and nuclear power, at least when it comes to, to attracting investments. that though hasn't gone down to well with that many people with germany calling it green washing. charlotte had been ski as more in the story a new year and a new spat is brewing between new members. bickering has a rapid with state, split over how energy from nuclear and gas susan should be classed in the future. the you want to categorize investments in some of these projects as being green, but others all you, this is essentially green washing label nuclear energy, as sustainable is wrong. this is a high risk technology. it is questionable whether this green washing will find acceptance on the financial market at all. that we think nuclear technology is
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dangerous. we still think the waste issue is unresolved. we expressly reject the assessment on nuclear power. under the commissions proposal investment, the new nuclear energy facilities should be classified as a group if they meet certain technical standards. now that lead to occupations that the commission is he destroying the credibility of the european eco label for financial investments with germany leading the charge of nations against these proposals, but could put it in direct collision. of course, with the blocks of the heavy weight that is france. 70 percent of energy here is generated from nuclear power. so convinced the president michael and nuclear is a way forward, he financed a 1000000000 euro investment. expanding the industry will go home in order to guarantee france, his energy independence to ensure our countries electricity supply and to achieve
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our objectives, in particular carbon neutrality. in 2050, we will for the 1st time in decades, relaunch the construction of nuclear reactors in our country and continue to develop renewable energies. i'm going has the support from some eastern block nations was for a vacuum prime minister agreeing that climate neutrality just called be met without you clear energy. but australia is furious over the plan, saying it will take the commission to court if it moves ahead with them. will examine the present draft carefully and have already commissioned a legal opinion on nuclear power in the taxonomy in this plans are implemented in this way. we will sue because atomic power is dangerous and not a solution in the fight against the climate crisis. meanwhile, germany is also coming under pressure over its anti nuclear stance from the czech republic. berlin has just all the clues of haul from germany's remaining nuclear
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power plants, as part of a plan to withdraw completely from the technology that prague describes that as being a radical step, our government will have to work patiently and hard look for allies in europe and convince partners finally, it also has to move forward with the construction of nuclear units and to encourage investment in other reasonable renewable sources. that is the way out of the energy crisis. the alternative is under development and poverty, and nobody wants that. all of this comes as europe is in the midst of an energy crisis, with some experts suggesting that the crunch will last roy the way until 2023. that move by germany including nuclear react is also could push up prices even further. and as prices in german neil was twice as high as they could be. there is an energy crisis that the prices of the rising. rising cost means that the industry need more
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energy and that heating your home becomes expensive. we need cheap, stable energy. politicians that run our country a lot focused on the interest of german industry in german customers. but that's the whole idea, logical gender and de fuller to audiological agenda. the 1st thing they don't need get because they want to do everything with the nubile. it's a kind of magic, they believe that they can do that again. as the 2nd audiological agenda, they follow that there are hard core intro, rushing one solution to that coin. this could be the approval of the nord stream to pipeline that would supply directly from russia to germany. however, with tension tie between the you and moscow, the green light for that project is far from so i've been leaving the
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e. u. scrambling to find the money to pay increasing energy bills, while members remain bitterly divided over the future of energy policy. charlotte, even sky r t. paris. you've been watching the weekly here. nazi, thanks for company this sunday afternoon. we're back again with more stories. and about half of the what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk
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with the school is to chose to begin with. each one is all about the way to assess my way. i think we got those scores out of a good. i see what was left. the key mistyped with water with junior was, wasn't it that the appointment was for that if you just because you were seeing that it did with no, i mean logical. put that amount with the me. if brower a new with
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a with mm welcome to was the part. it's been 80 years since philosopher eric from identified 2 types of freedom. freedom from to be no one slave. and if we don't to, to be the master of your own faith. while we all idealized the latter achieving, the former, the freedom from use and abuse is no small feat in this day and age, especially for africa, which has been exploited for so many centuries under various pretext. what needs to happen for the continent to truly take its deserve at a place in the world. to discuss that i am now joined by vice president of liberia
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jewel hoard taylor. madame vice president is a great on a great privilege. great, great pleasure for me to talk to thank you very much for allowing us some time. thank you for this opportunity. i'm really truly grateful. now most countries including russia, have their names given to them by history. it's, it was shade by certain chain of historic events, but you represent one of the very few countries in the world that consciously chosen its own name, and they're very meaningful, as well as somewhat controversial name. liberia, the land of freedom. is that still an aspiration, or is it already a reality? well, you know, we were deliberate about the name that we chose. liberia, the land of liberty and freedom, were the 1st country on the continent that was free. we were not colonized anyway, even though those who came to create liberia had been slaves. but i think the freedom that they sought for which they have been denied for more than 400 years,
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definitely played into what they decided to do in the end. so it's no longer an aspiration as it relates to freedom to be the issue that we're dealing with now is economic freedom. how do we now make sure that we use the resources god has given us human natural resources to benefit and encourage our young people to take control of their destinies? we will definitely touch on the economic issues, but i have a few historical questions because i think, you know, the history of your country is fascinating and very timely in a way. i know that liberia was founded by former african american slaves on the land purchase when the help of the american colonization society, which was an all wide group motivated by the decrease of the number of free slaves in the united states. it was an exclusively racist proposition. without which your country may not have existed. isn't it fascinating to you how an
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outwardly negative proposition can result in something good? and that is the will live. you know, there are opportunities that come our way and depend on what you do with that opportunity can become a negative thing or a positive thing. and i'm sure of those who took that voyage across the seas, not even being sure where they were going and what would happen. we're glad in the end that they were able to establish such a nation of grays, a nation of history. and i think it's something that is a good story, even though it might have started of as a, as a bad seed. god uses whatever he chooses to make whatever he has made. and i think we're grateful. now he said it was a good story, but it wasn't without its own blemishes at please home, whatever. at the 1st settlers, despite their experience of objectification and exploitation, did do the same thing to the aboriginals. and they bought and sold people who
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initially lived on that land and they treated them as humans, not.


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