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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 10, 2022 12:30am-1:00am EST

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[000:00:00;00] ah, ah, you know, everybody is concerned about the point being upon the screen, but in fact, it's the only thing out there. there's not a montes game, it's an open source project girl by volunteers. it's not a policy, but there are a lot of plans use out there. ah, in,
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with join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. and i'll be speaking the guess when the world of politics, small business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm . oh, driven by dream shaped bankers and those with
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dares sinks we dare to ask ah ah hello and welcome to cross stock were all things we considered i'm peter lavelle. what is the national mood? i suppose it depends on what kind of media you consume to say the nation is divided in highly partisan is an understatement. this is certainly what the national media wants us to think. but are we really so divided on what really matters? i cross sucking the public mood. i'm joined by my guess, martha bonita in palm beach. she is president
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a boat america 1st in atlanta. we have d dawkins, hagler. she is a political strategists and a former georgia state representative. and in boston, we cross a rory riley topping she is an attorney, a conservative commentator, and a contributor at the hill. all right, ladies, crosshatch, rules and effect. that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate martha. your this is your 1st appearance on cross. ok. so i'd like to go to you 1st . i'm calling this program. angry nation. what is the mood? because, you know, i'm a media attic so i watch everything from in in m. s. nbc fox, everything, you know, and i get the impression people are angry, but angry over what i'm not really sure. go ahead, martha in dc. listen, most americans, regardless of what side of the i'll, you are republican, democrat, independent undecided. most americans with their pocket books and at the end of the day we care about pitching table issues. and right now the cost of gas at the pumps
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is through the roof and every american is feeling it. it's affecting the cost of goods and the grocery stores. of course, the supply chain has still not recovered. there are still empty shells in different parts of the country shortage on building products. and of course the cost of these items is through the roof. so from that perspective, it's really not a partisan issue in terms of the, the, the unhappiness that americans are feeling right now. i in terms of the cost of goods and gas that is largely attributed to who's in the white house right now. but that is really the tone of the nation. well, it's interesting when you go to dean atlanta, i mean, martha just gave a prognosis are described what's going on. she didn't mention politics at all, which was it's kind of interesting to me. ok. so d, i mean, what are, is the country are people really angry and if it, if they are, as martha said, is it just about the economic situation?
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go ahead and atlanta. thank you and that's totally agree with mark. those are the issues that we're concerned about. this is why you have all female panel today because women understand the basis of what's needed. we push out all of the parts of how to at the end of the day, we want to make sure that we have access to quality health care and invitation for our children and be able to afford things at the grocery store. that's what mass us and be able to fuel for our car to get our children, our families where they go from day to day in august because it's really not group of the country. so maybe what we should do is see a ship him and pull down all those people at the top for me and replace the women because we have work to do in america. and we don't have time for the promised it, rory. and if i go to boston here, no, but i mean, that's not the impression you get from watching the national media. i mean, i think we're all in agreement and i'm not going to ask you to repeat what we've already heard here. but then it's just really about culture wars is that would
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really everyone's bickering about, go ahead, rory. well, your point about national media. i mean, the national media is driven by ratings. and how do you get ratings? you get ratings by having people disagree and bigger and show that their anger about things. anger gets ratings. and this is something that all of the major networks know. you put a bunch of panelists on that say, yeah, you know, we're all in agreement. that's not going to drive the ratings that these networks want. so i think as far as the point about media driving this conversation, we do need to take a bigger look at that. mean things certainly look different back in the day before we had a 247 new cycle. you had 3 major networks and you had 30 minutes of news 3 times a day basically. and so what you saw was more neutral based in this is what happened and we're letting you know, as opposed to just having people sharing their opinions in disguise as facts, getting angry, that sort of thing. so, so absolutely, for people who are consuming lots of national media,
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that is influencing the culture wars and what we're seeing as both d. m. martha already said, i think that people are more interested in economic issues that affect their everyday lives. i mean, i do think we have to acknowledge that politics is interwoven with that because the politicians who are in charge implement policies that drive economic factors. so you have to acknowledge that politics is at play. but i think when you look at both of our major political parties, they don't have as much variance in some of their economic policy as they may be due on some of the social issues. and so when people are angry, they're looking for an outlet. they turn on their tv, and we get into this mission cycle that we've been seeing for the last several years now. yeah, well, that's very interesting, martha. let me go back to you. i mean, i think what it, rory said is very, very interesting because, you know, we all feel the same pain. ok with the economics and all of that. but these, these cultural social issues is a cover. so you don't have to talk about who's really responsible for all of it here. i mean, i that,
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that's what drives me up the wall all the time because it be turned on. and it's nbc or fox, you know, it's going to be the culture war issue of the moment. okay. but it doesn't change the, the, the well being, the socio economic well being of all of us. ok. wherever we stand on the political spectrum, go ahead. martha? well, certainly, and you know, the political landscape has changed radically because we have alternative forms of media news, right. there are influencers that have millions of followers on social media that can change and election based on their opinions that they push out on, on social media platforms like twitter, instagram, facebook and, and these, these conversations are happening all across our country. and as more and more americans distrust mainstream media, they're looking to these other alternatives resources for their use. and it's dramatically impacting the course in history, in america and,
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and around the world to that. and i think that i agree with worry in terms of, you know, how the new cycle is in play. but again, at the end of the day, there are basic issues that everybody wants for themselves and their families, excellent healthcare, a safe place to live and raise our families. got excellent education. you know, the ability to have enough money to pay the bills and put food on the table, and there is frustration across our nation. the polling numbers for the city president, our historically rock bottom. and there's tremendous uncertainty. we have the horrific situation that happened with united states leaving and seeing those, those images on tv i think are forever ingrained in everybody, regardless of what your political party is. and it just brought tears to my eyes,
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seeing so many people clinging for the whole being rescued for mckenna skin. so, you know, there's that we still have a crisis at our border. there's great uncertainty in terms of the economy. i mean show, and all of this is directly affected directly impacted by who's in the white house . and so i agree with worry to that and, and that is that, you know, there's a reason why to be president biden has be historically low ratings at this time. you know, d, martha talks about how the growing mistrusted them and the mass media with the mass media tells us to distress each other. i find that really worries them be. go ahead . well, one of things i like to say is we do that the conversation is quite daunting and exhausting at times. but let's be very clear. i'm going to be the 1st to say that the democratic messaging is very poor. i mean, we really do have a very good plan and i believe in the back there. i mean,
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i've looked at the plan is this a way. and i think that he can really help many american citizens. but because reports so far as people have been taking the time to really look at the play, which many of those things are curious to some of the think the truck describe. for example, i'm, when you look at pharmaceutical companies or him saying that we need better prescription drugs or just trying to pick our infrastructure. we don't even talk about this or the flip side with terms of numbers below. he was really trying to get a back set back the nation in place. people were, i guess it just because he was a republican president. we cannot operate like this. and the reason the economy is so bad by now is because we are in the middle of a global pandemic. then no one seems to want to discuss. this is not an american fe . everyone in the world is dealing with the same pandemic. and for some reason, america has seemed to polarize one part of blame the other, which is absolutely utterly ridiculous. what will be you found? what i think you, one of the only normal democrats have come across in
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a very long time. i get like, i'm serious about that, rory, let me go to you in boston, are we in a change phase? you know, everyone to be every election. you say this is a change election, it's not a change election, or we need a change time right now. go ahead, rory. well, i certainly would hope so, but to be honest, i don't know that we're quite there yet. and he liked, he was just talking about it. pandemic has been an unforeseen factor, and a lot of people didn't know how to deal with it. even though we're almost 2 years into it, people still don't really know how to deal with it. and so i think in terms of change, one of the biggest factors in the last election was people were just pro trapper anti trop. and i think that's, we heard that binding ministration is their election strategy was built for me. i'm not. and so, you know, to these point, even though there are all these policy initiatives that they're working on that you know, on their face are good things that they spend so much time being saying, look at us, we're not trump, they didn't really focus on their messaging and so that kind of got lost in
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translation. so i think, you know, now with that from talking about packet, he wants running 2024 in the democrats are worried. harris hasn't told, well they don't want her to run in 2024. but some people do, we've got this back and forth and what gets me pretty much every election cycle is people on both sides. hate the other guys so much, but they rally around a single person who's going to unify their party the country that they could them for years every time to get together and find a good candidate. and then we have these primaries that are free for all where he's got 20 people on the same side fighting with each other. it does so much damaged by the time that we finally get a candidate more in the election. i would love to see some changes in that process and i think that would help dr. change. i mean, i don't think it's a, it's a bad thing to have, you know, different candidates and the primary process. but i mean the fighting on each side
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. i think are really preventing some of this, this changed it we need. so, you know, as far as that goes, i think that we need to kind of look further downstream before we can get to a place where we're ready to embrace change. i for one would love to see it. i just don't think that we're there yet based on what i well, considering the candidates that are put up, it's really quite amazing. that's the best they can do. i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a hard break about about hard break. we'll continue our discussion on the public lute saying, with archy ah, ah, july, an annual festival in st. petersburg dedicated to dust i ascii. ah, the great writer, thinker and psychologist, people often turn to his work to understand russia and russians,
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perhaps even themselves. if they put a single movie, it would be asleep on the matting vehicle while you think that changing a rita transforming them as they read. that's a dust i ask is unique ability to stay ascii wants to tell us, you can better yourself. he makes you face your true self or we keep man beyond conventions, rules of schemes, beyond boundaries and time. dostoevsky is a global brand whose classics, everyone knows. i'm never out of style with 100 mic no, no borders. i'm just a tease. and you farish as a merge, we don't have with the we don't have
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a vaccine. whole world leads to take action and be ready. people are judgment. 2 common crisis with we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great, the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together with the welcome banks across stock where all things are considered. i'm peter well traumatic and we're discussing the public mood in ah, okay, in the 1st part of the program,
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we talked about what the problem is. now we're going to do the hard part, how to solve it. martha. the gentleman's name is already been mentioned in this program, but that person is donald trump here. now it's, you know, d even pointed out in the 1st part of the program, the democrats have a very difficult time. i mean, the perception of the democrats for the public is that they are, they spend most of their time fighting each other. okay. which i think it's a pretty good characterization. but there's a whole lot of fighting. i'll get to t a. d, don't worry. i'll get to you, but there's also the republican party is having a hard time here. it's to trump or not to trump. is that good for the party? bad for the party? and how does it bode for the mid terms? go ahead, martha. well listen, donald trump right now it's pulling very high old cross our nation certainly higher than our city. president wyatt and you know, when, when president trump was in office, we had energy independence. unprecedented unemployment was at an all time low
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when you were securing our borders are starting to be more secure and our borders we had, we kind of me was we americans were hopeful, in terms of continuing to have hardy retirement plans. you know, not worrying about things why national security president trump brought a booming economy job and, and really hope across our country. and i think now i don't think i know now that you know, when we compare that presidency to where we are now with president wine in, you know, there, there is, we have a problem. and some say absence makes the heart grow fonder. but you can't dispute with a pool of pulling says right now, and that is that americans are not happy with the state of the economy. you know, they're not happy with what they're paying with your pain at the gas pump. and the cost of general good just reproach christmas. now you know,
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prices have skyrocketed. many goods just aren't available because the supply chain still hasn't been repaired. and the president trump wrote a booming economy and americans at the end of the day, as i said before, vote with their pocketbooks. so president trump is now travelling across the country. he is doing many appearances and the walk for donald trump. ok, it would be, i mean we, we saw in the virginia gubernatorial election that playing the trunk car didn't work for the democrats. i mean, what is the thinking there? because again, i'm a media guy, so i focusing on the media and, and it's already been pointed out on this pro is said, you know, that a, they look for controversy and on trump middle name is controversy. so, i mean, is that good for the democrats, or is it is it is something they're going to continue to play because, you know, he's out of office, he's gone, he's off of twitter, but the more i look at liberal media, they just, that's the bogeyman. they keep scaring everyone with with and i would rather like
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all 3 of you talk about the basic things that affect the vast majority of the country. instead of talking about the possible fate of the 45th president of the united states. go ahead d. and there's a very absent nation, or we cannot continue to use trap as the subject of our conversation, to be honest with you. that bill, that better plan is really a good place for us to start an image. now let's just be clear, her mom to talk about po numbers. when, when trump was in his pregnancy around this time his numbers were just as low and continued to be local rock majority of his presidency. so we can't look necessarily at pulling numbers all the time to be the end, are to be all. what we have to look at excessively is what is happening economically. so that part, i do agree with her and everyone else can worry. well, let's be clear. trump didn't, he inherited a very good economy on president obama right now. president dime had to, in here an economy that was right on the turn, a coming out of
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a global pandemic. so that meant many things had to change. we had supply chain issues, people were not working to wear at home, people were afraid to. so you cannot use the same litmus test for president vine that you would have used for our president trump. that being said, we have to figure out a way that we have lots of conversations. like you said, i was the only thing dim, crash. i am convinced that most of them are insane, but that's neither here nor bad because for them to say that i understand that president mine is dealing with a global pandemic. i think he's been a phenomenal job. we just on the democratic fact have to do much better with that messaging because i messaging at this and back the people are going to continue to be unhappy because they don't know the great things rather than by doing. especially if you have things that in the b better plane. ok, we're already, that's interesting. i mean, i've come across this argument before it's a messaging problem. you know, my rule of thumb is new when the fitting president is there. all the problems are, in this case,
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his problems. you can say it was because of this administration before, and now we're in the here and now you take responsibility for it here. but my question to you, rory, considering that it me, the democrats are in disarray, particularly in the poles. do the republicans have a positive message? i mean, it's very easy to pick on joe biden, to the point of being just merciless, which i find so counterproductive. ok, i'm a policy want, i'm not really interested in, in tweets or if the guy is coughing or something of that i did. people obsess over this so much here. so do the republicans have a positive message, or is it just easy to punch away at the democrats and biden go ahead in boston? well, i'm with you because i'm a policy want as well. and you know, i would like to see this from both sides of, you know, more well enunciated substitive all c platform. i think that yes, you are correct that the republicans are just doing a lot of looking for gotcha moments. i think the democrats are doing the same thing
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and we just get into this tit for tat on both sides. i think both sides are guilty of it. we just want to have the moment we say, how look the other guy did this and we didn't do that, so we're better. well, oh, that's a fairly think that that makes you more qualified to be in power just because you were able to have more. gotcha moments and there was bob dole's posthumous op ed was just published in the washington post yesterday. i don't know if you had a chance to read it, but i thought that that was great. the very good point. and there was some debate that followed about the role of character. and yes, we want somebody who, you know, has the ability to, to message and have substantive policy positions to, to back that up. but i think one of the things that's been missing from this conversation is, is that role of, of character because somebody who has character is going to take responsibility and say, yeah, i inherited a bad situation. but you know, it, it's now on me, it's my responsibility to do something about it. i haven't, here's why or here's what i'm working on. 8 here's what i hope to get to, and i think of that character element of leadership is,
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is really missing on both sides. it's not just about what it should ultimately be about doing the right thing, what's best for the nation instead of just, you know. gotcha, gotcha. gotcha, and i feel like that's what we're seeing a lot of. so i would love to see the importance of character be discussed and you have more of a role in politics than it has right now. roy, that's such a excellent point. it's something i've thought about many, many times when we go to martha and palm beach here. i me and unfortunately because of the media, they, they what's producers, celebrity, where we don't get politicians anymore. we get celebrities ok and life style. and you know, you have no idea what these people really stand for, okay? except for, you know, what kind of ice cream they like or where they go shopping or something. i find that just it completely inane and worthless here because the character issue, the leadership issue that rory was mentioning is so very important. and i think we've kind of forgotten. i mean, i wasn't a big bob dole fan, but he had integrity. i don't think anybody doubts that. go ahead, martha. oh,
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you're absolutely correct and i have to agree that you know, the landscape has changed radically. i mean, frankly, i don't care what play rationing the president consumes. i want to know what is being done to create more jobs, more opportunity to put america 1st to make sure that, that american household feel hopeful for the future to feel like, you know, we have a secure nation to feel that, that there's an opportunity here in america and americans are being twit 1st and show to that, and i agree wholeheartedly that at the end of the day, you know, we need to be focusing on policy. i for one, was very involved in the junior race. and the only message that mccall of brought to the table was, you know, you know, trump back, that was all the messaging every day american people were bartered with commercial
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after commercial. with donald trump, there was no focus on issues, policy, creating more jobs, putting virginia on the map as be open for business. show to that and you're absolutely correct. i'm looking forward to the candidates coming on board that want to run and focus on the american people and make it more about putting americans 1st. you know, you know, you've been on this program before. and like i said, you're, you're a democrat. i can talk to, i mean, the, the fact of the matter is that a lot of democrats rank and file and a lot of republicans, even trumpeters. they all have a lot of similar concerns, but their leaders in each party and the media always make they always focus on what's different or exaggerated. and that drives me up the wall. and that only works for the elite, you know, at the end of the day, status quo works pretty well for them. and they entertain the rest of us. ok with, you know, you've got to hate this person in this person hates this part. and it, you know, that's what this is all about. i get very frustrated with the lead to both parties
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because people are hurting out there. and we spend so much of our time attacking each other. go ahead d. yes we do, and i just want to say it is so good in fresh to actually be in a conversation when i'm fighting back of board with the opposite fact i'm it's really made my day quite pleasant this morning. but at the end of the day, we do have a lot of cultural differences, are social, it is different if you can just be honest, i'm a democrat for the most part we really do think that people have the choice of whatever they want to do in life, whether it is, you know, whether they want to have the choice, right, to choose what reproductive freedoms or whether it is, whether they want to use recreational marijuana, whether they think that people should love it, man who they want to. we really do believe in those basic things, but once you get past that, the bottom issue is how we got to pay our bill. then i think we need to have more conversational have we want to do that? and i'm
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a matter of fact i tell my children's park on cars because there are like kinds of him or you car. it might stay still. you know, because i don't feel like i was many for this year with this is ridiculous and, and it's going to take away from me when you go my next trip. ashley won't, but still that's the thing i'm telling them because it's ridiculous and i really want us to come together and have a conversation on how do we change that, dan? and what do we need to do with independence? and i'm products. when a few democrats who actually believe that we should do some offshore drilling. i mean, i mean, i care about it, but it's saying that it would be a breeze in america, you know, move for yourself. i don't know what we're going to do. we got to do some. well ladies, thank you for being on this program. i think we're going to have more female panels because nobody is yelling and screaming at anybody talking about would really it's important to all of us and families and working people. so i congratulate all 3 of you from coming on with the courage of having different points of view at the same time. that's it. many, thanks them i guess in palm beach, atlanta,
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and in boston. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here, darky. see you next time remember? ah ah well, it shows seemed wrong when i was just a shape out. the thing becomes the applicant and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves well the part we choose to look for common ground. join me every thursday on the alex simon, sure. i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics,
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sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. ah, for example, was a flu shot left, a few broken gadgets broken windows looted, stores burnt out. buildings the aftermath of the bottom protests that have swept through catholics down about the authorities claim is a terrorist back attempted to coo locals. tell us about the impact it's happening on their lives. these would not help people. we were all resting after the new year celebration. of course it was scary. we stayed home for the then you still believe you will. they destroyed everything. people were in danger of being killed. meanwhile, groups of russian citizens arrived back home after being evacuated from catholics


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