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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2022 2:00am-2:31am EST

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ah ah protective purpose braided germany and another rounded demonstrations against strict new cove. it measures that european states struggle to contain infections and increasingly angry citizens with videos emerging barton protested in catholics down, shooting in a government building. but as the situation stabilizes, the president says peacekeepers will start to be withdrawn within days of the latest from our correspondence in one minute. fans of tennis number one, no bakovich rally a melbourne, where the star was detained after legal folly, in which an australian co practice cope exemption only for the immigration minister to threaten his expulsion at any time. talk of his father talks to r. t,
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you can usually miss, we never for our son, the best athlete and tennis player in the world would have had to go through this. but as you can see, politics couldn't take a win over him this time with live for moscow. this is out international. i'm calling for i will get on to our main headline story in a few minutes. first for you, the catholics dance president says international peacekeepers will start withdrawing from the country in 2 days. his praise, russia and other allies for their steadfast support. as the centralization republic restored peace following a series of violent riots condemned as a terrorist lead attempt to overthrow the government. the authorities say they were arrested more than 10000 now on terra charges and maintained as a large number of foreigners among them. right, let's get up to speed. now. let's go live to our math in our correspondent egos on of the high the authorities and think the worse over the situations, stabilize what else to say. full, absolutely. and the official,
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the international peacekeeping mission here in kazakhstan is over. it's official and it will take no more than 10 days for all troops, all foreign troops to go back to withdraw to return to all bases where they are deployed permanently. that's according to the catholic president to kyle and also according to him are now apparently the, the basically the local security forces, the this withdrawal, what it could mean is that the local security forces, they finally got the situation under control. it took them only about 6 days when they, while they needed the help of their international allies. and that help her just to remind you basically what they were doing. these international peacekeeping forces her, they were a garden key infrastructure like airports or administrative buildings. and so on, i like for example, power plants. so this is what they've been doing here. now the local forces, they are confident enough to say thank you. you can now leave,
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we got it under control, and according to the president, according to the latest, what he had to say basically, the main mission of the government right now is a to find everybody who's responsible to keep improving the already stabilizing situation. and while of course, to prevent anything like that from happening again. and well, you can see i'm in the city of almighty, it has seen most of the destruction. it was absolute. chaos here just a few days ago. behind me is that the former presidential residence and we can't basically are the, the gods and the police, the security forces they forced us. they made us basically, they told us to move away from it. but if you look carefully, you can see, for example, a truck that the protest is used to break down the barrier to break down the fence and to get in, you can see burned down, cause the whole residence was burned down as well. so, and this is just a fraction of all the may. hm. that the city has endured. and basically now, or people here in the city, they wander, well, how this could happen?
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who are these terrorists? where did they come from? were there any terrorists? some people are who don't believe the official version. we tried to do it talked to the locals. we talked to some eye witnesses who well, who saw the protest and saw armed people. and we try to figure out and to get what basically to get their opinion. and though to get some, something like that as to who was behind this. here's what we found out. cuz extern is making, its 1st baby steps towards recovery from the protests which went terribly astray, turning into terrorism. and as the whole country moons, this city, the city of almighty, that has seen more annihilation than any other town by an order of magnitude can help. but wonder who is behind all this? irina at family lives meters away from the main square. from the windows they watched armed goons joined the mob by the shuttle malady. there was a crowd of people walking towards the administration building. initially, we didn't think they were armed,
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but they seemed aggressive. the next day the crowd grew. people appeared with clubs, iron bars, helmerson shields on which was written in cassock. an old man go. some people from the crowd rummaged in bushes and pick something out from the ground. it wasn't rocks, it wasn't iron bars. they were looking for something small. they had something small in their hands. i think it might have been some kind of drug because it was something very small. it fitting upon wooded books, bucklin and she shows us videos on her phone. we're the 1st news crew. she's showing them too. but protests as arming themselves with stolen riot gear is far from unheard of. it was something else that caught this family's attention when you will now wish nick knows that people and long down jackets, they had earpieces in their ears and either walkie talkies or telephone. so when they were in no hurry to go to the main square with every one else, they were just scanning the crowd, him, it seemed to me that they were directing the crowd. number 8 o'clock already the visible red flags don't and there plenty of locals noticed matching outfits wound
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by the most violent writers. they were wearing black clothes years of wearing masks . and we noticed white glove, his veal at 15, all on the v. as to what else to say, i sna miramar said the mug of the people were in black grey, but now to bleed people in bright red jackets stood out. i immediately wandered who would want to stand out like that at an event like this. grasping the protest in kazakhstan were ignited by a high can fuel prices, but quickly took a political turn as anti government chance evolved into religious proclamations. according to this witnesses account honestly be more than the national anthem on the catholics town. but at the same time, they looked aggressive. they were halting bad on saturday. at 1st they shouted go, cash. it's done and wait flags. but later those flags were dragged along the ground that were thrown on their shoulders. they were disrespectful to the symbols of cassock stanley. after some time, closer to the night, we heard shouts of a log bar and got his greatest on the square. those were no longer slogans of
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catholics town, but religious logan's neighbors, his windows, overlooked the square, said that there were man who used women in he jobs as human shields were troops told us that him on the terrace, there were bearded man and citizens of other countries according to their documents, slashing o mathias plagued with rumors and stories about foreign islamists slipping through security checks and conducting attack. no one here believes that locals could have caused so much may hm. in their city. kessick authorities have been saying for days that a terrorist attack was underweight, and according to leaders of the c s t o security alliance, the events him have borne the telltale signs of international terrorism and the level of them even the ugliest him is not a lawyer curious, or you're witnessing the aggression of international terrorism. where did they come from? these gangs of armed men who were trained abroad, he of, and clearly had experiencing fighting in global hotspots. system forces do not shy away from using cyberspace and social networks, recruits extremism, harris seats,
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great sleeper cells. if the surgeons we will not allow the situation in our homeland to be disturbed. we will not allow a so called color revolution to be carried out. cassock security forces are on a seek and destroy mission. clearing out terrorist cells that had gone into hiding, complicating matters is a mistrust between the army and the police. after terrorists stole so many of their uniforms and could sneak up on them disguised as officers, the nation wants to go back to the peaceful life. they are used to and to know for sure. who did this. i'm again, donna reporting from almighty kazakhstan, archie, on another development new videos emerged showing armed groups of protest as shooting at a government building. ah, the protest began in response to rising energy prices,
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but they quickly descended into riots centered on our mat in the se president the chi up says the economic damage caused by the violence may be up to 3 $1000000000.00. international peacekeepers are currently guarding key infrastructure for the next couple of days or so. sent him by the c s t o military alliance, which includes close ally, russia. i'll senior correspondent, grad gasdio reports from the almighty region. the piece keeper operation here in kazakhstan, as in full swing, everyone needed has already arrived and taken up their plan positions and secured them such as this bella, russian detachment close to an airport, which was the original insertion point for peacekeepers during last week's riots. an unknown number of weapons, including machine guns and grenade launchers were seized by looters. among those looters were radicals. the government has confirmed this jihadists with years of combat experience on the lot. the facility is strategic for our divisions. we have
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in order to prevent armed enemy formations from penetrating here we are trying to stick to this. peacekeepers have been directed to god key infrastructure contingency from old c s t o members states have been deployed to crucial areas to help a stretched cassock military be they military bases, government offices, or even power stations. another vital site where security was, was bolstered by peacekeepers is the power station that feeds the city of alma to with most of it. it's heath and it's electricity. here, the kill, his battalion, took over a kill. his brigade cooled scorpion, his taken over security here, 70 percent of all of al marti's power, is generated at the station and given how marauders and bandits systematically targeted infrastructure. the workers here thought that they would be next letter
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letter at the beginning of the riots, the staff felt insecure. they were scared, the peacekeeping forces was sent and now they are protecting as, as this as a strategic area, the staff already feel more confident and perform their official duties and full without being afraid of anything. security has been beefed up patrols every where then there are even secret passwords to root out infiltrators much new dinner at night. we definitely demand password. and here together with the police who guards the posts, we demanded the workers move around less. some of these measures may seem excessive or even be excessive, but the people here are still in shock. the peacekeepers are an anchor. they radiate security and order. the 2 things people here most need
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come to our main headline news now in europe. again, been grappling with high code infections in recent days and also facing violent demonstrations against title restrictions. the toughening of measures in germany has seen, protest get increasingly agitated. ah, did with it? well, germany saw protests across the whole of the country on monday evening. really every state across the federal republic, seeing some gathering, some of them very small. some of them around a 1000 people, couple a 1000 people or so the major cities like berlin cologne, leipzig, all seeing larger demonstrations. now those protestors who have come out to say
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absolutely no way to mandatory vaccination in germany. they may well have been boyd by the, the news coming out of austria that the plan to introduce mandatory vaccination there by february is certainly been pushed back at least a month. or what we have seen though, is state leaders like the one in saxony, michael curt rear of the christian democratic union saying that there's, there's a section of society that germany has lost a hold of that no matter what they say, no matter what they do. and these people are not going to accept coven restrictions, and they're not going to certainly accept mandatory vaccination. now we are expecting there to be a more restrictions put in place in germany. coming up this week, all of sholtes, the german chancellor, will be speaking in parliament later this week and that we are expecting further restrictions in germany to come in to place this week. in fact, restrictions, meaning that if you don't have a, a 3rd booster shots and you don't have
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a negative test, pretty much you're not eating at any restaurant across germany. the idea is from these measures is to cut the unvaccinated out of society. now overall, the, the message for the coming from the people in germany is that they support these measures that are being put in place. however, as i said, there is a hard core nucleus who ob, wells absolutely outraged by what they saying. we have freedom of expression. we are the people, we are citizens, you have to do your duty. you have to show the government, the red car, that things should not continue as they have been up to. now. i need compulsory vaccination is clearly a violation of the constitution. it's clearly to tell a tarion and absolutely must be prevent, shouldn't be decided by these criminals who unfortunately, ross. now, i call for everyone to resist it at all costs. because freedom is above healthy,
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yet lighter given well elsewhere in europe in italy, what we're seeing is new restrictions coming in there as well. they've already brought in the super green pass. now already italy had what was called the green pass. this allows people in bars, restaurants can face to see that you tested negative super green pass that's put in place for the over 50 in italy, specifically that shows that you've been vaccinated and that you have tested negative while italy puts in place new measures elsewhere in europe, there are some countries that are talking about lifting measures almost entirely. in the czech republic, there is talk of allowing even people who've tested positive to go to work. it's an attempt to try and keep the economy alive. it is only the discussion stage at the moment in prod, but what they're basing it on is the idea that the micron very and results in less people requiring hospital stays and that would allow them to keep the economy going
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. a certain professions were allowed to continue even if you tested positive for cove. and of course, if you have a mild case of it over in the united kingdom, they also looking at lifting restrictions a little bit not is extreme is what's being discussed in the czech republic. of course though, they're, you going to see the isolation period for coven 90 reduced from 7 days to 5 days. this is because they have real staff shortages in the u. k. when it comes to the, the health care sector and in education as well. the education minister in the united kingdom, the education secretary in london saying that they're looking at this and it's alongside the, the scientific data and they're going to make a decision based on that. i would, but obviously always defer to the scientific advice on this. it would certainly be help mitigate some of the pressures on earth, the schools on critical workforce at others. i hope will be one of the 1st you ask
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me the question, how we, how will we perform to hope will be one of the 1st major economies to demonstrate to the world how you transition from pandemic to endemic lots going on across europe when it comes to covert 19 and a real patchwork of methods being used to try in both keep economies alive, keep countries open and stifle the spread of the virus. or british medical professor laurence young warned that eating restrictions and waste being planned in england and the czech republic could ignite another wave of infections. are very concerned about this. i think it's not based on scientific evidence at all. i think the main driver, the concerns that we have so many people now having to isolate because of these very high levels of infection that we have in the u. k. that people having to isolate and wait for 7 days is causing all sorts of problems with essential services in this country with supermarkets, with delivery chains, with all sorts of different aspects of workforce school teachers having to have
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time off and a chest of and what they want to do is try to shorten that period to make sure people get back to work sooner. but we mustn't do that at the risk of more people getting infected. that has to be bad, doesn't it? because if you got a positive test result that particularly val select will flow test results, then you're going to be infectious. so you're sending people back in to work back into schools or with an infection, and that will just spread more. busy infection, it won't help you in keeping the levels of infection down. it would just make things worse, across the atlantic. it's a case of too little, rather than too much when it comes to code. safety measures enough for new york city students to plan a walk out as we report later in the program. the father of tennis world, number one, novak joker ventures slammed the treatments of his son by the australian authorities saying their attempt to cancel his visa for not being vaccinated was politically motivated. the star athlete eventually won a court battle upholding his medical exemption. but the australian immigration
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minister then immediately threatened that the visa can still be revoked. jock of it, his father told r t he feels his son has every right to compete in this month's australian open rama lisa is at least on everything they asked him to do. and he received the cost decision that allows him to stay to play tennis. i can't describe it, we never thought our son, the best athlete and tennis player in the world would have had to go through this, especially in such a far away land way. he has already proved himself the best 9 times. it's incredulous in itself that this has happened to him, but it happened and it was in no way related to sport. it's all politics. but as you can see, politics couldn't take a win over him. this time, he proved as right. he wouldn't have trouble there if he hadn't had permission from the government and the tennis association of australia because all these permissions went through the tennis association. they provided federal and local authorities in victoria with requests. we never had to deal with politics. our politics is tennis, of course we expect no back to when the 21st grand slam and the 10th australian
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open. oh, here's a reminder of the less than warm welcome. the tennis styles had in australia. mill that jackie west, how the world's number one tennis star got to change in australia. i assemble timeline. january 5th, tennis star comes to melbourne to defend his title at the australian open. immediately after touching down, jarvis taken in for questioning by border force tennis superstar came into the country on vaccinate because he had a medical exemption after having phobia just a couple of weeks earlier. mr. chuck of h received on the search as of december 2021. a letter from the chief medical office of tennis australia recording that he had been provided with the medical exemption from coby vaccination on the grounds that he have recently recovered from code it. january 6th or 11 am local time jack vicious visa
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cancelled his recovery from cove. it wasn't enough for the australian government tennis or taken to detention center, where he had to wait for court trial staying with asylum seekers. january 10th job, which one the appeal against the cancellation of his visa judge ordered the government to release right to stay in australia and returned to jog, wishes, passport, and other travel documents. yet, it is still unclear whether the vaccine skeptic would be allowed to compete. and given a chance of winning a record breaking 21st grand slam title, students in new york are planning to conduct a walk out saying that a lack of cobit safety measures in schools. but the cities may insist to the
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classrooms of the safest place for youngsters to bait this kind of pulpit. now report, school doors are open once again a new semester in a new year. but now teachers unions and their allies say it's time to close the schools down. they want remote learning in new york city. the new mayor eric adams, is taking a farm stand at schools will not remain close. he says, science does not fit with the teacher's demands. and i believe we're doing a right thing for our children, having them in the safest place. and that is in the school building 1st week of school in january, saw a protest here in new york city by teachers who say the atmosphere isn't safe. now we decided to talk with parents and others about this issue in new york city. i think that they have a point like i am from new jersey and i know that like this week classes, at least in my county, the were suspended until at least next week. i know that a lot of my old friends from work. ah, they said that they're getting ready to come back next week. so i agree with what
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they're doing right now. but hopefully it's all for the better because the situation with assume to improving when and for new yorker is put a classroom at 30 k, it's easy to math like to lot of cross contamination. i think the may, should all think about that in, you know, home, because safety, a weakest spread this thing and it could get out of control. and we all could get sick, and people are dying. and the old and young, you know, because coven ain't got no age of race enough. and so he should think that i think he's wrong on that summer. also angry about reports of teachers being ordered to return to school just 5 days after testing positive for cove. it, there's been a social media firestorm. you can't say schools are the safest place to be. until teachers who would infected we've covered enough symptoms to report to work. that's not how any of this works. just got an email from our daughters teacher in n y c that she's home tested positive box because no symptom since thursday. she's mandated to teach tomorrow. yes,
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we're literally forcing coven positive teachers into class, or kiddo staying home. obviously, this is nuts. if the teachers are sick, who's going to teach the kids? and how they go and learn if the teachers of coughing and hacking in all that other stuff. and, and with the controversies a lot, i mean, you know, what else? i mean, walk a, you give the kids at home, you have them other, you know, the parents what they do a you send them to the school. of course there's another dilemma that them i gave them faction. so i think there's always a compromise. were the school could improve the situation some say that being isolated at home as dad for the psychological and social development of children and that they should be returned to school despite the risks of cove it. however, teachers unions that have a lot of sway and local politics seem to pretty strongly take the opposite view and are sending the children home regardless. caleb martin, r t new york, i can be joining scott. he now he's in the team in washington next for now though.
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thanks for watching life from moscow. this is archie ah, ah . move when i was shooting wrong, when i'll prove just a shave out the scene because of the african
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and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will to part, we choose to look for common ground. while our officers are facing an increasingly dangerous environment, we are seeing a growing debate about so called warrior cops a term that i've heard in the militarization of police. this is an admirable vehicle we acquired through the 1033 program, very free program with the government program that follows military property that is no longer use to local law enforcement with building an army over here. and i can't believe the people. i see 1st thing an agency elder care canceling a terrorism here because it again a feeling that hey, you have to deal with our practice who you putting in a uniform cover bands is a powerful thing for him to have like money in play tricks and people mind they
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think they got the bad news. wolf is out the door. very bad. johns are coming. good news. yep. job security is the world desperately needs what you have to pay for is your media a reflection of reality? ah, in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way? where are you being led to somewhere? direct? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths. or remain in the
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shallows. now we have e cigarettes. i just heard that it was a healthy alternative to cigarettes. and do we trust tobacco companies with their message that these new products are actually going to reduce our these cigarettes are making the tobacco at the numbers? you know, everybody is concerned about bitcoin being upon justine. but in fact, that's the only thing out there. there's not a ponzi scheme, it's an open source project girl by volunteers kind of policy. but there are a lot of policies out there with 13 years later and back in period it back in the new and i'm not talking about the
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movie this time. a judge in mexico once accountability that issued a several arrest warrant. will this bring up the obama era scandal for the democrats to deal with? well, we're going to bring you the story as well as a good discussion. another high profile, a democrat, and congress has tested positive for coven 19. just as a speaker, plo see is announcing even strict requirements for members. we're going to tell you the new rules and how republicans are responding. i'm scared out here in just a few of the stories that we're going to cover today that news is used right here on our t america. ah, thanks for joining me. you know, if there were more, have been issued in the controversial fast and furious gun running operation that has caused a no shortage of across port tensions between the united states and mexico. so for
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more on this, on, in who is being targeted. and the latest on this very developing story. here's our t correspondent, paxton boy. scotty. a mexican judge has issued 7 arrest warrants in relation to a decade old, a sport or gun trafficking, staying, including the country's most notorious drug lord, and an ex security minister, convicted, sent a lower cartel bus. what? keen l. chapo guzman, ex security minister, had nora garcia, luna, and former federal police intelligence official louis cardenas, are among those named in a statement released sunday from the attorney general's office. this stemming from the so called fast and furious gun running scandal from 2009 to 2011 in which u. s. federal officials allowed about 2000 and guns to be traffic to new mexico. the goal to track those guns as they were transferred to higher level traffickers in key figures in mexican cartels with the expectation that it would lead to their arrest. and.


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