tv News RT January 11, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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this aah tonight as eyes turned to brussels for the next round of russia, security talks with the west. we look at the groundwork is plagiarism talks between russia and the us so far elsewhere. new in the us establishes a new national security unit to combat domestic terrorism just as america marks the anniversary of january 6th capitol hill, riots more problematic, partying for the british prime minister that a linked e mail is revealed. a 100 downing street stuff. we're invited to a who's he get together during the 1st national lockdown. and it's 20 years since 1st in tyneesa arrived that the tories us guantanamo bay detention center. coming up this half hour, we speak with former inmates about the horrors they went through. when thought i'm
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always a black hole, legal black hole. so there are all sorts of shocking things that were taking place when i was one of the biggest human right now. in the 21st century, i, the life mart internationals will be sent here in moscow. welcome to our world news at 10 with me, kevin, how it? so 1st was mentioned with the groundwork later, but so on monday, between russia in the u. s. at security talks to geneva, eyes now on the huge talks in brussels when negotiations with the nato a you to start wednesday. so far, the u. s. has promised a written response to moscow security demands. they include no further eastwood expansion of nato or missiles position. the russian territory with more and what's been said thus far, shallow davinsky tonight? well, the talks may have been described as being business like an frying when the russian us delegation metal children in geneva. however,
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it does seem that now information has been laid back to washington. a slightly different view seems to be taking place with the white house spokesperson suggesting that russia could be getting ready at any moment to spread this information about what was said in those meetings. in war may have been agreed in terms of potential way forwards to angry reaction from the russian foreign ministry with the spokesperson saying that the u. s. authorities was simply out of touch. we are preparing yourself for the civility in likelihood. no one should be surprised. i should say, if russia spreads disinformation about commitments that have not been made, or if it goes even further and instigates something as a proof text for further destabilizing activity. and so we would continue to urge everyone not to fall for any attempts to pushed and disinformation out there. as for the numerous statements made by the white house press secretary, cleveland,
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it is sincerely regretable that the american leadership is represented by people who do not know the subject well enough, but it's telling them we advise you colleagues not to forget to use critical thinking and carefully double check with at least the most important stories, so as not to show your incompetence to the whole world. now, interesting with those comments that russia could be ready to spread this information. given that the russian delegation held an open press conference, there was a live stream of that press conference with the deputy foreign minister outlining what had happened in the talks and plenty of questions in regards to that from media from across the world. us by contrast, didn't hold an open press conference, so to speak. it was a press conference that was or do you own me, a telephone with a transcript later being released. some might question, who therefore has something to hide?
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but of course, what we do know from those discussions is that the u. s. is expected to give with a written confirmation response later on this week. in regards to some of the red lines that were outlined by russia, including potentially that old ukraine. now it was a session business like they said, however, it does appear that there is a lack of optimism as a result of those talks. now from both sides. we do not see any significant reason for optimism. the only thing that deserves positive assessment is the way the talks were conducted with openness, thoroughness, and directness. but this is not something that can bring satisfaction because what is important is the result, not the process. it was not what you would call a negotiation. we're not to a point where we're ready to set down texts and begin to go back and forth even before going into these talks that they were of course, new possible, thank sanctions. being threatened by the united states. if it said russia invades
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ukraine, no russian, is it time and time again, it does not intend to evade ukraine. and that was reiterated again at the press conference on monday night. however, the russian deputy foreign minister saying what russia really wants right now is, i implied, guarantees that ukraine will not join the nato alliance. now, will ever, we are fed up with loose dog, half promises, misinterpretation, or what happened, that different forms of negotiations behind closed doors. we do not trust the other sites, so to see we need iron clad waterproof bullet proof legally binding guarantees not assurances, not safeguards guarantees. so no concrete breakthrough, particularly with the united states,
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saying they couldn't discuss issues of ukraine and it's possible membership of native without me to being present its allies being present at the negotiating tables. and that is the stage that we are now at with new round of discussions to take place on wednesday, between nato and the russian delegation, where ukraine of course will be a large part of those discussions we've also heard from the nato secretary general, who's pads lowered the ball when it comes to talks, suggesting that a good outcome would be that they would be more talks in the future rather than any concrete action. however, yet still to make has said that when he was prime minister of norway, he had many discussions with russia. and he had found that the russians were open to negotiations. so perhaps there is a ray of lights at the end of the tunnel. next new in tonight,
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one year of the capitol hill, riots, the u. s. department of justice is established a new domestic terrorism unit to combat threats that the claim of doubled. in the past 2 years, i decided to establish that domestic terrorism unit to augment our existing approach. this group of dedicated attorneys will focus on the domestic terrorism threat, helping to ensure that these cases are handled properly and effectively coordinated across the department of justice and across the country. good idea, not what caliber opens across the new york city. caleb. while that information came before a senate committee and testimony from matthew olsen, who is the deputy attorney general, he's the leader of the national security division. and that was before the senate judiciary committee. and that came in hearings regarding the january 6th incident of last year. the events in the capital riot which many members of congress
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considered to be inactive terrorism. now in the testimony, we heard that members of terrorist and extremist groups who are dedicated to the white race or consider themselves to be anti government. they are the primary threat in addition to that, we heard comparison of individuals in these groups with islamic terrorism here, some of what was testified from my perspective. spinning a lot of time focused on the radicalization of international terrorists and islamic extremists and extremes of all stripes. this group shares many of the theme characteristics, people who feel like their way of life is under attack. many of those people i would, i would guess last year had carried those exact beliefs and thoughts as they march their way to break into the nation's capital. members of the opposition and the republicans spoke up and have basically said they feel this is setting the stage
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for a clamped down on political descent. and that it's a weird shot against conservatives attempting to blame conservatives for the problems in the country. here has been some of the backlash unfortunately, one year later, the majority party seems no closer to answering the central question of how the capital was left so unprepared and what must be done to ensure it never happens again. instead, they are using it as a partisan political weapon to further divide our country. now and other remarks that we had, republican speaking up and asking why there has been so much investigation into the january 6 capital riot. but there has not been a similar amount of investigation into the months and months of rioting that preceded it during the aftermath of the killing of george floyd at the height of the pandemic, etc. so quite a division on capitol hill about how to approach this, but we do understand the department of justice is moving ahead with creating this
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new unit to investigate domestic terrorism yet seem so in new york city, california, we update on i appreciate it now. trouble for boris johnson with more of it anyway, i will party pressure for the british prime minister tonight. more of a social one on top for the political and lead. emailed and revealed another looked gathering involving the leader and his wife exclaimed, a 100 dining st. stuff were invited for whose he get together at the heights of coven lockdown in 2020 that hi all. after what has been an incredibly busy period, it would be nice to make the most lovely weather and have some socially distance drinks and the number 10 garden this evening. please join us from 6 p. m, and bring your own booze. well, it seems as though all the prime minister was doing during this pandemic is party. and while everybody was simply a lockdown, it seems as though the government was acting as if there was a cool. so celebration. in fact, the prime minister's chief aid simply sent out this message saying that the lovely
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weather in may of 2020 was ample enough reason to host a party. and so invited around a 100 people to a, bring your own booth, downing street garden party. now it's alleged that around 40 people attended this party, including boris johnson. the only problem is at the time the rules clearly stated, even reiterated just an hour before that invitation went out. but you can only me talk with one other person from another household. and of course, social distance to meet is a part. so it's probably not much of a surprise for me to tell you this huge amount of opposition to it, including calls for the prime minister to resign. people will find it awfully outrageous that the most powerful people in the tory government would be using up at number 10 downing street proving yet again that it's one rule for them. and another for the rest of us. if the prime minister had a shred of integrity or an ounce of shame, he would have resigned many months ago. boris johnson has consistently shown that
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he has no regard for the rules he puts in place for the rest of us. at the time, everyone would have known that go into a body was wrong. so how can those run the country have filters was ok. now, number 10 are yet to comment, but far as children has previous and repeatedly said that all guidelines have been followed. of course, metropolitan police and now weighing in the considering investigating and the now in communication with the cabinet office. but just to give you a bit of an idea of what was happening the time here in london on may the 25th. that's 5 days after this, so cool party 10 days off is that wine and cheese alleged why re florence. joseph said this, the only reason we have been able to make such progress is because the country has observed the social distancing rules. feel free to speak to people yourself if you feel they are not observing the rules as the police will step in if necessary. so it comes as no surprise then it's no wonder that even tories ah,
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now losing trust in the government. according to the latest shocking pole, more than a 3rd of tories think the boris johnson should quit and almost $4.10 think he is doing a bad job, of course, considering that is now being dozens of party revelations and allegations floating around during the locked down period it sounds as though the government was almost on the booth cruise, but it seems as though a bar johnson may not go down with his ship. well, the moment anyway, u. k radio host john gaunt, told us the saga reflects the sorry, state of british politics at the moment. horace johnson has absolutely disgusted me . it is completely and utterly wrong when we, the people were following all the advice to the letter. and some people get in fine when they broke it. how did he and other members of the cabinet, if they were there, break their own rules and no man or woman is above the law and the law should take
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precedence here and they should investigate. it's not good enough that that's going to report in weeks and weeks needs to report now is what this story illustrates. it's just how poor our mainstream politicians are today. they're all pretty useless and you couldn't put a cigarette paper between them. we've been let down in our country by the political class, the professional political class. they all basically discussed me. ah, it's 20 years to the day since the 1st prisoners were taken to the notorious us prison camp at guantanamo bay. and we've been hearing about what they went through . former detainees was a bag, was held there for 3 years without ever being charged with any crime. unfortunately, on this anniversary 20 years, the people i spoke to young boys were no longer young. 1819 years old, who never met at all because they probably beheld without child or travel channel
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list they so me and i saw 2 people. i saw one prison times prior to the top of the cage being repeatedly punched and kicked them to the children. the americans did that. this was a homicide. i also was subject to the sounds of a woman screaming in the nest cells that i was led to believe was my wife, while interrogating, way pictures of my children in front of me and threatened to send me to egypt and syria. if i didn't cooperate so that all sorts of shocking things that were taking place, i say i was on the get the 3 is there a few people been up to literally 20 years without charge? a new report by human rights watch details. the tragic extend to the systematic abuse at the prison camp that assesses the torture and illegal detention of hundreds of muslims at guantanamo, and course upon president joe biden, to repair the damage done. and finally, close the detention center is
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we also spoke as well to 2 more former guantanamo bay detainees. i like many others, both of them were never charged with a crime either. this is what they had to tell us. we think of one's animal, we try not to, but it does come up. of course it's continuous is something that continues with us throughout our life is something that there is a grain inside our hearts and spirits and we have to think about it all the time is something that we cannot change. and sometimes when, when tell them well like now was in the news, we think about those 2 are still in so i can tell them i was there for 5 years throughout the 5 years there was continuous torture. so. busy there was no rules, no god, no laws, nothing. the god did what they like and the american system did what they want,
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something else. so sometimes you are humiliated sexually. sometimes you're beaten. sometimes anything that they thought will get information out of the prisoners and they were willing to commit those points. that's why you were accepting and tell them when tell them or is a black hole legal black hole. what is going on? you know, what time is a place that retake garage, you know, injustice? what can i, when i was a simple torture, injustice, lawlessness, abuse of power in different dishes? one can only is one of the biggest human right. and the 21st century, no law lives there, no human rights, no any kind of rules or basic right for, for humans. so gwen, tell me it's existence is a torture injustice as it is now it's 20 years. and it want to know turn to be a political again, or i'm for democrats and you know,
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because what want to keep it open because that gives you some kind of publicity or in some time, more books. sadie was that humanity within and they know what time is wrong. they want to know shouldn't exist in the 1st place. human rights lawyer, cliff stuff, and smith represent some of those. it made super how's the facility and says the process of obtaining justice for the prison is, is long and convoluted. something that i, as an american lawyer very ashamed on that we in the us have held people indefinitely without trial now for 20 years. in some cases, there's no excuse for that, it's absolutely wrong. it's very, very difficult to explain why it takes a long time and even with a very small number of prisoners. sure, they want true military condition each time we've gone to the supreme court has been when the us government to assess it, it's right to keep prisoners without proper trials. and each time they've lost. and you would think that here we are 20 as on,
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surely they've now narrowed down the people since 780 they originally said were the worst terrorists in the world. i think now that get it right, but they haven't. and indeed, one of my funds, i still represent 6 people. and one of my clients is someone who is mistaken for a true terrorist who has torch and for 540 days and then was taken to guantanamo bay while the us captured the real terrorist. and set him free. so it all right, this is new. and in the recent death, i've spoken anti back. so from coven complications has brought the argument of getting a not related to real bits of color. the internet, one column is for los angeles times even justify the death is a lesson for us. all mocking anti vaccine depth is ghoulish. yes. but necessary. how should we react to the deaths of the unvaccinated? on the one hand,
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the hallmark of civilized thought is the sense that every life is precious. on the other hand, those who have deliberately flouted sober medical advice by refusing of exceed known to reduce the risk of serious disease from the virus, can be viewed as receiving their just desserts. it may be a little ghoulish to celebrate or exalt in the death of x in opponents, but mockery is not necessarily the wrong reaction to those who publicly montana copied measures and encourage others to follow suit. nor is it wrong to deny them our sympathy and solicitude will. the article comes after death. the california district attorney kelly earn bay she stood against vaccine mandates and died last week from complications caused by coven 19 her tragic death. just $46.00 raised a tide of glee, a mockery though online. let's bring a journalist, a political commentator chadwick lawyer. hey there. shadowing. thanks for your time today. it's not a nice world at times, never has been as it, but really the divide that this whole coven thing in the vaccine things brought up is really brought into the 4 of light, isn't it?
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yeah, it really has. let me, i wonder what would, if the left would say that i don't know if you were convicted felon high on that? no, you shouldn't be passing on a $20.00 bill because you might be in minnesota. this is a teachable moment. you're never hear of that. so you know that all of this kobe vaccination arguments and the sheet around it purely. what, of course, now, interesting language this california politician died. quote, a publication from coded were told sound a little bit like died risk coded, not from coded, as we know that those records all been trumped up across united states. democrats. people to the other places are now a meeting that hospital naturalization rates of employed by well over 50 percent. yeah, it is serious stuff. lots of people have lost, loved ones, family, friends. we can't deny that it's been around this for the world. but does this come on, the hate speech? would you say this, this kind of thing? no, i mean this person,
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i don't know. i don't know what he speech is. it doesn't mean anything to me this whole surprise. we don't like to say whatever they like. maybe, but it's some guy, i mean he can, you can say anything you want. now i've never heard about healthy 46 year old. dine directly. oh, good. so that's probably not what happened here. but yeah, he can say there's going to be wants to, it doesn't make it any more school isn't it shows how hateful the side of love and holler is actually really is in this country. of course, they're going to mock a woman who made the choice with her body, do not get the vaccine, allegedly, and dyed with coded somehow. but of course, this is all political just so how is the political and how they demonize people who disagree with them, who believe in autonomy? and if they're back they were so effective. why would they care if someone chooses not to take it back soon? is widely available to anyone who wants it. if you don't need you have it. if you die a publication, suppose it, that's your choice. why mark that person, why get nasty and bitter about it? when this is someone personal decision? anyone who want to back thing can get it and if it works and if it's so great,
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what's the problem here? i don't understand why so much hatefulness would be directed. allegedly the only people the vaccinated would be endangering would be other and back to people. so why do they care? unfortunately, that's not true. back to that if people are getting a virus like gangbusters and spreading it around as well, but the longer this goes on, i suppose the worst is going to get. we're not out of the woods yet. can we use this, i guess, to come on board, will people have been vaccinated to get more more angry? the ones that are box needs because that upset your the people that screw my life up. yeah, that's exactly right. it's more finger pointing and maybe they can admit that the other vaccine that working and that maybe they made a mistake. but it is, it's all this figure point thing when people held off on getting the vaccine. and by the way, natural immunity, this never even any more, we don't know if this, this poor woman who died in california had already had drove in at this rate just about every one of the country and been exposed to it would be possible not to have been at this point. so why does that never come up? why don't we ever talk about people natural immunity,
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who have not gotten the vaccine because they believe in their own antibodies? are they enemies to days or to die? relax them resign if they happen to get over it and die in a hospital that never address is just about pushing jab and pushing the parties, narrative, and big harm. narrative jealous of this is a comp time to chat will have a good day. thanks so much, ben. live on the program off in to national here. thank you. thank you. the mercury tell a wal mart half the paid leave for work, is it test positive for covert or must isolate the company? policy says, no, get just one week off we heard from a wal mart employee says the move is putting people's lives at risk. i don't want to pay sickly for employees who aren't going to be at work. they'd rather us come to work 6 spread the virus to other people get other people sick. have them have to go on our way even all that. some are afraid, you know, getting a virus. if they get the virus, you know, what are they going to do? if they're still sick after 5 days, i mean, i feel the same way i can coming to work when i'm still have coven spread
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everywhere. they really don't care. so i put all, all our lives in danger, even more than before, as just not worth. i'm not going to die for wal mart, and i don't think anybody else wants to dr. wal mart either will not see you policies follow updated recommendations to the us centers for disease control and prevention that allow people to isolate for 5 days out for covert infection. instead of 10 or more spokesperson said that also introduced a number of other policies to help employees to in the crisis, including working from home where possible until the end of january, a surgeon coven cases in the u. s. is cause significant labor shortages, a survey of hourly paid work is found that 65 percent of the move reported being sick in the last month said they went to work anyway. peter norton again police, it's because people simply can't afford to take the time off. if you have something below fever, you're still might do a search, you know, are still not feel well, but you still can come to work after 5 days,
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you don't get paid anymore. you don't pay more paid pay for because of that. a lot of people are going to say, even if they do have a fever somewhere that's are going to say that they are the are far because they can't afford to or not, they're not going to pay. so they're still going to come in to work sick with the virus and be contagious and spread it to everybody else. it's very fair to say i was miss that fact or is complete negligence on there are they should not have done that. they should have, are, you know, in thinking a rush, but the factors thing in their profits. well, right after wal mart's and i'm states, policies, tech john, amazon followed satan, short and sick pay leave for its work as to employees will now be in total. the 7 days instead of the previous 10, the guidelines impact to all work is regardless of their revenue nation status mean time across the atlantic in the u. k. it kia just that kind of similar stuff. it's cutting sick pay for certain groups of unvaccinated workers who have to self isolate. guess we're going to see more and more of that as time goes on,
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business is struggling to survive, but whether it's right or wrong a well, that's what we're talking about. it's not you'll find more that kind of stuff to an auto dot com our main site. if you're watching out internationals world news at 10 reporting for you. delighted to be to kevin. oh, in a very good evening. ah . now we have easy rats. i've just heard that it was a healthy alternative to cigarettes, and do we trust tobacco companies with their message that these new products are actually going to reduce our t shirt or breaking the tobacco up into over 2 years? ah, 13 years later in the bathroom period, it back in the new and i'm not talking about the movie this time a, a judge in mexico once accountability that issued a several arrest warrant. will this bring up the obama era scandal for the
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democrats to deal with? well, we're going to bring you the story. i love the good discussion. in other high profile, a democratic congress has tested positive for coven 19. just as a speaker plus the is announcing even strict requirements for members. let me tell you the new role and how republican can are responding. i'm scared out here and in just a few of the stories that we're going to cover today, the news is he's right here on our to america. ah, oh, thanks for joining me. you know, it warn't have an issue in the controversial fast and furious gun running operation that has caused a no shortage of across port tensions between the united states and mexico for more on this on and who has been target. and the latest on this very developing story is artie correspondent paxton boy. scotty,
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a mexican judge has issued 7 arrest warrants in relation to a decade old cross border gun trafficking. sting, including the country's most notorious drug lord and an ex security minister, convicted sinaloa cartel boss. what keen l. chapo guzman, ex security minister, had nora garcia, luna, and former federal police intelligence official louis cardenas, are among those named in a statement released sunday from the attorney general's office. this stemming from the so called fast and furious gun running scandal from 2009 to 2011. and what u. s. federal officials allowed about 2000 guns to be traffic in new mexico. the goal to track those guns as they were transferred to higher level traffickers and key figures in mexican cartels, with the expectation that it would lead to their arrest. and therefore, the demise of the cartels. all 3 are currently behind bars and either the united states or mexico. the attorney general's office has not yet clarified whether it will seek to extrude.
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