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tv   Keiser Report  RT  January 13, 2022 10:30am-11:01am EST

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technology and the combination of these 3 very you could say historically distinct seeks fixes within our psycho physical makeup i have rendered us pretty dangerous to ourselves to the to the planet. while our officers are facing an increasingly dangerous environment, we are seeing a growing debate about so called warrior cops. the term that i've heard in the militarization of police this is an amber vehicle we acquired through the 1033 program and very free program with the government program that funnels military property that is no longer use to local law enforcement. with building an army over here, and i can't believe if people aren't c a t, everything the it, cuz this began a feeling that hey, you have to deal with your hiring process. who are you putting in a uniform cover?
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bands is a powerful thing from tab has like money in play tricks and people mind they think they've done the bad news. but what is out the door very bad times are common. good news. you have job security because the world desperately need, but you have ah i am ash kaiser. this is the kaiser report, stacy worley. we are still in san miguel day and day in mexico were on our way. the 2nd half. in fact, we will be in san salvador el salvador, but i just want to say, you know, we enjoyed the new years here. and the last year 2021, we exited, and we had 70 new all time highs in the stock market. we saw the or the markets
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worked 27 percent on 2021. and yet we see headlines like this. we have a powerful weapon to fight inflation. price controls, it's time we use it as this was the big article over the christmas new year break, and that was in the guardian in the u. k. and they're calling for price controls, despite the price control, as you might say, the price fixing on stock market. remember everything like q e in central banks do is about pushing the price up, up relentlessly. yeah, i was thinking along similar lines about price controls, you know, they're referring to stuff that people are buying at the store, that's going up and price because of inflation. and so the government of various countries, including the united kingdom, are saying, hey, you know, we need to come in there and fix the prices. this is a policy that, of course,
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has never worked throughout history. but as you point out, the problem is this. and for those who want to get the broader context, he want to kind of understand on a deep level, what is the story here? as you are a learn alluding to this all refers back to another price fixing scam that's been going on for 40 years. and that is the price fixing scam when it comes to money. now remember, we supposedly live in a free enterprise, free market economy in the united states and in great britain and elsewhere. if that were true, then the price of money or interest rates would also be involved in a free market. but they're not, there's a pull it bureau, in, in the united states called the free the for the open market committee, the free open market. the federal for market committee, f o m c, and engage in price fixing,
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and they do sell for the benefit of their owners. and these are the banks that the, glean hundreds of billions, with not trillions of profit that's moved from favors. move from the workers over to the speculators. we been documenting this valve on this show for 13 going on 14 years when talking about and various other content for 18 years. so it is a pretty price fixing is the problem. if you want a free market, you've got to let the market be free, you can have half of the market free, and then half the market fixed. do you end up with the problem that we have today? i don't have the headline here, but during the christmas and new year break, i did read an article whereby they interviewed. i think his 1st name is thomas, but hoenig, he was the former head of the kansas city fed and he was one of the dissenters. he was the loan to center. so the, you know, the f o m c always
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a. they always want unanimity and all their decisions. there was one dissenter, 20102011 then he was basically ousted, right? hoenig, who, who was against quantitative easing. and the reason was, he didn't say it was because of inflation. he, in fact, only may be mentioned inflation once and all of his dissents. because remember, f o m c meeting notes are not released for 5 years. so 5 years later we saw that he was saying exactly the situation that happens. now essentially he was warning of the can't tell you an error fact. he was saying that the wealth and income gap with surge, that it would cause asset prices to sore. and that the wealthy would get wealthier and this would destabilize our societies. and lo and behold, that happened, he was forced out because of course, the cultural elite loved bernanke. he loved the money printing, they and their friends got wealthier and they thought they like they in their mind believe that they are just and good people and they believe and also so. so george,
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justice warrior sort of causes so that they deserve this money and that this was reward for good behavior and good thoughts. well, the fact is like he warned of the situation. and in this article, the reason why this woman is saying that we need to have price fixing is because of a fed chart. and this shows the non financial corporate business profits after tax . since we went off the gold standard they, it's been soaring. so you say way back to, you know, while you're on the gold standard, their profits were not excessive, but look from 2000 to one. when china enter the world trade organization and the u . s. companies can send all of our jobs to china. you start to see the profits for the elite just take off, and then he see it again in 2008, 2000 line when quantitative even started. and look at what we have now post pandemic. and this is the mass of money printing while forcing all the small
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companies medium size enterprises to shut down, locked down, and have huge costs having to compete on this supply chain. disruption it situation against massive corporations like wal mart who could hire their own like tankers and go get goods from china. right. so what we've established here is that the american economy, under the dictate of the federal reserve, federal open market committee, is central planning and sense, financial ization is the by far by huge factor, the single biggest component of the economy. we can say that america is a centrally planned economy. it's not, it's not a capitalist or free market economy. it hasn't been for many decades. and when you look at the profitability, these corporations, it one has to keep in mind that the profitability of a corporation is contained to some degree to the ecosystem or
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business ecosystem in which they live a. so if you took, let's say, one of those red oh, those mighty oak trees out on the pacific coast, and you try to grow it and to a pot that you would normally grow a geranium it. ok, i one of the redwood tree, one of the redwood trees, right? so you have a, you have a pot and you're going to grow a plant in that pot. and the plant is constrained by the fact that it's in a pot. any corporation in the world cannot grow to this to a size that's greater than the entire planet. when you have multi of a multi terrain 1000000 trillion dollar companies. you're so actually saying, well, this redwood tree is somehow grew in this pot that we normally grow geranium and ok, obviously the only way you can do that is if you have a direct connection to transfer payment from the, the federal bank that's printing money and is bypassing the economy, bypassing labor is bypassing savers,
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this bypassing capitalism. it's just going into the pockets of the club talk or see some called or the caca stock, or say that the central planners, you know, on the left in america, they say, you know, we need to get rid of capitalism and bring back central planning. ironically because week we, we have had nothing but central planning. since alan greenspan, the $0.19 a crash of $1087.00, when greenspan robert reuben, and ronald reagan actually repudiated the free market and said, we're going to get into the s and p features buying business with the open with the punch protection team or the working group on finance coming out of the white house and that day and i was working on wall street on that day. the american system of free market enterprise dead died in not we've had sense. is a mass, a kind of a mass hallucination that's given us now? 100000 overdose deaths last year and calling that and rewarding. that is
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a good way to make money that's. that's what's that, that's what's happened. well, i guess you could kind of say it's like jack and the beanstalk economy. some companies, some individuals, some banks are given special beans. right. and they're being stock can grow to the moon where everybody else is shut down. and here's a wall street journal article about that. essentially, u. s. companies are thriving despite the pandemic or because of it, revenues, profit margins have surpassed late. 2019 levels for most public companies. bigger firms have fared better than smaller ones. nearly 2 years after the crone of iris pandemic brought much of the u. s. economy to a halt. public companies are recording some of the best ever financial results. profit growth, the strong most companies sales are higher than they were before to cope 19, often well above the liquidity crunch. many feared and 2020 never materialized,
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leaving companies with sizable cash cushions. the stock market ended 2021 near record highs and far fewer public companies file for bankruptcy and 2021 than in the years before the pandemic and the credit, all of the money printing the huge amount of money printing. this is like the u. s . companies, but especially the publicly listed massive companies. they were given these special beans where they're being stock and grow away higher, higher, higher, higher past the moon, past the stars past. the galaxy, you know, beyond everybody else. right. and another inconvenient truth that most people in america and united kingdom don't want to face because it's too ugly. but it was effectively the big corporations, got the regulators to kill off the competition. ok, this is a a mafia approach. you get the cops to raid the guy and sang drugs next door to
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where you're selling drugs. and because the cops are corrupt and they'll take a payoff. so their financial regulators in america are venal, which is a fancy way to say they're corrupt, but also like so this woman in the guardian who wants to have price fixing. this is for things lower. she's saying like, it's like post world war 2. when there were supply chain crunches then and blah, blah, blah, but think about this like so she wants that one of the biggest disruptions and supply chains has been to microchips. right? that's because like taiwan makes most of them. but all of that stimulus saw millions and tens of millions of americans by durable goods from where china and all our durable goods are washing machines or refrigerators are. and our cars and stuff like that. have many, many, many microprocessors. so there was huge demand. the actual quantity of micro chips
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made in the past 2 years exceeded the years before. so it's not an issue of like price fixing needed to rectify this. you have to just stop giving all the free money start printing money and inflation will go down. right. i mean, she needs to put the, the, the price fixing after world war 2 in the context of what caused world war 2. and that's money printing. and so the fix was, you know, let's fix prices it, but let's not address the money printing. let's not disband the bank of england even though it has this incredibly deleterious impact on the u. k. economy, in the global economy. it's really the 1st of the major is the 1st central bank that we know of going back to, i guess, a 1796 i believe. and it's the model upon which feudalism can continue and wash itself as a market economy. it's feudalism, thanks. bank of england. so, but of course that would require a much broader education on behalf of the writer of that article,
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which is obviously not the case. all right, we're going to take a break and when we come back, much more coming your way. ah ah july, an annual festival in st. petersburg dedicated to dust i epsky. ah, the great writer thinker and psychologist, people often tend to his work to understand russia and russians, perhaps even themselves. they put a single movie to see what they think about the matter vehicle of wiley theda, changing a rita, transforming them as they read. that's a dust i ask is unique ability to stay ascii wants to tell us, you can better yourself. he makes you face your true self or
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we give the on conventions, rules of schemes, beyond boundaries and time. dostoevsky is a global brand whose classics, everyone knows. i'm never out of style with ah, welcome back to the kaiser report, i max kaiser time out of turn to samson now of block stream and infinite late sampson to welcome back. thank you max. great to be back right here, we are in san salvador el salvador, where there's a peaceful revolution going on with big coin being made legal, tender. and of course, the big coin bond. you are an instrumental if not the chief architect on these bonds working with president bu kelly. it shaken the world of finance. it's
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a revolutionary new concept that this start up nation of el salvador is really basing a whole new economy on tell us about it. the big coin bonds are a $1000000000.00 bond. the 1st one is called the volcano bond, and it will go half into buying the coin and half into building energy infrastructure and money equipment. so this will be a 10 year bond with a 6.5 percent coupon. and at the end you get your principal back. but the interesting about this bond is the bickering opponent will contribute to a special kicker. so for the 1st 5 years, you get 6.5 percent, but in the final 5 years, you get 6.5 percent plus the special bitcoin dividend, which, you know, depending on the current price, could make the total coupon size, 90 percent, 120 percent. your best guess is my best guess, but it's going to be good. right? so for institutions who are looking for exposure to bitcoin, this is
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a great way to do it because it being paid 60 percent essentially to wait for the big coin move. and a lot of people are, you know, they don't like the volatility. but here you're getting the 60 percent coupon, and you don't have to really worry about the volatility. i did. i understand that the big coins basically locked up for 5 years and then they started to pay out. they told me on another podcast that the volcano bond in your view is probably the most significant advance in big coin sense bitcoin. i think so, because it is very innovative on a number of levels. so as we know, institutional investors are star for yield. they're trying their best to get yield . they're trying to access bitcoin, but they don't necessarily have the means to get intimate coin. this bond fixes that, so they can buy the bond. they can have that big coin upside. and if it's with their mandates their charters, which would otherwise stick them into buying something like a mining stock or something less inefficient,
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less efficient than the volcano bonds. so i think it's going to be a big game changer. the other thing is, these bonds are going to be traded 247365 because it is a crypto asset. it has a token issues on the liquid network, which is a federated be coin side chain. it will be traded on exchanges like bill for next and others. so you're going to have 247 trading and a massive pool of liquidity, which is not that common with bonds. right. and you know, we're talking big numbers are talking about the bond market and international investors. let's talk about the salvadoran who is to work in a job. and they've just been told that because it's been made legal tender and it's something very new to them. so talk to, let's talk about the average salvador and how does bitcoin go to impact their life? was biggest thing is solar is now get the hardest money known to mankind, which is because they can earn bitcoin, they can easily change their money into the coin using the chiva wallet. and they
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have this access to the future financial system today, which is not their comment. so most countries are not looking at big coin. they're not making bitcoin legal tender. they're just printing more money. but here you have a silver riding the wave of the future, right? they're writing that way for the future, right? to prosperity, because ordinary salvadorans will be able to accumulate bitcoin and stack sets easily. and they could potentially access the bond as well. the interesting thing about the volcano bond and the coin bonds is we want it to be accessible to ordinary people. usually when you buy a bond, they're $1000.00, hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars. if you look at the current minimum size of the current bonds out there and that's not something a normal person can get. but because we're using liquid because it is a token, we can go down to $100.00 minimum size. so normal person, perhaps it's salvatore and living abroad, maybe they're in canada and they want to help their country. they can buy
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a piece of this bond and contribute to the economic prosperity of their nation. i took a tour recently of downtown san salvador and just a few years ago the area was, i know goes on, you know, it reminded me of new york city back in 1970 s. there are areas where you would never want to go into new york city. and then we had really the deregulation revolution of the 19 eighties and reaganomics as it was called. and new york city became much, much different place. so when i look at downtown san salvador, it seems like this could be a place where it attracts a lot of artists. it attracts a lot of entrepreneurs. is this the kind of place like berlin after the fall of the berlin wall or new york in the seventy's when? so how became a huge ard center? good. that happened to downtown san salvador. definitely, i see the coin is
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a big draw. it's going to bring people here because most people, most countries, actually, they want to surveil you more than the u. s. rate. they want to look at where $600.00 transactions come from. you have to report them right. it's not there yet, but that's definitely a direction they're going. whereas in a sophomore, they're making because legal, tender they're making money money again, which is a very rare thing in the world today. let's make money money again. let's make money money again. it's a rarity and i think it's sort of like a solid or is this a waste of sanity in the world of craziness, right? we're living in cloud world today with crazy health mandates to deal with it. and monetary policy is just gone insane. money printing is out of control. and here you have this see of tranquillity. you know, you have been quite as legal tender, and you have, you know, normal regulations about everything else. and those force mandates on vaccines and
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everything like that. i think that will draw people that will bring people to our salvador, not just the builders and engineers and that type of personality. but the artist to like you're saying they could come to and populate the downtown since her and bring art yes. seems like sound money encourages common sense. and i, i saw this, the other day president kelly had sent data like a kid for folks who are biting the cove it pandemic and include, it was, you know, get a lot of exercise jan here, some iron mountain and here some other treatments which is all based on common sense approach and but this common sense, it seems completely absent in canada where you come from or the united states, where the theat money mentality and the ability for some to print money no matter how poorly they perform as politicians are, as a business people as totally corrupted the society and the values and the societies
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. and it's very refreshing to be here in el salvador where it seems like people are just willing to follow something that's more common sense to hear your thoughts. definitely, i don't believe in forcing people to take to vaccine and you're seeing that in canada and other countries too. and it's almost like they're trying to segment population and turn people against one another. and here you have present replacing, you know, you can get if you want, you have a choice. and in other countries you no longer have a choice and that's just descending into this insane clown world. yeah, i think that part of it, as we're saying when you have big coin as your legal tender and the foundation of your economy, you're very excited to see where you can go with this and you want to build stuff and you don't want to get mired into site distractions that seem motivated by folks that are not really interested in seeing success and entrepreneurialism. but let's talk about the city for a 2nd. so bitcoin city is on the surface. anyway,
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an enormous lea, ambitious project, i was there at the event you are on stage with president bush kelly. he unveiled big coin city, unveiled the volcano bonds, and you are the architect of those bonds and tell us more about that going city. so we consider, i think, is the akin to a special economic region. it's a place where you can go set up your company, live there and have 0 tax on almost everything just via t tax. so no corporate tax, payroll tax, no income tax, no capital gain tax. it's almost like paradise for before. and you pair that with the big coin law. and i think you have the perfect storm, right? if you set up a special economic region like that somewhere else in the world, but it's still based in that legacy financial system, the fuel economy. i don't think it would reach level of success that because city and our server will because you have that big con component. if you look at hong kong, right, it's a major economic center. they have very federal taxation. it's very open and free.
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but if you set up a company in hong kong, now, can you get a bank account? maybe you can't, right? it's because money has become that tool for surveillance. and the bank, they have to comply, right? they don't want to, it's a massive cost like running an exchange in another life. i know when you have more and more compliance that increase your business operational cost. right. so for hong kong, like you can't get very count. so even if you have those favorable conditions, it doesn't matter almost. but here in our salvador, with the current city, you've got both, you have those favorable conditions for business. and you have to be coin law, which means you can have money. that is just simply money, right? that's a key part of the story and i think appeals to anybody from a big corporation down to the salesperson on the street is that the transactions are without any censorship. and there's no way they can stop these transactions. and the money that you make is not going to be inflated away out of existence.
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exactly. and that creates, and i was on t a, which is really the beginning of the big claim revolution here in el salvador bitcoin beach. immediately you heard the phrase, circular economy. ok. what is that? i popularized that. ok. tell us about it. i was giving talks like maybe in 2016 and that was when the lightning network was starting to come in to being right. so the network is a layer to of a coin, so liquid is one layer 2, and you have lighting. but the key for lightning is it enables micro transactions buying coffee, buying purposes. and your tracking transactions are free and instantaneous. so you can have a circular economy when you're transacting on the big coin main chain. you have to pay fees to the miners. sometimes the fees are low, sometimes are higher, changes based on demand. but with the network, you can have the circle economy where you can get paid and spend it all want to go . so it is circular because you're earning and spending bitcoin,
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you'll need to go back out. you don't need to get your paycheck in dollars by bit coin to spend the big coin replenish your bank on holdings. you can earn bit coin and spend bitcoin without exiting and going back to that fit legacy system. and i think key here is that remove friction, you let the coin become a currency. so anyone can earn bitcoin, received bitcoin, spend bitcoin, and there's 0 friction. so this gets back to, of course the scaling question that was always part of the big coin story from day one. and the scale in question. i guess it could be summed up in one phrase, can i use bitcoin to buy a cup of coffee? and that was said many, many times. and as a result there were these hard forks and these other projects that came along that claim to solve that problem. it seems however, that lightning and the introduction of lightening in the popularity of lightning as actually put those side projects in the shadows. yes, those are very powerful narrative back in 201617. you know we cannot buy coffee
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with the coin. be coin is not able to be transacted as money, but if you have a block chain, you basically cannot have scale because you need to replicate every transaction and store in every single node. that's why you need their 2 solutions like liquid and like lightning. all right, we're going to carry this over to a 2nd segment sampson, but for now, thanks for being on kaiser apart. and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with may max has raised ac ever want to thank our guests. and so now block stream and infinite flay, until next time bio ah, ah, a
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so called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the u. s. officials were basically designed as techniques to break down the human mind. if you force a human being to stay in a certain position doesn't take very long to the pain involved to become absolutely excruciating, but nobody's clean finger on you. you are doing it to yourself. we started adopting those techniques when i was station in mosul among them wordpress positions sleep deprivation and type of therm. yeah. there's already beginning to be evidence that these old techniques are now being used on immigrant children, whatever you do or more comes home. nobody has been held accountable for the torture that happened in the past, the moral authority that made america world leader sucker fudged for the shimmer of
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effective interrogation. ah, the headline serenity, international allied peacekeeping mission in kazakhstan, comes to an end as the situation of the country stabilizes. that is to fight the much speculation in the west that the russian contingent would never lead. also ahead in this program on asi internation, when i went into that garden just after 6 on the 28th of may, 2020, i believed implicitly that this was a work event for touch. families are outraged by bars. johnson's apology off the he admits attending a downey's food party during the u. k. 2020 national lockdown. in the program. we talked to a man who unfortunately had to bury his father during that hot period of restrictions are the same time that i was at my father's.


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