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tv   News. Views. Hughes  RT  January 13, 2022 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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i have rendered us pretty dangerous to ourselves to get to the planet with started off, it's just a few items missing from grocery store shelves has turned into empty aisles and long lines at the self. check out what happened to america, the bountiful, in the last time americans had images of this darkness was during times of world war and depression. but with all of the affliction to be experienced by americans. why does this administration continue to talk aggressively on a global issue that when they have yet to deal with the problems facing americans at home? sure, our military budget might be the highest ever, at 750 $3000000000.00, but with recruitment added to the lowest point in recent times. what did the us is a forced to put military action behind their incendiary rhetoric?
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i'm standing out here and on today the news news news. we're going to look at what is causing the problems at grocery stores across the country, and why politicians are blaming the business community rather than their own suffocating regulation. we're also going to look at the large bonus, the army has a just put into it back, all in hopes of retaining and recruiting their force. bought the same time, continuing to discharge those who refused to get the vaccine. should we have done that sooner. we are doing it, but sure we have done it. so we're doing a plug by the spend down on a damage control or once again following a another communication mix up a by the vice president this time regarding at home kobe testing. there's a lot to discuss, including the supreme court delivering the largest blow to the bided administration . with them striking down the vaccine mandate on a large businesses. let's get started.
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lou america, the meagre from empty shelves to lack of test shortages of workers to yes, even a disinterested join the military, the united states people are left to wanting. meanwhile, politicians are in searching themselves in a foreign conflict. any foreign conflict, it seems. it is russia, as you have heard, that has a stark choice to make de escalation and diplomacy, which of course remains our preferred course or confrontation and consequences. our goal remains the complete, the nuclear is ation of the korean peninsula. and we continue to believe that serious and sustain diplomacy is the only way we'll be able to make a tangible progress towards that. i still can't decide of the focus on foreign conflict is more about getting money back into the greedy hands of defense
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contractors or to distract from this situation here at home. but one thing is for certain, if a 2 year old virus and a few inches of snow can cause this big of a disruption in the supply chain. just imagine how upset americans will be if we go to war and we completely break the chain altogether. now, shortages that us grocery stores have become more and more common on the recent weeks. as the fast spreading, alma kron variant and severe weather have piled on to the already existing supply chain issues and labor shortages. so for more on this issue and what we can expect moving forward, we bring in our to correspond it. paxton boyd shelves are empty. a beef chicken eggs, fruit and vegetables even non perishable items, hard to find in some grocery stores. now in a normal year, 5 to 10 percent of food items may be unavailable today, roughly 15 percent are out of stock. that according to jeff freeman, president and c of the consumer brands association. officials say things may not
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get better for the next 12 to 18 months. now, there are many reasons for this, including an increased demand for groceries, whose families choosing to eat at home. during the oma, kron served as we saw here in the dc metro area last week. winter storms have affected major interstate. and a shortage of as many as $80000.00 truck drivers are out nationwide. that's a historic high, according to the american trucking association. because of this experts say to expect price hikes and food shortages similar to what we saw in 2020, in colorado, nearly 8400 employees at kroger own stores have gone on strike, overpay in working conditions. now here's what you're seeing. as a result on tuesday, wal mart, kroger and albertson stocks, deb albertson's, taking the biggest hit, indicating a trend among major grocers being affected by the supply chain issues. also, the strips to the grocery store going to cost consumers even more with inflation. soaring to 7 percent for the 1st time and for decades. now with the united states
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seeing more than 700000 cases of coven 19 per day on average. during this o micron surgeon, slowing down food manufacturers and causing grocery store workers to call out sit. and we heard reports from companies talking about. they've had more positive tests in the past 2 weeks when they had in all of 2020. those positive text tests are taking people off the front lines. it's forcing companies to shut down manufacturing lines preemptively. and it's leading to just simply not enough supply . now, experts say store shelves may not return to normal until this pandemic lets up. staffing returns to normal and the global food distribution network is restored. for r t america, i'm paxton void in washington dc. so let's discuss further and again our panel, richard wolf, economic professor and author of the sickness and the system. when capitalism fails to save us from pandemic or itself, as well as steve gail for us to our official under. thanks for joining me gentlemen
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. thank you. and the u. s. government has devoted at $4.00 trillion dollars in total aid spending to combat in the effects of the crone of ours, including the economic effects. yet america has a bare shelves and lack of workers. so dr. wolf, with all the money devoted. why didn't work? we have systemic problems in our economic system. they've been accumulating for a long time. they've been down the road. we have imagined that we have the best system in the world, and therefore all our problems will be solved. it's childish, we should not have done it. we should have gotten a wake up call with how badly we've done in managing this cold. it compared to many other countries. when we didn't look a supply chain, everybody who runs a business knows you have to take steps to cover the eventuality that your input. so your labor can come to work. we're in the middle of
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a cold and disaster for 2 years. you must have understood. yeah. bad back up that bad workers that will come if the front line doesn't. you have to take those steps and they're gonna cost you money and they go into your profit. but if you don't do it well, then we get the situation with which you opened the program. and i think one of the things is more frustrating about this dr. wolf as even if companies had those backup plans ready to go. they were, i'm, they were not anticipating how much the government was going to involve themselves . and that's one of my 30 you, steve, this hash tag, hash tag, bear, shelves biden is being used. so is it fair to put all the blame on this administration? the decisions made by congress just this past year was fair to put most of the blame, certainly on them. but i would agree with dr. wolf that, you know, this has been a problem that's been building for a while. we've had companies in the u. s. that have increasingly relied upon just in time delivery. and when there's any disruption in that process,
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just in time becomes not enough time. and we're seeing some of that, but you've also seen the bind administration not spend all that covered by the hundreds of billions of dollars that was supposed to go to, to buying tests to, to buy the therapeutics, to help ease the process. and then of course, we now get reports that the cdc and others were blocking the use of ivr bacteria and other therapeutic hydroxy corker because it didn't fit politics. so the politics of the by did ministration, including cutting off the pipeline of our fuel, our oil, that has helped raise prices if the grocery store helps slow the price of, of goods coming back down even when oil prices stop rising. and maybe just kind of pause for a moment. all of the policies the budget administration have done don't tell a difficult situation into a catastrophic situation. and that's where we are saying yet we're looking for answers or how to solve it. or more importantly, politicians are looking who to blame central is a warrant actually, tweed out. what happens when only a handful of giant grocery stores, chains like kroger, dominate an industry. they can force high food prices on to americans while ranking
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and racking in record profits. we need to strengthen our antitrust laws to break up giant corporations and lower prices. that's her problem. but dr. wolf, considering there are 6 nationwide chains over 50 brand underneath them, as well as hundreds of notable local chain stores. and each have to buy the product from someone else. why put the blame of high cost of food on the grocery store and saying that that's the monopoly rather than looking at your own policies that you've put in that the regulations that you put into cause these costs to be so high in the 1st place. well, it's not your right, it's not an either or, but we've had a long tradition going back at least to 89 in the sherman anti trust by 1914 the clayton that we are a nation that at least verbal lee says it is dangerous to allow a handful, as in this case for applied monster supermarket change the have the kind of whole day and of the major buyer for the farmers to sell their goods. and then the other
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major sell it to us. that puts them in a very powerful position which we are on record as a nation, being opposed to i think elizabeth warren is absolutely right. that's part of the story. but that's what i meant before. when i said these things we've allowed to develop without opposition. neither by trump nor by abiding nor the ones who came before and now we're gonna see how we have to reap the whirlwind, that our failure to impose antique trust is going to bring down on us. well, it's interesting today because you also have to look at what the fed is thing all this and steve, you know, you're now hearing the, china's possibly going to lockdown their ports. and so there could be, this could be just the beginning of an even bigger supply chain issue on the front . but what role is the fed playing it? we're talking about rate increases and tags to the heights that they're talking about reasoning, raising their hikes. there is that possibly going to help or is that going to continue to her? is that what the fed needs to be doing right now?
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well, 1st of all, i'll disagree with dr. wolf. elizabeth warren is absolutely clueless. she and the by the administrators are spending too much time trying to point the finger of blame rather than actually solve the problems they have created. first, they were blaming the, the ranchers and meet growers. they were blame in the packing plants and they were fighting in the grocery stores. the bottom line is none of this stuff gets to the grocery stores unless or until you can transport it from the farm to the packing houses and then to the grocery stores and restaurants when fuel prices have increased over 50 percent in the last year. because of the policies of the by the administration, we shouldn't be surprised at the inflation and the high cost of everything going up . there isn't a magic energy policy, but we just see the destructive energy policies of the by the administration now sticking it to us in the, in the pocket book, i'm very concerned that inflation and what the fed is doing. we're going to see the interest rates go up. keep in mind we have borrowed trillions and trillions of
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dollars. and when those interest rates go up, the cost of what our government has to pay for bonds to pay the interest on the debt. they brought up again, both parties have done it, but we're now in the trillions and trillions of dollars. that's going to raise the price that the government has to spend just on paying interest. and they can't spend it on buying stuff for the american people. and when those credit card bill start coming out, be interesting to see if the workers then decide to jobs if those jobs will still be there. steve, dr. world, thanks for the conversation. now despite the multiple issues here at home, representatives from the united states continue to speak where they are ready to fight if they're wishing or not acted upon. but just like every other industry in america, our military forces are also facing a labor shortage. so much so the united states army is now offering the largest investment bonus ever at $50000.00. and this incentive is for qualified recruit to sign up for certain career path. and they must agree to a 6 year active duty enlistment. now the blame for low numbers is being put on the
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panoramic and the lack of recruitment allowed in schools. is there more to it? so let's ask colonel rob, manage a 32 year old usa combat that and host of the rob man a show rob, thank you so much for joining me on. this is money actually, the reason why, unless my numbers are down right now, i didn't know that you could put a price on patriotism. no, it's not money. yeah. cobra, it may be part of the issue, but quite frankly, we have an all volunteer force. and if you look at things like casualty numbers from iraqi freedom, 3465 white males died in that of the 4418 americans killed in iraqi freedom. and the military as opposed to white males right now. my white male son just left the active duty this year and his peers, hughes in c o, a non commissioned officer. his peers are leaving the military in droves. and of course, when you fire people for not taking the vaccine,
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it's very difficult to get folks that don't want to take the vaccine for various reasons. most of them legitimate dick joined the all volunteer military and they're not going to be able to put their money where their mouth is about ukraine and taiwan or anything else. my opinion, they're talking too much about that and making more of a deal out of it. than really, well obviously fear is one of the best factors that they use right now to motivate or to scare people with whichever one that they want to do. and i think it's about the diversity. i agree. diversity is very important within all forces. but what the wolf minutes, i think it's what is scary and people with this idea, it's not even just about talking about racial lines. it's also about every other kind of line that our military focused on, rather on actually creating a strong military, $50000.00. great signing bonus in the us military says that allows them to compete against private corporation. but that makes people think that the military, that typically 8 to 5 job therefore,
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do you think it's actually gonna change anyone's mind who hasn't already considered? so i would say, i'm not going to take a cushy computer job because i'm going to get 50000 dollars to go put my life on the line in a foreign land because a politician wants to send me there. it may change one or 2 people's minds, but it's not going to change anybody's mind overall. as a matter of fact, americans don't want to die or ukrainians with the russians, and americans don't want to get into war with china over anything that is our bottom line here. and it requires americans to volunteer to serve, in spite of bonus incentives and those kinds of things. because you're not going to get the numbers that you need with a monetary bonus like this. $50000.00 bonus. although a free, there'll be a lot of people that do decide to take it, but the real question they have to answer is, do i want to die for this regime that we see now that doesn't even approve of
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people that support the values in our declaration of independence and the constitution of the united states. that is ridiculous. and american especially men, are not going to sign up for it. and they've got to come to they've got to come to the realization scotty that it is white males that volunteer most of them from the south and that for this country in these wars, the statistics show it over and over again between 70 and 85 percent of the combat casualties in the united states of america in all of our wars has been white men. and if the department of defense continues to be anti white male, which is exactly what the world news and the diversity political officers that they're putting in place are doing. they're not going to get the ball tears. and you know what? i'm going to push my congressman to eliminate the selective service, so there can't be
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a draft the backup these unnecessary threats of going to war with countries that we don't have to go. well, i want to thank your son 1st or thank you obviously for yours as well. and i think that is important that we have recruitment of all kinds. i think that's the sad part. is it? unfortunately, bullets don't know any color when they actually go in here. we, the enemy is the one that does that. and in this side, i think that it's the irresponsibility that we have come after afghanistan, 20 years of afghanistan, and leaving people behind. i think that right there, what person wants to sign up for that job or just being ponds of politicians. in fact, i want those that believe that if you get elected to office, send your kid 1st over to a war that you start before you send mine chrome. and thanks for joining us. when we come back, what does the supreme court ruling on vaccine mandates mean to the bottom ministration? specifically, after vice president harris had trouble responding when will americans receive at home coded test? there's a lot more after the break. the join
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me every thursday on the alex, silent show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me price fixing is the problem. if you want a free market, you've got to let the market be free, you can have half of the market free, and then half the market fixed. do you end up with the problem that we have today? now we have e cigarettes. i just heard that it was a healthy alternative to cigarettes, and do we trust tobacco companies with their message that these new products are actually going to reduce these sugars are making the tobacco tours? ah
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ah ah, welcome back. we want to get to developing news out of the supreme court. the conservative majority court has a blocked and the by to ministrations a coven 19 mandate. in a $6.00 to $3.00 event. this means that the supreme court ruled forcing companies for the 100 or more of a employees to require vaccine or test to continue working is not constitutional. however, the court
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a did uphold the mandate for health care workers who receive medicare and medicaid services by a 5 to 4 vote. basically at the hospital, received money from the government. the government is allowed to issue the vaccine mandate. so discuss, i wanna bring in steve gruber, host of it, be a steep your show. alongside attorney ally, no other line o media. this was based on an osha statute. osha's says workplace requirements, workplace, open saws, lading, could you work place to supreme court? merely read the statute. ready, act and said co, that is something that we risk on a daily basis that has nothing to do with the workplace. now it didn't say if you happen to work in a, in a say, a confined area where you're cramped hatch one thing. but this basically just was common sense as to this 2nd case involving health care workers. there oftentimes required to go through a regimen series of,
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of basic health health related procedures that makes complete and total sense. so this is not so much the constitution, but common sense. and it sends a message that you cannot extrapolate coven fear everywhere. it has to make sense. that's what today was about line. i missed common sense. i mean it's almost like in this country, i guess the world's gotten less common sense, like they've gotten oxygen over the last 2 years. gruber, what does this mean? do you think going forward? we have lots of mayors that have mandates here in washington dc starting on saturday that are shutting down to those that are on back. it, it does, is this going to have an effect you feel like on some of these may are saying what you're doing is overreach and possibly could be challenged in court as well? well, i've got bad news for all of you. your take on it is completely wrong this a catastrophic day for the united states. may i explain, please. the health care system in this country has many small hospitals, 120 beds,
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100 and beds smaller. that all now have a decision to make because the vaccination rate and the small rural hospitals runs at about 50 percent or less. so in order to uphold the vaccine mandate upheld by the supreme court, they're going to have to lose about half of their employees, which means they're going to go bankrupt. or they can ignore the mandate, which means they won't get c m s reimbursement, which is about 70 percent of their funding in these small hospitals and they go bankrupt. most of these small hospitals have about $200.00 days of resources in reserve that they can survive. we're going to start seeing small health care systems, clinics, hospitals go out of business in the next few weeks. more devastating is the fact that many these hospitals have the biggest employee base in many of these small towns that, ironically, are in what you would call trump's america. red america, you're going to watch. hundreds of hospitals go bankrupt. this is a death warrant for health care in america. it's also the shortest way for
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democrats to get us to the single payer health care system. i don't mean to pop your bubble, everybody, but the fact of the matter is this is a very dark day for health care in america because he's small, hospitals cannot survive, they cannot survive with half their staff. and if covered vaccines are about about making us healthier, and you get in a car wreck in the hospital that was there. 10 minutes away is now gone. and you have to be taken an hour from a car rack or a heart attack or whatever the case may be. you're going to die. people are going to die because of this misguided decision by the united states supreme court. this is devastating to health care in america bank on that is a debbie down or but you are speaking straight truth and probably when the biggest concerns are right. i do believe this was the goal long to get to a single payer system. this is better than obamacare, this is a better path for them to get it accomplished line, okay, disaster. i'm going to like, i'm gonna throw this back over to you because here's my con, my thought though, because this at least shows of the constitution that we're not giving a dictatorship is living in the oval office right now,
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or any time in the near future. will there be more challenges? do you think in this as we're seeing problems with getting actual testing with health care as it is? do you think eventually this will cause people just to say, you know what? let's just keep moving forward. however, that is, well, i don't know, i hope so, but let me just explain with the supreme court said the supreme court is not congress. all it did was rule i to say balls and strikes is merely said that in one instance this was acceptable. in another instance. it wasn't, it goes back to congress, it goes back to the president, it goes back to us. the supreme court is not gonna tailor legislation to make it fit to best address because that situation all i did was merely say, is this a separable one of these days? i'm going to give you a list of all the laws that you could pass that would be constitutional muster. and you will be able to sleep at night because the constitution is a wonderful thing. but it's not everything. it merely allows the acceptable. and if
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you understand what that means, good, because that makes one of us. well, i want to throw real quick back. i got to talk about yesterday, comma harris, where joe buying this morning. i had to go in and clean up something for me after the comma harris that she doesn't know steve. the fact that she went on, craig melvin, she buried into bite administration and she was highly flawed. roll out of these 500000000 covert. she thinks they're coming tomorrow, but they could be next week. but i want you to take a listen. the 500000000 tests that have been ordered that are going to be sent to every american. do we know when those are going out shortly? they're going to go out to really mean been ordered, they've been ordered. we, i'd have to look at the current information, i think is going to be by next week, but soon, absolutely soon. and it is a matter of urgency for us, should we have done that? so we are doing it the should we have done it? so we're doing how does she not have more direct answers to the river? she is the vice president of the united states. get us the test of our lives that are working on livelihood. meredith is depending on it to be fair,
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nobody in the administration has the answer. joe biden went out on december 23rd promised tests. in the 1st week of january, they were coming 5000000 to us. they don't even have the contracts. i'm not today the contract isn't signed today. they're not making tasks with united states government. i mean, i agree, she should know more, but the same answers that are off base have come from jen. saki, i have come from joe biden. exact. i'm from vice president cobbler harris. they have no idea what they're doing and what you to do and far we have both of you on and thanks for joining me today. and thank you for watching. we'll catch you soon. ah mm mm. july, an annual festival in st. petersburg dedicated to dust. i ascii, ah,
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the great writer, thinker and psychologist, people often turn to his work to understand russia and russians, perhaps even themselves. they put, they sing on moody, sick with fever, changing a rita, transforming them as they read that does die. estes, unique ability to stay on ski wants to tell us, do you can better yourself. he makes you face your true self or we can beyond conventions, rules of schemes, beyond boundaries and time. dostoevsky is a global brand whose classics, as everyone knows, i'm never out of style. with over the past 2 and a half years, russia, nato have agreed on very little. if anything, however, both agreed to meet for
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a high level meeting and they did in brussels. both sides made their case, nothing was really resolved. lots of words. what happens next? maybe action yes, me, i didn't know risky effect will. alisha typical, there is only 9, but already diversity students. that a way of rational thinking, a new model wouldn't let him live. you've got the glass doors to deal with them. he did not die and noble truth able to go with nobody calls he with now. bush 19. you prefer not to level your special, but i will say yeah i but i did say the 1st way and i was thinking what certified that putting it up to him was in your mind. it was some deleted values. if the w 30
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were little was as much color, i see, i knew it with soon lose mckorick ability to do to pretty good. when you mercy of judge the blanca from his teacher was also reason is balise. we'll come with it. oh, emotions, medieval institutions and then i go to like technology and the combination of these 3 very you could say historically distinct seeks fixes within our psycho physical makeup. i have rendered us pretty dangerous close to ourselves to the, to the planet with
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ah, u. s. supreme court vote to hold jo biden's coby vaccine mandate for large businesses, but allows a monday failed care workers to go ahead. the queen of england, 2nd son, prince. andrew, is stripped of his military titles over a high profile, sexual abuse case and allied peacekeeping mission. and catholics done comes to an end as the situation, the complete country stabilizes. thus, despite much speculation in the west that the russian part of the contingent wouldn't leave those the headlines. it's 6, they have moscow tie mine pizza skull. i'll be back with another log in just under an hour's time.


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