tv News RT January 14, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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ah, ah, the west winds too far less be frank in violation of all international obligations and common sense they chose to escalate this situation. russia's foreign minister doesn't hold back journeys on your press conference with nato expansion dominating thought. sergey love. rob, once again outlined moscow's red line. the thea has reportedly been training a lease ukrainian special operations teams on us territory and mid mouse intentions with russia. and joe biden fill on voting rights is effectively blocked by his own party. that's the day after the american supreme court struck down the president's vaccine mandate with businesses. ah, coming to your life from moscow, you're watching
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r t international is just on 3. i'm here in the russian capital. my name's peter scott, is great argue with us. the west went too far, those were the strong words of the russian foreign minister on friday when talking about international security issues as his annual press conference. sir gale over of also slammed the u. s. and its allies for hypocrisy when it comes to human rights violations. purpose rules to west, when to far less be frank in violation of all international obligations and common sense they chose to escalate this situation. well, you see the west condemns violent actions against civilians. they condemn human rights violations. but when bloody cose, a carried out by those who swear their allegiance to the west, the west embraces them. this is what happened with the ukrainian qu. many people died there, including at the hands of provocateurs and his crew was approved by the united states and the europeans just accepted that as fact. and no one is going to investigate the my down atrocities. this of course has stood outside verses for
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emergency here, where the press conference with bushes, foreign minister, 2nd lateral rats up a few hours ago. and it did go on for quite a few hours because level of, as you heard, they're pulling no punches over the worse than the the us in a situated 10 situation around ukraine at the moment. another press it came at an important time. of course, as regards the situation in ukraine as talks with nato and talked to the u. s. in geneva and in brussels earlier this week, let's you pretty much a debt and the us not bending on most of those demands to provide security and guarantees over that situation. it would ukraine. of course. the question on everyone's lips has been whether there will be a so called a invasion in ukraine. why russia, of course, the worst accusing russia and strengthening his forces on the border and ukraine as nato expands eastward. russia says it has every right to defend its borders. now
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that question was raised at the very start of the press conference and we can get circ a lab rose, answer to it right here. american nato seem to have made it very clear that they're not going to, it's a give you the security guarantee. if you don't get the guarantees you've said that you need, that there will be a military response. what does a military response actually mean? could you, could you lay that out? are you ready to use military force to ensure that ukraine never joined native, virtuous mccarthy now only western colleagues gas using tea leaves. they immediately grabbed the sanctions. baton. we are for everything being decided on the basis of mutual respect and a balance of interests. the position of russia presented by nato is based precisely on the balance of interest and is aimed at the security of europe as a whole. including russia. anita wants to create military footholds around the russian federation to dominate europe. so weird you now lover of also said that
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even if ukraine isn't drags in sinay, so as it were, any appearance of nato forces on his borders will be seen as a will constitute a red line. of course, red lines was a buzz words for the geopolitical situation. in the past few months. he said that is not accessible. russia will not accept that. neither will it accept us building military bases or placing a strike missiles anywhere in a sea of as of that also constitutes a red line. he outlines those red lines in the press conference and we can hear just how may constitute a red line for russia in this graph. here we are good to go. dish q, you put a human, we categorically do not accept the appearance of nato on our borders. it's a red line, they know it. even if you crane remains outside nato, there is still a possibility of ukraine in agreements with the u. s. the u. k. in other western countries that are building military facilities and bases on the see of as of there,
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this is also an acceptable to ask. this is another red line that it talks over the past week have also still as a marker of the tensions between us and russia. of course, the u. s. are not bending on any of russia's demands. it seems. and i also was lucky enough to ask a sick i love rob about the words of the u. s. secretary of state anthony blinkin, who said that all president putin has done in the past 2 years or so, is there to facilitate what he wanted to present or prevent her rather. and those are kind of strong words from the u. s. i is, oliver said that really isn't the case where he was surprised that those words by blinking gossip latasha, anthony blue u. s. secretary of state blinking argues that what president putin has done over the past couple of years has only speeded up everything that couldn't would like to
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prevents on which places does blink and make such comments. do you think, we presume putting putin has been devoting all the last years to strengthen russian sovereignty, which is constantly under attack by the west? those are attacks on all fronts. direct military to terrance information attack, soft power mechanism. and others is a shame that someone thinks that russia is in the pocket of the west. much of what is being said, today's connected with escalating tensions around the russian federation. so as you see that sig, i love these press office that i pulling absolutely no punches, as regards the west and nato, he's called out the hypocrisy of nate, so purporting to stand up for human rights. however, than supporting a bloody cruise and color revolutions as it were, as regards what happens in ukraine, and instead of calling it acute bullying instead a diplomatic processor that he also said is to the west now is the us. he has written to washington. as regards those guarantees on safety and security and is to
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them now the poll is very much in the u. s. school to find a peaceful resolution to it. all the cia is reported to have been training ukrainians, special operations teams, a mid tensions with russia. the program is believed have launched 6 years ago artes don't call to controllers more about those revelations. according to a recent yahoo news article, basically the cia is training ukrainian special forces units on american soil. and this is to fight in case of an apparent russian invasion of ukraine. again, we said many times in this channel. moscow has said many times this is basically just nonsense. but nevertheless, ukrainian troops are apparently getting some state of the art training from the u. s. government the program has involve very specific training on skills that would enhance the ukrainians ability to push back against the russians, said the former senior intelligence official us base ca program has included training and firearms camouflage techniques, land navigation tactics like cover and move intelligence in other areas,
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yahoo news of course was not specific about the actual names, but it says that 5 former intelligence and national security officials pass this information along to them. apparently these training programs involve camouflage exercises, lands, navigation, exercises and the like. but all the while washington, the saying that these are not offensively oriented exercises, us officials claim that they're just centered around intelligence gathering us officials deny that the ca, training program is more, was ever offensively oriented. but just what intelligence support entails in the paramilitary context can be ambiguous and how this training will be applied by the ukrainians may change rapidly with facts on the ground. now what is exactly intelligence gathering mean? i mean, well, in the context of power, military operations, we don't really know because we don't know what these ukrainian special forces are going to be doing with the training they received on american soil in the future. we at least know that the u. s. military advisors were training ukrainians,
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ukrainian forces, specifically after the events of euro. my don in 2014, but that was all. busy on ukrainian soil, we also, we for marcia executive said that going back decades, the ca has provided limited training to ukrainian intelligence units to try and shore up you know, and i suppose an independent key and prevent russian subversion as i saw it. but that cooperation specifically was ramped up after the crimea became a part of russia. now we did reach out to the cia and the defense, the defense department of the united states for comments. so of course we'll bring our viewers any response we get in the news 20 star nova jock of which has been detained by australian border authorities, jock of which is said to be in the facility, waiting for a federal court decision to be made on whether he met entry rules with his covey vaccine exemption. it comes out to the countries immigration minister on friday. we
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vote his visa for a 2nd time over coby 19 entry regulations. in addition to deportation. junk of h could be 100 a 3 year visa bon, that's any star. it's still shadowed to play in the australian open melbourne. on monday. at the moment that was agreed its location would remain on disclose to the public to avoid a media circus. joe biden's week has gone from bad to worse after seeing his plan for mandatory vaccination shot down by the supreme court. u. s. president was then hoping to change voting rules in the senate and pushed through some key bills. but that's been derailed by members of his own party as at his killer more reports. the biden administration is down dealing with the fact that at this point we have one of their own party stepping up, cursed and cinema. stepping up a senator from arizona saying that she will not vote to change the senate rules and enable the repub,
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republican opposed bill that is going to extend voting rights according to the democrats intended to protect the rights of voters. ah, she's not going to vote to change the senate rules now. kirsten cinema. she did say that she opposes the republican legislation around the country and she favors of, you know, protecting the rights of voters as the joe biden bill intends to do. but she's not ok with changing the st rules in order to do it. this is what she said. where does this descending spiral of division lead and how can we stop it? our country's divisions have now fueled efforts and several states that will make it more difficult for americans to vote and undermine faith that all american should have in our elections in our democracy. these bills help treat the symptoms of the disease, but they do not fully address the disease itself. and while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that were sent the underlying disease of
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division infecting our country. now this refers to the filibuster, which is a rule in the u. s. senate that enables the minority party to block legislation by refusing to close debates. i essentially, they continue to have of the minority party speak and continue to make remarks until, until the opposition a, it is able to stop the bill. it's a way of just kind of prolonging the proceedings, preventing the vote and preventing the bill from passing. it's been used throughout u. s. history for various causes and by various parties, the democrat and the republicans of both use the filibuster, tactic at different points to stop legislation when were the minority party. now at this point we have the white house stepping up and accepting defeat on this. this is what we heard from joe biden. the honest to god answer is, i don't know whether we can get this done. as long as i'm in the white house, as long as i'm engaged at all, i'm going to be friday to change the way these legislatures have moved. so kirsten
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cinema is refusing to enable the democrats to overrule the filibuster in order to pass the bill. now it's quite interesting because joe biden, at one point, was on record saying that he was strongly in favor of keeping the filibuster as a necessary check on the majority parties. power. this nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power. it is a fundamental power grab by the majority party. now on tuesday and joe biden went to the us state of georgia to promote this voting rights bill giving an important speech. but many noted that stacy abrams arising star in the democratic party did not attend the speech. and this led to some interesting speculation on m . s. n. b c. from their commentators about why that may be. politicians don't show up with presidents when their approval ratings may be in the thirty's in the state whether or not. so at this point,
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we're seeing the biden administration continue to have its poll numbers drop that's becoming less and less popular. and now we see members of the democratic party increasingly the railing efforts led by the white house. this is just the latest example, but we saw the supreme court overturning jo biden's vaccine mandates. we've seen other moves, joe biden. it seemed came into office promising that he was going to fix many of the problems that he blamed on the previous administration and restore the unity of the country. however, if you look at the results over the past year, that has not exactly panned out. and then the pros do have a major problem. it's looking like there's going to be a way, something like what happened in the next $93.00, i think was a 100 and 3rd session congress when newt gingrich came in with the republican revolution in the, in the contract with america where there were well over 100 seats, that change hands. i suspect that's going to happen in 2020 to mid terms. the
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problems that prevalent vital has right now in his own party is he's very unpopular and the only person less pop losing him is, is vice president. and people are floating hillary clinton as the own possible savior, the democratic party. you have 296 u. s. a. democrats, as governor, senators and congressmen. and you're telling me none of them are going to be look good for 2024. how bad is your party rate us diplomats, his voice concerns about the rift between moscow in the west, over ukraine, arguing that the situation is getting increasingly unstable in eastern europe. the drumbeat of war is sounding loud, and the rhetoric has gotten rather israel. we have to take this very seriously. we have to prepare for the eventuality that there could be an escalation. the statement comes amid a series of tense talks between the western russia that were initiated by moscow. president putin is looking for agreements that nato will not expand any further
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east, but so far talks of stoled. meanwhile, the polish 4 minutes to wander, the risk of war bits within the post soviet space was at his highest in 30 years. while his russian count about said, gala rav stated that the west has gone too far in escalating tensions. nato meanwhile, is concerned about a russian military build up on russia's western borders. moscow has been firm in saying that any negotiations about where military personnel go on its own land cannot happen, at least not until it receives written guarantees that west and build up in ukraine will stop. care of being offered membership to nato is a major issue for russia. 14 years ago, nato decided ukraine should be allowed to join and the current head of the block in stoughton berg stuns by that decision. i was actually present out to them. natal some timber caught us to in 2008. so we're all are agree that that ukraine will
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become a member over natal and we stand by that decision. and the decisions are taken off to the summit on the issue over, your grains are ability to become a member. well, former us security senior security policy analyst, michael molig, spoke to the program about those tensions. and he said, unless belligerents approach from the west would be a means of de escalation. i've heard from diplomats, russian diplomats and in the past where they say that the united states diplomatically seems to always be talking down to there, to, to russian diplomats and there. and there, and this is another example of that, that we will do this and we won't do that, that's off the table. and this is the problem. if you're going to take everything off the table before you even begin discussions than what sort of talk about. and so this is basically my washington through brussels,
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trying to lead this process. and i think that it, that moscow could reverse that trend and become much more assertive and thereby take over the initiative and actually take control of events rather than always been reacting to events if at any moment that those channels are, are closed off. because of arrogance. or by the west in launching these pre conditions. and that having that honest discussion and looking for that half way, medium and understanding moscow's concerns. then that's a problem american consumers a feeling the pain with inflation that is highest in a generation and supermarket shows empty and health as covey disrupt supply chains . president biden is, this is all part of a global problem, but republicans pointing the finger squarely, it's his administration under joe biden. everything costs more,
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storage shells are empty, and small businesses are struggling to hire workers and stay open. this trend is in transitory and it's all happening under democrats when party control. well disgruntled shop is also blaming the presidents, posting images of empty supermarket isles on to the hostile, vast shelves. biden. the american leader recently claimed supply chain problems had been sold. all colleagues, america went to see for themselves from introducing downtown washington, the area that we're finding with the shelves are empty of beef, chicken, eggs, fruit and vegetables. even non perishable items, difficult to find in some grocery stores. now in a normal year, 5 to 10 percent of food items may be unavailable. today, nearly 15 percent are out of stock. that according to jeff freeman, president and ceo of the consumer brands association and officials say things may
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not get better for the next 12 to 18 months. now there are many reasons for this, including an increased demand for groceries with families choosing to eat at home during the omicron serge. as we saw here in dc metro area last week, winter storms have effected major interstate. and a shortage of as many as $80000.00 truck drivers are out nationwide. that's a historic high, according to the american trucking association. and because of this export say to expect price hikes and food shortage is similar to what we saw in 2020. now here's what you're seeing. as a result on tuesday, walmart, kroger, and albert's in stocks div albertson's taking the biggest, indicating a trend among major grocers being affected by those supply chain issues. also, these trips to the grocery store are costing shoppers even more with inflation rates soaring to 7 percent for the 1st time and for decades now, with the united states seeing more than 700000 cases of coven, $1000.00 per day on average during this omicron serge,
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it's slowing down food manufacturers and causing grocery store workers to call out sick. and we heard reports from companies talking about it had more positive tests in 2 weeks when they had an old 2020. those wasn't a lot lines. it's forcing companies to shut down manufacturing lines preemptively. and it's leading to just simply not enough supply and say that things may not return to normal until staffing levels are restored. this pandemic loads up in the global food distribution network is restored. with the only constrain sweeping across america, few people are denotes or donating blood. there's been so to decline in fights that the country is red cross is declared is 1st of a blood crisis. it says there's now less than one day supply. we spoke to one of the specialists in washington, d. c. red cross supplies, 40 percent of the nation's blood. and we typically strive to keep
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a 5 day supply on hand at all times what we've been experiencing as it relates to this current blit crisis, is that we've had less than a one day supply of critical blip products in recent weeks. so that's what distinguishes this particular blood shortage in terms of capacity. blood cannot be, may factored or stuck out every 2 seconds. someone in the with needs blood as doctors are being forced to make difficult decisions about who receives transfusions and who will need to wait until more products become available. so coven is definitely a factor in terms of the blood supply. as we're seeing a 3rd in co, 19 variants that impacts the ability for donors to be able to give as you have to be feeling well. and of course not symptomatic. the situation will continue to
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become more dire and ongoing, and it will impact patient care tremendously. the u. n. world food program is wanting of a soon army of hunger in afghanistan. half of the population has been struggling to obtain food this winter. and the situation is seemly be made worse by sanctions. things have got so bad for some they resorted to selling their organs. i can map $2300.00 equals the price of a kidney or how long that will feed a family. his unclear i couldn't go out and beg for money. i was not able to back then i decided to go to the hospital and sell my kidney. so i could at least feed my children or some time a lot of little welcome to modern afghanistan. with the organ trade is flourishing
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. amidst a dire economic crisis, 99 percent of the don't is selling kid needs of the people encountering economic problems and only one percent of donors of the ones who donate that kidney to a family member. it needed to most donors come from poor families and may not be aware of the consequences. plus the deaths won't go away by themselves. most of people leave the country, fearing for their lives, but some also leave in search of jobs. and when those people cannot make it to other countries, they come back home and they have to pay the money they had borrowed for their travel calls. and to do that, they sell their household belongings or sell their kidneys and some people even decide to sell their children. john, now, as don for the shark, the chaotic us nato withdrawal and the taliban takeover pushed afghanistan into financial chaos. subsequently aggravated when the west froze afghan assets abroad.
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and when foreign funding was suspended, the un is now launching a $5000000000.00 a de payable. this is a stop get an absolutely essential stock up measure that we are putting in front of the in charge. richard bay, without this being funded, there won't be a future. we need this to be done. otherwise they will, they will be outflow. there will be suffering for those who have sold their organs . the suffering has already known the bear. ah, well that's all for now from me. peter scott's. i'll be back again with another bulletin in just over 30 minutes. ah yes, i do eat me. look new for you. at least the typical there is only 9, but already 8 university students that away on slash a new model appointment. let's see. yep. you got the
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doors to get a chance that he may come come no recalls. he will show control such programs. now. bush right, and you prefer of course, with level your special, but i will the yeah my but i just have a birthday and i was thinking what the plan was to get push in was and you mentioned this i'm dealing with the with soon lose with, with his teacher was a good time financial for my job today. we owe them money laundering for 2 to 3 different. oh
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good. this is a good start. well, we have our 3 bags all set up here. maybe something in europe, something in america, something overseas and a hey, i'm ready to do some serious my laundry. ok, let's see how we did. well, we've got a nice laundry watch for stacy. oh, beautiful jewelry. and how about ha ha. luxury automobile again for mag, you know, it, money order is highly regal. copier watch has a record while our officers are facing an increasingly dangerous environment, we are seeing a growing debate about so called warrior cops. the term that i've heard in the militarization of police. this is an admirable vehicle we acquired through the 1033 program, very free program and the government program that follows military property that is no longer use to local law enforcement with building an army over here. and i can't
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believe people. i see 1st thing an agency elder conflict here. yeah. thing of terrorism here because it again a feeling that hey, you have to deal with so hard practice who you putting in a uniform cover bands is a powerful thing. different tabs, like money in play, tricks, and people mind they think they got the bad news. the wolf is out the door very bad . johns are common. good news. yep. job security because the world desperately needs what you'd have in with hello and welcome to cross off. were all things are considered. i'm peter level.
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over the past 2 and a half years, russia and nato of agreed on very little if anything, however, both agreed to meet for a high level meeting and they did in brussels. both sides made their case, nothing was really resolved lots of words. what happens next may be actions ah, cross sucking nato and russia. i'm joined by my guest, david swanson, in charlottesville. he is executive director of world beyond war dot org and del mar. we have scott ritter. he is a former intelligence officer in the united nations weapons inspector, and in prague we have brad blankenship. he is at holland this at c g t n, and a freelance reporter for shamiqua hart gentlemen crosstalk rules and effect. that means he can jump any time he want, and i will appreciate, let me go to scott 1st. here it's got, what is your major take away from this meeting that we had between russia and nato? because the way my, our reading of is at the, the,
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the americans and nato and general dis, don't take this very seriously. and they always end up saying, well, we just need to talk more. well, when russia showed up with 2 documents saying we got to, we need your reaction to this. we want a legally binding agreements and you know where we stand, but the americans, i didn't take it very seriously. that's my take away. what do you think scott? will the united states and nato was trapped by, you know, 2030 years of um, of precedent to that is president obama, totally disregarding the legitimate national security interest of russia and dub, you're using the, the a, you know, manufactured threat of russian aggression as a justification or continued expansion of, of, of, of it's you geographic boundaries and the expansion of it. so we'll, we'll roll. so the other is going to be very difficult for the united states, nato to a back.
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