tv News RT January 15, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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have job security isn't world desperately needs to have with with are headline stories this our moscow slums, washington for alleging that brushes preparing a full flag operation to justify it said boost ukraine invasion plans are get size off the chances of an military conflict with me. so, and still come and was always going to weeks, detentions we have here in creating the plans of the missiles, 5 minutes from moscow. the big question is, how do you, how do you deal with a bully? a must have chemical fire in north new jersey is sending large plumes of potentially dangerous smoke into the air and could be headed in the direction of nearby new york city. and the leader of the indigenous shoshone nation tells
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or t about the devastating impact of nuclear bomb tests on lum belonging to native americans . even alleging that the aim was to eliminate his people. and these things were conducted without our knowledge. and under a culture of secrecy, of the united states, and there in is the intent to commit genocide ah, wherever you're tuning in from across the globe. this our welcome to then use our on our t on, you know, mean moscow has slammed us allegations that rushes, preparing a false flag operation in ukraine. american media and officials claim the kremlin, has pre positioned a group of saboteurs who will create a pretext for invasion earlier. my colleagues neil harvey and nicky, are and discussed while the russian embassy in the u. s. has branded washington so
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will tricks such. rhetoric confirms there is an ongoing information campaign being waged against russia. we see the same scenario being repeated again and again. first, some sensational story is dropped and makes the headlines, and then it becomes a key talking point. such bold claims are coming from the u. s. there and the only intelligence on offer are these elusive source is the allegations were 1st reported by cnn and swiftly echoed by ukrainian and u. s. officials. we have information that indicates rush has already prepositioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern ukraine. the operatives are trained and urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against russia's own proxy forces. and the russian military plans to begin these activities several weeks before military invasion, which could begin between mid january and mid february. so not the time frame mentioned that between mid january and mid february, the claims are the president. putin's window for invasion is dictated by temperatures. basically he needs
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a layer of ice on the ground so that his heavy hardware like tanks can roll across the border right now is too mild for an invasion by march. it would be too muddy. so, and apparently president biden as allegedly hide meteorologists to, you know, give them a forecasts basically about when this invasion might take place. now, how seriously people are a taken these claims week, which i don't know, but the old familiar headlines, russia plans and invasion of ukraine. in fact, russia planning and invasion of anywhere has become so common, especially over the past year. in spring 2021. we saw the headline screaming putin threatens war again. that softer. they started military drills on the border. there were more warnings in december with both the west and ukraine. so certain that the invasion would take place in december. and yet here we are still no invasion. so we're still coming from both sides. of course, you know, it's like any story that we have a cover here in the news. you can look at it from, from both perspectives. and one can look aggressive. one can look difference,
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which is what russia says. it is, you know, troops on all territory from the outside though the accusation is this is basically a massing of troops ready for him. an invasion. how was moscow defended its position on is how is it tied to kind of calm what seems to be growing concerns from, from the wider community? moscow has it repeatedly talked about, hit its red lines. those being the further eastward expansion of nato l. the deployment of nato bay says right at the border with russia. we've just concluded that week long talks that diplomacy talks between nato and russia. no progress has been made. ne, so is unwilling to compromise. it's that it won't provide any assurances to russia on any of these points and even taunting rusher as well in a way by saying, well, ukraine is going to join nato. it's a done deal. it's just a matter of when a recent report, not ringing, angry in any sense of security or piece to russia off the yahoo investigation found
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that the cia is secretly training ukrainian special locks on american solan has been doing so since 2015 the program has involve very specific training on skills that would enhance the ukrainians ability to push back against the russians, said the former senior intelligence official, the u. s. bay cia program has included training and firearms camouflage techniques . la navigation tactics like cover and move intelligence and other areas. a washington has reported a planned, it's solely aimed at defense, but given the nature of the training that the 20 are questions arising, which we have already addressed to the u. s. will thirty's ourselves, all in all for the russian position on all the developments the russian foreign minister, i love ravi held his annual press conference yesterday and in answering all the questions there are really including on the western phase of an invasion. good. let's just look a huge now, as soon as our western colleagues guess by reading tea leaves, they immediately grab the sanctions. baton. we are for everything being decided on
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the basis of mutual respect and the balance of interests. the position of russia presented to nato is based precisely on the balance of interests and is aimed at the security of europe as a whole, including russia, as well. nater wants to create military footholds around the russian federation to dominate europe. russia has never and nowhere threatened the ukrainian people and kia, makes direct threats to us. so a week ago, as nato in russian delegates prepared to embark on the days of talks, expectations were already low for a positive outcome. now we can see a week's worth of diplomacy is clearly failed with the situation now feeling so much more tense than it was before. meanwhile, the youth foreigner, 1st chief, you set barrel house, said the fates of a key russian gas pipeline to europe could depend on what happens over. you will have more on that story. later in the a must have fire, has
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a ruptured and a chemical plant in passaic, new jersey, leading to warnings about ur quality in the region. at least one or fighter has been injured. the authorities say they have not managed to contain the fire. after bustling the flames throughout the night, the locals were told to stay away from the area and remain indoors with their windows, those. it's unclear what caused the blades. large quantities of chloride and pellets are stored off the side the concern over trucks. it's, well, this is one of the videos of the fire that's been posted online. for sake is a city of around $70000.00 people. it's located near new york city, but it doesn't miles away. authorities have warrant people. there are in the city that they might see or smell smoke from the fire sustainability and link tech thanks, spirit, shirt and torch. believe that bigger picture of the potential followed as he has to be assess. i think everybody is right now relieved that they said back under
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control. if i can recall, store had been breached that would be that the chemicals that we do most concerned about the cooling and match. and that will then change the nature that fire and the smoke and the pollution that runs from that side. the problem, the fire like safety is not just society. so you've got the same things thrown up into the and throwing up and you're actually being disbursed. and that's where you have a problem. so this is why you know and you know, any pollution, any chemical, especially when you have a population density is like that will be a concern. and then we do, i mean we find you now can quantify exactly what, what that we get ok. story we believe is important to highlight for years. the u. s. conducted new killer tests on lum. that was populated by native americans. r t is spoken to the current head of the western
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shoshone tribe. he told us, one of the many consequences is the impact on people's health. the most bombed nation on us, the label claimed by the shoshone native american tribe, as a sacred lamb, turned into a u. s. nuclear weapons testing site. and these things were conducted without our knowledge and under a culture of secrecy, of the united states. and there in is the intent to commit genocide because these things were developed without our consent. the weapons are tested upon us and there are test series with specific goals to expose humans to radiation. and we are the victims of that. it all started with the 1863 treaty a ruby valley, when the western shoshone handed certain rights to the us, but did not see the land. these and friendships shall be hereafter established and maintained between the western bands of the shoshone nation and the people in
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governments of the united states. and the said ban, stipulate and agree that has duties and all depredations shall cease from 1951 to 1990 to the u. s. conducted 928. tests that 828 underground nuclear tests and 100 atmospheric this resulted in full outs of around 620 killer tons. for comparison, hiroshi irma only had 15 killer tons in 1945. all that had devastating effects on tribal residents. we began from investigate health consequences from exposure to radiation, to try to understand what had happened to us. we had a significantly higher exposure to the radiation that led to those health consequences such as cancer's leukemias, auto immune deficiencies. and what we began to understand is that there's a wide variety of illnesses,
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really strange illnesses known to be plausible from exposure to radiation, but we weren't getting any help. we were not getting any support. he says the she showed he never agreed to new weapon testing. finding justice is a tough road and it's, it's the show any people are on their road. so we really need to continue to investigate and understand this, but we're not getting any help from the united states. they're not investigating this because they're the perpetrators love these of acts which are destroying the shoshone people. disgustingly shameful that us politicians, the president and the court, they don't talk about these issues. what we began to understand is that we're experiencing a after wave of assault. i feel that this is what nazis did in world war 2. it was a really interesting talk thought the new contests. they're just wall of a number of hardships, the western shoshone, of how to endure. to delve deeper,
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you can watch her interview with their leader info. that's r t the u. s. state of utah is being accused of having pro minority racist policies for giving so name priority points to non whites when it comes to eligibility for cobra treatment. the state of minnesota had similar guidelines but has not removed advice to take race into account. both states have been threatened with legal action using a patient, skin, color, or nifty rather than the unique and specific medical circumstances of an individual patient as a basis for deciding who should obtain life saving medical treatment as a part in a ton of crisis. tough decisions have to be made, sometimes, decisions of life and death. because pandemic is one such time and who to prioritize for life saving medical treatment is a decision health workers have to make. now you may think that choices are taken based on greater health risk or the needs of the patient. perhaps the raise your
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facility, their co morbidities and chronic illnesses. race may be the last thing on your mind . apparently, you may be wrong. think your liberal a kidney disease is a high risk thing to get him. your heart problem or your logical illness will only lead you one points on a scale. so will your shortness of breath. but you could get double points based on your ethnic background. the you saw department of health explain the system using statistics, which show people of non white or hispanic committee, a 35 to 50 percent more likely to be hospitalized than what patients, which means at 1st the system does sound logical and truly studies have shown ethnic minorities, both in the united states and some other countries have been this proportionately affected by covert. the reasons multiple and complex, but the analysis goes deeper, while more people in ethnic minority communities may be diagnosed. there appear to
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be no differences in final health outcomes and critic say, therefore, no reason to prioritize treatment. the risk of saws, covey to diagnosis was higher in most ethnic minorities. but once hospitalized nuclear inequalities exist in coven 19 outcomes. the findings highlight the necessity to tackle disparities in social determinants of health. preventative opportunities and in health care use across the ocean in the u. k. statistics have shown a similar patent of high impacts on minority communities. but government reports have also cited specific reasons why this could be the case. these range from someone's occupation to the household size or even place of residence and pollution . in theory, you could fall into these high risk groups, but not be a minority and achieve lowest score in the table. so unless we assume by default,
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but all members of ethnic minorities live, but other crowded households in the private areas and work and high risk sectors. critics say the focus should be on concrete risk factors and not simply skin color . and advocacy groups have been quick to pick up on the control, say, these racist policies decide questions of life and death based on skin color and must be rescinded immediately. it's an abomination. they radically violate federal law. the united states constitution and the sacred principle of equal justice for all the spice. increasingly harsh measures wave off the wave of colbert continues to effect the world. many special se targeted measures needed to protect those in the population most at risk. and just how those population groups audit simons, based on rational scientific study, may be part of the puzzle in ending the pandemic. there is no scientific basis to judge a person's need for medicine or higher ed,
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just based on race. there are many, many other factors with poverty you live in poses of multiple occupation. many people, small houses, and you do jobs of higher category such as cooks cleaners. last dry the for them all. there are then medical condition and medical conditions are fact . diabetes, immune suppression, heart disease, kidney disease, obesity, high blood pressure of cause. a lot of immigrants tend to be of what you would call darker skin and they are also whole. and they're also working in high risk jobs. so be that you are white or color as they call it in america. it is, it is quality that kills not necessarily the color of your skin. just approaching
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17 minutes into the program, still i had the u. k. government use of a so labeled. busy a v i p lane to award contracts for personal protective equipment has been ruled on law when we get into the ramifications of that with join me every 1st day on the alex salmon. sure. i'll be speaking together from the world of politics, sport business. i'm sure business, i'll see you then. oh, is your media a reflection of reality? ah, in a world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation, whole community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere?
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direct. what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to descend. ah, so join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah ah, we're back. the scandal mired u. k. government is fending off fresh corruption claims. the high court has ruled out a so called v i. p lane for awarding contracts for p. p was a lawful the judge rule ministers gave to companies an unfair advantage. during the
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1st wave of the pandemic. the claimant have established that the operation of the high priority lane was in breach of the obligation of equal treatment. the illegality is marked by this judgment in a rush to supply the and a chest, the government for 32000000000 p. p items costing over 18000000000 pounds. in normal times transparency rules are in place for state contracts to ensure fair competition. but in the heat of a natural emergency, these rules were cast aside. instead the i p lanes were reserved for referrals from mpm and ministers, and senior officials and billions of taxpayer cache signed over. well danny street is considering an appeal against the ruling that some of these behind closed doors dealings were illegal. o contracts underwent sufficient financial and technical due diligence and the court found that we did not rely on the referral to the high priority lane when awarding contracts. this isn't the 1st time the courts have
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ruled against the government over p p contracts. but number 10 has been consistent that it hasn't acted inappropriately. can the prime minister give a cost on assurance that from now on from now on, all government contract will be subject to proper process with full transparency and accountability? absolutely, it's a huge $1.00. he's a p p, i reject the idea that somehow the government acted in a way that was wrong. we wanted to get the 32000000000 pieces of p b in the front line because what was important is to save lives. i make no apologies that the government did everything in its power to ensure the n h s. and frontline workers did not run out of p p, even though the judge ruled both the office in question were likely to win contracts anyway. if you went through the high priority lane, you had a one in 10 chance of being successful. those outside of that in
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a circle had way less than a one in a 100 chance. according to the national audit office, 50 firms benefited 18 had tore links, which the opposition, se screams cronyism. while our hard working n h s staff were going without p. p. tory politicians, so an opportunity to line their cronies pockets the judge has now ruled that v i p lane unlawful. but that may be just the tip of the iceberg. not only was some companies given an unfair advantage, the prices were hyped up, in some cases by 200 percent. when the equipment arrived, some of it failed to meet basic medical standards. so did the government treats a public health crisis as an opportunity to impose the pockets of pals at the public's expense? very like crazy. i mean it, of course you have to do with things quickly, but there's no reason why having to v i. p lane, actually many things could be dealt with more quickly. it just meant certain people
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go preferential treatment. i think that shows history. god for use of tax has money and disregard to the safety of front line health and cast off at the beginning of the pandemic demand for p. p. far out, strip supply to keep up. normal procurement rules were relaxed. but all this feeds into the idea that if you have the prime minister number on your phone, your numbers in your bank account will grow. and it's free lateral flow tax. the to be potentially phased out, is public health. simply becoming a commodity. in other story, we're across today, the fates of a key russian gas pipeline to europe still hangs in the balance, the spike construction of which stream to being completed last year. it's still not being given the final go ahead by the you on the blocks for the 1st chief usa, but i'll say that it could depend on moscow deescalate intentions on ukraine's
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border. legal mission could have been easy to mrs. cannot release that from one lives and infrastructure according it is important in with rules. we are in a free market economy and certainly your funding for us to have to. we'd also depend on the development of the events and ukraine, and attitude to russia. you cannot imagine that we are thinking one side on imposing sanctions just in case and on the other hand to over infrastructure. while in the u. s. republican senator ted cruz made his own bed to stop the pipeline. this week, he put forward a bill the sanction businesses involved in the project if russia invade ukraine. however, the senate voted against the move on thursday, although the democrats have not put forward on alternative bill, which would target key russian officials. instead. in all skyrocketing
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energy prices continued to be a major concern in europe. on wednesday, in the swedish government said date would allocate almost $700000000.00 in order to help citizens. let's go through what they're going to do at those hit hardest. by surging prices. could get up to $220.00 a month to pay their bills over winter electricity. costs in the country are up more than 250 percent compared to this time last year. and on the fate of north stream 2, we've been getting reaction, including from economist i camer, everybody knows that the pipeline will be used because it's not only useful, it's essential for germany's and europe's energy supply. these are all games in before that the main partnerships are negotiation, which is just the us and russia and all the others are neglected. both in this matter are trying to get a big deal out of it. the big business ruling the day and they don't care at all on
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the, on the necessary piece of the german population of the russian public of the eurasian population, they don't care at all. they want to make big money and they don't even would risk a war. europe is still being gripped by waves of anti cove. it rallies. let's take a look at paris 1st. in the middle of your screen, the yellow best movement demonstrated over the nation passed and other measures taken by the french government to try and curved the spread of coven organizers say, the devils are also against rising unemployment along the social economic injustice . my condition mandates and restrictions also angered protesters in the austrian capital there. in the left, the government is planning to implement a mandatory vaccination requirement starting next month. in the german city of homburg, a country demonstration raged against unexpected rally over coven restrictions that
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despite a court upholding about on the protest issued by the authorities. earlier this month in germany and restrictor measures to combat the cross bars, including heightened roof to enter bars and restaurants south pacific nations including us truly our own alert. after a su nami hit the small island nation of tonga on friday, it was caused by a huge reduction of underground volcano. well, this is video that was posted on social media. it's unclear what the extent of the damage is, but there are no reports of casualties. at least the epicenter of eruption was just 65 kilometers from ton. gus capital was so strong that it was heard on fiji. so may i know a sanaa me alert of up to 3 meters has been issued for japan, where the evacuation of coastal areas is on the way. well if
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you'd like to keep on top of that story and indeed all of the big developments this weekend do, make sure to give us a follow on twitter. on it's around the clock there, i'm una, labeled, and this is our ah ah, a loan for the stored simply add the pedal is you know there are, you don't get a back. oh, heck, no. what recreation came when we get the rest? the 7 years bill at the $75.00 kaiser report. yes ma'am. oh, oh, risky is that will you? elisa?
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typical there is only 9 but already a university. students that away m slash a don't like it was a new month's appointment. let's see emily up. you've got the last. there's doors to deal with the digital spots and i and local choose a pepsi could i think, just so the last piece, mother, you can, somebody is quoted yahoo jones that he may come, come no recalls. he needs a new stone. now, bush night new passcode, and of course with level you're special, but i was the yeah, my i was thinking what? so the way that was to get on the she was in your mind, it was something that it was with the dog that he was not to call, you know, which with soon lose with, with his teacher was all reason is balise a good now
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we have easy, i just heard that it was a healthy alternative to cigarettes, and do we trust tobacco companies with their message that these new products are actually going to reduce these sugars are making the tobacco of them to join me every posted on the alex simon? sure. but i'll be speaking together from the world of politics, sport, business, i'm sure business. i'll see you then. mm. ah, i, ah,
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i imagine are tanzania watching a special edition of going underground less than 20 days before vladimir putin. his schedule to be teaching ping at the winter olympics in china while brittany focuses on personal catastrophes for morris johnson and prince andrew. this has been a week of critical talks between nato and russia to avert possible global conflict of ukraine as they reach a seeming impass moscow's hopes of turning back the clock on nato expansion. a be rejected as jo, biden's threats of massive consequences dissolve signs for optimism or pessimism in what could be a global existential crisis. joining me now from cambridge is the ex u. k. p. m, tony blair's former ambassador to russia. so tony branch and thank you so much attorney for coming back on the show. i want to be slightly optimistic before we get into some of the statements being bandied around europe this week against oldenburg,
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