tv Redacted Tonight RT January 15, 2022 9:30pm-10:01pm EST
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for think it was threat, the plan was to get so she was a new mom should know something that was just the w 2 that he will not cover. again, which of soon lose. and because when you moved to cooper, his teacher was really just released. 6 in the welcome to reject it, didn't night, the pentagon, the organization responsible for the both killing on the planet? if you don't include jackie's land, lock sea food, import him up. i 68 and youngstown, ohio. home of the under cook's yellow tailed fi bastardization bowl. they were special bucket for guess about to go to take an internal oregon, but you'll get to keep the bucket. anyway, the pentagon, a few weeks ago made a major announcement about their effort to audit their finances. they were obligated by an act of congress to be audio since 1990. yet they never did. but you
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can't really blame them and i view the crazy time. you know, we were all terrified of y 2 k, and that our number of pre aol, ours might run out at any minute abruptly ending our intense love affair. what turtle farm. 38712 year old boy who told us he was a 34 year old mother of 2. but the 90 also had positives such as none of us were scared of climate change because no one had figured out, it was the thing he had exempt all the scientists and anyone they ever spoke to. and anyone those people ever spoke to point being the pentagon was supposed to be audited, guarding way back then. but after having a good long think i chose not to because they have giant guns and congress has none. congress, the guns are all at the pad of god. you see the rob? then a few years ago the pentagon was finally audited and we,
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the american people and the other 2 secretly live in our crawl spaces. finally got to find out where all the money was going, where the trail again, dollars disappears. do every year. well enough money to feed every hungry person in the world, enough money to give everyone clean water or no money to pay for the transportation of every woman in texas who desperately needs an abortion to a more sane state like oklahoma and enough money to pay for the transportation of every woman in other states to texas. if they want to be treated like a piece of property, did you know that in texas a woman can earn her freedom by producing at least 7 children? if her master can sense do it? of course. so where the hell did all the money go? do they finally do all the dictators we support, do they dumping all the hand to weapons contractors? did they use it to connect to con, can the machine to their shower so that when they turned on the foster,
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it sprayed cotton candy straight into their face and a delicious yet overwhelming matter? no, none of those or probably all of those. we just don't know, we didn't learn anything about where the pentagon to money goes, because they said they failed their audit that, that they failed it. then just a couple months ago, there was an update. they were audited again, yet again. and they quietly mumbled to the mainstream media, we proudly failed our audit again. an amazing media known to friends and family as corporate bags dutifully buried it on a friday before the holidays and never mentioned it again. the way you do when you get was removed from your and you don't want to tell your wife because it was her favorite one. she said look like margaret thatcher in her prime. each mainstream media outlet seems to have done one tiny article on this year's d o. d massive audit trail. compare that to the 0962 article
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they did on bernie sanders back here. problem 4800. 33 article on meghan mccain's back here. solution, but even in there, one article about the pentagon failure to reveal where the money goes, the media gave them and for effort, reuters reported us pentagon fails, forethought it, but the steady progress, yay. air boards magazine said air force base on it again. says it made progress will be government executive road. the defense department fails, it's odd and again, but officials have no doubt it will eventually pass. why are we treating a god damn proud of god? like it's an adorable or developmental difficulties? i haven't seen book keeping the bad since i've spent that summer. it's owen merged for the tiger king. and i never really understood why human teeth were for sale, or why people bought so many can are pathetic media,
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stop making excuses for the largest killing machine that has ever existed. i mean, we all make excuses for our friends, but not if they're killing low jump pay poll. usually that one time was an accident . and finney, if has really cleaned himself up since then besides, no one could. no, no, the of you mixed vapor and fluid would terminix inside of teletubbies would explode . that big point being were just one year of the pentagon, $768000000000.00 budget. we could, this is per, we could provide universal health care and pre k to wish and free public universities publicly own broadband for every city housing for every man, woman and child, a 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 and give us shined photo of the day off to one lucky, creepy guide, that's all with one year of the budget. our department of defense is the
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largest killing machine. the world has ever seen, and the fact that it is just pay off each forth on it should not be something you're finding out from a company, you know, for the love of all that is holy. why am i the only one talking about that? i never wanted to be one of a handful of reliable news sources in the world's largest empire. i just wanted to tell jokes about men would both sweat or how missing person posters don't work at all. because if you see the guy, you just think that post is right there, tied to the what that, gar, here are the morals of this story, number one, the pentagon to do a real audit. number 2, we should give no more money to the pentagon. if they need funding to destroy a country or a tax and a been african print, they'll just have to sell something on the bay like the missing portion of those approved film. number 3,
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the pentagon should be abolished and replaced with the dairy queen. you might think, i'm kidding, but which do you think would do more harm in this world? a trillion dollars of killing devices, or a trillion dollars of cookies and cream shawn date with hamburger crumbles on top. seriously, if you haven't a dairy queen's cookies and beef, blueberry swarm a frosty and you're missing out company from washington, d. c. the ability to be just redacted denied. i welcome, i'm li camp. now it's break some news. it goes without saying that the current administration and the last one have done an awful job at both controlling the pandemic and making sure people don't suffer because of it. they could have saved
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the lives of a 150000 americans. but beyond that, they could provide a full on employment and job security, free health care, free medications, free green, smoothies, and fairly price russian brides. not that i support mail order brides, but if they're going to exist, they should be fairly price and be shipped in a box with the appropriate number of air holes. i cannot stress that enough. due to the pathetic profit seeking action of our government officials and the people who control them and the people who control them and the snake like creatures that live in their wrecked homes, we have more a chronic depression in this country than ever before. i have no proof that is true, but i am going to nod paid. no one is able to pursue their passion in life right now, like their passion, admitting and $95.00 math per hipsters to buy on ad fee or being a cam girl with a plastic splatter sheet covering your laptop. no to self business idea. cell knitted laptops, bladder sheets on ad,
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steeper hipster cam girls. second note to self turn on tape recorder app before leaving notes to self. pulling is there is a load of depression in this country. the number of americans who don't bother to put on their pants each day, a sky rocketed according to pants inside or weekly, not to be confused with the inside pants weekly, which is mainly opinion pieces by jeffrey toobin. but there may be some help on the way a new treatment for severe depression out of stanford has had truly impressive results . much like my test to see who in our office could sit next to me the longest while i learned the extinct polish skill of belch singing the results were no one. a recent randomized controlled trial published in the american journal of psychiatry shows astounding results are possible in 5 days or less, almost 80 percent of patients crossed into remission. meaning they were symptom free within days. this is compared to about 13 percent of people who received the
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placebo treatment. i assume the placebo treatment consisted of giving them a pack, a tick tax and yelling depression for safety. dover and depression is just a black easter gloss. you can wrap it around yourself like a mo, mo, it's in all day crying into your x box. * game console, or you can fold it around, you like a strapless dress shows a nipple and have a great night out on the town. the advice my grandpa ever gave me honestly well that and bring your own condoms to the monster truck rally for the non placebo group though it was a little different. this is our work. a coil on top of the patient had created a bag. kinetic field that sent electric pulses through their skull to the surface of the brain. it's similar to what my older brother did to me when i was 6, but his coil was made of toaster strudel and the electric pulses were him pounding me with a rubber mallet. but in this adult version, the electrical current is directed at the prefrontal cortex,
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which is the part of the brain, the plan's dreams and controls our emotions. of course, i personal. i would never need this treatment because my emotions are just fine. oh dog did i work hard? oh, why that? and as i mentioned it is shown incredible results 80 percent of patients in remission. i haven't seen results that impressive since i gathered a bunch of klepto maniacs and glued box and gloves on their hands. 90 percent were cured, though the other 10 percent died after eating their box and gloves off. so this new treatment sounds pretty good for extremely depressed people who haven't responded to medication or therapy. but, and in our system, there is always a, but much like the unsolicited text messages. i get from stanley tucci. now that they've discovered this treatment, the creators will, without a doubt,
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make it nearly impossible for people without great health insurance to get it. and they will pattened it to, to, to stop all their country from benefiting. this is how it always works with great advancements. they're hidden from others who could benefit we here in the us did the same thing when we mastered the algorithm. that right, super hero movies, we didn't share it with other countries resulting in belgium's remarkably uncomfortable the adventurers and pissing boy which has been banned in 210 countries. that's more than there are not. everything needs to be exploited for profit. not everything needs to be kept secret to further toxic nationalism so that there's so much hatred in killing in the world. not everything needs to enrich a small group of ads. and by not everything, i mean nothing. we should be working to benefit human kind as a whole,
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doing the opposite of benefiting everyone is what we should call morally repose. have just like the adventures of passing boy, the action figures were even recalled for causing child onset herpes. moving on, it's time for some good. no. right. good news. let's say we show off it, you know, kill off and i'm, i'm a negative nancy or her lesser known cause in post traumatic stress disorder. gwendolen. so what we have here in the good news, i see a beautiful baby boy outside seattle was eaten by a pack of post malone fans. oh that's, that's not, that's not good news. but what, what about there? so what about this news week headline you thought to try was down and out. not so fast. sounds good. the people of detroit are not walking so fast because most of lost their legs due to some sort of arrow airborne poison. oh that, oh, that's why they're not so that's not good news. maybe good news wasn't the best way . why butterfly,
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the better blind to back. i thank god better binder back. this is real. the annual migration of monarchs shows the highest numbers in years. and at 1st i thought they were talking about print ferry and megan marshall, fleeing england to get away from racism and meat pie. what they thought that was last year. but no, they mean monarch butterflies for years. there were well over a 1000000 butterflies that would migrate down coastal california to avoid the cold winter's like most everyone else in california who lives in a house with wheels. but the monarch numbers dropped catastrophically in recent years, possibly getting to as low as 2000. but this year, this year, the beautiful orange butterflies were back over all under it 1000. the experts don't appear to know why just yet i thought maybe was pandemic related, you know, after being locked up for a year with travel restrictions, the male and female butterflies might have looked at each other and thought,
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what are we waiting for? we'll never have enough money in your father's never going to ag normal. but that shouldn't stop or less just pump out a few 1000 children and let the chips fall where they may show or will end up with a couple of serial killers, but will also, and with a couple of prostitutes. but that wasn't it at all. john think the resurgence is due to a decrease in the usage of pesticides. like neo no cod annoyed, which is a powerful, deadly chemical. i mispronounced on principle, much like billionaire super bill is bill got a and word but bag. anyway. point is the butterflies a bag. thank you just found some good news. i thought all was lost man, for a moment. i'd felt like my grandfather when he was storming the beaches of normandy and realized he forgot his gun. it wasn't world war till it was 2015 when he was on a carnival cruise. but you know how the french are won't speak english to tell you where the toilet is, unless you threaten their life and their chocolate. of course,
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the monarchs will not stick around long unless we stop treating this world like our dumpster. and we can't do that. as long as we're in agreed based economic system was show she'll pass running the show. this planet has been here for billions of years. we humans have been here for the point of and i and the market economy has been here for half a blink of an eye, which i think only happens during a seizure this planet will move on without us when we've destroyed the livable environment. ok. but you know what won't move on without us us. and that was good. that's where is yogi berra when you need him dead actually. well, maybe not so bad. you know, as i assume, yogi berra would say, the complaint call center for the dead hasn't received a single call. we have to go to a quick break, but you get every episode redacted tonight. with the portable tv app, a portable,
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dat the flash download, i'll be right back. we'll lot more. ah, ah, we have recently of course, are you in the started the united states talking about human rights talking about press freedom. if you got a top the top, you got a work group. in other words, you've got to be consistent. you cast out on the one hand we believe press freedom . but on the other hand, we're going to exclude julia massage. and i think that your property over united states is tracy's really makes you want to be really mad about the case you're turning here in australia where people just don't understand them. right. what is the starting citizen which comes down with july, an annual festival in st. petersburg dedicated to dust. i epsky
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a great writer, thinker and psychologist. people often turned to his work to understand russia and russians, perhaps even themselves. they put a single movie, say, put, they bought the vehicle in while you need that. changing a rita, transforming them as they read that to dust i ask is unique ability to stay ascii wants to tell us, you can better yourself. he makes you face your true self or we cooper, deonte conventions, rules of schemes, beyond boundaries. and the time dostoevsky is a global brand whose classics, everyone knows, i'm never out of style with . i. welcome back. i'm still a camp immigration, and customs force ment,
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or ice and such a toxic reputation. now that even members of the department of homeland security are asking to separate from the agency for more we go to our most toxic correspondence on the care of bonnie. hey naomi haley. so who exactly are we talking about here? i, you know, the guys from all those signs that say abolish ice anyways, according to internal e mails, federal agents from the homeland security investigations unit or issues. i see they can do their job solving international crimes because people look at them funny when they say their parent organization is ice. so they are, i know it's just i it's, it's whole some like spin off of the cbs crime show ice and h s. i are not the same, it's actually quite sad how they grew apart. all of d h. s. is toxic, we should abolish all of it not, not just shipping around. no. c ice is the one that's toxic. no one even goes to
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isis annual holiday party anymore. maybe because last year they detained all the caterers, the department of homeland security is a tumor that grew on the american security state after $911.00. well, there's good and bad tumor and no such thing is a good tumor and on colleges appointment can get you out of a whole day of work that's not malignant to me. federal agents from homeland security investigations say that they have been kicked out of joint drug operations, shunned by local police departments and had gold ad campus career fairs. do you know what it's like to be harassed by college students at a career fair, black water table that day was more popular? probably because they had free snacks. corruption does begin with free snacks. i almost worked at fox news when i found out that granola bars were free. seeley ice was always unpopular, but then it got worse. under trump, we saw how easily the agency could be mobilized for xena phobic nonsensical
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policies. i mean ice ramped up their arrests of immigrants. they created for colleges to entrap foreign students and fig warrens to get people who opened their doors. ice has a stigma that h. s. i can't shake. i mean, imagine getting kicked out of a joint drug operation. having to investigate from home and bust your own children and your sons, just health and glue. zachary has got to get into harder stuff soon. right. i feel awful for ice caps don't even like ice police officers not only and so called things were cities work with ice anymore because it makes crime harder to fight victims don't come forward out of fear of being deported. it just says that being under ice has been endangering their personal safety, stifling their partnerships with other agencies and scaring away crime victims or makes h. s. i homeland security investigations any different?
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well, i'm glad you asked that 10000 employees in homeland security investigations have broader objectives. h s i targets terrorist. 7 human traffickers, sex traffickers, drug smugglers, they catch former nazis and they will do what they are on the bus on. and i came on a workers last undocumented workers. oh my god, they are i and then, and i know you heard me say they catch a form or not freeze. right? i mean, you'd be surprised to have as a 90 year old nazi on a rascal scooter can get away. this is insane. well, h s i has a solution to the shame i says created, they're proposing they get a different website, an email address, that's not enough. my 2nd wife tried that. instead of saying she wanted a divorce, it just confused. everyone involved. yes. that's the objective confusing. that's
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what branding is all about. right there. thanks family. up next desmond to to has passed away and some are asking, was he an anti semite spoiler alert? no. for more we turned to our middle eastern correspondent jennifer con. ah, nelson mandela angela davis. desmond to to emma watson. all these household names may vary in age, nationality, hog wards, house and more. but they all have one thing in common racism, or at least receiving weaponized accusations of anti semitism for simply supporting palestinian writes. the recent accusations towards emma watson for this instagram post have been well hilarious. this is truly absurd. you see
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criticism of the israeli government is not in of itself anti sematic. just like criticizing the saudi government is in islam of phobic or criticizing the nfl is lack of c t e protections, isn't gay, dad? any who last month we lost the anti apartheid hero, archbishop desmond, to, to desmond, to, to was tirelessly outspoken against apartheid in his home country of south africa and against the ongoing apartheid. and israel reminds me of the kind of experience in the tree under wind and the fact of our having to have policies allowing us to who to move freely in the lender for us to world this morning, bishop to, to just died the other day. can i remind the world that although he did some good
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times, a lot of good things are part. the man was a rampant anti white and big it that of course was fame, spiritual leader, and moral compass allen dirt. show it. the problem with these baseless accusations is one they dilute real issues of anti semitism and to they frequently have real live consequences intended to create a chilling effect for palestinian supports. people's reputations are tarnished, jobs are lost. even angela davis recently had a civil rights award rescinded because of her support for palestinians. she must have been like really free palestine as well. did it free? all, you know, i'm a communist right. take canary mission and online blacklist supposedly calling out anti semite. but really an attempt to silence palestinian activists targets of canary mission have been denied entry through palestine fired from jobs
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interrogated by employers and university administrators, and targeted with death threats. these attacks come from all angles, whether it's social media, feminist icon, allen durish with, or our own israel backing corporate media. while corporate media outlets literally trampled each other competing to give the most glowing tribute to desmond tutu. they all shamelessly emitted his public and unwavering support to the people of palestine and their daily struggle against the grip of israeli occupation. today, we honor the late great desmond to his unwavering support against apartheid in south africa and certain other unnamed afternoon states. hey, what was the weather forecast again? was it still mild? it's important. we push back on distractions and push forward on the narrative of
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his railey apartheid. it might be difficult for the average american to fathom our country supporting apartheid. so remind them this country does have a history of embracing apartheid states so it may be easier. ready than you thing to be on the wrong side of history. in fact, our government kept nelson mandela on our terrorist watch list until 2008, nelson mandela, 8 terrorist. and we all know the only thing more dangerous than a terrorist. a radicalized wizard. reporting live from just outside my watson's house. this is jennifer con, with redacted tonight. for ah . here are your headline from the future. you probably heard about the tragic fire in the bronx that killed 17 people with the city and the landlord or saying they
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shared none of the blame to morrow. you'll read this in statement may or adam stresses future fire victims should not all yell for help at once. problem solved and coming up a year from now, you'll hear after pentagon audit forced our general suddenly remembers black hawk helicopter loan to 14 year old nephew. i mean, we can expect them to keep tabs on every single black arc. finally, next wednesday, you'll learn in meandering 7. our speech mostly about leg hair, president biden demands. and to filibuster that are y'all. but if you like more for me, check out my podcast. government secrets on any podcast platform also join our pre e mail list by texting the word redacted to 33777, until next time. good night, and keep fighting. lou.
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waller officers are facing an increasingly dangerous environment. we are seeing a growing debate about so called warrior cops the term that i've heard in the militarization of police. this is an app vehicle, the flyer to the 1033 program and very free program with the government program that funnels military property that is no longer use to local law enforcement with building an army over here. and i can't believe people aren't seeing the agency on here. yeah. they had tammy sent me in because it began appealing then ahead. you have to deal with our practice, who you putting in a uniform cover bands is a powerful thing is for him to have like money in play tricks and people mind they think they've gone, the bad knows the wolf is out the door very bad. johns, are coming good news. you have job security because the world desperately needs that you have a
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ah, breaking news on our see this our, i'm suspect 2 is taken people hostage at the synagogue in the us state of texas with one person according to the official media report. i think police force the state the hope, the take it may be motivated to free a package from the printer being counter terrorism circles as lady al qaeda family, though, denies any links to the attacker. moscow slums, washington for alleging the bushes, preparing a whole like operation to justify it's supposed to ukraine invasion plans are guess side of the chances of a military conflict need. so, and thought it was always going to weeks tensions we have here in ukraine. the plan to be miss out 5 minutes from moscow. p question is how do you power the.
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