tv News RT January 17, 2022 7:00am-7:31am EST
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ah ah, cobit protest interrupting in europe as country to ratchet up new restriction, it is making the lives of the unbox ever more complicated. distracted by party gate, the british media is dominated by headlines over the prime ministers locked down parties ignoring a host of other crises from record inflation, to surging living costs. and with the owner con, buried of co, been taking a hold around the world. countries continue rolling out different approaches. we'll get the latest from the w h o just a bit later in the program with
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. well, it's good to have you with us here for the monday program live from moscow. this is nancy international. well, france is leading europe once again in terms of daily cope. it case loads are report, lee clocking up 287-0000 infections and 24 hours that has anger over the macaroni government's new vaccination pos. continue to be vented across the streets of paris . the pictures don't quite show it, but somebody is protest apparently so 1000 sitting the street came right off to the national assembly gave a blessing to the new vaccination. this gives access to things like restaurants and cinemas, but only to the fully job. it replaces the current less strict health pass test amanda, which a negative test most efficient. but it's not only france that scene unrest over
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coby in the last few days with anger. it further restrictions in many other european cities, also boiling over. ah . needed a clean record breaking 24 hours in germany and not in a good way. when you look at the 7 day indices, that's the, the number of infections of coven 19 per 100000 of the population. it's past 515 nationally. you look at things locally in berlin. it's close to $1000.00 per 100000 of the population vol. so seen the bumpers there at the
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german military say that they're going to implement disciplinary action against it's serving members who refuse to get their vaccinations. there are some cases that have already been opened in relation to that. there's also a number of new rules that have come into play in berlin. if you're riding any of the german capitals, public transportation. you're going to have to have an f, f p to mask covering your nose and mouth. that's a much more substantial face covering than a normal surgical mask. also, if you're riding that public transportation to any event, which they'll be more than 10 people at, well, that event will be covered by the to g plus rule. what that means is that if you're going there, you need to be vaccinated, recovered and be able to show a negative test that was taken within the last 24 hours, or that you've had
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a booster vaccine shot. if you're under 14 years of age, none of that matters because you're not covered by any of those particular rules. however, those people who run the hospitality industry in the german capital say not enough as being done to keep them afloat financially, while everything seems to be done to try and keep bars and restaurants open, at least in some form of his zip to both on this place and september 2018. we work providing people not only with food services, but we also whole cultural events, birthdays and celebration for our neighbors. the last 2 years haven't been as one of them to be. we're definitely depends on the money of tourists. previously we had groups of them, even people from france, england, and spain. i know now was dried up the same as the number of birthday celebrations and events, especially with elderly people. did december rephrase the wave of cancellations, coupled with christmas being cancelled, but definitely feel the impact of it. and absolutely want to receive more financial
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support because we have no more chance of being left standing. it's not just in germany that new rules are coming into play on monday. if you're in greece and you're over 60 and you're not vaccinated. well, you're going to get 100 year row fine. in fact, you're going to get that $100.00 euro find every month until you get vaccinated. it will. schools are also getting underway again in greece. on monday, on friday, though, students were extremely unhappy with the ministry of education, not building being pelted with missiles by children saying that they wanted substantial protection against coven 19. and the measures that were being put in place, which is not enough to do that. those who were attending not protest said they wanted schools to reopen, but they needed to reopen in a manner that was safe from the virus. in australia, over the weekend, we saw a nova up to date of demonstration, thousands of people on the streets of vienna. people extremely unhappy with the
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measures that the austrian government has taken when it comes to trying to fight against coven 19. the business owners, old us, that the measures that have been taken by vienna are taking them pretty much to the wall killer elderly. it's definitely extremely sad. we had to remain shut down for half a year during the last long locked out filling all the required applications for subsidies. coffee money require the help of tax consultants and the us every new lockdown or new applications, new subsidies. it's exhausting. sometimes help comes extremely late, some people and upon the rocks, after all over himself, salary tutor. i played full financial support during the 1st wave for my application wasn't even onset or so i think they've just been overloaded when it can't work as an excuse. but i think it was just like that just in following waves . i received help but received it with a delay and it wasn't very clear what amount of money i could count on his been
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very hard. it's very hard to plan anything or staying in austria coll niana. the austrian chancellor has confirmed that his government is pushing ahead with its plan to introduce mandatory vaccination at the beginning of february. it's a controversial plan, which is draw a lot of criticism for a small section of the austrian population. it's also a plan that's being watched very closely by a number of other european countries, including here in germany, to see how it plays out. but across europe, nations are taking a number of very different causes when it comes to them trying to snuff out this latest wave of coven 19. meanwhile, italy's cobra pass is also now harder to obtain. a negative test is no longer enough. restrictions are pushing some italians to break the law with one nurse recently arrested for issuing fake jab certificates. ah
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ah, ah, i me as a doctor and health care professional, i'm disheartened. i've been putting my private life aside for 2 years. just like all my colleagues as well to deal with the pandemic for this reason, seeing these things happening is really sad. ah ah, ah ah, ah, we were away that this police investigation was not over. i really hope that with
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this arrest, we can put an end to this sad story. i'm very disappointed even angry. it is difficult to understand how a person who's worked for many years in hospitals and health care can do such things. not injecting the vaccine as a crime, it is as if a priest does not believe in god. mm. well aside his stop predicting that all micron will become the dominant strain of cobra globally this year. so let's get an update now and how the world currently stands in the fight against the virus. i don't to be life now as a spokesperson for the world health organization toddy just shot i've. it's joining us here on the program. great to see you today, as you probably heard in the report, many countries are really ratcheting up very restrictions,
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especially on the an vax. you think it really is the right approach. well, what we see leaks is, is a community can increase in number of concessions around the world. and as we see on current becoming a dominant variance, we have seen in one week 15000000 newly faction, which is the absolute record, is the beginning of contributing decrease from the previous week. so the sheer number of infections will bring more people to hospitals, even though may prove less your disease. den, delta and previous periods, these numbers are low, we will need more pressure on how system. so it is very dangerous situations. the countries are trying to find the best ways to, to reduce the risk of transmission and we know what needs to be done. so we hope
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that people can not be tomorrow, it will be max. and they can because cronies effecting mostly those who have not have their primary series of like sees that have government. so also support system that we just have seen previous story on individual level will have a rule to play, to try to keep those barriers. behavior, giving very masks, avoiding unventilated, and crowded places. if i could jump into the 1st step because i just don't have as much time as i need to to really talk to us about, talk to you about this. what is the preliminary data on existing vaccines and the armor cron? very and do they offer protection? well, we are still waiting to see the full day because right now what we are having, i just small sample laboratory conditions data. it may be there are
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reports that i've seen that we have left the guest infection and it will not be the case of that. i've seen many people who are already who gets infected on. however, the keys are still very much a patient again, severe full of disease and death. and this is why we see these huge increase in new infections. the number of beds is being stable and most of the people who are meeting is ation and customer care. one of that, so even though so if there is a use the fact that we are waiting to have more data on how effective and actually and as we can see promot expert panel,
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they said that we should be looking in the future to a new generation of scenes that will be more efficient against correcting to get a section in the meantime, we can look into additional scenes to adopt them maybe to new, very much. i appreciate you setting some light on that and basically give us some clarity there. and a few moments ago, you did mention that with this new american baron, the transmission to spread is faster than its previous as previous that says, but as you said, the symptoms less severe. let me just pick you up on what you said the, the b, b c, quoting university of livable chairman of infectious disease at julian hitchcock, she says, alma cronies, the end of cove it. the guardian says the most widespread symptoms of on their cross match those of the common cold. why is it if the symptoms are, as they say back of a common cold, then then why are we seeing mass lock downs and further restrictions and mandates? so this is not a common cold and this is not true. this is a sorry school to virus,
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the new variance. and unfortunately, we cannot predict what's new variance we will have and we are likely to have new barriers. i understand that we all tired and then we can, we would like to go back to normal life. but these viruses kill millions of people . so pro and every week, 50000 people are dying from this virus. so to say that my lease is not, not right if you want, if you want to find out why, why do we get such a mix taken all here? it's so difficult then to actually get a true pitcher because we have verola just on one side of the fence saying one thing, and then we have someone like you with a w h o essentially saying another thing. what about the, what about the cut to the new 5 day isolation period in the u. k. there now seems to be some consensus about just isolating for 5 days. why the change with that? can you tell us countries are basically looking into how could keep dental hygiene
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that we could call weekly, understand the government, trying to find the ways to balance the public health side of the story and public health benefits. i don't get a nice social issues. so you need to do that, however, we are trying to see me is having any different periods or shutting of the virus period than previous parents don't study if we need some time. that's what time we are still being offered 10 days. the isolation force implemented cases 2 weeks current time woke up and now these 2 weeks current candidate would be the appropriate. i wanted to ask you, let's bring in one of the more recent issues, one of the top stories. what about the case of the tennis superstar novak geography? she had cove it in december. he recovered. now that i'm not a medical expert, and i certainly won't pretend to be one, but doesn't natural immunity,
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the natural immunity, the joker, which has, wouldn't dance of pass the effectiveness of what he would get the effectiveness from a vaccine. well, very clear from, from, from do from the national. maxine, the, our advice is the same level one. when you get push or do we need to get to actually do that when it's shorter please doing scenes. i save that proficient and reducing the number of course the vision, and that's what they would like to see is that everyone on this planet has this possibility. fortunately, $36.00 countries around the world approximated less than 10 percent of their population. and this is because he actually actually you're sort of, i will forgive me for asking, but going back to give it one more time could, could you just do me a favor and answer the question. joke of it, having natural immunity, what is better? protect, can natural immunity, or one of these vaccines. we don't have that particular data. we are basically
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monitoring to see how long you last boat from infection and from from axis. i think i'm better because you know that i think the production exceeds you must develop your systems when you get infected. anybody, you don't know how bad it will be. definitely. it's better to, to, to try to get the protection from our scenes. we're trying to get things done as we go. we cannot speculate, cannot say, how long does immunity use lasting, both infection or from promaxima know which one would last longer. we have or exceeds that have expected to prevent disease rather than the objective and try and tried to be lucky. really, one more question. if i may, before i let you go, a few countries i've already decided on, on a 4th booster dose. and yet the w h show is advising caution over boosters. why,
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why are you advising caution? well, already mentioned the scene in equity, and this is still a problem. so i said to $36.00 countries, i spent less than an 8th countries, 40 percent of their population. we are still experiencing that 1000000 people in africa have not be much needed simply because there was no access to, to be seen. so why would be on that again, who says boosters may come for extra benefit and we are looking into data now and it is very much possible. that's why we want to how to prevent dec nation. the biggest benefit is the primary and we want to make sure everybody's with us cooling the, the primary workstation is being available general went around the world for the world health organization. tidying your shot, if it's joining us, you live on asi international,
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have very insightful conversation. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate that. well, staying with coven, here, we're going to national australia has now decided to officially recognize russia's sputnik v job. the vaccine has not been registered in more than 70 countries, although it's still not been approved by the w h o. all the european medical association, a chair and epidemiology at deacon university. catherine bennett, says australia as green light might not accelerate the international approval process. a lot of people would came to say, so it make 5 recognized because it's not only impacts people traveling here from russia. but also clearly there's been a number of countries around the world that have also use the effect same. so it's good to say that is satisfied with the days when we've now got this recognition. so it's good to say that they've now got sufficient data that i can make the call. but i just think compared to other vaccine that was in the package, wasn't paying the same way. so it took a lot longer to negotiate the,
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the days that i felt i needed. what we've heard from the regulators here is i want to thing that equivalent date or in the same format coming out on book makes. it really did leave them with their hands tied. they were talking to russia over this extended period of time, the producers of the vaccine, to make sure that they did in fact have those data in the pipeline so that i could look with them. so if they satisfied, i think other countries will look again if they're not already looking and, and that increases the chances that this will be more broadly recognized. faxing, the british prime minister, boris johnson's popularity has it an all time low over the potty gates scandal is dominating the media with a string of revelations about boozy shouldn't big downing street. it's all sucking attention away from a barrage of other problematic use use affecting the country as audi. daniel hawkins now explains, it's a tough time to be you. k prime minister for was johnson's cabinet,
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have been criticized for their code response. the countries seem decade high inflation, soaring energy bills and living costs with stagnant wages, record breaking ambulance, and hospital waiting fives, teenage knife crime in the capitol yet it's one thing that has brought anger from both the public and his party, crushing down on johnson bringing him to the brink of disaster, both in the poles and parliament a party, or rather a series of parties with very bad timing. the picture was quite a contrast as the whole country, even the queen was locked down or at least social distance thing done ensued. officials apparently held boozy parties and cheese and wine get togethers. what in our faces seems like a hang over. so far things don't look good. for the 1st time in years, the opposition has taken a solid lead in the polls falls, also show large numbers of voters,
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even tories. what in the prime minister's resignation? even dozens of his own. m. p. 's are calling for a no confidence motion as protest as gather outside number 10 for a mock work party. ah jokes are sites for those in the u. k. it's a matter of perception and principal. why have people followed draconian rules been separated from dying? relatives faced isolation and restrictions on base at a life while those in power have lied. the suitcase of wine is definitely the tory equivalent of a bag of cans. a pint of wine. this is nothing. the number 10 lads drink it by the suitcase christ. if this was what johnston's downing street was like, jerry looked down. imagine what was like before. why do you think they call it downing street? it's fun damage. control media, speaking of
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a double whammy operation, save big dog. yes. but allegedly named by the prime minister himself and operation read, meets the former mass calling of don street officials to throw as many as possible under the bus ballasa. a bliss of policy changes to appease a public and m p 's from scrubbing the b. b. c. license fee to putting the military in charge of patrol in english channel from saving a chest to binding booz downing street though, why this wasn't done earlier. beats made some looks like he's getting on what's called a charm offensive. he's trying to introduce things that he thinks the public will like. he is, for example, threatening to limit the fun thing of the baby said. he says he's going to get tough on migrants coming across illegally over the channel. he's saying that very soon or restrictions uncovered to land, but it's too late. all of those things might be attractive individually,
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but he has permanently lost his moral authority on this issue. and since the issue of the pandemic has been the biggest issue for the last 2 years, he will always be, we can from now on. can johnson come back from the brink? the coming weeks will tell, but positive it has once again shown 2 things. does nothing voters have more than a line politician? except when a line politician stop them having policies, but goes ahead with their own? almost a court has find google $52000.00 for hosting links to websites ban here in russia . it's a fraction of what the tech drive was find last month, but not taking down a legal content that was a record breaking, $98000000.00 a facebook also got slapped back then for $27000000.00. the fines were illegal 1st here in russia as they were calculated, based on that of turnover. while a notorious hacker group has been taken down by russia's federal security service
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with the fs, be claiming the group stoled money from the bank account. so foreigners dfs be moved in at washington request. let's learn more about this right now. it is danny armstrong with us on this monday afternoon. here in the studio, russia has frequently been accused of being behind any string of cyber attacks. danny, but can you, i'm honest, it's really murky this one here, but just try and talk us through it if you could. of course, here a little bit of a movie story, as you say, when it comes to the news, the f. s. b, the russian security service is broken up, a hacker group not affiliated to the government, but it comes at the us request. know, the us has requested that these hackers will be broken up due to the colonial pipeline. ransomware attack back in may, back then, hacker group got their way into the information, the systems of colonial pipeline, the biggest pipeline for a, find oil in the u. s. encrypted. lots of data for around that colonial pipeline paid in the region of $4400000.00 or $75.00 coin. whichever way you want to work it
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out, the information was then decrypted. the us believe that one of the 14 members at least has been detained. in this crime down in the hacker group was involved in the attack on colonial pipeline. now the u. s. is called the important steps as in the war against ransomware and cyber attacks. so what about, what about the reaction though? because this is a dismantling of an infamous hacker group. what, what's the reaction so far? well, the white house has come out and said he's pleased with rushes, actions. but then in the next sentence, quite literally is going back to his old rhetoric and related the event to the 10 situation around ukraine is said that if russia goes with this much talked about invasion, at least it talks about in the way in ukraine, then it will be hit with severe cos, victoria newland,
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the secretary of state for political affairs in the u. s. as a separate attack in the ukraine that came about on friday that brought down a number of government sites. it reminds her of the good old fashioned russian methods which we used to destabilize governments and create an atmosphere of fear, as it were and distrusted the people. it kings the govern. i'm you can get her word . she said it came straight out of the russian old special agent textbook right here. i would simply say that this is a tried and true part of the russian playbook, as you know all around the world. in the past, russian operatives have done this to destabilize governments to test their own capabilities, to undercut the sense of confidence of governments that they have gripes with. what's amazing, i'm just going to jump in at daddy because you quote victoria newland right there and she's making a comment there. but of course maybe you remember or not rhetoric noon and was on my don squared you in the 2014 my dad revolution. victoria newton with senator john
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mccain. they were out there handing out sandwiches and cookies. so for her to make this kind of judgment on russia, considering her history with russia and ukraine. and my don, i find that a little bit in will in poor taste anyway, back to you, of course, and not only that, but as we take it with ukraine data cells cannot find who to point the finger at no 1st, it was a ukrainian minister, if you said the fellow bruce was to blame and then after a pro, from the ministry of digital transformation in ukraine, they said that russia was, in fact, behind the of course, this is something that russia denies. and they also said it was to stabilize the government and to whip up fear and to create a atmosphere of mistrust of the ukrainian people towards ukrainian government. we believe preliminarily that the group u. n. c 115, 1 may be involved in this attack. this is a cyber espionage group affiliated with the special services of the republic of bella. ruse. all evidence points. the fact that russia is behind the cyber attack.
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moscow continues to wage a hybrid war in his activity, building up its forces in the information inside the spaces. so this of course relates to the western and us rhetoric that russia is planning for a invasion in ukraine and look at any pre text that launched that so called an invasion, of course, something which russia denies. but the u. s. pretty much taking a stance of if the digital footprint fits, then that's enough basis to blame. russia about destabilizing the situation course in ukraine. i'm sure we'll be hearing more about this story. our art is a danny armstrong. many thanks. what i was wanting to say for your monday headlines lie from moscow and arty international. we are back soon with more. ah, no one else seem wrong. well, please,
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just don't hold a sheep out d. c, because an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves world support, we choose to look for common ground. ah, your may i am i yes, the order the c i o. now, alyssa, typical, there's only 9, but already a university. students should well be the most famous and talked about child in russia. now i think i am lisa's brothers and sisters are way ahead in their studies to some might even try to get into university earlier. my daughter was only one when they took off the news i had to.
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