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tv   News. Views. Hughes  RT  January 20, 2022 7:30am-8:01am EST

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it was examined the key moments of the 1st year of biden's 1st term, as well as the key pieces of his administration and has it made america more divisive? i'm sorry, now huge. we're going to take an in depth look at how president biden has been received by the press in the world. and if americans believe the best days of the country still lie ahead. ah, well, today is a very important day for president biden because it marks one year in office, his biggest problem, the countries exhaustion over the current of virus pandemic. now this is me, democrats worry, the bind administration is not up to snuff for their upcoming midterm elections. artesia tricia has had more on what the president had to say. president biden facing tough questions and mid several crises as he enters his 2nd year in office.
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but as biden marks as 300 and 65th dance president, it appears he is looking to reset the trajectory of a presidency struggling to gain traction. it's the year challenges, but it's also been a year of enormous progress today. president biden unapologetic speaking at a rare, formal press conference where he shared his take on his performance over the past year. i didn't know, promise it, but i have probably, you know, how performance anybody thought would have the president starting the press conference by touting his accomplishments, including the american rescue plan and the bi partisan infrastructure bill, president bite, and also boasting about the 208000000 americans who have been fully vaccinated. we created 6000000 new jobs. were jobs and one year than any time before. unemployment drop, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.9 percent. child's already dropped by nearly 40 percent. the biggest drop ever, and americans just lied and talking about how his administration has started distributing free at home, coven 19 testing kits to anyone who requested them along with making sure free and
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95 masks are available at pharmacies for people to pick them up. we've gone from 0 at home just a year ago to 375000000 test on the market. and just this month, see, by tested the store, your insurance will reverse all the president also interesting. surging prices across the country, inflation hitting its highest level seen in 40 years. gilbert ninety's created a lot of economic complications, including rapid price increases across the world economy. the president, laying out a 3 part plan saying that he's going to fix the supply chain. he says the infrastructure bill will allow plains and trains and other means of transport to keep up with the demand. his build back better plan will also cut the costs of things like child care calling this bill, a game changer and promote competition. because according to the president, a handful of companies dominate certain markets which has driven up prices. overall, president biden was unapologetic and overall,
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president biden was unapologetic and says he is going to stay the course still though he faces numerous challenges and phases, multiple crises, as he enters the 2nd year of his presidency for news years. he has trinity job as r t now it's been a full year since the president campaigned on ending the pandemic and uniting the country. and things may not have gone as planned for the career politician are to correspond natasha, sweet reports. joe biden was one of former president trump biggest critics. he was outspoken about blame in the pandemic on trump, even the amount of coven death. as we look back to biden's 1st year in office, as president, served in the oval office may not be as easy as it looked. joe biden quick to criticize former president trump war on the campaign trail back in 2020. anyone is responsible for that many dish should not remain as president of the united states of america and will biden's book of united americans on inauguration day last year
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. his actions when your leader are in question power. this is a mercury day. this is democracy's day, a day of history and hope re no ever is all for mass mandates to an attempted vaccine mandate. americans became more divided than ever when it came to cove. it and while much of the mainstream media was supportive of biden's policies, questions arose when he appointed vice president kamala harris to oversee the plaguing border issues, as searches of migrants came flooding to the u. s. border. however, she continued to not visit the border and only scheduled one after trump announced that he would be visiting the border with texas governor greg abbott. but the actual criticism for biden, from all sides of the aisle amped up over his decision to abruptly pull american troops from afghanistan, which resulted in a taliban takeover. it was timed and this war. and now some analysts say we can expect a more vocal precedent in the coming year, harvard avenue choir conversations with members of congress for the last 2 months.
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i've talked to a client during this news conference last week by didn't irving the senate to change filibuster rules, which would allow the passage to voting rights bills, freedom to vote, act and villa. john lewis advancement at 79 years old bite and ranked as the oldest president of the united states long before his decision about afghanistan, critics abide and also questioned his mental fitness for office from congestion at the ports, inflation to large spending bills, a new gallop poll finds biden's approval rating at a new low of 40 percent reporting from los angeles and hush sweets, r t. okay. the president, even with it his own to our press conference, said that he has work to do now only if he had the experts that we have to advise him on what to do. so it's brianna for attorney roberts, hello, and former ustr official under george bush in brooklyn. steve, jo, thanks for joining me gentlemen. ok, robert cove,
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it is probably the number one thing right now that are on the tops of people's minds and it's been all year since biden has taken office. we have seen a flip flop on mass vaccine mandate and even whose responsibility is to solve the panoramic over the year. let's take a lesson. if you've been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear mask. let me repeat. if you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear mask. you don't need a mask when the majority of the vast majority of people got vaccinated. i and you know, i know we all wish that we could finally be done. would worry mask, i get it. you were a match when you're in public and endures like work or in a grocery store. ok. robert year ago, with the vaccination, he started, we would not need mask mandate. and now we've actually had the supreme court step in and strike down his vaccine mandate. your impression on how biden has handled
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this past year of code it. what we're doing is i want sending century pandemic. i think we are all going to see evolving information and scientific data when the vaccines wordlessly released the understanding of that point in time was that if you were vets needed, or you will not need to wear mass, continuously the evidence. and then the scientific method continue to evolve from there and the, and we've got and revolving information as we've got more information studied more things would in the spent, the delta variance to be as virulent, which as was what else would the old micron very to flood the nation would it did. i'm the holiday season this year. so i think overall, they've provided a good studying message to the country, understanding the importance of vaccines following scientific information, when the science changes provide that information to republicans, timely matter. yes, there of course been missteps. on it i, i've been a search of never made that initial statement saying to take off your mask because the people who were not that late it just to simply put that as an opportunity to take off their masking, go back to the community. i definitely think mitchell prepared earlier on p, p e,
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getting these at home co test out 2 months ago instead of right now getting these for hundreds of mill this over in 95. moscow is a got those out. i'm not told we're not now, but i think overall that would you mysteries, is that a good job of studying the nation and trying to term this roy pandemic into simple as the we in demick that we can deal on year in europe. leases. i understand that and i want brand, steve on this because the country's economy and cover have gone hand in hand. this all started on the previous administration. i think we can all acknowledge there were missteps that led into what biden's had to handle. have her body's initial plan once again changed over this past year, just like i did with cove it in regards to economy. take a lesson. time will shut down the virus, not the country shut down, the virus shut down the virus. look, there is no federal solution. this gets solved through the state level. and yet we are seeing a decisions being made encouragement being received the immunization of an entire population that is not vaccinated. they cannot be
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a part of the economy these days. i feel like so steve, now is going to stay for sponsibility. how would you give biden on how he's handling the economy with coven looming overhead, and this ongoing stimulus checks that we've seen throughout this year. and now, what do we have rapid inflation? well, 1st of all, i think the only thing consistent about the bite administration with corona virus has been their inconsistency. they say one thing one day and, and they back track. we're now finding out that i've met in an i doxy clerk when that were good therapeutics that were denied that were blocked by doctors. and the administration were now being told that are, you know, they actually work. you know, we've been told that there are 800900000 deaths. and yet we're now finding out that hospitals, you know about 50 percent 40 percent in those that are actually going through the transparent process of whether people are hospitalized because of coven, or they're with cove. it, we don't know how many of those deaths were actually because of cobit or people who died within ascribed to cobra. because hospitals were getting bonus checks for putting people down his hospital at death because of cove it so there's been no
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transparency in this. and unfortunately, we're now seeing the economic disaster of how we're doing this testing kits and k and 95 masked, you know, they're calling them free mask and free testing kits. i'm sorry, i don't know about this president's definition, but they're not free. they are taxpayer paid, and when you do the basic math, you find out that 500000000 covert test that's we have a 350000000 person population. that's about one test for every person, one and a half test, the 400000000 k and 95 masks that are a one. use mass that's about one for every person in the country. so we all get our mass. we use them one day because they are one day use and then what i mean, none of the things that they're doing now that are supposedly going to be the correction other than to quote cheap the promises. the president made of 500000000 test kits and 400000000 mass. nothing is actually carrying forward in a way that, that is truthful or,
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or trustworthy. and i think that's what's gonna continue to handle the economy if we can't trust them on basic science. how can we trust them on economics? well, and that's the question with other authority real quickly at one man like the segment, but also want to talk about what's going on with a get rising gas prices. people are angry, there's nothing in the store shelves. it, when, when it was sponsibility, did the bad ministration have for this kink in the supply chain? in fact, i'm any the king or any president trump, i think at this point is disintegrating and there's no real healing of how they're going to continue to bring it back together. you know, this is the fun thing about running for present. you don't just get the problems you created, you get the problems, have been in demand nation for the last 20 or 30 years. you don't get to pick your problem. there's very little that the president of the united states can do about gas prices because of you could every single president will have gas one nickel per gallon. so there's not really that much the person can do about what's going on in opec. what's going on will supply chain to tankers, whether or not a tanker ship is stuck in suez canal for 2 weeks interrupting global supply chains? what i do think the pros can do more pro at that we are building out the
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infrastructure as needed in order to get our ports and arose and bridges working fast as they can. we saw the $1.00 trillion dollar infrastructure. we'll get past where we need to be investing directly into our price or briggs, paying people over time to a boat to the docs, and then sure we get the economy back rolling because once you get the the holes back open, then you'll see the, the total demand is pent up and they'll sort of spraying onto the car. okay, robert steve, i want to say we're going to have a group panel at the end of this because this conversation needs to continue. thanks for joining me at this point. now after the break, despite having one of the highest approval ratings, when he went into the office, president biden has the 2nd last approval rating of any modern day president after one year, except for trump is this because of the coverage is getting our lack of accomplishment we're going to continue our discussion after the break with
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no other shows are happy to report. pleasant sounding lies about stations are constantly telling us pleasant flies on this show. we dare say down into unpleasant truth. yes, me, i didn't know risky and that will you. i lisa typical, there's only 9, but already 8 university students that away in special ed. what if anything you a bill in like his gibson you must appointment. let's see him. yep. you got the glass doors to deal with the video slots. then noble. choose to snable took over the little camp, but the next little only thing that i teamed up. so the loss of these money someplace, quoted younger terms, that he may come close to close. he really shows control center put of a news. now, bush night, nebraska and of course level your stuff, but i want the yeah, my teens. what i say the 1st way and of course, thinking what sir,
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the way that wasn't given to him was in your mom. she's in the some dignity relative to w that he was as much colored as your new which with soon losing capability to do to blue. when you most of judge leave, you include the produce tissue was also reason is bernice real good cook ah. so if i didn't had enjoyed self on coverage, byron overly friendly news media as critics have alleged, he has from the start. this could be changing because a year into his presidency. we're seeing soaring, inflation had democrats, management and foreign policy blunders which are broad biden's flavor ability to abysmal new lows. so we have to ask, can
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a pro biden media be expected to continue to cover for his performance? if so, they have their work cut out for them. let's ask it to media expert and friends of the show what they think. welcome back. it depressed. how steve was working, a democratic strategist, robin buried her alive panel. i am sure the 2 of you are going to be just as fiery, honest, you were to have all 4 of you. i didn't want to stay for that one. let's. are you steve on this, had the media been unfairly gentle to the bite administration? oh, of course i mean they, they've been unfairly gentle to, to the whole administration. if you watched some of the press conference today and you had some great sound bites at the beginning, some key points that they were very gentle, they were non confrontational. they were very polite, i could just see trump up there under these circumstances. as we had seen during his 4 years, also, the 1st question to should have been to any area from any journalist, 10 months mr. president, 10 months out of your 12 months in office and you haven't had
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a press conference. why don't the american people deserve to hear from you now, they couldn't care less. the less he says, the better it is. you know, it's interesting. out last year, at the end of the year, the white house reportedly had media executives over to the white house to map out economic coverage to cover a more positive light so that joe biden would look better when they cover the bad economic news. even those meetings couldn't save joe biden from the polls that showed that in the go when it comes to the economy, he's in the tank. so this media, i love joe la carte, the former clinton of press secretary complaining the other day that the media is unfair. to jo, bye. are you kidding me? unfair to joe. by who they're that they're just crazy. but that's also compared to way be even under their bond ministration. and i'm trying to remember exactly how we he was treated under that as well as president obama. that robin, the binary fishing has restored these regular briefings, the white house, but it's not present, abided holding them. he doesn't insult reporter, he doesn't label them at fake news. he does it label them enemies of the people had
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he restored actually respect between the reporters and the white house and journalist and is that actually benefiting the american people? scotty, i wish i could. i wish i had better news. i know he hasn't really restored the faith and i am glad, frankly though, that the, the press and media at large are giving them some more tough questions. the 1st 6 months or so that was nothing was softball. they really weren't holding him accountable to his word whatsoever. that 1st 6 months specifically. but we're starting to see that now and maybe not so much in mainstream media, but there are plenty of other media networks that are asking some of the top heavy getting question. and i always appreciate that because we need more of that sunlight is the best natural disinfectant. we need a lot more sunlight and transparency. i gotta tell you just anecdotally, i was there last week at the speech that he gave here at georgia. i somehow i was on or go to the present. i sat 20 feet from him. but you know,
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i the general feeling from the crowd it was palpable. it's that we need more than words he gives. he's great at every for giving flowery language. great words. but they are demanding action right now. as a democrat, i'll tell you, we're just not getting enough of it. well, and that action right now, it's got a lot of legislation that is held up and most then steve, i've got actually going into a 2nd year, especially if democrats do lose control of the house and senate are going to see a change or is the immediate going to become tough on bite and knowing that they're going to have to push them out of office and possibly get someone else put it may become a harris. well, i think they know right now, see the media is going tougher on biden and criticizing his policies because they see the polls and they're trying to prevent the massacre that is probably coming in november or red wave if you will. and that's the only reason they're not getting tougher on by net of fairness,
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they're getting tougher on by now to fear out of keeping their agenda alive. and look, this nonsense joe biden is out running for president again in 3 more years. are we kidding ourselves? and the fact that kamala harris, you think the media it, does anybody think the media takes salis in the back? that com? allah harris will be the person and position. i mean, she has worse approval ratings than joe biden. she can't answer a question. she used to laugh now she gets that confrontational, i mean, that they're in a, in a disaster phase, the total disaster phase. but it's interesting, you know, buying today said that republicans come up to him and they say, you know, we're with, you know, these are these bills, but that we can't do it or we'll get primaries at 5 republicans have come up to him . and then he whispers, you know, like 90 percent of the schools are up in 90 percent. it shut it just pathetic. it really is been steve. your point. he announces press conference. he did say that he was around 2024. he was going to keep comma harris on the ticket. a lot of
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democrats had, you know, how much don't run again, how do you just do what your job right now? tell people you're not doing all of these move to play out. so i've had ask you on this robin, would it have been better for in the 1st day of his 2nd 2nd year in office typically do you what i don't want to run again, i want to do it's best today not to pander to get people elected. and calmly, harris agrees me agrees with me that in that way, is it wrong to already be talking about 2024 when you're actually seeing the oval office right now? look, donald president, donald trump, his 1st day in office filed for we like that. it's true. i don't think there's anything. i don't think there's anything wrong with it. i just don't know that it's the best course for the party for one thing. but the country as well, but i've got to be intellectually honest. here i was staff on obama's campaign and i'm telling you the 1st entire year of his presidency. i was disheartened and discouraged about like i am right now with joe biden. so i'm hoping that we see of course correction, but i remember very vividly being so broken hearted and discouraged. right about
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the same phase in obama's presidency. and then things did turn around. we got what some progressives wanted to hear at that time. we're just not getting that from bio well be completely on robin let not your heart be troubled because before biden starts thinking about his next election, we actually need to find some solutions for multiple problems facing this country at the moment. but here is what he said about reelection. why would i not running this, donald trump even now? many that increase the prospect of running? well, i want to bring back in our full paddle what their final thoughts on the 1st year. and the biggest mistakes made by this president, and what should be a priority going into the 2nd year in the oval office? we have our tennessee gill run bureau and steve malls berg for my favorite friends of the show, robert kilo your 1st step on the wall. tell me, what do you think that joe biden did probably that improved on and what should be a priority going into year to why you're the easy one can get to go 1st. i think we
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can all agree of gamma stand the we'll draw a will is not so much that there was a withdrawal, but the nature of that will draw. we knew something. tar meaning between mike pompeo and the taliban. that one the time. certain to get out was going to be they so started to draw process the minute they got into the oval office and had a clear and orderly way. we should. i was to had 30 marines a die those gates which it outs in those scenes of mass chaos, people hanging off of airplane and then going forward what he has skills book points on the board for democrats in the midterm elections. and that means is a good of order to that means cutting compromises, cutting deals. that means kit, we're passing a series of small packages of the cultural, big one, the airports on the board because high goal to the child react to the incumbent executive order. steve deal is that why this president did actually accomplish anything, is executive orders, considering the majority of them that he put these 1st year have been struck down even by the supreme court. i think you ought to do a whole raft of executive orders and go back to the trump energy policies. go back
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to the truck border policies, go back to the economic policies that refueling a great economy because gas prices are higher because of, you know, check off our own pipeline. our florida capabilities are falling in shambles because nobody trust or really heavy reliance is president will do what he says or where mean what he says. so, you know, go back to trump policies. i think you'd see a, a big resurgence. i think the other thing is that this president has to find a way to in a meaningful way, reach out. i mean, they came in with a 5050 split in the city, a 5 or 6 seat majority of the house. the narrowest margins we've seen, perhaps in history, and their attitude was we don't need any republicans, we're going to condemn them. we're going to demonize them column races. and are you seeing the error? those ways? i just don't think you can put that to face back in the to well talk about to face a lot of best, pearly white smile. i believe on this palla for of your good roddenberry in erica. i'm coming to you on this one. unity, that's a president biden said was gonna be in a space the 1st year didn't necessarily. 1 happen,
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are we going to see that more be the theme of the 2nd? yes it's, it's joe biden. the elder states. he will of course be sigma his coon by our story and trying to trying to give us unity. but we're, we're just as fractured as we were during the trump era. and it's, it's even inner party fractures that we're seeing right now with them the democratic parties still. so i think he's got to kind of drop that stick work some on some party building. got for the love of god, please work on the messaging is the worst democrats. my party is notorious at just bad messaging period. they need to rewrite the entire book on message, which is hilarious coming after the trump administration, where the malls were grill agree, messaging and communication was not the key to all the work that was being done. the trump administration, purpose or not. that was, we say malls where i'm gonna give you the final word on this. what did i need to do going into this year? and where was the biggest thunder from last?
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i mean, i don't know where to start. i mean, certainly, afghanistan was a very, very important, but if you ask the american public, they would say the economy or, or cove it now on the economy today. the press conference, he said, well, you know, let, let, let my infrastructure bill and let's pass some bill back better and, and that'll help the inflation and, and prices in the economy that'll take years. i mean that's ridiculous. also divisiveness. it's not going to get better. you know, joe biden doesn't run the show. joe biden has speech riders you think he hired the speech writers. he read that speech in georgia because he was told to read that speech in georgia today. he gave kind of a, well, if you are bull connor than your bull connor kind of comment when asked about it, so he's not backing down and it's only going to get worse. he attacked donald trump today, once or twice in the divisiveness will continue. and i just think he's finished, well initial, he actually has 3 more years of a term, so we'll see where that goes. with that one, see mark mainly may div mailer robert and robin. hey, he made it this far. there's
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a lot of people betting you won't even make it to the 1st year. so there's a, they did lose vegas on that tom and thanks for joining me. and once again, our show has come to an end, but this conversation really does not have to end to tweet me. your thoughts on president biden 1st year and office at chatty, and he's the hash tag team and vh, until we meet against a happy se healthy day inform. thankfully ah, ah! when i would so seemed wrong when i was just a sheep, how'd you seem to come to an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves willing to part, we choose to look for common ground.
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ah, with the so called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the u. s. officials were basically designed as techniques to break down the human mind. if you force a human being to stay in a certain position doesn't take very long to the pain involved to become absolutely excruciating. but nobody's lean finger on you, you are doing it to yourself. we started adopting those techniques when i was stationed in mosul. among them were stress, possession, sleep deprivation. inducing hypothermia is already beginning to be evidence that these old techniques are now being used on immigrants. and children,
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whatever you do or more comes from home, nobody has been held accountable for the torture that happened in the past. and the moral authority, the made america leader sucker fudge of the shimmer of effective interrogation. wanda mic no, no borders line nationalities. and you as a merge, we don't have with the we don't have a vaccine. the whole world needs to take action and be ready. people are judgment, common crisis with we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great. the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud
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that we are in it together. ah yes they go farther up on that particular court man. ily believe you could call them push and push it if i heard of you both or just somebody somebody from a few minutes ago, but it was 3 to what i still love, the sub leverage. they're good at the but i booked a very few believe about what did you hope? all right, from what you will be with you know, walking you this was our partner with you. well, thank you bye for both for pretty weaker. clear from a brochure for documents that are in your bill.
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ah, top stories, this are the russian co vaccine. sputnik li, demonstrate. strong protection against the recently emerged. alma crohn strain according to a new italian study, and also produces more anti bodies in the fire at jap, also to come criminal negligence. that's high russia's foreign ministry is describing the work of some western germ, this thinking to mislead the public into believing russia wants to invade trade, despite continuous denials from it's a shows in moscow. and disturbing declassified video shows the 2nd for u. s. strain care was 10 afghan civilians, 7 of the miners as children walk around on the street in one of the most appalling incidents in the botched august withdrawal from the country and also to come errands. president abraham, what i see speak.


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