tv Sophie Co. Visionaries RT January 21, 2022 3:30am-4:01am EST
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our last day we were speaking about black host. this time, since we're meeting face to face, i thought i would ask you all the big questions. good. because i don't know and i'm going to see you next. so let's start with this. you are noble crisis for studying electra week interactions, the 4 great interactions that govern the universe of which gravity is the most basic one. so gravity for us is this. think that help us stay grounded. so we don't so are somewhere in the universe. but do we have any idea of how gravity actually came? what it is, is, can there be a universe without gravity? will gravity didn't just come and go. it's not a force you can switch on and off or something like that. gravity has always been there. the question is, of course, to understand how to describe it. that was the kind of questions we finished ask. we don't ask an explanation as to why is it there and how did it come?
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our questions are, are we have to ask her? how does it work? how does it fit in is a rest renewal of science and the ultimate goal is have all scientific phenomenon, whatever they are described by the same basic equations for the same basic theory that covers everything and the suby it that we have worked very, very well is the 3 other forces, electromagnetic weekend, storm forces, among the fundamental particles, the particles of hold that are to which everything is built. we understand those forces much better. oh sure, we have a fairly complete description. bet. let me try to put in gravity receive how difficult it is as if we are missing out on something. and how to do it. very precise, she, we simply don't know what to be. do realize that gravity as very similarities,
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it looks very much like the other forces, the, the way it acts on, partisan and objects is very similar, but are very important element, different differences. gravity, xle mass. why is that? and are already einstein noted that the fact cavity just actual mass makes is very, very special. and you can regard gravity as a property of space and time themselves. since he believes that cavity actually is related to the other forces. well, you might think back also the other forces have to do with space and time themselves. but we're not that far yet to work on the sand. all forces have been due to one particular phenomenon, even though they're very many, many series around that suggest how this could happen. be simply don't have you clue as to what the actually could have dancers. so you're saying in your words, that gravity has always been and to relate to space and time. and here i want to
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ask you about, where are we all coming from? because a lot of scientists agree that the big bank was lake the think that actually gave birth to our universe. but then the theories differ very much of what was before the big bank. some say that it was another universe that gave birth to our universe, others said there was nothing, not even time. what do you think? i would, i would favor that last view. that time just begins at the big bang literally. so recall the call at the moment that all clocks are set to civil and there was nothing before that. so it looks as if the whole universe was in its simplest possible form when everything got started and all that needed to be done, some of them to pull the switch, not literally both turn well with the 4 actually. and then universe starts exp,
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then i saw where those equations come from and then who pulled the switch. that is not the kind of question the science can answer her. but nor can you answer the question as to what happened before that. so as far as we know, there was nothing before that, so i would rather abstain from answering that as far as i can tell, there was nothing before and before most well when, when the switches that, you know, i mean, i know that science and religion are like completely separate but then a lot of people would say ok, you're saying that science cannot explain what was before the switch or the big bank. that's because it's god. would you say that it's possible? maybe it is god or that is just what he does is believes without any basis and the idea sizes, we only accept a beliefs if they have some basis and toss if he can check them experimentally. and the notion of god doesn't help us any because nobody can check that. right,
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so let's talk specific. so we have the micro, that is something that we cannot see that's not tangible for me. and the micro old, this is where we humans operate and we, you know, what, we can grasp things, the celestial bodies, et cetera. both worlds are ruled by completely radically different. last, i would say, where is it that the micro world ends and the macro universe begins? where is this for is not truly these 2 are totally different worlds. in fact, they're all just one world. so all those stars and planets for time, roaming around your universe, they're built on the same particles that you study in our laboratories and the smallest units of meta sort of smaller units of rubber made up everything. so if, in principle, if you would know exactly what the laws are that move the particles around, then we can on the sand, how size and planets are made,
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how galaxies are made of size and so on. and if a whole new versus made. so there's no for the mental boundary between those worlds . it's just one world. and this is certainly the way we prefer to see things that there's just one world. this world is based, is made out of particles, that 1st form planets and stars and galaxies, and then together in these form the entire universe. but there's no boundary anywhere. but to thing we can ever come up with a precise formula that would explain how this little particles to micro world actually influences this quantity, particles influence and transform the mock where reality that we live in. well, science actually has gone a long way to say to say yes, you do her. a very precise you about how she goes about. we understand the forces that exiting particles. we understand how to describe them. we don't know where they come from, but they do understand how to describe them. and we know how motion of this
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particle is being described, how to come together. how are you in the act and how to conform substances that ultimately give the shape to planets and stars. and you know why stars appends behaved a way to do because these particles, for instance, in the song of the stars down nuclear reactions taking place. but those nuclear reactions are described by the physics that you know about it. considering these, i meant the building blocks. so it already all hangs together. there's much one known as many people realize, but our science is a huge topic. so although i've seen that a lot to be know it also don't, we don't know. so i think there cannot be one formula that needs to be many formulas. some of them we have already that explain this mechanism. well, it's almost one forma for the ready. if it's on a coffee here,
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jaw or so, then i can, i don't want one piece of paper, you can write down the formula which basically symbolizes or forces that exist. then we have reached that stage already. the only thing not book there or put only in some, in somewhat in honor of school form is gravity itself. so we can add gravity through the laws of particles. basically it's very simple. particles move, not the straight lines anymore, but the move in lines are the slightly bent because erica invitational force. and if that's all you saying, i say, okay, we also understand how gravity action the whole system. so what's the problem? the palm is at the i domains where we want to describe the particles where the gravity force explores. that's when potters come to close together and where space and time gets too much curved. and then on, sammy stops. and we want to have a better, a complete view of what the creatures are that govern that domain. should there be
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relies or something missing in our fundamental understanding of gravity? something extremely important. if you could answer those questions, you suddenly put the whole thing in a different perspective. this far we understand that or to make all the questions fit together properly. and we haven't quite succeed in doing that, them, but he's gone a long way. but that's not gonna written office for something missing class and so far from physics or quantum physics at you know, i'm just someone who is interested in things that like to me it's mind boggling that you're saying, like you said, we've gone so far. but yet we're missing the understanding of the most basic fundamental thing that is grammy. well jammed itself. we have ice, i'm siri and a dorky stream you will for stars and planets. so i'm so noted that if you are more precise than what newton did come with centuries, you call you get
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a slightly different shape of the of the order of particles. although we managed to reproduce newton's had 599.9 percent. so, so basically newton was right, there's no question about that, but it can be done more precisely. that's what i'm saying. farmed prevents. we're going to take a short break right now where we're back. we'll continue talking to noble prize winner. professor carrot hoped we're talking about what this universe is laid out to stay with us. don't go away with. i think we'll find out about the skill accord. man, anybody, if you could call them push and push it? if i had a fever, there was somebody in some sort of a few minutes. that was 3. see what i still love to sell it at the. but i bought
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a very few believe about what will be with you. hope all right from what you will be with, you know what you this was a way of like you, but a pretty weaker clear from a brush your project mr. are in your blue with ah, and i make no borders under the keys. and you fresh as emerge, we don't have a therapy, we don't have a vaccine. the whole world leads to take action to be ready. people are judgment. 2 common crisis with we can
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do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great, the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together with so called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the u. s. officials were basically designed as techniques to break down the human mind. if you force a human being to stay in a certain position doesn't take very long to the pain involved to become absolutely excruciating, but nobody's lane finger on you. you are doing it to yourself. and we started
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adopting those techniques when i was station in mosul. among them, wordpress positions sleep deprivation. inducing hypothermia. there's already beginning to be evidence that these old techniques are now being used on immigrant children, whatever you do or more comes home. nobody has been held accountable for the torture that happened in the past and the moral authority, the made america awarded or sacrifice. but the shimmer of effective inter ah and we're back with professor at harvard professor because you're saying, you know, if we find out exactly what is gravity,
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then things could turn out to be completely different from what we thought. do you feel like some day will come to a point where newton's physics and einstein's relativity could turn out to work in a completely different way? the thing that you all expect actually is that the language will have to be modified and use a certain language to describe the particles rhetorical to particles. mean here. moving to there about a plan of me here, move to their plan of being was causing particles. you all those words and those words work very well on the ordinary circumstances, but the suspicion is they will fail. they will describe gravity at a very, very short distance range, much stier distances even than the size of the particles dense things go wrong in our discussion. and we won't be gracious. i do not want to go home anywhere. and this you did not succeed in, but the belief is, well, we'll have to modify our language to get this right. and that is quite normal.
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that's actually where i'm son davis from newton. i'm son is covered a different language to say the same things as neutral. so notice that was not wrong, but you have to say to a different language. and then you discover you can do what precisely. dictations newton ever did in particular ice and found that the fat light only go to the finite speed at the same everywhere. that fact was look properly incorporated in. you can siri to do that, right? you need a different language arts and found that language. and this happens again and again, quantum mechanics is the fundamental theory that describes how particles have forces on each other and how they move. it's a totally different language from what people used to before. and that language helped us to get a better description is fundamentally better. now we understand our atoms move all our chemical reactions. work at them is one of the simple thing. an atom just consists of a nucleus is electrons going around it like a solar system? what's so complicated about it,
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but then we find that quantum mechanics makes it complicated and generates are things that we call chemistry atoms attract a repel. each of those forces are quite complex, yet they are basically understood by quantum mechanics. provided you, do you use this new language, which is a very mysterious language, we want understand that a wise languages there. and i fear that you have to change the language again. ok, so let's try to do it right now. for instance, if we take the quantum entanglement theory right, for me, and mortal who is far from physics, the way i understand it is that you have 2 particles no matter how far away they're from each other. and somehow they react at the same time, to the changes that are done to the both of those particles or many particles. i don't know. so what is it exactly? does the information travel faster than light?
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what's going on here? well, i am convinced that those worse that, that you will not inventing because you've, you heard the many times. yes. those are actually on kind of language. it is not true. the information travels faster than light. we know that for pretty for sure, because i see these were extremely well and they tell you that information never was faster than light. and in all our quantum series, also information is not or fastened light to when they say it does go faster. it means that they're using the wrong language. indeed, if entanglement is a very special phenomenon that you only encounter in quantum physics, and it has to do with this information, we have marco's particles. if you know how one party is oriented, you can sometimes know other particles oriented because radical spin and then orientation that way. but it's been a very special way. you can only understand in quantum language if used the quantum language, only nothing goes faster than light. and this is the way we have learned to
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describe the fundamental particles, but people want to understand what they're doing. they want them cent discount them language is fine, but there's something fishy about is something we don't believe if you want to go deeper, we dig deeper when they deeper they find out maybe other way to discard the what's going on. and in this other language, it looks as if information was faster light. i think personally that's a lie because those people think to have her right and found a better language, but they have not defined a worse language. the best language you can use who called mechanics, is all use the language to help us forward in the past. and don't try to think what it really means. that's good for the moment, but many people say no, no, we can't have that. we can't have this crazy anguish, delaying just tell you exactly where a particle is. it won't tell you where a particle is. this some probability, and we don't want that probability language a. we don't want to save all you if it's whole dice, never know where i shall go because
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a lot of probability no has hold the dice very carefully. you know how to make it to 6 is right. it, i mean a very higher magician my name to told die such a way those guess to sixes if knows exactly how that works. very hard difference will possible. so that's the important in quantum we can use. well, we think of something underneath that says there's no should to 6 at all. quantum can, is just a, a bad language of something that's much better, but we don't understand what it is, but kept it as for as an ordinary person. the more i dwell than to this whole quantum mechanics and i'm listening to you. it still seems pretty random to me, you know, like i said, god doesn't play dice. you're saying there is no dice. but then at the same time you're saying it's impossible to predict exactly brain. so to me it sounds like quantum physics is more of a like as
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a terry discipline rather than like a precise science because it's all probabilities that we're talking about now. well, you have to understand that this world consists of particles which interact with each other. but just imagine how many particles are, are how many product are in your body. this non more, you can count any computer. so if you very easily then do a world as infinitely complex while not only infinitely very, very complex. so complex that is hopeless to predict exactly where every party was going. that doesn't mean it bothers, don't know where they're going. they do know they are exactly prescribed by laws of nature. but we don't understand those laws of nature well off to be able to foresee where a particle will be going. so we use the laws of statistics. there's actually a very smart move the scientists made from beginning of the previous century to say, well, we all know for sure others are going,
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but we know where to go on average. and that has been extremely helpful. and basically, that's all you need because in practice, it's never possible to control all the particles that are running around somewhere else. hopeless. so don't even die. don't even dream about it. just say, okay, we know where the moving average does good enough for us. if you can get the maximum amount of information about that, that's what we want. that's the presence state of affairs. that's how we understand how, but a physics works or quantum physics works. but it doesn't tell us what is on the line all exactly are. so what i want to know is what tells a party what exactly where to go? even though it's impossible for us to reproduce it, it will not be able to use that knowledge to make better predictions. and quantum physics itself is all as probability distributions. think of an insurance company that wants to fix the premium for someone who's insured in principle,
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what they could try to do is calculate exactly in advance what the lifetime of a person will be and whether you make an action or not. and exactly, estimate the premium for that, but that's what was hopeless. no insurance company can do that. they don't want to do that. they say, okay, that this is the general probabilities. this is for to chooses a basis for how much insurance you, how much you pay for your insurance. so that's the same way quantum mechanics today . it also works at the way we are. we don't even try to make a better prediction than what he can do. it doesn't make any sense because situations who do have make what extremely well. so little is if you are what chemistry is and so on. so when, when a, or listened to you speak about the nature of this whole quantum mechanics, it reminds me how are great near scientists speak of human brain because they're saying no, no, no, it's not that. at the neurons, there are infinite there,
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that the 3rd there shouldn't number, but it is so many of them and the connections between them. it's hopeless to try and figure out each one of them. so the last that we have so far worked somewhat. okay, would you say there's a connection? does our conscious maybe our brain has a quentin nature as well? i personally don't think that's the case. so quantum mechanics determines exactly how all chemical reactions take place and his chemical reaction like steamy complex . and obviously they are of great importance for the way our new systems work. and so in that sense, con, again, it is very important from sallie how to brain functions, but the memory cells themselves, i don't believe that based on quantum mechanics. many people think so, but i disagree. i don't believe that. i think the memory celsius contains certain chemical particle sitting somewhere or sitting or somewhere else, like somewhere else that comes a state, a new one is and,
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and that's the way we memorize things. and that's quite enough for all practical purposes. so i think our brain, we will be able to do very well without using called mechanics to explain how many cells in our planes work. we only need quantum mechanics to explain how the chemistry works. but once you know that you can just, you know, close to get the complicated look. now open up your chemistry book than you know how of neurons will transmit information to one another. then you close that comes the book again. and, and you say, now i only need my computer books, my computer manual, the manual says that if you, that, if you know whole the hardware, this is a software you can produce. and the most miraculous features in the brain is a software. how does our brain work, and how does, how are we able to think? and that includes the concept that he called consciousness. so some of my colleagues, they attach some mistake value to the notion of consciousness,
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but i don't, i think consciousness is, is a question of information. and in particular, if nation about yourself and information about your environment, full information. so to be able to, to investigate all information that comes to you and to make use of that, all that together is consciousness and his intelligence. so next step of course is to understand intelligence, human intelligence. but all that is basically a question of software. i mean, we can't see, we can't see intelligence and we can't see consciousness. we open a scalp. you said here of what you don't see consciousness. that's why i think it's something that if you open a computer, what do you see? a lot of you see a lot of wires. yeah, i don't understand what's what's in what's, what's the information inside of the computer? no, i don't really sure. she'll know all these little things here. so this is just the 1st half of our in depth talk with professor nobel prize winner. parents had hoped about the way universe works. stay tuned for the 2nd part.
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ah there may. oh yeah, we should all be mayor. may we should all be angry. oh, what's going on? right? can't understand united states history and the role that slavery play is already a very formal institution. by the time united states became a nation, it actually find the nation, the rise of capitalism clearly on the backs of flight. and it's laid down if you had investigated lynchings, any great extent. you believe that really,
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your country and country still dancing brick. i'm from the south. everybody know, know what they're saying. to some extent, i would argue that we're still fighting the civil war and the south is winning. yes, me. i didn't know where, in fact will i, lisa typical. there is only 9, but already 8 university students that away and rational a new month appointment. let's see. yep. you got the doors to deal with. i am not able to go with no recalls with now brochure and of course with them when you're special. but i
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will say, yeah, my what i said, and of course what certified that was to get up to him was in your mind shipments i'm dealing with soon lose with, with his teacher over with him. oh, the wrong one. i just don't hold any world to shape out disdain, because the answer to an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground.
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on this addition to the program, we discussed the ongoing nato, russia pensions. we asked, what is nato strategy also, what is russia strategy dealing with nato eastward expansion? and what are the likely outcomes for both his the earth still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos. you know, it's got its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon isn't trying to get into the step by step. the amazon empire has extended its group on the world that walks like a duck inquiry like a dog gets it. so amazon looks like monopoly trades like a monopoly makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly. amazon essentially controls the market place. it's not really a market as a private arena, a world where a single company controls the distribution of all day. the products and the infrastructure of our economy is loose. the world, according to amazon,
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with russia's foreign minister and the u. s. secretary of states are about to meet in geneva for crucial regional security. talks amid escalate intentions. either ukraine moscow speak south against americas, the parents. defamation of r. t and fellows news agency. sputnik after washington accuses them up spreading dis information. we examine the allegations, reports claims, former pope benedicts, the 16 failed to take action, the allegations of sexual abuse among the clergy in germany. and another high rise is to be built in london with the same households. as the notorious gwen felt.
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