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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EST

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nobody has been held accountable for the torture that happened in the past and the moral authority that made america or sacrifice for the shimmer of effective interrogation. ah, scenes from a 5th stand off that at this moment is unfolding in brussels, a dying boiling over against kobe restrictions, and that of a government plan for vaccine mandate will bring you life pictures from brussels in just a moment or 2 in the weekly personal views that can cost you your job. a german navy admiral stepped down off to respond to diplomatic route by publicly saying prime. mia is now a plot of russia with also a fight over fact checking here one r t international is russia,
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last year's alpha us officials on the media. pushing fresh unproven claims against moscow. publish bright ahead of those crucial security tool with it's enough to scroll through a couple of random pages to be sure, none of the provisions stand up to any critical analysis. in many cases, it is simply a loo. recently notified congress of our intent to deliver and 17 helicopters, often that his round of de escalation talks to us joins other nato member states and ramping up supplies of weapons to kiev. but tells russia to pull back its own troops on its own soil. with so i'd welcome to the weekly here with ality into national the sunday program where we highlight the top headlines over the past week. and we do start this our in
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brussels. it's where a huge march right now is underway against cove. it restrictions that have relentless government pressure to get backs and we're showing your life pictures right now. as we understand though, right? police are out in force deploying crowd control weapon. ah, you can see that attends, stand off unfolding right that the police are using tear gas and water cannon. a belgium already requiring vaccine certificates of public venues, including restaurants and bars. and guess what? the rules have just got even tougher with a coven pass validity period. shortens a just a 150 days. what does that mean? it means millions of people will have no choice but to take booster shots and some lawmakers, a pushing for a full nation wide vaccine mandate. following austria is example, that's an idea that has sparked wide spread fury. for example, a,
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so far as we understand, no injuries have been reported. so let's bring in some live pictures for iraq, not here at the international. much of the anger is being directed to the new leadership with a crowd rallying outside the european actions service in brussels. a people there in charging freedom and calling for an evening of covey rules. i mean, just to give you a bit more information about this, brussels is not the only hot spot, the anti cove. it protest by any stretch. athens, helsinki, london, paris, stock comb and vienna are all seeing tens of thousands of people hitting the streets. now in these light fixtures here, you can see all the crowds we understand. they are there in the vicinity. but you have to understand how these people feel in vienna, austria now with a vaccine mandate that goes to define mandate. we'll have to pay over $3000.00 euros every single month. now we've got protests in all major european capitals at the moment. but how do these people feel when in england bars johnson has just
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eradicated all coven restrictions in england? no copay, passport, no copays past no mosques, no mandatory vaccine mandates, no social distancing. so you understand why these people might feel like they're getting the short end of a stick here. when some countries like england, for example, are dropping all their cobra restrictions. now we are getting reports here, unconfirmed right now, of possible vandalism happening in brussels against the shops on line. some people are saying it's not the protestors, but it is members from and t 4. now that is not confirmed as of yet, but have a look at this. ah now there by committing to everybody. there was water everywhere.
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with people trying to work with the other side. there is there to person, to protest. the peaceful with people are angry about the classes and the choice we like to read about time. there is lot of smoke everywhere. i don't know about the police with maybe the minutes ago this rule, water vector rate it looks like are showing even the slightest support for russia can cost you dearly. and the current political climate. a german at navy chief has had to resign off the se in crimea is now a part of russia and the west should stop demonizing vladimir putin. as you can imagine, his words have spoke a major diplomatic backlash. as peter oliver now express vice admiral k. r him
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shown by caused big shocks on saturday evening, as he stood down from his role as chief of the german navy. it follows comments that he made about the russian president vladimir burton and the ongoing tensions between russia, ukraine and nato. following this fall out from what he said and everything revolving around it, he felt his position had become untenable. i have just asked the federal minister of defense to release me from my duties as inspector of the navy with immediate effect. the thoughtless comments i made in the neon security and military policy are increasingly weighing on my office in order to prevent further damage to the german navy. i consider this a necessary step. the federal minister has accepted my request. well, it all relates the comments that shown by made while he was in india speaking to a defense think tank. he was speaking about crimea, which he said would remain part of russia also about the russian president,
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vladimir burton, who he said only once, respect, and probably deserves respect is folly russia because he can do it is easy to give him the respect he needs and also his us economy of it's was, it's got no commer. this is the fact once the video became public, there was outcry from sections of society saying they had shown by hand to go more than an embarrassment what the german maybe commander says here on the label. utterly unacceptable, there must be consequences. but this is not the position of german foreign office vice admiral playing down the russian sabre rattling. this is a shocking statement since crimea was annexed by russia. it almost sounds like god, blood for putting fire hen and navy chief must not play his own foreign policy game in a crisis. clearly vice admiral sean bark thought he was off the record, but he was also fundamentally wrong on prospects of appeasing russia. ukraine is
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also not happy with what has gone on. in fact, the foreign ministry in kiev is calling on germany to officially distance themselves from their fall, the navy chief and what he had to say. they saying that these comments went on to undermine the sovereignty of ukraine, the foreign minister there calling them on acceptable. but this is just the latest issue that we've seen very recently between kiev berlin just last week. there were problems over the fact that berlin doesn't want to send weapons into ukraine. also, germany has locked the sale of a stony and weapons that were german made to ukraine. this su concerning the now former navy chief, just the latest and was becoming a growing number of problems just a short time ago in this program, i spoke with the journalist and author thomas fast, and he told us what he thinks about the german advice out of rules views on crimea
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and moscow engine. of course, the year, the leadership, the job, political leadership and the media are concerned about the fact that within the rank and file off the government of the army and among the population. there is this common sense understanding that crimea will remain within russia and that there is, there is this common understanding that whatever mr. put in did over the last 20 years or whether it's against our so, or for us whether we like it or not. mm hm. and deserves a certain level of respect. so i would say the fact that that, that provoked the anger was that this was not that he does not represent a solitary and individual opinion here. but rather why did distributed one that you get this feeling over the last weeks, not only among the population, there was always a strong consensus in terms of good relations with russia. but among the countries
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leadership, the leading media that there are certain initiatives that say, well, it's not cite too strongly here with one side in this conflict. and people understand that the ukraine is not the model democracy that we have to defend, that germany has to defend at all costs that this is but a by and large, an effort to project us power right up to the, to the russian border. and the extent to which germany wants to support such an effort by the u. s. g of politicians as not meet consensus here in this country. and in yet another wave of accusations against russia, this time the british foreign office, claiming to have her evidence of a plot to install a pro moscow government in key. if it's something russia has already slammed as nonsense. the misinformation spread by the british foreign office is more evidence that it is the nato countries lead by the anglo saxons, thus escalating tensions around ukraine. we call in the british foreign office to
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stop provocative activities. stop spreading nonsense and concentrate on studying the history of the total mongol yoke. the british government has so far provided no evidence to back up its claim of a russian plotting ukraine. but london has named a formal ukrainian n p. you have any more idea as a potential pro kremlin candidate. he's expressed a well, pretty sincere surprise about that pointing out that he's actually been banned from russia since 2018. we've sent a request to the british foreign office asking them to clarify the allegations. we'll let you know what kind of response we get from them. in the meantime though, just a few minutes ago, i spoke with adrian, cassandra, political risk consultant and lawyer. he thinks the u. k. allegation stem from the countries own internal political crisis. britain left you some time ago and it's 6 for its place in the world. we know that the global brit written project appears to be a force that we know the currently or is johnson is having
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a very serious trouble. and in my opinion, what the british government is doing through the british intelligence is to find me to say it's place with framework to contain russia. also, we have to bear in mind at least trust is aiming to step into boys. johnson shoes is a big advantage. we'll have to go in february and one time through russia and portray, has a totally read leader who can, you know, is to talk to kremlin. and to me put in this, all of the politics within the tory party and national politics in the u. k. so yes, it is a distraction is not only the u. k, which our moscow believes as bog down in so called fake news. just a hours ahead of this week. so security talks are the u. s. date, the pop, an outline what it cited as examples of russian dis,
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information. russia's foreign minister was critical of both the content, but perhaps more importantly, it's timing as well. it's you more, you go, go to rosie, but the lease documents which the u. s. state department has of course prepared deliberately for today's meeting. a simply impossible to read. it's enough to scroll through a couple of random pages to be sure. none of the provisions stand up to any critical analysis. in many cases, it is simply align reduce, coin, or sponsor russia has drawn up now its own fact checking. lesson meantime, accused washington of a so called toxic campaign being waged against russia. well, let's get both sides of this story is our senior correspondent, murat gazda. if you may have seen this list, a fantastic exposure say of russian fiction, that's a good read, bold print and a world painted in black and white. simplified, pre digested and regurgitated russians. bad americans, good liter does not in circle russia. nato
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enlargement is not directed against russia. over the last 20 years old nato coalition potential has been a mass on its eastern flank. the lance is expansion towards russian. borders is accompanied by the creation earned modernization of military infrastructure. russia has 16 neighbors in the ninety's. only one of those was the nato state that it became to poland joined. then it became 5 with ukraine and ga, potentially joining. that would be 7 with all the perks that carries like us bases and troops. pray tell how is that not the dictionary definition of encirclement? russia is use a statement from high level officials, as well as disinformation and propaganda outlets to intentionally spread outright falsehoods, to attempt to create
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a pretext for military action. we all know how the u. s. uses differ information to create a pretext for invading independent states. the irony seems lost entirely on the us state department. we still remember collin bow, right. sadam. hussein has not verifiably accounted for even one teaspoonful of this deadly material. the chief of the state department. whether of all around 2 decades ago, lying to the world, about saddam's weapons of mass destruction. and setting the stage for the invasion of iraq, which killed an estimated half a 1000000 people. because i don't believe that russia has come close to that level of misinformation. there are no credible reports of any ethnic russians or russia. speakers been under threats from the ukrainian government violations of the right self. the multi 1000000 russian speaking population in
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ukraine have reached an enormous level. the government dobs a discriminatory laws on language education and so called indigenous peoples driving the russian language. out of all the spheres of life, ukraine is not that democratic paradise. the washington portrays it to be and is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, say various reports, a country where the leaders of the 2 biggest opposition parties are right now, being prosecuted and persecuted, a say to keep them out of power. a country where opposition media has been forced to shut down one after the other or attacked without any sort of international reaction. ethnic russians are no longer recognized as native residents. the russian language, the native language of a 3rd of the ukrainian population. as now forbidden and schools and government in
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coffee shops in supermarkets. yes, russians in ukraine are very much the de finish it of persecuted. nato never promised not to admit new members. on the 9th of february 1990 u. s. secretary of state, james baker said, during the meeting with the soviet foreign minister, edward shivered. not say about the ironclad guarantees that nato jurisdictions and military units won't move an inch eastwood. it's a sorry world where, where russians know what the state department said better than the state department . the shame, the director of the cia robert gates famously warned against the expansion of nato because and i quote, gorbachev's and others were led to believe that that wouldn't happen. west german foreign minister hands did their gunship and i quote, this is to a large crowd. nato should rule out any expansion of its territory towards the east,
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moving it closer to the soviet borders. i have much more just not enough time, but it is remarkable how a document that sets out a fight russian. this information bays and basks in so many lies of it so that even our tears become a target of these u. s. accusations. the state department has released to report insisting that arts, he and fellow news outlet. sputnik, a use dis information, instead of supporting mainstream narratives where the report even accuses our russian meteor of portraying ukraine as a nazi state. and to back that up had mentioned an article written for our tea by historian paul robinson. here's what, what the article actually says. the problem here is not that the government is a fascist john. so that is clearly an enormous exaggeration. despite restrictions on the use of the russian language and the recent repression of some anti
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government meter personalities, ukraine remains really free and open society. it's not remotely fascist. an article i wrote in which i actually say that the idea that the credit in government is fascist, is an enormous exaggeration. and that ukraine is not remotely fascist. is specifically what i say in the article. and yet this article is linked to in the state department report as evidence by r t is spreading the false narrative that ukraine is a fascist state or is the article in fact says the direct opposite. and then does more similar sort of full statements on the next page about something else. the story about a boy who was killed in a rebel occupied don't bass, and the russian press reported that he'd been killed by ukrainian drone. the state department report says that the o s. c. investigated and stated that the boy was not killed by
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a drug and event provides a link to the o. s c e report. but when you go to and you can read what the o s c said, this does not say that the boy was not killed by a drug. it's simply states that the boy was killed by shrapnel and blast injuries. so the statement in the state department report, b o c e said that is in totty on true. and as the u. s. calls for russia to pull back its troops from the ukrainian border. the 1st shipment of washington, $200000000.00 military aid package, arrived in kia on saturday. i would note that the united states has delivered more security assistance to ukraine in the last year than any point in history. these deliveries are ongoing, including today there's more deliveries coming. we recently notified congress of our intent to deliver and 17 helicopters on the other night. her members are estonia, life in lithuania, they've all pledged to send lethal weapons to strengthen ukraine's ability to
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defend itself in the event of a russian invasion. now russia denies all the allegations about planning any kind of military offensive. germany meantime, does not support sending weapons to ukraine, saying it will not help to defuse the crisis. so key of now accused berlin of undermining the unity between nato allies and essentially encouraging putin so called invasion. however, germany does claim that alms exports will only push the tensions higher. the federal government has had a clear stance regarding arms exports in recent years. we have not supported the export of lethal weapons from germany. meanwhile, local authorities and the self proclaimed on yes republic claim around a $120000.00 ukrainian soldiers have now got that on the border. the civilians in the vaults on region have been living in fear of more than 7 years already. it seems their lives might even now be at greater risk due to the escalating tension as well. we discussed all of this with
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a former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. he believes washington's arms export to ukraine are not only counter productive, but at the end of the day they clearly undermine regional security. if you don't said leave a weapons in the united states. that opens up joe biden to criticism from congress at a time when he needs congressional support for domestic programs. so, you know, we're, we're, we're seeing, here's the consequences of allowing your foreign policy, your national security policy to be hijacked, by domestic little the fact that tony blinking his meeting with lab rob to discuss a diplomatic off ramp for the current crisis. at the same time, the united states is green lighting of the delivery of weapons for the sole purpose of killing russians, because you don't have deterrence unless you have a real capability, it's totally counterproductive and it undermines the american position when they say, hey, you know, we won't allow nato to join for years. you don't need to worry about what's the difference between a ukraine that's
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a member of nato receiving western military aid and ukraine, who's not a member of nato receiving western military from the russia perspective. there is no difference. ah, well, you may not be surprised, but you may be disheartened to hear the wealth of the world's richest people has doubled during cofi, while the poor have suffered increased death rates and poverty due to lack of treatment. those are the findings of a report by oxfam cold inequality kills the charity claims policy. choices by governments are skewed in favor of the ridge the well for the world's 10 riches men has doubled. since the pandemic began the incomes of 99 percent of humanity, a worse off because of coven 19. this is not by chance, but choice. economic violence is perpetrated when structural policy choices are made for the richest and most powerful people. this causes direct. com to us all the time they make has really expose been all it is and fuel them. so ox,
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i'm have been tracking billionaire wealth for some time and of course the full list shows that it has been growing over the last 40 years. but over the last 2 years, it's been really exponential, so we call it a billionaire bonanza. and at the other end of the spectrum, of course, for 99 percent of humanity, it's been a very, very difficult time. and most people are worse off as a result of the and then of course, more than a 160000000 people have fallen into poverty during this time. and it's in a moment when you can see the difference is really showing very, very starkly, can't cause success. when there is such disparity, that at one end of the spectrum, you have people who have more wilson, they can spend in several lifetime. and the other we have people struggling to pay their next health bill or, or not knowing where the next meal is coming from. having such a level of disparity affects everyone, even the wealthiest, because you know it's
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a sign of an unhealthy state of affairs, of a unhealthy society that needs addressing. according to walks, cove woods pushed more than 160000000 people into poverty. while an estimated 17000000 dies in around 6000000 more have also lost their lives due to lack of health care and poor country as well. in the meantime, the top 10 people in fob it's rich list including people like elan musk. jeff bears awesome bill gates, they have 6 times more money than the poorest. 3000000000 combined. but while doubled their wealth, the incomes of 99 percent of the world's population worse and. and since the whole coven crisis began a new 1000000000 has been created roughly every single day. and we discussed all of this with oxfam, who believes that a key factor for such inequality is that have access to medical treatment. one of those key drivers for inequality has been
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a vaccine access to vaccines. so the difference between rich and poor countries has grown the inequality. so, and the poorest countries in africa, in general is only 10 percent of the population has had his 1st course of vaccination america. and it's economy power and several other countries in the world can help reverse that from unlocking that and from the calculations that, that we have made. it would be possible, for example, to vaccinate the whole world to achieve and health care for all the universal health care and their ways and, and others have campaign for lifting those intellectual property rights. that in fact, mean that pharmaceutical have a monopoly over over the vaccines that are not readily available or produced as, as, as, as they could all over the world. hi, that's, we are wrapping up the weekly here on this sunday afternoon at moscow. let's actually go back live now to brussels and bring you some live pictures for what have basically been a few hours now of demonstrations there. in the belgian capital,
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you cannot see the thousands, but we understand they are bad just beyond this video shot. this is a downtown brussels, where for the past couple of hours, there have been very violent clashes between demonstrators. i'm police that people are fed up with coven restrictions, but it's not just in brussels where it's now what about half past 4 on sunday afternoon. we've seen very similar demonstrations in athens, helsinki, london, paris stalk. hm. and vienna is all against cove restrictions and out of a vaccine mandate. ha, you can read more about that right now at r t dot com. i will think people highlight still to come from this week of world news here. one aussie international, your weekly annual weekly highlights return at the top of the hour. ah, with
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ah ah
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ah mm mm mm mm. hello and welcome to wells far as the world works its way. so different amex so comic 19 in changing the world work the arrangements and broad dishes that seem possible only a few years ago and now commonplace. while some of the things we used to take for granted, i know norm holl gimme a call when the labor of page 19 is due using vote to discuss that i'm now joined
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by guided writer, director general of the international labor organization is a writer. it's great to see. thank you very much for finding the time. thank you for your invitation. your organization has just published a report on the impact of the damage on people's working lines. and from reading it, i had the sounds that you faced a real linguistic challenge in finding a strong enough to express how damaging it has been on a scale. want to check how bad is it? well, it's been very bad. this is the 8th report that we've issued tracking the way the pandemic has hit the world before we started last march. if you'd ask me that question when we published the 1st and 2nd of our report about the middle of last year, i said 10 on a scale of one to 10 of badness. this was 10.


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